In our first Paper,we proposed a new QCD model to deal with hadron interaction.The key ingredients of this model are quark delocalization and color screening.The quarkdelocalizafion is modelled from electron delocaliz...In our first Paper,we proposed a new QCD model to deal with hadron interaction.The key ingredients of this model are quark delocalization and color screening.The quarkdelocalizafion is modelled from electron delocalization in molecular physics and the colorscreening is inspirited by the lattice QCD calculations.In this way we obtained the nu-clear intermediate range attraction and the qualitative fit of N—N phase shifts.Following the quark potential model,the quark wave function of a single baryon ischosen to be a Gaussian展开更多
基金Project supported partly by DOE of US and partly by NSF of China.
文摘In our first Paper,we proposed a new QCD model to deal with hadron interaction.The key ingredients of this model are quark delocalization and color screening.The quarkdelocalizafion is modelled from electron delocalization in molecular physics and the colorscreening is inspirited by the lattice QCD calculations.In this way we obtained the nu-clear intermediate range attraction and the qualitative fit of N—N phase shifts.Following the quark potential model,the quark wave function of a single baryon ischosen to be a Gaussian