Bacteria are important regulators of carbon cycling in lakes and are central to sediment ecosystem processes.However,the sediment microbial communities and their respiratory responses to the lake wetland succession ar...Bacteria are important regulators of carbon cycling in lakes and are central to sediment ecosystem processes.However,the sediment microbial communities and their respiratory responses to the lake wetland succession are poorly understood.In this study,we collected sediment samples from four different succession points(the Potamogeton lucens zone,the Scirpus tabernaemontani zone,the Scirpus triqueter zone,and the Juncus effusus zone)in the Caohai Wetland of the Guizhou Plateau(China).The bacterial communities at these succession points were studied using a high-throughput sequencing approach.The sediment microbial respiration(SR)was measured using static chambers in the field and basal respiration(BR)was determined in the laboratory.The results show that the dominant bacterial taxa in the sediment was Proteobacteria(34.7%),Chloroflexi(17.8%),Bacteroidetes(7.3%),Acidobacteria(6.6%),and Cyanobacteria(6.1%).Principal coordinate analysis showed that the microbial community structure differs significantly at different sampling points along the successional gradient,indicating that the bacterial community structure is sensitive to the lake wetland succession.Different hydrological regimes and soil characteristics such as NH_(4)^(+)-N,Fe^(2+),Mn^(2+),and sediment organic carbon(SOC)content may be important factors responsible for the differences in the sediment microbial characteristics of the different successional stages in the Caohai wetland.Additionally,it was found that the SR increased significantly from the P.lucens zone to the J.effusus zone,but BR had the opposite response.The shifts in the bacterial community structure along the successional gradient may be the main reason for the observed differences in sediment respiration.展开更多
To better understand the mechanisms of eutrophication, we addressed the microbial processes that influence many key aspects of water-sediment systems. In this study, a large column experiment was conducted for 30 d. A...To better understand the mechanisms of eutrophication, we addressed the microbial processes that influence many key aspects of water-sediment systems. In this study, a large column experiment was conducted for 30 d. Along the column, solution samples were collected at different locations at different time. The samples were analyzed for physical, chemical, and biological properties of the sediment and overlying water. The results showed that the amount of nitrogen transforming bacteria was higher than that of phosphorous bacteria. The amount of nitrogen transforming bacteria was in the order: ammonifier 〉 denitrifying bacteria 〉 nitrobacteria and nitrosomonas. Principal component analysis indicated that the three main factors accounted for more than 90% overall contributions for bacterium growth, which represented nutrition, organics and oxygen, and pH and redox potential (Eh) of the environment. Corresponding to the bacteria, the concentrations of nitrogen in the system was in the order: ammonia (NH4+-N) 〉 nitrate (NO3^--N) 〉 nitrite (NO2^--N). The fluxes of N and P clearly showed a temporal release and adsorption processes in the water-sediment system. The large magnitude of N fluxes suggested that N might act as an important contamination source for the water quality. However, P exchange between the sediment and overlying water was less intensive during the experiment.展开更多
Faecal bacteria exist in both free-living and attached forms in estuarine waters. The deposition of sediments can take faecal bacteria out of the water column and to the bed. The sediments can subsequently be re-suspe...Faecal bacteria exist in both free-living and attached forms in estuarine waters. The deposition of sediments can take faecal bacteria out of the water column and to the bed. The sediments can subsequently be re-suspended to the water column, which can then lead to re-suspension of the faecal bacteria of the attached forms back to the water column. Therefore, the fate and transport of faecal bacteria is highly related to the governing sediment transport processes, particularly where these processes are significant, such as the Severn Estuary, UK. However, little attempt has been made to model such processes in terms of predicting the impact of the sediment fluxes on faecal bacteria levels. Details are given of the refinement of a numerical model of faecal bacteria transport, where the sediment transport processes are significant. After testing the sediment-bacteria interaction model favourably against known results in previous study, the model was applied to the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel, UK, to investigate the impact of suspended sediment fluxes on the corresponding faecal bacteria transport processes. The model predictions have proved to be encouraging, with the results being compared to a traditional faecal bacteria modelling approach, where sediment bacteria interactions were not included. The new model provides improved predictions of faecal bacteria concentrations when sediment transport is included and for the Bristol Channel Severn Estuary it can be seen that the effects of the sediments on the bacterial levels in the water column can be significant.展开更多
Marine magnetotactic bacteria were collected from the intertidal sediments of Yuehu Lake(China), where their abundance reached 103–104 ind./cm3. Diverse morphotypes of magnetotactic bacteria were observed, includin...Marine magnetotactic bacteria were collected from the intertidal sediments of Yuehu Lake(China), where their abundance reached 103–104 ind./cm3. Diverse morphotypes of magnetotactic bacteria were observed, including cocci and oval, vibrio-, spirillum-, rod-, elliptical-, handle- and bar-shaped forms. The magnetococci were the most abundant, and had flagella arranged in parallel within a bundle. The majority of magnetosomes were arranged in one, two or multiple chains, although irregular arrangements were also evident. All the results of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM) analysis show that magnetosome crystals were composed of Fe3O4, and their morphology was specific to particular cell morphotypes. By the 16 S r RNA gene sequence analysis, we found fourteen operational taxonomic units(OTUs) which were related to magnetotactic bacteria. Among these, thirteen belonged to the Alphaproteobacteria and one to the Gammaproteobacteria.Compared with known axenic and uncultured marine magnetotactic bacteria, the 16 S r RNA gene sequences of most magnetotactic bacteria collected from the Yuehu Lake exhibited sequence identities ranging from 90.1% to96.2%(〈97%). The results indicate that microbial communities containing previously unidentified magnetotactic bacteria occur in the Yuehu Lake.展开更多
Diversity of bacteria was studied in deep-sea sediments from the Shikoku Basin in the Northwest Pacific Ocean by PCR, RFLP and sequence analysis of 16S rDNA and comparing with Genbank database. Based on the RFLP profi...Diversity of bacteria was studied in deep-sea sediments from the Shikoku Basin in the Northwest Pacific Ocean by PCR, RFLP and sequence analysis of 16S rDNA and comparing with Genbank database. Based on the RFLP profile generated, 77 clones from the 16S rDNA library were divided into 27 types. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the 27 independent clones fell into four groups: Proteobac-teria (62.96%), Chloroflexi (14.81%), Planctomycetes (14.81%) and Acidobacteria (7.41%). Among all sequenced clones, 6 were related to the sulfur or sulfate metabolism bacteria and the results also demonstrated that some bacteria in deep-sea sediments had relation to matter-energy circulation.展开更多
Mangrove provides a unique ecological niche to different microbes which play various roles in nutrient recycling as well as various environmental activities. The highly productive and diverse microbial community livin...Mangrove provides a unique ecological niche to different microbes which play various roles in nutrient recycling as well as various environmental activities. The highly productive and diverse microbial community living in mangrove ecosystems continuously transforms dead vegetation and recycle nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and other nutrients that can later be used by the plants. Mangrove ecosystems are rich in organic matter, and however, in general, they are nutrient-deficient ecosystems, especially of nitrogen and phosphorus. The present study investigated depth wise variation of Nitrifying bacteria, Nitrogen fixing bacteria, total bacterial population along with nitrate-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen and other physicochemical parameters of soil during pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon periods at three different sampling stations of mangrove sediments viz. deep forest region, rooted region and unrooted region. The microbial population was also found maximum in the deep forest sediment relative to the other two sites. Populations of cultureable microbes were found maximum in surface soil and decreased with increase in depth in Sundarban mangrove environment. A decreasing trend of total microbial load, nitrifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria with increase in depth were recorded throughout the year. Present study revealed the relationship among depth integrated variations of physicochemical components (viz. soil temperature, pH, salinity, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentration) and total microbial load, nitrifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria microbial populations.展开更多
A two-dimensional depth-integrated numerical model is refined in this paper to simulate the hydrodynamics, graded sediment transport process and the fate of faecal bacteria in estuarine and coastal waters. The sedimen...A two-dimensional depth-integrated numerical model is refined in this paper to simulate the hydrodynamics, graded sediment transport process and the fate of faecal bacteria in estuarine and coastal waters. The sediment mixture is divided into several fractions according to the grain size. A bed evolution model is adopted to simulate the processes of the bed elevation change and sediment grain size sorting. The faecal bacteria transport equation includes enhanced source and sink terms to represent bacterial kinetic transformation and disappearance or reappearance due to sediment deposition or re-suspension. A novel partition ratio and dynamic decay rates of faecal bacteria are adopted in the numerical model. The model has been applied to the turbid water environment in the Bristol Channel and Severn estuary, UK. The predictions by the present model are compared with field data and those by non-fractionated model.展开更多
<Abstrat>The surface sediment samples were collected month by month at nine stations in the Daya Bay from January to December 1987, and the number of anaerobic sulfite reducing bacteria and their spores and the ...<Abstrat>The surface sediment samples were collected month by month at nine stations in the Daya Bay from January to December 1987, and the number of anaerobic sulfite reducing bacteria and their spores and the regularity of seasonal change were determined. The effect of environmental factors, water temperature and the resoluble oxygen concentration in the bottom of seawater on the number of them were discussed. The results show that the number of anaerobic su|fite reducing bacteria were low in sediment of the Daya Bay, indicating that the hay was less contaminated.展开更多
In the seawater and sediments of the ocean, there exist huge quantities of bacteria whose living activities cause various chemical reaction processes. It is demonstrated that microorganisms play a fundamental role on ...In the seawater and sediments of the ocean, there exist huge quantities of bacteria whose living activities cause various chemical reaction processes. It is demonstrated that microorganisms play a fundamental role on chemical changes of the sediments and diageneses. Over the last twenty years, great interest has been increased about the role of deep-sea bacteria in the ferromanganese sedimentary process. Much work has been done on this aspect in the Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea and the Pacific O-展开更多
The diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) from deep layers of deep-sea sediments [ more than 2 m bsf (below seafloor) ] of two sites (WO1 -3 and WPO1 -4) in a tropical West Pacific warm pool region was ch...The diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) from deep layers of deep-sea sediments [ more than 2 m bsf (below seafloor) ] of two sites (WO1 -3 and WPO1 -4) in a tropical West Pacific warm pool region was characterized by using molecular phylogenetic analysis. The results of culture-independent samples demonstrated that the dominant clones from both sites were related to Grampositive spore forming genus, Desulfotomaculum, which accounted for 36.8% of all the sequencing clones from Site WP01 - 3 and 62.8% from Site WP01 -4. However, the other SRB group which was generally reported to be predominant in the deep-sea sediments of other regions, δ- subclass of the proteobacteria was found to be in very low percentages. Therefore, it could be speculated that there existed a unique chemical environment in the deep-sea sediment of this warm pool region. When comparing the Desulfotomaculum sp. related sequences from both sites, it was revealed that though the Desulfotomaculum-like sequences from Site WP01 -3 were more diverse than those from Site WP01 -4, all these sequences from both sites showed high similarity and formed a new phylogenetically homogeneous cluster in the Desulfotomaculum genus which had never been reported before. Successful enrichment of SRB was only achieved from samples of Site WP01 -4 and the sequence analysis of culture-dependent samples further confirmed the dominance of Desulfotomaculum genus. But Desulfotomaculum-related sequences from culture-dependent and culture-independent samples belonged to two different clusters respectively. This difference showed the choice of cultivation to the microorganisms.展开更多
Fecal indicator bacteria, such as total coliforms and E. coli, are a challenge to control in urban and rural stormwater runoff. To assess the challenges of improving bacterial water quality standards in surface waters...Fecal indicator bacteria, such as total coliforms and E. coli, are a challenge to control in urban and rural stormwater runoff. To assess the challenges of improving bacterial water quality standards in surface waters, microcosm experiments were conducted to assess how decay rates of total coliforms and E. coli are affected by sediments and associated organic matter. Samples were collected at a lake embayment to create laboratory microcosms consisting of different combinations of unsterilized and sterilized water and sediment. Calculated first-order decay rate constants ranged from 0.021 to 0.047 h-1 for total coliforms and 0.017 and 0.037 h-1 for E. coli, depending on how each microcosm was prepared. It is evident that sediment in contact with the water column decreases bacteria decay rate, showing that care should be taken when designing stormwater treatment measures. In addition, high organic carbon content in the sediment temporarily increased bacteria concentrations in the water column. The results demonstrate that stormwater treatment measures, such as extended detention basins and constructed wetlands, must hold water for several days to allow for reduction of bacterial concentrations to acceptable levels. In addition, to troubleshoot detention basins and constructed wetlands for causes of high effluent bacterial concentrations, analyses of sediment, organic carbon, and water column depth should be conducted.展开更多
Bacterial particle association has important consequences for water-quality monitoring and modeling. Particle association can change vertical and horizontal transport of bacterial cells, as well as patterns of persist...Bacterial particle association has important consequences for water-quality monitoring and modeling. Particle association can change vertical and horizontal transport of bacterial cells, as well as patterns of persistence and production. In this study, the abundance and particle association of total bacteria and the fecal-indicator, Enterococcus, were quantified between June and October 2008 in the lower Hudson River Estuary (HRE). Twelve sites were sampled, including mid-channel, near shore, and tributary habitats, plus a sewage outfall. Total bacterial cell counts averaged 9.2 × 109 ± 6.4 × 109 cell l–1 (1 standard deviation), comparable to previous sampling in the HRE. Unlike earlier studies, bacterial abundance did not change consistently along the north/south estuarine salinity gradient. Enterococcus concentrations were highly variable, but mid-channel stations had significantly lower values than other habitat categories. Counts of total bacteria and Enterococcus were both correlated with turbidity, which was also significantly lower at mid-channel stations. A larger fraction of Enterococci were associated with particles (52.9 ± 20.9%, 1 standard deviation) than in the pool of total bacteria (23.8 ± 15.0%). This high frequency of particle association, relative to total bacteria, could cause Enterococcus to be preferentially retained near input sources because of enhanced deposition to bottom sediments, where they would be available for later resuspension. In turn, retention and resuspension in nearshore environments may explain the observed cross-channel variability of turbidity and Enterococcus. Assessments and predictive models of estuarine water quality may be improved by incorporating cross-channel variability and the effects of particle association on key indicators.展开更多
The aim of the study was to analyse and identify microbial constituents in the water and sediment samples with comparison of the River to World Health Organisation (WHO, 2011) standard for drinking water and Federal M...The aim of the study was to analyse and identify microbial constituents in the water and sediment samples with comparison of the River to World Health Organisation (WHO, 2011) standard for drinking water and Federal Ministry of Environment (FME, 2006) and their public health implications with respect to water quality. The microbial assay of Otamiri River was investigated using Standard plate count. The result indicates that microbial constituents of Otamiri river obtained at five strategic gauge stations designated SSWS1 (Egbu), SSWS2 (Timber Market), SSWS3 (FUTO), DOWNSTREAM (Mbirichi) and CONTROL POINT with mean Total coliform Count of 3.0 × 102, 3.0 × 103, 4.1 × 103 and 1.0 × 103 cfu/100ml with control point value of 0.5 × 103 respectively. The mean Total Bacteria Count was 3.0 × 104, 2.1 × 103, 1.1 × 103 and 0.8 × 103 cfu/100ml respectively with control point value of 0.2 × 103 while the mean values for Total E. coli Count were 1.1 × 102, 3.0 × 102, 4 × 103 and 2.0 × 103 cfu/100ml with control point value of 0.2 × 103. The biochemical identification of some organisms in water was Escherichia coli, Vibro spp., Klebsiella spp., and Entrobacteria spp. The result of stream sediment samples indicates that the mean Total Bacterial Count was 3.5 × 104, 5.0 × 104, 6.5 × 104 and 2.0 × 104 cfu/g respectively with 1.5 × 102 as control point value and that of Total Coliform Count was 6.5 × 103, 2.0 × 103, 2.5 × 103 and 0.8 × 103 cfu/g respectively with control point value of 0.5 × 102. While for the Total E. coli Count, the values were 2.5 × 103, 1.0 × 103, 2.5 × 103 and 0.5 × 105 cfu/g respective with control as 0.5 × 102. Biochemical identification of some organisms in sediments includes: Escherichia coli, Vibro spp., Klebsiella spp., Entrobacteria spp. and Bacillus spp. The mean total bacterial count, total coli form count and total E. coli, were not in conformity with both World Health Organisation (WHO, 2011) Standard for drinking water and Federal Ministry of Environment (FME) 2006 standard for soil and thus constitute a threat to the River;these are attributed to waste dumps and anthropogenic activities around the five stations. The presence of bacteria in water can cause cholera, hepatitis, dysentery and typhoid. The microbial constituents can be reduced by chlorination.展开更多
Filamentous fungi were used to leach heavy metals from dredged sediments in semi-pilot scale air-lift bioreactors. Prior to the bioleaching experiments, a physico-chemical characterization of the sediments comprising ...Filamentous fungi were used to leach heavy metals from dredged sediments in semi-pilot scale air-lift bioreactors. Prior to the bioleaching experiments, a physico-chemical characterization of the sediments comprising a sequential extraction study was conducted. The sediments turned out to highly contaminated with heavy metals. Most of the studied metals were found to be strongly linked to the matrix because of their association with the sulphides and with the organic matter. The conditions that favored the solubilization of heavy metals by the filamentous fungi turned out to be favorable for the activity of the sediments organotrophic bacterial microflora as well. The latter played a key role in the biosolubilization process by producing organic acids under temporary anoxic conditions. Better solubilization results (Mn: 77%, Zn: 44%, Cu: 12%, Cd and Pb: <2%) were thus obtained in the uninoculated sugar treatment in comparison to the fungal treatment. In general, organotrophic leaching was found to be limited by the poor nature of the organic acids and by their microbial consumption under sugar limited conditions. It was therefore restrained to the relatively mobile metals, namely those linked to the acid-soluble and reducible fractions of the sediments.展开更多
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41867056,31660150)the Construction Program of Biology First-class Discipline in Guizhou(No.GNYL[2017]009)the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and the Karst Science Research Center of Guizhou Province(No.U1812401)。
文摘Bacteria are important regulators of carbon cycling in lakes and are central to sediment ecosystem processes.However,the sediment microbial communities and their respiratory responses to the lake wetland succession are poorly understood.In this study,we collected sediment samples from four different succession points(the Potamogeton lucens zone,the Scirpus tabernaemontani zone,the Scirpus triqueter zone,and the Juncus effusus zone)in the Caohai Wetland of the Guizhou Plateau(China).The bacterial communities at these succession points were studied using a high-throughput sequencing approach.The sediment microbial respiration(SR)was measured using static chambers in the field and basal respiration(BR)was determined in the laboratory.The results show that the dominant bacterial taxa in the sediment was Proteobacteria(34.7%),Chloroflexi(17.8%),Bacteroidetes(7.3%),Acidobacteria(6.6%),and Cyanobacteria(6.1%).Principal coordinate analysis showed that the microbial community structure differs significantly at different sampling points along the successional gradient,indicating that the bacterial community structure is sensitive to the lake wetland succession.Different hydrological regimes and soil characteristics such as NH_(4)^(+)-N,Fe^(2+),Mn^(2+),and sediment organic carbon(SOC)content may be important factors responsible for the differences in the sediment microbial characteristics of the different successional stages in the Caohai wetland.Additionally,it was found that the SR increased significantly from the P.lucens zone to the J.effusus zone,but BR had the opposite response.The shifts in the bacterial community structure along the successional gradient may be the main reason for the observed differences in sediment respiration.
文摘To better understand the mechanisms of eutrophication, we addressed the microbial processes that influence many key aspects of water-sediment systems. In this study, a large column experiment was conducted for 30 d. Along the column, solution samples were collected at different locations at different time. The samples were analyzed for physical, chemical, and biological properties of the sediment and overlying water. The results showed that the amount of nitrogen transforming bacteria was higher than that of phosphorous bacteria. The amount of nitrogen transforming bacteria was in the order: ammonifier 〉 denitrifying bacteria 〉 nitrobacteria and nitrosomonas. Principal component analysis indicated that the three main factors accounted for more than 90% overall contributions for bacterium growth, which represented nutrition, organics and oxygen, and pH and redox potential (Eh) of the environment. Corresponding to the bacteria, the concentrations of nitrogen in the system was in the order: ammonia (NH4+-N) 〉 nitrate (NO3^--N) 〉 nitrite (NO2^--N). The fluxes of N and P clearly showed a temporal release and adsorption processes in the water-sediment system. The large magnitude of N fluxes suggested that N might act as an important contamination source for the water quality. However, P exchange between the sediment and overlying water was less intensive during the experiment.
文摘Faecal bacteria exist in both free-living and attached forms in estuarine waters. The deposition of sediments can take faecal bacteria out of the water column and to the bed. The sediments can subsequently be re-suspended to the water column, which can then lead to re-suspension of the faecal bacteria of the attached forms back to the water column. Therefore, the fate and transport of faecal bacteria is highly related to the governing sediment transport processes, particularly where these processes are significant, such as the Severn Estuary, UK. However, little attempt has been made to model such processes in terms of predicting the impact of the sediment fluxes on faecal bacteria levels. Details are given of the refinement of a numerical model of faecal bacteria transport, where the sediment transport processes are significant. After testing the sediment-bacteria interaction model favourably against known results in previous study, the model was applied to the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel, UK, to investigate the impact of suspended sediment fluxes on the corresponding faecal bacteria transport processes. The model predictions have proved to be encouraging, with the results being compared to a traditional faecal bacteria modelling approach, where sediment bacteria interactions were not included. The new model provides improved predictions of faecal bacteria concentrations when sediment transport is included and for the Bristol Channel Severn Estuary it can be seen that the effects of the sediments on the bacterial levels in the water column can be significant.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41606187 and 41276170the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41330962+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Shandong Joint Fund for Marine Science Research Centers under contract No.U1406403supported by Laboratoire International Associé de la Bio-Minéralisation et Nano-Structures
文摘Marine magnetotactic bacteria were collected from the intertidal sediments of Yuehu Lake(China), where their abundance reached 103–104 ind./cm3. Diverse morphotypes of magnetotactic bacteria were observed, including cocci and oval, vibrio-, spirillum-, rod-, elliptical-, handle- and bar-shaped forms. The magnetococci were the most abundant, and had flagella arranged in parallel within a bundle. The majority of magnetosomes were arranged in one, two or multiple chains, although irregular arrangements were also evident. All the results of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM) analysis show that magnetosome crystals were composed of Fe3O4, and their morphology was specific to particular cell morphotypes. By the 16 S r RNA gene sequence analysis, we found fourteen operational taxonomic units(OTUs) which were related to magnetotactic bacteria. Among these, thirteen belonged to the Alphaproteobacteria and one to the Gammaproteobacteria.Compared with known axenic and uncultured marine magnetotactic bacteria, the 16 S r RNA gene sequences of most magnetotactic bacteria collected from the Yuehu Lake exhibited sequence identities ranging from 90.1% to96.2%(〈97%). The results indicate that microbial communities containing previously unidentified magnetotactic bacteria occur in the Yuehu Lake.
文摘Diversity of bacteria was studied in deep-sea sediments from the Shikoku Basin in the Northwest Pacific Ocean by PCR, RFLP and sequence analysis of 16S rDNA and comparing with Genbank database. Based on the RFLP profile generated, 77 clones from the 16S rDNA library were divided into 27 types. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the 27 independent clones fell into four groups: Proteobac-teria (62.96%), Chloroflexi (14.81%), Planctomycetes (14.81%) and Acidobacteria (7.41%). Among all sequenced clones, 6 were related to the sulfur or sulfate metabolism bacteria and the results also demonstrated that some bacteria in deep-sea sediments had relation to matter-energy circulation.
文摘Mangrove provides a unique ecological niche to different microbes which play various roles in nutrient recycling as well as various environmental activities. The highly productive and diverse microbial community living in mangrove ecosystems continuously transforms dead vegetation and recycle nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and other nutrients that can later be used by the plants. Mangrove ecosystems are rich in organic matter, and however, in general, they are nutrient-deficient ecosystems, especially of nitrogen and phosphorus. The present study investigated depth wise variation of Nitrifying bacteria, Nitrogen fixing bacteria, total bacterial population along with nitrate-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen and other physicochemical parameters of soil during pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon periods at three different sampling stations of mangrove sediments viz. deep forest region, rooted region and unrooted region. The microbial population was also found maximum in the deep forest sediment relative to the other two sites. Populations of cultureable microbes were found maximum in surface soil and decreased with increase in depth in Sundarban mangrove environment. A decreasing trend of total microbial load, nitrifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria with increase in depth were recorded throughout the year. Present study revealed the relationship among depth integrated variations of physicochemical components (viz. soil temperature, pH, salinity, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentration) and total microbial load, nitrifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria microbial populations.
基金financially supported by the Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum,Beijing(Grant Nos.2462015YQ0213 and 2462017BJB02)
文摘A two-dimensional depth-integrated numerical model is refined in this paper to simulate the hydrodynamics, graded sediment transport process and the fate of faecal bacteria in estuarine and coastal waters. The sediment mixture is divided into several fractions according to the grain size. A bed evolution model is adopted to simulate the processes of the bed elevation change and sediment grain size sorting. The faecal bacteria transport equation includes enhanced source and sink terms to represent bacterial kinetic transformation and disappearance or reappearance due to sediment deposition or re-suspension. A novel partition ratio and dynamic decay rates of faecal bacteria are adopted in the numerical model. The model has been applied to the turbid water environment in the Bristol Channel and Severn estuary, UK. The predictions by the present model are compared with field data and those by non-fractionated model.
文摘<Abstrat>The surface sediment samples were collected month by month at nine stations in the Daya Bay from January to December 1987, and the number of anaerobic sulfite reducing bacteria and their spores and the regularity of seasonal change were determined. The effect of environmental factors, water temperature and the resoluble oxygen concentration in the bottom of seawater on the number of them were discussed. The results show that the number of anaerobic su|fite reducing bacteria were low in sediment of the Daya Bay, indicating that the hay was less contaminated.
文摘In the seawater and sediments of the ocean, there exist huge quantities of bacteria whose living activities cause various chemical reaction processes. It is demonstrated that microorganisms play a fundamental role on chemical changes of the sediments and diageneses. Over the last twenty years, great interest has been increased about the role of deep-sea bacteria in the ferromanganese sedimentary process. Much work has been done on this aspect in the Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea and the Pacific O-
文摘The diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) from deep layers of deep-sea sediments [ more than 2 m bsf (below seafloor) ] of two sites (WO1 -3 and WPO1 -4) in a tropical West Pacific warm pool region was characterized by using molecular phylogenetic analysis. The results of culture-independent samples demonstrated that the dominant clones from both sites were related to Grampositive spore forming genus, Desulfotomaculum, which accounted for 36.8% of all the sequencing clones from Site WP01 - 3 and 62.8% from Site WP01 -4. However, the other SRB group which was generally reported to be predominant in the deep-sea sediments of other regions, δ- subclass of the proteobacteria was found to be in very low percentages. Therefore, it could be speculated that there existed a unique chemical environment in the deep-sea sediment of this warm pool region. When comparing the Desulfotomaculum sp. related sequences from both sites, it was revealed that though the Desulfotomaculum-like sequences from Site WP01 -3 were more diverse than those from Site WP01 -4, all these sequences from both sites showed high similarity and formed a new phylogenetically homogeneous cluster in the Desulfotomaculum genus which had never been reported before. Successful enrichment of SRB was only achieved from samples of Site WP01 -4 and the sequence analysis of culture-dependent samples further confirmed the dominance of Desulfotomaculum genus. But Desulfotomaculum-related sequences from culture-dependent and culture-independent samples belonged to two different clusters respectively. This difference showed the choice of cultivation to the microorganisms.
文摘Fecal indicator bacteria, such as total coliforms and E. coli, are a challenge to control in urban and rural stormwater runoff. To assess the challenges of improving bacterial water quality standards in surface waters, microcosm experiments were conducted to assess how decay rates of total coliforms and E. coli are affected by sediments and associated organic matter. Samples were collected at a lake embayment to create laboratory microcosms consisting of different combinations of unsterilized and sterilized water and sediment. Calculated first-order decay rate constants ranged from 0.021 to 0.047 h-1 for total coliforms and 0.017 and 0.037 h-1 for E. coli, depending on how each microcosm was prepared. It is evident that sediment in contact with the water column decreases bacteria decay rate, showing that care should be taken when designing stormwater treatment measures. In addition, high organic carbon content in the sediment temporarily increased bacteria concentrations in the water column. The results demonstrate that stormwater treatment measures, such as extended detention basins and constructed wetlands, must hold water for several days to allow for reduction of bacterial concentrations to acceptable levels. In addition, to troubleshoot detention basins and constructed wetlands for causes of high effluent bacterial concentrations, analyses of sediment, organic carbon, and water column depth should be conducted.
文摘Bacterial particle association has important consequences for water-quality monitoring and modeling. Particle association can change vertical and horizontal transport of bacterial cells, as well as patterns of persistence and production. In this study, the abundance and particle association of total bacteria and the fecal-indicator, Enterococcus, were quantified between June and October 2008 in the lower Hudson River Estuary (HRE). Twelve sites were sampled, including mid-channel, near shore, and tributary habitats, plus a sewage outfall. Total bacterial cell counts averaged 9.2 × 109 ± 6.4 × 109 cell l–1 (1 standard deviation), comparable to previous sampling in the HRE. Unlike earlier studies, bacterial abundance did not change consistently along the north/south estuarine salinity gradient. Enterococcus concentrations were highly variable, but mid-channel stations had significantly lower values than other habitat categories. Counts of total bacteria and Enterococcus were both correlated with turbidity, which was also significantly lower at mid-channel stations. A larger fraction of Enterococci were associated with particles (52.9 ± 20.9%, 1 standard deviation) than in the pool of total bacteria (23.8 ± 15.0%). This high frequency of particle association, relative to total bacteria, could cause Enterococcus to be preferentially retained near input sources because of enhanced deposition to bottom sediments, where they would be available for later resuspension. In turn, retention and resuspension in nearshore environments may explain the observed cross-channel variability of turbidity and Enterococcus. Assessments and predictive models of estuarine water quality may be improved by incorporating cross-channel variability and the effects of particle association on key indicators.
文摘The aim of the study was to analyse and identify microbial constituents in the water and sediment samples with comparison of the River to World Health Organisation (WHO, 2011) standard for drinking water and Federal Ministry of Environment (FME, 2006) and their public health implications with respect to water quality. The microbial assay of Otamiri River was investigated using Standard plate count. The result indicates that microbial constituents of Otamiri river obtained at five strategic gauge stations designated SSWS1 (Egbu), SSWS2 (Timber Market), SSWS3 (FUTO), DOWNSTREAM (Mbirichi) and CONTROL POINT with mean Total coliform Count of 3.0 × 102, 3.0 × 103, 4.1 × 103 and 1.0 × 103 cfu/100ml with control point value of 0.5 × 103 respectively. The mean Total Bacteria Count was 3.0 × 104, 2.1 × 103, 1.1 × 103 and 0.8 × 103 cfu/100ml respectively with control point value of 0.2 × 103 while the mean values for Total E. coli Count were 1.1 × 102, 3.0 × 102, 4 × 103 and 2.0 × 103 cfu/100ml with control point value of 0.2 × 103. The biochemical identification of some organisms in water was Escherichia coli, Vibro spp., Klebsiella spp., and Entrobacteria spp. The result of stream sediment samples indicates that the mean Total Bacterial Count was 3.5 × 104, 5.0 × 104, 6.5 × 104 and 2.0 × 104 cfu/g respectively with 1.5 × 102 as control point value and that of Total Coliform Count was 6.5 × 103, 2.0 × 103, 2.5 × 103 and 0.8 × 103 cfu/g respectively with control point value of 0.5 × 102. While for the Total E. coli Count, the values were 2.5 × 103, 1.0 × 103, 2.5 × 103 and 0.5 × 105 cfu/g respective with control as 0.5 × 102. Biochemical identification of some organisms in sediments includes: Escherichia coli, Vibro spp., Klebsiella spp., Entrobacteria spp. and Bacillus spp. The mean total bacterial count, total coli form count and total E. coli, were not in conformity with both World Health Organisation (WHO, 2011) Standard for drinking water and Federal Ministry of Environment (FME) 2006 standard for soil and thus constitute a threat to the River;these are attributed to waste dumps and anthropogenic activities around the five stations. The presence of bacteria in water can cause cholera, hepatitis, dysentery and typhoid. The microbial constituents can be reduced by chlorination.
文摘Filamentous fungi were used to leach heavy metals from dredged sediments in semi-pilot scale air-lift bioreactors. Prior to the bioleaching experiments, a physico-chemical characterization of the sediments comprising a sequential extraction study was conducted. The sediments turned out to highly contaminated with heavy metals. Most of the studied metals were found to be strongly linked to the matrix because of their association with the sulphides and with the organic matter. The conditions that favored the solubilization of heavy metals by the filamentous fungi turned out to be favorable for the activity of the sediments organotrophic bacterial microflora as well. The latter played a key role in the biosolubilization process by producing organic acids under temporary anoxic conditions. Better solubilization results (Mn: 77%, Zn: 44%, Cu: 12%, Cd and Pb: <2%) were thus obtained in the uninoculated sugar treatment in comparison to the fungal treatment. In general, organotrophic leaching was found to be limited by the poor nature of the organic acids and by their microbial consumption under sugar limited conditions. It was therefore restrained to the relatively mobile metals, namely those linked to the acid-soluble and reducible fractions of the sediments.