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作者 高广中 韦立博 +3 位作者 马腾飞 薛晓锋 李加武 严庆辰 《振动工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期311-318,共8页
驰振是一种易发于细长钝体构件的横风向气动失稳现象,质量阻尼参数是影响结构驰振特性的关键参数之一。为探究质量阻尼参数对小宽高比H型断面驰振的影响规律,本研究以曾家岩嘉陵江大桥H型吊杆为工程背景,针对宽高比B/D=1.91的H型断面进... 驰振是一种易发于细长钝体构件的横风向气动失稳现象,质量阻尼参数是影响结构驰振特性的关键参数之一。为探究质量阻尼参数对小宽高比H型断面驰振的影响规律,本研究以曾家岩嘉陵江大桥H型吊杆为工程背景,针对宽高比B/D=1.91的H型断面进行节段模型风洞试验,得到典型风攻角下驰振响应特征,并分别研究了质量、阻尼参数变化所引起的Scruton数变化对大攻角驰振响应的影响规律,探讨了Scruton作为单一参数描述质量阻尼参数影响的可行性。试验结果表明:宽高比B/D=1.91的H型截面在风攻角0°和70°出现非定常大振幅驰振,当Scruton数增大,70°攻角的驰振振幅-风速曲线变化较0°攻角更显著;攻角0°和70°下的驰振临界风速均低于准定常理论值,采用经典准定常理论预测结果偏于危险,0°攻角相较70°攻角的起振风速更低,更容易发生风致振动,并且非定常驰振现象显著;阻尼比和质量比对不同风攻角下驰振的影响不同,在风攻角0°下,两者可近似由Scruton数统一表示,但在大攻角70°下,不能简单地由Scruton数表示。 展开更多
关键词 驰振 细长结构 H型断面 风洞试验 scruton 风攻角
平面闸门垂向自激振动机理和稳定性研究 被引量:6
作者 郭桂祯 张雅卓 练继建 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期98-101,共4页
通过分析平面闸门垂向振动机理将平面闸门垂向自激振动分为两类:流量系数及流体惯性引发振动与驰振引发振动,并对两种自激振动的机理与振动稳定性进行研究,重点考察Scruton数对闸门振动稳定性的影响,提出关于Scruton数的稳定性指标,实... 通过分析平面闸门垂向振动机理将平面闸门垂向自激振动分为两类:流量系数及流体惯性引发振动与驰振引发振动,并对两种自激振动的机理与振动稳定性进行研究,重点考察Scruton数对闸门振动稳定性的影响,提出关于Scruton数的稳定性指标,实验结果与稳定性指标相吻合。 展开更多
关键词 驰振 scruton 折算流速 升力系数
桥梁吊杆典型风致振动幅值响应质量阻尼效应研究 被引量:5
作者 周帅 罗桂军 +1 位作者 牛华伟 陈政清 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第18期63-69,93,共8页
涡激共振与准定常驰振临界风速相近时,矩形杆件易发一种涡振与驰振耦合风致振动,区别于锁定区间涡振和发散性驰振,是一类响应幅值随风速的增加而线性增长的“软驰振”现象,质量、阻尼是影响耦合程度和估算幅值的关键参数。基于一组宽高... 涡激共振与准定常驰振临界风速相近时,矩形杆件易发一种涡振与驰振耦合风致振动,区别于锁定区间涡振和发散性驰振,是一类响应幅值随风速的增加而线性增长的“软驰振”现象,质量、阻尼是影响耦合程度和估算幅值的关键参数。基于一组宽高比1.2∶1矩形截面杆件节段模型,通过调整模型系统等效刚度、等效质量和阻尼比,实现了Reynolds数一致情况下,相同质量不同阻尼比、相同阻尼比不同质量以及相同Scruton数不同质量、阻尼组合下风振响应对比试验研究。研究表明:耦合状态下,组成Scruton数的质量、阻尼参数对“软驰振”幅值响应的影响是独立的,权重相同;存在影响“软驰振”幅值响应Scruton数“锁定区间(12.4~30.6)”,“锁定区间”内,无量纲风速-幅值响应曲线线性斜率(Slope)不随Scruton数变化而变化,并存在一个使风致振动由耦合状态转变为非耦合状态的Scruton数“过渡区间(26.8~30.6)”;修正了“软驰振”响应幅值估算经验公式,可用于类似工程杆件设计风速范围内的幅值预测。 展开更多
关键词 涡激共振 驰振 耦合振动 scruton 幅值估算
《烟囱工程技术标准》关键技术修订介绍 被引量:1
作者 徐卫阳 王志宇 牛春良 《特种结构》 2020年第5期120-124,共5页
本文对新国标《烟囱工程技术标准》(GB50051)在烟囱横风向共振及烟囱防腐两个方面的修订内容做了简要介绍。对比分析了国内外标准关于烟囱横风向共振的判定条件,分别介绍了雷诺数对顺风向与横风向荷载效应的影响。通过烟囱实际破坏案例... 本文对新国标《烟囱工程技术标准》(GB50051)在烟囱横风向共振及烟囱防腐两个方面的修订内容做了简要介绍。对比分析了国内外标准关于烟囱横风向共振的判定条件,分别介绍了雷诺数对顺风向与横风向荷载效应的影响。通过烟囱实际破坏案例的分析并结合国外有关标准的规定,认为我国《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB50009—2012)把雷诺数作为横风向共振是否发生的判定条件之一,存在不足,《烟囱工程技术标准》(GB50051)对此进行了修正和完善。烟囱防腐是烟囱设计的一项关键性工作,防腐材料选择的成败直接关系到整个烟囱设计的成败,《烟囱工程技术标准》(GB50051)在总结国内外烟囱防腐经验基础上,推荐了现阶段最成熟的3类材料用于湿烟囱防腐,文章着重介绍了这3类防腐材料的优势与不足以及适用条件,供实际设计中辩证分析选用。 展开更多
关键词 雷诺数 斯科顿数 横风向共振 烟囱防腐 湿烟囱
Flow-Induced Stream-Wise Vibration of Circular Cylinders
作者 Atsushi Okajima Takahiro Kiwata 《Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization》 2019年第3期133-151,共19页
Results from a series of studies on the stream-wise vibration of a circular cylinder verifying Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Standard S012-1998, Guideline for Evaluation of Flow-induced Vibration of a Cylindri... Results from a series of studies on the stream-wise vibration of a circular cylinder verifying Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Standard S012-1998, Guideline for Evaluation of Flow-induced Vibration of a Cylindrical Structure in a Pipe, are summarized and discussed in this paper. Experiments were carried out in a water tunnel and in a wind tunnel using a two-dimensional cylinder model elastically supported at both ends of the cylinder and a cantilevered cylinder model with a finite span length that was elastically supported at one end. These cylinder models were allowed to vibrate with one degree of freedom in the stream-wise direction. In addition, we adopted a cantilevered cylinder model that vibrated with two degrees of freedom in both the stream-wise and cross-flow directions under the same vibration conditions as an actual thermocouple well. The value of the Scruton number (structural damping parameter) was changed over a wide range, so as to evaluate the value of the critical Scruton number that suppressed vibration of the cylinder. For the two-dimensional cylinder, two different types of stream-wise excitations appeared in the reduced velocity range of approximately half of the resonance-reduced velocity. For the stream-wise vibration in the first excitation region, due to a symmetric vortex flow, the response amplitudes were sensitive to the Scruton number, while the shedding frequency of alternating vortex flow was locked-in to half of the Strouhal number of vibrating frequency of a cylinder in the second excitation region. In addition, the effects of the aspect ratio of a cantilevered cylinder on the flow-induced vibration characteristics were clarified and compared with the results of a two-dimensional cylinder. When a cantilevered circular cylinder with a finite length vibrates with one degree of freedom in the stream-wise di-rection, it is found that acylinder with a small aspect ratio has a single excitation region, whereas a cylinder with a large aspect ratio has two excitation regions. Furthermore, the vibration mechanism of a symmetric vortex flow was investigated by installing a splitter plate in the wake to prevent shedding of alternating vortices. The vibration amplitude of acylinder with a splitter plate increased surprisingly more than the amplitude of a cylinder without a splitter plate. For a cantilevered cylinder vibrating with two degrees of freedom, the Lissajous figure of vibration of the first excitation region shows the trajectories of elongated elliptical shapes, and in the second excitation region, the Lissajous trajectories draw a figure “8”. The results and information from these experimental studies proved that Standard S012-1998 provides sufficient design methods for suppressing hazardous vibrations of cylinders in liquid flows. 展开更多
关键词 Flow-Induced VIBRATION Flow Visualization Bluff Body Circular Cylinder scruton number Finite Spanlength ASPECT Ratio Stream-Wise VIBRATION CROSS-FLOW VIBRATION One and Two Degrees of FREEDOM
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