Objective The NE China is located in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB),which is a large accretionary orogen between the Siberian Craton and the North China Craton(NCC).Many researches ha...Objective The NE China is located in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB),which is a large accretionary orogen between the Siberian Craton and the North China Craton(NCC).Many researches have discussed about the evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO)in the eastern CAOB.However,展开更多
Objective Two important geological issues have long been controversial in the Xing-Meng area of North China. The first concerns the final closure of Paleo-Asian Ocean in Xing-Meng area, and the other concerns the fol...Objective Two important geological issues have long been controversial in the Xing-Meng area of North China. The first concerns the final closure of Paleo-Asian Ocean in Xing-Meng area, and the other concerns the folding and lifting of the Xing-Meng Trough. The focus of thses issues is the Late Permian sedimentary environment, which is generally considered to be either an exclusively continental environment or from the closed inland sea environment in the Early to Middle stage to continental lacustrine environment in the late stage. In recent years, we have successively discovered abundant typical marine fossils (e.g., bryozoans and calcareous algae) in the Upper Permian thick limestone layer from Linxi County and Ar Horqin Banner in eastern region of Inner Mongolia and Jiutain County in Jilin Province. These significant findings have attracted the attention from fellow academics.展开更多
As the largest accretionary orogen, the crustal tectonic framework and evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) have always been one of the hot topics among geologists(Seng?r et al., 1993, 1996;Jahn et al., ...As the largest accretionary orogen, the crustal tectonic framework and evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) have always been one of the hot topics among geologists(Seng?r et al., 1993, 1996;Jahn et al., 2000 a;Badarch et al., 2002;Windley et al., 2007;Li et al., 2009). The formation of the main part of the crust in the CAOB involved continuous lateral accretion of island arcs and accretionary complexes along the margins of the Siberian, Sino-Korean and Tarim paleocontinents and the final collision between these continental margins because of the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean plate since Mesoproterozoic. The ophiolites, which represent the fragments of ancient oceanic lithosphere, are the direct evidence for the study of the evolution of orogenic belts. Based on field geological survey, the mantle peridotite(serpentinite), gabbro, basalt and radiolarian bedded chert, which were deemed as the "ophiolite trinity", were identified as isolated blocks in the matrix of pelitic siltstone and silty mudstone in the Kedanshan, Xingshuwa and Jiujingzi areas along the Xar Monron River in southeast Inner Mongolia of China. Besides, there were plenty of other exotic blocks, such as limestone and sandstone, in the matrix. Both of the matrix and blocks underwent strong foliated deformation. All of these rocks above constitute a tectonic mélange. Zircon U-Pb dating for the gabbro blocks in the Xingshuwa and Jiujingzi ophiolites reveals that they were formed in early Permian(275-280 Ma). The ages of the gabbros, together with the middle Permian radiolaria fossils in the chert reported by Wang and Fan(1997), indicate that the oceanic basin was not closed in early-middle Permian. The geochemical compositions of the basaltic blocks distributed in different locations in the Xingshuwa tectonic mélange display different genetic types of normal mid-ocean ridge basalt(N-MORB), enriched mid-ocean ridge basalts(E-MORB), oceanic island basalt(OIB), island arc basalt and continental marginal arc basalt, which indicates what they represented is a complex oceanic basin. Combining with the studies on regional magmatism, strata and structure data, it is suggested that the Xar Moron River Ophiolite belt represented the final suture zone of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in the southeast Inner Mongolia, and the ocean did not close before late Permian.展开更多
In this paper we discuss the timing of final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean based on the field investigations of the Carboniferous-Permian stratigraphic sequences and sedimentary environments in southeastern Inner M...In this paper we discuss the timing of final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean based on the field investigations of the Carboniferous-Permian stratigraphic sequences and sedimentary environments in southeastern Inner Mongolia combined with the geology of its neighboring areas. Studies show that during the Carboniferous-Permian in the eastern segment of the Tianshan-Hinggan Orogenic System, there was a giant ENE-NE-trending littoral-neritic to continental sedimentary basin, starting in the west from Ejinqi eastwards through southeastern Inner Mongolia into Jilin and Heilongjiang. The distribution of the Lower Carboniferous in the vast area is sparse. The Late Carboniferous or Permian volcanic-sedimentary rocks always unconformably overlie the Devonian or older units. The Upper Carboniferous-Middle Permian is dominated by llttoral-neritic deposits and the Upper Permian, by continental deposits. The Late Carboniferous-Permian has no trace of subduction-collision orogeny, implying the basin gradually disappeared by shrinking and shallowing. In addition, it is of interest to note that the Ondor Sum and Hegenshan ophiolitic melanges were formed in the pre-Late Silurian and pre-Late Devonian respectively, and the Solonker ophiolitic melange formed in the pre-Late Carboniferous. All the evidence indicates that the eastern segment of the Paleo-Asian Ocean had closed before the Late Carboniferous, and most likely before the latest Devonian (Famennian).展开更多
In the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) in northeastern(NE) China, scattered outcrops of molasse deposits mark the ending of an orogeny and are crucial for understanding the evolution of the Paleo...In the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) in northeastern(NE) China, scattered outcrops of molasse deposits mark the ending of an orogeny and are crucial for understanding the evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO). However, the timing of tectonic events and the relationships among these strata remain controversial. To better constrain these geologic events, a comprehensive study of the detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the sandstones of the Kaishantun(KST) Formation and Kedao(KD) Group in eastern Jilin Province, NE China, was conducted. The KST Formation is traditionally considered a molasse deposit. The sandstones display low CIA, PIA and high ICV values and low Th/U and Rb/Sr ratios, which suggest that the rocks were derived from an immature intermediate-felsic igneous source and experienced a simple sedimentary recycling history with relatively weak chemical weathering. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from two samples of the KST Formation yields ages of 748-252 Ma, suggesting that the KST Formation was deposited between 254.5 Ma and 252 Ma in Late Permian. The zircons were mainly derived from the continental northern part of the North China Craton(NCC). In contrast, the U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from five samples of the KD Group yields ages of 2611-230 Ma, suggesting that the KD samples were deposited in the Early to Middle Triassic(ca. 248-233 Ma). The detrital zircon ages for the KD samples can be divided into groups with peaks at 2.5 Ga, 1.8 Ga, 800-1000 Ma, 500 Ma and 440-360 Ma, which suggest that the samples were derived from bidirectional provenances in the Jiamusi-Khanka Block and the NCC. These new data,combined with previously published results, suggest that at least three orogenic events occurred in central-eastern Jilin Province during the Early Permian(270-262 Ma), Early Triassic(254-248 Ma) and Middle-Late Triassic(242-227 Ma). The final closure of the PAO occurred during 242-227 Ma in the Middle-Late Triassic along the Changchun-Yanji suture zone. The detrital zircon geochronological data clearly record plate convergence and the scissor-like closure of the PAO in the eastern CAOB.展开更多
The Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) resulted from accretion during the Paleozoic subduction of the PaleoAsian Ocean. The Xilinhot area in Inner Mongolia is located in the northern subduction zone of the central-east...The Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) resulted from accretion during the Paleozoic subduction of the PaleoAsian Ocean. The Xilinhot area in Inner Mongolia is located in the northern subduction zone of the central-eastern CAOB and outcropped a large number of late Paleozoic mafic intrusions. The characteristics of magma source and tectonic setting of the mafic intrusions and their response to the closure process of the Paleo-Asian Ocean are still controversial. This study presents LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical features of mafic intrusions in the Xilinhot area to constrain the northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The mafic intrusions consist of gabbro, hornblende gabbro, and diabase. Their intrusion times can be divided into three stages of 326-321 Ma, 276 Ma and 254 Ma by zircon U-Pb ages. The first two stages of the 326-276 Ma intrusions mostly originated from subduction-modified continental lithospheric mantle sources that underwent a variable degree partial melting(5-30%), recording the subduction of oceanic crust. The third stage of the 254 Ma mafic rocks also show arc-related features. The primary magma compositions calculated by PRIMELT2 modeling on three samples of ~326 Ma and two samples of ~254 Ma show that these mafic samples are characterized by a variable range in SiO2(47.51-51.47 wt%), Al2O3(11.46-15.55 wt%), ΣFeO(8.27-9.61 wt%), MgO(13.01-15.18 wt%) and CaO(9.13-11.67 wt%), consisting with the features between enriched mantle and lower continental crust. The source mantle melting of mafic intrusions occurred under temperatures of 1302-1351°C and pressures of 0.92-1.30 GPa. The magmatic processes occurred near the crust-mantle boundary at about 33-45 km underground. Combined with previous studies, it is concluded that Carboniferous to early Permian(~326-275 Ma) northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian oceanic crust led to the formation of the mafic magmatism in the Baolidao arc zone. The whole region had entered the collision environment at ~254 Ma, but with subduction-related environments locally. The final collision between the North China craton and the South Mongolian microcontinent may have lasted until ca. 230 Ma.展开更多
The Solonker suture zone has long been considered to mark the location of the final disappearance of the PaleoAsian Ocean in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). However, the time of final suturing is still ...The Solonker suture zone has long been considered to mark the location of the final disappearance of the PaleoAsian Ocean in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). However, the time of final suturing is still controversial with two main different proposals of late Permian to early Triassic, and late Devonian. This study reports integrated wholerock geochemistry and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages of sedimentary rocks from the Silurian Xuniwusu Formation, the Devonian Xilingol Complex and the Permian Zhesi Formation in the Hegenshan-Xilinhot-Linxi area in central Inner Mongolia, China. The depositional environment, provenance and tectonic setting of the Silurian-Devonian and the Permian sediments are compared to constrain the tectonic evolution of the Solonker suture zone and its neighboring zones. The protoliths of the silty slates from the Xuniwusu Formation in the Baolidao zone belong to wacke and were derived from felsic igneous rocks with steady-state weathering, poor sorting and compositional immaturity. The protoliths of metasedimentary rocks from the Xilingol Complex were wackes and litharenites and were sourced from predominantly felsic igneous rocks with variable weathering conditions and moderate sorting. The Xuniwusu Formation and Xilingol Complex samples both have two groups of detrital zircon that peak at ca. 0.9-1.0 Ga and ca. 420-440 Ma, with maximum deposition ages of late Silurian and middle Devonian age, respectively. Considering the ca. 484-383 Ma volcanic arc in the Baolidao zone, the Xuxiniwu Formation represents an oceanic trench sediment and is covered by the sedimentary rocks in the Xilingol Complex that represents a continental slope sediment in front of the arc. The middle Permian Zhesi Formation metasandstones were derived from predominantly felsic igneous rocks and are texturally immature with very low degrees of rounding and sorting, indicating short transport and rapid burial. The Zhesi Formation in the Hegenshan zone has a main zircon age peak of 302 Ma and a subordinate peak of 423 Ma and was deposited in a back-arc basin with an early marine transgression during extension and a late marine regression during contraction. The formation also crops out locally in the Baolidao zone with a main zircon age peak of 467 Ma and a minor peak of 359 Ma, and suggests it formed as a marine transgression sedimentary sequence in a restricted extensional basin and followed by a marine regressive event. Two obvious zircon age peaks of 444 Ma and 280 Ma in the Solonker zone and 435 Ma and 274 Ma in Ondor Sum are retrieved from the Zhesi Formation. This suggests as a result of the gradual closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean a narrow ocean sedimentary environment with marine regressive sedimentary sequences occupied the Solonker and Ondor Sum zones during the middle Permian. A restricted ocean is suggested by the Permian strata in the Bainaimiao zone. Early Paleozoic subduction until ca. 381 Ma and renewed subduction during ca. 310-254 Ma accompanied by the opening and closure of a back-arc basin during ca. 298-269 Ma occurred in the northern accretionary zone. In contrast, the southern accretionary zone documented early Paleozoic subduction until ca. 400 Ma and a renewed subduction during ca. 298-246 Ma. The final closure of the Paleo-Asian ocean therefore lasted at least until the early Triassic and ended with the formation of the Solonker suture zone.展开更多
The Jiutai area is tectonically situated at the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) and is close to the North China Craton(NCC) to the south, serving as an ideal place to investigations of the clo...The Jiutai area is tectonically situated at the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) and is close to the North China Craton(NCC) to the south, serving as an ideal place to investigations of the closure of the PaleoAsian Ocean(PAO). Sandstone samples collected from the Yangjiagou Formation and the Lujiatun Formation in this area have been studied in detail in terms of petrology, geochronology and geochemistry. The maximum depositional time of the Yangjiagou and Lujiatun formations has been constrained to early Middle Triassic(ca. 245 Ma) and middle Late Triassic(ca. 219 Ma), respectively. The Yangjiagou Formation, with a major provenance of dissected island arcs, is dominantly composed of Phanerozoic sediments from Northeastern China(NE China) massifs. The Lujiatun Formation, with major sediments from active continental margins, has a relatively larger proportion of Precambrian sediments, in which the ~1.85 Ga and ~2.5 Ga sediments are typical of the crystalline basements of the NCC and NE China massifs, which were uplifted and eroded during the closure of the PAO. Besides, both formations show the enrichment in LREEs and the depletion in HREEs, the common Eu negative anomalies, and trace element contents similar to that of the upper continental crust. Based on the provenance analysis of these two formations, the final closure time of the PAO in this area is constrained as from the early Middle Triassic(ca. 245 Ma) to the middle Late Triassic(ca. 219 Ma).展开更多
The giant Central Asian Orogenic Belt is an extensive accretionary orogen,of which the Solonker suture,as a major regional suture,coincides closely with an early Permian paleobiogeographical boundary.This suture is co...The giant Central Asian Orogenic Belt is an extensive accretionary orogen,of which the Solonker suture,as a major regional suture,coincides closely with an early Permian paleobiogeographical boundary.This suture is considered to mark the location of the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean between the North China Craton and the Mongolian Terrane.Although the closure time of the Paleo-Asian Ocean along the Solonker suture has generally been regarded as Late Permian-Early Triassic,uncertainty remains because of a lack of typical collisionrelated features(e.g.,high-grade regional metamorphism and well-developed fold-thrust structures)and a scarcity of outcrops.The present study reports Early Permian foliated gabbros and dikes(288-275 Ma)and Middle-Late Permian undeformed layered gabbros,strongly peraluminous granites,and I-type granites(265-254 Ma)in the Xinhure area along the northern margin of the North China Craton.The Early Permian foliated intrusions have a subduction-related geochemical signature and were derived from partial melting of lithospheric mantle modified by subduction-related melts or fluids at the active margin of the North China Craton.In contrast,the Late Permian undeformed layered gabbros and strongly peraluminous granites were derived from partial melting of lithospheric mantle and middle-upper crust,respectively,triggered by asthenospheric upwelling.Therefore,a transition from an end-compressional to an extensional environment according to a transition from collision termination to postcollision of the North China Craton and Mongolian Terrane may have occurred between 275 Ma and 262 Ma.This time span can be considered as the final closure time of the Paleo-Asian Ocean along the Solonker suture.展开更多
A remarkable marine heatwave,known as the“Blob”,occurred in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from late 2013 to early 2016,which displayed strong warm anomalies extending from the surface to a depth of 300 m.This study em...A remarkable marine heatwave,known as the“Blob”,occurred in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from late 2013 to early 2016,which displayed strong warm anomalies extending from the surface to a depth of 300 m.This study employed two assimilation schemes based on the global Climate Forecast System of Nanjing University of Information Science(NUIST-CFS 1.0)to investigate the impact of ocean data assimilation on the seasonal prediction of this extreme marine heatwave.The sea surface temperature(SST)nudging scheme assimilates SST only,while the deterministic ensemble Kalman filter(EnKF)scheme assimilates observations from the surface to the deep ocean.The latter notably improves the forecasting skill for subsurface temperature anomalies,especially at the depth of 100-300 m(the lower layer),outperforming the SST nudging scheme.It excels in predicting both horizontal and vertical heat transport in the lower layer,contributing to improved forecasts of the lower-layer warming during the Blob.These improvements stem from the assimilation of subsurface observational data,which are important in predicting the upper-ocean conditions.The results suggest that assimilating ocean data with the EnKF scheme significantly enhances the accuracy in predicting subsurface temperature anomalies during the Blob and offers better understanding of its underlying mechanisms.展开更多
Existing traditional ocean vertical-mixing schemes are empirically developed without a thorough understanding of the physical processes involved,resulting in a discrepancy between the parameterization and forecast res...Existing traditional ocean vertical-mixing schemes are empirically developed without a thorough understanding of the physical processes involved,resulting in a discrepancy between the parameterization and forecast results.The uncertainty in ocean-mixing parameterization is primarily responsible for the bias in ocean models.Benefiting from deep-learning technology,we design the Adaptive Fully Connected Module with an Inception module as the baseline to minimize bias.It adaptively extracts the best features through fully connected layers with different widths,and better learns the nonlinear relationship between input variables and parameterization fields.Moreover,to obtain more accurate results,we impose KPP(K-Profile Parameterization)and PP(Pacanowski–Philander)schemes as physical constraints to make the network parameterization process follow the basic physical laws more closely.Since model data are calculated with human experience,lacking some unknown physical processes,which may differ from the actual data,we use a decade-long time record of hydrological and turbulence observations in the tropical Pacific Ocean as training data.Combining physical constraints and a nonlinear activation function,our method catches its nonlinear change and better adapts to the oceanmixing parameterization process.The use of physical constraints can improve the final results.展开更多
Zircon U-Pb results of basalt from the Dashizhai Town in Inner Mongolia, NE China, shows that the basaltic lava was erupted at 439±3 Ma, much older than the "Permian basalts" as previously thought. Thes...Zircon U-Pb results of basalt from the Dashizhai Town in Inner Mongolia, NE China, shows that the basaltic lava was erupted at 439±3 Ma, much older than the "Permian basalts" as previously thought. These rocks show arc-type trace element patterns (i.e., Nb-Ta depletion and light REE and large ion lithophile element enrichment) and unradiogenic Sr and highly radiogenic Nd and Hf isotope compositions. They can be subdivided into two petrogenetic groups: Group 1 basalts have relatively high TiO2, MgO and compatible elements and low Sr and Th, characterized by mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)-type Sr-Nd-Hf isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7028―0.7032, εNd(t)=+9.8-+11.2, εHf(t)=+16.1- +18.4). Group 2 has lower TiO2, MgO and compatible elements and higher Sr and Th, and relatively evolved Sr-Nd-Hf isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7037-0.7038, εNd(t)=+5.7-+7.3, εHf(t)=+12.6- +13.0). Both groups were interpreted as melts derived from a metasomatized mantle wedge formed during the subduction of Paleo-Asian Ocean. The mantle source for Group 1 was probably a highly isotopically depleted oceanic mantle modified by predominant slab fluids; whereas subducted sediments had an important contribution to the melting source for Group 2. The petrogenesis of the Dashizhai basalts provides clear evidence for early Paleozoic subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, and the highly radiogenic Nd and Hf compositions in these rocks suggest that these lavas and their possible intrusive counterparts were one of the important components for Phanerozoic crustal growth. Our and previous studies on the "Dashizhai Formation" volcanic rocks yield an unrealistic eruption range of 440-270 Ma for different rock types, we thus advise to disassemble the previously defined "Dashizhai Formation" into multiple lithologic units and to reinterpret the spatial and temporal distributions of different volcano-sedimentary associations.展开更多
The northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC)contains widespread Permian magmatic rocks,but the origin of these rocks remains controversial.This uncertainty hampers us from better understanding of tectonic framew...The northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC)contains widespread Permian magmatic rocks,but the origin of these rocks remains controversial.This uncertainty hampers us from better understanding of tectonic framework and evolution of the eastern Paleo-Asian Ocean,particularly with respect to its final-stage subduction and closure time.To address these questions,this study presents petrological,zircon U-Pb geochronological,whole-rock geochemical and in situ zircon Hf isotopic data for these Permian mafic intrusions in the northern margin of the NCC.Precise zircon U-Pb dating results indicate that these mafic intrusions were emplaced in the Middle Permian(ca.260 Ma).Geochemically,the studied mafic intrusions have high MgO and transition metals element contents,with high Mg^(#) values,indicating a mantle origin.These mafic intrusions are characterized by enrichments in large ion lithophile elements(LILEs;e.g.,Rb,Ba,and K)and light rare earth elements(LREEs),and depletions in high field strength elements(HFSEs;e.g.,Nb,Ta,and Ti)and heavy rare earth elements(HREEs),indicating that they were formed in a subduction-related setting.These geochemical features,together with zircon ε_(Hf)(t)values(-1.1 to+11.2),indicate that their parental magmas were derived from partial melting of heterogeneous mantle wedge metasomatized by subduction-related fluids,with the contributions of slab sediments.The studied mafic intrusions also show wide range of major and trace elements contents,and variable Mg^(#) values,Eu and Sr anomalies,suggesting that their parental magmas had undergone variable degrees of fractional crystallization.Together with the E-W trending Permian continental arc along the northern margin of the NCC,we confirm that the generation of the Middle Permian mafic intrusions was related to southward subduction of the Paleo-Asian oceanic lithosphere beneath the NCC and the Paleo-Asian Ocean had not closed prior to the Middle Permian.展开更多
The Changchun–Yanji suture zone(CYSZ) in NE China is considered as the suture between the North China Craton(NCC) and Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). The geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-NdHf isotopes of Early–...The Changchun–Yanji suture zone(CYSZ) in NE China is considered as the suture between the North China Craton(NCC) and Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). The geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-NdHf isotopes of Early–Middle Triassic adakitic plutions from the CYSZ, are presented in this paper to discuss their petrogenesis and tectonic setting, as well as to constrain the timing and style of the Paleo-Asian Ocean's final closure. In Early Triassic, the Dayushan pluton(ca. 250 Ma) from western CYSZ has negative ε_(Nd)(t) values, bidirectional provenances(NCC and CAOB) of ε_(Hf)(t), which are formed in a collision tectonic setting. In contrast, in eastern CYSZ, the early Triassic samples in Liangshan(ca. 242 Ma) were high Mg~# values, positive ε_(Nd)(t), single provenances(CAOB) of ε_(Hf)(t) resulting from a subduction setting. In the Middle Triassic, the Atype granites in western CYSZ are found in previous studies representing a post-collisional extensional environment, whereas syn-collisional Lianyanfeng granites(ca. 237 Ma) in eastern CYSZ with low ISr and large scale ε_(Nd)(t) and ε_(Hf)(t) values from bidirectional provenances(NCC and CAOB), represent a collisional setting. The Paleo-Asian Ocean's occurred in a scissor-like fashion along the CYSZ during the Triassic period.展开更多
The Paleo-Asian Ocean (Southern Mongolian Ocean) ophiolitic belts and massive granitoids are exposed in the Alxa block, in response to oceanic subduction processes. In this work, we report petrographic, geochem- ica...The Paleo-Asian Ocean (Southern Mongolian Ocean) ophiolitic belts and massive granitoids are exposed in the Alxa block, in response to oceanic subduction processes. In this work, we report petrographic, geochem- ical, and zircon U-Pb age data of some granitoid intrusions from the northern Alxa. Zircon U-Pb dating for the quartz diorite, tonalite, monzogranite, and biotite granite yielded weighted mean 206pb/238U ages o f 302 ±9.2 Ma, 246.5±54.6 Ma, 235±4.4 Ma, and 229.5±5.6 Ma, respectively. The quartz diorites (-302 Ma) exhibit geochemical similarities to adakites, likely derived from partial melting of the initially subducted Chaganchulu back-arc oceanic slab. The tonalites (-246.5 Ma) display geochemical affinities of I-type granites. They were probably derived by fractional crystallization of the modified lithospheric mantle-derived basaltic magmas in a volcanic arc setting. The monzo- granites (-235 Ma) are characterized by low A1203, but high Y and Yb with notably negative Eu anomalies. In contrast, the biotite granites (-229.5 Ma) show high A1203 but low Y and Yb with steep HREE patterns and the absence of negative Eu anomalies. Elemental data suggested that the biotite granites were likely derived from a thickened lower crust, but the monzogranites originated from a thin crust. Our data suggested that the initial subduction of the Chaganchulu oceanic slab towards the Alxa block occurred at - 302 Ma. This subduction process continued to the Early Triassic (-246 Ma) and the basin was finally closed before the Middle Triassic (-235 Ma). Subsequently, the break-off of the subducted slab triggered asthenosphere upwelling (240-230 Ma).展开更多
Mid-ocean ridge and oceanic transforms are among the most prominent features on the seafloor surface and are crucial for understanding seafloor spreading and plate tectonic dynamics,but the deep structure of the ocean...Mid-ocean ridge and oceanic transforms are among the most prominent features on the seafloor surface and are crucial for understanding seafloor spreading and plate tectonic dynamics,but the deep structure of the oceanic lithosphere remains poorly understood.The large number of microearthquakes occurring along ridges and transforms provide valuable information for gaining an indepth view of the underlying detailed seismic structures,contributing to understanding geodynamic processes within the oceanic lithosphere.Previous studies have indicated that the maximum depth of microseismicity is controlled by the 600-℃isotherm.However,this perspective is being challenged due to increasing observations of deep earthquakes that far exceed this suggested isotherm along mid-ocean ridges and oceanic transform faults.Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain these deep events,and we suggest that local geodynamic processes(e.g.,magma supply,mylonite shear zone,longlived faults,hydrothermal vents,etc.)likely play a more important role than previously thought.展开更多
Accurately estimating the ocean subsurface salinity structure(OSSS)is crucial for understanding ocean dynamics and predicting climate variations.We present a convolutional neural network(CNN)model to estimate the OSSS...Accurately estimating the ocean subsurface salinity structure(OSSS)is crucial for understanding ocean dynamics and predicting climate variations.We present a convolutional neural network(CNN)model to estimate the OSSS in the Indian Ocean using satellite data and Argo observations.We evaluated the performance of the CNN model in terms of its vertical and spatial distribution,as well as seasonal variation of OSSS estimation.Results demonstrate that the CNN model accurately estimates the most significant salinity features in the Indian Ocean using sea surface data with no significant differences from Argo-derived OSSS.However,the estimation accuracy of the CNN model varies with depth,with the most challenging depth being approximately 70 m,corresponding to the halocline layer.Validations of the CNN model’s accuracy in estimating OSSS in the Indian Ocean are also conducted by comparing Argo observations and CNN model estimations along two selected sections and four selected boxes.The results show that the CNN model effectively captures the seasonal variability of salinity,demonstrating its high performance in salinity estimation using sea surface data.Our analysis reveals that sea surface salinity has the strongest correlation with OSSS in shallow layers,while sea surface height anomaly plays a more significant role in deeper layers.These preliminary results provide valuable insights into the feasibility of estimating OSSS using satellite observations and have implications for studying upper ocean dynamics using machine learning techniques.展开更多
The global physical and biogeochemical environment has been substantially altered in response to increased atmospheric greenhouse gases from human activities.In 2023,the sea surface temperature(SST)and upper 2000 m oc...The global physical and biogeochemical environment has been substantially altered in response to increased atmospheric greenhouse gases from human activities.In 2023,the sea surface temperature(SST)and upper 2000 m ocean heat content(OHC)reached record highs.The 0–2000 m OHC in 2023 exceeded that of 2022 by 15±10 ZJ(1 Zetta Joules=1021 Joules)(updated IAP/CAS data);9±5 ZJ(NCEI/NOAA data).The Tropical Atlantic Ocean,the Mediterranean Sea,and southern oceans recorded their highest OHC observed since the 1950s.Associated with the onset of a strong El Niño,the global SST reached its record high in 2023 with an annual mean of~0.23℃ higher than 2022 and an astounding>0.3℃ above 2022 values for the second half of 2023.The density stratification and spatial temperature inhomogeneity indexes reached their highest values in 2023.展开更多
Nitrification,a central process in the marine nitrogen cycle,produces regenerated nitrate in the euphotic zone and emits N_(2)O,a potent greenhouse gas as a by-product.The regulatory mechanisms of nitrification in the...Nitrification,a central process in the marine nitrogen cycle,produces regenerated nitrate in the euphotic zone and emits N_(2)O,a potent greenhouse gas as a by-product.The regulatory mechanisms of nitrification in the Southern Ocean,which is a critical region for CO_(2)sequestration and radiative benefits,remain poorly understood.Here,we investigated the in situ and dark nitrification rates in the upper 500 m and conducted substrate kinetics experiments across the Indian Sector in the Cosmonaut and Cooperation seas in the late austral summer.Our findings indicate that light inhibition of nitrification decreases exponentially with depth,exhibiting a light threshold of 0.53%photosynthetically active radiation.A positive relationship between dark nitrification and apparent oxygen utilization suggests a dependence on substrate availability from primary production.Importantly,an increased NH_(4)^(+) supply can act as a buffer against photo-inhibitory damage.Globally,substrate affinity(α)increases with depth and transitions from light to dark,decreases with increasing ambient NH_(4)^(+)and exhibits a latitudinal distribution,reflecting substrate utilization strategies.We also reveal that upwelling in Circumpolar Deep Water(CDW)stimulates nitrification through the introduction of potentially higher iron and deep diverse nitrifying microorganisms with higherα.We conclude that although light is the primary limiting factor for nitrification in summer,coupling between substrate availability and CDW upwelling can overcome this limitation,thereby alleviating photoinhibition by up to 45%±5.3%.展开更多
Based on the Ocean Reanalysis System version 5(ORAS5)and the fifth-generation reanalysis datasets derived from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ERA5),we investigate the different impacts of the centr...Based on the Ocean Reanalysis System version 5(ORAS5)and the fifth-generation reanalysis datasets derived from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ERA5),we investigate the different impacts of the central Pacific(CP)El Niño and the eastern Pacific(EP)El Niño on the Southern Ocean(SO)mixed layer depth(MLD)during austral winter.The MLD response to the EP El Niño shows a dipole pattern in the South Pacific,namely the MLD dipole,which is the leading El Niño-induced MLD variability in the SO.The tropical Pacific warm sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA)signal associated with the EP El Niño excites a Rossby wave train propagating southeastward and then enhances the Amundsen Sea low(ASL).This results in an anomalous cyclone over the Amundsen Sea.As a result,the anomalous southerly wind to the west of this anomalous cyclone advects colder and drier air into the southeast of New Zealand,leading to surface cooling through less total surface heat flux,especially surface sensible heat(SH)flux and latent heat(LH)flux,and thus contributing to the mix layer(ML)deepening.The east of the anomalous cyclone brings warmer and wetter air to the southwest of Chile,but the total heat flux anomaly shows no significant change.The warm air promotes the sea ice melting and maintains fresh water,which strengthens stratification.This results in a shallower MLD.During the CP El Niño,the response of MLD shows a separate negative MLD anomaly center in the central South Pacific.The Rossby wave train triggered by the warm SSTA in the central Pacific Ocean spreads to the Amundsen Sea,which weakens the ASL.Therefore,the anomalous anticyclone dominates the Amundsen Sea.Consequently,the anomalous northerly wind to the west of anomalous anticyclone advects warmer and wetter air into the central and southern Pacific,causing surface warming through increased SH,LH,and longwave radiation flux,and thus contributing to the ML shoaling.However,to the east of the anomalous anticyclone,there is no statistically significant impact on the MLD.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grants No.41372108 and41602110)the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(grant No.20133718130001)+1 种基金the Qingdao Postdoctoral Applied Research Project(grant No.2015193)the SDUST Research Fund(grant No.2015TDJH101)
文摘Objective The NE China is located in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB),which is a large accretionary orogen between the Siberian Craton and the North China Craton(NCC).Many researches have discussed about the evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO)in the eastern CAOB.However,
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No.41572098)the geological survey project (grants No.121201103000161114 and 121201103000150019 ) of the China Geological Survey
文摘Objective Two important geological issues have long been controversial in the Xing-Meng area of North China. The first concerns the final closure of Paleo-Asian Ocean in Xing-Meng area, and the other concerns the folding and lifting of the Xing-Meng Trough. The focus of thses issues is the Late Permian sedimentary environment, which is generally considered to be either an exclusively continental environment or from the closed inland sea environment in the Early to Middle stage to continental lacustrine environment in the late stage. In recent years, we have successively discovered abundant typical marine fossils (e.g., bryozoans and calcareous algae) in the Upper Permian thick limestone layer from Linxi County and Ar Horqin Banner in eastern region of Inner Mongolia and Jiutain County in Jilin Province. These significant findings have attracted the attention from fellow academics.
基金granted by the National Key Research and Development Program of China from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(No.2017YFC0601301)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41472055)the China Geological Survey(Nos.DD20160201-01,DD20190004)
文摘As the largest accretionary orogen, the crustal tectonic framework and evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) have always been one of the hot topics among geologists(Seng?r et al., 1993, 1996;Jahn et al., 2000 a;Badarch et al., 2002;Windley et al., 2007;Li et al., 2009). The formation of the main part of the crust in the CAOB involved continuous lateral accretion of island arcs and accretionary complexes along the margins of the Siberian, Sino-Korean and Tarim paleocontinents and the final collision between these continental margins because of the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean plate since Mesoproterozoic. The ophiolites, which represent the fragments of ancient oceanic lithosphere, are the direct evidence for the study of the evolution of orogenic belts. Based on field geological survey, the mantle peridotite(serpentinite), gabbro, basalt and radiolarian bedded chert, which were deemed as the "ophiolite trinity", were identified as isolated blocks in the matrix of pelitic siltstone and silty mudstone in the Kedanshan, Xingshuwa and Jiujingzi areas along the Xar Monron River in southeast Inner Mongolia of China. Besides, there were plenty of other exotic blocks, such as limestone and sandstone, in the matrix. Both of the matrix and blocks underwent strong foliated deformation. All of these rocks above constitute a tectonic mélange. Zircon U-Pb dating for the gabbro blocks in the Xingshuwa and Jiujingzi ophiolites reveals that they were formed in early Permian(275-280 Ma). The ages of the gabbros, together with the middle Permian radiolaria fossils in the chert reported by Wang and Fan(1997), indicate that the oceanic basin was not closed in early-middle Permian. The geochemical compositions of the basaltic blocks distributed in different locations in the Xingshuwa tectonic mélange display different genetic types of normal mid-ocean ridge basalt(N-MORB), enriched mid-ocean ridge basalts(E-MORB), oceanic island basalt(OIB), island arc basalt and continental marginal arc basalt, which indicates what they represented is a complex oceanic basin. Combining with the studies on regional magmatism, strata and structure data, it is suggested that the Xar Moron River Ophiolite belt represented the final suture zone of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in the southeast Inner Mongolia, and the ocean did not close before late Permian.
基金financially supported by the China Geological Survey(Grant No.12120115070302, 121201102000150009 and 12120115070301)
文摘In this paper we discuss the timing of final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean based on the field investigations of the Carboniferous-Permian stratigraphic sequences and sedimentary environments in southeastern Inner Mongolia combined with the geology of its neighboring areas. Studies show that during the Carboniferous-Permian in the eastern segment of the Tianshan-Hinggan Orogenic System, there was a giant ENE-NE-trending littoral-neritic to continental sedimentary basin, starting in the west from Ejinqi eastwards through southeastern Inner Mongolia into Jilin and Heilongjiang. The distribution of the Lower Carboniferous in the vast area is sparse. The Late Carboniferous or Permian volcanic-sedimentary rocks always unconformably overlie the Devonian or older units. The Upper Carboniferous-Middle Permian is dominated by llttoral-neritic deposits and the Upper Permian, by continental deposits. The Late Carboniferous-Permian has no trace of subduction-collision orogeny, implying the basin gradually disappeared by shrinking and shallowing. In addition, it is of interest to note that the Ondor Sum and Hegenshan ophiolitic melanges were formed in the pre-Late Silurian and pre-Late Devonian respectively, and the Solonker ophiolitic melange formed in the pre-Late Carboniferous. All the evidence indicates that the eastern segment of the Paleo-Asian Ocean had closed before the Late Carboniferous, and most likely before the latest Devonian (Famennian).
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41602110, 41372108 and 41502064)the Taishan Scholar Talent Team Support Plan for Advantaged & Unique Discipline Areas+3 种基金the Qingdao Postdoctoral Applied Research Project (Grant No. 2015193)the Scientific Research Foundation of Shandong University of Science and Technology for Recruited Talents (Grant No. 2017RCJJ029)the SDUST Research Fund (Grant No. 2015TDJH101)Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Projects of Shandong province (Grants Nos. 2017CXGC1602 and 2017CXGC1603)
文摘In the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) in northeastern(NE) China, scattered outcrops of molasse deposits mark the ending of an orogeny and are crucial for understanding the evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO). However, the timing of tectonic events and the relationships among these strata remain controversial. To better constrain these geologic events, a comprehensive study of the detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the sandstones of the Kaishantun(KST) Formation and Kedao(KD) Group in eastern Jilin Province, NE China, was conducted. The KST Formation is traditionally considered a molasse deposit. The sandstones display low CIA, PIA and high ICV values and low Th/U and Rb/Sr ratios, which suggest that the rocks were derived from an immature intermediate-felsic igneous source and experienced a simple sedimentary recycling history with relatively weak chemical weathering. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from two samples of the KST Formation yields ages of 748-252 Ma, suggesting that the KST Formation was deposited between 254.5 Ma and 252 Ma in Late Permian. The zircons were mainly derived from the continental northern part of the North China Craton(NCC). In contrast, the U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from five samples of the KD Group yields ages of 2611-230 Ma, suggesting that the KD samples were deposited in the Early to Middle Triassic(ca. 248-233 Ma). The detrital zircon ages for the KD samples can be divided into groups with peaks at 2.5 Ga, 1.8 Ga, 800-1000 Ma, 500 Ma and 440-360 Ma, which suggest that the samples were derived from bidirectional provenances in the Jiamusi-Khanka Block and the NCC. These new data,combined with previously published results, suggest that at least three orogenic events occurred in central-eastern Jilin Province during the Early Permian(270-262 Ma), Early Triassic(254-248 Ma) and Middle-Late Triassic(242-227 Ma). The final closure of the PAO occurred during 242-227 Ma in the Middle-Late Triassic along the Changchun-Yanji suture zone. The detrital zircon geochronological data clearly record plate convergence and the scissor-like closure of the PAO in the eastern CAOB.
基金funded by grants from the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFC0600403, 2017YFC0601206)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41872063, 41930215, 41520104003, 41888101)+1 种基金the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS (QYZDJ-SSWSYS012)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) (CUGL170404, CUG160232)
文摘The Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) resulted from accretion during the Paleozoic subduction of the PaleoAsian Ocean. The Xilinhot area in Inner Mongolia is located in the northern subduction zone of the central-eastern CAOB and outcropped a large number of late Paleozoic mafic intrusions. The characteristics of magma source and tectonic setting of the mafic intrusions and their response to the closure process of the Paleo-Asian Ocean are still controversial. This study presents LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical features of mafic intrusions in the Xilinhot area to constrain the northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The mafic intrusions consist of gabbro, hornblende gabbro, and diabase. Their intrusion times can be divided into three stages of 326-321 Ma, 276 Ma and 254 Ma by zircon U-Pb ages. The first two stages of the 326-276 Ma intrusions mostly originated from subduction-modified continental lithospheric mantle sources that underwent a variable degree partial melting(5-30%), recording the subduction of oceanic crust. The third stage of the 254 Ma mafic rocks also show arc-related features. The primary magma compositions calculated by PRIMELT2 modeling on three samples of ~326 Ma and two samples of ~254 Ma show that these mafic samples are characterized by a variable range in SiO2(47.51-51.47 wt%), Al2O3(11.46-15.55 wt%), ΣFeO(8.27-9.61 wt%), MgO(13.01-15.18 wt%) and CaO(9.13-11.67 wt%), consisting with the features between enriched mantle and lower continental crust. The source mantle melting of mafic intrusions occurred under temperatures of 1302-1351°C and pressures of 0.92-1.30 GPa. The magmatic processes occurred near the crust-mantle boundary at about 33-45 km underground. Combined with previous studies, it is concluded that Carboniferous to early Permian(~326-275 Ma) northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian oceanic crust led to the formation of the mafic magmatism in the Baolidao arc zone. The whole region had entered the collision environment at ~254 Ma, but with subduction-related environments locally. The final collision between the North China craton and the South Mongolian microcontinent may have lasted until ca. 230 Ma.
基金funded by grants from the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFC0600403, 2017YFC0601206)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41872063, 41520104003, 41888101)+1 种基金the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS (QYZDJ-SSW-SYS012)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) (CUGL170404, CUG160232)
文摘The Solonker suture zone has long been considered to mark the location of the final disappearance of the PaleoAsian Ocean in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). However, the time of final suturing is still controversial with two main different proposals of late Permian to early Triassic, and late Devonian. This study reports integrated wholerock geochemistry and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages of sedimentary rocks from the Silurian Xuniwusu Formation, the Devonian Xilingol Complex and the Permian Zhesi Formation in the Hegenshan-Xilinhot-Linxi area in central Inner Mongolia, China. The depositional environment, provenance and tectonic setting of the Silurian-Devonian and the Permian sediments are compared to constrain the tectonic evolution of the Solonker suture zone and its neighboring zones. The protoliths of the silty slates from the Xuniwusu Formation in the Baolidao zone belong to wacke and were derived from felsic igneous rocks with steady-state weathering, poor sorting and compositional immaturity. The protoliths of metasedimentary rocks from the Xilingol Complex were wackes and litharenites and were sourced from predominantly felsic igneous rocks with variable weathering conditions and moderate sorting. The Xuniwusu Formation and Xilingol Complex samples both have two groups of detrital zircon that peak at ca. 0.9-1.0 Ga and ca. 420-440 Ma, with maximum deposition ages of late Silurian and middle Devonian age, respectively. Considering the ca. 484-383 Ma volcanic arc in the Baolidao zone, the Xuxiniwu Formation represents an oceanic trench sediment and is covered by the sedimentary rocks in the Xilingol Complex that represents a continental slope sediment in front of the arc. The middle Permian Zhesi Formation metasandstones were derived from predominantly felsic igneous rocks and are texturally immature with very low degrees of rounding and sorting, indicating short transport and rapid burial. The Zhesi Formation in the Hegenshan zone has a main zircon age peak of 302 Ma and a subordinate peak of 423 Ma and was deposited in a back-arc basin with an early marine transgression during extension and a late marine regression during contraction. The formation also crops out locally in the Baolidao zone with a main zircon age peak of 467 Ma and a minor peak of 359 Ma, and suggests it formed as a marine transgression sedimentary sequence in a restricted extensional basin and followed by a marine regressive event. Two obvious zircon age peaks of 444 Ma and 280 Ma in the Solonker zone and 435 Ma and 274 Ma in Ondor Sum are retrieved from the Zhesi Formation. This suggests as a result of the gradual closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean a narrow ocean sedimentary environment with marine regressive sedimentary sequences occupied the Solonker and Ondor Sum zones during the middle Permian. A restricted ocean is suggested by the Permian strata in the Bainaimiao zone. Early Paleozoic subduction until ca. 381 Ma and renewed subduction during ca. 310-254 Ma accompanied by the opening and closure of a back-arc basin during ca. 298-269 Ma occurred in the northern accretionary zone. In contrast, the southern accretionary zone documented early Paleozoic subduction until ca. 400 Ma and a renewed subduction during ca. 298-246 Ma. The final closure of the Paleo-Asian ocean therefore lasted at least until the early Triassic and ended with the formation of the Solonker suture zone.
基金financially co-supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFC0601401 and 2017YFC0601300-01)Self-determined Foundation of Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources Evaluation in Northeast Asia, Ministry of Natural Resources, China (Grant No. DBY–ZZ–18–09)
文摘The Jiutai area is tectonically situated at the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) and is close to the North China Craton(NCC) to the south, serving as an ideal place to investigations of the closure of the PaleoAsian Ocean(PAO). Sandstone samples collected from the Yangjiagou Formation and the Lujiatun Formation in this area have been studied in detail in terms of petrology, geochronology and geochemistry. The maximum depositional time of the Yangjiagou and Lujiatun formations has been constrained to early Middle Triassic(ca. 245 Ma) and middle Late Triassic(ca. 219 Ma), respectively. The Yangjiagou Formation, with a major provenance of dissected island arcs, is dominantly composed of Phanerozoic sediments from Northeastern China(NE China) massifs. The Lujiatun Formation, with major sediments from active continental margins, has a relatively larger proportion of Precambrian sediments, in which the ~1.85 Ga and ~2.5 Ga sediments are typical of the crystalline basements of the NCC and NE China massifs, which were uplifted and eroded during the closure of the PAO. Besides, both formations show the enrichment in LREEs and the depletion in HREEs, the common Eu negative anomalies, and trace element contents similar to that of the upper continental crust. Based on the provenance analysis of these two formations, the final closure time of the PAO in this area is constrained as from the early Middle Triassic(ca. 245 Ma) to the middle Late Triassic(ca. 219 Ma).
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41402042,41002064)Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant Nos.310827172006,300102278402)Geological investigation work project of China Geological Survey(No.12120115069701)。
文摘The giant Central Asian Orogenic Belt is an extensive accretionary orogen,of which the Solonker suture,as a major regional suture,coincides closely with an early Permian paleobiogeographical boundary.This suture is considered to mark the location of the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean between the North China Craton and the Mongolian Terrane.Although the closure time of the Paleo-Asian Ocean along the Solonker suture has generally been regarded as Late Permian-Early Triassic,uncertainty remains because of a lack of typical collisionrelated features(e.g.,high-grade regional metamorphism and well-developed fold-thrust structures)and a scarcity of outcrops.The present study reports Early Permian foliated gabbros and dikes(288-275 Ma)and Middle-Late Permian undeformed layered gabbros,strongly peraluminous granites,and I-type granites(265-254 Ma)in the Xinhure area along the northern margin of the North China Craton.The Early Permian foliated intrusions have a subduction-related geochemical signature and were derived from partial melting of lithospheric mantle modified by subduction-related melts or fluids at the active margin of the North China Craton.In contrast,the Late Permian undeformed layered gabbros and strongly peraluminous granites were derived from partial melting of lithospheric mantle and middle-upper crust,respectively,triggered by asthenospheric upwelling.Therefore,a transition from an end-compressional to an extensional environment according to a transition from collision termination to postcollision of the North China Craton and Mongolian Terrane may have occurred between 275 Ma and 262 Ma.This time span can be considered as the final closure time of the Paleo-Asian Ocean along the Solonker suture.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 42030605]the National Key R&D Program of China [grant number 2020YFA0608004]。
文摘A remarkable marine heatwave,known as the“Blob”,occurred in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from late 2013 to early 2016,which displayed strong warm anomalies extending from the surface to a depth of 300 m.This study employed two assimilation schemes based on the global Climate Forecast System of Nanjing University of Information Science(NUIST-CFS 1.0)to investigate the impact of ocean data assimilation on the seasonal prediction of this extreme marine heatwave.The sea surface temperature(SST)nudging scheme assimilates SST only,while the deterministic ensemble Kalman filter(EnKF)scheme assimilates observations from the surface to the deep ocean.The latter notably improves the forecasting skill for subsurface temperature anomalies,especially at the depth of 100-300 m(the lower layer),outperforming the SST nudging scheme.It excels in predicting both horizontal and vertical heat transport in the lower layer,contributing to improved forecasts of the lower-layer warming during the Blob.These improvements stem from the assimilation of subsurface observational data,which are important in predicting the upper-ocean conditions.The results suggest that assimilating ocean data with the EnKF scheme significantly enhances the accuracy in predicting subsurface temperature anomalies during the Blob and offers better understanding of its underlying mechanisms.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.42130608 and 42075142)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2020YFA0608000)the CUIT Science and Technology Innovation Capacity Enhancement Program Project(Grant No.KYTD202330)。
文摘Existing traditional ocean vertical-mixing schemes are empirically developed without a thorough understanding of the physical processes involved,resulting in a discrepancy between the parameterization and forecast results.The uncertainty in ocean-mixing parameterization is primarily responsible for the bias in ocean models.Benefiting from deep-learning technology,we design the Adaptive Fully Connected Module with an Inception module as the baseline to minimize bias.It adaptively extracts the best features through fully connected layers with different widths,and better learns the nonlinear relationship between input variables and parameterization fields.Moreover,to obtain more accurate results,we impose KPP(K-Profile Parameterization)and PP(Pacanowski–Philander)schemes as physical constraints to make the network parameterization process follow the basic physical laws more closely.Since model data are calculated with human experience,lacking some unknown physical processes,which may differ from the actual data,we use a decade-long time record of hydrological and turbulence observations in the tropical Pacific Ocean as training data.Combining physical constraints and a nonlinear activation function,our method catches its nonlinear change and better adapts to the oceanmixing parameterization process.The use of physical constraints can improve the final results.
基金Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403504)
文摘Zircon U-Pb results of basalt from the Dashizhai Town in Inner Mongolia, NE China, shows that the basaltic lava was erupted at 439±3 Ma, much older than the "Permian basalts" as previously thought. These rocks show arc-type trace element patterns (i.e., Nb-Ta depletion and light REE and large ion lithophile element enrichment) and unradiogenic Sr and highly radiogenic Nd and Hf isotope compositions. They can be subdivided into two petrogenetic groups: Group 1 basalts have relatively high TiO2, MgO and compatible elements and low Sr and Th, characterized by mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)-type Sr-Nd-Hf isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7028―0.7032, εNd(t)=+9.8-+11.2, εHf(t)=+16.1- +18.4). Group 2 has lower TiO2, MgO and compatible elements and higher Sr and Th, and relatively evolved Sr-Nd-Hf isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7037-0.7038, εNd(t)=+5.7-+7.3, εHf(t)=+12.6- +13.0). Both groups were interpreted as melts derived from a metasomatized mantle wedge formed during the subduction of Paleo-Asian Ocean. The mantle source for Group 1 was probably a highly isotopically depleted oceanic mantle modified by predominant slab fluids; whereas subducted sediments had an important contribution to the melting source for Group 2. The petrogenesis of the Dashizhai basalts provides clear evidence for early Paleozoic subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, and the highly radiogenic Nd and Hf compositions in these rocks suggest that these lavas and their possible intrusive counterparts were one of the important components for Phanerozoic crustal growth. Our and previous studies on the "Dashizhai Formation" volcanic rocks yield an unrealistic eruption range of 440-270 Ma for different rock types, we thus advise to disassemble the previously defined "Dashizhai Formation" into multiple lithologic units and to reinterpret the spatial and temporal distributions of different volcano-sedimentary associations.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41872056)。
文摘The northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC)contains widespread Permian magmatic rocks,but the origin of these rocks remains controversial.This uncertainty hampers us from better understanding of tectonic framework and evolution of the eastern Paleo-Asian Ocean,particularly with respect to its final-stage subduction and closure time.To address these questions,this study presents petrological,zircon U-Pb geochronological,whole-rock geochemical and in situ zircon Hf isotopic data for these Permian mafic intrusions in the northern margin of the NCC.Precise zircon U-Pb dating results indicate that these mafic intrusions were emplaced in the Middle Permian(ca.260 Ma).Geochemically,the studied mafic intrusions have high MgO and transition metals element contents,with high Mg^(#) values,indicating a mantle origin.These mafic intrusions are characterized by enrichments in large ion lithophile elements(LILEs;e.g.,Rb,Ba,and K)and light rare earth elements(LREEs),and depletions in high field strength elements(HFSEs;e.g.,Nb,Ta,and Ti)and heavy rare earth elements(HREEs),indicating that they were formed in a subduction-related setting.These geochemical features,together with zircon ε_(Hf)(t)values(-1.1 to+11.2),indicate that their parental magmas were derived from partial melting of heterogeneous mantle wedge metasomatized by subduction-related fluids,with the contributions of slab sediments.The studied mafic intrusions also show wide range of major and trace elements contents,and variable Mg^(#) values,Eu and Sr anomalies,suggesting that their parental magmas had undergone variable degrees of fractional crystallization.Together with the E-W trending Permian continental arc along the northern margin of the NCC,we confirm that the generation of the Middle Permian mafic intrusions was related to southward subduction of the Paleo-Asian oceanic lithosphere beneath the NCC and the Paleo-Asian Ocean had not closed prior to the Middle Permian.
基金Project Grant Nos. DD20190370 and DD20221645 which derived from the China Geological Survey funded for this article。
文摘The Changchun–Yanji suture zone(CYSZ) in NE China is considered as the suture between the North China Craton(NCC) and Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). The geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-NdHf isotopes of Early–Middle Triassic adakitic plutions from the CYSZ, are presented in this paper to discuss their petrogenesis and tectonic setting, as well as to constrain the timing and style of the Paleo-Asian Ocean's final closure. In Early Triassic, the Dayushan pluton(ca. 250 Ma) from western CYSZ has negative ε_(Nd)(t) values, bidirectional provenances(NCC and CAOB) of ε_(Hf)(t), which are formed in a collision tectonic setting. In contrast, in eastern CYSZ, the early Triassic samples in Liangshan(ca. 242 Ma) were high Mg~# values, positive ε_(Nd)(t), single provenances(CAOB) of ε_(Hf)(t) resulting from a subduction setting. In the Middle Triassic, the Atype granites in western CYSZ are found in previous studies representing a post-collisional extensional environment, whereas syn-collisional Lianyanfeng granites(ca. 237 Ma) in eastern CYSZ with low ISr and large scale ε_(Nd)(t) and ε_(Hf)(t) values from bidirectional provenances(NCC and CAOB), represent a collisional setting. The Paleo-Asian Ocean's occurred in a scissor-like fashion along the CYSZ during the Triassic period.
基金During the research work, we appreciated advice from Senior Engineer Yang Bin of the Gansu Province Geology and Mining Bureau and Zhang Xiang, Engineer, of Gansu Province Geological Survey. We thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for comments that greatly improved the presentation of the paper. Thanks to Shuangshuang Wang for the help during the laboratory work. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41173014), the Central Universities Fundamental Research Project (Lzu-Jbky-2012-128), and Gansu Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources in Western China (Lanzhou University) funded project.
文摘The Paleo-Asian Ocean (Southern Mongolian Ocean) ophiolitic belts and massive granitoids are exposed in the Alxa block, in response to oceanic subduction processes. In this work, we report petrographic, geochem- ical, and zircon U-Pb age data of some granitoid intrusions from the northern Alxa. Zircon U-Pb dating for the quartz diorite, tonalite, monzogranite, and biotite granite yielded weighted mean 206pb/238U ages o f 302 ±9.2 Ma, 246.5±54.6 Ma, 235±4.4 Ma, and 229.5±5.6 Ma, respectively. The quartz diorites (-302 Ma) exhibit geochemical similarities to adakites, likely derived from partial melting of the initially subducted Chaganchulu back-arc oceanic slab. The tonalites (-246.5 Ma) display geochemical affinities of I-type granites. They were probably derived by fractional crystallization of the modified lithospheric mantle-derived basaltic magmas in a volcanic arc setting. The monzo- granites (-235 Ma) are characterized by low A1203, but high Y and Yb with notably negative Eu anomalies. In contrast, the biotite granites (-229.5 Ma) show high A1203 but low Y and Yb with steep HREE patterns and the absence of negative Eu anomalies. Elemental data suggested that the biotite granites were likely derived from a thickened lower crust, but the monzogranites originated from a thin crust. Our data suggested that the initial subduction of the Chaganchulu oceanic slab towards the Alxa block occurred at - 302 Ma. This subduction process continued to the Early Triassic (-246 Ma) and the basin was finally closed before the Middle Triassic (-235 Ma). Subsequently, the break-off of the subducted slab triggered asthenosphere upwelling (240-230 Ma).
基金Supported by the State Key Program of National Natural Science of China(No.42330308)the Project of Donghai Laboratory(No.DH-2022ZY0005)+4 种基金the Scientific Research Fund of the Second Institute of OceanographyMinistry of Natural Resources(No.QHXZ2301)the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China(No.42025601)for Young Scientists of China(No.41906064)the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China(No.LDQ24D060001)。
文摘Mid-ocean ridge and oceanic transforms are among the most prominent features on the seafloor surface and are crucial for understanding seafloor spreading and plate tectonic dynamics,but the deep structure of the oceanic lithosphere remains poorly understood.The large number of microearthquakes occurring along ridges and transforms provide valuable information for gaining an indepth view of the underlying detailed seismic structures,contributing to understanding geodynamic processes within the oceanic lithosphere.Previous studies have indicated that the maximum depth of microseismicity is controlled by the 600-℃isotherm.However,this perspective is being challenged due to increasing observations of deep earthquakes that far exceed this suggested isotherm along mid-ocean ridges and oceanic transform faults.Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain these deep events,and we suggest that local geodynamic processes(e.g.,magma supply,mylonite shear zone,longlived faults,hydrothermal vents,etc.)likely play a more important role than previously thought.
基金Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2022YFF0801400)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42176010)the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province,China(No.ZR2021MD022)。
文摘Accurately estimating the ocean subsurface salinity structure(OSSS)is crucial for understanding ocean dynamics and predicting climate variations.We present a convolutional neural network(CNN)model to estimate the OSSS in the Indian Ocean using satellite data and Argo observations.We evaluated the performance of the CNN model in terms of its vertical and spatial distribution,as well as seasonal variation of OSSS estimation.Results demonstrate that the CNN model accurately estimates the most significant salinity features in the Indian Ocean using sea surface data with no significant differences from Argo-derived OSSS.However,the estimation accuracy of the CNN model varies with depth,with the most challenging depth being approximately 70 m,corresponding to the halocline layer.Validations of the CNN model’s accuracy in estimating OSSS in the Indian Ocean are also conducted by comparing Argo observations and CNN model estimations along two selected sections and four selected boxes.The results show that the CNN model effectively captures the seasonal variability of salinity,demonstrating its high performance in salinity estimation using sea surface data.Our analysis reveals that sea surface salinity has the strongest correlation with OSSS in shallow layers,while sea surface height anomaly plays a more significant role in deeper layers.These preliminary results provide valuable insights into the feasibility of estimating OSSS using satellite observations and have implications for studying upper ocean dynamics using machine learning techniques.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 42076202, 42122046, 42206208 and 42261134536)the Open Research Cruise NORC2022-10+NORC2022-303 supported by NSFC shiptime Sharing Projects 42149910+7 种基金the new Cornerstone Science Foundation through the XPLORER PRIZE, DAMO Academy Young Fellow, Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of SciencesNational Key Scientific and Technological Infrastructure project “Earth System Science Numerical Simulator Facility” (EarthLab)sponsored by the US National Science Foundationsupported by NASA Awards 80NSSC17K0565, 80NSSC21K1191, and 80NSSC22K0046by the Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) component of the Earth and Environmental System Modeling Program of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Biological & Environmental Research (BER) via National Science Foundation IA 1947282supported by NOAA (Grant No. NA19NES4320002 to CISESS-MD at the University of Maryland)supported by the Young Talent Support Project of Guangzhou Association for Science and Technologyfunded by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in agreement between INGV, ENEA, and GNV SpA shipping company that provides hospitality on its commercial vessels
文摘The global physical and biogeochemical environment has been substantially altered in response to increased atmospheric greenhouse gases from human activities.In 2023,the sea surface temperature(SST)and upper 2000 m ocean heat content(OHC)reached record highs.The 0–2000 m OHC in 2023 exceeded that of 2022 by 15±10 ZJ(1 Zetta Joules=1021 Joules)(updated IAP/CAS data);9±5 ZJ(NCEI/NOAA data).The Tropical Atlantic Ocean,the Mediterranean Sea,and southern oceans recorded their highest OHC observed since the 1950s.Associated with the onset of a strong El Niño,the global SST reached its record high in 2023 with an annual mean of~0.23℃ higher than 2022 and an astounding>0.3℃ above 2022 values for the second half of 2023.The density stratification and spatial temperature inhomogeneity indexes reached their highest values in 2023.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41721005the Fund of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China under contract Nos IRASCC 02-01-01 and 01-01-02C.
文摘Nitrification,a central process in the marine nitrogen cycle,produces regenerated nitrate in the euphotic zone and emits N_(2)O,a potent greenhouse gas as a by-product.The regulatory mechanisms of nitrification in the Southern Ocean,which is a critical region for CO_(2)sequestration and radiative benefits,remain poorly understood.Here,we investigated the in situ and dark nitrification rates in the upper 500 m and conducted substrate kinetics experiments across the Indian Sector in the Cosmonaut and Cooperation seas in the late austral summer.Our findings indicate that light inhibition of nitrification decreases exponentially with depth,exhibiting a light threshold of 0.53%photosynthetically active radiation.A positive relationship between dark nitrification and apparent oxygen utilization suggests a dependence on substrate availability from primary production.Importantly,an increased NH_(4)^(+) supply can act as a buffer against photo-inhibitory damage.Globally,substrate affinity(α)increases with depth and transitions from light to dark,decreases with increasing ambient NH_(4)^(+)and exhibits a latitudinal distribution,reflecting substrate utilization strategies.We also reveal that upwelling in Circumpolar Deep Water(CDW)stimulates nitrification through the introduction of potentially higher iron and deep diverse nitrifying microorganisms with higherα.We conclude that although light is the primary limiting factor for nitrification in summer,coupling between substrate availability and CDW upwelling can overcome this limitation,thereby alleviating photoinhibition by up to 45%±5.3%.
基金The Oceanic Interdisciplinary Program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University under contract No.SL2021ZD204the Sino-German Mobility Program under contract No.M0333the grant of Shanghai Frontiers Science Center of Polar Science(SCOPS).
文摘Based on the Ocean Reanalysis System version 5(ORAS5)and the fifth-generation reanalysis datasets derived from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ERA5),we investigate the different impacts of the central Pacific(CP)El Niño and the eastern Pacific(EP)El Niño on the Southern Ocean(SO)mixed layer depth(MLD)during austral winter.The MLD response to the EP El Niño shows a dipole pattern in the South Pacific,namely the MLD dipole,which is the leading El Niño-induced MLD variability in the SO.The tropical Pacific warm sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA)signal associated with the EP El Niño excites a Rossby wave train propagating southeastward and then enhances the Amundsen Sea low(ASL).This results in an anomalous cyclone over the Amundsen Sea.As a result,the anomalous southerly wind to the west of this anomalous cyclone advects colder and drier air into the southeast of New Zealand,leading to surface cooling through less total surface heat flux,especially surface sensible heat(SH)flux and latent heat(LH)flux,and thus contributing to the mix layer(ML)deepening.The east of the anomalous cyclone brings warmer and wetter air to the southwest of Chile,but the total heat flux anomaly shows no significant change.The warm air promotes the sea ice melting and maintains fresh water,which strengthens stratification.This results in a shallower MLD.During the CP El Niño,the response of MLD shows a separate negative MLD anomaly center in the central South Pacific.The Rossby wave train triggered by the warm SSTA in the central Pacific Ocean spreads to the Amundsen Sea,which weakens the ASL.Therefore,the anomalous anticyclone dominates the Amundsen Sea.Consequently,the anomalous northerly wind to the west of anomalous anticyclone advects warmer and wetter air into the central and southern Pacific,causing surface warming through increased SH,LH,and longwave radiation flux,and thus contributing to the ML shoaling.However,to the east of the anomalous anticyclone,there is no statistically significant impact on the MLD.