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作者 肖香珍 胡林峰 张建伟 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期13-19,共7页
基于第一性原理方法,采用周期性平板模型,研究了N_(2)分子在掺杂体系TM-MoS_(2)(TM=Fe、Ir)表面的吸附和解离行为.研究表明:N_(2)分子在TM-MoS_(2)(TM=Fe、Ir)表面吸附能依次为0.62和0.47 eV,而完整MoS_(2)表面的吸附能只有0.08 eV,说... 基于第一性原理方法,采用周期性平板模型,研究了N_(2)分子在掺杂体系TM-MoS_(2)(TM=Fe、Ir)表面的吸附和解离行为.研究表明:N_(2)分子在TM-MoS_(2)(TM=Fe、Ir)表面吸附能依次为0.62和0.47 eV,而完整MoS_(2)表面的吸附能只有0.08 eV,说明掺杂之后对N_(2)表现出略好的吸附性能.差分电荷密度分析表明,N_(2)吸附后,掺杂Fe、Ir原子与两个N原子之间电荷有所增加,N-N键之间的区域电荷密度减少,N-N键的强度减弱.态密度计算结果发现,N_(2)在吸附过程中,主要是N原子的2p_(y)、2p_(z)轨道与Ir的5d_(xy)和5d_(z^(2))以及Fe的3d_(xy)和3d_(z^(2))发生杂化作用.通过分析解离活化能,N_(2)在掺杂体系TM-MoS_(2)(TM=Fe、Ir)表面解离需要活化能均较高,且远大于在相应掺杂表面的吸附能,说明N_(2)在掺杂体系TM-MoS_(2)(TM=Fe、Ir)表面解离应该表现为分子吸附或脱附. 展开更多
关键词 Fe、Ir 掺杂 单层MoS_(2) N_(2) 吸附与解离 活化能 密度泛函理论
作者 温俊青 王嘉辉 张建民 《高等学校化学学报》 北大核心 2025年第2期143-154,共12页
采用第一性原理计算方法研究了C,Pd元素掺杂及点缺陷MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结的电子结构、光学性质及光催化性能.计算结果表明,本征MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结具有0.66 eV的直接带隙,带边位置呈现Ⅱ型能带排列.掺杂和缺陷可以有效减小MoS_(2)/ZnO异质... 采用第一性原理计算方法研究了C,Pd元素掺杂及点缺陷MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结的电子结构、光学性质及光催化性能.计算结果表明,本征MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结具有0.66 eV的直接带隙,带边位置呈现Ⅱ型能带排列.掺杂和缺陷可以有效减小MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结的带隙,Pd@Zn为磁性半导体,VMo和VZn体系具有磁性半金属特性.掺杂和缺陷使MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结禁带之中出现杂质能级,有利于电子跃迁,吸收范围扩展至红外波段,在可见光范围(500~760 nm)内的光吸收系数提高.本征、掺杂与缺陷MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结体系界面处均存在由ZnO层指向MoS_(2)层的内建电场,促使本征MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结,C@S_(2),Pd@Zn,V_(S1),VS_(2)和VO体系形成直接Z型异质结,促进了光生电子-空穴对的有效分离.异质结的带边电位跨过pH=0和7时的氧化还原电位,表明这些异质结可以在强酸溶液与中性溶液条件下进行氧化还原反应,且载流子具有较强的氧化还原能力.研究结果为基于MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结的设计提供了理论参考. 展开更多
关键词 MoS_(2)/ZnO异质结 掺杂缺陷 电子结构 光催化性能
作者 阳刚 冷阳春 +1 位作者 沈统 庹先国 《核技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期32-40,共9页
岩洞处置环境中,围岩作为阻滞放射性核素进入环境的最后一道屏障,其在长期处置过程中产生的围岩胶体增大了核素迁移的风险。本文以围岩胶体和处置库拟处置的Sr^(2+)为研究对象,开展了围岩胶体稳定性及胶体对Sr^(2+)的吸附性能研究。稳... 岩洞处置环境中,围岩作为阻滞放射性核素进入环境的最后一道屏障,其在长期处置过程中产生的围岩胶体增大了核素迁移的风险。本文以围岩胶体和处置库拟处置的Sr^(2+)为研究对象,开展了围岩胶体稳定性及胶体对Sr^(2+)的吸附性能研究。稳定性研究表明:pH、温度及岩洞处置库地下水中部分离子均对围岩稳定性有影响,围岩胶体在处置库地下水环境中拥有良好的稳定性能。通过吸附试验,考察了时间、pH、不同离子等因素对吸附的影响,并对其吸附动力学及吸附等温模型进行了分析。结果显示:围岩胶体吸附Sr^(2+)在12 h达到平衡,平衡吸附量为41.79 mg·g^(-1);碱性环境下,吸附量随pH而增大;不同离子均对围岩胶体吸附Sr^(2+)有抑制作用,其阳离子抑制作用大于阴离子。围岩胶体对Sr^(2+)的吸附符合准二级动力学模型及Freundlich吸附等温模型。 展开更多
关键词 岩洞处置库 围岩胶体 Sr^(2+) 吸附
作者 赵光帅 苏春田 +4 位作者 黄奇波 朱义年 杨杨 罗飞 李小盼 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期1046-1058,共13页
【研究目的】湖南新田县发现大型富锶矿泉水田,然而锶元素来源及锶矿泉开发利用潜力研究相对薄弱,此外探究富锶岩溶水水化学特征及锶元素来源可为岩溶区寻找富锶地下水提供一定的理论支撑。【研究方法】通过开展水文地质调查,富锶地下... 【研究目的】湖南新田县发现大型富锶矿泉水田,然而锶元素来源及锶矿泉开发利用潜力研究相对薄弱,此外探究富锶岩溶水水化学特征及锶元素来源可为岩溶区寻找富锶地下水提供一定的理论支撑。【研究方法】通过开展水文地质调查,富锶地下水水化学指标检测分析,利用PHREEQC软件、水化学计量法、端元法、水文地质参数等揭示富锶岩溶水矿物饱和指数特征,Sr^(2+)、SO_(4)^(2-)来源及富锶地下水开发潜力。【研究结果】方解石在下降泉和机井中均主要处于饱和状态,白云石由下降泉中未饱和状态转为机井中的饱和状态,菱锶矿在机井中出现饱和状态,石膏在下降泉和机井中均为未饱和状态。下降泉中矿物饱和指数随泉水溶解性总固体增加而升高,两者呈较好的正相关关系,但在机井中两者相关性较差。下降泉SO_(4)^(2-)和大气降水SO_(4)^(2-)具有较好的拟合关系,根据Ca^(2+)、Mg^(2+)、Sr^(2+)、HCO_(3)^(-)、SO_(4)^(2-)化学计量关系,机井中SO_(4)^(2-)可能来源于石膏溶解。下降泉中Sr^(2+)主要来源于石灰岩中以类质同像置换钙的锶,机井中Sr^(2+)较大可能来源于含水层中菱锶矿。研究区85.2%水点的地下水符合国家生活饮用水卫生标准,超标水点多为单指标超标。经计算,枯水年富锶地下水天然补给资源量、可开采资源量和地下水资源潜力分别为3.83×10^(7)m^(3)/a、1.05×10^(7)m^(3)/a、7.28×10^(6)m^(3)/a。【结论】新田县富锶地下水中锶主要来源于泥盆系佘田桥组地层含锶矿物(类质同像置换钙的锶和菱锶矿)的溶解,富锶地下水资源量及资源潜力可观,具有较大的开发利用潜力与价值。 展开更多
关键词 富锶岩溶水 矿物饱和指数 Sr^(2+)和SO_(4)^(2-) 开发潜力 水文地质调查工程 新田县 湖南省
Co-doped BaFe_(2)As_(2) Josephson junction fabricated with a focused helium ion beam 被引量:1
作者 陈紫雯 张焱 +6 位作者 马平 徐中堂 李宇龙 王越 路建明 马衍伟 甘子钊 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期181-186,共6页
Josephson junction plays a key role not only in studying the basic physics of unconventional iron-based superconductors but also in realizing practical application of thin-film based devices,therefore the preparation ... Josephson junction plays a key role not only in studying the basic physics of unconventional iron-based superconductors but also in realizing practical application of thin-film based devices,therefore the preparation of high-quality iron pnictide Josephson junctions is of great importance.In this work,we have successfully fabricated Josephson junctions from Co-doped BaFe_(2)As_(2)thin films using a direct junction fabrication technique which utilizes high energy focused helium ion beam(FHIB).The electrical transport properties were investigated for junctions fabricated with various He^(+)irradiation doses.The junctions show sharp superconducting transition around 24 K with a narrow transition width of 2.5 K,and a dose correlated foot-structure resistance which corresponds to the effective tuning of junction properties by He^(+)irradiation.Significant J_c suppression by more than two orders of magnitude can be achieved by increasing the He^(+)irradiation dose,which is advantageous for the realization of low noise ion pnictide thin film devices.Clear Shapiro steps are observed under 10 GHz microwave irradiation.The above results demonstrate the successful fabrication of high quality and controllable Co-doped BaFe_(2)As_(2)Josephson junction with high reproducibility using the FHIB technique,laying the foundation for future investigating the mechanism of iron-based superconductors,and also the further implementation in various superconducting electronic devices. 展开更多
关键词 focused helium ion beam Co doped BaFe_(2)As_(2) Josephson junction
掺杂单层MoS_(2)电子结构与光催化性质的第一性原理计算 被引量:1
作者 徐启远 高朋 刘正堂 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期35-40,共6页
为了提高MoS_(2)的光催化能力,本研究基于第一性原理平面波赝势方法,对Cr、W、Fe、Co、Ni替换单层MoS_(2)晶格中的Mo进行研究.结果表明:W的替换能为正值,Cr、Fe、Co、Ni的替换能为负值.Cr、W掺杂晶格产生畸变主要是杂质原子的共价半径... 为了提高MoS_(2)的光催化能力,本研究基于第一性原理平面波赝势方法,对Cr、W、Fe、Co、Ni替换单层MoS_(2)晶格中的Mo进行研究.结果表明:W的替换能为正值,Cr、Fe、Co、Ni的替换能为负值.Cr、W掺杂晶格产生畸变主要是杂质原子的共价半径引起的;Fe、Co、Ni掺杂晶格产生畸变主要是掺杂原子的自旋导致的.Cr、W、Fe、Co、Ni掺杂单层MoS_(2)带隙类型没有发生改变,仍然为直接带隙,但禁带宽度变小,吸收带红移,尤其Fe、Co、Ni掺杂,导带下方有杂质能级使费米能级向高能方向移动,可以作为捕获电子陷阱,增加电子密度,减少光激发电子-空穴对的复合,有利于提升光催化能力. 展开更多
关键词 掺杂 单层二硫化钼 光催化 电子结构
Neutral and metallic vs.charged and semiconducting surface layer in acceptor doped CeO_(2)
作者 Ilan Riess 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期795-802,共8页
The monomolecular surface layer of acceptor doped CeO_(2) may become neutral and metallic or charged and semiconducting.This is revealed in the theoretical analysis of the oxygen pressure dependence of the surface def... The monomolecular surface layer of acceptor doped CeO_(2) may become neutral and metallic or charged and semiconducting.This is revealed in the theoretical analysis of the oxygen pressure dependence of the surface defects concentration in acceptor doped ceria with two different dopant types and operated under different oxygen pressures.Recently published experimental data for highly reduced Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9-x(SDC)containing a fixed valence dopant Sm3+are very different from those published for Pr0.1Ce0.9O_(2)-x(PCO) with the variable valence dopant Pr4+/Pr3+being reduced under milder conditions.The theoretical analysis of these experimental results fits very well the experimental results of SDC and PCO.It leads to the following predictions:the highly reduced surface of SDC is metallic and neutral,the metallic surface electron density of state is gs=0.9×10^(38)J-1·m^(-2)(1.4×1015eV^(-1)·cm^(-2)),the electron effective mass is meff,s=3.3me,and the phase diagram of the reduced surface has theα(fcc)structure as in the bulk.In PCO a double layer is predicted to be formed between the surface and the bulk with the surface being negatively charged and semiconducting.The surface of PCO maintains high Pr^(3+) defect concentration as well as relative high oxygen vacancy concentration at oxygen pressures higher than in the bulk.The reasons for the difference between a metallic and semiconducting surface layer of acceptor doped CeO_(2) are reviewed,as well as the key theoretical considerations applied in coping with this problem.For that we make use of the experimental data and theoretical analysis available for acceptor doped ceria. 展开更多
关键词 CeO_(2) surface defects metallic surface oxide reduction Sm doped CeO_(2) Pr doped CeO_(2)
Memristive feature and mechanism induced by laser-doping in defect-free 2D semiconductor materials
作者 Xiaoshan Du Shu Wang +11 位作者 Qiaoxuan Zhang Shengyao Chen Fengyou Yang Zhenzhou Liu Zhengwei Fan Lijun Ma Lei Wang Lena Du Zhongchang Wang Cong Wang Bing Chen Qian Liu 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期85-91,共7页
Memristors as non-volatile memory devices have gained numerous attentions owing to their advantages in storage,in-memory computing, synaptic applications, etc. In recent years, two-dimensional(2D) materials with moder... Memristors as non-volatile memory devices have gained numerous attentions owing to their advantages in storage,in-memory computing, synaptic applications, etc. In recent years, two-dimensional(2D) materials with moderate defects have been discovered to exist memristive feature. However, it is very difficult to obtain moderate defect degree in 2D materials, and studied on modulation means and mechanism becomes urgent and essential. In this work, we realized memristive feature with a bipolar switching and a configurable on/off ratio in a two-terminal MoS_(2) device(on/off ratio ~100), for the first time, from absent to present using laser-modulation to few-layer defect-free MoS_(2)(about 10 layers), and its retention time in both high resistance state and low resistance state can reach 2×10^(4) s. The mechanism of the laser-induced memristive feature has been cleared by dynamic Monte Carlo simulations and first-principles calculations. Furthermore, we verified the universality of the laser-modulation by investigating other 2D materials of TMDs. Our work will open a route to modulate and optimize the performance of 2D semiconductor memristive devices. 展开更多
关键词 2D-material memristor laser doping laser direct writing memristive mechanism
Selective core-shell doping enabling high performance 4.6 V-LiCoO_(2)
作者 Yueming Xia Jianrui Feng +6 位作者 Jinhui Li Yan Li Zhengfeng Zhang Xiaoqi Wang Jianli Shao Manling Sui Pengfei Yan 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期684-693,I0015,共11页
Constructing robust surface and bulk structure is the prerequisite for realizing high performance high voltage LiCoO_(2)(LCO).Herein,we manage to synthesize a surface Mg-doping and bulk Al-doping coreshell structured ... Constructing robust surface and bulk structure is the prerequisite for realizing high performance high voltage LiCoO_(2)(LCO).Herein,we manage to synthesize a surface Mg-doping and bulk Al-doping coreshell structured LCO,which demonstrates excellent cycling performance.Half-cell shows 94.2%capacity retention after 100 cycles at 3.0-4.6 V(vs.Li/Li^(+))cycling,and no capacity decay after 300 cycles for fullcell test(3.0-4.55 V).Based on comprehensive microanalysis and theoretical calculations,the degradation mechanisms and doping effects are systematically revealed.For the undoped LCO,high voltage cycling induces severe interfacial and bulk degradations,where cracks,stripe defects,fatigue H2 phase,and spinel phase are identified in grain bulk.For the doped LCO,Mg-doped surface shell can suppress the interfacial degradations,which not only stabilizes the surface structure by forming a thin rock-salt layer but also significantly improves the electronic conductivity,thus enabling superior rate performance.Bulk Al-doping can suppress the lattice"breathing"effect and the detrimental H3 to H1-3 phase transition,which minimizes the internal strain and defects growth,maintaining the layered structure after prolonged cycling.Combining theoretical calculations,this work deepens our understanding of the doping effects of Mg and Al,which is valuable in guiding the future material design of high voltage LCO. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium-ion battery doping effect Failure mechanism High-voltage LiCoO_(2) Electron microscopy
Durable hierarchical phosphorus‐doped biphase MoS_(2)electrocatalysts with enhanced H^(*)adsorption
作者 Yongteng Qian Jianmin Yu +4 位作者 Zhiyi Lyu Qianwen Zhang Tae Hyeong Lee Huan Pang Dae Joon Kang 《Carbon Energy》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期104-114,共11页
Phase engineering is an efficient strategy for enhancing the kinetics of electrocatalytic reactions.Herein,phase engineering was employed to prepare high‐performance phosphorous‐doped biphase(1T/2H)MoS_(2)(P‐BMS)na... Phase engineering is an efficient strategy for enhancing the kinetics of electrocatalytic reactions.Herein,phase engineering was employed to prepare high‐performance phosphorous‐doped biphase(1T/2H)MoS_(2)(P‐BMS)nanoflakes for hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).The doping of MoS_(2)with P atoms modifies its electronic structure and optimizes its electrocatalytic reaction kinetics,which significantly enhances its electrical conductivity and structural stability,which are verified by various characterization tools,including X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy,high‐resolution transmission electron microscopy,X‐ray absorption near‐edge spectroscopy,and extended X‐ray absorption fine structure.Moreover,the hierarchically formed flakes of P‐BMS provide numerous catalytic surface‐active sites,which remarkably enhance its HER activity.The optimized P‐BMS electrocatalysts exhibit low overpotentials(60 and 72 mV at 10 mA cm^(−2))in H_(2)SO_(4)(0.5 M)and KOH(1.0 M),respectively.The mechanism of improving the HER activity of the material was systematically studied using density functional theory calculations and various electrochemical characterization techniques.This study has shown that phase engineering is a promising strategy for enhancing the H*adsorption of metal sulfides. 展开更多
关键词 1T/2H MoS_(2) density functional theory ELECTROCATALYSTS phase engineering phosphorous doping
Unveiling the pressure-driven metal–semiconductor–metal transition in the doped TiS_(2)
作者 陈佳骏 吕心邓 +3 位作者 李思敏 但雅倩 黄艳萍 崔田 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期63-67,共5页
Conventional theories expect that materials under pressure exhibit expanded valence and conduction bands,leading to increased electrical conductivity.Here,we report the electrical properties of the doped 1T-TiS_(2) un... Conventional theories expect that materials under pressure exhibit expanded valence and conduction bands,leading to increased electrical conductivity.Here,we report the electrical properties of the doped 1T-TiS_(2) under high pressure by electrical resistance investigations,synchrotron x-ray diffraction,Raman scattering and theoretical calculations.Up to 70 GPa,an unusual metal-semiconductor-metal transition occurs.Our first-principles calculations suggest that the observed anti-Wilson transition from metal to semiconductor at 17 GPa is due to the electron localization induced by the intercalated Ti atoms.This electron localization is attributed to the strengthened coupling between the doped Ti atoms and S atoms,and the Anderson localization arising from the disordered intercalation.At pressures exceeding 30.5 GPa,the doped TiS_(2) undergoes a re-metallization transition initiated by a crystal structure phase transition.We assign the most probable space group as P2_(1)2_(1)2_(1).Our findings suggest that materials probably will eventually undergo the Wilson transition when subjected to sufficient pressure. 展开更多
关键词 high pressure transition metal dichalcogenides doped TiS_(2) electronic phase transition
Enhanced stability of FA-based perovskite:Rare-earth metal compound EuBr_(2) doping
作者 候敏娜 郭旭 +6 位作者 韩梅斗雪 赵均陶 王志元 丁毅 侯国付 张宗胜 韩小平 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期669-675,共7页
It is highly desirable to enhance the long-term stability of perovskite solar cells(PSCs)so that this class of photovoltaic cells can be effectively used for the commercialization purposes.In this contribution,attempt... It is highly desirable to enhance the long-term stability of perovskite solar cells(PSCs)so that this class of photovoltaic cells can be effectively used for the commercialization purposes.In this contribution,attempts have been made to use the two-step sequential method to dope EuBr_(2)into FAMAPbI_(3)perovskite to promote the stability.It is shown that the device durability at 85℃in air with RH of 20%-40%is improved substantially,and simultaneously the champion device efficiency of 23.04%is achieved.The enhancement in stability is attributed to two points:(ⅰ)EuBr_(2)doping effectively inhibits the decomposition andα-δphase transition of perovskite under ambient environment,and(ⅱ)EuBr_(2)aggregates in the oxidized format of Eu(BrO_(3))_(3)at perovskite grain boundaries and surface,hampering humidity erosion and mitigates degradation through coordination with H_(2)O. 展开更多
关键词 EuBr_(2) doping inhibited phase transition and decomposition STABILITY perovskite solar cell
Small but mighty:Empowering sodium/potassium-ion battery performance with S-doped SnO_(2) quantum dots embedded in N,S codoped carbon fiber network
作者 Shengnan He Hui Wu +4 位作者 Shuang Li Ke Liu Yaxiong Yang Hongge Pan Xuebin Yu 《Carbon Energy》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期186-200,共15页
SnO_(2) has been extensively investigated as an anode material for sodium-ion batteries(SIBs)and potassium-ion batteries(PIBs)due to its high Na/K storage capacity,high abundance,and low toxicity.However,the sluggish ... SnO_(2) has been extensively investigated as an anode material for sodium-ion batteries(SIBs)and potassium-ion batteries(PIBs)due to its high Na/K storage capacity,high abundance,and low toxicity.However,the sluggish reaction kinetics,low electronic conductivity,and large volume changes during charge and discharge hinder the practical applications of SnO_(2)-based electrodes for SIBs and PIBs.Engineering rational structures with fast charge/ion transfer and robust stability is important to overcoming these challenges.Herein,S-doped SnO_(2)(S-SnO_(2))quantum dots(QDs)(≈3 nm)encapsulated in an N,S codoped carbon fiber networks(S-SnO_(2)-CFN)are rationally fabricated using a sequential freeze-drying,calcination,and S-doping strategy.Experimental analysis and density functional theory calculations reveal that the integration of S-SnO_(2) QDs with N,S codoped carbon fiber network remarkably decreases the adsorption energies of Na/K atoms in the interlayer of SnO_(2)-CFN,and the S doping can increase the conductivity of SnO_(2),thereby enhancing the ion transfer kinetics.The synergistic interaction between S-SnO_(2) QDs and N,S codoped carbon fiber network results in a composite with fast Na+/K+storage and extraordinary long-term cyclability.Specifically,the S-SnO_(2)-CFN delivers high rate capacities of 141.0 mAh g^(−1) at 20 A g^(−1) in SIBs and 102.8 mAh g^(−1) at 10 A g^(−1) in PIBs.Impressively,it delivers ultra-stable sodium storage up to 10,000 cycles at 5 A g^(−1) and potassium storage up to 5000 cycles at 2 A g^(−1).This study provides insights into constructing metal oxide-based carbon fiber network structures for high-performance electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices. 展开更多
关键词 carbon fiber network heteroatom doping potassium-ion battery sodium-ion battery S-SnO_(2)quantum dot
Mg-doped SrTaO_(2)N as a visible-light-driven H_(2)-evolution photocatalyst for accelerated Z-scheme overall water splitting
作者 Jun Xu Ying Luo +4 位作者 Qiaoqi Guo Wenzheng Sun Shanshan Chen Zheng Wang Hong He 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第10期70-78,共9页
Perovskite SrTaO_(2)N is one of the most promising narrow-bandgap photocatalysts for Z-scheme overall water splitting.However,the formation of defect states during thermal nitridation severely hinders the separation o... Perovskite SrTaO_(2)N is one of the most promising narrow-bandgap photocatalysts for Z-scheme overall water splitting.However,the formation of defect states during thermal nitridation severely hinders the separation of charges,resulting in poor photocatalytic activity.In the present study,we successfully synthesize SrTaO_(2)N photocatalyst with low density of defect states,uniform morphology and particle size by flux-assisted one-pot nitridation combined with Mg doping.Some important parameters,such as the size of unit cell,the content of nitrogen,and microstructure,prove the successful doping of Mg.The defect-related carrier recombination has been significantly reduced by Mg doping,which effectively promotes the charge separation.Moreover,Mg doping induces a change of the band edge,which makes proton reduction have a stronger driving force.After modifying with the core/shell-structured Pt/Cr_(2)O_(3)cocatalyst,the H_(2)evolution activity of the optimized SrTaO_(2)N:Mg is 10 times that of the undoped SrTaO_(2)N,with an impressive apparent quantum yield of 1.51%at 420 nm.By coupling with Au-FeCoO_(x)modified BiVO_(4)as an O_(2)-evolution photocatalyst and[Fe(CN)_(6)]_(3)−/[Fe(CN)_(6)]_(4)−as the redox couple,a redox-based Z-scheme overall water splitting system is successfully constructed with an apparent quantum yield of 1.36%at 420 nm.This work provides an alternative way to prepare oxynitride semiconductors with reduced defects to promote the conversion of solar energy. 展开更多
关键词 Photocatalytic overall water splitting SrTaO_(2)N photocatalyst Mg doping Defect density COCATALYST
Nitrogen-doping boosts ^(*)CO utilization and H_(2)O activation on copper for improving CO_(2) reduction to C_(2+) products
作者 Yisen Yang Zhonghao Tan +5 位作者 Jianling Zhang Jie Yang Renjie Zhang Sha Wang Yi Song Zhuizhui Su 《Green Energy & Environment》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期1459-1465,共7页
To improve the electrocatalytic transformation of carbon dioxide (CO_(2)) to multi-carbon (C_(2+)) products is of great importance.Here we developed a nitrogen-doped Cu catalyst,by which the maximum C_(2+) Faradaic ef... To improve the electrocatalytic transformation of carbon dioxide (CO_(2)) to multi-carbon (C_(2+)) products is of great importance.Here we developed a nitrogen-doped Cu catalyst,by which the maximum C_(2+) Faradaic efficiency can reach 72.7%in flow-cell system,with the partial current density reaching 0.62 A cm^(-2).The in situ Raman spectra demonstrate that the *CO adsorption can be strengthened on such a N-doped Cu catalyst,thus promoting the *CO utilization in the subsequent C–C coupling step.Simultaneously,the water activation can be well enhanced by N doping on Cu catalyst.Owing to the synergistic effects,the selectivity and activity for C_(2+) products over the N-deoped Cu catalyst are much improved. 展开更多
关键词 Electrocatalytic CO_(2)reduction reaction Copper catalyst doping Multi-carbon products In situ Raman measurement
Defect Engineering in Earth-Abundant Cu_(2)ZnSnSe_(4) Absorber Using Efficient Alkali Doping for Flexible and Tandem Solar Cell Applications
作者 Muhammad Rehan Ara Cho +11 位作者 Inyoung Jeong Kihwan Kim Asmat Ullah Jun-Sik Cho Joo Hyung Park Yunae Jo Sung Jun Hong Seung Kyu Ahn SeJin Ahn Jae Ho Yun Jihye Gwak Donghyeop Shin 《Energy & Environmental Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期249-256,共8页
To demonstrate flexible and tandem device applications,a low-temperature Cu_(2)ZnSnSe_(4)(CZTSe)deposition process,combined with efficient alkali doping,was developed.First,high-quality CZTSe films were grown at 480℃... To demonstrate flexible and tandem device applications,a low-temperature Cu_(2)ZnSnSe_(4)(CZTSe)deposition process,combined with efficient alkali doping,was developed.First,high-quality CZTSe films were grown at 480℃by a single co-evaporation,which is applicable to polyimide(PI)substrate.Because of the alkali-free substrate,Na and K alkali doping were systematically studied and optimized to precisely control the alkali distribution in CZTSe.The bulk defect density was significantly reduced by suppression of deep acceptor states after the(NaF+KF)PDTs.Through the low-temperature deposition with(NaF+KF)PDTs,the CZTSe device on glass yields the best efficiency of 8.1%with an improved Voc deficit of 646 mV.The developed deposition technologies have been applied to PI.For the first time,we report the highest efficiency of 6.92%for flexible CZTSe solar cells on PI.Additionally,CZTSe devices were utilized as bottom cells to fabricate four-terminal CZTSe/perovskite tandem cells because of a low bandgap of CZTSe(~1.0 eV)so that the tandem cell yielded an efficiency of 20%.The obtained results show that CZTSe solar cells prepared by a low-temperature process with in-situ alkali doping can be utilized for flexible thin-film solar cells as well as tandem device applications. 展开更多
关键词 alkali doping Earth-abundant Cu_(2)ZnSnSe_(4) flexible solar cells four-terminal tandem cells low-temperature process
Homovalent doping:An efficient strategy of the enhanced TiNb_(2)O_(7)anode for lithium-ion batteries
作者 Xiaohe Jin Yirui Deng +5 位作者 Han Tian Miaomiao Zhou Wenhao Tang Huiyou Dong Xinquan Zhang Ruiping Liu 《Green Energy & Environment》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期1257-1266,共10页
The low energy density,unsatisfied cycling performance,potential safety issue and slow charging kinetics of the commercial lithium-ion batteries restrained their further application in the fields of fast charging and ... The low energy density,unsatisfied cycling performance,potential safety issue and slow charging kinetics of the commercial lithium-ion batteries restrained their further application in the fields of fast charging and long-haul electric vehicles.Monoclinic TiNb_(2)O_(7)(TNO)with the theoretical capacity of 387 mAh g^(-1)has been proposed as a high-capacity anode materials to replace Li4Ti5O12.In this work,homovalent doping strategy was used to enhance the electrochemical performance of TiNb_(2)O_(7)(TNO)by employing Zr to partial substitute Ti through solvothermal method.The doping of Zr^(4+)ions can enlarge the lattice structure without changing the chemical valence of the original elements,refine and homogenize the grains,improve the electrical conductivity,and accelerate the ion diffusion kinetics,and finally enhance the cycle and rate performance.Specifically,Z0.05-TNO shows initial discharge capacity of as high as 312.2 mAh g^(-1)at 1 C and 244.8 mAh g^(-1)at 10 C,and still maintains a high specific capacity of 171.3 mAh g^(-1)after 800 cycles at 10 C.This study provides a new strategy for high-performance fast-charging energy storage electrodes. 展开更多
关键词 Homovalent doping Zr^(4+)TiNb_(2)O_(7) Microsphere Lithium-ion batteries
Enhancing potassium-ion storage of Bi_(2)S_(3) through external–internal dual synergism: Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x) compositing and Cu^(2+) doping
作者 Dawei Sha Yurong You +5 位作者 Rongxiang Hu Jianxiang Ding Xin Cao Yuan Zhang Long Pan ZhengMing Sun 《Carbon Energy》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期39-51,共13页
Potassium-ion batteries(PIBs)offer a cost-effective and resource-abundant solution for large-scale energy storage.However,the progress of PIBs is impeded by the lack of high-capacity,long-life,and fast-kinetics anode ... Potassium-ion batteries(PIBs)offer a cost-effective and resource-abundant solution for large-scale energy storage.However,the progress of PIBs is impeded by the lack of high-capacity,long-life,and fast-kinetics anode electrode materials.Here,we propose a dual synergic optimization strategy to enhance the K^(+)storage stability and reaction kinetics of Bi_(2)S_(3) through two-dimensional compositing and cation doping.Externally,Bi_(2)S_(3) nanoparticles are loaded onto the surface of three-dimensional interconnected Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x) nanosheets to stabilize the electrode structure.Internally,Cu^(2+)doping acts as active sites to accelerate K^(+)storage kinetics.Various theoretical simulations and ex situ techniques are used to elucidate the external–internal dual synergism.During discharge,Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x) and Cu^(2+)collaboratively facilitate K+intercalation.Subsequently,Cu^(2+)doping primarily promotes the fracture of Bi2S3 bonds,facilitating a conversion reaction.Throughout cycling,the Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x) composite structure and Cu^(2+)doping sustain functionality.The resulting Cu^(2+)-doped Bi2S3 anchored on Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x)(C-BT)shows excellent rate capability(600 mAh g^(-1) at 0.1 A g^(–1);105 mAh g^(-1) at 5.0 A g^(-1))and cycling performance(91 mAh g^(-1) at 5.0 A g^(-1) after 1000 cycles)in half cells and a high energy density(179 Wh kg–1)in full cells. 展开更多
关键词 Bi_(2)S_(3) cation doping potassium-ion batteries synergic mechanism Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x)compositing
Preparation of Ta-Doped TiO2 Using Ta2O5 as the Doping Source 被引量:1
作者 许程 林笛 +3 位作者 牛继南 强颖怀 李大伟 陶春先 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第8期169-172,共4页
A novel method for preparing Ta-doped Ti02 via using Ta2 05 as the doping source is proposed. The preparation process combines the hydrothernlal fluorination of Ta2O5 and the subsequent formation of Ta-doped TiO2 sol.... A novel method for preparing Ta-doped Ti02 via using Ta2 05 as the doping source is proposed. The preparation process combines the hydrothernlal fluorination of Ta2O5 and the subsequent formation of Ta-doped TiO2 sol. The results show that the doped sample annealed at 393 K generates an unstable intermediate NH4 TiOF3, which converts into anatase TiO2 with the increase of temperature. After annealing at ≥673K, the Ta-doped TiO2 nanocrystals with the grain size 〈20nm are obtained. Both the XRD and TG-DSC results confirm that Ta doping prevents the anatase-rutile crystal transition of TiO2. The band gap values of the doped samples, as obtained by UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra, are smaller than that of pure anatase TiO2. The first-principle pseudopotential method calculations indicate that Ta5+ lies in the TiO2 lattice at the interstitial position. 展开更多
关键词 TiO TA Preparation of Ta-Doped TiO2 Using Ta2O5 as the doping Source Figure XRD DSC
作者 张建华 王敏 +2 位作者 陈畅 曹倩 徐银 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期127-134,共8页
Bi_(2)S_(2)Se是一种新兴的具有优异光电性能的材料,因此受到了广泛的关注.本研究采用第一性原理方法和开源程序,研究了本征单层Bi_(2)S_(2)Se以及掺杂非金属元素X(X=P,Cl,Br和I)和S空位的体系的电子结构和光学特性.计算结果表明,改性... Bi_(2)S_(2)Se是一种新兴的具有优异光电性能的材料,因此受到了广泛的关注.本研究采用第一性原理方法和开源程序,研究了本征单层Bi_(2)S_(2)Se以及掺杂非金属元素X(X=P,Cl,Br和I)和S空位的体系的电子结构和光学特性.计算结果表明,改性后出现了晶格缺陷.含S空位和P、Cl、Br掺杂体系的带隙减少,而I掺杂体系的带隙增加.同时,含S空位和Cl、Br、I掺杂体系的费米能级穿过导带底,而P掺杂体系的费米能级穿过价带顶.所有改性体系在费米能级附近都出现了缺陷能级或杂质能级,表现出较高的可见光吸收能力和散射能力,改性体系的对可见光的吸收能力和散射能力有所增加. 展开更多
关键词 Bi_(2)S_(2)Se 掺杂 电子结构 光学性质 第一性原理
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