The introduction of the social networking platform has drastically affected the way individuals interact. Even though most of the effects have been positive, there exist some serious threats associated with the intera...The introduction of the social networking platform has drastically affected the way individuals interact. Even though most of the effects have been positive, there exist some serious threats associated with the interactions on a social networking website. A considerable proportion of the crimes that occur are initiated through a social networking platform [1]. Almost 33% of the crimes on the internet are initiated through a social networking website [1]. Moreover activities like spam messages create unnecessary traffic and might affect the user base of a social networking platform. As a result preventing interactions with malicious intent and spam activities becomes crucial. This work attempts to detect the same in a social networking platform by considering a social network as a weighted graph wherein each node, which represents an individual in the social network, stores activities of other nodes with respect to itself in an optimized format which is referred to as localized data set. The weights associated with the edges in the graph represent the trust relationship between profiles. The weights of the edges along with the localized data set are used to infer whether nodes in the social network are compromised and are performing spam or malicious activities.展开更多
[目的/意义]为了帮助用户在浩如烟海的社交媒体文本中快速获取所需信息,本研究创新地设计了一种基于过滤注意力机制的自动摘要生成模型Filter Unit Model(FUM)。[方法/过程]首先,采用微调BERT对于输入的社交媒体文本进行向量嵌入;其次,...[目的/意义]为了帮助用户在浩如烟海的社交媒体文本中快速获取所需信息,本研究创新地设计了一种基于过滤注意力机制的自动摘要生成模型Filter Unit Model(FUM)。[方法/过程]首先,采用微调BERT对于输入的社交媒体文本进行向量嵌入;其次,设计了过滤注意力机制来滤除嵌入社交媒体文本中的无用信息,基于字词层面和语句层面两种过滤注意力机制,旨在从不同角度对于嵌入向量进行过滤;最后,采用Transformer的解码器部分进行解码工作,并根据过滤注意力机制的不同设计相应的解码策略。[结果/结论]本研究在微博数据集上与摘要生成领域中经典、优秀的基线模型进行对比实验。实验结果表明,本研究所设计的FUM模型有着比其他基线方法更出色的表现。同时,基于语句层面的过滤注意力机制比基于字词层面的有更好的过滤效果。展开更多
将用户社会关系引入用户-商品评分数据中,构建用户-商品异构关系图,可缓解传统推荐系统面临的数据稀疏性和冷启动问题.但是,由于用户间社会关系的复杂性,聚合不一致的社会邻居可能会降低推荐性能.针对上述问题,文中提出基于自监督三重...将用户社会关系引入用户-商品评分数据中,构建用户-商品异构关系图,可缓解传统推荐系统面临的数据稀疏性和冷启动问题.但是,由于用户间社会关系的复杂性,聚合不一致的社会邻居可能会降低推荐性能.针对上述问题,文中提出基于自监督三重训练和聚合一致邻居的社会化推荐模型(Social Recommendation Based on Self-Supervised Tri-Training and Consistent Neighbor Aggregation,SR-STCNA).首先,在用户-商品评分数据的基础上,引入用户-用户间的社交关系,在用户-商品异构图中构建多种关系.使用超图表示用户和用户、用户和商品之间的关系.使用自监督三重训练,从未标记的数据中学习用户表示,充分挖掘用户-用户和用户-商品间存在的复杂连接关系.然后,通过用户-商品异构图上的节点一致性得分和关系自注意力,在用户和商品表示学习过程中聚合一致邻居,增强用户和商品嵌入表示能力,提高推荐性能.在CiaoDVD、FilmTrust、、Yelp数据集上的实验表明,SR-STCNA性能较优.展开更多
文摘The introduction of the social networking platform has drastically affected the way individuals interact. Even though most of the effects have been positive, there exist some serious threats associated with the interactions on a social networking website. A considerable proportion of the crimes that occur are initiated through a social networking platform [1]. Almost 33% of the crimes on the internet are initiated through a social networking website [1]. Moreover activities like spam messages create unnecessary traffic and might affect the user base of a social networking platform. As a result preventing interactions with malicious intent and spam activities becomes crucial. This work attempts to detect the same in a social networking platform by considering a social network as a weighted graph wherein each node, which represents an individual in the social network, stores activities of other nodes with respect to itself in an optimized format which is referred to as localized data set. The weights associated with the edges in the graph represent the trust relationship between profiles. The weights of the edges along with the localized data set are used to infer whether nodes in the social network are compromised and are performing spam or malicious activities.
文摘[目的/意义]为了帮助用户在浩如烟海的社交媒体文本中快速获取所需信息,本研究创新地设计了一种基于过滤注意力机制的自动摘要生成模型Filter Unit Model(FUM)。[方法/过程]首先,采用微调BERT对于输入的社交媒体文本进行向量嵌入;其次,设计了过滤注意力机制来滤除嵌入社交媒体文本中的无用信息,基于字词层面和语句层面两种过滤注意力机制,旨在从不同角度对于嵌入向量进行过滤;最后,采用Transformer的解码器部分进行解码工作,并根据过滤注意力机制的不同设计相应的解码策略。[结果/结论]本研究在微博数据集上与摘要生成领域中经典、优秀的基线模型进行对比实验。实验结果表明,本研究所设计的FUM模型有着比其他基线方法更出色的表现。同时,基于语句层面的过滤注意力机制比基于字词层面的有更好的过滤效果。
文摘将用户社会关系引入用户-商品评分数据中,构建用户-商品异构关系图,可缓解传统推荐系统面临的数据稀疏性和冷启动问题.但是,由于用户间社会关系的复杂性,聚合不一致的社会邻居可能会降低推荐性能.针对上述问题,文中提出基于自监督三重训练和聚合一致邻居的社会化推荐模型(Social Recommendation Based on Self-Supervised Tri-Training and Consistent Neighbor Aggregation,SR-STCNA).首先,在用户-商品评分数据的基础上,引入用户-用户间的社交关系,在用户-商品异构图中构建多种关系.使用超图表示用户和用户、用户和商品之间的关系.使用自监督三重训练,从未标记的数据中学习用户表示,充分挖掘用户-用户和用户-商品间存在的复杂连接关系.然后,通过用户-商品异构图上的节点一致性得分和关系自注意力,在用户和商品表示学习过程中聚合一致邻居,增强用户和商品嵌入表示能力,提高推荐性能.在CiaoDVD、FilmTrust、、Yelp数据集上的实验表明,SR-STCNA性能较优.