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SUSIE一家的快乐装修实录 之设计预算篇
作者 孙瑛 《建材与装修情报》 2010年第5期54-56,共3页
2月2日新房到手,找装修公司要赶紧前段时间房子刚买好,让我兴奋不已,总觉得时间过得不够快。终于盼到了交房的日子,看着到手的新房(虽然只是毛坯房~)又突然觉得有些紧张,稍稍有点忐忑不安的是,接下来更为重要的装修,就要开始了。家人... 2月2日新房到手,找装修公司要赶紧前段时间房子刚买好,让我兴奋不已,总觉得时间过得不够快。终于盼到了交房的日子,看着到手的新房(虽然只是毛坯房~)又突然觉得有些紧张,稍稍有点忐忑不安的是,接下来更为重要的装修,就要开始了。家人一致认为找装修公司。 展开更多
关键词 设计预算 susie 毛坯房 天泽 收纳空间 两房两厅 新房装修 项目总监 设计方案 施工进程
作者 刘轩宇 宋万鸽 李涛 《科学》 2024年第5期22-25,共4页
基于波导的拓扑光学模式具有宽带性和鲁棒性优势,非常适合片上光子集成,而如何高效激发这些模式仍面临巨大挑战。利用超对称变换策略可实现波导阵列中拓扑零模的完美激发,展示了宽带性、鲁棒性的特征,对光子集成和光子前沿研究具有重要... 基于波导的拓扑光学模式具有宽带性和鲁棒性优势,非常适合片上光子集成,而如何高效激发这些模式仍面临巨大挑战。利用超对称变换策略可实现波导阵列中拓扑零模的完美激发,展示了宽带性、鲁棒性的特征,对光子集成和光子前沿研究具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 拓扑光学模式 波导阵列 SUSY变换 完美激发
植物蔗糖合成酶功能与分子生物学研究进展 被引量:60
作者 卢合全 沈法富 +1 位作者 刘凌霄 孙维方 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2005年第7期34-37,57,共5页
蔗糖合成酶在植物生长发育过程中有着举足轻重的作用。叶片光合产物向“库”器官运输的主要形态是蔗糖,而蔗糖合成酶是蔗糖进入各种代谢途径所必需的关键酶之一。在此,综述了蔗糖合成酶(SuSy)在高等植物蔗糖代谢中的作用,SuSy基因的克... 蔗糖合成酶在植物生长发育过程中有着举足轻重的作用。叶片光合产物向“库”器官运输的主要形态是蔗糖,而蔗糖合成酶是蔗糖进入各种代谢途径所必需的关键酶之一。在此,综述了蔗糖合成酶(SuSy)在高等植物蔗糖代谢中的作用,SuSy基因的克隆、表达调控机理以及SuSy转基因植株的表现;并进一步对蔗糖合成酶的研究作出设想。 展开更多
关键词 蔗糖合成酶 分子生物学 研究进展 生长发育过程 SUSY 转基因植株 光合产物 代谢途径 蔗糖代谢 高等植物 调控机理 关键酶 器官
白及蔗糖合成酶基因的克隆及表达分析 被引量:4
作者 蒋素华 牛苏燕 +4 位作者 周一冉 崔波 梁芳 袁秀云 马杰 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期192-199,共8页
为揭示白及蔗糖合成酶基因与生长发育的关系,该研究以白及为材料,利用RT-PCR技术同源克隆白及蔗糖合成酶的关键基因SuSy,对SuSy基因的生物学特性及表达特征进行了分析,并利用实时荧光定量PCR检测SuSy基因在不同组织中的表达规律。结果表... 为揭示白及蔗糖合成酶基因与生长发育的关系,该研究以白及为材料,利用RT-PCR技术同源克隆白及蔗糖合成酶的关键基因SuSy,对SuSy基因的生物学特性及表达特征进行了分析,并利用实时荧光定量PCR检测SuSy基因在不同组织中的表达规律。结果表明:(1)白及SuSy基因长度为2215 bp,编码737个氨基酸,与铁皮石斛、文心兰和蝴蝶兰的蛋白质氨基酸序列的相似性分别为97%、92%和95%。(2)生物信息学分析表明,SuSy蛋白质序列具有较高的亲水性,与拟南芥SuSy蛋白质氨基酸三级结构一致性为75.2%;系统进化树分析发现,白及SuSy蛋白与铁皮石斛处于同一个分支上。(3)qRT-PCR结果表明,SuSy基因在叶片中的表达量最高,块茎中的表达量最低;成熟叶片的表达量高于未成熟叶片的表达量;数据差异性分析显示,SuSy基因在根、块茎中表达量具有极显著性差异,但在一年生叶和二年生叶中的表达量无显著性差异,幼苗叶和一、二年生叶中表达量具有极显著性差异。由此推测,SuSy基因可能受生长发育的诱导,是调控白及生长发育关键基因。 展开更多
关键词 白及 SUSY 基因 生物信息学分析 表达分析
棉花蔗糖合成酶(SuSy)分子结构特征与功能预测分析 被引量:3
作者 卢合全 沈法富 +1 位作者 刘凌霄 孙维方 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期1372-1376,共5页
从生物信息学角度,利用http://www.us.expasy.org、http://www.ch.embnet.org和NCBI的核酸/蛋白质结构特征在线分析工具,对棉花蔗糖合成酶(SuSy,sucrosesynthaseE.C.基因及其推导的氨基酸序列进行结构特征和功能域预测分析,探... 从生物信息学角度,利用http://www.us.expasy.org、http://www.ch.embnet.org和NCBI的核酸/蛋白质结构特征在线分析工具,对棉花蔗糖合成酶(SuSy,sucrosesynthaseE.C.基因及其推导的氨基酸序列进行结构特征和功能域预测分析,探讨了棉花蔗糖合成酶的亲/疏水性、信号肽、跨膜拓扑结构、卷曲螺旋结构及功能域。结果表明该酶具有2个卷曲螺旋区段:20~30和190~215氨基酸区域,没有信号肽,是一个非跨膜的亲水性稳定蛋白,包含两个功能结构域7~555(Sucrose-synth)和568~747(Glycose-transf-1),分别行使蔗糖合成功能、糖基化合物(UDP、ADP、GDP或CMP)转移功能。 展开更多
关键词 棉花 蔗精合成酶(SuSy) 结构特征 功能 生物信息学
木薯栽培种与野生种叶片光合器官结构和酶学差异 被引量:6
作者 张杨 卢诚 王文泉 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2012年第25期144-149,共6页
为探究栽培型木薯高光效的机理,采用石蜡切片法和酶活测定等方法分别对木薯栽培品种Arg7(Manihot esculenta)和野生种W14(Manihot esculenta subsp.flabellifolia)进行了叶片解剖结构、光合淀粉累积关键酶活性、净光合效率和叶绿素含量... 为探究栽培型木薯高光效的机理,采用石蜡切片法和酶活测定等方法分别对木薯栽培品种Arg7(Manihot esculenta)和野生种W14(Manihot esculenta subsp.flabellifolia)进行了叶片解剖结构、光合淀粉累积关键酶活性、净光合效率和叶绿素含量的测定。对比分析2个木薯种试验结果,发现栽培型木薯较野生种具有独特的叶片维管束鞘细胞结构,较高的PEPCase(50.41NADHμmol/(mg·protein·h)活性和净光合速率[36.82μmol/(m2·s)]以及低于野生种的叶绿素含量。另外,木薯种Arg7叶片中Rubisco、PEPC、AGPase和SuSy这4个酶活性动态变化与净光合速率变化趋势基本一致,表明木薯光合作用、淀粉合成以及光合产物的运输是个协同作用的过程。最后推断出栽培型木薯高光效的原因可能是叶片中存在一定程度的C4光合模式以及较野生种通畅的光合产物运输通路。 展开更多
关键词 木薯 净光合速率 rubisco PEPC AGPASE SUSY
植物蔗糖合成酶的研究现状 被引量:4
作者 雷美华 叶冰莹 +5 位作者 张华 王冰梅 黄祖新 许莉萍 陈由强 陈如凯 《亚热带农业研究》 2007年第4期309-312,共4页
关键词 蔗糖合成酶(SuSy) 基因克隆 表达调控 遗传转化
作者 肖宇玲 《南昌大学学报(理科版)》 CAS 北大核心 2002年第4期341-344,共4页
将利用激发态产生和定义超势的方法应用于Morse势 ,得到Morse势瓣的SUSY伴随势系列。对给定的Morse势的第m个激发 ,它的SUSY -m伴随势可以表示为Morse势函数加上一有理函数 。
关键词 超对称量子力学 超势 MORSE势 SUSY—m伴随势 势函数 激发态
Welcome to LTE TV
《空中英语教室(初级版.大家说英语)》 2019年第4期3-3,共1页
Susie is a reporter at LTE TV She has a lot of pets and loves having fun.
关键词 LTE TV susie PETS
《空中英语教室(初级版.大家说英语)》 2019年第5期3-3,共1页
Susie is a reporter at LTE TV She has a lot of pets and loves having fun.Greg is from Atlanta.He is the host of LTE TV He loves music and tennis.Taylor is from Canada.She is a producer at the station.
关键词 susie LTE TV STATION
Effects of Variation in Activities of Starch-Sugar Metabolic Enzymes on Reducing Sugar Accumulation and Processing Quality of Potato Tubers 被引量:10
作者 CHENGShan-han SUZhen-hong XIECong-hua LIUJun 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2004年第7期519-527,共9页
The experiment was designed, via storing potato tubers of cv. E-Potato1 and E-Potato3 indifferent temperatures, to explore the variation patterns of reducing sugar (RS) andtotal sugar (TS) contents and enzyme activiti... The experiment was designed, via storing potato tubers of cv. E-Potato1 and E-Potato3 indifferent temperatures, to explore the variation patterns of reducing sugar (RS) andtotal sugar (TS) contents and enzyme activities that are involved in the pathway ofstarch-sugar metabolism aiming at identifying the main factors that influence the chipcolor. The results showed that low temperature in storage was a main factor thataccelerated the accumulation of RS of the stored tubers and a very significant linearrelationship existed between RS content and chip color index (CCI) of the tubers. Furtheranalysis elucidated that when tubers stored at 4℃, the activities of ADP glucosepyrophosphorylase (AGPase), UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase) and sucrose synthase(SuSy) were negatively exponential to the RS content significantly while that of acidinvertase and alkaline invertase was significantly linear to RS content. It suggestedthat these enzymes could play main roles in the cold sweetening of potato tubers throughregulating starch-sugar metabolism. 展开更多
Restudy on Time-Evolution of SUSY Dark Matter 被引量:3
作者 FENG Tai-Fu LI Xue-Qian MENG Qing-Wei REN Zhen-Yu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第10期503-508,共6页
We restudy the Lee-Weinberg time-evolution equation including the R-parity violation. We carefullyanalyze the intluence of the boundary conditions, equation of state, SUSY parameters, especially the R-parity violation... We restudy the Lee-Weinberg time-evolution equation including the R-parity violation. We carefullyanalyze the intluence of the boundary conditions, equation of state, SUSY parameters, especially the R-parity violation,and other factors on the time-evolution of the SUSY cold dark matter. Our numerical results show that without Rparity violation, only two ranges 20 < mx01 < 30 GeV and 75 < mx01 < 110 GeV can be consistent with data, if30 < mx01 < 75 GeV, there must be at least two kinds of heavy particles contributing to the cold dark matter. However,with the R-parity violation, the heavy neutralino can be dark matter constituent, but it must decay and the R-parityviolation parameter is constrained by the present data. 展开更多
作者 张黎明 张子平 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期446-449,454,共5页
选定A0 =0 ,tanβ=2 ,sign( μ) =- ,选择四组 (m0 ,m1/2 )数据点用PYTHIA6 .1 58产生器对超对称性 (supersymmetry)衰变过程 χ02 → χ01+l+ l-进行能标研究 ,给出双轻子的不变质量谱和模糊化处理后的谱 ,考察不同分辨率对其影响 ,... 选定A0 =0 ,tanβ=2 ,sign( μ) =- ,选择四组 (m0 ,m1/2 )数据点用PYTHIA6 .1 58产生器对超对称性 (supersymmetry)衰变过程 χ02 → χ01+l+ l-进行能标研究 ,给出双轻子的不变质量谱和模糊化处理后的谱 ,考察不同分辨率对其影响 ,得出角度分辨是影响谱形的主要因素 .同时与ISAJET7.4 4产生器给出的相应结果进行比较 ,发现两者在处理重整化群方程 (RGE) 展开更多
关键词 超对称χ^02→χ^01l^+l^-过程 SUSY MSUGRA 双轻子 不变质量谱 超对称性衰变过程 超对称粒子 轻子衰变
SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS Supersymmetric laser arrays
作者 Chuanbo Li Ming Li 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2019年第4期I0002-I0002,共1页
Supersymmetry (SUSY) emerged within particle physics as a means to relate two fun dame ntally different classes of elementary particles: bosons (integer spin, Bose-Einstein statistics) and fermi on sfhalfintegerspin, ... Supersymmetry (SUSY) emerged within particle physics as a means to relate two fun dame ntally different classes of elementary particles: bosons (integer spin, Bose-Einstein statistics) and fermi on sfhalfintegerspin, Fermi-Dirac statistics). Exte nsions to the Standard Model have also been proposed based on SUSY theory in order to resolve Iong-standing issues in quantum field theory, including the nature of vacuum energy, origin of mass scales and dark matter. Even though the experimental validation of SUSY is still an ongoing issue, supersymmetric/ isospectral techniques have already found applications in low-energy physics, nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, and nonlinear dynamics, to name a few. On the other hand, waveguide laser arrays have been a subject of intense investigations for the purpose of building high-power phaselocked lasers, which are immune to the detrimental effects of nonlinearities orfilamentation. Nevertheless, such systems suffer from multimode operation, which in turn leads to a chaotic emission. 展开更多
Eigen-spectra in the Dirac-attractive radial problem plus a tensor interaction under pseudospin and spin symmetry with the SUSY approach
作者 S.Arbabi Moghadam H.Mehraban M.Eshghi 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期112-118,共7页
We approximately solve the Dirac equation for attractive radial potential including a Coulomb-like tensor interaction under pseudospin and the spin symmetry limit for any arbitrary spin-orbit quantum number, by employ... We approximately solve the Dirac equation for attractive radial potential including a Coulomb-like tensor interaction under pseudospin and the spin symmetry limit for any arbitrary spin-orbit quantum number, by employing the supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanics and supersymmetric shape invariance technique. We obtain the energy eigenvalue equation under the pseudospin and spin conditions. Some numerical results are compared with those obtained by the Nikiforove-Uvarov (NU) method. 展开更多
关键词 Dirac equation attractive radial SUSY Coulomb-like tensor potential
Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in the Supersymmetric Models with and Without Right—Handed Neutrinos
作者 FENGTai-Fu HUANGTao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期179-188,共10页
We discuss the anomalous magnetic moment of muon in the minimal supersymmetric model with and without right-handed neutrinos. In the same framework, the decay width of is also evaluated. Considering the measured val... We discuss the anomalous magnetic moment of muon in the minimal supersymmetric model with and without right-handed neutrinos. In the same framework, the decay width of is also evaluated. Considering the measured value of muon in the E821 experiment and other experimental constraints on the lepton-flavor-violation processes, we carry out numerical analysis on the concerned observables in the minimal supergravity scenario. 展开更多
关键词 muon anomalous magnetic moment SUSY right-handed neutrino
The rotating Morse potential energy eigenvalues solved by using the analytical transfer matrix method
作者 何英 陶求功 杨艳芳 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第10期73-78,共6页
We study the eigenvalues of the rotating Morse potential by using the quantization condition from the analytical transfer matrix(ATM) method.A hierarchy of supersymmetric partner potentials is obtained with Pekeris ... We study the eigenvalues of the rotating Morse potential by using the quantization condition from the analytical transfer matrix(ATM) method.A hierarchy of supersymmetric partner potentials is obtained with Pekeris approximation,which can be used to calculate the energies of higher rotational states from the energies of lower states.The energies of rotational states of the hydrogen molecule are calculated by the ATM condition,and comparison of the results with those from the hypervirial perturbation method reveals that the accuracy of the approximate expression of Pekeris for the eigenvalues of the rotating Morse potential can be improved substantially in the framework of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. 展开更多
关键词 rotating Morse potential analytical transfer matrix(ATM) Pekeris approximation supersymmetry quantum mechanics(SUSY QM)
Super Characteristic Classes and Riemann-Roch Type Formula
作者 Tadashi Taniguchi 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2015年第6期353-366,共14页
The main purpose of this article is to define the super characteristic classes on a super vector bundle over a superspace. As an application, we propose the examples of Riemann-Roch type formula. We also introduce the... The main purpose of this article is to define the super characteristic classes on a super vector bundle over a superspace. As an application, we propose the examples of Riemann-Roch type formula. We also introduce the helicity group and cohomology with respect to coefficient of the helicity group. As an application, we propose the examples of Gauss-Bonnet type formula. 展开更多
关键词 SUPERSPACE Super Characteristic Class Complex Supercurve with GENUS g SUSY Structure COHOMOLOGY of HELICITY Group
作者 邓柯 《全球科技经济瞭望》 1986年第Z1期24-,共1页
关键词 太阳模拟器 SUSI 德国蔡司公司 航天技术 太阳光照 热性 太阳光线 最大功率 《世界报》 反射器
Modeling GW Generation at Start of the Electro Weak Regime and Its Tie into the Machian Universe with Falsifiable <i>h<sub>ij</sub></i>Values
作者 Andrew Walcott Beckwith 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2017年第2期308-321,共14页
The early electro weak regime as of 10-32 seconds after the big bang is where we could see the initial formation of gravitons, gravitinos and GW. What we intend to do is to look at if Mach’s principle, and a statemen... The early electro weak regime as of 10-32 seconds after the big bang is where we could see the initial formation of gravitons, gravitinos and GW. What we intend to do is to look at if Mach’s principle, and a statement of overall quantized energy state behavior of the universe can help us get hij , using initial conditions as initially presented by Mishra in 2012 we restate as . Mach’s principle was used by Mishra, and we use it to come up with conditions for a stable overall mass M contributing to GW generation/ entropy of the universe. The composition of M for gravitons would change over time from initial beginnings to the present day, but the final invariant graviton mass M we work with is a way to state initial and final numbers, N, of the constituent particles contributing to entropy of our universe. By the way of comparison this also is tied into Gravitinos, as super partners to Gravitons, as counted by N, initially, and dying out as up to the present day values. From the present, we have the Machian condition of setting, the present condition, as given by Mishra , with being the mass of a sub-system inside the universe, with N being the number of “particles”, and m being the net particle mass. We examine the consequences of Mach’s principle for the case of the mass M, contributing to GW and entropy with a case of , i.e. the total mass of the electro weak era is about the same as today’s mass, but if we look directly at the influence of SUSY physics super partners, in such a way that and there is then an equivalence between SUSY dominated early conditions and non-SUSY as equal to a constant value. i.e. if Machian physics held from early times, up to the present, it would have implications for explaining entropy, as given in, as to why it would be so much lower as of about and before the electro-weak regime than today. This leads to Equations (37)-(39) as hij values to be detected by appropriate GW detectors. 展开更多
关键词 GRAVITONS Gravitinos Entropy Machian UNIVERSE Electro-Weak SUSY Physics Super Partners
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