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耦合优化蚁群算法与P-Median model的选址模型设计
作者 顾梓程 胡新玲 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2024年第3期109-114,共6页
为节省城建部门对于公共体育设施的投入成本以及提高城市人民生活质量,以运动场所优化选址为例,提出一种新型设施选址模型。该模型主要基于P-Median model(最小化阻抗模型)根据需求点数量从全部候选设施选址中选择设施空间位置,让用户... 为节省城建部门对于公共体育设施的投入成本以及提高城市人民生活质量,以运动场所优化选址为例,提出一种新型设施选址模型。该模型主要基于P-Median model(最小化阻抗模型)根据需求点数量从全部候选设施选址中选择设施空间位置,让用户达到离自己最近设施距离成本总和最小的目的,对选址的基本原则和实际情况提出要求,构造目标函数用于优化后蚁群算法求解进行选址工作。优化蚁群算法实现基于Python语言模块,通过改进蚁群原始信息素,提升原有算法的收敛速度,求出目标函数最优解,可以很好地模拟对于运动场所的选址。用二者耦合进行优势互补所设计的选址模型来搜寻研究区蚁群信息素浓度残留最大的栅格像元,从而确定未被已有设施点服务半径覆盖的最佳设施点建立位置。实验结果表明,该新型选址模型相较于最小化阻抗模型与最大化覆盖模型,新增优化设施点使整体服务半径覆盖率分别高出10.42%和6.95%,适合求解较为精确且小规模空间下的选址问题。 展开更多
关键词 蚁群算法 p-Median model 选址模型 GIS 运动场所 位置分配 pYTHON
作者 杨飘 黄介武 《智能计算机与应用》 2025年第1期88-94,共7页
部分线性变系数模型是一类重要的半参数回归模型,针对该模型的参数估计问题,本文利用贝叶斯P-样条方法近似非参数部分的未知光滑函数,进而利用非对称拉普拉斯分布实现贝叶斯分位数回归,推导出所有未知参数的条件后验分布,通过Gibbs抽样... 部分线性变系数模型是一类重要的半参数回归模型,针对该模型的参数估计问题,本文利用贝叶斯P-样条方法近似非参数部分的未知光滑函数,进而利用非对称拉普拉斯分布实现贝叶斯分位数回归,推导出所有未知参数的条件后验分布,通过Gibbs抽样和Metropolis-Hastings算法获得参数的估计值。通过数值模拟对贝叶斯P-样条方法与B-样条方法的估计效果进行比较分析,结果显示在均方误差和标准差准则下,贝叶斯P-样条方法在不同分位点上的估计效果更优。 展开更多
关键词 部分线性变系数模型 贝叶斯p-样条 B-样条 GIBBS抽样 均方误差
Unified Degradation Model in Low Gate Voltage Range During Hot-Carrier Stressing of p-MOS Transistors
作者 胡靖 穆甫臣 +1 位作者 许铭真 谭长华 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期124-130,共7页
Hot carrier effects of p MOSFETs with different oxide thicknesses are studied in low gate voltage range.All electrical parameters follow a power law relationship with stress time,but degradation slope is dependent ... Hot carrier effects of p MOSFETs with different oxide thicknesses are studied in low gate voltage range.All electrical parameters follow a power law relationship with stress time,but degradation slope is dependent on gate voltage.For the devices with thicker oxides,saturated drain current degradation has a close relationship with the product of gate current and electron fluence.For small dimensional devices,saturated drain current degradation has a close relationship with the electron fluence.This degradation model is valid for p MOSFETs with 0 25μm channel length and different gate oxide thicknesses. 展开更多
关键词 hot carrier effects p MOSFET degradation model electron fluence
高压管汇材料疲劳性能测试及P-S-N模型曲线的拟合 被引量:1
作者 黄艳娟 周思柱 李宁 《长江大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第3期55-61,共7页
高压管汇作为压裂设备中的主要易损件之一,其失效危害较大。它的失效原因主要是疲劳、冲蚀、腐蚀或者材料缺陷引起的刺漏和爆裂,其中尤以疲劳失效最不可预估。目前,对于高压管汇材料的疲劳性能研究不够深入,为解决高压管汇材料疲劳寿命... 高压管汇作为压裂设备中的主要易损件之一,其失效危害较大。它的失效原因主要是疲劳、冲蚀、腐蚀或者材料缺陷引起的刺漏和爆裂,其中尤以疲劳失效最不可预估。目前,对于高压管汇材料的疲劳性能研究不够深入,为解决高压管汇材料疲劳寿命的准确描述问题,以某国产高压管汇材料为例,进行了一系列疲劳试验,并基于试验数据,采用多种分布模型和不同S-N模型进行拟合分析,得出综合评价拟合能力最强的P-S-N模型。结果表明,该材料在中长疲劳寿命区,Weibull三参数模型在7级应力水平下综合评价能力最好;在存活率分别为50%、90%、99%、99.9%时,指数S-N模型的拟合系数均大于0.98,拟合能力最好。得出的P-S-N模型曲线可以为高压管汇的疲劳寿命以及安全设计提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 高压管汇材料 正态分布模型 Weibull分布模型 p-S-N模型 幂函数S-N模型 指数S-N模型
作者 王立忠 赖踊卿 +1 位作者 洪义 张友虎 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期905-918,共14页
中国近海海上风电机组开发建设中,大直径单桩基础形式使用占比超70%。现行p-y曲线设计方法主要适用于小直径柔性桩,对大直径单桩侧向及桩底受荷描述能力不足,导致其严重低估刚柔性桩和刚性桩(分别常用于中国和欧洲的近海风电工程)的变... 中国近海海上风电机组开发建设中,大直径单桩基础形式使用占比超70%。现行p-y曲线设计方法主要适用于小直径柔性桩,对大直径单桩侧向及桩底受荷描述能力不足,导致其严重低估刚柔性桩和刚性桩(分别常用于中国和欧洲的近海风电工程)的变形和承载能力,过于保守的设计给海上风电降本带来挑战。为此建立了能以统一的方式预测柔性、刚柔性和刚性单桩水平单调受荷响应的“p-y+M-θ”模型,并将该模型推广到循环荷载下单桩的响应分析。通过与相关试验结果比对发现,“p-y+M-θ”模型能较为准确地预测桩基水平加载响应。力图为水平受荷单桩工程设计提供简洁而可行的响应分析方法。 展开更多
关键词 软黏土 p-y%pLUS%M-θ”模型 水平受荷桩循环加载 试验结果对比
Chaos game representation(CGR)-walk model for DNA sequences 被引量:4
作者 高洁 徐振源 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期370-376,共7页
Chaos game representation (CGR) is an iterative mapping technique that processes sequences of units, such as nucleotides in a DNA sequence or amino acids in a protein, in order to determine the coordinates of their ... Chaos game representation (CGR) is an iterative mapping technique that processes sequences of units, such as nucleotides in a DNA sequence or amino acids in a protein, in order to determine the coordinates of their positions in a continuous space. This distribution of positions has two features: one is unique, and the other is source sequence that can be recovered from the coordinates so that the distance between positions may serve as a measure of similarity between the corresponding sequences. A CGR-walk model is proposed based on CGR coordinates for the DNA sequences. The CGR coordinates are converted into a time series, and a long-memory ARFIMA (p, d, q) model, where ARFIMA stands for autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average, is introduced into the DNA sequence analysis. This model is applied to simulating real CGR-walk sequence data of ten genomic sequences. Remarkably long-range correlations are uncovered in the data, and the results from these models are reasonably fitted with those from the ARFIMA (p, d, q) model. 展开更多
关键词 CGR-walk model DNA sequence LONG-MEMORY ARFIMA(p d q) model
A Preliminary Study on Dynamics and Models of N,P,K Absorption for High-Yield Cotton 被引量:6
作者 WANGKe-ru LIShao-kun +3 位作者 CAOLian-pu SONGGuang-jie CHENGang CAOSuan-zhu 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2003年第7期752-759,共8页
The field experiments were carried out to investigate the dynamics and models of N, P and K absorption for the cotton plants with a lint of 3 000 kg ha-1 in Xinjiang. The main results were as follows: The contents of ... The field experiments were carried out to investigate the dynamics and models of N, P and K absorption for the cotton plants with a lint of 3 000 kg ha-1 in Xinjiang. The main results were as follows: The contents of N, P2O5, K2O in cotton leaves, stems, squares and bolls decreased obviously with the time over the whole growth duration and the falling extent was greater in high-yield cotton than in CK. Contents of N in leaves, squares and bolls, in particular in the leaves of fruit-bearing shoot was higher in high-yield cotton than in CK. Contents of P2O5 in squares and bolls and that of K2O in stems were higher in high-yield cotton than in CK during the whole growing period. The accumulations of N, P2O5 and K2O in the cotton plants could be described with a logistic curve equation. There was the fastest nutrient uptake at about 90 d for N, 92 d for P2O5 and 85 d for K2O after emergence, respectively. Total nutrient accumulation of N, P2O5 and K2O was 385.8, 244. 7 and 340.3 kg ha-1, respectively. Approximately 12. 5 kg N, 8. 0 kg P2O5 and 11.1 kg K2O were needed for producing 100 kg lint with the leaves and stems under the super high yield condition of 3 000 kg ha-1 in Xinjiang. 展开更多
关键词 XINJIANG Cultivation of high yield COTTON N p K Absorption dynamics model
Chaos game representation walk model for the protein sequences 被引量:3
作者 高洁 蒋丽丽 徐振源 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第10期4571-4579,共9页
A new chaos game representation of protein sequences based on the detailed hydrophobic-hydrophilic (HP) model has been proposed by Yu et al (Physica A 337(2004) 171). A CGR-walk model is proposed based on the ne... A new chaos game representation of protein sequences based on the detailed hydrophobic-hydrophilic (HP) model has been proposed by Yu et al (Physica A 337(2004) 171). A CGR-walk model is proposed based on the new CGR coordinates for the protein sequences from complete genomes in the present paper. The new CCR coordinates based on the detailed HP model are converted into a time series, and a long-memory ARFIMA(p, d, q) model is introduced into the protein sequence analysis. This model is applied to simulating real CCR-walk sequence data of twelve protein sequences. Remarkably long-range correlations are uncovered in the data and the results obtained from these models are reasonably consistent with those available from the ARFIMA(p, d, q) model. 展开更多
关键词 chaos game representation CGR-walk model protein sequence long-memory ARFIMA(p d q) model autocorrelation function
作者 彭英 杨奋林 《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2020年第5期41-44,共4页
自适应TVp模型能有效避免TV模型的阶梯效应,但模型的非线性程度较高,求解比较困难.为了解决这个问题,利用每个像素点梯度的向前、向后差分的几何平均定义像素点的梯度模,建立了一个新的离散TVp模型.实验结果表明,该模型能够有效降低TVp... 自适应TVp模型能有效避免TV模型的阶梯效应,但模型的非线性程度较高,求解比较困难.为了解决这个问题,利用每个像素点梯度的向前、向后差分的几何平均定义像素点的梯度模,建立了一个新的离散TVp模型.实验结果表明,该模型能够有效降低TVp模型的非线性程度,恢复的图像的质量比TVp模型的更好,信噪比更高. 展开更多
关键词 图像去噪 TV^p模型 阶梯效应
A novel mathematical model on Peer-to-Peer botnet
作者 任玮 宋礼鹏 冯丽萍 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2014年第4期62-67,共6页
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) botnet has emerged as one of the most serious threats to lnternet security. To effectively elimi- nate P2P botnet, a delayed SEIR model is proposed,which can portray the formation process of P2P b... Peer-to-Peer (P2P) botnet has emerged as one of the most serious threats to lnternet security. To effectively elimi- nate P2P botnet, a delayed SEIR model is proposed,which can portray the formation process of P2P botnet. Then, the local stability at equilibria is carefully analyzed by considering the eigenvalues' distributed ranges of characteristic equations. Both mathematical analysis and numerical simulations show that the dynamical features of the proposed model rely on the basic re- production number and time delay r. The results can help us to better understand the propagation behaviors of P2P botnet and design effective counter-botnet methods. 展开更多
关键词 peer-to-peer p2p botnet STABILITY SEIR model time delay
Empirical Likelihood Inference for AR(p) Model 被引量:3
作者 陈燕红 赵世舜 宋立新 《Northeastern Mathematical Journal》 CSCD 2008年第5期423-432,共10页
In this article we study the empirical likelihood inference for AR(p) model. We propose the moment restrictions, by which we get the empirical likelihood estimator of the model parametric, and we also propose an emp... In this article we study the empirical likelihood inference for AR(p) model. We propose the moment restrictions, by which we get the empirical likelihood estimator of the model parametric, and we also propose an empirical log-likelihood ratio base on this estimator. Our result shows that the EL estimator is asymptotically normal, and the empirical log-likelihood ratio is proved to be asymptotically standard chi-squared. 展开更多
关键词 AR(p model empirical likelihood moment construction asymptotic property
Two-proton radioactivity of the excited state within the Gamow-like and modified Gamow-like models 被引量:3
作者 De-Xing Zhu Yang-Yang Xu +3 位作者 Hong-Ming Liu Xi-Jun Wu Biao He Xiao-Hua Li 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期1-10,共10页
In this study,we systematically investigated the two-proton(2p)radioactivity half-lives from the excited state of nuclei near the proton drip line within the Gamowlike model(GLM)and modified Gamow-like model(MGLM).The... In this study,we systematically investigated the two-proton(2p)radioactivity half-lives from the excited state of nuclei near the proton drip line within the Gamowlike model(GLM)and modified Gamow-like model(MGLM).The calculated results were highly consistent with the theoretical values obtained using the unified fission model[Chin.Phys.C 45,124105(2021)],effective liquid drop model,and generalized liquid drop model[Acta Phys.Sin 71,062301(2022)].Furthermore,utilizing the GLM and MGLM,we predicted the 2p radioactivity halflives from the excited state for some nuclei that are not yet available experimentally.Simultaneously,by analyzing the calculated results from these theoretical models,it was found that the half-lives are strongly dependent on Qand l. 展开更多
关键词 2p radioactivity Gamow-like model Halflife Excited state
A mathematical model of a P53 oscillation network triggered by DNA damage 被引量:3
作者 夏俊峰 贾亚 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期112-116,共5页
Taking the interaction between a DNA damage repair module, an ATM module, and a P53--MDM2 oscillation module into account, this paper presents a mathematical model of a P53 oscillation network triggered by a DNA damag... Taking the interaction between a DNA damage repair module, an ATM module, and a P53--MDM2 oscillation module into account, this paper presents a mathematical model of a P53 oscillation network triggered by a DNA damage signal in individual cells. The effects of the DNA damage signal and the delay time of P53-induced MDM2 expression on the behaviours of the P53 oscillation network are studied. In the oscillatory state of the P53--MDM2 oscillator, it is found that the pulse number of P53--P oscillation increases with the increase of the initial DNA damage signal, whereas the amplitude and the period of P53--P oscillation are fixed for different initial DNA damage signals, and the period numbers of P53--P oscillations decrease with the increase of time delay of MDM2 expression induced by P53. These theoretical predictions are consistent with previous experimental results. The combined negative feedback of P53--MDM2 with the time delay of P53-induced MDM2 expression causes oscillation behaviour in the P53 network. 展开更多
关键词 p53 oscillation network DNA damage signal time delay kinetic model
METrust: A Mutual Evaluation-based Trust Model for P2P Networks 被引量:2
作者 Chun-Ling Cheng Xiao-Long Xu Bing-Zhen Gao 《International Journal of Automation and computing》 EI 2012年第1期63-71,共9页
It is necessary to construct an effective trust model to build trust relationship between peers in peer-to-peer (P2P) network and enhance the security and reliability of P2P systems. The current trust models only fo... It is necessary to construct an effective trust model to build trust relationship between peers in peer-to-peer (P2P) network and enhance the security and reliability of P2P systems. The current trust models only focus on the consumers' evaluation to a transaction, which may be abused by malicious peers to exaggerate or slander the provider deliberately. In this paper, we propose a novel trust model based on mutual evaluation, called METrust, to suppress the peers' malicious behavior, such as dishonest evaluation and strategic attack. METrust considers the factors including mutual evaluation, similarity risk, time window, incentive, and punishment mechanism. The trust value is composed of the direct trust value and the recommendation trust value. In order to inhibit dishonest evaluation, both participants should give evaluation information based on peers' own experiences about the transaction while computing the direct trust value. In view of this, the mutual evaluation consistency factor and its time decay function are proposed. Besides, to reduce the risk of computing the recommendation trust based on the recommendations of friend peers, the similarity risk is introduced to measure the uncertainty of the similarity computing, while similarity is used to measure credibility. The experimental results show that METrust is effective, and it has advantages in the inhibition of the various malicious behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 peer-to-peer p2p network REpUTATION trust model mutual evaluation similarity risk
Prospectivity modeling of porphyry copper deposits: recognition of efficient mono-and multi-element geochemical signatures in the Varzaghan district, NW Iran 被引量:1
作者 Reza Ghezelbash Abbas Maghsoudi Mehrdad Daviran 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期131-144,共14页
The Varzaghan district at the northwestern margin of the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc, is considered a promising area for the exploration of porphyry Cu deposits in Iran. In this study we identified mono-and multi-el... The Varzaghan district at the northwestern margin of the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc, is considered a promising area for the exploration of porphyry Cu deposits in Iran. In this study we identified mono-and multi-element geochemical anomalies associated with Cu–Au–Mo–Bi mineralization in the central parts of the Varzaghan district by applying the concentration–area fractal method. After mono-element geochemical investigations, principal component analysis was applied to ten selected elements in order to acquire a multi-element geochemical signature based on the mineralization-related component. Quantitative comparisons of the obtained fractal-based populations were carried out in accordance with known Cu occurrences using Student's t-values. Then,significant mono-and multi-element geochemical layers were separately combined with related geologic and structural layers to generate prospectivity models, using the fuzzy GAMMA approach. For quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of different geochemical signatures in final prospectivity models, a prediction-area plot was adapted. The results show that the multi-element geochemical signature of principal component one(PC1) is more effective than mono-element layers in delimiting exploration targets related to porphyry Cu deposits. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMICAL signature Concentration–area(C–A) fractal principal component analysis(pCA) Student’s t-value Fuzzy mineral prospectivity modeling(MpM) prediction–area(p–A) pLOT
Mathematical Model Validation of Search Protocols in MP2P Networks 被引量:1
作者 Ajay Arunachalam Vinayakumar Ravi +2 位作者 Moez Krichen Roobaea Alroobaea Saeed Rubaiee 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2021年第8期1807-1829,共23页
Broadcasting is a basic technique in Mobile ad-hoc network(MANET),and it refers to sending a packet from one node to every other node within the transmission range.Flooding is a type of broadcast where the received pa... Broadcasting is a basic technique in Mobile ad-hoc network(MANET),and it refers to sending a packet from one node to every other node within the transmission range.Flooding is a type of broadcast where the received packet is retransmitted once by every node.The naive flooding technique,floods the network with query messages,while the random walk technique operates by contacting the subsets of every node’s neighbors at each step,thereby restricting the search space.One of the key challenges in an ad-hoc network is the resource or content discovery problem which is about locating the queried resource.Many earlier works have mainly focused on the simulation-based analysis of flooding,and its variants under a wired network.Although,there have been some empirical studies in peer-to-peer(P2P)networks,the analytical results are still lacking,especially in the context of P2P systems running over MANET.In this paper,we describe how P2P resource discovery protocols perform badly over MANETs.To address the limitations,we propose a new protocol named ABRW(Address Broadcast Random Walk),which is a lightweight search approach,designed considering the underlay topology aimed to better suit the unstructured architecture.We provide the mathematical model,measuring the performance of our proposed search scheme with different widely popular benchmarked search techniques.Further,we also derive three relevant search performance metrics,i.e.,mean no.of steps needed to find a resource,the probability of finding a resource,and the mean no.of message overhead.We validated the analytical expressions through simulations.The simulation results closely matched with our analyticalmodel,justifying our findings.Our proposed search algorithm under such highly dynamic self-evolving networks performed better,as it reduced the search latency,decreased the overall message overhead,and still equally had a good success rate. 展开更多
关键词 Search protocols random walk MANET p2p networks p2p MANET mathematical model peer-to-peer wireless ad hoc network FLOODING mobile p2p UNSTRUCTURED p2p NS-2 network simulator
Cluster based hierarchical resource searching model in P2P network 被引量:1
作者 Yang Ruijuan Liu Jian Tian Jingwen 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2007年第1期188-194,共7页
For the problem of large network load generated by the Gnutella resource-searching model in Peer to Peer (P2P) network, a improved model to decrease the network expense is proposed, which establishes a duster in P2P... For the problem of large network load generated by the Gnutella resource-searching model in Peer to Peer (P2P) network, a improved model to decrease the network expense is proposed, which establishes a duster in P2P network, auto-organizes logical layers, and applies a hybrid mechanism of directional searching and flooding. The performance analysis and simulation results show that the proposed hierarchical searching model has availably reduced the generated message load and that its searching-response time performance is as fairly good as that of the Gnutella model. 展开更多
关键词 Communication and information system Resource-searching model in p2p network GNUTELLA CLUSTER Hierarchical network
An enriched environment reduces hippocampal inflammatory response and improves cognitive function in a mouse model of stroke 被引量:2
作者 Hong-Yu Zhou Ya-Ping Huai +7 位作者 Xing Jin Ping Yan Xiao-Jia Tang Jun-Ya Wang Nan Shi Meng Niu Zhao-Xiang Meng Xin Wang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第11期2497-2503,共7页
An enriched environment is used as a behavio ral intervention therapy that applies sensory,motor,and social stimulation,and has been used in basic and clinical research of va rious neurological diseases.In this study,... An enriched environment is used as a behavio ral intervention therapy that applies sensory,motor,and social stimulation,and has been used in basic and clinical research of va rious neurological diseases.In this study,we established mouse models of photothrombotic stroke and,24 hours later,raised them in a standard,enriched,or isolated environment for 4 weeks.Compared with the mice raised in a standard environment,the cognitive function of mice raised in an enriched environment was better and the pathological damage in the hippocampal CA1 region was remarkably alleviated.Furthermore,protein expression levels of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6,nuclear factorκB p65,interleukin-6,and tumor necrosis factorα,and the mRNA expression level of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 were greatly lower,while the expression level of miR-146a-5p was higher.Compared with the mice raised in a standard environment,changes in these indices in mice raised in an isolated environment were opposite to mice raised in an enriched environment.These findings suggest that different living environments affect the hippocampal inflammatory response and cognitive function in a mouse model of stro ke.An enriched environment can improve cognitive function following stroke through up-regulation of miR-146a-5p expression and a reduction in the inflammatory response. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive function enriched environment isolated environment miR-146a-5p NEUROINFLAMMATION nuclear factorκB p65 photothrombotic model STROKE tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6
A process model on P2P lending 被引量:1
作者 Huaiqing Wang Kun Chen +1 位作者 Wei Zhu Zhenxia Song 《Financial Innovation》 2015年第1期11-18,共8页
Background:Online peer-to-peer lending(P2P lending)is booming as the popularity of e-finance.To develop a conceptual model for the P2P lending process is great valuable for managers to tack the issues of marketing,man... Background:Online peer-to-peer lending(P2P lending)is booming as the popularity of e-finance.To develop a conceptual model for the P2P lending process is great valuable for managers to tack the issues of marketing,management and operation.Methods:In this paper,we focus on the P2P lending process model and provide a comparative analysis comparing with traditional bank loan process.Results:Firstly,our model shows that the information flow in P2P lending is more frequent and transparent.Secondly,the model reveals that P2P lending uses a quite different credit audition method,which relies on information and the decision model in the P2P systems.Thirdly,the loan management is not complete normally in P2P lending,because most P2P companies do not have the post-loan records of borrowers.Conclusions:These findings inspire future studies and practices on P2P lending process and key technologies. 展开更多
关键词 p2p landing E-finance process model
How the Information and Communications Technology Threaten Our Privacy: The Case of Email and P2P Propagation Models 被引量:1
作者 Han-Wei Hsiao Cathy S. Lin Kun-Yu Chert 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第10期765-773,共9页
With the rapid growth of information and communication technology (ICT), the violation of information privacy has increased in recent years. The privacy concerns now re-emerge right because people perceives a threat... With the rapid growth of information and communication technology (ICT), the violation of information privacy has increased in recent years. The privacy concerns now re-emerge right because people perceives a threat from new ICT that are equipped with enhanced capabilities for surveillance, storage, retrieval, and diffusion of personal information. With the trend in the prevalence and the easy use of ICT, it is of necessary to pay much attention to the issue how the ICT can threaten the privacy of individuals on the Internet. While the Email and P2P (Peer-to-Peer) tools are the most popular ICT, this paper aims at understanding their respectively dissemination patterns in spreading of personal private information. To this purpose, this paper using dynamic model technique to simulate the pattern of sensitive or personal private information propagating situation. In this study, an Email propagation model and a Susceptible-lnfected-Removed (SIR) model are proposed to simulate the propagation patterns of Email and P2P network respectively. Knowing their dissemination patterns would be helpful for system designers, ICT manager, corporate IT personnel, educators, policy makers, and legislators to incorporate consciousness of social and ethical information issues into the protection of information privacy. 展开更多
关键词 Information privacy propagation model EMAIL peer-to-peer p2p
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