This paper introduces a systems theory-driven framework to integration artificial intelligence(AI)into traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)research,enhancing the understanding of TCM’s holistic material basis while adhe...This paper introduces a systems theory-driven framework to integration artificial intelligence(AI)into traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)research,enhancing the understanding of TCM’s holistic material basis while adhering to evidence-based principles.Utilizing the System Function Decoding Model(SFDM),the research progresses through define,quantify,infer,and validate phases to systematically explore TCM’s material basis.It employs a dual analytical approach that combines top-down,systems theory-guided perspectives with bottom-up,elements-structure-function methodologies,provides comprehensive insights into TCM’s holistic material basis.Moreover,the research examines AI’s role in quantitative assessment and predictive analysis of TCM’s material components,proposing two specific AIdriven technical applications.This interdisciplinary effort underscores AI’s potential to enhance our understanding of TCM’s holistic material basis and establishes a foundation for future research at the intersection of traditional wisdom and modern technology.展开更多
Second language acquisition can not be understood without addressing the interaction between language and cognition. Cognitive theory can extend to describe learning strategies as complex cognitive skills. Theoretical...Second language acquisition can not be understood without addressing the interaction between language and cognition. Cognitive theory can extend to describe learning strategies as complex cognitive skills. Theoretical developments in Anderson’s production systems cover a broader range of behavior than other theories, including comprehension and production of oral and written texts as well as comprehension, problem solving, and verbal learning.Thus Anderson’s cognitive theory can be served as a rationale for learning strategy studies in second language acquisition.展开更多
This paper proposes a new engineering disciplin─Engineering System Theory. It dis cusses rendered background, research objects and contents of the engineering system theory briefly. Finally, the met-discipline stand...This paper proposes a new engineering disciplin─Engineering System Theory. It dis cusses rendered background, research objects and contents of the engineering system theory briefly. Finally, the met-discipline standing of the engineering system theory in the whole knowledge system of engineering science and its development potential are pointed out.展开更多
The aim of this paper is to look at some important educational aspects of complexity decision making m a mummsc^pnnary manner from the perspective of General Systems Theory (GST). First, the major issues involved in...The aim of this paper is to look at some important educational aspects of complexity decision making m a mummsc^pnnary manner from the perspective of General Systems Theory (GST). First, the major issues involved in complexity management and decision making are summarized as they are viewed in literature, and a review of GST and Systems Thinking is given. The discussion in the paper is developed within the context of GST in general, but concentrated on decision making in the three trends of GST: Operations Research, Cybernetics, and Managerial Cybernetics. Here, the role of Cybernetics in complexity decision making is particularly emphasized. The discussion is then extended to the latest developments in complexity decision making in Science of Complexity and Soft Systems Thinking. The study also includes a framework which is expected to guide instructors who are planning to offer contemporary courses on decision making. The framework provides some clues for assessing the level of complexity for a given situation and selecting the appropriate methodology for solution development.展开更多
This study employs a Q methodology to explore the developmental routines of oral English ability for 12 English major students in China inspired by Complex and Dynamic Systems Theory(CDST).The data analysis suggests t...This study employs a Q methodology to explore the developmental routines of oral English ability for 12 English major students in China inspired by Complex and Dynamic Systems Theory(CDST).The data analysis suggests the next findings:(1)two developmental patterns emerge as the gradual improvement and the strong phase shift influenced by internal and external factors for interactions among different subsystems;(2)guided by CDST,the study proves the importance of self-organization and initial condition in previous studies.According to the above findings,It is highly suggested for teachers to form a holistic view of students’oral English development concerning the non-linear characteristic and individual differences.展开更多
Viscous damping is a dominant source of energy dissipation in laterally oscillating micro-structures. In microresonators in which the characteristic dimensions are comparable to the dimensions of the fluid molecules, ...Viscous damping is a dominant source of energy dissipation in laterally oscillating micro-structures. In microresonators in which the characteristic dimensions are comparable to the dimensions of the fluid molecules, the assumption of the continuum fluid theory is no longer justified and the use of micro-polar fluid theory is indispensable. In this paper a mathematical model was presented in order to predict the viscous fluid damping in a laterally oscillating finger of a micro-resonator considering micro-polar fluid theory. The coupled governing partial differential equations of motion for the vibration of the finger and the micro-polar fluid field have been derived. Considering spin and no-spin boundary conditions, the related shape functions for the fluid field were presented. The obtained governing differential equations with time varying boundary conditions have been transformed to an enhanced form with homogenous boundary conditions and have been discretized using a Galerkin-based reduced order model. The effects of physical properties of the micro-polar fluid and geometrical parameters of the oscillating structure on the damping ratio of the system have been investigated.展开更多
This paper presents the STAMP (system-theoretic accident modeling and processes) accident model, based on systems theory, and describes its application in the context of risk prevention related to the remediation of...This paper presents the STAMP (system-theoretic accident modeling and processes) accident model, based on systems theory, and describes its application in the context of risk prevention related to the remediation of contaminated sediments. The implementation of the model is described, and results are presented both in methodological and technical terms. The goal of this article is to emphasize the need of new approaches to take into account hazards and accidents within socio-technical systems.展开更多
Complexity is one of the leading features of modem control systems. It is caused by the complex properties of controlled plants and the varied requirements in controller designs. In dealing with the control problems w...Complexity is one of the leading features of modem control systems. It is caused by the complex properties of controlled plants and the varied requirements in controller designs. In dealing with the control problems with complexity, in the past two decades, a lot of papers have been published that reported fruitful results on different theoretical backgrounds and with different methodologies, such as differential geometry-based design methods, hybrid system theory, switching control, neural network-based intelligent control, etc.展开更多
Background and Purpose: Therapeutic communication is a new term in family health care nursing, defined by Hohashi (2019) as a method of family intervention, and characterized by inclusion of not only verbal conversati...Background and Purpose: Therapeutic communication is a new term in family health care nursing, defined by Hohashi (2019) as a method of family intervention, and characterized by inclusion of not only verbal conversation but also nonverbal interaction. However, specific therapeutic communication methods have not been systematized. The purpose of this study was to clarify therapeutic communication methods for families/family members from the perspectives of verbal communication and non-verbal communication through a review of existing literature. Methods: We conducted a search using the medical literature databases PubMed and Ichushi-Web using the keywords “therapeutic communication”. Analysis was performed on seven articles from PubMed and 14 articles from Ichushi-Web that described therapeutic communication methods performed by healthcare professionals for families/family members. Through directed content analysis, therapeutic communication methods were subcategorized, and classified into three categories: verbal communication, non-verbal communication, and verbal/non-verbal communication. Results: A total of 23 subcategories were extracted. Verbal communication included 11 subcategories, such as “asking questions using the communicatee’s words as they are”. Non-verbal communication included five subcategories, such as “noticing changes in the content of the communicatee’s story”. And verbal/non-verbal communication featured seven subcategories, such as “making the communicatee aware of one’s own beliefs”. Conclusion: Therapeutic communication methods included basic care/caring in family interviews/meetings, as well as verbal communication and non-verbal communication that act on family/family members’ beliefs. It is believed that changes in family/family members’ beliefs can be used to eliminate, reduce, or improve problematic conditions in the family. .展开更多
This paper investigates the function projective synchronization between fractional-order chaotic systems and integer-order chaotic systems using the stability theory of fractional-order systems. The function projectiv...This paper investigates the function projective synchronization between fractional-order chaotic systems and integer-order chaotic systems using the stability theory of fractional-order systems. The function projective synchronization between three-dimensional (3D) integer-order Lorenz chaotic system and 3D fractional-order Chen chaotic system are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.展开更多
Evaluation of regional tourism competitiveness has been a hot issue of tourism geography and regional economics in recent years. This study introduces system theory and Professor Porter's National Diamond Model in...Evaluation of regional tourism competitiveness has been a hot issue of tourism geography and regional economics in recent years. This study introduces system theory and Professor Porter's National Diamond Model into constructing the evaluation index system of regional tourism competitiveness, which includes four decisive factors, namely production factor, market, industry and support competitiveness. And by comprehensive use of subjective and objective methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) the appraised values were calculated. At the same time, the method was applied to dynamic demonstration analysis of the tourism competitiveness of the provinces in Southwest China from 2001 to 2005. The result shows that their tourism comprehensive competitiveness has distinct differences. The comprehensive competitiveness of Sichuan and Yunnan are better, Chongqing and Guangxi are in the middle, and Guizhou and Tibet are weak. According to the competitiveness ranks in 2001-2005, comprehensive, production factor, industry and support competitiveness changed a little and market competitiveness changed a lot. This competitive pattern has been made mostly because natural resource conditions and economic development levels of the provinces are very different and are difficult to be changed in a short period.展开更多
In this paper, a mathematical model is presented for studying thin film damping of the surrounding fluid in an in-plane oscillating micro-beam resonator. The proposed model for this study is made up of a clamped-clamp...In this paper, a mathematical model is presented for studying thin film damping of the surrounding fluid in an in-plane oscillating micro-beam resonator. The proposed model for this study is made up of a clamped-clamped micro-beam bound between two fixed layers. The microgap between the micro-beam and fixed layers is filled with air. As classical theories are not properly capable of predicting the size dependence behaviors of the micro-beam,and also behavior of micro-scale fluid media, hence in the presented model, equation of motion governing longitudinal displacement of the micro-beam has been extracted based on non-local elasticity theory. Furthermore, the fluid field has been modeled based on micro-polar theory. These coupled equations have been simplified using Newton-Laplace and continuity equations. After transforming to non-dimensional form and linearizing, the equations have been discretized and solved simultaneously using a Galerkin-based reduced order model. Considering slip boundary conditions and applying a complex frequency approach, the equivalent damping ratio and quality factor of the micro-beam resonator have been obtained. The obtained values for the quality factor have been compared to those based on classical theories. We have shown that applying non-classical theories underestimate the values of the quality factor obtained based on classical theo-ries. The effects of geometrical parameters of the micro-beam and micro-scale fluid field on the quality factor of the resonator have also been investigated.展开更多
Cloud microphysical processes occur at the smallest end of scales among cloud-related processes and thus must be parameterized not only in large-scale global circulation models(GCMs)but also in various higher-resoluti...Cloud microphysical processes occur at the smallest end of scales among cloud-related processes and thus must be parameterized not only in large-scale global circulation models(GCMs)but also in various higher-resolution limited-area models such as cloud-resolving models(CRMs)and large-eddy simulation(LES)models.Instead of giving a comprehensive review of existing microphysical parameterizations that have been developed over the years,this study concentrates purposely on several topics that we believe are understudied but hold great potential for further advancing bulk microphysics parameterizations:multi-moment bulk microphysics parameterizations and the role of the spectral shape of hydrometeor size distributions;discrete vs“continuous”representation of hydrometeor types;turbulence-microphysics interactions including turbulent entrainment-mixing processes and stochastic condensation;theoretical foundations for the mathematical expressions used to describe hydrometeor size distributions and hydrometeor morphology;and approaches for developing bulk microphysics parameterizations.Also presented are the spectral bin scheme and particle-based scheme(especially,super-droplet method)for representing explicit microphysics.Their advantages and disadvantages are elucidated for constructing cloud models with detailed microphysics that are essential to developing processes understanding and bulk microphysics parameterizations.Particle-resolved direct numerical simulation(DNS)models are described as an emerging technique to investigate turbulence-microphysics interactions at the most fundamental level by tracking individual particles and resolving the smallest turbulent eddies in turbulent clouds.Outstanding challenges and future research directions are explored as well.展开更多
Nowadays, new paradigm of enterprise organization i s constantly changing due to the emergence of the global marketplace, the rise of information technology, and the emphasis of the social developments. This re quires...Nowadays, new paradigm of enterprise organization i s constantly changing due to the emergence of the global marketplace, the rise of information technology, and the emphasis of the social developments. This re quires a more flexible form of organization that are more adaptable to rapid cha nges in business environment such as autonomous work groups (AWGs) in order to achieve higher productivity and effectiveness. AWGs are work units responsib le for the production of goods and the provision of services. They involve team members in making decisions that are traditionally the responsibility of the sup ervisors and managers (Cohen & Bailey, 1997). Team members of AWGs are allowed t o self-regulate their behavior on jobs such as task assignments, methods for ca rrying out the work, and scheduling of activities etc. (Cohen & Ledford, 1994). For example, Motorola achieved a high organizational performance due to the succ essful implementation of AWGs in quality management (Piczak & Hauser, 1996). Xer ox also reported their operational successes based on the team-oriented work gr oups (Wageman, 1997). In recent years many organizations have replaced the traditional layers of manag ement with autonomous team-based work arrangements. Surveys indicated that the adoption of AWGs has soared in responding to the competitive business challenges . Many enterprises are making a deliberate effort to use AWGs to carry out work and operational processes as an alternative for hierarchical approaches (Lawler et al., 1995). There is a growing body of evidence that AWGs are more effective than traditionally managed groups and they contributes to organizational perform ance, such as improvement in operational performance, productivity, quality, cos t savings, employee attitude and behavior, and employee satisfaction (e.g. Pears on, 1992; Cohen & Ledford, 1994; Seers et al. 1995). Given the complexity and cognitive nature of team-based organizations, the mech anisms that the enterprises use in the development of the increasingly sophistic ated models, which can contribute to the effective functioning of AWGs, are extr emely important. The process of developing effective AWGs enables enterprises to inherent built-in intelligence of the organizations so that they will be more able to accommodate to external pressures and changes. The context of this paper is the construction of a dynamics framework and a stra tegic path for autonomous work groups in the technology-oriented manufacturing organization re-design. The framework is a conceptual one drawn from the litera ture survey. The importance of studying autonomous work groups for today’s manuf acturing organizations is claimed. Based on the General System Theory (GST), the characterization of AWGs is addressed. Three-dimensional domains such as t echnical content, service content, and relationship content are identified. A st rategic path is proposed to guide the organizations how the development of AWGs progresses at different levels of maturity that are associated with organization al effectiveness and performance. The utility of the model for AWGs is expected to provide technology-oriented organizations with a strategic path to achieve h igher organizational performance.展开更多
In this paper, several definitions of composing panweighted networks and panweighted fields are given, a group of theorems about the logic conservation of compositions between panweighted networks and panweighted fiel...In this paper, several definitions of composing panweighted networks and panweighted fields are given, a group of theorems about the logic conservation of compositions between panweighted networks and panweighted fields are proved. By combining the average field model, the future application of panweighted networks and panweighted fields in ANN is discussed.展开更多
A single intersection of two phases is selected as a model to put forward a new optimal time-planning scheme for traffic light based on the model of hybrid automata for single intersection. A method of optimization is...A single intersection of two phases is selected as a model to put forward a new optimal time-planning scheme for traffic light based on the model of hybrid automata for single intersection. A method of optimization is proposed for hybrid systems, and the average queue length over all queues is used as an objective function to find an optimal switching scheme for traffic light. It is illustrated that traffic light control for single intersection is a typical hybrid system, and the optimal planning-time scheme can be obtained using the optimal hybrid systems control based on the two stages method.展开更多
Approaches to building renovation require high professional levels, interdisciplinary elements, team work and time to study and do research on the buildings. The process of renovating historic buildings is made up of ...Approaches to building renovation require high professional levels, interdisciplinary elements, team work and time to study and do research on the buildings. The process of renovating historic buildings is made up of agreements and compromises between the interests of the government, common interests, and the motives and interests of individual owners and prospective investors. Research that deals with any portion of cultural heritages always carried out very precisely, but there is still no precise knowledge of how to define a system and draw up a model that accurately represents a cultural heritage. In the existing literature on this topic, the authors have written about the different views of how to explain the construction project as a system. While many authors focus on "sub-phases" directly connected to the building of an object, the process involved in the construction phase often neglects the phases required before beginning work, which culminates in a logical sequence in the process of preparing a project. Irregularities or deficiencies which occur during the preparation process of a project often directly impact the construction itself. What the scope of this impact depends on the approach of the contractual organization, the organization of construction companies and on co-operation between the customer (or architects) and the contractors. Unlike the projects for newly built objects, the conservation projects of cultural heritage are not only more demanding because of lack of knowledge of the building materials, construction, foundation and interaction of the mentioned individual parts into a unit called a building. The authors analyzed the structural aspects of building conservation which were suggested by Beckmaun and Bowles and another methodology, which was developed as part of the 5th framework program for the purpose of providing a comprehensive and interdisciplinary treatment of the revitalization of a historical city. The authors found that both methodologies do not include modern IT tools and methods. By analyzing and monitoring the restoration of historic buildings in Slovenia, specifically in the city of Maribor (including all documentation, interviews and direct views) the authors found that the project was regarded as a collection of individual projects rather than a unified whole (a system). The authors have demonstrated the consequences of structuring a historic building restoration project in a non-systemic way. This type of project can be classified as a non-sustainable renovation. In this article, at first the authors will try to clarify what types of systems and subsystems are considered in renovating historic buildings. The authors show when and why a system becomes stochastic (a probability) and in the end what would be needed to successfully re-establish it back to a determined system. By analyzing the work and reconstruction of old buildings in Maribor, the authors found that it would be necessary to give a new framework with IT tools for the preparation of a historic building restoration project.展开更多
Contemporary world is developing system and we must have the new models. Any complex system interacts with its changing environment and its viability depends on its adaptability. The number of arbitrary coefficients i...Contemporary world is developing system and we must have the new models. Any complex system interacts with its changing environment and its viability depends on its adaptability. The number of arbitrary coefficients in the structure of equivalent equations of complex system changes in the process of learning. In systems with more than six variables, the number of arbitrary coefficients increases first, and then, passing through the maximum, begins to decrease. This phenomenon makes it possible to explain the processes of system growth, complication and death in biological, economical and physical-engineering systems. The author uses the Linguo-combinatorial method of investigation of complex systems, in taking key words for building equivalent equations. This phenomenon is able to increase the adaptability of different systems.展开更多
The rapid developing of the fourth generation(4G)wireless communications has aroused tremendous demands for high speed data transmission due to the dissemination of various types of the intelligent user terminals as w...The rapid developing of the fourth generation(4G)wireless communications has aroused tremendous demands for high speed data transmission due to the dissemination of various types of the intelligent user terminals as well as the wireless multi-media services.It is predicted that the network throughput will increase展开更多
The Journal of Control Theory and Applications (JCTA) publishes high-quality papers on the theory,design,and applications in the systems and control field.This journal is published quarterly.Three types of contribut...The Journal of Control Theory and Applications (JCTA) publishes high-quality papers on the theory,design,and applications in the systems and control field.This journal is published quarterly.Three types of contribution s are regularly considered:展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(82230117).
文摘This paper introduces a systems theory-driven framework to integration artificial intelligence(AI)into traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)research,enhancing the understanding of TCM’s holistic material basis while adhering to evidence-based principles.Utilizing the System Function Decoding Model(SFDM),the research progresses through define,quantify,infer,and validate phases to systematically explore TCM’s material basis.It employs a dual analytical approach that combines top-down,systems theory-guided perspectives with bottom-up,elements-structure-function methodologies,provides comprehensive insights into TCM’s holistic material basis.Moreover,the research examines AI’s role in quantitative assessment and predictive analysis of TCM’s material components,proposing two specific AIdriven technical applications.This interdisciplinary effort underscores AI’s potential to enhance our understanding of TCM’s holistic material basis and establishes a foundation for future research at the intersection of traditional wisdom and modern technology.
文摘Second language acquisition can not be understood without addressing the interaction between language and cognition. Cognitive theory can extend to describe learning strategies as complex cognitive skills. Theoretical developments in Anderson’s production systems cover a broader range of behavior than other theories, including comprehension and production of oral and written texts as well as comprehension, problem solving, and verbal learning.Thus Anderson’s cognitive theory can be served as a rationale for learning strategy studies in second language acquisition.
文摘This paper proposes a new engineering disciplin─Engineering System Theory. It dis cusses rendered background, research objects and contents of the engineering system theory briefly. Finally, the met-discipline standing of the engineering system theory in the whole knowledge system of engineering science and its development potential are pointed out.
文摘The aim of this paper is to look at some important educational aspects of complexity decision making m a mummsc^pnnary manner from the perspective of General Systems Theory (GST). First, the major issues involved in complexity management and decision making are summarized as they are viewed in literature, and a review of GST and Systems Thinking is given. The discussion in the paper is developed within the context of GST in general, but concentrated on decision making in the three trends of GST: Operations Research, Cybernetics, and Managerial Cybernetics. Here, the role of Cybernetics in complexity decision making is particularly emphasized. The discussion is then extended to the latest developments in complexity decision making in Science of Complexity and Soft Systems Thinking. The study also includes a framework which is expected to guide instructors who are planning to offer contemporary courses on decision making. The framework provides some clues for assessing the level of complexity for a given situation and selecting the appropriate methodology for solution development.
文摘This study employs a Q methodology to explore the developmental routines of oral English ability for 12 English major students in China inspired by Complex and Dynamic Systems Theory(CDST).The data analysis suggests the next findings:(1)two developmental patterns emerge as the gradual improvement and the strong phase shift influenced by internal and external factors for interactions among different subsystems;(2)guided by CDST,the study proves the importance of self-organization and initial condition in previous studies.According to the above findings,It is highly suggested for teachers to form a holistic view of students’oral English development concerning the non-linear characteristic and individual differences.
文摘Viscous damping is a dominant source of energy dissipation in laterally oscillating micro-structures. In microresonators in which the characteristic dimensions are comparable to the dimensions of the fluid molecules, the assumption of the continuum fluid theory is no longer justified and the use of micro-polar fluid theory is indispensable. In this paper a mathematical model was presented in order to predict the viscous fluid damping in a laterally oscillating finger of a micro-resonator considering micro-polar fluid theory. The coupled governing partial differential equations of motion for the vibration of the finger and the micro-polar fluid field have been derived. Considering spin and no-spin boundary conditions, the related shape functions for the fluid field were presented. The obtained governing differential equations with time varying boundary conditions have been transformed to an enhanced form with homogenous boundary conditions and have been discretized using a Galerkin-based reduced order model. The effects of physical properties of the micro-polar fluid and geometrical parameters of the oscillating structure on the damping ratio of the system have been investigated.
文摘This paper presents the STAMP (system-theoretic accident modeling and processes) accident model, based on systems theory, and describes its application in the context of risk prevention related to the remediation of contaminated sediments. The implementation of the model is described, and results are presented both in methodological and technical terms. The goal of this article is to emphasize the need of new approaches to take into account hazards and accidents within socio-technical systems.
文摘Complexity is one of the leading features of modem control systems. It is caused by the complex properties of controlled plants and the varied requirements in controller designs. In dealing with the control problems with complexity, in the past two decades, a lot of papers have been published that reported fruitful results on different theoretical backgrounds and with different methodologies, such as differential geometry-based design methods, hybrid system theory, switching control, neural network-based intelligent control, etc.
文摘Background and Purpose: Therapeutic communication is a new term in family health care nursing, defined by Hohashi (2019) as a method of family intervention, and characterized by inclusion of not only verbal conversation but also nonverbal interaction. However, specific therapeutic communication methods have not been systematized. The purpose of this study was to clarify therapeutic communication methods for families/family members from the perspectives of verbal communication and non-verbal communication through a review of existing literature. Methods: We conducted a search using the medical literature databases PubMed and Ichushi-Web using the keywords “therapeutic communication”. Analysis was performed on seven articles from PubMed and 14 articles from Ichushi-Web that described therapeutic communication methods performed by healthcare professionals for families/family members. Through directed content analysis, therapeutic communication methods were subcategorized, and classified into three categories: verbal communication, non-verbal communication, and verbal/non-verbal communication. Results: A total of 23 subcategories were extracted. Verbal communication included 11 subcategories, such as “asking questions using the communicatee’s words as they are”. Non-verbal communication included five subcategories, such as “noticing changes in the content of the communicatee’s story”. And verbal/non-verbal communication featured seven subcategories, such as “making the communicatee aware of one’s own beliefs”. Conclusion: Therapeutic communication methods included basic care/caring in family interviews/meetings, as well as verbal communication and non-verbal communication that act on family/family members’ beliefs. It is believed that changes in family/family members’ beliefs can be used to eliminate, reduce, or improve problematic conditions in the family. .
文摘This paper investigates the function projective synchronization between fractional-order chaotic systems and integer-order chaotic systems using the stability theory of fractional-order systems. The function projective synchronization between three-dimensional (3D) integer-order Lorenz chaotic system and 3D fractional-order Chen chaotic system are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
基金This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40501074).
文摘Evaluation of regional tourism competitiveness has been a hot issue of tourism geography and regional economics in recent years. This study introduces system theory and Professor Porter's National Diamond Model into constructing the evaluation index system of regional tourism competitiveness, which includes four decisive factors, namely production factor, market, industry and support competitiveness. And by comprehensive use of subjective and objective methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) the appraised values were calculated. At the same time, the method was applied to dynamic demonstration analysis of the tourism competitiveness of the provinces in Southwest China from 2001 to 2005. The result shows that their tourism comprehensive competitiveness has distinct differences. The comprehensive competitiveness of Sichuan and Yunnan are better, Chongqing and Guangxi are in the middle, and Guizhou and Tibet are weak. According to the competitiveness ranks in 2001-2005, comprehensive, production factor, industry and support competitiveness changed a little and market competitiveness changed a lot. This competitive pattern has been made mostly because natural resource conditions and economic development levels of the provinces are very different and are difficult to be changed in a short period.
文摘In this paper, a mathematical model is presented for studying thin film damping of the surrounding fluid in an in-plane oscillating micro-beam resonator. The proposed model for this study is made up of a clamped-clamped micro-beam bound between two fixed layers. The microgap between the micro-beam and fixed layers is filled with air. As classical theories are not properly capable of predicting the size dependence behaviors of the micro-beam,and also behavior of micro-scale fluid media, hence in the presented model, equation of motion governing longitudinal displacement of the micro-beam has been extracted based on non-local elasticity theory. Furthermore, the fluid field has been modeled based on micro-polar theory. These coupled equations have been simplified using Newton-Laplace and continuity equations. After transforming to non-dimensional form and linearizing, the equations have been discretized and solved simultaneously using a Galerkin-based reduced order model. Considering slip boundary conditions and applying a complex frequency approach, the equivalent damping ratio and quality factor of the micro-beam resonator have been obtained. The obtained values for the quality factor have been compared to those based on classical theories. We have shown that applying non-classical theories underestimate the values of the quality factor obtained based on classical theo-ries. The effects of geometrical parameters of the micro-beam and micro-scale fluid field on the quality factor of the resonator have also been investigated.
基金supported by the US Department of Energy(DOE)’s Office of Science Atmospheric Systems Research(ASR)Programthe Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy(EERE)Solar Energy Technologies Office(SETO)award(33504)+3 种基金the Brookhaven National Laboratory(BNL)’s Laboratory Directed Research&Development Program(LDRD)(22-065)The Brookhaven National Laboratory is operated by the Brookhaven Science Associates,LLC(BSA),for the US Department of Energy under Contract No.DESC0012704supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No.26286089MEXT KAKENHI Grant No.18H04448。
文摘Cloud microphysical processes occur at the smallest end of scales among cloud-related processes and thus must be parameterized not only in large-scale global circulation models(GCMs)but also in various higher-resolution limited-area models such as cloud-resolving models(CRMs)and large-eddy simulation(LES)models.Instead of giving a comprehensive review of existing microphysical parameterizations that have been developed over the years,this study concentrates purposely on several topics that we believe are understudied but hold great potential for further advancing bulk microphysics parameterizations:multi-moment bulk microphysics parameterizations and the role of the spectral shape of hydrometeor size distributions;discrete vs“continuous”representation of hydrometeor types;turbulence-microphysics interactions including turbulent entrainment-mixing processes and stochastic condensation;theoretical foundations for the mathematical expressions used to describe hydrometeor size distributions and hydrometeor morphology;and approaches for developing bulk microphysics parameterizations.Also presented are the spectral bin scheme and particle-based scheme(especially,super-droplet method)for representing explicit microphysics.Their advantages and disadvantages are elucidated for constructing cloud models with detailed microphysics that are essential to developing processes understanding and bulk microphysics parameterizations.Particle-resolved direct numerical simulation(DNS)models are described as an emerging technique to investigate turbulence-microphysics interactions at the most fundamental level by tracking individual particles and resolving the smallest turbulent eddies in turbulent clouds.Outstanding challenges and future research directions are explored as well.
文摘Nowadays, new paradigm of enterprise organization i s constantly changing due to the emergence of the global marketplace, the rise of information technology, and the emphasis of the social developments. This re quires a more flexible form of organization that are more adaptable to rapid cha nges in business environment such as autonomous work groups (AWGs) in order to achieve higher productivity and effectiveness. AWGs are work units responsib le for the production of goods and the provision of services. They involve team members in making decisions that are traditionally the responsibility of the sup ervisors and managers (Cohen & Bailey, 1997). Team members of AWGs are allowed t o self-regulate their behavior on jobs such as task assignments, methods for ca rrying out the work, and scheduling of activities etc. (Cohen & Ledford, 1994). For example, Motorola achieved a high organizational performance due to the succ essful implementation of AWGs in quality management (Piczak & Hauser, 1996). Xer ox also reported their operational successes based on the team-oriented work gr oups (Wageman, 1997). In recent years many organizations have replaced the traditional layers of manag ement with autonomous team-based work arrangements. Surveys indicated that the adoption of AWGs has soared in responding to the competitive business challenges . Many enterprises are making a deliberate effort to use AWGs to carry out work and operational processes as an alternative for hierarchical approaches (Lawler et al., 1995). There is a growing body of evidence that AWGs are more effective than traditionally managed groups and they contributes to organizational perform ance, such as improvement in operational performance, productivity, quality, cos t savings, employee attitude and behavior, and employee satisfaction (e.g. Pears on, 1992; Cohen & Ledford, 1994; Seers et al. 1995). Given the complexity and cognitive nature of team-based organizations, the mech anisms that the enterprises use in the development of the increasingly sophistic ated models, which can contribute to the effective functioning of AWGs, are extr emely important. The process of developing effective AWGs enables enterprises to inherent built-in intelligence of the organizations so that they will be more able to accommodate to external pressures and changes. The context of this paper is the construction of a dynamics framework and a stra tegic path for autonomous work groups in the technology-oriented manufacturing organization re-design. The framework is a conceptual one drawn from the litera ture survey. The importance of studying autonomous work groups for today’s manuf acturing organizations is claimed. Based on the General System Theory (GST), the characterization of AWGs is addressed. Three-dimensional domains such as t echnical content, service content, and relationship content are identified. A st rategic path is proposed to guide the organizations how the development of AWGs progresses at different levels of maturity that are associated with organization al effectiveness and performance. The utility of the model for AWGs is expected to provide technology-oriented organizations with a strategic path to achieve h igher organizational performance.
文摘In this paper, several definitions of composing panweighted networks and panweighted fields are given, a group of theorems about the logic conservation of compositions between panweighted networks and panweighted fields are proved. By combining the average field model, the future application of panweighted networks and panweighted fields in ANN is discussed.
文摘A single intersection of two phases is selected as a model to put forward a new optimal time-planning scheme for traffic light based on the model of hybrid automata for single intersection. A method of optimization is proposed for hybrid systems, and the average queue length over all queues is used as an objective function to find an optimal switching scheme for traffic light. It is illustrated that traffic light control for single intersection is a typical hybrid system, and the optimal planning-time scheme can be obtained using the optimal hybrid systems control based on the two stages method.
文摘Approaches to building renovation require high professional levels, interdisciplinary elements, team work and time to study and do research on the buildings. The process of renovating historic buildings is made up of agreements and compromises between the interests of the government, common interests, and the motives and interests of individual owners and prospective investors. Research that deals with any portion of cultural heritages always carried out very precisely, but there is still no precise knowledge of how to define a system and draw up a model that accurately represents a cultural heritage. In the existing literature on this topic, the authors have written about the different views of how to explain the construction project as a system. While many authors focus on "sub-phases" directly connected to the building of an object, the process involved in the construction phase often neglects the phases required before beginning work, which culminates in a logical sequence in the process of preparing a project. Irregularities or deficiencies which occur during the preparation process of a project often directly impact the construction itself. What the scope of this impact depends on the approach of the contractual organization, the organization of construction companies and on co-operation between the customer (or architects) and the contractors. Unlike the projects for newly built objects, the conservation projects of cultural heritage are not only more demanding because of lack of knowledge of the building materials, construction, foundation and interaction of the mentioned individual parts into a unit called a building. The authors analyzed the structural aspects of building conservation which were suggested by Beckmaun and Bowles and another methodology, which was developed as part of the 5th framework program for the purpose of providing a comprehensive and interdisciplinary treatment of the revitalization of a historical city. The authors found that both methodologies do not include modern IT tools and methods. By analyzing and monitoring the restoration of historic buildings in Slovenia, specifically in the city of Maribor (including all documentation, interviews and direct views) the authors found that the project was regarded as a collection of individual projects rather than a unified whole (a system). The authors have demonstrated the consequences of structuring a historic building restoration project in a non-systemic way. This type of project can be classified as a non-sustainable renovation. In this article, at first the authors will try to clarify what types of systems and subsystems are considered in renovating historic buildings. The authors show when and why a system becomes stochastic (a probability) and in the end what would be needed to successfully re-establish it back to a determined system. By analyzing the work and reconstruction of old buildings in Maribor, the authors found that it would be necessary to give a new framework with IT tools for the preparation of a historic building restoration project.
文摘Contemporary world is developing system and we must have the new models. Any complex system interacts with its changing environment and its viability depends on its adaptability. The number of arbitrary coefficients in the structure of equivalent equations of complex system changes in the process of learning. In systems with more than six variables, the number of arbitrary coefficients increases first, and then, passing through the maximum, begins to decrease. This phenomenon makes it possible to explain the processes of system growth, complication and death in biological, economical and physical-engineering systems. The author uses the Linguo-combinatorial method of investigation of complex systems, in taking key words for building equivalent equations. This phenomenon is able to increase the adaptability of different systems.
文摘The rapid developing of the fourth generation(4G)wireless communications has aroused tremendous demands for high speed data transmission due to the dissemination of various types of the intelligent user terminals as well as the wireless multi-media services.It is predicted that the network throughput will increase
文摘The Journal of Control Theory and Applications (JCTA) publishes high-quality papers on the theory,design,and applications in the systems and control field.This journal is published quarterly.Three types of contribution s are regularly considered: