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连续偏序集及其Smyth幂的几个等权定理 被引量:2
作者 刘海玉 徐罗山 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期44-49,共6页
推广连续D om a in的权的概念到连续偏序集上,探讨连续偏序集的权、相应内蕴拓扑的权、定向完备化的权以及Sm yth幂D om a in的权间的关系。得到了几个等权定理:(1)连续偏序集的权与其上Scott拓扑、L aw son拓扑的权相等;(2)连续偏序集... 推广连续D om a in的权的概念到连续偏序集上,探讨连续偏序集的权、相应内蕴拓扑的权、定向完备化的权以及Sm yth幂D om a in的权间的关系。得到了几个等权定理:(1)连续偏序集的权与其上Scott拓扑、L aw son拓扑的权相等;(2)连续偏序集的权与其定向完备化的权相等;(3)无穷连续D om a in的权与其Sm yth幂D om a in的权相等;(4)有限D om a in的权小于或等于它的Sm yth幂D om a in的权。 展开更多
关键词 连续偏序集 DOMAIN 定向完备化smyth幂Domain
连续偏序集及其Smyth幂的特征与浓度 被引量:1
作者 刘海玉 徐罗山 《徐州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第1期6-10,共5页
推广连续domain的特征与浓度的概念到连续偏序集上,探讨了连续偏序集及其定向完备化和Smyth幂的特征、浓度.得到了几个关系定理:1)连续偏序集的特征(浓度)等于其上Scott拓扑的特征(浓度),但小于等于其上Lawson拓扑的特征(浓度);2)连续... 推广连续domain的特征与浓度的概念到连续偏序集上,探讨了连续偏序集及其定向完备化和Smyth幂的特征、浓度.得到了几个关系定理:1)连续偏序集的特征(浓度)等于其上Scott拓扑的特征(浓度),但小于等于其上Lawson拓扑的特征(浓度);2)连续偏序集的浓度大于或等于它的定向完备化的浓度,而特征小于或等于它的定向完备化的特征;3)连续domain的浓度大于或等于它的Smyth幂domain的浓度. 展开更多
关键词 连续偏序集 DOMAIN 定向完备化 smyth幂domain 特征 浓度
κ-有界sober空间的收缩与Smyth幂空间 被引量:2
作者 杨毅 鲍猛 徐晓泉 《纯粹数学与应用数学》 2022年第1期13-24,共12页
主要讨论κ-有界sober空间对遗传、收缩、函数空间和Smyth幂构造的封闭性,证明了κ-有界sober空间是饱和遗传的,但不是闭遗传的;对收缩与Smyth幂构造均不具有封闭性.还证明了存在κ-有界sober空间X使得函数空间[X→X]赋予点式收敛拓扑... 主要讨论κ-有界sober空间对遗传、收缩、函数空间和Smyth幂构造的封闭性,证明了κ-有界sober空间是饱和遗传的,但不是闭遗传的;对收缩与Smyth幂构造均不具有封闭性.还证明了存在κ-有界sober空间X使得函数空间[X→X]赋予点式收敛拓扑不是κ-有界sober空间. 展开更多
关键词 κ-有界sober空间 遗传性 收缩 函数空间 smyth幂空间
德克萨斯:最特别的美国目的地 专访德克萨斯州旅游局旅游总监Brad Smyth
作者 王淳 《旅游世界》 2015年第12期78-79,共2页
德克萨斯州是美国第二大州。州名来自于印地安Hasinai族中的Caddoan语"tejas",它有个很美的寓意——"朋友"。德克萨斯州就像它的州名一样充满着浪漫感性的气质。而这种气质,亦融入到了每一寸土地之中。时至今日,您依旧可以在德克萨... 德克萨斯州是美国第二大州。州名来自于印地安Hasinai族中的Caddoan语"tejas",它有个很美的寓意——"朋友"。德克萨斯州就像它的州名一样充满着浪漫感性的气质。而这种气质,亦融入到了每一寸土地之中。时至今日,您依旧可以在德克萨斯看见穿着马靴、戴着牛仔帽,骑着马在街区漫步的牛仔。Q:为什么德克萨斯州(以下简称德州)对中国游客有如此大的吸引力?A:目前,来美国德州的中国游客数量逐年增长,德州因其独特的旅游资源受到众多中国游客的青睐。 展开更多
关键词 德克萨斯州 BRAD smyth 一寸土 旅游资源 大城市 国家公园 国际游客 全美 达拉斯 圣安东尼奥
Smyth幂半格及其连续domain表示 被引量:4
作者 寇辉 刘应明 《数学学报(中文版)》 SCIE CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期209-214,共6页
本文证明了每个Smyth幂半格同构于一连续dcpo的Smyth幂domain,而每个连续dcpo同构于其 Smyth幂 domain的 way below素谱.通过上幂函子建立了连续domain与Smyth幂半格之间的范... 本文证明了每个Smyth幂半格同构于一连续dcpo的Smyth幂domain,而每个连续dcpo同构于其 Smyth幂 domain的 way below素谱.通过上幂函子建立了连续domain与Smyth幂半格之间的范畴等价性,从而揭示了上、下幂domain结构之间的联系. 展开更多
关键词 连续dcpo smyth幂半格 完全分配格 连续DOMAIN 上幂domain 下幂domain
Priestley Spaces,Quasi-hyperalgebraic Lattices and Smyth Powerdomains 被引量:14
作者 Jin Bo YANG Mao Kang LUO 《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期951-958,共8页
We introduce the concept of quasi-hyperalgebraic lattice and prove that a complete lattice is a Priestley space with respect to the interval topology if and only if it is quasi-hyperalgebraic. Some characterizations o... We introduce the concept of quasi-hyperalgebraic lattice and prove that a complete lattice is a Priestley space with respect to the interval topology if and only if it is quasi-hyperalgebraic. Some characterizations of quasi-hyperalgebraic lattices are presented. We also prove that the Smyth powerdomain of a quasi-hyperalgebraic lattice is hyperalgebraic. 展开更多
关键词 Priestley space quasi-hyperalgebraic lattice hypercontinuous lattice hyperalgebraic lattice smyth powerdomain
拟连续Domain及其子范畴间的伴随关系 被引量:8
作者 寇辉 罗懋康 《数学年刊(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期633-642,共10页
基于Smyth幂 Domain的构造,本文证明了连续半格范畴 CSL(分别地,有界完备连续Domain范畴CBD)是拟连续Domain范畴QCONT(分别地,Coherent拟连续 Domain范畴QCCOH)的反射子范畴.反例表明,连续 Domain范畴CONT作为范畴 QCONT的真子范畴... 基于Smyth幂 Domain的构造,本文证明了连续半格范畴 CSL(分别地,有界完备连续Domain范畴CBD)是拟连续Domain范畴QCONT(分别地,Coherent拟连续 Domain范畴QCCOH)的反射子范畴.反例表明,连续 Domain范畴CONT作为范畴 QCONT的真子范畴并非其反射子范畴.所有结果均被进一步推广到拟代数Domain范畴. 展开更多
关键词 ADJUNCTION 反射子范畴 拟连续DOMAIN smyth幂Domain
作者 赵雪吟 金京花 《北方音乐》 2024年第2期53-63,共11页
过去的歌剧作品中,女性的形象由男性作曲家塑造成“天使”和“恶女”两种形象。美国女性作曲家埃塞尔·史密斯的歌剧《破坏者们》则打破了这种固化的女性形象创作方式。她运用了“阴性书写”的创作方式突破了男性创作中歌剧女性人... 过去的歌剧作品中,女性的形象由男性作曲家塑造成“天使”和“恶女”两种形象。美国女性作曲家埃塞尔·史密斯的歌剧《破坏者们》则打破了这种固化的女性形象创作方式。她运用了“阴性书写”的创作方式突破了男性创作中歌剧女性人物的审美标准。笔者力图从《破坏者们》中女性人物形象分析,以及作曲家的创作意图、写作方式多角度分析音乐中的“女性声音”。 展开更多
关键词 埃塞尔·史密斯 《破坏者们》 歌剧分析 女性主义 阴性书写
黑色素相关研究中动物模型的应用进展 被引量:4
作者 管淑玉 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2009年第6期475-477,共3页
为提供黑色素类动物实验相关参考资料,对黑色素相关疾病发生机制和药物防治研究中常用的模式生物和实验动物进行了综述。通过介绍斑马鱼、Smyth line鸡、C57BL小鼠、无毛小鼠、棕黄色豚鼠等多种实验动物的研究用途,为黑色素的相关实验... 为提供黑色素类动物实验相关参考资料,对黑色素相关疾病发生机制和药物防治研究中常用的模式生物和实验动物进行了综述。通过介绍斑马鱼、Smyth line鸡、C57BL小鼠、无毛小鼠、棕黄色豚鼠等多种实验动物的研究用途,为黑色素的相关实验研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 黑色素 实验动物 斑马鱼 smythline鸡 C57BL小鼠
Advancing the quality of care and nursing practice through emancipatory reflection 被引量:4
作者 Hong-Jing Yu Dong-Lan Ling Jia-Le Hu 《Frontiers of Nursing》 CAS 2019年第1期1-4,共4页
Reflection is a fundamental skill of health-care professionals and plays an important role in ensuring the quality of care in health-care practice. It is believed that undertaking reflection in practice can help nurse... Reflection is a fundamental skill of health-care professionals and plays an important role in ensuring the quality of care in health-care practice. It is believed that undertaking reflection in practice can help nurses develop an awareness of a sense of personal power and agency, cultivate their critical thinking ability and help them promote their professional development. However, reflection has not been introduced widely as a nursing curriculum in China, and literature shows that some clinical nurses lack critical thinking skills and critical reflective practice skills by reason of not receiving systematic education on reflection when they were at nursing college.Therefore, we present a series of seven articles focused on prevalent and interesting practice-based events to reflect on in this special issue. The main aim is to disseminate reflective methodology and techniques and present examples of reflective writing for nurses.It is expected that these articles will help to lead Chinese nurses to adopt critical emancipatory reflective processes to bring about transformative actions. 展开更多
发展传播学的叙事更新与逻辑转化:“传播基础设施”的概念与取向之辩 被引量:14
作者 史安斌 朱泓宇 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2022年第5期77-86,共10页
传播基础设施的场所建造、资源分配与技术扩散是理解发展传播学取向的重要切入点。以此为问题意识,可归纳不同研究取向的发展传播学对“基础设施”的不同理解与价值关怀。埃弗里特·罗杰斯的研究与论述鼓励后发国家和地区,围绕传播... 传播基础设施的场所建造、资源分配与技术扩散是理解发展传播学取向的重要切入点。以此为问题意识,可归纳不同研究取向的发展传播学对“基础设施”的不同理解与价值关怀。埃弗里特·罗杰斯的研究与论述鼓励后发国家和地区,围绕传播基础设施进行自主开发与探索,但仍具有较为明显的技术中心主义和去意识形态色彩。以达拉斯·斯麦兹为代表的传播政治经济学取向下的发展传播学研究,更加直截了当地批判西方发达资本主义国家在传播基础设施资源分配上的霸权,关注建设传播基础设施的“技术民族主义”及其应用过程中如何实现“去依附”。在全球传播高度平台化的时代语境下,通过发展传播学中的“基础设施”内涵与外延之辩,可把握当下存在激烈冲突的信息传播秩序和充满剧烈变动的知识生产体制,促成发展传播学的叙事更新与逻辑转化。 展开更多
关键词 发展传播学 基础设施 传播政治经济学 埃弗里特·罗杰斯 达拉斯·斯麦兹
达拉斯·斯麦兹的传播思想新探 被引量:12
作者 陈世华 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期125-131,共7页
达拉斯·斯麦兹是公认的传播政治经济学奠基人,其研究从批判美国电子传播政策和电视内容开始,将传播技术视为一种社会建构,认为信息自由流通只是一个神话。他提出了受众商品论,认为受众被媒体出售给广告商;他思考了美国传播工业在... 达拉斯·斯麦兹是公认的传播政治经济学奠基人,其研究从批判美国电子传播政策和电视内容开始,将传播技术视为一种社会建构,认为信息自由流通只是一个神话。他提出了受众商品论,认为受众被媒体出售给广告商;他思考了美国传播工业在全球的扩张,以及加拿大传播工业对美国的依附,提出了媒介依附理论。他的理论推演和批判精神影响了一批后来者走上政治经济学路径。 展开更多
关键词 达拉斯·斯麦兹 受众商品论 媒介依附
Critical emancipatory reflection on a practice-based issue in relation to the working relationship between doctors and nurses in China 被引量:3
作者 Dong-Lan Ling Hong-Jing Yu 《Frontiers of Nursing》 CAS 2019年第1期5-11,共7页
Objective: Reflection is viewed as the most significant skill and should be advocated for lifelong learning. In order to grasp the process of reflection and embrace the reflective skill, one of the authors of this pap... Objective: Reflection is viewed as the most significant skill and should be advocated for lifelong learning. In order to grasp the process of reflection and embrace the reflective skill, one of the authors of this paper reflects on a practice-based issue in relation to the communication between doctors and nurses, to gain new understanding and thus improve the authors' clinical practice.Methods: Smyth's framework with four stages is utilized as an ideal framework to guide the author's reflection on the practice-based issue to free the author from her entrenched assumptions and the oppressive forces that limit her practice.Results: The espoused and enacted theory, together with the critical reflection theory, are used to explore the values and beliefs that essentially govern the author's practice and how these are distinct from the author's worldviews. Following this, critical emancipatory reflection is undertaken to explore the dominant power structures within the author's workplace. Furthermore, given the hegemonic and chaotic working context of this issue, hegemony and symbolic interaction theory are applied to unearth the various hidden constraining and oppressive forces. Additionally, socialization theory is utilized to help the author achieve professional identity.Conclusions: Reconstructing the practice-based issue empowers the author to realize that in the future, she should act as a reflective practitioner, creating a daily habit, staying alert to practice, seeing things freshly, finding support systems, improving communication skills, conducting reflective research, and reifying reflective practice. Ultimately, the author will be sufficiently equipped to be able to transform her practice and change its outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 reflective skill CRITICAL emancipatory REFLECTION smyth’s framework HEGEMONY SOCIALIZATION theory transformative PRACTICE
Critical emancipatory reflection on establishing an equal,trusting relationship among surgery participants in clinical practice in China 被引量:2
作者 Yan-Ling Lai 《Frontiers of Nursing》 CAS 2019年第1期47-52,共6页
Objective: Reflection is considered to be one of the important ways to learn from one's experience, and one should be encouraged to apply the skill of reflection in lifelong learning. The author used the critical ... Objective: Reflection is considered to be one of the important ways to learn from one's experience, and one should be encouraged to apply the skill of reflection in lifelong learning. The author used the critical emancipatory reflection theory to reflect on a practice issue,which was related to the relationship between doctors and nurses, and tries to become a lifelong reflective practitioner in clinical work.Methods: Smyth's reflective framework, which includes the steps describe, inform, confront, and reconstruct, will be used in this article to help the author to understand the process of reflection and improve the skill of reflection. Utilizing Smyth's reflective framework to reflect on an issue in practice allows the author to break the routine way of thinking and learn from experience, as well as providing a higher quality of service for patients.Results: The theory of emancipatory reflection along with the critical reflection theory will be used to determine the beliefs and values that rule the author's action and derive how these are distinct from what the author is supposed to achieve. Besides, critical emancipatory reflection theory will be used to discover the dominant power structures in clinical practice; symbolic interaction and hegemony will be utilized to discover the factors that prevent the author from achieving the desired goals; socialization theory will be applied to facilitate the author in improving the professional identity.Conclusions: Using the critical emancipatory reflection on the issue in practice helps the author to find out the constraints in practice,bridge the espoused value and enacted value, and thereafter undertake transformative changes in practice. Eventually, the author can improve the skill of critical emancipatory reflection and become a lifelong reflective practitioner, and the quality of clinical practice can be improved as a result. 展开更多
关键词 CRITICAL emancipatory REFLECTION smyth’s framework REFLECTIVE practice working relationship PATIENT-CENTERED service
Critical emancipatory reflection on a practice-based issue in relation to nurses' communicative role with unsatisfied clients in Chinese hospitals 被引量:2
作者 Chun-Mei Lyu Li Zhang 《Frontiers of Nursing》 CAS 2019年第1期41-45,共5页
Objective: This study aims to use reflective theory and critical emancipatory theory to explore nurses' communicative role with unsatisfied clients.Methods: This paper begins with the broad issue, and the analysis... Objective: This study aims to use reflective theory and critical emancipatory theory to explore nurses' communicative role with unsatisfied clients.Methods: This paper begins with the broad issue, and the analysis will engage Smyth's cycle, which includes describing, analyzing,exploring, and reconstructing.Results: Critical emancipatory reflection is essential to make changes in the professional practice of nursing, because it is of primary importance for the professional learning and development of a nurse.Conclusions: Critical emancipatory reflection helps a nurse to analyze the constraints, including historical, sociocultural, political, and personal aspects. 展开更多
关键词 REFLECTIVE SKILL CRITICAL emancipatory REFLECTION smyth’s framework communication unsatisfied clients
A critical reflection on improving effective team communication 被引量:1
作者 Hua Yang 《Frontiers of Nursing》 CAS 2019年第1期13-18,共6页
Objective: This paper aims at critically reflecting on the author's personal experience in the context of communication within a nursing team and exploring relevant existing constraints with a view to improving pr... Objective: This paper aims at critically reflecting on the author's personal experience in the context of communication within a nursing team and exploring relevant existing constraints with a view to improving practice and achieving more effective outcomes in team communication.Methods: Critical emancipatory reflection is used to evaluate and interpret the author's practice. Smyth's model serves as a framework to guide critical reflection step by step in this paper. Relevant theoretical perspectives help to make sense of the author's performance in terms of team communication.Results: It is identified via emancipatory reflection that the author endorses the ideas of equality, respect, trust, and collaboration, which were formed and established during the process of professional socialization. However, different constraints, such as sociocultural,historical, political, and personal factors, impede the author from performing more effectively in terms of team communication.Reconstruction provides the author opportunities to take actions to rectify constraints and avoid the reemergence of previous situations in the future.Conclusions: Reflection is an effective way to gather knowledge and develop comprehensive understanding of practice. Alternative actions for effective team communication are recommended, including formulating ground rules for discussion, guiding nurses in the correct way, transforming conflicts within a team, being an active and reflective listener, and motivating nurses to actively create. 展开更多
关键词 CRITICAL emancipatory REFLECTION smyth’s model TEAM communication CRITICAL social theory PROFESSIONAL SOCIALIZATION constraints
Critical reflection on the role of theater nurses in a multidisciplinary team for perioperative care in China
作者 Xiao Xiao She-Ning Zhu 《Frontiers of Nursing》 CAS 2019年第1期27-33,共7页
Objective: The aim of this article is to reflect on the role of theater nurses in a multidisciplinary team, understand the factors that have influenced theater nurses' practice, and improve the authors' clinic... Objective: The aim of this article is to reflect on the role of theater nurses in a multidisciplinary team, understand the factors that have influenced theater nurses' practice, and improve the authors' clinical practice ultimately.Methods: The author used Smyth's model to guide the process of reflection on the practice issue. Critical reflection, critical emancipatory theory, reflexivity, and critical social theory were used to help the author analyze the factors that have affected theater nurses' practice in the organization.Results: There are gaps between the espoused and enacted theories. A theater nurse's practice is determined by multiple factors, such as political, structural, social, historical, cultural issues, and so on. The hierarchy of the health context could hinder possible changes in theater nurses' practice. To better understand our practice and implement transformation, we should shape a supportive environment,bear in mind the practice motto of "patient-centered" care, and improve our knowledge and reflection skills.Conclusions: Reflection plays a significant role in the advancing of practice among theater nurses and needs to be combined with clinical practice. To provide the best service of care to perioperative patients, a theater nurse should have an insightful understanding of the factors that have influenced her/his behaviors historically, socially, and culturally. By improving their critical reflection skills,practitioners could gain knowledge from experience. 展开更多
关键词 MULTIDISCIPLINARY team smyth’s reflective framework REFLEXIVITY CRITICAL reflection CRITICAL emancipatory THEORY CRITICAL social THEORY task-oriented PERSON-CENTERED care
作者 马俊 《传媒经济与管理研究》 2020年第1期291-302,共12页
传播政治经济学作为传播学的一个重要分支,兴起于20世纪40年代的美国,后逐渐在北美和欧洲扩散。在北美地区,其主要代表人物是其开创者达拉斯·斯麦兹和其后继者赫伯特·席勒。斯麦兹通过其“逆时针”的一生,对传播政策、传播技... 传播政治经济学作为传播学的一个重要分支,兴起于20世纪40年代的美国,后逐渐在北美和欧洲扩散。在北美地区,其主要代表人物是其开创者达拉斯·斯麦兹和其后继者赫伯特·席勒。斯麦兹通过其“逆时针”的一生,对传播政策、传播技术进行了批判,并提出了“受众商品论”和“媒介依附论”;席勒则用激进的批判风格,提出了媒介帝国主义和文化宰制等重要概念,批判信息自由流通的神话,对信息不平等导致的社会危机表示了深深的忧虑。 展开更多
关键词 传播政治经济学 达拉斯·斯麦兹 赫伯特·席勒
弱偏伪度量空间的完备和双完备 被引量:1
作者 黄梦桥 龙环 李庆国 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期11-17,共7页
关键词 弱偏度量 双完备 Baire空间 smyth完备
作者 温娜娜 徐晓泉 《模糊系统与数学》 北大核心 2023年第4期165-174,共10页
本文主要讨论超sober空间的一些基本性质,对三类特殊空间的超sober性进行了讨论,并对T_(0)空间X的超sober性与其Smyth幂空间、Hoare幂空间的超sober性之间的关系进行了讨论;用反例说明了可数无限多个超sober空间的乘积一般不是超sober的... 本文主要讨论超sober空间的一些基本性质,对三类特殊空间的超sober性进行了讨论,并对T_(0)空间X的超sober性与其Smyth幂空间、Hoare幂空间的超sober性之间的关系进行了讨论;用反例说明了可数无限多个超sober空间的乘积一般不是超sober的;证明了若T_(0)空间X不是超sober的,则其超sober化不存在。 展开更多
关键词 超sober空间 乘积空间 超sober化 smyth幂空间 Hoare幂空间
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