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Sonora纤维针织面料的染整加工与性能 被引量:1
作者 王琳 张平 +2 位作者 陈莉娜 邹文林 王威 《河南工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 2020年第4期7-9,15,共4页
分别采用Modal/Sorona混纺纱和棉/Sorona/Modal混纺纱在针织大圆机上设计开发纬平针和双罗纹针织物,利用分散染料和活性染料进行染色,对织物进行挺滑手感整理和柔滑手感整理,织物弹性回复性好、缩水率低,达到了GB/T 22848—2009《针织... 分别采用Modal/Sorona混纺纱和棉/Sorona/Modal混纺纱在针织大圆机上设计开发纬平针和双罗纹针织物,利用分散染料和活性染料进行染色,对织物进行挺滑手感整理和柔滑手感整理,织物弹性回复性好、缩水率低,达到了GB/T 22848—2009《针织成品布》优等品和GB 18401—2010《国家纺织产品基本安全技术规范》的要求,手感光滑柔软,亲肤舒适,可用作T恤、婴童及内衣面料。 展开更多
关键词 sonora纤维 针织面料 染色 整理 性能
柯达全力打造SONORA 腾格里免冲洗印版绿叶大奖
《印刷经理人》 2014年第5期87-,共1页
柯达全力打造SONORA腾格里免冲洗印版绿叶大奖,旨在表彰通过各种措施和最佳实践实现环保的企业。在第一届评比中,共有四家企业获得该奖项。2013年SONORA腾格里印版绿叶大奖的得奖企业分别为:Druckerei Aschenbrenner GmbH、GP Tryk、... 柯达全力打造SONORA腾格里免冲洗印版绿叶大奖,旨在表彰通过各种措施和最佳实践实现环保的企业。在第一届评比中,共有四家企业获得该奖项。2013年SONORA腾格里印版绿叶大奖的得奖企业分别为:Druckerei Aschenbrenner GmbH、GP Tryk、Alfa-Design和Gruppo Konig Print。所有企业都是柯达SONORA免冲洗印版的用户,他们建立起优秀的环保实践,这些实践包括持续监控能源和水的消耗,以便提高使用效率。 展开更多
关键词 柯达 腾格 sonora 印版
《印刷技术》 2014年第13期58-58,共1页
关键词 腾格 sonora 当地社区 用水效率 评审团 管理方法 碳补偿 环境管理 节水量 水循环
Air Quality Regarding to TSP in Six Cities of Sonora,Mexico,a Criticism to the NOM-025-SSA1-1993 and a Proposed Criterion for Its Non-Compliance
作者 Martin Eusebio Cruz-Campas Agustin Gomez-Alvarez +3 位作者 Margarito Quintero-Nunez Roberto Ramirez-Leal Jaime Varela-Salazar Onofre Monge-Amaya 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2014年第10期862-873,共12页
In the present study, the air quality is assessed for the year 2010 regarding to the Total Suspended Particles (TSP) for six cities of Sonora, Mexico, representing the first regional study in Sonora in air quality. Th... In the present study, the air quality is assessed for the year 2010 regarding to the Total Suspended Particles (TSP) for six cities of Sonora, Mexico, representing the first regional study in Sonora in air quality. The assessment used performance indicators and indicators of compliance with the regulations. It is established that in all the cities the maximum limit value of daily concentration of 210 μg/m3 is exceeded, being the percentage of days above the rule of 30%, 78%, 76%, 6%, 3% and 62% for Agua Prieta, Nogales, Puerto Penasco, Hermosillo, Guaymas and Obregón respectively, classifying these days with poor air quality. According to the annualized index used, the air quality was not satisfactory for the period of study in the six cities. Nogales and Puerto Penasco presented the most adverse conditions of air quality with annual average values of TSP of 363 and 345 μg/m3 and maximum daily of 1047 and 1239 μg/m3 (498% and 590% above the norm) respectively. The requirements of coverage that establishes the Mexican Official Standard NOM-025-SSA1-1993 (SSA, 2005) are questioned for its compliance, proposing in this paper a criterion of non-compliance by prioritizing the protection of health and the precautionary principle. It is recommended to implement air quality management programs (PROAIRE) in these cities. 展开更多
关键词 Particles TSP Air Quality NOM-025-SSA1-1993 sonora Mexico
《数码印刷》 2014年第7期71-71,共1页
柯达全力打造SONORA腾格里免冲洗印版绿叶大奖,旨在表彰通过各种措施和最佳实践实现环保的企业。2013年SONORA腾格里印版绿叶大奖的得奖企业分别为:Druckerei Aschenbrenner GmbH、GP Tryk、Alfa-Design和Gruppo Konig Print。所有获... 柯达全力打造SONORA腾格里免冲洗印版绿叶大奖,旨在表彰通过各种措施和最佳实践实现环保的企业。2013年SONORA腾格里印版绿叶大奖的得奖企业分别为:Druckerei Aschenbrenner GmbH、GP Tryk、Alfa-Design和Gruppo Konig Print。所有获奖企业都是柯达SONORA免冲洗印版的用户,他们建立起优秀的环保实践,这些实践包括持续监控能源和水的消耗,以便提高使用效率。 展开更多
关键词 腾格 sonora 环保实践 环保措施 获奖企业 副总裁 第三方认证 碳补偿 商业印刷 持续发展
海南滨海木麻黄林下三种乡土树种的光合特性 被引量:10
作者 姚宝琪 刘强 +1 位作者 蔡梓 王孝杉 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期92-101,共10页
主要研究了海南3种乡土树种肖槿Thespesia lampas、海棠果Calophyllum inophyllum、莲叶桐Hernandia sonora在海岸木麻黄林下生长的光合作用特征。定植植株的滨海沙土进行了添加木屑、蔗渣、及空白对照处理。用Li-6400便携式光合仪测定... 主要研究了海南3种乡土树种肖槿Thespesia lampas、海棠果Calophyllum inophyllum、莲叶桐Hernandia sonora在海岸木麻黄林下生长的光合作用特征。定植植株的滨海沙土进行了添加木屑、蔗渣、及空白对照处理。用Li-6400便携式光合仪测定净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Ccond)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和蒸腾速率(Tr)。结果表明:1)3种乡土树种一年中的Pn、Ccond、Tr日平均最大值均表现为肖槿>莲叶桐>海棠果。2)不同土壤处理下,肖槿、海棠果、莲叶桐Pn、Ccond、Ci、Tr日变化基本相似,只有添加蔗渣处理的肖槿、莲叶桐叶片在2009年11月Ccond、Tr明显大于对照处理,添加木屑处理的海棠果叶片在2009年8月Ccond、Tr明显大于对照处理;3)4个光合参数在一年的四次测定中,肖槿、莲叶桐的日变化曲线主要为单峰型,仅在2月份Pn、Ci日变化出现双峰;海棠果的日变化曲线也主要为单峰型,仅在5月份Pn、Tr日变化以及2月份Ci日变化出现双峰;且肖槿只有Ci在5月份达到一年中最大值,Pn、Ccond、Tr均在8月份达到一年中最大值;而海棠果和莲叶桐的Pn、Ccond、Ci、Tr均在5月份达到一年中最大值。4)这3种乡土树种均具有较好的光合能力和水分利用率,肖槿Pn在8月份达到一年中最大值7.68 mmol.m-2s-1,而海棠果和莲叶桐的Pn均在5月份达到一年中最大值,分别为3.82和4.13 mmol.m-2s-1;3种植物的水分利用率均在2月份达到一年中最大值,分别为9.96、12.43和19.56 mmol.mol-1。研究发现它们能在木麻黄林下的滨海沙地上良好地生长,可以作为与木麻黄林混交的树种。 展开更多
关键词 乡土树种 肖槿 海棠果 莲叶桐 光合特性 海南省
1917—1921年墨西哥排华风潮探析 被引量:2
作者 李淑蘋 姚元湾 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2015年第4期61-66,共6页
1917—1921年墨西哥北方诸州出现了排华风潮,华侨在墨西哥的生命财产受到威胁。在此情况下,旅墨华侨纷纷采取自保自救措施,降低排华风潮所带来的伤害。在墨西哥华侨的努力和社会各界的舆论压力下,北京政府采取一定的外交手段保护在墨华... 1917—1921年墨西哥北方诸州出现了排华风潮,华侨在墨西哥的生命财产受到威胁。在此情况下,旅墨华侨纷纷采取自保自救措施,降低排华风潮所带来的伤害。在墨西哥华侨的努力和社会各界的舆论压力下,北京政府采取一定的外交手段保护在墨华侨,并尽量维持对华侨有利的双边条约。但墨西哥修约态度强硬,经过交涉,1921年中墨双方最终签订了《暂行修改中墨一千八百九十九年条约之协定》,这一协定埋下了20世纪二三十年代墨西哥大规模排华的祸端。 展开更多
关键词 墨西哥 排华 修约 索诺拉
棉Sorona针织面料的舒适性测试与分析 被引量:1
作者 王琳 韩帅康 +1 位作者 陈莉娜 邹文林 《河南工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第4期1-3,33,共4页
对70%棉和30%Sorona长丝交织的针织面料进行舒适性能测试,并且与相近规格的纯棉针织物进行对比分析,得出结论:棉Sorona针织物的吸水率、滴水扩散时间、芯吸高度和水分蒸发效率均能达到针织物吸湿速干标准;棉Sorona针织物的透湿量虽达不... 对70%棉和30%Sorona长丝交织的针织面料进行舒适性能测试,并且与相近规格的纯棉针织物进行对比分析,得出结论:棉Sorona针织物的吸水率、滴水扩散时间、芯吸高度和水分蒸发效率均能达到针织物吸湿速干标准;棉Sorona针织物的透湿量虽达不到速干标准,但明显优于纯棉针织物;棉Sorona针织物透气性好,织物冷感较好,拉伸弹性好,适合制作夏季服装面料。 展开更多
关键词 Sorona长丝 针织面料 吸湿速干
The jellyfish fishery in Mexico
作者 Juana López-Martínez Javier álvarez-Tello 《Agricultural Sciences》 2013年第6期57-61,共5页
Jellyfish has been captured in Asia for 1700 years, and it has been considered a delicacy. Since the 70s important jellyfish fisheries have developed in several parts of the world, with catches increasing exponentiall... Jellyfish has been captured in Asia for 1700 years, and it has been considered a delicacy. Since the 70s important jellyfish fisheries have developed in several parts of the world, with catches increasing exponentially, reaching 500,000 tons per year in the mid-nineties. In Mexico, only the cannonball jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris is captured commercially. Most of the capture of this jellyfish species is obtained within the Gulf of California, specifically in the state of Sonora. The total reported capture in 2010 was 16,581 metric t and 14,220 in 2011. With these capture volumes jellyfish was ranked as the third most important fishing resource in the state of Sonora. The fishing season in Sonora is from April to May;a total of 4 or 5 weeks, and the catch per unit effort is around 3 tons by trip. Currently, there are nine jellyfish marketing companies, with about 20 processing plants distributed along the coast of Sonora, primarily in Guaymas, Kino Bay, and Puerto Penasco. Although the process is simple, the large amounts of jellyfish required and the need to optimize production costs make jellyfish processing an intense activity that employs hundreds of people during the fishing season, becoming an alternative employment for the people who depend on the fishing industry. 展开更多
关键词 JELLYFISH GULF of California Stomolophus meleagris sonora
Variability in mentum deformities of Tanytarsus larvae(Diptera,Chironomidae)in a metal rich basin in Northern Mexico 被引量:1
作者 Orestes Carlos Bello-Gonzalez Perla Alonso-EguíaLis +1 位作者 Cesar Arturo Ilizaliturri Hernandez Norman Mercado-Silva 《Water Biology and Security》 2022年第2期1-9,共9页
Mentum deformities in chironomids have been commonly used as indicators of metal contamination in freshwater ecosystems.Incidence of these deformities suggests sublethal effects and can provide early signals of enviro... Mentum deformities in chironomids have been commonly used as indicators of metal contamination in freshwater ecosystems.Incidence of these deformities suggests sublethal effects and can provide early signals of environmental deterioration.While anthropogenic metal pollution is known to lead to an increase in deformities in chironomids,natural background deformity incidence information is key to their effective use as biomonitoring tools.Here we explore the incidence of deformities from 5000 Tanytarsus(Diptera,Chironomidae)menta in relation to water physicochemical,and sediment metal(Al,As,Cu,Fe,Mn,Pb,Zn)concentration data from numerous sites in the naturally metal-rich Sonora River(NW Mexico)obtained over a two-year period.Higher metal concentrations were found in the upper basin.Higher salinity,total suspended solids and conductivity were found in the lower basin.Only As and Cu were occasionally found above published threshold effect levels(TEL).The proportion of deformities(%D)was low(2.1%)and a generalized linear model only explained 25.36%of%D variability among samples;this model included several physicochemical parameters.The only metal significantly related to deformities was Cu.Despite significant spatial and temporal variability in all metal concentrations and other physicochemical parameters in the basin,we were unable to explain a strong relationship between metal concentration and deformity incidence.Our results,based on consistent%D quantification from 5000 samples from a single taxon,suggest that natural variation in metal concentrations,even when statistically significant,is not associated with notable variations in the incidence of deformities. 展开更多
关键词 MACROINVERTEBRATE Pollution sonora river Desert river Copper Arsenic
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