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Seminar on Sino-German Economic Development 被引量:1
作者 By Song Chengyu 《International Understanding》 1997年第2期17-18,共2页
SeminaronSino-GermanEconomicDevelopmentBySongChengyuOnthebasisoflongtermcooperatin,theChineseAssociationfori... SeminaronSino-GermanEconomicDevelopmentBySongChengyuOnthebasisoflongtermcooperatin,theChineseAssociationforinternationalUnder... 展开更多
关键词 Seminar on sino-german Economic Development
Dialogue on an Equal Footing Promotes Understanding, Strengthens Cooperation and Advances Human Rights --Reflections on Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights
《International Understanding》 2000年第4期4-5,共2页
关键词 Reflections on sino-german Seminar on Human Rights Strengthens Cooperation and Advances Human Rights Dialogue on an Equal Footing Promotes Understanding
Speech at the Fourth Sino-German Symposium on Human Rights
《International Understanding》 2002年第3期25-27,共3页
关键词 In Speech at the Fourth sino-german Symposium on Human Rights
EMPLOYMENT:AMATTER OF GENERAL SOLICITUDE—Notes of a Sino-German Seminar on Employment
《International Understanding》 1998年第Z1期17-19,共3页
Withcontinuouschangesinthemodeofproductionandpeople’slifestyle,employmenthasbecomeanisueofcommonconcern,dr... Withcontinuouschangesinthemodeofproductionandpeople’slifestyle,employmenthasbecomeanisueofcommonconcern,drawingmoreandmorea... 展开更多
The Fourth Sino-German Symposium on Human Rights held in Stuttgart,Germany
《International Understanding》 2002年第3期12-12,共1页
关键词 The Fourth sino-german Symposium on Human Rights held in Stuttgart Germany
A Dedicated Gardener for the Blossoming of Sino-German S&T Cooperation——In Memory of Prof. Uli Schwarz
作者 ZHAO Rujiang, HAN Jing and QIAN Keyang 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2007年第1期27-34,共8页
On the afternoon of 21 December, 2006, Uli Schwarz, professor emeritus of the German Max Planck Society (MPG) and founding director of the CAS Shanghai Institute for Advanced Stud-
关键词 In Memory of Prof CAS Uli Schwarz A Dedicated Gardener for the Blossoming of sino-german S&T Cooperation
作者 Xu Ying and Zhang Yongyuan(State Key Laboratory of Fresh Water Ecology & Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology of the CAS, Wuhan) 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 1995年第2期203-205,共3页
China has a huge population with relatively poor freshwater resources.With the development of industry and the explosion of its urban population,a great deal of industrial waste water containing various chemicals and ... China has a huge population with relatively poor freshwater resources.With the development of industry and the explosion of its urban population,a great deal of industrial waste water containing various chemicals and untreated urban sewage has been discharged into rivers and lakes and caused severe contamination of many freshwater resources.The deterioration of the aquatic environment has affected the quality of drinking water, fishery and agricultural irrigation.It is estimated that by the 21st century,there will be a shortage of freshwater resources,which arc indispensable to human life, and the future shortage of freshwater 展开更多
Strengthening International Cooperation, Working for World Human Rights Development——Speech at the opening ceremony of the 12th Sino-German Human Rights Symposium, July 13, 2014
作者 Cui Yuying 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2014年第5期2-4,共3页
The 12th Sino-German Human Rights Symposium opened today in Beijing. On behalf of the State Council Information Office, I would like to express my warmest con- gratulations on the opening of the forum, extend my welco... The 12th Sino-German Human Rights Symposium opened today in Beijing. On behalf of the State Council Information Office, I would like to express my warmest con- gratulations on the opening of the forum, extend my welcome to Ms. Herta Daeubler-Gmelin and other German friends and my gratitude to symposium organizers and all participants for your long-term contribution to communication and exchange in human rights between China and Germany. 展开更多
关键词 Strengthening International Cooperation Speech at the opening ceremony of the 12th sino-german Human Rights Symposium Working for World Human Rights Development July 13
Appropriate Attitude and Principle for Strengthening Human Rights Protection——Speech at the opening ceremony of the 12th Sino-German Human Rights Symposium, July 13, 2014
作者 Huang Mengfu 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2014年第5期4-6,共3页
Since 1999, there have been 11 Sino-German Human Rights symposiums. Due to the concept of peace and development and the principle of dialogue through consultation, non- confrontation and pragmatism with equality, whic... Since 1999, there have been 11 Sino-German Human Rights symposiums. Due to the concept of peace and development and the principle of dialogue through consultation, non- confrontation and pragmatism with equality, which have been upheld by organizers, such symposiums have made great achievements. The dialogue mechanism for human rights topics between China and Germany has helped construct a common, accessible and interactive platform for pushing forward human rights legal advancement in both countries, which has brought about a positive influence on the develop- ment of the human rights cause in the two countries. Strengthening legal construction and ensuring hu- man rights are not only the shared aspiration of all the people in the world, but also the irreversible his- torical trend of human civilization. The symposium, with the theme of international law and human rights protection, encourages participants to discuss and share theories and practices in human rights studies, which makes a significant contribu- tion to enriching the modern human rights concept and building a new type of international cooperation. The international community always pays great attention to the relation- ship between human rights and legal governance. China always abides by international human rights con- ventions including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which set up fundamental principles for promoting and ensuring human rights, and has endorsed 26 inter- national human rights conventions such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Meanwhile, China, through legislation, jurisdiction and admin- istration, brings into full play the active role of international human rights conventions in ensuring hu- man rights in the country. 展开更多
关键词 Appropriate Attitude and Principle for Strengthening Human Rights Protection July 13 Speech at the opening ceremony of the 12th sino-german Human Rights Symposium
Sino-German Human Rights Symposium Held in Beijing
作者 STAFF REPORTER 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2014年第5期29-29,共1页
The 12th Sino-German Human Rights Symposium was held from July 13 to 14 in Beijing, with a theme of international law and human fights protection. Chinese and German participants at the symposium discussed internation... The 12th Sino-German Human Rights Symposium was held from July 13 to 14 in Beijing, with a theme of international law and human fights protection. Chinese and German participants at the symposium discussed international legal protection for sovereignty and civil fights, and co- ordination between international human rights conventions and national laws in respective countries, exchanged their views in a candid method and reached extensive consensus on related issues. 展开更多
关键词 sino-german Human Rights Symposium Held in Beijing
作者 刘峰 都妍美 +2 位作者 周楠 张云龙 孙会扬 《模具制造》 2024年第4期118-120,共3页
聚焦于中德合作办学背景下的高职院校智能制造专业群人才培养机制。首先阐述了加强中德合作、发展智能制造专业群人才培养的重要性。随后,分析了智能制造专业群的内涵与发展。最后,提出了相应的对策,如加强资源设施共享、课程体系和教... 聚焦于中德合作办学背景下的高职院校智能制造专业群人才培养机制。首先阐述了加强中德合作、发展智能制造专业群人才培养的重要性。随后,分析了智能制造专业群的内涵与发展。最后,提出了相应的对策,如加强资源设施共享、课程体系和教学方法的同步融合、提升师资队伍能力以及文化语言融合策略,以优化人才培养过程。 展开更多
关键词 中德合作 智能制造 高职院校 人才培养
作者 郭婧 孙萌 《天津外国语大学学报》 2024年第2期55-68,112,共15页
人文交流是国际关系的重要内容。中德人文交流经历了关系起步、快速发展、全面升级、波折前进四个发展阶段,具有对等性、互补性、可持续性的总体特征,在两国政治、经济、文化的影响下发生动态变化。在当今纷繁复杂的国际局势下,为进一... 人文交流是国际关系的重要内容。中德人文交流经历了关系起步、快速发展、全面升级、波折前进四个发展阶段,具有对等性、互补性、可持续性的总体特征,在两国政治、经济、文化的影响下发生动态变化。在当今纷繁复杂的国际局势下,为进一步发挥人文交流的重要作用,中德双方还需加强人文交流的长期规划,并将其落实落细,注重突出中德文化的共通点,强化德国对华认知中的积极因素。 展开更多
关键词 中德关系 人文交流 历时演进 发展特征 影响因素
作者 余娟 《中外能源》 CAS 2024年第4期10-16,共7页
欧盟碳边境调节机制已正式实施,其目的是通过经济手段减少欧盟企业因履行碳排放要求而削弱的国际竞争力。首批纳入管理的高碳行业包括电力、钢铁、水泥、化肥、铝和氢。中德两国保持着良好的贸易合作关系,德国是中国在欧洲的最大贸易伙... 欧盟碳边境调节机制已正式实施,其目的是通过经济手段减少欧盟企业因履行碳排放要求而削弱的国际竞争力。首批纳入管理的高碳行业包括电力、钢铁、水泥、化肥、铝和氢。中德两国保持着良好的贸易合作关系,德国是中国在欧洲的最大贸易伙伴,欧盟碳边境调节机制的实施,势必对中德两国贸易产生巨大影响。对2015~2023年每年10月份中国对德相关行业出口数据进行统计和分析,电力和氢没有出口,化肥出口各年同期数据稳定且总量不大,水泥行业是唯一在2023年同期实现出口增长的行业,钢铁和铝及其制品行业的出口数据与当月对德出口总值呈正比,而受影响最大的是钢铁制品行业。欧盟碳边境调节机制对中德跨境贸易的影响,表现在经济上,增加了中国原材料生产企业的经济负担;监管上,还有待中国碳排放权交易市场将钢铁等纳入管理后,中德两国建立有条件的互认机制;市场结构上导致中德贸易规模萎缩;而在技术上,工业行业的技术升级则势在必行。建议中国政府应扩大绿色低碳生产的补贴范围,加快建立全国统一的碳排放权交易市场,强化技术创新推动钢铁行业的脱碳进程。 展开更多
关键词 碳边境调节机制 中德跨境贸易 高碳行业 碳交易 钢铁行业 脱碳
作者 幸宇 宁永红 《职教发展研究》 2024年第1期57-65,共9页
相较于德国校企双主体育人所呈现的校企合作主动性、积极性,教学和培养的衔接性,我国职业教育在双主体育人的过程中,企业自身所具有的育人主体性展现得不够鲜明,校企合作中呈现出工作领域与学习领域衔接不够紧密的问题。为推动现代职业... 相较于德国校企双主体育人所呈现的校企合作主动性、积极性,教学和培养的衔接性,我国职业教育在双主体育人的过程中,企业自身所具有的育人主体性展现得不够鲜明,校企合作中呈现出工作领域与学习领域衔接不够紧密的问题。为推动现代职业教育由产教融合向深层次发展、实现校企合作育人质量的提升,通过对中德职业教育校企双主体育人实施动因、运行及保障机制等方面实施差异性比较,挖掘企业职业育人主体地位呈现出的参与意识不强、参与要素有限、法律保障体系不健全等深层次原因,进而探讨我国企业育人主体地位的改进策略,全面落实推进产教深度融合的现实路径。 展开更多
关键词 中德职业教育 双主体育人 企业育人 课程调整 保障机制 比较研究
Sino-German Workshop on Energy Use of Biomass
作者 Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)Section of Energy Process Engineering & Conversion Technologies for Renewable Energies (EVUR)of Institute of Energy Engineering at Technical University of Berlin 《China Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第1期44-44,共1页
(Quoted from the 1Announcement and Call for Papers) The workshop is aimed at encouraging the use of biomass forenergy production and sustainable development, in particular, inthe field of China’s energy supply. In or... (Quoted from the 1Announcement and Call for Papers) The workshop is aimed at encouraging the use of biomass forenergy production and sustainable development, in particular, inthe field of China’s energy supply. In order to develop a sustain-able (economic, environmentally friendly and sound for futuregenerations) energy supply, pollution caused by emissions duringenergy generation needs to be reduced, and existing resources 展开更多
关键词 of as IS for with sino-german Workshop on Energy Use of Biomass on
Sino-German Workshop on Energy Utilization of Biomass
《China Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第6期273-274,共2页
关键词 of AS in sino-german Workshop on Energy Utilization of Biomass on for
Sino-German Workshop on Chemical and Physical Interactions between Particles and Fluids
《China Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期277-277,共1页
关键词 sino-german Workshop on Chemical and Physical Interactions between Particles and Fluids CAS
作者 JoachimWerther WeiGe +2 位作者 Ernst-UlrichHartge JinghaiLi WeiWang 《China Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期145-150,共6页
1. Introduction Supported by the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, and organized jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the German Research Foundation (DFG), the third Sino-Ger... 1. Introduction Supported by the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, and organized jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the German Research Foundation (DFG), the third Sino-German workshop on particle fluid systems was held on Oct. 24-31, 2004 in Beijing, China, following the two previous successful workshops held on Aug. 30-31,1999 in Hamburg, Germany (Li and Werther, Chem. Eng. Technol., 23(4), 378, 2000) and May 18-19, 2001 in Beijing, China (Li, Ge, Werther and Bruhns, Chem. Eng. Technol., 24(11), 1097, 2001). Thirty-one scientists from China, Germany, Japan and The Netherlands came together for interdisciplinary discussion over the core problem of multi-phase reaction systems in the name of "Chemical and Physical Interactions between Particles and Fluids". 展开更多
Preface Special Issue for“the 2nd Sino-German Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics”
作者 Carsten Carstensen,Humboldt University Rolf Rannacher,University of Heidelberg Zhongci Shi,Chinese Academy of Sciences Tao Tang,Hong Kong Baptist University 《Journal of Computational Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期115-115,共1页
The 2nd Sino-German Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics took place in Hangzhou, China, from October 9-13, 2007. The long list of senior Chinese numerical analysts who had spent a year or more somewhere i... The 2nd Sino-German Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics took place in Hangzhou, China, from October 9-13, 2007. The long list of senior Chinese numerical analysts who had spent a year or more somewhere in Germany as Humboldt fellows had led to the first Sino-German Workshop in Berlin held at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin in 2005. The particular purpose of the second German-Chinese Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics was to attract more junior Chinese scientists to the actual research activities in Germany. A summer school in Beijing on adaptive finite element methods with Carsten Carstensen and Roll Rannacher piror to the Hangzhou workshop underlined this activity to foster the collaboration of the new generations in the fields of computational and applied mathematics. This special issue reflects the present topics therein in both countries and can be summarised under five headings (i)-(v). 展开更多
关键词 Preface Special Issue for the 2nd sino-german Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics
Review on Sino-German Cooperation Projects on Sustainable Forest Management
作者 LEI Jingpin1 CHANG Ermei1 JIANG Zeping1 SHEN Suhua2 GUO Yufu2 1. Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, P.R.China 2. Interantional Cooperation Project Center, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100714, P.R.China 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2010年第4期42-52,共11页
Sino-German financial cooperation projects began in the 1980s, containing both technique and finance areas. Sino-German cooperation projects not only produced the significant eco-efficiency and economic benefits by ra... Sino-German financial cooperation projects began in the 1980s, containing both technique and finance areas. Sino-German cooperation projects not only produced the significant eco-efficiency and economic benefits by raising forest coverage, but also made Chinese forestry workers acquire new idea and technology of forestry. However, forestry infrastructure and technological information sevice are still imperfect, forestry policy is not suitable and follow-up funds are insufficient. The outcome and experience of Sino-German cooperation projects after 20 years were summarized through analysis the activities and social ecological benefits. Advanced forest management technology and improvement of forest management were introduced and capacity building was remarkably improved by implementing Sino-German financial cooperation projects. At last, the gaps appearing in the Sino-German cooperation were pointed out, and factors which constrained smooth implementation were analyzed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable forest management sino-german cooperation project
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