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作者 廖佩钞 宁晓骏 童爽 《工业安全与环保》 2024年第5期74-79,共6页
针对变截梁桥建模困难、效率低下、精确度不足等问题,以鄂州市东沟大桥为工程背景,基于Revit+Dynamo模式提出一套搭建变截面梁桥参数化模型方案,成功搭建全桥三维模型,验证了该参数化模型方案具有可行性。并在此模型基础上,通过Revit AP... 针对变截梁桥建模困难、效率低下、精确度不足等问题,以鄂州市东沟大桥为工程背景,基于Revit+Dynamo模式提出一套搭建变截面梁桥参数化模型方案,成功搭建全桥三维模型,验证了该参数化模型方案具有可行性。并在此模型基础上,通过Revit API程序接口进行二次开发创建0#节段箱梁钢筋参数化模型,实现了桥梁工程参数化、自动化建模效果,期望能为同类型和其他类型桥梁参数化设计提供一些思路和参考。 展开更多
关键词 变截面连续梁桥 参数化模型 dynamo Revit API
基于Revit Dynamo的交通领域线性工程装配方法研究
作者 吴爽 尹华拓 +1 位作者 陈剑 王文涛 《广东土木与建筑》 2024年第2期16-19,共4页
为解决在Revit中快速建立线性工程模型问题,通过采用Revit的二次开发可视化编程工具Dynamo,编制了标准化的程序模块,实现了在Revit中快速建立线性工程BIM模型。首先,通过提取线路数据,在Dynamo中建立三维空间曲线模型;然后,建立线性工... 为解决在Revit中快速建立线性工程模型问题,通过采用Revit的二次开发可视化编程工具Dynamo,编制了标准化的程序模块,实现了在Revit中快速建立线性工程BIM模型。首先,通过提取线路数据,在Dynamo中建立三维空间曲线模型;然后,建立线性工程标准构件族和非标准构件族,在Excel表格中列入构件的具体装配桩号和尺寸等信息;最后,在Dynamo中,获取线路模型各构件所在桩号的坐标系信息,通过移动和旋转实现构件准确定位,并将模型合并和展示在Revit中。采用该线性工程装配方法进行了实际工程建模,验证了方法的正确性。该建模方法可以应用到道路、桥梁、隧道、管廊等各种线性工程建模中;通过编写标准化数据模板和Dynamo程序模块,提高了自动化建模效率;可通过调整基础数据,快速实现批量更改各类参数,能较好地适应工程实际应用过程中反复调整方案的需求;建立的模型精确度高,可用于进行碰撞检查、施工模拟、施工算量、工程漫游、指导施工等。 展开更多
关键词 线性工程 桥梁工程 BIM REVIT dynamo
作者 王佳 郭光智 +1 位作者 王一品 张俊峰 《水利规划与设计》 2024年第6期127-129,133,共4页
文章以城乡供水工程中长距离管线作为研究对象,探究出一种基于Revit+Dynamo平台的长距离管线快速建模的解决方法。方法以Revit+Dynamo软件为工具,创建Revit参数化族模型,自主研发Dynamo总装配设计文件(算法程序),以驱动Revit参数化族模... 文章以城乡供水工程中长距离管线作为研究对象,探究出一种基于Revit+Dynamo平台的长距离管线快速建模的解决方法。方法以Revit+Dynamo软件为工具,创建Revit参数化族模型,自主研发Dynamo总装配设计文件(算法程序),以驱动Revit参数化族模型自动装配,实现长距离管线快速精准建模。最后,将此技术应用到城乡供水实际工程中,证明该方法在实现数字孪生建设中具有很好的创新性。 展开更多
关键词 城乡供水 BIM技术 dynamo 快速建模 数字孪生
作者 梁孟晗 彭漠 +1 位作者 刘亚楠 于歌 《信息与电脑》 2024年第8期104-106,共3页
本文基于Django框架,设计与实现了Sun求职平台,旨在为求职者和招聘方提供一个高效、便捷的互联网招聘平台。通过采用Django的模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller)架构,实现了用户注册、登录、简历上传、职位发布等核心功能。在前... 本文基于Django框架,设计与实现了Sun求职平台,旨在为求职者和招聘方提供一个高效、便捷的互联网招聘平台。通过采用Django的模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller)架构,实现了用户注册、登录、简历上传、职位发布等核心功能。在前端方面,采用了Bootstrap框架进行页面布局,使界面简洁美观且具有响应性。在后端方面,利用Django的ORM系统实现了数据库的管理和交互,确保了系统的稳定性和安全性。通过整合第三方认证系统,提高了用户体验的同时,保障了信息的真实性。最终,Sun求职平台通过完善的功能和友好的界面,为求职者和企业搭建了一个高效的沟通桥梁,促进了人才与岗位的精准匹配。 展开更多
关键词 DJANGO 互联网招聘 sun求职平台 ORM系统
作者 王俊杰 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2024年第7期0174-0178,共5页
近年来,BIM技术在桥梁领域的发展迅速,使得桥梁数字化建造的应用领域及深度不断增加,同时对于桥梁BIM模型信息的丰富度也提出了更高的要求。鉴于此,分析了桥梁信息特点与构成,通过CBIMS和市政指南对桥梁构件拆分并梳理了层级结构化关系... 近年来,BIM技术在桥梁领域的发展迅速,使得桥梁数字化建造的应用领域及深度不断增加,同时对于桥梁BIM模型信息的丰富度也提出了更高的要求。鉴于此,分析了桥梁信息特点与构成,通过CBIMS和市政指南对桥梁构件拆分并梳理了层级结构化关系,建立了一套适用于桥梁工程分类的编码规则。将该编码规则应用于桥梁BIM模型中,基于Dynamo技术实现了编码信息的模块化批量快速赋予。研究结果表明,层级结构化有利于桥梁构件的细类划分与编码,可视化编程的编码方法极大的提高了录入构件编码的效率,为桥梁模型信息管理提供了参考与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁信息管理 dynamo BIM技术 编码
The Influence of the Sun and Moon on the Observation of Very High Energy Gamma-ray Sources Using EAS Arrays
作者 Tao Wen Songzhan Chen Benzhong Dai 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期245-252,共8页
With great advance of ground-based extensive air shower arrays,such as LHAASO and HAWC,many very high energy(VHE)gamma-ray sources have been discovered and are being monitored regardless of the day and the night.Hence... With great advance of ground-based extensive air shower arrays,such as LHAASO and HAWC,many very high energy(VHE)gamma-ray sources have been discovered and are being monitored regardless of the day and the night.Hence,the Sun and Moon would have some impacts on the observation of gamma-ray sources,which have not been taken into account in previous analysis.In this paper,the influence of the Sun and Moon on the observation of very high energy gamma-ray sources when they are near the line of sight of the Sun or Moon is estimated.The tracks of all the known VHE sources are scanned and several VHE sources are found to be very close to the line of sight of the Sun or Moon during some period.The absorption of very high energy gamma rays by sunlight is estimated with detailed method and some useful conclusions are achieved.The main influence is the block of the Sun and Moon on gamma rays and the shadow on the cosmic ray background.The influence is investigated considering the detector angular resolution and some strategies on data analysis are proposed to avoid the underestimation of the gamma-ray emission. 展开更多
关键词 astroparticle physics sun:general methods:observational sun:UV radiation
作者 赵桐桐 王亮 陈鑫尧 《土木建筑工程信息技术》 2024年第1期78-84,共7页
装配式预制构件较传统现浇构件构造复杂,存在构件拆分工作量大、预制构件种类多及建模操作繁琐等问题。此外,预制构件蕴含大量的参数信息,对BIM技术的信息应用与管理能力提出了更高的要求。针对以上问题,本文以桁架钢筋混凝土叠合板为例... 装配式预制构件较传统现浇构件构造复杂,存在构件拆分工作量大、预制构件种类多及建模操作繁琐等问题。此外,预制构件蕴含大量的参数信息,对BIM技术的信息应用与管理能力提出了更高的要求。针对以上问题,本文以桁架钢筋混凝土叠合板为例,借助于Revit内置可视化编程插件Dynamo对Revit进行二次开发,结合参数化、模数化、标准化及工程实用性的理念,创建了系列叠合板参数化应用程序。其中主要包括叠合板的智能化批量拆分、参数化批量建模以及外形尺寸信息单智能导出三个模块,同时对构件参数信息及程序功能进行了集成。最后,将本程序应用于某棚户区改造项目中,极大地简化了叠合板拆分、建模与质量检验工作流程,提高了设计及施工阶段的工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 dynamo 桁架钢筋混凝土叠合板 参数化建模 工程信息管理 深化设计 进场检验
作者 肖云飞 《山西建筑》 2024年第1期191-194,198,共5页
钢结构工程施工中运用BIM技术后虽然提高了生产效率,但运行体系还不成熟,在实际使用BIM技术过程中发现有软件之间模型传输、施工现场组焊时找不到构件、施工信息赋予效率等问题。经过分析研究,提出基于Revit软件二次开发生成的一套用于... 钢结构工程施工中运用BIM技术后虽然提高了生产效率,但运行体系还不成熟,在实际使用BIM技术过程中发现有软件之间模型传输、施工现场组焊时找不到构件、施工信息赋予效率等问题。经过分析研究,提出基于Revit软件二次开发生成的一套用于辅助钢结构工程的施工管理技术。该技术由生成唯一标识名称、快速查找构件、施工信息批量一键赋予三个部分组成。首先给每一个构件生成通俗易懂的唯一标识名称,作为其他两个部分程序的识别线索。然后基于唯一标识名称可进行构件分类、构件焊接位置查找和一键信息赋予等功能。通过编程,将烦琐的人工操作简单化,减少操作时间、降低操作难度从而提高工作效率,为钢结构工程施工提质增效。赋予的构件信息不仅可以用于施工过程的责任追溯,还为后续运维阶段提供数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 钢结构工程 BIM dynamo Revit二次开发 信息管理
作者 范文晓 乔东阁 邓雲汀 《智能建筑与智慧城市》 2024年第2期82-84,共3页
传统的道路线形设计方法难以实现平面线形、纵断面线形之间的动态关联,本研究探索基于Dynamo与Revit相结合的方式解决Revit无法解决的复杂空间曲线类问题,建立道路三维空间线,分析曲线建立过程中影响空间曲线精度的因素,利用Revit+Dynam... 传统的道路线形设计方法难以实现平面线形、纵断面线形之间的动态关联,本研究探索基于Dynamo与Revit相结合的方式解决Revit无法解决的复杂空间曲线类问题,建立道路三维空间线,分析曲线建立过程中影响空间曲线精度的因素,利用Revit+Dynamo检验并评价曲线精度,选出精度更佳的三维空间曲线创建方式,在工程项目应用中推荐优先选用,为BIM技术在道路工程建模过程中提供有益参考。 展开更多
关键词 REVIT dynamo 道路三维空间曲线 曲线精度评价 BIM
Solving the Olbers’s Paradox, Explaining the “Red-Shift”, and Challenging the Relativities by “Sun Matters Theory” and “Sun Model of Universe”, an Evolution of the Einstein’s Static Universe Model
作者 Wanpeng Sun 《Natural Science》 2024年第2期7-18,共12页
Olbers’s paradox, known as the dark night paradox, is an argument in astrophysics that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. Big-Bang theory was used ... Olbers’s paradox, known as the dark night paradox, is an argument in astrophysics that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. Big-Bang theory was used to partially explain this paradox, while introducing new problems. Hereby, we propose a better theory, named Sun Matters Theory, to explain this paradox. Moreover, this unique theory supports and extended the Einstein’s static universe model proposed by Albert Einstein in 1917. Further, we proposed our new universe model, “Sun Model of Universe”. Based on the new model and novel theory, we generated innovative field equation by upgrading Einstein’s Field Equation through adding back the cosmological constant, introducing a new variable and modifying the gravitationally-related concepts. According to the Sun Model of Universe, the dark matter and dark energy comprise the so-called “Sun Matters”. The observed phenomenon like the red shift is explained as due to the interaction of ordinary light with Sun Matters leading to its energy and frequency decrease. In Sun Model, our big universe consists of many universes with ordinary matter at the core mixed and surrounded with the Sun Matters. In those universes, the laws of physics may be completely or partially different from that of our ordinary universe with parallel civilizations. The darkness of night can be easily explained as resulting from the interaction of light with the Sun Matters leading to the sharp decrease in the light intensity. Sun Matters also scatter the light from a star, which makes it shining as observed by Hubble. Further, there is a kind of Sun Matters named “Sun Waters”, surrounding every starts. When lights pass by the sun, the Sun Waters deflect the lights to bend the light path. According to the Sun Model, it is the light bent not the space bent that was proposed in the theory of relativities. 展开更多
关键词 Olbers’s Paradox sun Matters Theory sun Model of Universe Einstein’s Universe Dark Mass
Jovian Planet Influence on the Forcing of Sunspot Cycles
作者 Fred J. Cadieu 《World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics》 CAS 2024年第1期1-9,共9页
The history of our solar system has been greatly influenced by the fact that there is a large gas giant planet, Jupiter that has a nearly circular orbit. This has allowed relics of the early solar system formation to ... The history of our solar system has been greatly influenced by the fact that there is a large gas giant planet, Jupiter that has a nearly circular orbit. This has allowed relics of the early solar system formation to still be observable today. Since Jupiter orbits the Sun with a period of approximately 12 years, it has always been thought that this could be connected to the nearly 11-year periodic peak in the number of sunspots observed. In this paper, the Sun and planets are considered to be moving about a center of mass point as the different planets orbit the Sun. This is the action of gravity that holds the solar system together. The center of mass for the Jupiter-Sun system actually lies outside the Sun. The four gas giant planets dominate such effects and the four gas giant Jovian planets can be projected together to determine an effective distance from the Sun’s center. Taken together these effects do seem to function as a sunspot forcing factor with a periodicity very close to 11 years. These predictions are made without consideration of any details of what is happening in the interior of the Sun. From these estimates, sunspot cycle 25 will be expected to peak in about September-October of 2025. Sunspot cycle 26 should peak in the year March of 2037. 展开更多
关键词 sun Cycles Solar System Formation JUPITER
Variation in the Flaring Potential of Different Sunspot Groups During Different Phases of Solar Cycles 23 and 24
作者 Abha Singh Anurag Chaudhari +1 位作者 Gyaneshwar Sharma A.K.Singh 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期144-153,共10页
In this present study,we have analyzed different types of X-ray solar flares(C,M,and X classes)coming out from different classes of sunspot groups(SSGs).The data which we have taken under this study cover the duration... In this present study,we have analyzed different types of X-ray solar flares(C,M,and X classes)coming out from different classes of sunspot groups(SSGs).The data which we have taken under this study cover the duration of 24 yr from 1996 to 2019.During this,we observed a total of 15015 flares(8417 in SC-23 and 6598 in SC-24)emitted from a total of 33780 active regions(21746 in SC-23 and 12034 in SC-24)with sunspot only.We defined the flaring potential or flare-production potential as the ratio of the total number of flares produced from a particular type of SSG to the total number of the same-class SSGs observed on the solar surface.Here we studied yearly changes in the flaring potential of different McIntosh class groups of sunspots in different phases of SC-23 and 24.In addition,we investigated yearly variations in the potential of producing flares by different SSGs(A,B,C,D,E,F,and H)during different phases(ascending,maximum,descending,and minimum)of SC-23 and 24.These are our findings:(1)D,E,and F SSGs have the potential of producing flares≥8 times greater than A,B,C and H SSGs;(2)The larger and more complex D,E,and F SSGs produced nearly 80%of flares in SC-23 and 24;(3)The A,B,C and H SSGs,which are smaller and simpler,produced only 20%of flares in SC-23 and 24;(4)The biggest and most complex SSGs of F-class have flaring potential 1.996 and 3.443 per SSG in SC-23 and 24,respectively.(5)The potential for producing flares in each SSG is higher in SC-24 than in SC-23,although SC-24 is a weaker cycle than SC-23.(6)The alterations in the number of flares(C+M+X)show different time profiles than the alterations in sunspot numbers during SC-23 and 24,with several peaks.(7)The SSGs of C,D,E,and H-class have the highest flaring potential in the descending phase of both SC-23 and 24.(8)F-class SSGs have the highest flaring potential in the descending phase of SC-23 but also in the maximum phase of SC-24. 展开更多
关键词 (sun:)sunspots-sun flares-sun activity-sun magnetic fields-sun filaments-prominences
SunGas Renewables公司与C2X公司合作扩大北美绿色甲醇产能
作者 程钰丹(译) 《石油炼制与化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期17-17,共1页
SunGas Renewables公司和C2X公司宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,共同在北美开发和运营多个绿色甲醇生产设施,以增加可持续燃料的供应,并推进全球难减排行业的脱碳。SunGas Renewables公司是GTI Energy公司的分拆公司,是为可再生燃料生产提... SunGas Renewables公司和C2X公司宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,共同在北美开发和运营多个绿色甲醇生产设施,以增加可持续燃料的供应,并推进全球难减排行业的脱碳。SunGas Renewables公司是GTI Energy公司的分拆公司,是为可再生燃料生产提供成熟工艺技术和设备的领导者。 展开更多
关键词 甲醇生产 可再生燃料 战略合作伙伴关系 sun 绿色
Simulation and Performance Analysis of Six Types of Sun Tracker Approaches:A Comparative Analysis for Solar Concentrating Technology Application at Burkina Faso
作者 Stanislas Sanfo Serge Dimitri Bazyomo +1 位作者 Tizane Daho Abdoulaye Ouedraogo 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 CAS 2024年第1期1-8,共8页
Modelization equations of six approaches for tracking the sun are recalled and used to evaluate the constraints and performances to which they lead to.The geographical study case is taken for the specific latitude of ... Modelization equations of six approaches for tracking the sun are recalled and used to evaluate the constraints and performances to which they lead to.The geographical study case is taken for the specific latitude of 12 North that is a good matching with the location of the country of Burkina Faso.Three decisive periods were locally established in order to consider the different travels of the sun on sky during one year.This work presents some technical data which facilitates the choice of sun tracking approaches with concern of a concentrator limits such as its angle of acceptance,its motion control card interpolation model,or its minimum irradiation level for energy conversion effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Solar radiation sun tracker Burkina Faso experimental data
作者 赵萌 黄丹青 祝愿 《山东医药》 CAS 2024年第22期27-31,共5页
目的探讨富含亮氨酸重复序列15(LRRC15)、SUN结构域蛋白2(SUN2)在上皮性卵巢癌(EOC)组织中的表达变化及其与患者预后的关系。方法选取102例EOC患者手术切除癌组织(观察组),以60例因卵巢良性囊肿行手术治疗的正常卵巢组织为对照组。采用... 目的探讨富含亮氨酸重复序列15(LRRC15)、SUN结构域蛋白2(SUN2)在上皮性卵巢癌(EOC)组织中的表达变化及其与患者预后的关系。方法选取102例EOC患者手术切除癌组织(观察组),以60例因卵巢良性囊肿行手术治疗的正常卵巢组织为对照组。采用免疫组化法检测癌及正常卵巢组织中LRRC15、SUN2表达。通过Spearman秩相关分析评估LRRC15与SUN2表达的相关性,采用Kaplan-Meier生存曲线和Cox回归分析LRRC15、SUN2表达与EOC患者预后的关系。结果观察组LRRC15阳性率高于对照组,SUN2阳性率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。观察组中LRRC15与SUN2表达呈负相关(r=-0.634,P<0.05)。LRRC15在EOC患者FIGO分期Ⅲ期、淋巴结转移中的阳性率高于FIGO分期Ⅰ~Ⅱ期、无淋巴结转移癌组织,SUN2在EOC患者FIGO分期Ⅲ期、淋巴结转移中的阳性率低于FIGO分期Ⅰ~Ⅱ期、无淋巴结转移癌组织,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。LRRC15阳性组EOC患者3年总生存率低于LRRC15阴性组,SUN2阴性组EOC患者3年总生存率低于SUN2阳性组,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。FIGO分期Ⅲ期、病理分级Ⅲ级、淋巴结转移、LRRC15阳性是影响EOC患者预后的危险因素,SUN2阳性是保护因素(P均<0.05)。结论EOC患者癌组织中LRRC15表达升高、SUN2表达降低,LRRC15、SUN2表达与EOC肿瘤进展有关,检测二者水平有助于评估EOC患者预后。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢癌 富含亮氨酸重复序列15 sun结构域蛋白2 预后
作者 梁舜云 傅霆 汪军 《中国公路》 2024年第11期118-120,共3页
超长隧道结构复杂,构造物较多,隧道体量大,创建BIM模型比较困难,本文以高速公路超特长隧道BIM建模为研究对象,采用Dynamo+Revit作为基本技术路线,制定了一套基于超特长隧道建模的流程、方法和手段。对于高速公路分离式隧道中常用横洞的... 超长隧道结构复杂,构造物较多,隧道体量大,创建BIM模型比较困难,本文以高速公路超特长隧道BIM建模为研究对象,采用Dynamo+Revit作为基本技术路线,制定了一套基于超特长隧道建模的流程、方法和手段。对于高速公路分离式隧道中常用横洞的洞口和洞门、隧道加宽路段的路基、挡墙、电缆沟等较为复杂的结构物,采用预制构件自动拼接与Dynamo程序化建模相结合的策略,实现高速公路超特长隧道BIM模型的快速、可靠、准确建模,并在超特长隧道中成功应用。 展开更多
关键词 隧道 BIM REVIT dynamo
作者 于丽娜 《陕西建筑》 2024年第3期21-24,共4页
Dynamo可视化编程具有直观易用、高效灵活、集成度高的特点。本文针对目前机电设计中存在的管综检查繁琐、重复建模成本高等问题,在介绍Dynamo及其开发原理、流程与特点的基础上,论述了其开发思路与应用范围。并通过建筑机电综合案例分... Dynamo可视化编程具有直观易用、高效灵活、集成度高的特点。本文针对目前机电设计中存在的管综检查繁琐、重复建模成本高等问题,在介绍Dynamo及其开发原理、流程与特点的基础上,论述了其开发思路与应用范围。并通过建筑机电综合案例分析其应用效果。希望能在后续的工程实践中充分发掘Dynamo在机电深化设计过程中的价值。 展开更多
关键词 BIM技术 dynamo 应用流程
《化学反应工程与工艺》 CAS 2024年第3期201-201,共1页
近日,美国GTI Energy子公司SunGas可再生能源公司宣布与马士基集团控股子公司C2X建立战略合作关系,拟在美国开发绿色甲醇项目,旨在扩大美国绿色甲醇产能,增加可持续燃料供应,推动燃料行业脱碳。
关键词 战略合作关系 可再生能源 燃料供应 马士基集团 控股子公司 sun 甲醇项目 绿色
作者 江好 《新材料·新装饰》 2024年第10期142-145,共4页
为了提升建筑工程在桩基模拟过程中的长度计算准确性和效率,文章将可视化编程与计算机建模技术融合,以国内某高校新校区一期工程为背景,提出了一种基于Dynamo和Revit软件的三角网面垂直投影来模拟计算桩长的方法。该方法整合了地质勘察... 为了提升建筑工程在桩基模拟过程中的长度计算准确性和效率,文章将可视化编程与计算机建模技术融合,以国内某高校新校区一期工程为背景,提出了一种基于Dynamo和Revit软件的三角网面垂直投影来模拟计算桩长的方法。该方法整合了地质勘察数据与BIM技术,能有效地生成地形及桩基模型,并详细阐述了编程建模的思考路径和关键节点方法。研究结果表明,该方法解决了传统计算方法中效率较低的问题,为桩基设计提供了更加直观的模拟分析,且对项目桩基工程量的估算提供了更为精确的数据。 展开更多
关键词 桩基 dynamo REVIT 三角网面垂直投影法
Dark Galaxies, Sun-Earth-Moon Interaction, Tunguska Event—Explained by WUM
作者 Vladimir S. Netchitailo 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2024年第2期836-853,共18页
Great experimental results and observations achieved by Astronomy in the last decades revealed new unexplainable phenomena. Astronomers have conclusive new evidence that a recently discovered “dark galaxy” is, in fa... Great experimental results and observations achieved by Astronomy in the last decades revealed new unexplainable phenomena. Astronomers have conclusive new evidence that a recently discovered “dark galaxy” is, in fact, an object the size of a galaxy, made entirely of dark matter. They found that the speed of the Earth’s rotation varies randomly each day. 115 years ago, the Tunguska Event was observed, and astronomers still do not have an explanation of It. Main results of the present article are: 1) Dark galaxies explained by the spinning of their Dark Matter Cores with the surface speed at equator less than the escape velocity. Their Rotational Fission is not happening. Extrasolar systems do not emerge;2) 21-cm Emission explained by the self-annihilation of Dark Matter particles XIONs (5.3 μeV);3) Sun-Earth-Moon Interaction explained by the influence of the Sun’s and the Moon’s magnetic field on the electrical currents of the charged Geomagma (the 660-km layer), and, as a result, the Earth’s daylength varies;4) Tunguska Event explained by a huge atmospheric explosion of the Superbolide, which was a stable Dark Matter Bubble before entering the Earth’s atmosphere. 展开更多
关键词 World-Universe Model Dark Stars Dark Galaxies 21-cm Emission Formation of Macrostructures sun-Earth-Moon Interaction Tunguska Event Dark Matter
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