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王光祈与《SINICA》 被引量:3
作者 王勇 《音乐艺术(上海音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期21-27,共7页
通过作者在德国学习期间对于第一手资料的收集、整理、翻译和分析,记述了王光祈与德国汉学核心刊物《SINICA》的关系,对于他当时所处的环境、在《SINICA》上发表的4篇文章、德国汉学大师卫礼贤及法兰克福中国研究院等还不为中国音乐学... 通过作者在德国学习期间对于第一手资料的收集、整理、翻译和分析,记述了王光祈与德国汉学核心刊物《SINICA》的关系,对于他当时所处的环境、在《SINICA》上发表的4篇文章、德国汉学大师卫礼贤及法兰克福中国研究院等还不为中国音乐学者了解的一些情况,做了较为详尽的论述。 展开更多
关键词 王光祈 卫礼贤(Richard Wilhelm) 德国汉学 sinica 法兰克福中国研究院 《王光祈旅德存稿》
盐度和温度对中华虎头蟹(Orithyia sinica)存活和摄饵的影响 被引量:26
作者 廖永岩 吴蕾 +1 位作者 蔡凯 潘传豪 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期627-639,共13页
进行盐度和温度对中华虎头蟹存活和摄饵影响的试验,结果发现,盐度骤变时,盐度15—408d后蟹存活率100%。盐度10—45蟹能摄饵,日平均摄饵量达1.31g以上;盐度20—40是蟹适宜摄饵盐度,日平均摄饵量达3.65g以上;盐度30—35蟹摄饵... 进行盐度和温度对中华虎头蟹存活和摄饵影响的试验,结果发现,盐度骤变时,盐度15—408d后蟹存活率100%。盐度10—45蟹能摄饵,日平均摄饵量达1.31g以上;盐度20—40是蟹适宜摄饵盐度,日平均摄饵量达3.65g以上;盐度30—35蟹摄饵最佳,日平均摄饵量达5.24g以上。盐度渐变时,盐度15—55蟹8d后存活100%;盐度5—50蟹能摄饵;盐度25—35为蟹摄饵适宜盐度,日平均摄饵量达4.13g以上;盐度30为最佳盐度,日平均摄饵量达4.53g。温度骤变时,10—30℃7d后蟹100%存活。10—35℃蟹能摄饵,日平均摄饵量达1.10g以上;20—30℃蟹摄饵最佳,日平均摄饵量逐渐增加,达8.76g以上。温度渐变时,0—30℃蟹7d后100%存活,35℃蟹存活率达80%。10—35℃蟹能摄饵;20—30℃蟹摄饵较佳,日平均摄饵量达12.61g以上;250C蟹摄饵最佳,13平均摄饵量达14.35g。 展开更多
关键词 中华虎头蟹 盐度 温度 存活 摄饵
福建省沿海鱚属(Sillago)鱼类新纪录种--中国鱚(Sillago sinica Gao and Xue,2011) 被引量:7
作者 李渊 张丽艳 +4 位作者 宋普庆 钟指挥 张然 高天翔 林龙山 《应用海洋学学报》 CAS CSCD 2014年第4期546-552,共7页
本研究报道了在福建省晋江和厦门近海采集到的新记录种——中国鱚,将其分布区向南延伸至福建省沿海,并对采集到的中国鱚进行形态特征的重新描述,及扩增其DNA条形码.中国鱚的主要鉴别特征为:第一背鳍鳍膜具不规则的、呈弥散状的黑色斑点... 本研究报道了在福建省晋江和厦门近海采集到的新记录种——中国鱚,将其分布区向南延伸至福建省沿海,并对采集到的中国鱚进行形态特征的重新描述,及扩增其DNA条形码.中国鱚的主要鉴别特征为:第一背鳍鳍膜具不规则的、呈弥散状的黑色斑点,由前往后逐渐稀疏;第二背鳍沿鳍条具3~4行规则的黑色斑点;侧线上鳞数为6~7;脊椎骨数为37~39.结合Gen Bank中鱚属鱼类的同源序列进行比对研究,结果显示本研究采集到的中国鱚与中国鱚模式种聚类到一起,并与其余种类明显分开,在遗传距离和氨基酸水平上与其他种类产生了明显地分化,进一步证明了DNA条形码能高效快速的鉴别鱚属鱼类.本研究为鱚属鱼类分类与研究提供理论基础,通过调查发现中国鱚主要分布在有大量淡水注入的河口区,南至韩国光阳沿海,北至中国福建省沿海,数量较少并不能形成渔汛. 展开更多
关键词 海洋生物学 中国鱚 鱚属 新记录种 DNA条形码
中华微蛾(Sinopticula sinica Yang)触角感器的扫描电镜观察 被引量:7
作者 高素红 吉志新 +3 位作者 王长青 秦素萍 赵春明 余金咏 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第7期3499-3502,共4页
[目的]系统观察中华微蛾的触角感器。[方法]从河北省昌黎县碣石山上采集若干只未羽化成虫的虫瘿,采用扫描电镜对培养羽化后的中华微蛾成虫的触角形态和感器进行观察。[结果]中华微蛾触角38节,与体等长,丝状,密披刚毛。触角感器共有8种,... [目的]系统观察中华微蛾的触角感器。[方法]从河北省昌黎县碣石山上采集若干只未羽化成虫的虫瘿,采用扫描电镜对培养羽化后的中华微蛾成虫的触角形态和感器进行观察。[结果]中华微蛾触角38节,与体等长,丝状,密披刚毛。触角感器共有8种,分别为毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、锥形乳头状感器、芽形感器、指形感器、鳞形感器和镰刀形感器。其中,毛形感器具有3种类型;刺形感器、锥形感器和指形感器有2种类型;锥形乳头状感器、芽形感器、鳞形感器和镰刀形感器各具1种感器类型。雌、雄个体之间触角感器的类型、分布基本相同,仅在数量上有些差异。不同感器在触角各节上的数量、长度和分布各有不同。[结论]该研究为探索控制中华微蛾的新途径提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 中华微蛾 触角 感器 超微结构
中华结缕草(Zoysia sinica Hance)组织培养和再生植株研究 被引量:3
作者 韦善君 孙振元 +2 位作者 钱永强 余龙江 韩蕾 《武汉植物学研究》 CAS CSCD 2004年第5期455-458,共4页
以中华结缕草(ZoysiasinicaHance)成熟种子为外植体在附加2.5mg/L2,4-D、0.25mg/L6-BA和1~2mg/LVB1的改良MS培养基(MSm)上愈伤组织的诱导率最高为43.0%。愈伤组织的最佳继代培养基为MSm附加0.1mg/L6-BA和2.0mg/L2,4-D。在无生长调节物... 以中华结缕草(ZoysiasinicaHance)成熟种子为外植体在附加2.5mg/L2,4-D、0.25mg/L6-BA和1~2mg/LVB1的改良MS培养基(MSm)上愈伤组织的诱导率最高为43.0%。愈伤组织的最佳继代培养基为MSm附加0.1mg/L6-BA和2.0mg/L2,4-D。在无生长调节物质的MS培养基(MS0)上,外观呈白色到淡黄色、含有密实颗粒的愈伤组织再生率为30%~60%。 展开更多
关键词 中华结缕草 成熟胚 愈伤组织 植株再生
枸杞木虱(Paratrioza sinica Yang et Li)有效积温和发育起点温度的室内测定 被引量:5
作者 张宗山 杜玉宁 沈瑞清 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期67-69,共3页
枸杞木虱是枸杞生产中4种严重害虫之一,在室内测定了枸杞木虱各虫态及整个世代有效积温和发育起点温度:卵期有效积温为90.2日度,发育起点温度为(7.2±2.4)℃;幼虫期的有效积温为291.8日度,发育起点温度为(8.4±2.9)℃;整个世代... 枸杞木虱是枸杞生产中4种严重害虫之一,在室内测定了枸杞木虱各虫态及整个世代有效积温和发育起点温度:卵期有效积温为90.2日度,发育起点温度为(7.2±2.4)℃;幼虫期的有效积温为291.8日度,发育起点温度为(8.4±2.9)℃;整个世代有效积温为547.6日度,发育起点温度为(7.9±2.0)℃。宁夏地区的年发生理论代数为3~4代,与实际观察结果基本吻合。 展开更多
关键词 枸杞木虱 有效积温 发育起点温度
温度对中国卤虫(Artemia sinica)种群的影响 被引量:8
作者 贾沁贤 庄玲 +1 位作者 周望舒 杨孟科 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第3期312-318,共7页
本文采用生命表和数值模型分析等方法,对中国卤虫(Artemiasinica)的温度特性做了研究。1.孵化发育起始温度9.07℃,幼虫发育起始温度9.07℃。有效积温(℃·d)前者为0.921±0.979,后者... 本文采用生命表和数值模型分析等方法,对中国卤虫(Artemiasinica)的温度特性做了研究。1.孵化发育起始温度9.07℃,幼虫发育起始温度9.07℃。有效积温(℃·d)前者为0.921±0.979,后者为205.26±24.1,平均世代有效积温458.4±39.6。2.各项生命表参数均与温度呈显著的函数关系,其适温范围基本介于18─34℃,最适点介于26.5─28.5℃,种群增长倍数>2的温度范围在18─34℃。3.在山西盐池水域,该卤虫的年世代数为6.2±0.62个世代、第2─5个世代是种群生产力高峰期。在此期间种群的加倍时间<15d.内禀增长率>0.04d ̄(-1)。 展开更多
关键词 卤虫 温度 种群
Reproductive biology of Magnolia sinica(Magnoliaecea),a threatened species with extremely small populations in Yunnan,China 被引量:4
作者 Ye Chen Gao Chen +1 位作者 Jing Yang Weibang Sun 《Plant Diversity》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期253-258,共6页
Magnolia sinica is one of the most threatened trees endemic to Southeast Yunnan.Based on our investigations,only 52 individuals and eight populations are found in the wild.M.sinica has been categorized as Critically E... Magnolia sinica is one of the most threatened trees endemic to Southeast Yunnan.Based on our investigations,only 52 individuals and eight populations are found in the wild.M.sinica has been categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List and identified as a "Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations(PSESP)".Its fruit/seed set is very low and seedlings are rarely found in the wild.It is hypothesized that it may encounter obstacles to reproductive success.This study,therefore,focuses on its reproductive biology,knowledge of which is essential for effective conservation.Flowers of this species are protogynous and nocturnal,and possess a two-day rhythm of sexual presentation.For the first night of anthesis,the flowers are in the pistillate stage during which tepals open at dusk and close approx.1 h later(except for the open outer ones).They remain closed until the next afternoon,when flowers,now in the staminate stage,re-open and remain so until the tepals drop.Nocturnal beetles enter into the flowers and remain trapped throughout the night as the flower closes,during which time they feed on tepals.Pollen-gathering bees are found to visit the re-opened flowers and the beetles are released during this stage.Two species of Pleocomidae and Curculionidae beetles appear to be effective pollinators.M.sinica is a self-compatible,pollinator-dependent species,and its fruit/seed set can be significantly increased by hand-pollination.No functional seed dispersers have been found in its extant natural habitats.These findings suggest that it may face both pollination and seed disperser insufficiencies in its current fragmented habitats,which may account for its low regeneration.Here we propose conservation strategies based on our findings. 展开更多
关键词 Magnolia sinica PSESP Flowering process POLLINATION Seed dispersal GERMINATION
蒙古族利用草麻黄(Ephedra sinica Stapf)资源的民族植物学研究 被引量:3
作者 哈斯巴根 苏亚拉图 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 1996年第2期58-60,共3页
关键词 蒙古族 草麻黄 民族植物学
A new tetrastilbene from Caragana sinica 被引量:4
作者 Ke Jun Cheng Da You Ma Guo Xun Yang Chang Qi Hu 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期711-715,共5页
A new tetrastilbene named carasinol D (1) was isolated from the roots of Caragana sinica. Its structure was elucidated by spectroscopic analysis. Compound 1 was obtained from carasinol B (2) by an acid-catalyzed c... A new tetrastilbene named carasinol D (1) was isolated from the roots of Caragana sinica. Its structure was elucidated by spectroscopic analysis. Compound 1 was obtained from carasinol B (2) by an acid-catalyzed conversion. 展开更多
关键词 Caragana sinica STILBENOIDS Carasinol D Carasinol B
Effect of regional warming on the abundance of P seudeuphausia sinica Wang et Chen(Euphausiacea)off the Changjiang River(Yangtze River)Estuary 被引量:4
作者 GAO Qian XU Zhaoli 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期122-128,共7页
Distribution and abundance of Pseudeuphausia sinica off the Changjiang River Estuary (30 ° 00′ – 32 ° 00′ N, 122 ° 00′ –123 ° 30 ′E), the East China Sea were studied in relation to environm... Distribution and abundance of Pseudeuphausia sinica off the Changjiang River Estuary (30 ° 00′ – 32 ° 00′ N, 122 ° 00′ –123 ° 30 ′E), the East China Sea were studied in relation to environmental features associated with the regional warming. P. sinica is a subtropical species. Off the Changjiang River Estuary, its abundance reached maximum in summer. To examine spatial and temporal changes of P. sinica off the Changjiang River Estuary, the authors have combined all available sampling data in 1979, 1981, and 2000–2007. This database shows that a significant increase in abundances of P. sinica was observed in spring of 2000–2007 as compared with 1979, 1981. The abundance of P. sinica increased from 0.18–0.21 ind./m 3 in 1979 and 1981 to 0.68–4.00 ind./m 3 in 2000–2007. Accordingly, the sea temperature increased obviously from spring of 1979, 1981 to the 2000s. The authors further found a positive relationship between average surface temperature and average abundance of P. sinica. Regional warming, together with the release of predator induced stress due to a sharp decline in the abundance of its predator (e.g., fishes), were thought to be responsible for the increase in abundance of P. sinica in water off the Changjiang River Estuary. 展开更多
关键词 Changjiang River (Yangtze River) Estuary East China Sea Pseudeuphausia sinica temperature adaptation ZOOPLANKTON
枸杞木虱Paratrioza sinica Yang&Li若虫分泌物中氨基酸的分析 被引量:5
作者 段立清 冯淑军 +1 位作者 尹凤民 马青枝 《内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2004年第1期64-67,共4页
 枸杞木虱ParatriozasinicaYang&Li若虫分泌物对其寄生蜂有明显的引诱作用,为深入研究其引诱机制,作者采用日立835-50型氨基酸自动分析仪对枸杞木虱若虫分泌物中氨基酸及游离氨基酸的种类和相对含量进行了分析。结果表明在枸杞木虱若...  枸杞木虱ParatriozasinicaYang&Li若虫分泌物对其寄生蜂有明显的引诱作用,为深入研究其引诱机制,作者采用日立835-50型氨基酸自动分析仪对枸杞木虱若虫分泌物中氨基酸及游离氨基酸的种类和相对含量进行了分析。结果表明在枸杞木虱若虫分泌物中含氨基酸16种、游离氨基酸15种,游离氨基酸中不含精氨酸。氨基酸中以天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸含量高,游离氨基酸中以苏氨酸、谷氨酸含量高。 展开更多
关键词 枸杞木虱 若虫 分泌物 氨基酸 寄生蜂 引诱机制 种类分析 含量分析 枸杞木虱啮小蜂
Relationship between rooting ability and endogenous phytohormone changes in successive continuous generation cuttings of Buxus sinica var. parvifolia, an endangered woody species in China 被引量:7
作者 Huang Yan Ji Kong-shu Zhai Jin-ru 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2007年第3期189-197,共9页
The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of successive continuous generation (SCG) cuttings of Buxus sinica var. parvifolia on the rejuvenation of ortets at the hormone level, detect levels of in... The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of successive continuous generation (SCG) cuttings of Buxus sinica var. parvifolia on the rejuvenation of ortets at the hormone level, detect levels of indoleacetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), isopentenyladenosine (iPA), zeatin riboside (ZR) and gibberellin4 (GA4) during the rooting process of different generations by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology and statistically analyze the rooting characteristics of cuttings. The results show that, the root systems of subsequent generations (generation 1998, 2000) developed satisfactorily, only a few initial generation (generation 1990, 1994) cuttings rooted and the root growth was inhibited. Around the period of callus formation and root projection through the epidermis, there was a marked, regular variation in the levels of IAA, ABA and GA4 between the initial generations and subsequent generations. 展开更多
关键词 Buxus sinica var. parvifolia PHYTOHORMONES successive continuous generation cutting REJUVENATION
Structural Characterization of Lignins Isolated from Caragana sinica Using FT-IR and NMR Spectroscopy 被引量:3
作者 XIAO Ling-ping SHI Zheng-jun +2 位作者 XU Feng SUN Run-cang Amar K Mohanty 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期2369-2376,共8页
In order to efficiently explore and use woody biomass,six lignin fractions were isolated from dewaxed Caragana sinica via successive extraction with organic solvents and alkaline solutions.The lignin structures were c... In order to efficiently explore and use woody biomass,six lignin fractions were isolated from dewaxed Caragana sinica via successive extraction with organic solvents and alkaline solutions.The lignin structures were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) and 1D and 2D Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR).FT-IR spectra revealed that the "core" of the lignin structure did not significantly change during the treatment under the conditions given.The results of 1H and 13C NMR demonstrated that the lignin fraction L2,isolated with 70% ethanol containing 1% NaOH,was mainly composed of β-O-4 ether bonds together with G and S units and trace p-hydroxyphenyl unit.Based on the 2D HSQC NMR spectrum,the ethanol organosolv lignin fraction L1,extracted with 70% ethanol,presents a predominance of β-O-4′ aryl ether linkages(61% of total side chains),and a low abundance of condensed carbon-carbon linked structures(such as ββ′,β-1′,and β-5′) and a lower S/G ratio.Furthermore,a small percentage(ca.9%) of the linkage side chain was found to be acylated at the γ-carbon. 展开更多
关键词 Caragana sinica LIGNIN Structural characterization FT-IR NMR
Comment on"A new discovery of the Early Cretaceous supercritical hyperpycnal flow deposits on Lingshan Island,East China"by Yang Tian et al.in Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition),2017,91(2):749-750 被引量:9
作者 TAN Mingxuan ZHU Xiaomin LIU Wei 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期1944-1945,共2页
Yang Tian et al.(2017)recognize bed-load-dominated and suspended-load-dominated hyperpycnites in the Beilaishi section,but we maintain that only Fig.1b is well consistent with their descriptions.The interface existi... Yang Tian et al.(2017)recognize bed-load-dominated and suspended-load-dominated hyperpycnites in the Beilaishi section,but we maintain that only Fig.1b is well consistent with their descriptions.The interface existing in the lower part separates it into two thin-bedded grading deposits then with climbing ripples in Fig. 展开更多
关键词 in Acta Geologica sinica English Edition
Chemical constituents from Munronia sinica and their bioactivities 被引量:4
作者 Xiao-Li LI Qiu-Xia HE +3 位作者 Feng-Lei ZHANG Yan-Li ZHAO Ke-Chun LIU Si-Ping JIANG 《Natural Products and Bioprospecting》 CAS 2012年第2期76-80,共5页
Two new minor constituents,musinisins A(1)and B(2),together with five known compounds(3-7),were isolated from the aerial parts of Munronia sinica.Their structures were established by means of spectroscopic methods and... Two new minor constituents,musinisins A(1)and B(2),together with five known compounds(3-7),were isolated from the aerial parts of Munronia sinica.Their structures were established by means of spectroscopic methods and the absolute stereochemistry of 1 was determined by single crystal X-ray experiment.Compound 4 showed antiangiogenic activity evaluated by a zebrafish model and apoptosis-inducing effect on A549 lung cancer cells. 展开更多
关键词 Munronia sinica chemical constituent musinisin antiangiogenic activity
《金属学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期J0019-J0028,共10页
关键词 308 HE JUN ACTA METALLURGICA sinica Vol.45 2009 AUTHOR INDEX LIN 作者索引 李树 金属学报 NG 王宝 MA
石灰岩树种菜豆树(Radermacherasinica(Hance)Hemsl.)根的解剖研究初报 被引量:3
作者 潘国兴 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1995年第3期71-75,共5页
关键词 菜豆树 解剖 石灰岩地 造林 树种
A New Flavonol Glycoside from Anaphalis sinica Hance 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Yi ZHANG Guo-lin +1 位作者 LI Bo-gang CHEN Yao-zu 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期48-50,共3页
A new flavonol glycoside, 5,7,3,4 tetrahydroxy 3 methoxyflavonol 3 O β D glucopyranoside(1) was isolated along with quercetin(2), quercetin 3 O α L rhamnopyranoside(3), quercetin 3 O β D ... A new flavonol glycoside, 5,7,3,4 tetrahydroxy 3 methoxyflavonol 3 O β D glucopyranoside(1) was isolated along with quercetin(2), quercetin 3 O α L rhamnopyranoside(3), quercetin 3 O β D glucopyranoside(4) and kaempferol 3 O β D (6' O p coumaroyl) glucopyranoside(5) from Anaphalis sinica Hance. Their structures were determined on the basis of spectral data(MS, UV, IR, 1H and 13 C NMR). The structure of compound 1 was confirmed by X ray crystallographic analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Anaphalis sinica Hance Compositae 5 7 3' 4' Tetrahydroxy 3 methoxyflavonol 3' O β D glucopyranoside X ray crystallography
Identification of Two Cold Water-Soluble Polysaccharides from the Stems of Ephedra sinica Stapf 被引量:4
作者 Yonggang Xia Jun Liang +2 位作者 Bingyou Yang Qiuhong Wang Haixue Kuang 《Chinese Medicine》 2010年第3期63-68,共6页
Two polysaccharides (ESP-A1 and ESP-A2) were isolated from the cold water extract of Ephedra sinica Stapf and purified through ethanol precipitation, deproteinization and by ion exchange and gel-filtration chromatogra... Two polysaccharides (ESP-A1 and ESP-A2) were isolated from the cold water extract of Ephedra sinica Stapf and purified through ethanol precipitation, deproteinization and by ion exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. Their molecular weight was determined using high performance size exclusion chromatog-raphy and evaporative light scattering detector (HPSEC-ELSD) and their monosaccharide composition was analyzed by high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) based on pre-column derivatization with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP). It was shown that ESP-A1 consisted of xylose, arabinose, glucose, mannose and galactose and ESP-A2 consisted of xylose, arabinose, rhamnose and galactose, in a molar ratio (%) of 3.2: 61.1: 11.1: 12.9: 11.6 and 20.6: 67.7: 5.0: 6.7, respectively. The molecular weights (Mw) of ESP-A1 and ESP-A2 were 5.83 × 104 Da and more than 200 × 104 Da, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, two neutral polysaccharides are now being reported for the first time in this study. 展开更多
关键词 EPHEDRA sinica Stapf POLYSACCHARIDES Isolation and PURIFICATION Molecular Weight MONOSACCHARIDE Composition
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