On the basis of hydrographic data obtained in August 2000 cruise, the circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) is computed by the modified inverse method in combination with SSH data from TOPEX/ERS-2 analysis. For stu...On the basis of hydrographic data obtained in August 2000 cruise, the circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) is computed by the modified inverse method in combination with SSH data from TOPEX/ERS-2 analysis. For study of the dynamical mechanism, which causes the pattern of summer circulation in the SCS, the diagnostic model (Yuan et al. 1982. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,4(1):1-11; Yuan and Su. 1992. Numerical Computation of Physical Oceanography.474-542) is used to simulate numerically the summer circulation in the SCS. The following results have been obtained. (1) The central and southwestern SCSs are dominated mainly by anticy-clonic circulation systems. They are mainly as follows. 1) There is strong anticyclonic eddy southeast of Vietnam (W1). Its horizontal scale is about 300 km, and it extends vertically from the surface to the about 1 000 m level. 2) There are a warm eddy W2 southeast of Zhongsha Islands and the anticyclonic circulation system W3 west off the Luzon Island. 3) There is a stronger cyclonic eddy C1 between the anticyclonic eddies W1 and W2.4) A strong northward coastal jet is present near the coast of Vietnam, and separates from the coast of Vietnam at about 12° N to the northeast.(2)The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system. There is a cyclonic circulation system near and north of Section N2. (3) The southeastern SCS is dominated mainly by the cyclonic circulation system. (4) Comparing the results of circulation in the SCS during the summer of 2000 with those during the summer of 1998, it is found that they agree qualitatively, but there is the some difference between them in quantity.This shows that the circulation in the SCS has obviously seasonal feature. (5) The dynamical mechanism which products the basic pattern of summer circulation is because the following two reasons: 1) the joint effect of the baroclinity and relief (JEBAR) is essential dynamical cause; and 2) it is next important dynamical cause that the interaction between the wind stress and bottom topography under the southerly monsoon. (6) Comparing the hydrographic structure and distribution of stream functions with the SSH data from TOPEX/ERS-2 analysis in the SCS during August of 2000, they agree qualitatively.展开更多
The wavelet analysis is performed of the mid- and low-latitude circulation index at 850 hPa over East Asia, the East Asian monsoon index and the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River dur...The wavelet analysis is performed of the mid- and low-latitude circulation index at 850 hPa over East Asia, the East Asian monsoon index and the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River during 1998 South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX) from May to August. Analysis shows that distinct 30-60 day low-frequency oscillation (LFO) exists in all of the above elements during the experiment period. Analysis of low-frequency wind field at 850 hPa from May to August with 5 days interval is performed in this Paper. Analysis results reveal that: (l ) A low-frequency monsoon circulation system over East Asia, characterized by distinct 30-60 day low-frequency oscillation, exists over 100°-150°E of East Asian area from the middle and eastern parts of China continent and the South China Sea to the western Pacific in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. The activity of East Asian monsoon is mainly affected by the low-frequency systems in it; (2) All of the tropical monsoon onset over the South China Sea in the fifth pentad of May, the beginning of the Meiyu period and heavy rainfall over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in mid-June and the heavy rainfall after mid-July are related to the activity of low-frequency cyclone belt over the region, whereas the torrential rainfall over the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in August is associated with the westward propagation of low-frequency anticyclone into the mainland; (3) There are two sources of low-frequency oscillation system over East Asia during SCSMEX. i.e. the equatorial South China Sea (SCS) and mid-high latitudes of the middle Pacific in the Northern Hemisphere. The low-frequency system over SCS propagates northward while that in mid-high latitudes mainly propagates from northeast to southwest. Both of the heavy rainfall over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in June and July are associated with the northward propagation of the above-mentioned SCS low-frequency systems from the tropical region and the southwestward propagation from mid-high latitudes respectively and their convergence in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River; (4) There are two activities of low-frequency cyclone and anticyclone belt each in the East Asian monsoon system during May to August. However the activity of these low-frequency circulation systems is not clearly relevant to the low-frequency circulation system in the indian monsoon system. This means that the low-frequency circulation systems in indian monsoon and East Asian monsoon are independent of each other. The concept previously put forward by Chinese scholars that the East Asian monsoon circulation system (EAMCS) is relatively independent monsoon circulation system is testified once more in the summer 1998.展开更多
The characteristics of atmospheric heat source associated with the summer monsoon onset in the South China Sea (SCS) are studied using ECMWF reanalysis data from 1979 to 1993. A criterion of the SCS summer monsoon ons...The characteristics of atmospheric heat source associated with the summer monsoon onset in the South China Sea (SCS) are studied using ECMWF reanalysis data from 1979 to 1993. A criterion of the SCS summer monsoon onset is defined by the atmospheric heat source. Applying this criterion to the 15-year (1979 – 1993) mean field, the onset of the SCS summer monsoon is found to occur in the fourth pentad of May. And this criterion can also give reasonable results for the onset time of the SCS summer monsoon on a year-to-year basis. In addition, pretty high correlation has been found between the onset time of the SCS summer monsoon and the zonal mean vertically integrated heat source <Q1> at 40°S in April. The causes for the late or early onset of the SCS summer monsoon and the close relationship between the onset time and the zonal mean vertically integrated heat source <Q1> at 40 °S in April might be explained by the variations in intensity of the Hadley circulation.展开更多
The circulation pattern corresponding to the strong / weak summer monsoon in the South China Sea (SCS) region and the associated characteristics of the abnormal rainfall in Eastern China have been studied by using the...The circulation pattern corresponding to the strong / weak summer monsoon in the South China Sea (SCS) region and the associated characteristics of the abnormal rainfall in Eastern China have been studied by using the NECP reanalysis data and precipitation data in China. The results show that the climate variations in China caused by the strong / weak summer monsoon are completely different (even in opposite phase). The analyses of atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) activity showed that the atmospheric ISO at 850 hPa near the SCS region is strong (weak) corresponding to the strong (weak) SCS summer monsoon. And the analyses of the circulation pattern of the atmospheric ISO showed that the strong / weak SCS summer monsoon circulation (200 hPa and 850 hPa) result mainly from abnormal atmospheric ISO. This study also reveals that the atmospheric ISO variability in the South China Sea region is usually at opposite phase with one in the Jiang-huai River basin. For example, strong (weak) atmospheric ISO in the SCS region corresponds to the weak (strong) atmospheric ISO in the Jiang-huai River basin. As to the intensity of atmospheric ISO, it is generally exhibits the local exciting characteristics, the longitudinal propagation is weak. Key words The SCS summer monsoon - Atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation - Circulation pattern This was supported by National Key Basic Science Program in China (G1998040903) and State Key Project-SCSMEX.展开更多
Based on the CTD and meteorological data obtained by R/V Xiangyanghong No. 14 in the South China Sea (SCS) in the summer of 1998, both current velocity and volume transport are calculated by using a modified inverse m...Based on the CTD and meteorological data obtained by R/V Xiangyanghong No. 14 in the South China Sea (SCS) in the summer of 1998, both current velocity and volume transport are calculated by using a modified inverse model. Circulation in the SCS is analyzed by combining the calculated results with ADCP data. The following results are obtained, (i) The most important feature of the circulation in the northeastern SCS is that a branch of the Kuroshio intrudes into the SCS with a small volume transport. It flows anticyclonically through the Bashi Strait and towards the southwest off the Taiwan Island, and it does not intrude into the inner SCS. (ii) The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system with two cold eddies, (iii) The central and southwestern SCSs are mainly occupied by anticyclonic circulation systems, including three anticyclonic and one stronger cyclonic eddies, (iv) In the southeastern SCS, there is a large scope of cyclonic circulation extending in the SW-NE direction,展开更多
The onset dates and intensities for the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon over the past 51 years are established using the reanalyzed gridpoint data of NCEP and SST data from 1950 to 2000.As is shown in the t test,...The onset dates and intensities for the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon over the past 51 years are established using the reanalyzed gridpoint data of NCEP and SST data from 1950 to 2000.As is shown in the t test,the activities of the SCS monsoon (including the dates of onset and intensities) experienced a significant interdecadal change in the mid-1970s.The monsoon activity is closely related with the anomalies of the general circulation in the mid- and higher-latitudes but it is not related with those of the SST in tropical oceans before 1975.After 1975,the onset is earlier and the intensity is weaker and the SST anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean have significant impacts on the activity of the SCS summer monsoon.These significant changes are thought to be associated with the interdecadal variation of SST over the oceans.展开更多
基金the Major State Basic Research Program of China un der contract No.G1999043805.
文摘On the basis of hydrographic data obtained in August 2000 cruise, the circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) is computed by the modified inverse method in combination with SSH data from TOPEX/ERS-2 analysis. For study of the dynamical mechanism, which causes the pattern of summer circulation in the SCS, the diagnostic model (Yuan et al. 1982. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,4(1):1-11; Yuan and Su. 1992. Numerical Computation of Physical Oceanography.474-542) is used to simulate numerically the summer circulation in the SCS. The following results have been obtained. (1) The central and southwestern SCSs are dominated mainly by anticy-clonic circulation systems. They are mainly as follows. 1) There is strong anticyclonic eddy southeast of Vietnam (W1). Its horizontal scale is about 300 km, and it extends vertically from the surface to the about 1 000 m level. 2) There are a warm eddy W2 southeast of Zhongsha Islands and the anticyclonic circulation system W3 west off the Luzon Island. 3) There is a stronger cyclonic eddy C1 between the anticyclonic eddies W1 and W2.4) A strong northward coastal jet is present near the coast of Vietnam, and separates from the coast of Vietnam at about 12° N to the northeast.(2)The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system. There is a cyclonic circulation system near and north of Section N2. (3) The southeastern SCS is dominated mainly by the cyclonic circulation system. (4) Comparing the results of circulation in the SCS during the summer of 2000 with those during the summer of 1998, it is found that they agree qualitatively, but there is the some difference between them in quantity.This shows that the circulation in the SCS has obviously seasonal feature. (5) The dynamical mechanism which products the basic pattern of summer circulation is because the following two reasons: 1) the joint effect of the baroclinity and relief (JEBAR) is essential dynamical cause; and 2) it is next important dynamical cause that the interaction between the wind stress and bottom topography under the southerly monsoon. (6) Comparing the hydrographic structure and distribution of stream functions with the SSH data from TOPEX/ERS-2 analysis in the SCS during August of 2000, they agree qualitatively.
基金the key project A of the State Ministry of ScienceTechnology " South China Sea Monsoon Experiment" and the fruit of it.
文摘The wavelet analysis is performed of the mid- and low-latitude circulation index at 850 hPa over East Asia, the East Asian monsoon index and the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River during 1998 South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX) from May to August. Analysis shows that distinct 30-60 day low-frequency oscillation (LFO) exists in all of the above elements during the experiment period. Analysis of low-frequency wind field at 850 hPa from May to August with 5 days interval is performed in this Paper. Analysis results reveal that: (l ) A low-frequency monsoon circulation system over East Asia, characterized by distinct 30-60 day low-frequency oscillation, exists over 100°-150°E of East Asian area from the middle and eastern parts of China continent and the South China Sea to the western Pacific in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. The activity of East Asian monsoon is mainly affected by the low-frequency systems in it; (2) All of the tropical monsoon onset over the South China Sea in the fifth pentad of May, the beginning of the Meiyu period and heavy rainfall over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in mid-June and the heavy rainfall after mid-July are related to the activity of low-frequency cyclone belt over the region, whereas the torrential rainfall over the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in August is associated with the westward propagation of low-frequency anticyclone into the mainland; (3) There are two sources of low-frequency oscillation system over East Asia during SCSMEX. i.e. the equatorial South China Sea (SCS) and mid-high latitudes of the middle Pacific in the Northern Hemisphere. The low-frequency system over SCS propagates northward while that in mid-high latitudes mainly propagates from northeast to southwest. Both of the heavy rainfall over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in June and July are associated with the northward propagation of the above-mentioned SCS low-frequency systems from the tropical region and the southwestward propagation from mid-high latitudes respectively and their convergence in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River; (4) There are two activities of low-frequency cyclone and anticyclone belt each in the East Asian monsoon system during May to August. However the activity of these low-frequency circulation systems is not clearly relevant to the low-frequency circulation system in the indian monsoon system. This means that the low-frequency circulation systems in indian monsoon and East Asian monsoon are independent of each other. The concept previously put forward by Chinese scholars that the East Asian monsoon circulation system (EAMCS) is relatively independent monsoon circulation system is testified once more in the summer 1998.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China (40275026) Part One of National KeyFundamental Research and Development Planning Project (G1998040900)
文摘The characteristics of atmospheric heat source associated with the summer monsoon onset in the South China Sea (SCS) are studied using ECMWF reanalysis data from 1979 to 1993. A criterion of the SCS summer monsoon onset is defined by the atmospheric heat source. Applying this criterion to the 15-year (1979 – 1993) mean field, the onset of the SCS summer monsoon is found to occur in the fourth pentad of May. And this criterion can also give reasonable results for the onset time of the SCS summer monsoon on a year-to-year basis. In addition, pretty high correlation has been found between the onset time of the SCS summer monsoon and the zonal mean vertically integrated heat source <Q1> at 40°S in April. The causes for the late or early onset of the SCS summer monsoon and the close relationship between the onset time and the zonal mean vertically integrated heat source <Q1> at 40 °S in April might be explained by the variations in intensity of the Hadley circulation.
基金National Key Basic Science Program in China (G1998040903) State KeyProject-SCSMEX.
文摘The circulation pattern corresponding to the strong / weak summer monsoon in the South China Sea (SCS) region and the associated characteristics of the abnormal rainfall in Eastern China have been studied by using the NECP reanalysis data and precipitation data in China. The results show that the climate variations in China caused by the strong / weak summer monsoon are completely different (even in opposite phase). The analyses of atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) activity showed that the atmospheric ISO at 850 hPa near the SCS region is strong (weak) corresponding to the strong (weak) SCS summer monsoon. And the analyses of the circulation pattern of the atmospheric ISO showed that the strong / weak SCS summer monsoon circulation (200 hPa and 850 hPa) result mainly from abnormal atmospheric ISO. This study also reveals that the atmospheric ISO variability in the South China Sea region is usually at opposite phase with one in the Jiang-huai River basin. For example, strong (weak) atmospheric ISO in the SCS region corresponds to the weak (strong) atmospheric ISO in the Jiang-huai River basin. As to the intensity of atmospheric ISO, it is generally exhibits the local exciting characteristics, the longitudinal propagation is weak. Key words The SCS summer monsoon - Atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation - Circulation pattern This was supported by National Key Basic Science Program in China (G1998040903) and State Key Project-SCSMEX.
文摘Based on the CTD and meteorological data obtained by R/V Xiangyanghong No. 14 in the South China Sea (SCS) in the summer of 1998, both current velocity and volume transport are calculated by using a modified inverse model. Circulation in the SCS is analyzed by combining the calculated results with ADCP data. The following results are obtained, (i) The most important feature of the circulation in the northeastern SCS is that a branch of the Kuroshio intrudes into the SCS with a small volume transport. It flows anticyclonically through the Bashi Strait and towards the southwest off the Taiwan Island, and it does not intrude into the inner SCS. (ii) The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system with two cold eddies, (iii) The central and southwestern SCSs are mainly occupied by anticyclonic circulation systems, including three anticyclonic and one stronger cyclonic eddies, (iv) In the southeastern SCS, there is a large scope of cyclonic circulation extending in the SW-NE direction,
基金National Climbing Project A-South China Sea Monsoon ExperimentNational Key Program for Developing Basic Sciences (G1998040900)
文摘The onset dates and intensities for the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon over the past 51 years are established using the reanalyzed gridpoint data of NCEP and SST data from 1950 to 2000.As is shown in the t test,the activities of the SCS monsoon (including the dates of onset and intensities) experienced a significant interdecadal change in the mid-1970s.The monsoon activity is closely related with the anomalies of the general circulation in the mid- and higher-latitudes but it is not related with those of the SST in tropical oceans before 1975.After 1975,the onset is earlier and the intensity is weaker and the SST anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean have significant impacts on the activity of the SCS summer monsoon.These significant changes are thought to be associated with the interdecadal variation of SST over the oceans.