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Role of Immunostaining in Detecting Extra-Pattern and Subtle Lymphomatous Infiltration in Bone Marrow Biopsies of NHL Patients
作者 Noha Bassiouny Hassan Yasmin N. El Sakhawy Gehan M. Hamed 《Open Journal of Blood Diseases》 2018年第2期27-36,共10页
Introduction: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) enables the examination of a greater number of trephine biopsy levels and is helpful in determining additional scattered malignant cells. The aim of this study is to detect ext... Introduction: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) enables the examination of a greater number of trephine biopsy levels and is helpful in determining additional scattered malignant cells. The aim of this study is to detect extra-pattern and subtle lymphomatous infiltration in bone marrow biopsies using CD20 and CD3 immunostaining. Patients and Methods: This study was conducted on 100 newly diagnosed Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) patients. Their bone marrow trephine biopsies were assessed on routine histology [Hematoxylin and Eosin (H & E)], and were further subjected to IHC using CD20 and CD3. Results: Pattern of involvement by H & E was highlighted by IHC. It showed additional interstitial pattern in 9 cases, parasinusoidal streaks in one case and highlighted a patchy pattern in another case with interstitial involvement on H & E. IHC also detected subtle infiltrations on additional 5.5% cases compared with histology alone. It helped in differentiating reactive (12 cases) and malignant lymphoid infiltration (33 cases). Conclusion: CD20 and CD3 immunostaining performed routinely on bone marrow trephine biopsies has the ability to reveal extra-pattern of infiltration and improve detection of subtle lymphoid involvement. A combined procedure identifying several distinctive features, in particular histotopography and IHC, provides a promising way of discriminating reactive from neoplastic lymphoid infiltrates in bone marrow trephine biopsies. 展开更多
关键词 Immunohistochemistry (IHC) HEMATOXYLIN and EOSIN (H & E) NON-HODGKIN lymphoma (nhl)
Concomitant hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence and mantle cell lymphoma
作者 Liang Xue Da-Long Wan +3 位作者 Chen Hu Qing-Hong Ke Jie Zhou Yan Shen 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期434-437,共4页
To the Editor:Mantle cell lymphoma(MCL)is a rare subgroup of B-cell nonHodgkin’s lymphoma(NHL)that occurs in approximately 6%of NHL patients.Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis may promote hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)de... To the Editor:Mantle cell lymphoma(MCL)is a rare subgroup of B-cell nonHodgkin’s lymphoma(NHL)that occurs in approximately 6%of NHL patients.Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis may promote hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)development.Here,we report an even rarer case with coexisting HCC and MCL. 展开更多
关键词 lymphoma HEPATOCELLULAR nhl
改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案治疗儿童青少年伯基特淋巴瘤的疗效分析 被引量:9
作者 孙晓非 甄子俊 +9 位作者 刘冬耕 夏奕 向晓娟 陈晓勤 凌家瑜 郑磊 罗文标 林慧 何友兼 管忠震 《癌症》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1339-1343,共5页
背景与目的:伯基特淋巴瘤是高度恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤,进展快,常伴骨髓和中枢侵犯,死亡率高。CHOP方案疗效差,生存率低。伯基特淋巴瘤的最佳化疗方案仍需要积极探讨。本研究总结中山大学肿瘤防治中心近年来采用改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案治疗... 背景与目的:伯基特淋巴瘤是高度恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤,进展快,常伴骨髓和中枢侵犯,死亡率高。CHOP方案疗效差,生存率低。伯基特淋巴瘤的最佳化疗方案仍需要积极探讨。本研究总结中山大学肿瘤防治中心近年来采用改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案治疗儿童青少年伯基特淋巴瘤的疗效和生存率。方法:从1999年10月至2006年11月,31例20岁以下经病理确诊的伯基特淋巴瘤患者入组。年龄1.5~20岁,中位年龄5岁;男性20例(64.5%),女性11例(35.5%)。临床分期(StJude分期):Ⅰ期1例(3.2%),Ⅱ期6例(19.4%),Ⅲ期8例(25.8%),Ⅳ期16例(51.6%),Ⅲ/Ⅳ期患者占77.4%。根据临床分期、治疗反应和LDH水平,将患者分为低危组、中危组和高危组。采用改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案治疗,药物包括cyclophosphamide、vincristine、ifosfamide、etoposide、adriamycin、HD-methotrexate、vindesine、dexamethasone、cytarabine/HD-cytarabine和鞘内注射。结果:31例患者中1例于诱导前期死于肿瘤溶解综合征。30例可评价疗效。30例中25例(83.3%)完全缓解,3例(10.0%)部分缓解,2例(6.7%)进展。1例复发。治疗期间大部分患者发生Ⅲ/Ⅳ度骨髓抑制,经积极对症支持治疗可恢复,不影响下一疗程治疗。中位随访33个月(3~98个月),全组3年无事件生存率86.0%;Ⅰ/Ⅱ期100%,Ⅲ/Ⅳ期82.1%;低危组100%,中危组92.0%,高危组70.0%。结论:改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案可明显改善儿童青少年伯基特淋巴瘤的疗效和生存率,毒性可耐受,但需要在有经验的肿瘤中心和血液科中应用。 展开更多
关键词 伯基特淋巴瘤/化学疗法 B-nhl-BFM-90方案 儿童 青少年 疗效
CHOPE方案治疗侵袭性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)40例 被引量:9
作者 陆文斌 金建华 +4 位作者 顾小燕 王芳 李献文 张华 杨玉薇 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期151-153,共3页
目的:观察CHOPE方案治疗侵袭性NHL的近期疗效。方法:80例侵袭性NHL患者,分成对照组与治疗组,每组各40例。对照组为CHOP方案:CTX 750mg/m^2静脉注射,d1;VCR 1.4mg/m^2,静脉注射,d1;ADM 40mg/m^2,静脉注射,d1;强的松100mg/d,d1~5。治疗组... 目的:观察CHOPE方案治疗侵袭性NHL的近期疗效。方法:80例侵袭性NHL患者,分成对照组与治疗组,每组各40例。对照组为CHOP方案:CTX 750mg/m^2静脉注射,d1;VCR 1.4mg/m^2,静脉注射,d1;ADM 40mg/m^2,静脉注射,d1;强的松100mg/d,d1~5。治疗组为CHOPE方案:CHOP(同对照组)+VP-16 100mg/d,静脉滴注,d1~3。21天为1个周期,完成2个周期以上者做疗效评价。结果:治疗组40例患者中,CR 21例,PR 12例,NC 4例,PD 3例,总有效率(CR+PR)为82.5%。结论:CHOPE方案治疗侵袭性NHL的近期疗效满意,不良反应可耐受。 展开更多
关键词 侵袈性非霍奇金淋巴瘤 CHOPE方案 联合化疗
恶性淋巴瘤的肝脾侵犯──29例NHL尸体肝脾穿刺分析 被引量:5
作者 许立功 洪小南 唐惟瑜 《肿瘤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第6期455-457,共3页
本文介绍29例NHL尸体的肝脾穿刺研究。肝穿刺29例,肝侵犯率79.3%。脾穿刺26例。脾侵犯率76.9%。有肝脾肿大的病例肝或脾侵犯率分别为71.4%和90%,无肝脾肿大的病例,肝或脾侵犯率分别为80.0%和68.... 本文介绍29例NHL尸体的肝脾穿刺研究。肝穿刺29例,肝侵犯率79.3%。脾穿刺26例。脾侵犯率76.9%。有肝脾肿大的病例肝或脾侵犯率分别为71.4%和90%,无肝脾肿大的病例,肝或脾侵犯率分别为80.0%和68.75%。LDH显著升高和高热多见于肝侵犯病例。脾累及的病人常同时有肝累及,肝累及病人几乎均同时有脾累及。由于肝侵犯的证实,31%的病例分期上升。 展开更多
关键词 非何杰金淋巴瘤 肝侵犯 脾侵犯
EPOCH方案治疗复发耐药NHL临床疗效 被引量:2
作者 徐小红 杨磊 +4 位作者 季建美 宋诸臣 丛智荣 魏金芝 谭清和 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2008年第10期1760-1761,共2页
目的:评价EPOCH方案作为挽救方案的疗效及耐受性。方法:2004年6月至2006年12月应用EP-OCH方案治疗我院收治的复发耐药中高度恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)31例,每例至少接受过2个化疗方案的治疗,采用VP-1650mg/m2/d、ADM或THP10mg/m2/d、VCR0... 目的:评价EPOCH方案作为挽救方案的疗效及耐受性。方法:2004年6月至2006年12月应用EP-OCH方案治疗我院收治的复发耐药中高度恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)31例,每例至少接受过2个化疗方案的治疗,采用VP-1650mg/m2/d、ADM或THP10mg/m2/d、VCR0.4mg/m2/d持续静脉滴注第1-4天,CTX750mg/m2/d静推第6天,强的松60mg/m2/d口服第1-5天,21天为1个疗程。结果:评价疗效者31例,评价不良反应疗程数为67,总有效率54.9%,其中完全缓解6例(19.4%),部分缓解11例(35.5%)。不良反应为骨髓抑制,其他系统不良反应少见。结论:EPOCH作为复发耐药中高度恶性NHL的挽救化疗方案经济有效,毒性可耐受。通过持续静脉滴注的给药途径可能减低肿瘤细胞的耐药率和化学毒性。 展开更多
关键词 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 联合化疗 持续滴注
改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案治疗儿童青少年间变T细胞淋巴瘤的疗效分析 被引量:1
作者 孙晓非 甄子俊 +7 位作者 向晓娟 凌家瑜 彭柔君 夏奕 郑磊 罗文标 林慧 管忠震 《癌症》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期506-510,共5页
背景与目的:儿童青少年间变大细胞淋巴瘤侵袭性较强,最佳的治疗策略和方案仍需要探讨。本研究总结采用改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案治疗的儿童青少年间变T细胞淋巴瘤疗效和生存率,探讨该治疗方案的临床推广价值。方法:从2002年10月至2008年1月... 背景与目的:儿童青少年间变大细胞淋巴瘤侵袭性较强,最佳的治疗策略和方案仍需要探讨。本研究总结采用改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案治疗的儿童青少年间变T细胞淋巴瘤疗效和生存率,探讨该治疗方案的临床推广价值。方法:从2002年10月至2008年1月,18例16岁以下经病理确诊的初治间变T细胞淋巴瘤患者入组,采用改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案治疗,药物包括cyclophosphamide、vincristine、ifosfamide、etoposide、adriamycin、HD-methotrexate、vindesine、dexamethasone、cytarabine或HDcytarabine,同时每个疗程鞘内注射一次。结果:15例(83.3%)完全缓解(complete remission,CR),3例(16.7%)部分缓解(partial remission,PR),总有效率100%。中位随访31个月(4~68个月),全组3年无事件生存率(event-free survival,EFS)(87.4±8.4)%;Ⅰ/Ⅱ期患者为100%,Ⅲ/Ⅳ期患者为(85.1±9.7)%;低危组100%,中危组(88.9±10.5)%,高危组(80.0±17.9)%。治疗期间大部分患者发生Ⅲ/Ⅳ度骨髓抑制,积极对症支持治疗后均恢复。1例Ⅳ期患者CR后行自体造血干细胞移植生存至今。2例患者分别于停止治疗3个月和5个月后复发死亡。结论:改良B-NHL-BFM-90方案是治疗儿童青少年间变T细胞淋巴瘤的有效方案,其毒性患者可耐受,但需要在有经验的肿瘤中心和血液科中应用。 展开更多
关键词 淋巴瘤 化学疗法 B-nhl-BFM-90方案 儿童 青少年 疗效
EBER1/2、TNF-α与NHL组织坏死的相关性 被引量:2
作者 李德昌 郭瑞珍 +2 位作者 李百周 唐文台 肖庆邦 《实用癌症杂志》 2003年第3期237-239,共3页
目的 探讨EBV感染、TNF -α与非霍奇金淋巴瘤 (NHL )组织坏死的相关性。方法 将 12 4例NHL标本分为坏死组与无坏死组 ;分成NK/T、TCL、BCL 3种类型。采用原位杂交方法检测EBV编码的RNA (EBER 1/2 ) ,对EBER 1/2阳性标本采用免疫组织化... 目的 探讨EBV感染、TNF -α与非霍奇金淋巴瘤 (NHL )组织坏死的相关性。方法 将 12 4例NHL标本分为坏死组与无坏死组 ;分成NK/T、TCL、BCL 3种类型。采用原位杂交方法检测EBV编码的RNA (EBER 1/2 ) ,对EBER 1/2阳性标本采用免疫组织化学S -P法检测TNF -α水平。结果 坏死组 2 7例 ,无坏死组 97例 ;NK /T 2 3例、TCL 5 0例、BCL 5 1例。EBER1/2阳性率为 2 8.2 % ( 35 /12 4) ,其中坏死组阳性率为 85 .2 % ( 2 3/2 7) ,无坏死组为 12 .4% ( 12 /97) ,2组比较有非常显著性差异 ,P <0 .0 1。NK /T感染率为 5 2 .2 % ( 12 /2 3) ,TCL为 36.0 % ( 18/5 0 ) ,BCL为 9.8% ( 5 /5 1) ,NK/T、TCL与BCL比较有非常显著性差异 ,P <0 .0 1。TNF -α阳性率为 8.6% ( 3/35 ) ,且多呈弱阳性。结论 EBV感染 (EBER 1/2阳性 )主要见于NK /T和TCL ,与NHL组织坏死相关 ;TNF -α与NHL组织坏死无明显相关性 ; 展开更多
关键词 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 肿瘤组织坏死 EBV感染 肿瘤坏死因子 免疫组织化学 原位杂交
剂量调整B-NHL-BFM95方案治疗儿童非霍奇金淋巴瘤临床研究 被引量:2
作者 陈宁斌 吴晖 +8 位作者 陈英 杨瑜 何鸿鸣 陈道光 林剑扬 郑艳彬 邹思平 王杰松 陈秀容 《肿瘤基础与临床》 2016年第5期380-383,共4页
目的探讨改良B-NHL-BFM95方案治疗儿童非霍奇金淋巴瘤的临床疗效和毒副反应。方法入组20例经病理确诊的14岁以下非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者,均接受改良B-NHL-BFM95方案治疗,未行放疗。结果近期疗效:18例(90.0%)CR,2例(10.0%)PD。治疗期间... 目的探讨改良B-NHL-BFM95方案治疗儿童非霍奇金淋巴瘤的临床疗效和毒副反应。方法入组20例经病理确诊的14岁以下非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者,均接受改良B-NHL-BFM95方案治疗,未行放疗。结果近期疗效:18例(90.0%)CR,2例(10.0%)PD。治疗期间大部分患者出现Ⅲ、Ⅳ度骨髓抑制,经对症处理恢复正常,不影响下一步治疗。中位随访55个月,全组3 a无事件生存率80.0%,Ⅰ~Ⅱ期100.0%,Ⅲ~Ⅳ期60.0%;低危组100.0%,中危组85.7%,高危组50.0%。结论改良B-NHL-BFM-95方案治疗儿童非霍奇金淋巴瘤,特别是低、中危儿童非霍奇金淋巴瘤疗效显著,毒副反应可耐受。 展开更多
关键词 改良B-nhl-BFM95方案 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 疗效 毒副反应
作者 李娟 胡长路 +1 位作者 余元勋 施姗姗 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2007年第10期740-742,共3页
目的:通过观察B细胞性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(B-NHL)患者化疗过程中IgH基因重排的阴转情况,了解IgH基因重排能否作为适时的肿瘤分子水平缓解指标。方法:对20例B-NHL的初治患者于化疗前及化疗达到部分缓解及完全缓解后应用多聚酶链反应(PCR)进行... 目的:通过观察B细胞性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(B-NHL)患者化疗过程中IgH基因重排的阴转情况,了解IgH基因重排能否作为适时的肿瘤分子水平缓解指标。方法:对20例B-NHL的初治患者于化疗前及化疗达到部分缓解及完全缓解后应用多聚酶链反应(PCR)进行IgH基因重排检测;对10例非淋巴瘤的肿瘤患者在化疗前后行IgH基因重排检测;同期检测10例正常人。结果:20例初治B-NHL患者,化疗前18例检测到IgH基因单克隆型重排;化疗后7例达到完全缓解,6例达到部分缓解。18例阳性患者中,除1例化疗后达到完全缓解的患者IgH基因重排转阴外,余未变化。2例IgH基因单克隆型重排阴性的病例化疗后检测结果仍为阴性。对照组的肿瘤患者化疗前后外周血以及正常人外周血IgH基因单克隆重排均为阴性。结论:IgH基因单克隆型重排虽可以作为诊断B-NHL及检测微小残留病变的重要指标,但是肿瘤缓解后的短期内还不能作为适时的肿瘤分子水平缓解指标。 展开更多
关键词 IGH基因重排 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 多聚酶链反应 化学治疗
利妥昔单抗注射液联合CEOP方案治疗非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)复发的临床疗效及其安全性 被引量:1
作者 谢凤玲 《中外医疗》 2021年第18期8-12,共5页
目的分析利妥昔单抗注射液联合CEOP方案治疗非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)复发的临床疗效及其安全性。方法方便选取2017年1月—2020年1月该院收治的非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)复发患者80例为研究对象,随机单双数发分为对照组40例为CEOP方案治疗,观察组... 目的分析利妥昔单抗注射液联合CEOP方案治疗非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)复发的临床疗效及其安全性。方法方便选取2017年1月—2020年1月该院收治的非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)复发患者80例为研究对象,随机单双数发分为对照组40例为CEOP方案治疗,观察组患者40例接受利妥昔单抗注射液联合CEOP方案治疗,对比两种不同治疗方式下患者疾病治疗效果、安全性、疾病复发率。结果观察组患者治疗后总有效率的87.50%(35/40)高于对照组的67.50%(27/40),差异有统计学意义(χ^(2)=4.587,P<0.05);治疗前两组患者肿瘤标志物差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后观察组患者肿瘤标志物水平低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗前两组患者免疫功能指标以及C3、C4差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后两组患者IgA差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后观察组患者C3、C4指标低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者不良反应率为37.50%(15/40)和对照组的30.00%(12/40)比较差异无统计学意义(χ^(2)=0.503,P>0.05);与对照组相比,观察组患者生存期更长,且疾病复发率更低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论为非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)复发患者进行利妥昔单抗注射液联合CEOP方案治疗时可有效提升治疗效果,且安全性较高,有应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 利妥昔单抗注射液 CEOP方案 非霍奇金淋巴瘤(nhl)复发 低血压 复发率
中期^18F-FDG PET/CT显像对NHL疗效评估分析
作者 王相成 王春梅 +2 位作者 周伟娜 白侠 王雪梅 《浙江临床医学》 2015年第6期886-888,共3页
目的:探讨非霍奇金恶性淋巴瘤(NHL)化疗2周期后18F-FDG PET/CT显像对患者治疗疗效评估的价值。方法回顾性分析2007年5月至2012年10月113例行^18氟-氟脱氧葡萄糖(18F-FDG) PET/CT检查并经手术或活检证实为NHL患者的临床资料。结果7... 目的:探讨非霍奇金恶性淋巴瘤(NHL)化疗2周期后18F-FDG PET/CT显像对患者治疗疗效评估的价值。方法回顾性分析2007年5月至2012年10月113例行^18氟-氟脱氧葡萄糖(18F-FDG) PET/CT检查并经手术或活检证实为NHL患者的临床资料。结果73例患者经第一轮化疗后完全缓解。随访24个月,22例患者复发或进展。44例PET1阳性患者中25例治疗失败,69例PET1阴性患者中8例治疗失败。2个疗程化疗后行18F-FDG PET/CT的NHL患者,PET反应阳性组与阴性组3年无进展生存期(PFS)分别为56.8%和88.0%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.009),3年总生存期(OS)分别为64.9%和96%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.004)。43例NHL患者经6-8个疗程化疗后行18F-FDG PET/CT检查,CR组与PR组3年PFS分别为96%和53.8%,两组的3年OS分别为96%和53.8%,两组间3年PFS和3年OS比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。国际淋巴瘤工作组织疗效评价标准(IWC)判定的完全缓解(CR)和部分缓解(PR)组3年PFS分别为87.0%和60.0%(P=0.115),两组的3年OS分别为91.3%和73.3%(P=0.118),差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。IWC标准评价为PR与IWC+PET标准评价为CR两组患者的3年PFS、OS比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。当患者通过国际预后指数(IPI)分为低危组和高危组以及疾病的早晚期进行分析时,PET1结果仍与治疗结果密切相关。结论在NHL中,中期18F-FDG PET/CT结果可准确、独立地预测3年PFS。在NHL总体同亚组中,早期或晚期组,IPI低危和高危组,^18F-FDG中期阴性结果均可高度预测治疗效果。与IWC标准相比,修订的IWC+PET标准能更准确评价CR、PR及治疗无效患者,是一种更精确的疗效评价体系。 展开更多
关键词 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 ^18氟-氟脱氧葡萄糖-正电子发射计算机断层显像 分期 疗效
5例牙龈非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)的临床病理学特点 被引量:1
作者 卢松 唐峰 +1 位作者 陈字 戚向群 《复旦学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期494-497,共4页
目的报道5例原发于牙龈的非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin′s lymphoma,NHL),探讨其临床病理特点及预后转归情况。方法分析5例牙龈NHL的临床特点,组织病理学类型及特点,并随访其治疗情况与预后结局。结果牙龈NHL约占口腔NHL的4.6%,比较罕见... 目的报道5例原发于牙龈的非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin′s lymphoma,NHL),探讨其临床病理特点及预后转归情况。方法分析5例牙龈NHL的临床特点,组织病理学类型及特点,并随访其治疗情况与预后结局。结果牙龈NHL约占口腔NHL的4.6%,比较罕见,以中老年男性为主,临床表现缺乏特异性,初诊漏/误诊率达80%,国际预后指数(international prognostic index,IPI)评分均在2分以上。其中3例接受化疗加放疗,1例仅化疗,1例未治疗,平均生存期34个月。组织病理学类型多样,其中NK/T细胞型2例,结外边缘区黏膜相关型1例,弥漫大B细胞型1例,外周T细胞型1例,Ki67增值指数以弥漫大B细胞型与外周T细胞型较高,结外边缘区黏膜相关型较低。结论原发牙龈NHL比较罕见,初诊时易漏误诊,多种类型均可发生,总体预后不佳。 展开更多
关键词 牙龈 非霍奇金淋巴瘤(nhl) 临床病理学特点
The prognostic value of programmed cell death ligand 1expression in non-Hodgkin lymphoma:a meta-analysis 被引量:2
作者 Shu Zha Minghui Zhang +8 位作者 Yu Zhang Hongxue Meng Yan Wang Yupeng Liu Jing Jing Lan Huang Mengqi Sun Yue Zhang Qingyuan Zhang 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期290-298,共9页
Objective: Although the prognostic value of programmed cell death-ligand 1(PD-L1) expression in non-Hodgkin lymphoma(NHL) has been evaluated in many studies, the results remain controversial. To investigate the progno... Objective: Although the prognostic value of programmed cell death-ligand 1(PD-L1) expression in non-Hodgkin lymphoma(NHL) has been evaluated in many studies, the results remain controversial. To investigate the prognostic role of PD-L1 expression and the association between PD-L1 expression and clinicopathological features of NHL, we performed a meta-analysis.Methods: The Pub Med, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases were searched up to November 30, 2017. The hazard ratio(HR), 95% confidence interval(CI), and odds ratios(OR) with 95% CIs were combined to evaluate the association of PD-L1 expression with overall survival(OS) and clinicopathological features. Review manager 5.3 and STATA 12.0 were used in this meta-analysis.Results: A total of 2,005 patients across nine studies were enrolled in our meta-analysis, and the pooled results showed that high PD-L1 expression was associated with a poor prognosis(HR=2.04, 95% CI: 1.18–3.54, P=0.01). In the subgroup analysis according to histology types, pooled results demonstrated that an increased PD-L1 expression was an unfavorable prognostic factor for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(HR=1.92, 95% CI: 1.06–3.48, P=0.03) but not for natural killer/T-cell lymphoma(HR=2.41, 95%CI: 0.47–12.22, P=0.29). Pooled ORs indicated that PD-L1 expression was higher in NHL with international prognostic indices of≥3. However, PD-L1 expression had no correlation with gender, age, disease stage, lactate dehydrogenase level, B symptoms, and germinal center B-cell-like lymphoma.Conclusions: High PD-L1 expression was a poor prognostic biomarker in patients with NHL. Because of our limited sample size,high-quality studies with larger sample sizes are needed to validate our results. 展开更多
关键词 META-ANALYSIS non-Hodgkin lymphoma(nhl) programmed cell death ligand 1(PD-L1) PROGNOSIS
THP-COP方案治疗老年病人NHL的优越性 被引量:2
作者 杨朝英 《广东微量元素科学》 CAS 2005年第9期19-22,共4页
为探讨THP-COP方案在治疗老年病人NHL中是否优于CHOP方案,142例患者随机接受减量的CHOP方案治疗和THP-COP方案治疗,这些方案基本上每隔三周重复一次,共3个疗程以上。结果表明,142例中有68例接受CHOP方案治疗,肿瘤消失(CR)30例占44.1%,... 为探讨THP-COP方案在治疗老年病人NHL中是否优于CHOP方案,142例患者随机接受减量的CHOP方案治疗和THP-COP方案治疗,这些方案基本上每隔三周重复一次,共3个疗程以上。结果表明,142例中有68例接受CHOP方案治疗,肿瘤消失(CR)30例占44.1%,肿瘤缩小大于50%(PR)23例占33.8%,总有效率77.9%。74例接受THP-COP方案治疗,CR 35例占47.3%;PR 26例占35.1%,总有效率82.4%;两组比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。但远期疗效,THP-COP方案优于CHOP方案,且毒副反应前者明显低于后者。可见THP-COP方案因有较高的CR率和(CR+PR)率,对治疗老年病人NHL是非常有用的。 展开更多
关键词 THP-COP方案 CHOP方案 非何杰氏淋巴瘤(nhl) 老年病人
Orbital Adnexal Lymphoma Diagnostic Misalignment
作者 Blerta Rama Anita Syla Lokaj Egzona Agusholli 《Open Journal of Ophthalmology》 2017年第4期303-309,共7页
Lymphomas are known as neoplasm’s caused by clone proliferation of B and T lymphocytes. Extranodal lymphoma arises from tissues other than lymph nodes or even from sites which normally doesn’t contain lymph tissues.... Lymphomas are known as neoplasm’s caused by clone proliferation of B and T lymphocytes. Extranodal lymphoma arises from tissues other than lymph nodes or even from sites which normally doesn’t contain lymph tissues. Orbital adnexal lymphoma arises from eyelid, orbit, lacrimal glands or conjunctivae and it is totally different from intraocular lymphoma. Wide range of differential diagnosis including infectious inflammatory orbital disease, preseptal and orbital cellulitis, orbital idiopathic inflammatory disease-pseudotumors, especially dacryoadenitis and myositis and thyroid associate orbit disease makes the diagnosis of orbital adnexal lymphoma even more difficult. We represent the case of diagnostic delay of very aggressive form orbital non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurred because of the unspecific signs and symptoms as well as not indicative imaging investigation and laboratory tests. 展开更多
Treatment of Nodal Non Hodgkin Lymphoma in West Africa: Experience of Institut Curie in Dakar
作者 P. M. Gaye A. A. Kassé +2 位作者 D. Diouf M. M. Dieng A. Dem 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2014年第5期478-482,共5页
In Senegal, few studies have been devoted to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We conducted a retrospective descriptive study of 73 cases treated at the Institut J. Curie Hospital Aristide Le Dantec for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma... In Senegal, few studies have been devoted to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We conducted a retrospective descriptive study of 73 cases treated at the Institut J. Curie Hospital Aristide Le Dantec for non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas from 2001 to 2007. The main objective was to determine the clinical and therapeutic aspects. Our population consisted of 39 men and 34 women (sex ratio: 1.14). The average age was 36 years with extremes of 5 and 76 years. The most common locations were cervical (30.6%) and oropharynx (8.21%). Multiple locations were found in 30.6% of cases. Only 54.4% have histological exam. Patients were managed on cytology basis 42.6% of cases. Histology was performed in 39 patients (54.4%). Among these patients, 69% had aggressive lymphoma, of which 12.82% had a large B-cell lymphoma among indolent lymphomas (59%). The small cleaved cell lymphoma was most often found with 78.26% of cases. The patients were staged with insufficient tools. The protocol most often used was CHOP (64.3%). The most common complications reported were gastrointestinal (11%) followed by skin complications (8.2%). Radiotherapy was performed for 6 patients or 8.2% of cases. Therapeutic strategy was most often used as chemotherapy alone (69.9%). The median duration of follow-up is 18 months. 展开更多
关键词 Non HODGKIN lymphoma nhl AFRICA
The Impact of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection (HIV) on Lymphoma in South Africa
作者 Moosa Patel Vinitha Philip +4 位作者 Tanvier Omar Dianne Turton Geoff Candy Atul Lakha Sugeshnee Pather 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2015年第6期527-535,共9页
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is endemic in South Africa. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) occurs with increased frequency in HIV seropositive individuals. The increase in NHL has been more marked in the last... Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is endemic in South Africa. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) occurs with increased frequency in HIV seropositive individuals. The increase in NHL has been more marked in the last decade, with HIV being the major contributor to this increase. More than 70% of the adult NHL patients at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH), Soweto, Johannesburg, are HIV seropositive. In addition, HIV has impacted on the clinical presentation—being more aggressive and atypical. Histologically, HIV-NHL typically manifests as B-cell, high grade lymphomas, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL);Burkitt lymphoma (BL);B-cell lymphoma, unclassifiable, with features intermediate between DLBCL and BL and plasmablastic lymphoma. The latter two entities, which were previously rare or unknown, have gained prominence in the last decade, occurring primarily in HIV seropositive individuals. HIV-NHL, being associated with all these adverse prognostic factors results in a poorer overall survival. 展开更多
关键词 Human IMMUNODEFICIENCY Virus (HIV) NON-HODGKIN lymphoma (nhl) South Africa High Grade ADVERSE Prognostic Factors Poorer Overall Survival
Clinical characteristics for 112 cases with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
作者 Qin Zhang Zhongping Jiang Xingquan Jin 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2008年第9期546-548,共3页
Objective: To study clinical characteristics of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) in order to diagnose and treat early and improve prognosis. Methods: 112 cases with NHL were pathologically diagnosed and treated in 19... Objective: To study clinical characteristics of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) in order to diagnose and treat early and improve prognosis. Methods: 112 cases with NHL were pathologically diagnosed and treated in 1992-2005. Results: Among all cases, 30 were not treated previously, 79 were involved in peripheral lymph nodes, 55 deep lymph nodes, 18 Waldeyer's ring, 25 respiratory system, 26 digestive system, 26 spleen, 13 bone, 13 skin and subcutaneous, 4 urinogenital system, 13 other sites. Among 30 previously untreated patients, there were 4 staged 1, 3 IE1 5 Ⅱ, 1 ⅡE, 9 Ⅲ, 1 Ⅲs and 7 IV. Among 82 patients with prior treatment, 29 were involved in lymph nodes only, 53 involved in different organs and tissues. In our series, there were 38 cases and 74 cases belonged to subtype A and subtype B respectively. Conclusion: The enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes is main clinical characteristic in NHL, but lesions also involve different organs and tissues. The diagnosis of NHL depends upon pathological examination. 展开更多
关键词 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl clinical characteristic DIAGNOSIS
作者 戴育成 Wang XH +4 位作者 Wang C Jamal N Biondi A Minden MD Messner HA 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1990年第4期30-33,共4页
We developed a serum-free culture system that promoted the growth of B cell colonies in peripheral blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 7 out of 8 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma... We developed a serum-free culture system that promoted the growth of B cell colonies in peripheral blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 7 out of 8 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of B cell type. The culture cells were pretreated with or without galactose oxi-dase (GO) prior to plating. Colony growth was best supported with BCGF. A moderate increment was observed with rIL-3, as well as rIL-1β and even to a lesser degree, by rlL-2, while B cell stimulating factor-2 (rBCSF-2) and rlL-1β did not show significant activity. rGM-CSF and rG-CSF had little effect, while rM-CSF enhanced the formation of lymphoma colonies. The cells from different patients had different requirements for Staphylococcus aureus protein A and GO pretreatment. It reflected the differences in activation and differentiation status and surface properties of lymphoma cells from different patients. The cells from CSF of one patient were successfully maintained in serum-free culture medium supplemented with 10% BCGF or 5% PHA-LCM for more than 4 months. The long-term culture cells were EBV negative, phenotypically consistent with B cells and gene rearrangements for JH, Kappa and myc. This serum-free culture system allowed extensive analysis of the growth requirements for clonogenic precursors. 展开更多
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