In Côte d’Ivoire, maize (Zea mays L) is the second most cultivated cereal after rice. Since the first report of Spodoptera frugiperda in Côte d’Ivoire, maize production in the northern regions has been aff...In Côte d’Ivoire, maize (Zea mays L) is the second most cultivated cereal after rice. Since the first report of Spodoptera frugiperda in Côte d’Ivoire, maize production in the northern regions has been affected resulting in maize production losses. This study aims to study the seasonal dynamic of Spodoptera frugiperda in maize fields in the sub-Sudanese zone, main zone of maize cultivation in Côte d’Ivoire. The study was done using pheromone trap lures. The results revealed a variation in the moth population at various growth stages during rainy and dry seasons. Notably, the highest numbers of moths were consistently trapped during the whorl stage with counts ranging from 131 ± 35.7 during the rainy season to 70.6 ± 15.01 in the dry season. The lowest numbers of moths were observed during pod maturation, with counts ranging from 30.3 ± 13.05 during the rainy season to 11.7 ± 3.05 in the dry season. Between the 7<sup>th</sup> and 21<sup>st</sup> days after sowing, the count of moths displayed a consistent upward trajectory, reaching 188 moths during the rainy season. The damages were particularly observed at whorl stage. The relationship between the numbers of moths and some climatic variables revealed a negative correlation between moths numbers and rainfall (r= −0.44) and relative humidity (r= −0.684). In contrast, there were positive relationships with temperature (r = 0.16), highlighting the significant impact of temperature changes on moth population dynamics. The research highlights the need for integrated pest management strategies that consider climatic factors and growth stages of maize to mitigate the impact of this insect pest on maize.展开更多
Spodoptera frugiperda is a highly destructive pest that has become a global problem due to its robust reproductive and migratory capabilities.Transient receptor potential(TRP)channels,which constitute a vast ion chann...Spodoptera frugiperda is a highly destructive pest that has become a global problem due to its robust reproductive and migratory capabilities.Transient receptor potential(TRP)channels,which constitute a vast ion channel family,play pivotal roles in sensing the external environment and maintaining internal homeostasis in insects.TRP channels have been widely investigated for their critical roles in regulating various insect behaviors in recent years.In this study,we identified 15 TRP gene loci encoding 26 transcripts in the genome of S.frugiperda and analyzed their expression profiles at different developmental stages.The results revealed that S.frugiperda possesses four TRPC genes,six TRPA genes,one TRPM gene,two TRPV genes,one TRPN gene,and one TRPML gene,while a canonical TRPP is absent.Moreover,the SfruTRPA1 was functionally characterized using the Xenopus oocyte expression system.The results showed that SfruTRPA1 is activated by temperature increases from 20 to 45℃,and there is no significant desensitization after repeated stimuli within the same temperature range.Additionally,SfruTRPA1 is activated by certain natural chemicals,including allyl isothiocyanate(AITC)and cinnamaldehyde(CA).These findings provide valuable insights to the TRP genes in S.frugiperda.展开更多
Parasitoids are key regulators in ecological communities and widely used as agents in biocontrol programmes.The fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda,recently invaded multiple continents and caused substantial economic ...Parasitoids are key regulators in ecological communities and widely used as agents in biocontrol programmes.The fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda,recently invaded multiple continents and caused substantial economic losses in agriculture.Pyemotes zhonghuajia,a newly identified mite parasitoid,has shown potential for controlling various agricultural insect pests.Therefore,this study tested the performance of P.zhonghuajia in parasitising S.frugiperda.We also investigated the sublethal effects of parasitism by P.zhonghuajia on host fitness traits,transgenerational impacts,and cellular and humoral immunity.Our result showed that the fifth-instar larvae of S.frugiperda parasitised by 40 P.zhonghuajia were all dead(i.e.,a lethal effect),while parasitism by 5 or 10 P.zhonghuajia was considered sublethal since many S.frugiperda survived to adulthood and produced offspring after mating.The sublethal influences from parasitism by P.zhonghuajia resulted in reduced pupal weight,adult emergence rate and fecundity,but increased developmental time and longevity.Parasitism at both lethal(40 mites)and sublethal(10 mites)levels impaired the cellular and humoral immunity of S.frugiperda.This study presents the first empirical evidence that mite parasitoids can negatively influence host immunity.Moreover,it provides insights into the biocontrol potential of mite parasitoids and their interactions with hosts.展开更多
Since its 2018 invasion of eastern Asia,the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)has become a key pest in local maize production.Though pesticides have been widely used to mitigate the initial S.f...Since its 2018 invasion of eastern Asia,the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)has become a key pest in local maize production.Though pesticides have been widely used to mitigate the initial S.frugiperda attack,biological control is receiving ample attention as a desirable,environmentally-sound alternative to chemical control.Hoverflies(Diptera:Syrphidae)are abundant natural enemies in Chinese maize fields and have been observed to consume S.frugiperda larvae.In this study,we use laboratory assays to study the two-way interaction between immature stages of S.frugiperda and the endemic syrphid Eupeodes corollae.To mimic natural conditions,assays were performed in the presence of fresh maize leaves.Those 2 nd or 3 rd instar larvae of E.corollae preyed on 1 st and 2 nd instar S.frugiperda larvae with a Holling type III response,consuming a respective theoretical maximum of 43.48 and 83.33 larvae over a 24-h period.Conversely,once S.frugiperda larvae reached 3 rd instar,they exhibited aggressive behavior and equally preyed on syrphid larvae with a Holling type III response.Those 5 th and 6 th instar larvae of S.frugiperda consumed a respective 16.39-19.23,6.02-19.61 and 6.76-8.26 of 1 st,2 nd and 3 rd instar E.corollae larvae per day.Though our results await field-level validation,S.frugiperda agonistic(i.e.,defensive)and consumptive behavior towards resident natural enemies such as E.corollae possibly degrades biotic resistance and raises its invasion potential.Our findings shine new light on the interaction between lepidopteran herbivores and their natural enemies,and can help advance the development of conservation biological control and other integrated pest management(IPM)strategies against S.frugiperda in China and abroad.展开更多
Background: Annonaceous acetogenins enclose a large number of biological activities, among which the insecticidal stands out. Methods: We report herein the biocide effects of natural acetogenins from Annona squamosa, ...Background: Annonaceous acetogenins enclose a large number of biological activities, among which the insecticidal stands out. Methods: We report herein the biocide effects of natural acetogenins from Annona squamosa, A.?muricata and A. montana seeds: annonacin, cis-annonacin, cis-annonacin-10- one, asimicin, rolliniastatin-2, cherimolin-1, cherimolin-2, almuñequin, and two β-OH acetogenins: laherradurin and itrabin on Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Also, some acetylated and methoxy methylated ACG derivatives were synthesized and evaluated: annonacin (3 OAc), annonacin (4 OAc), asimicin (3 OAc), rolliniastatin-2 (3 OAc), rolliniastatin-2 (MOM), laherradurin (3 OAc) and itrabin (3 OAc). Results: The natural acetogenin rolliniastatin-2 (100 μg·g-1 of diet) produced the most important toxic action causing 100% mortality of early instar larvae. Derivatization of ACG yielded compounds that produced nutritional alterations. The incorporation of rolliniastatin-2 (3 OAc) and rolliniastatin-2 (3 MOM) (100 μg·g-1) into the artificial diet of Spodoptera frugiperdadisplayed the strongest antifeedant effects causing marked decreasings in larval growth and adult lethal malformations. Conclusion: Natural acetogenins are promising metabolites for insect control. Derivatization of these compounds reduces their toxicity to early instar larvae.展开更多
Annonaceous acetogenins (ACG), belonging to the family Annonaceae, represent a class of bioactive compounds whose toxic effects have been reported for several spe-cies of insects. Given their insecticidal properties, ...Annonaceous acetogenins (ACG), belonging to the family Annonaceae, represent a class of bioactive compounds whose toxic effects have been reported for several spe-cies of insects. Given their insecticidal properties, we first carried out the isolation of the ACG from a Brazilian collection of the seeds of Annona squamosa (Annonaceae) and prepared their methoxy methylated (MOM) and acetylated (OAc) derivatives by chemical methods. ACG analogues were semi-synthesized and characterized by spec-troscopic techniques (<sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C-NMR). We isolated ten natural acetogenins: squamo-cin, molvizarin, motrilin, rolliniastatin-2, almunequin, cherimolin-1, cherimolin-2, an-nonacin, squamocin D and asiminecin. The main objective of this study is to report the antifeedant, toxic and nutritional effects of three of those natural acetogenins and their acetylated and methoxy methylated derivatives on Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lep-idoptera: Noctuidae). The natural ACGs squamocin and molvizarin killed 100% of S. frugiperda larvae, followed by motrilin (80%). Acetylated derivatives had less toxic and nutritional effects that led to pupal mortality and adult fatal malformations. The addition of MOM derivatives to the larval diet has not toxic effects on larvae, but significantly reduces growth rate and efficiency in conversion of ingested food into biomass, affecting adult survival.展开更多
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith), is a polyphagous pest reported in sub-Saharan Africa since 2016 and has expanded rapidly in almost Africa. In Niger, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) is considered ...The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith), is a polyphagous pest reported in sub-Saharan Africa since 2016 and has expanded rapidly in almost Africa. In Niger, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) is considered like a major pest of maize, to which it causes significant damage, in a context where proven control methods against this moth remain almost non-existent. The objective of the present study was to determine the economic importance of FAW through the damage caused to the different host plants and to identify the parasitoids of this caterpillar. The study was conducted in the southern agricultural zone of Niger, specifically in the regions of Dosso, Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder. FAW eggs and caterpillars were collected from six villages in each region and then incubated and reared in the entomology laboratory of INRAN in Maradi. The rate of infestation of the different crops by FAW was determined as well as the observation of the beneficiaries. The results obtained indicate the presence of FAW on millet with an attack rate varying from 45.7% to 68%, sorghum with 47.2% to 62.25% and sesame with 9.7%. This work also revealed an oophagous parasitoid, Telenomus remus with 138 ± 23 and larval parasitoids, Cotesia sp with 16 ± 1 maximum number of individuals emerged from the collected material. Also, it was identified the parasitoid Cotesia icipe with a rate of parasitism from 4.6% to 5.75%;the Charops ater whose rate of parasitism varies from 4.5% and 12.25% but for Chelonus insularis with 17.25% and Tachnidae with 53%. These very interesting results will constitute a basis for the development of biological control and a component of an agroecological management strategy of caterpillar.展开更多
Maize is a staple food in many sub-Saharan African countries, grown on large surfaces and with high production. However, maize’s cultivation is often confronted with attacks by the fall armyworm, which considerably r...Maize is a staple food in many sub-Saharan African countries, grown on large surfaces and with high production. However, maize’s cultivation is often confronted with attacks by the fall armyworm, which considerably reduces production. Thus, the use of biological agents in the control of the fall armyworm would contribute effectively to the sustainability of agriculture. It is in this context that this study, conducted at the La Mé station of the National Centre for Agronomy Research, aims to test the effectiveness of Rhynocoris rapax, a powerful predator of various insect families, on the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, for biological control of this maize pest in Côte d’Ivoire. Therefore, 3 batches of 1 adult individuals of Rhynocoris rapax were captured in trial plots set up at the La Mé station. These individuals were then put in contact with 3 batches of 5, 20 and 40 larvae of the pest in rearing boxes at an average temperature of 26.4°C and an average relative humidity of 60%, in order to evaluate the efficiency of the predation. The results showed that Rhynocoris rapax kills more larvae when these are in large numbers. The mortality of the high number of larvae was observed during the first three days, probably due to the voracity and aggressiveness of Rhynocoris rapax that period. So R. rapax is a potential predator of fall armyworm and should be protected.展开更多
Since it was first detected in Africa in early 2016, the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), has spread to over 50 African countries, including Burkina Faso. This insect pest att...Since it was first detected in Africa in early 2016, the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), has spread to over 50 African countries, including Burkina Faso. This insect pest attacks important cereals, such as maize, millet and sorghum, which are the staple food in Burkina Faso. Since the invasion of the FAW in Africa, data on farmers’ knowledge and their perceptions of this insect’s pest are scarce and fragmented in Burkina Faso. Although this issue has been already addressed in some African countries, farmers’ perceptions of this invasive insect pest may differ from one country to another. This reality justifies our study, the main objective of which is to assess the perception and level of knowledge of farmers on this new invasive insect pest and the consequences of its damage to cereal production in western Burkina Faso. To do this, a stratified survey was conducted among 355 farmers in two important agricultural regions of Burkina Faso, namely the Hauts-Bassins and the Cascades. At the end of these surveys, it was found that the age of the people surveyed varied from 18 to 80 years. People between the ages of 41 and 50 and 31 and 40 were the most numerous, with 31.27% and 30.14% of the target population, respectively. In addition, the majority of the farmers were male, 94.08% of them being men and 5.92% being women. More than half (50.42%) of this population was non-literate. Almost all of the farmers surveyed (97.46%) said they had heard of S. frugiperda and 80.85% of them said they could identify the insect pest. The date of appearance of the FAW was variously perceived by the farmers of the study area. According to these cereals growers, the years 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 were to be remembered in terms of the insect pest’s appearance. While for sorghum and millet the change in yields from 2010 to 2019 seemed slight, it was quite remarkable for maize according to the farmers. The average maize yield in 2016 and 2017 was 1.95 and 1.83 t/ha, respectively. These values will increase slightly in 2018 and 2019 with 2.08 and 2.39 t/ha, respectively. In the field, several management methods were used by the farmers to control the insect pest’s attacks. These include chemical, cultural, and physical control. Insecticide spray frequencies ranged from 1 to 4 and even more depending on the duration of the maize cycle.展开更多
Annonaceous acetogenins enclose a large number of biological activities, among which the insecticidal stands out. <em>Spodoptera frugiperda</em> is a pest that affects corn crops among others and has a gre...Annonaceous acetogenins enclose a large number of biological activities, among which the insecticidal stands out. <em>Spodoptera frugiperda</em> is a pest that affects corn crops among others and has a great capacity to develop resistance to traditional insecticides, which represents sufficient reasons for the search for new alternatives for their control. The objective of this study was to determine the appropriate concentration and screening new natural insecticides against second instar larvae of <em>S. frugiperda</em>, under glasshouse conditions on <em>Zea mays</em> L. Natural products such as annonaceous acetogenins and some acetylated and methoxy methylated ACG derivatives and the commercial product Lambda-cyhalotrin (LC) were evaluated. The percent mortalities of <em>S. frugiperda </em>larvae in glasshouse conditions were recorded after 24, 48 and 72 h of treatment application. The results showed that the acetogenins tested were significantly (P < 0.05) different in relation to pest mortality than untreated check. After 72 h of treatment application the highest percent mortalities were obtained with the mixture of two natural products, rolliniastatin-2 (<strong>5</strong>) (100 μg/mL) + squamocin (<strong>6</strong>) (100 μg/mL) + LC (50 μg/mL) that proved the most effective and gave (100%), while rolliniastatin-2 (<strong>5</strong>) at 100 μg/mL alone, gave lowest percent mortality (65%), followed by squamocin (<strong>6</strong>) at 100 μg/mL (55%) and LC at 50 μg/mL (30%). The acetylated and methoxy methylated ACGs derivatives caused very low mortality (25% - 35%). It is recommended the mixture as a management option of <em>S. frugiperda</em> as a component of integrated pest management. The results allow us to infer that the addition of natural ACGs synergizes the insecticidal activity of the commercial product. Finding a new ecological alternative for insect control.展开更多
The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda is one of the most damaging crop pests,and it has become major threat to the food security of many countries.In order to monitor possible invasion of this pest into China,a...The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda is one of the most damaging crop pests,and it has become major threat to the food security of many countries.In order to monitor possible invasion of this pest into China,a searchlight trap was established in March 2018 in western Yunnan Province,China,where it has served as the"first station"for many pests that have migrated from Myanmar to China.A number of suspected FAW moths were captured and identified by DNA sequencing.The results showed that the FAW moth was first captured on December 11 and formed its first immigration peak in mid-December 2018.DNA detection revealed that the early invading FAW population was the"corn-strain".The field survey indicated that the pest mainly colonized corn in Pu’er,Dehong and Baoshan areas.Migration trajectory simulation implied that the moths might have mainly come from the eastern area in the mid-latitude region of Myanmar(20-25°N,94-100°E).This case study confirmed the first immigration of FAW into China,and will be helpful for guiding monitoring and management work to control this pest.展开更多
The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith)(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae),a notorious migratory pest native to tropical and subtropical America,invaded China in December 2018,then spread through 26 provinces(auto...The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith)(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae),a notorious migratory pest native to tropical and subtropical America,invaded China in December 2018,then spread through 26 provinces(autonomous regions,municipalities)in 2019 and 27 in 2020,damaging 1.125 and 1.278 million hectares of crops,respectively.Maize was the most severely affected crop,although wheat and other plants were also ruined.Considering the biological characteristics,incidence regularity and migration patterns of the FAW populations,Chinese government implemented a regional control strategy and divided the areas infested with FAW into the annual breeding grounds in Southwest and South China,the transitional migration area in Jiangnan and Jianghuai and the key preventive area in the Huang-Huai-Hai region and North China.The National Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center constructed"the National Information Platform for the Prevention and Control of the Fall Armyworm"at the county level,which would entail people reporting and mapping the spread of fall armyworm.According to forecasting information,millions of extension workers and small-scale growers in entire country were rallied by local governments to fight the pest through comprehensive control tactics including chemical,physical,biological and ecological measures.Thanks to the joint prevention and control,the final loss of crops infested was controlled within 5%of the total in 2019 and 2020.This review also gives a discussion on existing problems and future management scenarios.展开更多
Fall armyworm has invaded China and colonized its populations in tropical and sub-tropical regions of South China since December 2018.Chemical spray has been widely used to control the pest,which shall lead to resista...Fall armyworm has invaded China and colonized its populations in tropical and sub-tropical regions of South China since December 2018.Chemical spray has been widely used to control the pest,which shall lead to resistance evolution.In this research,we collected five populations of the pest from Yunnan,Hainan,Tibet,and Fujian of China,and tested their susceptibilities to pyrethroid,organophosphorus,oxadiazine,diamide,antibiotics and other types of insecticides(14 insecticides totally)in the laboratory.Based on the susceptible baseline published from the previous studies,the resistance ratio was 615-1068-fold to chlorpyrifos,60-388-fold to spinosad,26-317-fold to lambda-cyhalothrin,13-29-fold to malathion,9-33-fold to fenvalerate,8-20-fold to deltamethrin,3-8-fold to emamectin benzoate and 1-2-fold to chlorantraniliprole,respectively.The median lethal concentration(LC_(50))of other six insecticides without the susceptible baselines was 148.27-220.96μgmL^(-1) for beta-cypermethrin,87.03-128.43μgmL^(-1) for chlorfenapyr,16.35-99.67μgmL^(-1) for indoxacarb,10.55-51.01μgmL^(-1) for phoxim,7.08-8.78μgmL^(-1) for M-EBI(the mixed insecticide of emamectin benzoate and indoxcarb)and 1.49-4.64μg mL^(-1) for cyantraniliprole.This study can be helpful for chemical control as well as for resistance monitoring and management of the pest in China.展开更多
The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith),is native to the Americas.It has rapidly invaded 47 African countries and 18 Asian countries since the first detection of invasion into Nigeria and Ghana in 2016...The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith),is native to the Americas.It has rapidly invaded 47 African countries and 18 Asian countries since the first detection of invasion into Nigeria and Ghana in 2016.It is regarded as a super pest based on its host range(at least 353 host plants),its inherent ability to survive in a wide range of habitats,its strong migration ability,high fecundity,rapid development of resistance to insecticides/viruses and its gluttonous characteristics.The inherently superior biological characteristics of FAW contribute to its invasiveness.Integrated pest management(IPM)of FAW has relied on multiple applications of monitoring and scouting,agricultural control,chemical pesticides,viral insecticides,sex attractants,bio-control agents(parasitoids,predators and entomopathogens)and botanicals.Knowledge gaps remain to be filled to:(1)understand the invasive mechanisms of S.frugiperda;(2)understand how to prevent its further spread and(3)provide better management strategies.This review summarizes the biological characters of FAW,their association with its invasiveness and IPM strategies,which may provide further insights for future management.展开更多
Light traps are widely utilized to monitor and manage insect pest populations.In late 2018,the fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda,invaded China through Yunnan Province representing a huge threat to grain product...Light traps are widely utilized to monitor and manage insect pest populations.In late 2018,the fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda,invaded China through Yunnan Province representing a huge threat to grain production.To estimate the efficiency of light traps on FAW moths,we first identified the opsin genes from FAW by using the transcriptome.Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the four opsins of FAW were clustered with those of other Noctuidae species.The expressed levels of opsins in S.frugiperda were lower than in Helicoverpa armigera,suggesting a different phototactic response between the two species.Then,we determined the phototactic behavior of FAW using H.armigera as a control,which is widely monitored and managed using light traps in China.Our results indicated that the two moths species showed significantly different phototactic behavior and both female and male FAW displayed faster flight-to-light speed than H.armigera.This may be due to a faster flight capacity in FAW compared to H.armigera.However,the capture rate of both female and male of S.frugiperda was significantly lower than that of H.armigera,which was consistent with the expression levels of opsins.These results support the positive phototaxis of S.frugiperda moths and suggest light traps could be used for monitoring and managing the pests,but with a lower efficiency than H.armigera.展开更多
ATP-binding cassette transporter C2(ABCC2)is known to be a receptor for Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)toxins in several lepidopteran insects.Mutations in the ABCC2 gene have been genetically linked to field-evolved resist...ATP-binding cassette transporter C2(ABCC2)is known to be a receptor for Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)toxins in several lepidopteran insects.Mutations in the ABCC2 gene have been genetically linked to field-evolved resistance to the Cry1 F toxin from Bt in Spodoptera frugiperda.Here we generated a SfABCC2 knockout strain of S.frugiperda using the CRISPR/Cas9 system to provide further functional evidence of the role of this gene in susceptibility and resistance to Cry1 F.Results from bioassays showed that the SfABCC2 knockout S.frugiperda strain displayed 118-fold resistance to Cry1 F compared with the parental DH19 strain,but no resistance to Vip3 A toxin from Bt.These results provide the first reverse genetic evidence for SfABCC2 as a functional receptor for Cry1 F.展开更多
The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda Smith(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)is an important agricultural pest that invaded China in the middle of December 2018.As a polyphagous pest,FAW is identified as a serious threat ...The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda Smith(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)is an important agricultural pest that invaded China in the middle of December 2018.As a polyphagous pest,FAW is identified as a serious threat to agricultural production and food security in China.Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.),tomato(Solanum lycopersicum Mill.)and eggplant(Solanum melongena L.)are three of dominant solanaceous vegetables of this country.To our knowledge,the effects of these plants on the performances of FAW have not been well studied.In this study we assessed the fitness of this pest to these three plants.Results showed that FAW can complete its life cycle when fed with tomato and pepper,but not on eggplant.The population parameters of FAW fed with maize(Zea mays L.)and the three solanaceous vegetables were compared using the age-stage,two-sex life table method.Developmental duration was significantly different in the larval stage,but not in the pupae stage.FAW fed with pepper had the longest pre-adult period(41.73 d)and the lightest pupal weight(0.1134 g);the survival rate was lower than FAW fed with tomato.Significant differences were observed in the mean fecundity of female,with the highest(943.95 eggs)laid by FAW fed with tomato.FAW had the shortest mean generation time(T),the highest intrinsic rate of increase(r)and finite rate of increase(λ)on maize,and the highest net reproductive rate(R_(0))on tomato.Overall,FAW fitness on the three solanaceous vegetables was:tomato>pepper>eggplant.This study provides the foundation for further assessment of FAW risk to solanaceous vegetables and for establishing corresponding control strategies in China.展开更多
Fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith,1797),a crop pest native to tropical and subtropical regions of America,has invaded and spread into most regions in China,posing a severe threat to China’s agriculture.Th...Fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith,1797),a crop pest native to tropical and subtropical regions of America,has invaded and spread into most regions in China,posing a severe threat to China’s agriculture.The cold hardiness directly determines its geographic distribution through adapting to winter temperatures of different regions.Here,we measured supercooling points and lethal time(LT)at low temperatures of S.frugiperda.The supercooling points for developmental stages in increasing order were:adults(-15.05℃)<pupae(-13.25℃)<prepupae(-10.50℃)<larvae(-9.03℃).Among eggs and 1st to 4th in star larvae,the 99%lethal time(LT_(99))was the highest for 4th in star larvae,with 99%of larvae dying after 18.59 d at 2℃,58.72 d at 7℃,and 66.28 d at 13℃.LT_(99) was the lowest for eggs with LTgg of 5.33 d at 2℃,9.28 d at 7℃,and 12.97 d at 13℃.This study provides mn understanding of overwintering regions of S.frugiperda in China which will be helpful for population forecasting and management.展开更多
文摘In Côte d’Ivoire, maize (Zea mays L) is the second most cultivated cereal after rice. Since the first report of Spodoptera frugiperda in Côte d’Ivoire, maize production in the northern regions has been affected resulting in maize production losses. This study aims to study the seasonal dynamic of Spodoptera frugiperda in maize fields in the sub-Sudanese zone, main zone of maize cultivation in Côte d’Ivoire. The study was done using pheromone trap lures. The results revealed a variation in the moth population at various growth stages during rainy and dry seasons. Notably, the highest numbers of moths were consistently trapped during the whorl stage with counts ranging from 131 ± 35.7 during the rainy season to 70.6 ± 15.01 in the dry season. The lowest numbers of moths were observed during pod maturation, with counts ranging from 30.3 ± 13.05 during the rainy season to 11.7 ± 3.05 in the dry season. Between the 7<sup>th</sup> and 21<sup>st</sup> days after sowing, the count of moths displayed a consistent upward trajectory, reaching 188 moths during the rainy season. The damages were particularly observed at whorl stage. The relationship between the numbers of moths and some climatic variables revealed a negative correlation between moths numbers and rainfall (r= −0.44) and relative humidity (r= −0.684). In contrast, there were positive relationships with temperature (r = 0.16), highlighting the significant impact of temperature changes on moth population dynamics. The research highlights the need for integrated pest management strategies that consider climatic factors and growth stages of maize to mitigate the impact of this insect pest on maize.
基金funded by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program,China(KQTD20180411143628272)the Special Funds for Science Technology Innovation and Industrial Development of Shenzhen Dapeng New District,China(pt202101-02)the National Key R&D Program of China(2022YFE0116500).
文摘Spodoptera frugiperda is a highly destructive pest that has become a global problem due to its robust reproductive and migratory capabilities.Transient receptor potential(TRP)channels,which constitute a vast ion channel family,play pivotal roles in sensing the external environment and maintaining internal homeostasis in insects.TRP channels have been widely investigated for their critical roles in regulating various insect behaviors in recent years.In this study,we identified 15 TRP gene loci encoding 26 transcripts in the genome of S.frugiperda and analyzed their expression profiles at different developmental stages.The results revealed that S.frugiperda possesses four TRPC genes,six TRPA genes,one TRPM gene,two TRPV genes,one TRPN gene,and one TRPML gene,while a canonical TRPP is absent.Moreover,the SfruTRPA1 was functionally characterized using the Xenopus oocyte expression system.The results showed that SfruTRPA1 is activated by temperature increases from 20 to 45℃,and there is no significant desensitization after repeated stimuli within the same temperature range.Additionally,SfruTRPA1 is activated by certain natural chemicals,including allyl isothiocyanate(AITC)and cinnamaldehyde(CA).These findings provide valuable insights to the TRP genes in S.frugiperda.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(32060637 and 32260708)the Highlevel Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Funding Project in Guizhou Province,China((2021)01)+3 种基金the Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Talent Team Project,China(Qian Ke He Pingtai RencaiCXTD(2021)004)the Systematic and Applied Acarology Society International Joint Project,England(2022(01))the Growth Project of Youth Talent in Ordinary Universities in Guizhou Province,China((2021)079)the Natural Science Special Project in Guizhou University,China((2020)02)。
文摘Parasitoids are key regulators in ecological communities and widely used as agents in biocontrol programmes.The fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda,recently invaded multiple continents and caused substantial economic losses in agriculture.Pyemotes zhonghuajia,a newly identified mite parasitoid,has shown potential for controlling various agricultural insect pests.Therefore,this study tested the performance of P.zhonghuajia in parasitising S.frugiperda.We also investigated the sublethal effects of parasitism by P.zhonghuajia on host fitness traits,transgenerational impacts,and cellular and humoral immunity.Our result showed that the fifth-instar larvae of S.frugiperda parasitised by 40 P.zhonghuajia were all dead(i.e.,a lethal effect),while parasitism by 5 or 10 P.zhonghuajia was considered sublethal since many S.frugiperda survived to adulthood and produced offspring after mating.The sublethal influences from parasitism by P.zhonghuajia resulted in reduced pupal weight,adult emergence rate and fecundity,but increased developmental time and longevity.Parasitism at both lethal(40 mites)and sublethal(10 mites)levels impaired the cellular and humoral immunity of S.frugiperda.This study presents the first empirical evidence that mite parasitoids can negatively influence host immunity.Moreover,it provides insights into the biocontrol potential of mite parasitoids and their interactions with hosts.
基金supported by the earmarked fund for China Agriculture Research System(CARS-15-19)。
文摘Since its 2018 invasion of eastern Asia,the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)has become a key pest in local maize production.Though pesticides have been widely used to mitigate the initial S.frugiperda attack,biological control is receiving ample attention as a desirable,environmentally-sound alternative to chemical control.Hoverflies(Diptera:Syrphidae)are abundant natural enemies in Chinese maize fields and have been observed to consume S.frugiperda larvae.In this study,we use laboratory assays to study the two-way interaction between immature stages of S.frugiperda and the endemic syrphid Eupeodes corollae.To mimic natural conditions,assays were performed in the presence of fresh maize leaves.Those 2 nd or 3 rd instar larvae of E.corollae preyed on 1 st and 2 nd instar S.frugiperda larvae with a Holling type III response,consuming a respective theoretical maximum of 43.48 and 83.33 larvae over a 24-h period.Conversely,once S.frugiperda larvae reached 3 rd instar,they exhibited aggressive behavior and equally preyed on syrphid larvae with a Holling type III response.Those 5 th and 6 th instar larvae of S.frugiperda consumed a respective 16.39-19.23,6.02-19.61 and 6.76-8.26 of 1 st,2 nd and 3 rd instar E.corollae larvae per day.Though our results await field-level validation,S.frugiperda agonistic(i.e.,defensive)and consumptive behavior towards resident natural enemies such as E.corollae possibly degrades biotic resistance and raises its invasion potential.Our findings shine new light on the interaction between lepidopteran herbivores and their natural enemies,and can help advance the development of conservation biological control and other integrated pest management(IPM)strategies against S.frugiperda in China and abroad.
文摘Background: Annonaceous acetogenins enclose a large number of biological activities, among which the insecticidal stands out. Methods: We report herein the biocide effects of natural acetogenins from Annona squamosa, A.?muricata and A. montana seeds: annonacin, cis-annonacin, cis-annonacin-10- one, asimicin, rolliniastatin-2, cherimolin-1, cherimolin-2, almuñequin, and two β-OH acetogenins: laherradurin and itrabin on Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Also, some acetylated and methoxy methylated ACG derivatives were synthesized and evaluated: annonacin (3 OAc), annonacin (4 OAc), asimicin (3 OAc), rolliniastatin-2 (3 OAc), rolliniastatin-2 (MOM), laherradurin (3 OAc) and itrabin (3 OAc). Results: The natural acetogenin rolliniastatin-2 (100 μg·g-1 of diet) produced the most important toxic action causing 100% mortality of early instar larvae. Derivatization of ACG yielded compounds that produced nutritional alterations. The incorporation of rolliniastatin-2 (3 OAc) and rolliniastatin-2 (3 MOM) (100 μg·g-1) into the artificial diet of Spodoptera frugiperdadisplayed the strongest antifeedant effects causing marked decreasings in larval growth and adult lethal malformations. Conclusion: Natural acetogenins are promising metabolites for insect control. Derivatization of these compounds reduces their toxicity to early instar larvae.
文摘Annonaceous acetogenins (ACG), belonging to the family Annonaceae, represent a class of bioactive compounds whose toxic effects have been reported for several spe-cies of insects. Given their insecticidal properties, we first carried out the isolation of the ACG from a Brazilian collection of the seeds of Annona squamosa (Annonaceae) and prepared their methoxy methylated (MOM) and acetylated (OAc) derivatives by chemical methods. ACG analogues were semi-synthesized and characterized by spec-troscopic techniques (<sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C-NMR). We isolated ten natural acetogenins: squamo-cin, molvizarin, motrilin, rolliniastatin-2, almunequin, cherimolin-1, cherimolin-2, an-nonacin, squamocin D and asiminecin. The main objective of this study is to report the antifeedant, toxic and nutritional effects of three of those natural acetogenins and their acetylated and methoxy methylated derivatives on Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lep-idoptera: Noctuidae). The natural ACGs squamocin and molvizarin killed 100% of S. frugiperda larvae, followed by motrilin (80%). Acetylated derivatives had less toxic and nutritional effects that led to pupal mortality and adult fatal malformations. The addition of MOM derivatives to the larval diet has not toxic effects on larvae, but significantly reduces growth rate and efficiency in conversion of ingested food into biomass, affecting adult survival.
文摘The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith), is a polyphagous pest reported in sub-Saharan Africa since 2016 and has expanded rapidly in almost Africa. In Niger, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) is considered like a major pest of maize, to which it causes significant damage, in a context where proven control methods against this moth remain almost non-existent. The objective of the present study was to determine the economic importance of FAW through the damage caused to the different host plants and to identify the parasitoids of this caterpillar. The study was conducted in the southern agricultural zone of Niger, specifically in the regions of Dosso, Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder. FAW eggs and caterpillars were collected from six villages in each region and then incubated and reared in the entomology laboratory of INRAN in Maradi. The rate of infestation of the different crops by FAW was determined as well as the observation of the beneficiaries. The results obtained indicate the presence of FAW on millet with an attack rate varying from 45.7% to 68%, sorghum with 47.2% to 62.25% and sesame with 9.7%. This work also revealed an oophagous parasitoid, Telenomus remus with 138 ± 23 and larval parasitoids, Cotesia sp with 16 ± 1 maximum number of individuals emerged from the collected material. Also, it was identified the parasitoid Cotesia icipe with a rate of parasitism from 4.6% to 5.75%;the Charops ater whose rate of parasitism varies from 4.5% and 12.25% but for Chelonus insularis with 17.25% and Tachnidae with 53%. These very interesting results will constitute a basis for the development of biological control and a component of an agroecological management strategy of caterpillar.
文摘Maize is a staple food in many sub-Saharan African countries, grown on large surfaces and with high production. However, maize’s cultivation is often confronted with attacks by the fall armyworm, which considerably reduces production. Thus, the use of biological agents in the control of the fall armyworm would contribute effectively to the sustainability of agriculture. It is in this context that this study, conducted at the La Mé station of the National Centre for Agronomy Research, aims to test the effectiveness of Rhynocoris rapax, a powerful predator of various insect families, on the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, for biological control of this maize pest in Côte d’Ivoire. Therefore, 3 batches of 1 adult individuals of Rhynocoris rapax were captured in trial plots set up at the La Mé station. These individuals were then put in contact with 3 batches of 5, 20 and 40 larvae of the pest in rearing boxes at an average temperature of 26.4°C and an average relative humidity of 60%, in order to evaluate the efficiency of the predation. The results showed that Rhynocoris rapax kills more larvae when these are in large numbers. The mortality of the high number of larvae was observed during the first three days, probably due to the voracity and aggressiveness of Rhynocoris rapax that period. So R. rapax is a potential predator of fall armyworm and should be protected.
文摘Since it was first detected in Africa in early 2016, the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), has spread to over 50 African countries, including Burkina Faso. This insect pest attacks important cereals, such as maize, millet and sorghum, which are the staple food in Burkina Faso. Since the invasion of the FAW in Africa, data on farmers’ knowledge and their perceptions of this insect’s pest are scarce and fragmented in Burkina Faso. Although this issue has been already addressed in some African countries, farmers’ perceptions of this invasive insect pest may differ from one country to another. This reality justifies our study, the main objective of which is to assess the perception and level of knowledge of farmers on this new invasive insect pest and the consequences of its damage to cereal production in western Burkina Faso. To do this, a stratified survey was conducted among 355 farmers in two important agricultural regions of Burkina Faso, namely the Hauts-Bassins and the Cascades. At the end of these surveys, it was found that the age of the people surveyed varied from 18 to 80 years. People between the ages of 41 and 50 and 31 and 40 were the most numerous, with 31.27% and 30.14% of the target population, respectively. In addition, the majority of the farmers were male, 94.08% of them being men and 5.92% being women. More than half (50.42%) of this population was non-literate. Almost all of the farmers surveyed (97.46%) said they had heard of S. frugiperda and 80.85% of them said they could identify the insect pest. The date of appearance of the FAW was variously perceived by the farmers of the study area. According to these cereals growers, the years 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 were to be remembered in terms of the insect pest’s appearance. While for sorghum and millet the change in yields from 2010 to 2019 seemed slight, it was quite remarkable for maize according to the farmers. The average maize yield in 2016 and 2017 was 1.95 and 1.83 t/ha, respectively. These values will increase slightly in 2018 and 2019 with 2.08 and 2.39 t/ha, respectively. In the field, several management methods were used by the farmers to control the insect pest’s attacks. These include chemical, cultural, and physical control. Insecticide spray frequencies ranged from 1 to 4 and even more depending on the duration of the maize cycle.
文摘Annonaceous acetogenins enclose a large number of biological activities, among which the insecticidal stands out. <em>Spodoptera frugiperda</em> is a pest that affects corn crops among others and has a great capacity to develop resistance to traditional insecticides, which represents sufficient reasons for the search for new alternatives for their control. The objective of this study was to determine the appropriate concentration and screening new natural insecticides against second instar larvae of <em>S. frugiperda</em>, under glasshouse conditions on <em>Zea mays</em> L. Natural products such as annonaceous acetogenins and some acetylated and methoxy methylated ACG derivatives and the commercial product Lambda-cyhalotrin (LC) were evaluated. The percent mortalities of <em>S. frugiperda </em>larvae in glasshouse conditions were recorded after 24, 48 and 72 h of treatment application. The results showed that the acetogenins tested were significantly (P < 0.05) different in relation to pest mortality than untreated check. After 72 h of treatment application the highest percent mortalities were obtained with the mixture of two natural products, rolliniastatin-2 (<strong>5</strong>) (100 μg/mL) + squamocin (<strong>6</strong>) (100 μg/mL) + LC (50 μg/mL) that proved the most effective and gave (100%), while rolliniastatin-2 (<strong>5</strong>) at 100 μg/mL alone, gave lowest percent mortality (65%), followed by squamocin (<strong>6</strong>) at 100 μg/mL (55%) and LC at 50 μg/mL (30%). The acetylated and methoxy methylated ACGs derivatives caused very low mortality (25% - 35%). It is recommended the mixture as a management option of <em>S. frugiperda</em> as a component of integrated pest management. The results allow us to infer that the addition of natural ACGs synergizes the insecticidal activity of the commercial product. Finding a new ecological alternative for insect control.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31727901)。
文摘The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda is one of the most damaging crop pests,and it has become major threat to the food security of many countries.In order to monitor possible invasion of this pest into China,a searchlight trap was established in March 2018 in western Yunnan Province,China,where it has served as the"first station"for many pests that have migrated from Myanmar to China.A number of suspected FAW moths were captured and identified by DNA sequencing.The results showed that the FAW moth was first captured on December 11 and formed its first immigration peak in mid-December 2018.DNA detection revealed that the early invading FAW population was the"corn-strain".The field survey indicated that the pest mainly colonized corn in Pu’er,Dehong and Baoshan areas.Migration trajectory simulation implied that the moths might have mainly come from the eastern area in the mid-latitude region of Myanmar(20-25°N,94-100°E).This case study confirmed the first immigration of FAW into China,and will be helpful for guiding monitoring and management work to control this pest.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2019YFD0300102)the Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund,China(CAASZDRW202007)the earmarked fund for China Agriculture Research System(CARS-15-19)。
文摘The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith)(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae),a notorious migratory pest native to tropical and subtropical America,invaded China in December 2018,then spread through 26 provinces(autonomous regions,municipalities)in 2019 and 27 in 2020,damaging 1.125 and 1.278 million hectares of crops,respectively.Maize was the most severely affected crop,although wheat and other plants were also ruined.Considering the biological characteristics,incidence regularity and migration patterns of the FAW populations,Chinese government implemented a regional control strategy and divided the areas infested with FAW into the annual breeding grounds in Southwest and South China,the transitional migration area in Jiangnan and Jianghuai and the key preventive area in the Huang-Huai-Hai region and North China.The National Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center constructed"the National Information Platform for the Prevention and Control of the Fall Armyworm"at the county level,which would entail people reporting and mapping the spread of fall armyworm.According to forecasting information,millions of extension workers and small-scale growers in entire country were rallied by local governments to fight the pest through comprehensive control tactics including chemical,physical,biological and ecological measures.Thanks to the joint prevention and control,the final loss of crops infested was controlled within 5%of the total in 2019 and 2020.This review also gives a discussion on existing problems and future management scenarios.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFD0300101)the Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund,China(CAAS-ZDRW202007)。
文摘Fall armyworm has invaded China and colonized its populations in tropical and sub-tropical regions of South China since December 2018.Chemical spray has been widely used to control the pest,which shall lead to resistance evolution.In this research,we collected five populations of the pest from Yunnan,Hainan,Tibet,and Fujian of China,and tested their susceptibilities to pyrethroid,organophosphorus,oxadiazine,diamide,antibiotics and other types of insecticides(14 insecticides totally)in the laboratory.Based on the susceptible baseline published from the previous studies,the resistance ratio was 615-1068-fold to chlorpyrifos,60-388-fold to spinosad,26-317-fold to lambda-cyhalothrin,13-29-fold to malathion,9-33-fold to fenvalerate,8-20-fold to deltamethrin,3-8-fold to emamectin benzoate and 1-2-fold to chlorantraniliprole,respectively.The median lethal concentration(LC_(50))of other six insecticides without the susceptible baselines was 148.27-220.96μgmL^(-1) for beta-cypermethrin,87.03-128.43μgmL^(-1) for chlorfenapyr,16.35-99.67μgmL^(-1) for indoxacarb,10.55-51.01μgmL^(-1) for phoxim,7.08-8.78μgmL^(-1) for M-EBI(the mixed insecticide of emamectin benzoate and indoxcarb)and 1.49-4.64μg mL^(-1) for cyantraniliprole.This study can be helpful for chemical control as well as for resistance monitoring and management of the pest in China.
基金supported by the Australia-China Joint Center for the PreventionManagement of Exotic Invasive Species,the Harry Butler Institute,Murdoch University,WA,Australiathe Shenzhen Science and Technology Program,China(KQTD20180411143628272)。
文摘The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith),is native to the Americas.It has rapidly invaded 47 African countries and 18 Asian countries since the first detection of invasion into Nigeria and Ghana in 2016.It is regarded as a super pest based on its host range(at least 353 host plants),its inherent ability to survive in a wide range of habitats,its strong migration ability,high fecundity,rapid development of resistance to insecticides/viruses and its gluttonous characteristics.The inherently superior biological characteristics of FAW contribute to its invasiveness.Integrated pest management(IPM)of FAW has relied on multiple applications of monitoring and scouting,agricultural control,chemical pesticides,viral insecticides,sex attractants,bio-control agents(parasitoids,predators and entomopathogens)and botanicals.Knowledge gaps remain to be filled to:(1)understand the invasive mechanisms of S.frugiperda;(2)understand how to prevent its further spread and(3)provide better management strategies.This review summarizes the biological characters of FAW,their association with its invasiveness and IPM strategies,which may provide further insights for future management.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFB0403905)the Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund,China(Y2019YJ06)the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of China(ASTIP-TRIC04)。
文摘Light traps are widely utilized to monitor and manage insect pest populations.In late 2018,the fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda,invaded China through Yunnan Province representing a huge threat to grain production.To estimate the efficiency of light traps on FAW moths,we first identified the opsin genes from FAW by using the transcriptome.Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the four opsins of FAW were clustered with those of other Noctuidae species.The expressed levels of opsins in S.frugiperda were lower than in Helicoverpa armigera,suggesting a different phototactic response between the two species.Then,we determined the phototactic behavior of FAW using H.armigera as a control,which is widely monitored and managed using light traps in China.Our results indicated that the two moths species showed significantly different phototactic behavior and both female and male FAW displayed faster flight-to-light speed than H.armigera.This may be due to a faster flight capacity in FAW compared to H.armigera.However,the capture rate of both female and male of S.frugiperda was significantly lower than that of H.armigera,which was consistent with the expression levels of opsins.These results support the positive phototaxis of S.frugiperda moths and suggest light traps could be used for monitoring and managing the pests,but with a lower efficiency than H.armigera.
基金supported by the Key Project for Breeding Genetic Modified Organisms of China(2016ZX08012004003)。
文摘ATP-binding cassette transporter C2(ABCC2)is known to be a receptor for Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)toxins in several lepidopteran insects.Mutations in the ABCC2 gene have been genetically linked to field-evolved resistance to the Cry1 F toxin from Bt in Spodoptera frugiperda.Here we generated a SfABCC2 knockout strain of S.frugiperda using the CRISPR/Cas9 system to provide further functional evidence of the role of this gene in susceptibility and resistance to Cry1 F.Results from bioassays showed that the SfABCC2 knockout S.frugiperda strain displayed 118-fold resistance to Cry1 F compared with the parental DH19 strain,but no resistance to Vip3 A toxin from Bt.These results provide the first reverse genetic evidence for SfABCC2 as a functional receptor for Cry1 F.
基金supported by the Science and Technology Program of Guizhou Province,China([2019]2412)the Basic Research Program(Science and Technology)of Guizhou Province,China([2020]1Z021)。
文摘The fall armyworm(FAW),Spodoptera frugiperda Smith(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)is an important agricultural pest that invaded China in the middle of December 2018.As a polyphagous pest,FAW is identified as a serious threat to agricultural production and food security in China.Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.),tomato(Solanum lycopersicum Mill.)and eggplant(Solanum melongena L.)are three of dominant solanaceous vegetables of this country.To our knowledge,the effects of these plants on the performances of FAW have not been well studied.In this study we assessed the fitness of this pest to these three plants.Results showed that FAW can complete its life cycle when fed with tomato and pepper,but not on eggplant.The population parameters of FAW fed with maize(Zea mays L.)and the three solanaceous vegetables were compared using the age-stage,two-sex life table method.Developmental duration was significantly different in the larval stage,but not in the pupae stage.FAW fed with pepper had the longest pre-adult period(41.73 d)and the lightest pupal weight(0.1134 g);the survival rate was lower than FAW fed with tomato.Significant differences were observed in the mean fecundity of female,with the highest(943.95 eggs)laid by FAW fed with tomato.FAW had the shortest mean generation time(T),the highest intrinsic rate of increase(r)and finite rate of increase(λ)on maize,and the highest net reproductive rate(R_(0))on tomato.Overall,FAW fitness on the three solanaceous vegetables was:tomato>pepper>eggplant.This study provides the foundation for further assessment of FAW risk to solanaceous vegetables and for establishing corresponding control strategies in China.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31727901 and 31901873)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFD0300101)。
文摘Fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith,1797),a crop pest native to tropical and subtropical regions of America,has invaded and spread into most regions in China,posing a severe threat to China’s agriculture.The cold hardiness directly determines its geographic distribution through adapting to winter temperatures of different regions.Here,we measured supercooling points and lethal time(LT)at low temperatures of S.frugiperda.The supercooling points for developmental stages in increasing order were:adults(-15.05℃)<pupae(-13.25℃)<prepupae(-10.50℃)<larvae(-9.03℃).Among eggs and 1st to 4th in star larvae,the 99%lethal time(LT_(99))was the highest for 4th in star larvae,with 99%of larvae dying after 18.59 d at 2℃,58.72 d at 7℃,and 66.28 d at 13℃.LT_(99) was the lowest for eggs with LTgg of 5.33 d at 2℃,9.28 d at 7℃,and 12.97 d at 13℃.This study provides mn understanding of overwintering regions of S.frugiperda in China which will be helpful for population forecasting and management.