We measured in a comet assay the damage of DNA in the hemocytes of various stages of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria after ex-posing them to various doses of Cd and Pb in the food. The mechanisms of Cd and Pb to...We measured in a comet assay the damage of DNA in the hemocytes of various stages of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria after ex-posing them to various doses of Cd and Pb in the food. The mechanisms of Cd and Pb toxicity for grasshopper are discussed. The accumula-tion of heavy metals and stage of the insect may play important roles in causing the DNA damage. S. gregaria may be considered a valuable bio-indicator for evaluation the genotoxicity of en-vironmental pollutants.展开更多
Locusts have caused periodic disasters in the recorded history of humankind.Up to now,locust disaster is still the biggest threat to the world’s agricultural production.The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria is one ...Locusts have caused periodic disasters in the recorded history of humankind.Up to now,locust disaster is still the biggest threat to the world’s agricultural production.The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria is one of the most harmful locusts,which has caused massive food crises,economic losses,and ecological disasters.The desert locust is a migratory insect pest that occurs year-round in the tropic and subtropical regions.Under the wind and seasonal alternation,it moves and flies in the African continent and West Asia.Desert locust damages the stems and leaves of more than 300 plants,including Gramineae,Tribulus terrestris,and Euphorbiaceae.Locusts cause devastating disasters to local plants,especially field crops,and significantly threaten food security.To date,voluminous research has been conducted regarding the ecology and management of desert locusts.This review represents an effort to summarize the basic information on the biology and ecology,distribution,damage,and economic impact of desert locusts,examine the recent developments in integrated locust management,and make recommendations for future research.展开更多
沙漠蝗(Schistocera gregaria)因具有强大的繁殖和迁徙能力被认为是危害农牧业生产安全的害虫之一,已在全世界造成严重的经济损失。化学防治在蝗虫防控中仍占据主要地位,在采用化学农药防控蝗虫的同时,需要关注对非靶标环境生物(如食蝗...沙漠蝗(Schistocera gregaria)因具有强大的繁殖和迁徙能力被认为是危害农牧业生产安全的害虫之一,已在全世界造成严重的经济损失。化学防治在蝗虫防控中仍占据主要地位,在采用化学农药防控蝗虫的同时,需要关注对非靶标环境生物(如食蝗鸟类)的有效保护。由于我国目前暂无农药登记在沙漠蝗上,本研究仅对登记有效期内的防治蝗虫类农药进行调查,筛选得到溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、吡虫啉和马拉硫磷4种化学农药单剂,并分别开展了在不同施药场景下此类药剂对鸟类的初级环境风险评估。结果表明,溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和吡虫啉按目前登记推荐用量在不同暴露场景施用后,对鸟类的急性、短期和长期环境风险均可接受,而马拉硫磷的急性和短期环境风险可接受,但长期环境风险不可接受;以临界综合风险系数评估马拉硫磷在不同暴露场景最高有效成分施用量(AR):在农田或牧草上AR≤466.5 g a.i./hm^(2),在草地中AR≤314.5 g a.i./hm^(2),在荒地或滩涂上AR≤454.9 g a.i./hm^(2),在林木中AR≤278.8 g a.i./hm^(2)。本评估结果可为沙漠蝗等各类蝗虫的应急化学防控提供科学指导。展开更多
In the southern Algerian Sahara, populations of the desert locust have been monitored during the past 43 years. On a limited study area, the use of remote sensing data from Landsat 7 ETM+ and Terra MODIS, coupled with...In the southern Algerian Sahara, populations of the desert locust have been monitored during the past 43 years. On a limited study area, the use of remote sensing data from Landsat 7 ETM+ and Terra MODIS, coupled with the locust population database, allowed the identification and mapping of solitary desert locust breeding areas during remission periods. These sites are mainly located in wadis and in areas of accumulation/spreading of rainwater. The use of this methodology to all the Algerian Sahara is surely possible in order to improve the preventive management of this pest.展开更多
Solitary and gregarious locusts differ in many traits, such as body color, morphometrics and behavior. With respect to behavior, solitary animals shun each other, while gregarious animals seek each other's company, h...Solitary and gregarious locusts differ in many traits, such as body color, morphometrics and behavior. With respect to behavior, solitary animals shun each other, while gregarious animals seek each other's company, hence their crowding behavior. General activity, depending on the temperature, occurs throughout the day but is much lower in solitary locusts. Solitary locusts occasionally fly by night while gregarious locusts fly regularly during daytime (swarming). In search of new assays to identify substances that control or modify aspects of (phase) behavior, we designed a simple activity assay, meant to complement existing behavioral measurement tools. The general activity is reflected in the number of wall hits, that is, the number of contacts between the locust and the vertical walls of a small arena. Using this single parameter we were able to quantify differences in total activity of both nymphs and adults of isolation-reared (solitary), regrouped- and crowdreared (gregarious) locusts under different conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there are inter- and intra-phase dependent differences in activities of 5th instar nymphs afar injections of the three different adipokinetic hormones.展开更多
Drastic changes in the environment during a lifetime require developmental and physiological flexibility to ensure animal survival. Desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, live in an extremely changeable environment, w...Drastic changes in the environment during a lifetime require developmental and physiological flexibility to ensure animal survival. Desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, live in an extremely changeable environment, which alternates between periods of rainfall and abundant food and periods of drought and starvation. In order to survive, locusts display an extreme form ofphenotypic plasticity that allows them to rapidly cope with these changing conditions by converting from a cryptic solitarious phase to a swarming, voracious gregarious phase. To accomplish this, locusts possess different conserved mediators of phenotypic plasticity. Recently, attention has been drawn to the possible roles of protein kinases in this process. In addition to cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), also cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), which was shown to be involved in changes of food-related behavior in a variety of insects, has been associated with locust phenotypic plasticity. In this article, we study the transcript levels of the S. gregaria orthologue of the foraging gene that encodes a PKG in different food-related, developmental and crowding conditions. Transcript levels of the S. gregariaforaging orthologue are highest in different parts of the gut and differ between isolated and crowd-reared locusts. They change when the availability of food is altered, display a distinct pattern with higher levels after a moult and decrease with age during postembryonic development.展开更多
沙漠蝗Schistocerca gregaria为重大农业害虫,2020年初至今,沙漠蝗大面积暴发,导致多国进入紧急状态,联合国粮食及农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,FAO)号召全球共同应对沙漠蝗灾害。为有效防控沙漠...沙漠蝗Schistocerca gregaria为重大农业害虫,2020年初至今,沙漠蝗大面积暴发,导致多国进入紧急状态,联合国粮食及农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,FAO)号召全球共同应对沙漠蝗灾害。为有效防控沙漠蝗,本研究对沙漠蝗的监测技术、防治策略、防治方法、施药方法与药剂选择等方面进行了综述,并对未来进行了展望,以期为沙漠蝗迁飞为害预防与精准防控提供参考。展开更多
为深入了解沙漠蝗在全球范围的研究动态和趋势,该文利用文献计量学方法,以知网、万方、维普、Web of Science和CAB Abstracts为数据源,对1910—2021年国内外发表的3006篇沙漠蝗文献进行统计分析。结果表明,随着时间的推移有关沙漠蝗的...为深入了解沙漠蝗在全球范围的研究动态和趋势,该文利用文献计量学方法,以知网、万方、维普、Web of Science和CAB Abstracts为数据源,对1910—2021年国内外发表的3006篇沙漠蝗文献进行统计分析。结果表明,随着时间的推移有关沙漠蝗的文献数量整体上呈上升趋势,其暴发式增长出现在20世纪70年代。Journal of Experimental Biology和《植物保护学报》是发文量最多的外文期刊和中文期刊,分别为99篇和6篇。在外文发文量方面,英国、德国和美国等国家的研究机构和作者名列前茅;发文量分别为331、270和234篇。在中文发文量方面,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所为发表沙漠蝗相关中文文献最多的研究机构,为6篇。沙漠蝗的研究热点与其可持续防控高度相关,尤其侧重生物防治和有害生物综合治理方面的研究。展开更多
文摘We measured in a comet assay the damage of DNA in the hemocytes of various stages of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria after ex-posing them to various doses of Cd and Pb in the food. The mechanisms of Cd and Pb toxicity for grasshopper are discussed. The accumula-tion of heavy metals and stage of the insect may play important roles in causing the DNA damage. S. gregaria may be considered a valuable bio-indicator for evaluation the genotoxicity of en-vironmental pollutants.
基金the International Science&Technology Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAASTIP)(CAAS-ZDRW202108)the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-34-07)the Special Funds for Basic Scientific Research of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(Y2020YJ02).
文摘Locusts have caused periodic disasters in the recorded history of humankind.Up to now,locust disaster is still the biggest threat to the world’s agricultural production.The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria is one of the most harmful locusts,which has caused massive food crises,economic losses,and ecological disasters.The desert locust is a migratory insect pest that occurs year-round in the tropic and subtropical regions.Under the wind and seasonal alternation,it moves and flies in the African continent and West Asia.Desert locust damages the stems and leaves of more than 300 plants,including Gramineae,Tribulus terrestris,and Euphorbiaceae.Locusts cause devastating disasters to local plants,especially field crops,and significantly threaten food security.To date,voluminous research has been conducted regarding the ecology and management of desert locusts.This review represents an effort to summarize the basic information on the biology and ecology,distribution,damage,and economic impact of desert locusts,examine the recent developments in integrated locust management,and make recommendations for future research.
文摘沙漠蝗(Schistocera gregaria)因具有强大的繁殖和迁徙能力被认为是危害农牧业生产安全的害虫之一,已在全世界造成严重的经济损失。化学防治在蝗虫防控中仍占据主要地位,在采用化学农药防控蝗虫的同时,需要关注对非靶标环境生物(如食蝗鸟类)的有效保护。由于我国目前暂无农药登记在沙漠蝗上,本研究仅对登记有效期内的防治蝗虫类农药进行调查,筛选得到溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、吡虫啉和马拉硫磷4种化学农药单剂,并分别开展了在不同施药场景下此类药剂对鸟类的初级环境风险评估。结果表明,溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和吡虫啉按目前登记推荐用量在不同暴露场景施用后,对鸟类的急性、短期和长期环境风险均可接受,而马拉硫磷的急性和短期环境风险可接受,但长期环境风险不可接受;以临界综合风险系数评估马拉硫磷在不同暴露场景最高有效成分施用量(AR):在农田或牧草上AR≤466.5 g a.i./hm^(2),在草地中AR≤314.5 g a.i./hm^(2),在荒地或滩涂上AR≤454.9 g a.i./hm^(2),在林木中AR≤278.8 g a.i./hm^(2)。本评估结果可为沙漠蝗等各类蝗虫的应急化学防控提供科学指导。
文摘In the southern Algerian Sahara, populations of the desert locust have been monitored during the past 43 years. On a limited study area, the use of remote sensing data from Landsat 7 ETM+ and Terra MODIS, coupled with the locust population database, allowed the identification and mapping of solitary desert locust breeding areas during remission periods. These sites are mainly located in wadis and in areas of accumulation/spreading of rainwater. The use of this methodology to all the Algerian Sahara is surely possible in order to improve the preventive management of this pest.
文摘Solitary and gregarious locusts differ in many traits, such as body color, morphometrics and behavior. With respect to behavior, solitary animals shun each other, while gregarious animals seek each other's company, hence their crowding behavior. General activity, depending on the temperature, occurs throughout the day but is much lower in solitary locusts. Solitary locusts occasionally fly by night while gregarious locusts fly regularly during daytime (swarming). In search of new assays to identify substances that control or modify aspects of (phase) behavior, we designed a simple activity assay, meant to complement existing behavioral measurement tools. The general activity is reflected in the number of wall hits, that is, the number of contacts between the locust and the vertical walls of a small arena. Using this single parameter we were able to quantify differences in total activity of both nymphs and adults of isolation-reared (solitary), regrouped- and crowdreared (gregarious) locusts under different conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there are inter- and intra-phase dependent differences in activities of 5th instar nymphs afar injections of the three different adipokinetic hormones.
文摘Drastic changes in the environment during a lifetime require developmental and physiological flexibility to ensure animal survival. Desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, live in an extremely changeable environment, which alternates between periods of rainfall and abundant food and periods of drought and starvation. In order to survive, locusts display an extreme form ofphenotypic plasticity that allows them to rapidly cope with these changing conditions by converting from a cryptic solitarious phase to a swarming, voracious gregarious phase. To accomplish this, locusts possess different conserved mediators of phenotypic plasticity. Recently, attention has been drawn to the possible roles of protein kinases in this process. In addition to cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), also cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), which was shown to be involved in changes of food-related behavior in a variety of insects, has been associated with locust phenotypic plasticity. In this article, we study the transcript levels of the S. gregaria orthologue of the foraging gene that encodes a PKG in different food-related, developmental and crowding conditions. Transcript levels of the S. gregariaforaging orthologue are highest in different parts of the gut and differ between isolated and crowd-reared locusts. They change when the availability of food is altered, display a distinct pattern with higher levels after a moult and decrease with age during postembryonic development.
文摘沙漠蝗Schistocerca gregaria为重大农业害虫,2020年初至今,沙漠蝗大面积暴发,导致多国进入紧急状态,联合国粮食及农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,FAO)号召全球共同应对沙漠蝗灾害。为有效防控沙漠蝗,本研究对沙漠蝗的监测技术、防治策略、防治方法、施药方法与药剂选择等方面进行了综述,并对未来进行了展望,以期为沙漠蝗迁飞为害预防与精准防控提供参考。
文摘为深入了解沙漠蝗在全球范围的研究动态和趋势,该文利用文献计量学方法,以知网、万方、维普、Web of Science和CAB Abstracts为数据源,对1910—2021年国内外发表的3006篇沙漠蝗文献进行统计分析。结果表明,随着时间的推移有关沙漠蝗的文献数量整体上呈上升趋势,其暴发式增长出现在20世纪70年代。Journal of Experimental Biology和《植物保护学报》是发文量最多的外文期刊和中文期刊,分别为99篇和6篇。在外文发文量方面,英国、德国和美国等国家的研究机构和作者名列前茅;发文量分别为331、270和234篇。在中文发文量方面,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所为发表沙漠蝗相关中文文献最多的研究机构,为6篇。沙漠蝗的研究热点与其可持续防控高度相关,尤其侧重生物防治和有害生物综合治理方面的研究。