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岩芯回弹测试方法 被引量:3
作者 袁广祥 王朋姣 +2 位作者 李建勇 黄志全 赵菲 《中国测试》 北大核心 2017年第9期35-41,共7页
为利用回弹仪快速确定岩芯强度,根据回弹仪的原理和岩芯的特征,对岩芯回弹测试方法进行研究。在选择回弹仪型号时,轻型为宜,0.735 J的最佳;为保证回弹仪垂直冲击岩芯表面,且在冲击过程中岩芯不发生回弹,应使用辅助装置,包括钢基座和导向... 为利用回弹仪快速确定岩芯强度,根据回弹仪的原理和岩芯的特征,对岩芯回弹测试方法进行研究。在选择回弹仪型号时,轻型为宜,0.735 J的最佳;为保证回弹仪垂直冲击岩芯表面,且在冲击过程中岩芯不发生回弹,应使用辅助装置,包括钢基座和导向管;测点均匀布置在某一横断面的圆周上,间隔90°,每个测点锤击1次,记录回弹值。由于岩芯回弹测试垂直向下锤击,应对回弹值进行修正,然后再取4个测点回弹修正值的平均值作为岩芯在这一断面处的回弹值。通过回弹试验发现,利用这种方法获取岩芯的回弹值,效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 岩芯 回弹仪 测试方法 回弹值
Anisotropy effect on strengths of metamorphic rocks 被引量:2
作者 Ahmet ?zbek Murat Gül +1 位作者 Ergun Karacan Ovünc Alca 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期164-175,共12页
This paper aims to study the effect of anisotropy on strengths of several metamorphic rocks of southern(Cine) submassif of Menderes metamorphic massif in southwest Turkey. Four different metamorphic rocks including fo... This paper aims to study the effect of anisotropy on strengths of several metamorphic rocks of southern(Cine) submassif of Menderes metamorphic massif in southwest Turkey. Four different metamorphic rocks including foliated phyllite, schist, gneiss and marble(calcschist) were selected and examined.Discontinuity surveys were made along lines for each rock and evaluated with DIPS program. L-type Schmidt hammer was applied in the directions parallel and perpendicular to foliation during the field study. Several hand samples and rock blocks were collected during the field study for measurements of dry and saturated densities, dry and saturated unit weights and porosity, and for petrographic analysis and strength determination in laboratory. L-and N-type Schmidt hammers were applied in the directions perpendicular(anisotropy angle of 0°) and parallel(anisotropy angle of 90) to the foliation on selected blocks of phyllite, schist, gneiss and marble(calcschist). The phyllite and schist have higher porosity and lower density values than the other rocks. However, coarse crystalline gneiss and marble(calcschist) have higher rebound values and strengths, and they are classified as strong-very strong rocks. Generally, the rebound values in the direction perpendicular to the foliation are slightly higher than that in the direction parallel to foliation. Rebound values of N-type Schmidt hammer are higher than the L-type values except for phyllite. Sometimes, the rebound values of laboratory and field applications gave different results. This may result from variable local conditions such as minerals differentiation,discontinuities, water content, weathering degree and thickness of foliated structure. 展开更多
关键词 Rock anisotropy Field survey schmidt hammer rebound values Southwest Turkey
黑河流域基岩回弹值(施密特锤)的空间分布特征及其指示意义 被引量:5
作者 陈立萍 耿豪鹏 +2 位作者 张建 赵启明 潘保田 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期364-373,共10页
基岩风化体现了构造与气候对地貌演化过程的共同作用。晚新生代的强烈构造抬升和干旱的气候条件,使得祁连山成为研究基岩风化与地貌演化过程的理想场所。借用施密特锤系统地研究了基岩回弹值(R)在黑河流域内不同海拔高度内的变化,结果... 基岩风化体现了构造与气候对地貌演化过程的共同作用。晚新生代的强烈构造抬升和干旱的气候条件,使得祁连山成为研究基岩风化与地貌演化过程的理想场所。借用施密特锤系统地研究了基岩回弹值(R)在黑河流域内不同海拔高度内的变化,结果显示流域平均的R值与侵蚀速率具有较好的相关性,意味着R值可以作为风化强度空间变化的代用指标。研究区内各种岩石类型的R值变化相差不大,说明岩性对R值的影响较小。进一步将R值与气候因子和区域地形进行比较发现:气温、降水与NDVI对R值的影响较强;坡度与局地高差对R值影响较弱,高程与R值在海拔小于3800 m时呈现负相关关系,在大于3800 m时呈现正相关关系。 展开更多
关键词 黑河 基岩风化 施密特锤 回弹值 寒冻风化
从丹麦皇家图书馆看旧建筑改造的新思路 被引量:3
作者 丁力扬 《新建筑》 2006年第5期83-86,共4页
人类文化需要载体,而建筑作为重要的载体之一,对文化的传承与创新发展起到了重要的作用。关于旧建筑改造,在目前经济快速增长的情况下,如果对昔日的城市文化遗产进行拆除或不负责任的改造,将使已有环境遭到极大的破坏,所以一方面要完成... 人类文化需要载体,而建筑作为重要的载体之一,对文化的传承与创新发展起到了重要的作用。关于旧建筑改造,在目前经济快速增长的情况下,如果对昔日的城市文化遗产进行拆除或不负责任的改造,将使已有环境遭到极大的破坏,所以一方面要完成技术上的加固或新建,另一方面更要继续旧建筑的历史使命并完成深层次的精神追求。通过介绍丹麦皇家图书馆新馆设计,试对欧洲古旧建筑改扩建的思想和方法进行具体的讨论和分析。 展开更多
关键词 丹麦皇家图书馆 SHL事务所 黑钻石 改扩建
从上海图书馆东馆设计看全球图书馆建筑发展趋势 被引量:7
作者 吴建中 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期9-14,共6页
从20世纪90年代开始全球掀起“图书馆复兴”的热潮,涌现出一批又一批新建及修建的图书馆,其中不乏标志性景观建筑。与此同时,全球图书馆事业经历了从“以书为本”向“以人为本”的转型时期。20多年的“图书馆复兴”见证了图书馆建设逐... 从20世纪90年代开始全球掀起“图书馆复兴”的热潮,涌现出一批又一批新建及修建的图书馆,其中不乏标志性景观建筑。与此同时,全球图书馆事业经历了从“以书为本”向“以人为本”的转型时期。20多年的“图书馆复兴”见证了图书馆建设逐渐趋向理性、回归本源的过程,“以人为本”设计正成为主导图书馆建设的指导思想。在“图书馆复兴”时代脱颖而出的上海图书馆东馆,无论外形设计还是内容呈现,都堪称是里程碑式的世界级作品。本文把上海图书馆东馆放在过去20多年全球图书馆建设的大背景下加以考察,聚焦回归、转型和合作3个主题,从重观赏到重使用、从书为主体到人为主体和从建筑师的作品到建筑师与用户共创的作品3个方面,对上海图书馆东馆建筑特色及其对图书馆设计领域的影响做一个深入的比较和分析。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆建筑 图书馆复兴 上海图书馆东馆 上海图书馆 丹麦SHL建筑事务所
作者 石文芳 徐伟 +1 位作者 尹金辉 郑勇刚 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1384-1402,共19页
地震崩塌、滑坡是较为严重的地震次生灾害,研究地震崩塌、滑坡发生的时代及其活动规律,从而恢复断裂带古地震活动历史、地震复发周期,有助于地震危险性评价及地震灾害防御工作。文中选择秦岭北缘断裂带和华山山前断裂中段被历史文献记... 地震崩塌、滑坡是较为严重的地震次生灾害,研究地震崩塌、滑坡发生的时代及其活动规律,从而恢复断裂带古地震活动历史、地震复发周期,有助于地震危险性评价及地震灾害防御工作。文中选择秦岭北缘断裂带和华山山前断裂中段被历史文献记录的地震基岩崩塌、滑坡为研究对象,使用施密特锤测量416个岩块的反弹值,并对其进行统计分析,计算了崩塌、滑坡体暴露岩石的风化因子,讨论了施密特锤暴露测年法的分辨率,评估了施密特锤测年的可靠性,同时建立了古地震基岩崩塌、滑坡历史记录年代与反弹值参数之间的关系曲线。结果表明:施密特锤暴露测年方法提供了一种简单、快速、廉价、无破坏的原位相对测年方法,初步建立的岩石风化因子-年龄校正曲线为T=(19723±888)×f_(w)-(2145±166),基于该校正曲线,可以对形成年龄>500a的基岩崩塌和滑坡进行分期,为确定秦岭北缘古地震基岩崩塌、滑坡形成时代提供一种新的相对测年手段。施密特锤岩石反弹值还可用来评估宇宙成因核素暴露测年样品是否存在先期暴露、翻滚、二次埋藏等复杂暴露历史带来的核素继承浓度问题,帮助选择合格的宇宙成因核素测年样品的采集地点,保证测年数据的可靠性,提高测年效率。在秦岭北缘的气候和岩性条件下,岩石经历2ka风化后,表面强度减小约(25%±1%),约1ka后减小(16%±1%),约0.5ka后减小(15%±1%)。 展开更多
关键词 古地震 基岩崩塌和滑坡 施密特锤 秦岭北缘 相对测年
作者 丁力扬 《南方建筑》 2005年第3期86-89,共4页
关键词 图书馆 丹麦 设计 schmidt 创新 hammer 古旧建筑 改扩建 事务所
浅议如何提高混凝土抗压强度推定结果的准确性 被引量:1
作者 付仁 《福建建设科技》 2015年第2期33-34,共2页
回弹法检测混凝土抗压强度的技术在建筑业迅猛发展的今天成为无损检测技术的基本方法之一。由于现场进行回弹法检测有较多影响因素,检测结果中会产生较大的不准确性。本文在回弹仪使用原理的基础上结合大量现场检测经验及参考文献总结... 回弹法检测混凝土抗压强度的技术在建筑业迅猛发展的今天成为无损检测技术的基本方法之一。由于现场进行回弹法检测有较多影响因素,检测结果中会产生较大的不准确性。本文在回弹仪使用原理的基础上结合大量现场检测经验及参考文献总结出主要几点影响因素,并提出几点简单的意见为今后提高回弹法在工程检测中的精确度提供参考,有一定的应用前景和经济价值。 展开更多
关键词 回弹法 抗压强度 准确性 回弹仪
Glacier retreat, rock weathering and the growth of lichensin the Churup Valley, Peruvian Tropical Andes
作者 Adam EMMER Anna JURICOVA Bijeesh Kozhikkodan VEETTIL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第7期1485-1499,共15页
The most heavily glacierized tropical range in the world– the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca-has been losing ice since the end of the Little Ice Age(LIA).In this study,the decline of the Churup glacier(9°28’18"... The most heavily glacierized tropical range in the world– the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca-has been losing ice since the end of the Little Ice Age(LIA).In this study,the decline of the Churup glacier(9°28’18"S;77°25’02"W)and associated processes were documented employing multi-proxy approach including the analysis of remotely sensed images(1948-2016),the Schmidt hammer rock test and lichenometric dating.It is shown that Churup glacier has lost the vast majority of its estimated LIA extent(1.05±0.1 km^2;45.0×10^6-57.4×10^6 m^3).The rate of glacier retreat is documented to vary in space(SE,SW and NW-facing slopes)and time,with the peak between 1986 and 1995.With an area of 0.045 km^2 in 2016,it is expected that the complete deglaciation of the Churup valley is inevitable in the near future.Recently(post-LIA)exposed bedrock surfaces have shown higher R-values(54.2-66.4,AVG 63.3,STDEV 2.9)compared to pre-LIA exposed surfaces(46.1-59.3,AVG 50.1,STDEV 4.9),confirming the links to the duration of rock weathering.The Lichenometric dating is applied to recently exposed areas and elevations above 4800 m a.s.l.,revealing only limited reliability and agreement with the age of deglaciation estimated from remotely-sensed images in such an environment. 展开更多
关键词 CORDILLERA Blanca Tropical glaciers DEGLACIATION Geoenvironmental change Lichenometry Rhizocarpon geographicum schmidt hammer ANDES
Optimization of Blasting Parameters Using Regression Models in Ratcon and NSCE Granite Quarries, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
作者 Jide Muili Akande Abiodun Ismail Lawal 《Geomaterials》 2013年第1期28-37,共10页
This research examines optimization of blasting parameters for economic production of granite aggregates in Ratcon and NSCE quarries located atIbadan,OyoState. Samples were collected from the study areas for the deter... This research examines optimization of blasting parameters for economic production of granite aggregates in Ratcon and NSCE quarries located atIbadan,OyoState. Samples were collected from the study areas for the determination of rock density and porosity. Schmidt hammer was used for in situ determination of rock hardness. Uniaxial compressive strength of in situ rock was estimated from the values obtained from Schmidt hammer rebound hardness test and density determined from laboratory test. Blasting data were collected from the study areas for optimization. Multiple regression analysis using computer aided solution SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used to analyse data obtained from the laboratory test, field test and the study areas. The estimated mean uniaxial compressive strength value of NSCE is 240 MPa and that of Ratcon is 200 MPa and their average densities and average porosities are2.63g/cm3,2.55g/cm3, 1.88% and 2.25% respectively. Eleven parameters were input into the multiple regression analysis to generate the models. Two parameters out of eleven input parameters such as geometric volume of blast (Y1) and number of boulders generated after blasting (Y2) were dependent variables and the remaining nine such as X1 (Drill hole diameter), X2 (Drill hole depth), X3 (Spacing), X4 (Burden), X5 (Average charge per hole), X6 (Rock density), X7 (Porosity), X8 (Uniaxial compressive strength) and X9 (Specific charge) were input as independent variables. The results of the models show that out of the nine independent variables seven of them that is X1 (Borehole diameter), X2 (Borehole depth), X3 (Spacing), X4 (Burden), X5 (Average charge per hole), X8 (Uniaxial compressive strength) and X9 (Specific charge) have significant contribution to the models while X6 (Rock Density) and X7 (Porosity) have insignificant contribution they are therefore automatically deleted by the SPSS. The result of the models developed for the optimization reveals that blasting number 5 gives the required product at lowest possible cost. From the result, the cost of secondary blasting has been reduced and volume of the blasted rock has been increased with low cost of explosives, the parameters that give this result have been chosen as optimum parameters. 展开更多
关键词 Blasting Parameters OPTIMIZATION Multiple Regression Analysis schmidt hammer UNIAXIAL Compressive Strength Density Porosity Models
Prediction of uniaxial compressive strength of rock based on lithology using stacking models 被引量:1
作者 Zida Liu Diyuan Li +2 位作者 Yongping Liu Bo Yang Zong-Xian Zhang 《Rock Mechanics Bulletin》 2023年第4期56-69,共14页
Uniaxial compressive strength(UCS)of rock is an essential parameter in geotechnical engineering.Point load strength(PLS),P-wave velocity,and Schmidt hammer rebound number(SH)are more easily obtained than UCS and are e... Uniaxial compressive strength(UCS)of rock is an essential parameter in geotechnical engineering.Point load strength(PLS),P-wave velocity,and Schmidt hammer rebound number(SH)are more easily obtained than UCS and are extensively applied for the indirect estimation of UCS.This study collected 1080 datasets consisting of SH,P-wave velocity,PLS,and UCS.All datasets were integrated into three categories(sedimentary,igneous,and metamorphic rocks)according to lithology.Stacking models combined with tree-based models and linear regression were developed based on the datasets of three rock types.Model evaluation showed that the stacking model combined with random forest and linear regression was the optimal model for three rock types.UCS of metamorphic rocks was less predictable than that of sedimentary and igneous rocks.Nonetheless,the proposed stacking models can improve the predictive performance for UCS of metamorphic rocks.The developed predictive models can be applied to quickly predict UCS at engineering sites,which benefits the rapid and intelligent classification of rock masses.Moreover,the importance of SH,P-wave velocity,and PLS were analyzed for the estimation of UCS.SH was a reliable indicator for UCS evaluation across various rock types.P-wave velocity was a valid parameter for evaluating the UCS of igneous rocks,but it was not reliable for assessing the UCS of metamorphic rocks. 展开更多
关键词 Uniaxial compressive strength Point load strength P-wave velocity schmidt hammer rebound number Stacking models
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