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Preliminary study of natural reservoirs as sentinels of <i>Anaplasma phagocytophilum</i>and <i>Ehrlichia chaffeensis</i>in Soria, northern Spain
作者 Lourdes Lledó Consuelo Giménez-Pardo José Luis Serrano 《Open Journal of Preventive Medicine》 2013年第9期501-503,共3页
The serum of foxes and red deer from the Province of Soria (northern Spain) was screened in indirect immunofluorescence assays to determine whether these animals could be used as sentinels of the tick-borne pathogens ... The serum of foxes and red deer from the Province of Soria (northern Spain) was screened in indirect immunofluorescence assays to determine whether these animals could be used as sentinels of the tick-borne pathogens Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia chaffeensis. The results suggest that foxes and red deer would not make good sentinels in epidemiological studies on E. chaffeensis in this region, although red deer could be used as such for the study of A. phagocytophilum transmission. 展开更多
关键词 ANAPLASMA phagocytophilum EHRLICHIA chaffeensis FOXES Red DEER sentinels Spain
作者 JACQUES LOUIS LIONS 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 1989年第3期285-291,共7页
For periodic distributed systems the author reduces the "entinels" problem to a problem of controllability type and uses suitable adaptations of of HUM (Hilbert Uniqueness Method) to gives olutions to the or... For periodic distributed systems the author reduces the "entinels" problem to a problem of controllability type and uses suitable adaptations of of HUM (Hilbert Uniqueness Method) to gives olutions to the original "sentinels" problem. 展开更多
关键词 assume MAINTAIN GIVING ENOUGH SENTINEL 二七 introd pursue entine TOWARD
基于Sentinel-2与时序Sentinel-1 SAR特征的赣南柑橘种植区识别方法 被引量:4
作者 唐琪 李恒凯 +1 位作者 周艳兵 王秀丽 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期193-202,共10页
为准确获取柑橘果园空间分布信息,实现柑橘种植结构调整、产量估算和资源管理,以赣南3个柑橘种植主产区(信丰县、安远县及寻乌县)为研究区域,针对南方地区多云多雨导致传统光学影像较为缺乏的问题,使用Sentinel系列数据和PIE-Engine平台... 为准确获取柑橘果园空间分布信息,实现柑橘种植结构调整、产量估算和资源管理,以赣南3个柑橘种植主产区(信丰县、安远县及寻乌县)为研究区域,针对南方地区多云多雨导致传统光学影像较为缺乏的问题,使用Sentinel系列数据和PIE-Engine平台,构建和优选了光谱特征、植被水体指数特征、红边波段特征和纹理特征,并引入时间序列Sentinel-1合成孔径雷达(SAR)数据的后向散射系数,共同探讨不同特征组合对柑橘种植园的识别提取效果,基于随机森林算法并融合Sentinel-2与时序Sentinel-1 SAR特征识别提取了赣南柑橘种植区。结果表明:5、9、11月柑橘种植园与其他地物的平均后向散射系数分离性最佳,是识别提取柑橘的关键时期;指数特征及纹理特征参与分类改善了分类效果且提高了分类精度;相较于单一SAR特征及指数、纹理特征,加入时序SAR特征的分类结果中总体精度达90.084%,Kappa系数达0.863,错分、漏分误差较小,符合实际地物分布情况,说明了时序SAR特征的可用性和实用性。本研究可为多云多雨的南方柑橘果园的识别提取提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 柑橘 种植区识别 PIE-Engine 时序SAR Sentinel卫星
基于SBAS-In SAR的地表沉降监测及漏斗拟合分析 被引量:1
作者 夏锐 徐华龙 +1 位作者 徐正国 马旭伟 《时空信息学报》 2024年第4期513-523,共11页
近年来,In SAR技术凭借其测量范围广、精度高及便捷高效等优势,已被广泛应用于矿区的沉降监测中。利用InSAR技术研究矿区的沉降漏斗所采用的主要模型有Logistic模型、Knothe模型等,这些多以沉降量预测为主,且模型计算相对复杂,在三维可... 近年来,In SAR技术凭借其测量范围广、精度高及便捷高效等优势,已被广泛应用于矿区的沉降监测中。利用InSAR技术研究矿区的沉降漏斗所采用的主要模型有Logistic模型、Knothe模型等,这些多以沉降量预测为主,且模型计算相对复杂,在三维可视化表达方面也相对较少。因此,本文提出一种采用椭圆锥拟合矿区沉降漏斗的方法,用于揭示矿区开采时地表沉降的时空演化特征。首先,基于SBAS-InSAR技术处理Sentinel-1A影像数据获取矿区的时序沉降结果;其次,将不同时期的沉降结果转化为栅格数据,利用椭圆锥模型拟合沉降漏斗,获取椭圆锥参数;最后,采用线性拟合的方式拟合不同时期椭圆锥的参数变化,研究矿区沉降过程中的时空演化规律,并用验证点证实监测结果的可靠性。结果表明,本方法能够用于快速模拟和分析矿区工作面附近的沉降漏斗,从而有效揭示沉降过程中的三维时空演化规律。研究成果能够为地质灾害防治、沉降治理等提供科学的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 矿区沉降 SENTINEL SBAS-In SAR 椭圆锥 沉降漏斗 三维 时空演化
作者 杨雅洁 尹高飞 +5 位作者 汤承玉 陈瑞 谢江流 马杜娟 刘建涛 冯权泷 《时空信息学报》 2024年第5期573-584,共12页
在大风等极端天气下,铁路沿线的易漂浮物(如塑料大棚等)可能被吹起,从而引发故障并威胁铁路运行安全;早期的易漂浮物侵限检测主要依赖人工巡检,效率低且存在漏检,难以实现广域的实时监测。本文基于GEE云平台,协同Sentinel-1雷达影像和Se... 在大风等极端天气下,铁路沿线的易漂浮物(如塑料大棚等)可能被吹起,从而引发故障并威胁铁路运行安全;早期的易漂浮物侵限检测主要依赖人工巡检,效率低且存在漏检,难以实现广域的实时监测。本文基于GEE云平台,协同Sentinel-1雷达影像和Sentinel-2光学影像,构建多维特征空间,利用随机森林算法实现2019~2023年成昆铁路西昌段沿线大棚识别;通过结合大棚核密度、距铁路距离及风速、风向数据,构建大棚侵限风险评估模型,量化铁路沿线各区域可能引发大棚侵限风险的概率等级。结果显示:①识别的大棚区域的五年平均精确率为93.9%,召回率为94.95%。②大棚主要分布在研究区西北部和西南部。近五年间大棚数量快速增加,2021~2022年增幅最大,年增量达20.27 km^(2)。③春季和冬季的高风险区域广泛分布于研究区西北部和西南部;夏季和秋季的高风险区较少,主要集中在研究区东北部的少数区域。研究成果对提升铁路运营的安全性和稳定性具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 铁路 易漂浮物 大棚 侵限 Sentinel影像 随机森林 GEE 风险评估
作者 朱腾 黄铁兰 申晨 《四川建材》 2024年第10期54-55,共2页
城市水污染监测是当前研究的热点问题。针对美国俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦镇氯乙烯泄露事件,以多源卫星遥感数据为依托,快速进行事故发生后水质变化的遥感水体指数提取,选取两种黑臭水体指数与一种水质回归模型进行监测试验。试验结果表明,事... 城市水污染监测是当前研究的热点问题。针对美国俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦镇氯乙烯泄露事件,以多源卫星遥感数据为依托,快速进行事故发生后水质变化的遥感水体指数提取,选取两种黑臭水体指数与一种水质回归模型进行监测试验。试验结果表明,事故发生后,研究区附近综合水质指标值均值显著增大。 展开更多
关键词 遥感 水质监测 Sentinel2卫星
作者 许家媛 尹芋迟 +1 位作者 王嘉睿 王洁 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2024年第8期0157-0160,共4页
本文以Sentinel-1A为实验数据,提取加拿大西北航道部分区域的纹理特征和极化特征,采用相关分析和ReliefF法筛选出对分类具有促进作用的特征参数,将参数进行组合后输入随机森林分类器进行海冰类型的识别。通过对比不同组合特征的分类精度... 本文以Sentinel-1A为实验数据,提取加拿大西北航道部分区域的纹理特征和极化特征,采用相关分析和ReliefF法筛选出对分类具有促进作用的特征参数,将参数进行组合后输入随机森林分类器进行海冰类型的识别。通过对比不同组合特征的分类精度,得到以下结论:融合纹理特征和极化特征的分类精度高达92.01%,分类结果相较其他融合特征组合也更加平滑,加入纹理特征或极化特征使分类精度提高了2.59%——18.75,Kappa系数也相应的得到了提高。实验表明,特征融合对识别不同海冰类型有促进作用,可以弥补单一特征之间的不足,提高海冰分类的精度。 展开更多
关键词 SENTINEL 纹理特征 极化特征 随机森林
作者 郑龙兵 郑欢娜 林辉 《绿色科技》 2024年第14期240-246,共7页
森林可燃物是引发森林火灾的重要因素之一,准确估测森林可燃物载量对于制定火灾防控策略、提高火灾预警能力以及保护生态环境具有重要意义。以湖南省沅陵县Senitnel-1A和Sentinel-2A影像为数据源,通过提取多源数据的不同类型遥感因子,... 森林可燃物是引发森林火灾的重要因素之一,准确估测森林可燃物载量对于制定火灾防控策略、提高火灾预警能力以及保护生态环境具有重要意义。以湖南省沅陵县Senitnel-1A和Sentinel-2A影像为数据源,通过提取多源数据的不同类型遥感因子,结合地面调查获取的样地可燃物载量信息,采用前向特征筛选法和4种机器学习模型[多元线性回归(multiple linear regression,MLR)、k最近邻(k-nearest neighbor,kNN)、支持向量机回归(support vector regression,SVR)、随机森林(random forest,RF)]构建了针叶林可燃物载量反演模型,并对研究区内针叶林可燃物载量进行反演。结果表明:①基于Sentinel-1A数据提取的VH极化后向散射系数与针叶林可燃物载量有较高的相关性;②相比于单一数据源,联合Sentinel-1A和Sentinel-2A数据可显著提高针叶林可燃物载量估测精度,最优模型R^(2)分别提高了0.19、0.29,rRMSE分别降低4.66、6.94个百分点,RMSE分别降低了6.13、9.13 t/hm^(2),平均rRMSE分别降低了5.17、5.75个百分点,最优模型为SVR模型,其R^(2)=0.5,rRMSE=27.71,RMSE=36.47 t/hm^(2)。Sentinel-1A数据的加入有利于针叶林可燃物载量估测精度的提升。 展开更多
关键词 林业遥感 森林可燃物 Sentinel数据 遥感特征 机器学习
Dominant woody plant species recognition with a hierarchical model based on multimodal geospatial data for subtropical forests
作者 Xin Chen Yujun Sun 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期111-130,共20页
Since the launch of the Google Earth Engine(GEE)cloud platform in 2010,it has been widely used,leading to a wealth of valuable information.However,the potential of GEE for forest resource management has not been fully... Since the launch of the Google Earth Engine(GEE)cloud platform in 2010,it has been widely used,leading to a wealth of valuable information.However,the potential of GEE for forest resource management has not been fully exploited.To extract dominant woody plant species,GEE combined Sen-tinel-1(S1)and Sentinel-2(S2)data with the addition of the National Forest Resources Inventory(NFRI)and topographic data,resulting in a 10 m resolution multimodal geospatial dataset for subtropical forests in southeast China.Spectral and texture features,red-edge bands,and vegetation indices of S1 and S2 data were computed.A hierarchical model obtained information on forest distribution and area and the dominant woody plant species.The results suggest that combining data sources from the S1 winter and S2 yearly ranges enhances accuracy in forest distribution and area extraction compared to using either data source independently.Similarly,for dominant woody species recognition,using S1 winter and S2 data across all four seasons was accurate.Including terrain factors and removing spatial correlation from NFRI sample points further improved the recognition accuracy.The optimal forest extraction achieved an overall accuracy(OA)of 97.4%and a maplevel image classification efficacy(MICE)of 96.7%.OA and MICE were 83.6%and 80.7%for dominant species extraction,respectively.The high accuracy and efficacy values indicate that the hierarchical recognition model based on multimodal remote sensing data performed extremely well for extracting information about dominant woody plant species.Visualizing the results using the GEE application allows for an intuitive display of forest and species distribution,offering significant convenience for forest resource monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 Google Earth Engine SENTINEL Forest resource inventory data Dominant woody plant species SUBTROPICS Model performance
作者 陶亮亮 王雨琦 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第17期216-223,共8页
光学遥感影像在农业领域中应用广泛,但易受天气影响,为减少云污染对影像质量的影响并恢复受污染区域的光谱信息,该研究提出了一种基于雷达和光学遥感数据的云污染区域光谱重建方法。该方法通过结合合成孔径雷达数据,将雷达信号与地类信... 光学遥感影像在农业领域中应用广泛,但易受天气影响,为减少云污染对影像质量的影响并恢复受污染区域的光谱信息,该研究提出了一种基于雷达和光学遥感数据的云污染区域光谱重建方法。该方法通过结合合成孔径雷达数据,将雷达信号与地类信息作为重建区域的约束条件,在雷达影像上计算相应距离矩阵并移植到光学影像上进行替换,在提高像元间匹配精度的同时最大限度地保留原始影像的光谱信息,为后续地表信息的准确提取奠定基础。为了评估所提出方法的性能,该研究采用传统像素替换法、加权线性回归方法以及基于曲率驱动的方法进行对比试验。结果表明,改进算法重建的波段反射率更接近参考影像,其中Band2、Band3相关系数达到了0.925与0.922,均方根误差分别为0.009、0.007,重建影像与参考影像间的质量损失较少,各波段的峰值信噪比与结构相似性均最高,说明该研究算法在重建影像质量、与参考影像的相似性和光谱特征一致性方面取得了较好的结果。 展开更多
关键词 遥感 雷达 光谱 Sentinel 1/2影像 面向对象 信息重建 云检测 影像融合
Advances in regional nodal management of early-stage breast cancer
作者 Zhao Bi Yongsheng Wang 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期215-225,共11页
With the continuous improvement of systemic treatment, reasonable local regional control of early-stage breast cancer can be translated into survival benefits. The optimization of regional nodal management in patients... With the continuous improvement of systemic treatment, reasonable local regional control of early-stage breast cancer can be translated into survival benefits. The optimization of regional nodal management in patients with limited sentinel lymph node(SLN) metastasis needs to be weighed by surgical complications, regional recurrence risk, and lymph node status, as well as other escalating treatment(systemic/radiotherapy) that may result from deescalating surgery. With the effective support and supplementation of systemic therapy and radiotherapy, the management of axillary surgery is developing in a de-escalating trend. The widespread application of neoadjuvant therapy has contributed to optimizing the management of patients with clinically node-negative/imaging nodepositive disease. In clinical practice, it is necessary to consider the residual tumor burden of regional lymph nodes when formulating the optimal irradiation fields in patients with limited positive SLN without axillary lymph node dissection. The combined application of genomic tests and American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z0011/AMAROS criteria could provide patients with a better strategy of dual de-escalation treatment, which includes the de-escalation of both axillary surgery and systemic treatment. In the era of sentinel lymph node biopsy(SLNB), the regional nodal management of breast cancer should adhere to the concept of “updating ideas, making bold assumptions, and carefully seeking proof”, make full use of the benefits of systemic therapy and radiotherapy to reduce the scope of surgery and complications, and expand the “net benefit” of efficacy and quality of life. This review discusses the optimization of regional nodal management in the era of SLNB, in order to provide reference information for clinicians. 展开更多
关键词 Breast cancer sentinel lymph node biopsy internal mammary lymph node RADIOTHERAPY SURGERY
作者 宁岸新 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2024年第1期51-55,66,共6页
以渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲为例,在5种盐分光谱指数(NDSI、SI、SI1、SI2、SAVI)基础上,选择Sentinel2A多光谱影像中的3个红边波段和近红外窄波段进行扩展,提出了新的基于红边和近红外窄波段的光谱指数,用偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)方法构建... 以渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲为例,在5种盐分光谱指数(NDSI、SI、SI1、SI2、SAVI)基础上,选择Sentinel2A多光谱影像中的3个红边波段和近红外窄波段进行扩展,提出了新的基于红边和近红外窄波段的光谱指数,用偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)方法构建土壤电导率遥感反演模型。结果表明:相对传统光谱指数,引入红边1波段(B_(5))和近红外窄波段(B_(8a))的光谱指数与土壤电导率相关性显著提高;基于Sentinel2A影像的PLSR的土壤电导率信息建模效果较好(R^(2)=0.77),模型准确、可靠。盐分反演结果表明研究区土壤盐分含量整体较高,盐渍化影响范围广泛。自绿洲内部向外围由非盐渍化向轻度-中度-重度盐渍化过渡,绿洲西部、南部轻度盐渍土分布较多,绿洲东部、东南及西南方向有重度盐渍土及极重度盐渍土分布,盐渍化程度较高。 展开更多
关键词 Sentinel2A 土壤盐渍化 光谱指数 干旱区
Application value of indocyanine green fluorescence imaging in guiding sentinel lymph node biopsy diagnosis of gastric cancer: Meta-analysis
作者 Qi-Jia Zhang Zhi-Cheng Cao +4 位作者 Qin Zhu Yu Sun Rong-Da Li Jin-Long Tong Qin Zheng 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2024年第6期1883-1893,共11页
BACKGROUND Gastric cancer is a common malignant tumor of the digestive system worldwide,and its early diagnosis is crucial to improve the survival rate of patients.Indocyanine green fluorescence imaging(ICG-FI),as a n... BACKGROUND Gastric cancer is a common malignant tumor of the digestive system worldwide,and its early diagnosis is crucial to improve the survival rate of patients.Indocyanine green fluorescence imaging(ICG-FI),as a new imaging technology,has shown potential application prospects in oncology surgery.The meta-analysis to study the application value of ICG-FI in the diagnosis of gastric cancer sentinel lymph node biopsy is helpful to comprehensively evaluate the clinical effect of this technology and provide more reliable guidance for clinical practice.AIM To assess the diagnostic efficacy of optical imaging in conjunction with indocya-nine green(ICG)-guided sentinel lymph node(SLN)biopsy for gastric cancer.METHODS Electronic databases such as PubMed,Embase,Medline,Web of Science,and the Cochrane Library were searched for prospective diagnostic tests of optical imaging combined with ICG-guided SLN biopsy.Stata 12.0 software was used for analysis by combining the"bivariable mixed effect model"with the"midas"command.The true positive value,false positive value,false negative value,true negative value,and other information from the included literature were extracted.A literature quality assessment map was drawn to describe the overall quality of the included literature.A forest plot was used for heterogeneity analysis,and P<0.01 was considered to indicate statistical significance.A funnel plot was used to assess publication bias,and P<0.1 was considered to indicate statistical significance.The summary receiver operating characteristic(SROC)curve was used to calculate the area under the curve(AUC)to determine the diagnostic accuracy.If there was interstudy heterogeneity(I2>50%),meta-regression analysis and subgroup analysis were performed.analysis were performed.RESULTS Optical imaging involves two methods:Near-infrared(NIR)imaging and fluorescence imaging.A combination of optical imaging and ICG-guided SLN biopsy was useful for diagnosis.The positive likelihood ratio was 30.39(95%CI:0.92-1.00),the sensitivity was 0.95(95%CI:0.82-0.99),and the specificity was 1.00(95%CI:0.92-1.00).The negative likelihood ratio was 0.05(95%CI:0.01-0.20),the diagnostic odds ratio was 225.54(95%CI:88.81-572.77),and the SROC AUC was 1.00(95%CI:The crucial values were sensitivity=0.95(95%CI:0.82-0.99)and specificity=1.00(95%CI:0.92-1.00).The Deeks method revealed that the"diagnostic odds ratio"funnel plot of SLN biopsy for gastric cancer was significantly asymmetrical(P=0.01),suggesting significant publication bias.Further meta-subgroup analysis revealed that,compared with fluorescence imaging,NIR imaging had greater sensitivity(0.98 vs 0.73).Compared with optical imaging immediately after ICG injection,optical imaging after 20 minutes obtained greater sensitivity(0.98 vs 0.70).Compared with that of patients with an average SLN detection number<4,the sensitivity of patients with a SLN detection number≥4 was greater(0.96 vs 0.68).Compared with hematoxylin-eosin(HE)staining,immunohistochemical(+HE)staining showed greater sensitivity(0.99 vs 0.84).Compared with subserous injection of ICG,submucosal injection achieved greater sensitivity(0.98 vs 0.40).Compared with 5 g/L ICG,0.5 and 0.05 g/L ICG had greater sensitivity(0.98 vs 0.83),and cT1 stage had greater sensitivity(0.96 vs 0.72)than cT2 to cT3 clinical stage.Compared with that of patients≤26,the sensitivity of patients>26 was greater(0.96 vs 0.65).Compared with the literature published before 2010,the sensitivity of the literature published after 2010 was greater(0.97 vs 0.81),and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).CONCLUSION For the diagnosis of stomach cancer,optical imaging in conjunction with ICG-guided SLN biopsy is a therapeut-ically viable approach,especially for early gastric cancer.The concentration of ICG used in the SLN biopsy of gastric cancer may be too high.Moreover,NIR imaging is better than fluorescence imaging and may obtain higher sensitivity. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric neoplasms Sentinel lymph nodes Near infrared imaging Fluorescence imaging Indocyanine green META-ANALYSIS
Clinical Study of Double Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Combined with Dye Method and Marker Placement to Identify and Locate Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Patients with Breast Cancer
作者 Dayan Yang Lini Gao 《Advances in Breast Cancer Research》 CAS 2024年第3期49-58,共10页
Objective: To explore the value of percutaneous ultrasonography combined with transvenous ultrasonography for accurate localization of sentinel lymph nodes and diagnosis of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with brea... Objective: To explore the value of percutaneous ultrasonography combined with transvenous ultrasonography for accurate localization of sentinel lymph nodes and diagnosis of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. Methods: 18 cases of patients with breast cancer attending the Hainan General Hospital from May 2022 to June 2024 who were proposed to undergo axillary lymph node dissection were selected, and the ultrasonographic agent was injected subcutaneously through the areola on the 1st day before the operation, and the marker localization of the manifestation of the Sentinel lymph nodes and draw the lymphatic vessel alignment for drainage on the body surface, and record the manifestation of SLN by conventional ultrasound and dual ultrasonography. At the time of surgery, intraoperative melphalan localization was used to identify the SLN, the difference between the number of ultrasound and melphalan localization was observed, and resection was performed for pathological examination to determine whether they were metastatic or not. Results: There were 8 metastatic lymph nodes and 18 non-metastatic lymph nodes among 31 SLN. A total of 62 SLN were localized by intraoperative melphalan, of which 31 were consistent with ultrasound localization and 31 were not identified by ultrasound. The diagnostic sensitivity of SLN metastasis diagnosed by transcutaneous ultrasonography was 62.50%, specificity was 91.30%, positive predictive value was 71.43%, negative predictive value 87.50%, accuracy was 83.87%, and the AUC was 0.769;the diagnostic sensitivityof transvenous ultrasonography diagnosed was 75.00%, specificity was 75.00%, and the accuracy was 83.87%, 75.00%, specificity 91.30%, positive predictive value 75.00%, negative predictive value 91.30%, accuracy 87.10%, AUC 0.832;dual ultrasonography diagnostic sensitivity 87.50%, specificity 91.30%, positive predictive value 77.78%, negative predictive value 95.45%, accuracy 90.32%. The AUC was 0.894. Conclusion: Transcutaneous ultrasonography combined with transvenous ultrasonography can accurately localize sentinel lymph nodes and improve the sensitivity and accuracy of the diagnosis of metastatic SLN. 展开更多
关键词 Sentinel Lymph Nodes Breast Cancer ULTRASOUND ULTRASONOGRAPHY Axillary Lymph Nodes
Method of Monitoring Three-dimensional Mining Surface Deformation Based on InSAR
作者 Ling QUAN Zijie LONG +4 位作者 Zongyao MA Kangda CHEN Xueliang CHEN Yuanping XU Jiale LIU 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 2024年第1期72-74,共3页
In order to solve the problems of small monitoring range,long time and high cost of existing sedimentation observation methods,based on two-view sentinel No.1 radar images of Guqiao mining area in Huainan City from No... In order to solve the problems of small monitoring range,long time and high cost of existing sedimentation observation methods,based on two-view sentinel No.1 radar images of Guqiao mining area in Huainan City from November 4,2017 to November 28,2017,surface change information was obtained in combination with D-InSAR,and the three-dimensional surface deformation was monitored by two-pass method and single line of sight D-InSAR method.The results show that during the research period of 24 d,the maximum deformation of the mining area reached 71 mm,and the southern subsidence was the most obvious,which was in line with the mining subsidence law.The maximum displacement from the north to the south was about 250 mm,while the maximum displacement from the east to the west was about 80 mm,and the maximum subsidence in the center was 110 mm.It is concluded that D-InSAR technique has a good effect on the inversion of the mining subsidence,and this method is suitable for three-dimensional surface monitoring in areas with similar geological conditions.The monitoring results have certain reference value. 展开更多
关键词 Synthetic aperture radar Mining subsidence Sentinel image Two-pass method
基于Sentinel多源数据的农田地表土壤水分反演模型构建与验证 被引量:30
作者 郭交 刘健 +1 位作者 宁纪锋 韩文霆 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第14期71-78,共8页
土壤水分是影响水文、生态和气候等环境过程的重要参数,而微波遥感是农田地表土壤水分测量的重要手段之一。针对微波遥感反演农田地表土壤水分受植被覆盖影响较大的问题,该文基于Sentinel-1和Sentinel-2多源遥感数据,利用Oh模型、支持... 土壤水分是影响水文、生态和气候等环境过程的重要参数,而微波遥感是农田地表土壤水分测量的重要手段之一。针对微波遥感反演农田地表土壤水分受植被覆盖影响较大的问题,该文基于Sentinel-1和Sentinel-2多源遥感数据,利用Oh模型、支持向量回归(support vector regression,SVR)和广义神经网络(generalized regression neural Network,GRNN)模型对土壤水分进行定量反演,以减小植被影响,提高反演精度。结果表明:通过水云模型去除植被影响后的Oh模型反演精度有所提高。加入不同植被指数的SVR和GRNN模型的反演效果总体优于Oh模型,基于SVR模型的多特征参数组合(双极化雷达后向散射系数、海拔高度、局部入射角、修改型土壤调整植被指数)反演效果最优,其测试集相关系数和均方根误差分别达到了0.903和0.015cm^3/cm^3,为利用多源遥感数据反演农田地表土壤水分提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 土壤水分 模型 遥感 反演 多源数据 SENTINEL
基于多源Sentinel数据的县域冬小麦种植面积提取 被引量:27
作者 李长春 陈伟男 +3 位作者 王宇 马春艳 王艺琳 李亚聪 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第12期207-215,共9页
冬小麦是我国主要的粮食作物之一,及时准确地获取冬小麦种植面积对农业政策的制定具有重要意义。以河南省扶沟县为研究区域,以多生育期Sentinel-1A和Sentinel-2A/B遥感影像为数据源,构建光谱特征、植被特征和极化特征的多生育期数据集,... 冬小麦是我国主要的粮食作物之一,及时准确地获取冬小麦种植面积对农业政策的制定具有重要意义。以河南省扶沟县为研究区域,以多生育期Sentinel-1A和Sentinel-2A/B遥感影像为数据源,构建光谱特征、植被特征和极化特征的多生育期数据集,分析各类地物的特征曲线,采用随机森林算法对单生育期单传感器、单生育期多传感器、多生育期单传感器和多生育期多传感器的遥感影像进行精细分类,实现县域冬小麦制图。结果显示:单生育期的雷达影像无法满足制图要求,拔节期的总体精度最高,仅为62.9%,多生育期雷达影像分类精度达到81.9%,基本满足制图要求;单生育期的光学影像和融合影像在成熟期的精度最高,总体精度分别为93.4%和95.1%,Kappa系数分别为92.4%和94.8%,可以绘制较为精准的冬小麦分布图;多生育期融合影像绘制的扶沟县2019年冬小麦空间分布图,总体精度为96.8%,结果最优。研究结果表明融合的多生育期遥感影像可以为县域冬小麦种植面积的提取提供技术依据。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 种植面积 Sentinel数据 生育期 融合影像 随机森林
基于4DVAR和EnKF的遥感信息与作物模型冬小麦估产 被引量:13
作者 刘正春 徐占军 +3 位作者 毕如田 王超 贺鹏 杨武德 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期223-231,共9页
为了提高遥感信息与作物模型同化的估产精度,以山西省晋南地区的3个县为研究区,采用四维变分(Four-dimensional variational,4DVAR)和集合卡尔曼滤波(Ensemble Kalman filter,EnKF)两种同化算法将高时空分辨率Sentinel多源数据反演的叶... 为了提高遥感信息与作物模型同化的估产精度,以山西省晋南地区的3个县为研究区,采用四维变分(Four-dimensional variational,4DVAR)和集合卡尔曼滤波(Ensemble Kalman filter,EnKF)两种同化算法将高时空分辨率Sentinel多源数据反演的叶面积指数(Leaf area index,LAI)、土壤含水率(θ)和CERESWheat模型进行同化,对比两种算法同化LAI和θ的性能,并进行冬小麦产量估测。结果表明:两种同化算法均能结合遥感观测和作物模型模拟的优势,相比模型模拟值,同化精度均有所提高;4DVARLAI和4DVARθ的均方根误差(Root mean square error,RMSE)分别比EnKFLAI和EnKFθ低0.1490 m2/m2、0.0091 cm3/cm3,且根据遥感实际监测值4DVARLAI更能精确识别冬小麦的物候期,与实际冬小麦生长发育的物候期更相符,因此在Sentinel多源数据与CERESWheat模型同化中,4DVAR算法的性能更好;由4DVAR同化后的LAI和θ双变量建立的估产模型,RMSE和平均相对误差(Mean relative error,MRE)小于CERESWheat模型模拟估产的RMSE和MRE,说明估产模型的估产误差小,采用4DVAR算法同化Sentinel多源数据与CERESWheat模型有效提高了冬小麦区域估产精度。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 估产 四维变分 集合卡尔曼滤波 Sentinel多源数据 CERESWheat模型
基于多时相Sentinel-2A的县域农作物分类 被引量:40
作者 吴静 吕玉娜 +1 位作者 李纯斌 李全红 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期194-200,共7页
利用遥感技术精准地获取区域农作物种植结构数据,对指导农业生产、制定农业政策具有重要意义。以景泰县为研究区,以多时相Sentinel2A遥感影像为数据源,计算时序归一化植被指数(Normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)和红边归一... 利用遥感技术精准地获取区域农作物种植结构数据,对指导农业生产、制定农业政策具有重要意义。以景泰县为研究区,以多时相Sentinel2A遥感影像为数据源,计算时序归一化植被指数(Normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)和红边归一化植被指数(Red edge normalized vegetation index,RENDVI)及其组合特征(NDVI+RENDVI、NDVI RENDVI和NDVI&RENDVI),分析作物特征曲线,并采用随机森林法分别以5种特征参数作为分类特征对研究区农作物进行精细分类。结果表明:根据形态特征,研究区农作物特征值曲线可划分为3种类型:高值型(玉米、水稻、胡麻和马铃薯)、低值型(洋葱、大棚作物和砂田瓜果)和开口型(春小麦、春小麦秋油葵)。高值型和低值型可在7、8月影像中区分,开口型和前两种类型在5月和9月影像上的特征值有明显差异。3种类型内的作物可以通过不同时相影像区分,高值型的4种作物在9月影像上通过成熟期差异可以区分;低值型的3种作物的特征值差异在全年影像上都可以明显体现;开口型的两种作物利用9月影像可以明显区分。利用NDVI、RENDVI、NDVI+RENDVI、NDVI RENDVI和NDVI&RENDVI 5种特征分类的总体精度分别为82.14%、78.16%、81.17%、75.64%和86.20%,Kappa系数分别为0.78、0.74、0.77、0.71和0.83,总体精度和Kappa系数由大到小依次为NDVI&RENDVI、NDVI、NDVI+RENDVI、RENDVI、NDVI RENDVI,说明RENDVI辅助NDVI可以有效提高分类精度(精度较仅用NDVI提高4.06个百分点)。选择合适的时期和分类特征,利用Sentinel2A特有的红边波段数据及其较高的空间分辨率在县域农作物精细分类上具有较好的精度。 展开更多
关键词 农作物分类 Sentinel2A 随机森林法 景泰县
Experimental Study of Chinese Ink as a New Type of Dye Tracer in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy~* 被引量:3
作者 曹勤洪 王水 +2 位作者 徐鲲 刘晓安 刘力嘉 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2006年第1期36-39,共4页
Objective: To investigate the potential clinical value of Chinese ink as a tracer in dye-directed sentinel lymph node biopsy. Methods: Forty-two female rabbits were randomly divided into 7 groups. The breast drainag... Objective: To investigate the potential clinical value of Chinese ink as a tracer in dye-directed sentinel lymph node biopsy. Methods: Forty-two female rabbits were randomly divided into 7 groups. The breast drainage lymphatic vessels and nodes in axilla were exposed by surgery. Under the papillae of the second pair of breast, 0.1 mL Chinese ink dilution at concentrations of 0.1%, 1%, 10%, 50% and 100% and isosulfan blue (IB, 1.0%) were injected. The movement of ink in lymphatic chain was investigated, and the number of stained nodes and their staining and washout time ware recorded. The first stained lymph node that was followed through lymphatic drainage was identified as the sentinel lymph node (SLN). The SLNs were dissected and prepared for histological observation 5 rain, 1 h and 2 weeks after stained. Blood samples were harvested and tested before and 2 weeks after injection. The hearts, lungs, livers and kidneys were dissected after a period of post-operation observation and sent for pathologic examination. Results: No obvious differences were observed among the staining time of SLNs and the second lymph node using ink at different concentrations (P〉0.05). But they were obviously longer than that of IB (P〈0.05). The mean number of nodes obtained was nearly the same (P〉0.05). It was too light for gross visual inspection when nodes were stained by ink at the concentration of 0.1%. Nodes stained by IB faded 33.9 rain after stained. And carbon staining seemed permanent without any visible decline after 2 weeks. Carbon particles were found to be in the sinus of lymph nodes that were obtained 5 rain after stained, and then was phagocytosed by macrophages (MФ) 1 h later. The density of carbon obscured the microscopic observation of lymph nodes when they were stained using Chinese ink at concentration of higher than 20.0%. No obvious changes were investigated in blood test and vital organ pathologic examination. Conclusion: Chinese ink is potentially a novel type of dye tracer in SLN biopsy. 展开更多
关键词 breast cancer sentinel lymph node biopsy DYE Chinese ink RABBIT
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