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A Study of Zhang Peiji ' s English Version of The Sight of Father's Back
作者 曾凡梅 《海外英语》 2018年第1期188-189,共2页
Mr.zhang peiji, a translator of The Sight of Father's Back, is a famous modern Chinese translation theorist and translator.He has made a great contribution to both translation theory and translation practice. His ... Mr.zhang peiji, a translator of The Sight of Father's Back, is a famous modern Chinese translation theorist and translator.He has made a great contribution to both translation theory and translation practice. His translation practice includes fictions, dramas, biography and essays. This paper is an attempt to make a study of Zhang Peiji's English version of The Sight of Father's Back. 展开更多
关键词 Zhang Peiji The sight of fathers Back TRANsLATION
Father’s Love视听说课教学设计
作者 刘秀兰 《英语教师》 2016年第18期76-79,共4页
一、整体设计思路 随着现代信息技术的发展,互联网被广泛应用于英语教学,尤其是英语视听说教学。以互联网为媒介的视听说课堂能够充分调动学生用耳、眼、脑等感官整体去感知语言材料,促使学生在逼真的语言环境下更有效地记忆、模仿。
关键词 视听说课 father s LOVE 英语视听说教学 授课时间 互联网资源 教研员 信息技术 视听材料 father
父亲节的起源——Father's Day
作者 刘妍 《英语自学》 2004年第6期25-25,共1页
父亲节(Father’s Day)与母亲节(Mother’s Day)一样,都是美国法定的节日。世界上第一个父亲节于1910年出现在美国,其发起人为美国华盛顿州史坡肯市(Spokane)的杜德夫人(Mrs.Dodd,Sonora Louise Smart Dodd)。
关键词 父亲节 fathers DAY 美国华盛顿州 MOTHER 德夫 这一天 柯立芝 尼克松总统 斯马
My Beloved Has Gone ...-Deeply touched on Father’s Day
作者 李磊 《中学生英语(初中版)》 2008年第18期19-19,共1页
有一种思念可以很长,有一种记忆可以很久,有一双手始终舒适,有一种情永远延续……It is a peaceful night again,everything is quiet.The moonlight shines brightly,which looks like pour-ing water and the cool wind flows through... 有一种思念可以很长,有一种记忆可以很久,有一双手始终舒适,有一种情永远延续……It is a peaceful night again,everything is quiet.The moonlight shines brightly,which looks like pour-ing water and the cool wind flows through the window, 展开更多
关键词 Deeply touched on fathers Day My Beloved Has Gone
The Land Question and Catholic-Anglican Relations in Buha, Western Tanzania: The White Fathers and C.M.S. Experience, 1934-1959
作者 Salvatory Stephen Nyanto 《History Research》 2016年第1期10-22,共13页
Land was important--in the course of spreading and seeking new converts--for both Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) and Church Missionary Society (C.M.S.) in Buha, Western Tanzania. This paper examines the la... Land was important--in the course of spreading and seeking new converts--for both Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) and Church Missionary Society (C.M.S.) in Buha, Western Tanzania. This paper examines the land question as one of the challenges that the White Fathers encountered in their attempt to evangelize communities in Western Tanzania. I argue that the land question remained throughout the late-colonial period one of the unresolved issues, and at some mission stations, impeded the activities of the White Fathers and C.M.S. missionaries. This paper relies on archival documents first, to examine the land question and White Fathers-C.M.S. relations in Buha from 1934 to 1959. Second, I intend to demonstrate the fact that land issues remained at the heart of the missionary enterprise in Buha. Both Catholic and Anglican missionaries were determined to have more mission plots for medical, education and religious purposes. 展开更多
关键词 land question White fathers C.M.s. Buha
Father’s Day
作者 李殿堂 《语言教育》 1991年第3期9-,共1页
Father’s Day comes on the third Sunday in June.It is not a national holiday. On that day, Americanshonour their fathers. Many people send their fathers acard or a gift. Americans are great letter-writers. Whatever ha... Father’s Day comes on the third Sunday in June.It is not a national holiday. On that day, Americanshonour their fathers. Many people send their fathers acard or a gift. Americans are great letter-writers. Whatever happensin a family, you congratulate all the members. Youcongratulate people at Easter, Christmas and Whit- 展开更多
关键词 EAsTER AMERICANs sUNDAY HOLIDAY letter fathers DAY comes CHRIsTMAs yourself friends
Afracentrism in By the light of my father's smile
作者 LI Ping HU Xiao-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第5期31-36,共6页
The novel, By the light of my father's smile, is the book which comprehensively embodies Alice Walker's womanist thoughts. In the novel, she describes a mixed tribe with both African and Indian ancestry. Through the... The novel, By the light of my father's smile, is the book which comprehensively embodies Alice Walker's womanist thoughts. In the novel, she describes a mixed tribe with both African and Indian ancestry. Through the mundo tribe with African features, she expresses her thoughts of Afracentrism. First of all, Alice Walker holds that African Americans should cherish the traditional African indigenous religion-animism, for it promotes equality and interrelateness among things. Furthermore, through Mundo people's cultural activities of making pots and their initiation songs, she intends to express such a womanist idea that survival and wholeness of entire race derives from that of each race, so those indigenous people who have been overrun by the powerful and wealthy western world are supposed to forgive the westerners' wrong doings, for only love can guide the entire race to achieve survival and wholeness. 展开更多
关键词 Africentrism By the light of my father's smile Alice Walker
My Father’s Eyes——天地父子情
作者 张仪 《新东方英语(中英文版)》 2016年第7期24-25,共2页
父亲之爱相较于母亲的细致与唠叨,往往显得隐忍、含蓄。所以,我们常说严父慈母、父爱如山。对于儿女而言,很多人常常是长大成年甚至为人父母后才真正理解父爱的厚重与不易。但无论如何,有父爱就是幸福的,那是一种如钢似铁的精神支柱与... 父亲之爱相较于母亲的细致与唠叨,往往显得隐忍、含蓄。所以,我们常说严父慈母、父爱如山。对于儿女而言,很多人常常是长大成年甚至为人父母后才真正理解父爱的厚重与不易。但无论如何,有父爱就是幸福的,那是一种如钢似铁的精神支柱与寄托。然而,不是所有人都能幸运地享受到父爱。譬如英国摇滚布鲁斯歌手Eric Clapton,他一生未与父亲谋面,中年又尝丧子之痛,这种无父爱眷顾、亲情又无处安放的痛苦全都寄托在歌曲《父亲的眼睛》(My Father’s Eyes)里。 展开更多
关键词 父子情 MY father s EYEs 布鲁斯 father TEARs distant REsTORE seedling teach
A Lyric of Nostalgia and Creation──Zhang Yimou's"My Father and Mother
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 1999年第6期39-40,共2页
关键词 Zhang Yimou’s"My father and Mother A Lyric of Nostalgia and Creation
The Association between Home Literacy Environment and Children Literacy Outcomes: Fathers' involvement
作者 李明慧 《海外英语》 2019年第8期269-270,共2页
Home Literacy Environment(HLE)is an important factor to influence children’s literacy abilities.The study was to look into previous studies on HLE and to propose the future direction on the relationship between fath... Home Literacy Environment(HLE)is an important factor to influence children’s literacy abilities.The study was to look into previous studies on HLE and to propose the future direction on the relationship between fathers’involvement in HLE and children’s literacy outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 HOME LITERACY ENVIRONMENT fathers’involvement children’s LITERACY OUTCOMEs
Father’s John Hancock
作者 石继忠 《中学英语园地(八九年级适用)》 2007年第1期18-18,共1页
关键词 s John Hancock father
Wu Xiaobang, Father of China's Modern Dance
作者 LAN TIAN 《China Today》 1996年第1期55-58,共4页
WuXiaobang,FatherofChina'sModernDanceByLANTIANTHEappearanceanddevelopmentofmoderndanceinChinaiscloselylinked... WuXiaobang,FatherofChina'sModernDanceByLANTIANTHEappearanceanddevelopmentofmoderndanceinChinaiscloselylinkedwith(1906-1995).I... 展开更多
关键词 father of China’s Modern Dance Wu Xiaobang
Why Was the Dog Beaten by the Boy’s Father?
作者 高飞 《中学英语园地(八九年级适用)》 2002年第2期26-26,共1页
One afternoon some children were playing near a river.A 1 wasstanding near them.Suddenly the dog saw a little girl 2 into the river.The dog jumped 3 the water at once and helped the 4.5 shewas saved,the girl went back... One afternoon some children were playing near a river.A 1 wasstanding near them.Suddenly the dog saw a little girl 2 into the river.The dog jumped 3 the water at once and helped the 4.5 shewas saved,the girl went back home.6 father brought some pieces of meatto the dog. 展开更多
关键词 s father Why Was the Dog Beaten by the Boy
Sunny Prospects China’s photovoltaic companies set their sights on African opportunities
作者 Hou Weili 《ChinAfrica》 2013年第8期42-43,共2页
China has gained rich experience in the photovoltaic industry, and is capable of providing high-quality photovoltaic products and services at lower prices,
关键词 sunny Prospects China’s photovoltaic companies set their sights on African opportunities
基于联合条件概率判决NLOS的数据融合定位算法 被引量:2
作者 胡磊 钟子发 康凯 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第26期83-85,共3页
针对蜂窝移动通信定位技术中常见的非视距传播(NLOS)问题,提出了一种利用来波信号强度和来波方位角测量值的联合条件概率判决NLOS的算法(JCPDS-RA,joint conditional probability decision scheme with RSS and AOA),并将其与数据融合... 针对蜂窝移动通信定位技术中常见的非视距传播(NLOS)问题,提出了一种利用来波信号强度和来波方位角测量值的联合条件概率判决NLOS的算法(JCPDS-RA,joint conditional probability decision scheme with RSS and AOA),并将其与数据融合定位技术相结合,提高定位精度。推导了NLOS环境下RSS和AOA的条件概率密度模型,给出了JCPDS-RA算法和数据融合流程图,并进行了仿真实验,结果表明,该算法有效地提高了定位精度并有一定的普适性。 展开更多
关键词 非视距传播 数据融合 混合定位 来波信号强度 来波方位角
自主水下航行器自适应S面三维轨迹跟踪的仿真验证 被引量:10
作者 李文魁 周铸 +1 位作者 宦爱奇 夏宇轩 《中国舰船研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期38-46,91,共10页
[目的]旨在研究非线性六自由度自主水下航行器(AUV)的轨迹跟踪问题。[方法]为此,设计三维轨迹变前视距离视线(LOS)导引律,利用李雅普诺夫稳定性判据证明此导引律的稳定性,使用设计的自适应S面控制算法对AUV的航向角、纵倾角和纵向速度... [目的]旨在研究非线性六自由度自主水下航行器(AUV)的轨迹跟踪问题。[方法]为此,设计三维轨迹变前视距离视线(LOS)导引律,利用李雅普诺夫稳定性判据证明此导引律的稳定性,使用设计的自适应S面控制算法对AUV的航向角、纵倾角和纵向速度进行控制。然后,以REMUS 100 AUV为例,利用Matlab软件分别对AUV的航向角、纵倾角和纵向速度控制及其空间直线、曲线轨迹跟踪进行仿真,以验证所提导引律的有效性。[结果]结果表明:对于非线性控制而言,相比于传统的S面控制,自适应S面控制可降低控制参数整定的难度,抗干扰能力更强;而且,相比于传统的LOS导引律,所提导引律可使AUV更快地跟踪上参考轨迹。[结论]所设计的轨迹跟踪控制算法能够实现对AUV的三维轨迹跟踪,并改善AUV的操纵性。 展开更多
关键词 自主水下航行器 视线导引 三维轨迹跟踪 自适应s面控制
2017年九寨沟M_(S)7.0地震同震地表三维形变场解算研究 被引量:1
作者 祝杰 韩宇飞 +6 位作者 王坦 李瑜 王阅兵 师宏波 刘洋洋 樊俊屹 邵银星 《中国地震》 北大核心 2022年第2期348-359,共12页
利用覆盖九寨沟M_(S)7.0地震的Sentinel-1升、降轨和Radarsat-2升轨数据,分别提取了3个轨道沿雷达视线向形变,运用多平台联合观测方法解算了九寨沟地震沿地表真实的垂直向、SN向和EW向形变信息。结果表明,3个轨道InSAR数据均监测到了LO... 利用覆盖九寨沟M_(S)7.0地震的Sentinel-1升、降轨和Radarsat-2升轨数据,分别提取了3个轨道沿雷达视线向形变,运用多平台联合观测方法解算了九寨沟地震沿地表真实的垂直向、SN向和EW向形变信息。结果表明,3个轨道InSAR数据均监测到了LOS向同震形变,范围约55km×45km,呈“果仁状”,靠近卫星飞行方向最大形变量为12.9cm(降轨),远离卫星飞行方向最大形变量为19.5cm(升轨)。三维形变结果显示,垂直向上位移达23.4cm,垂直向下位移达17.6cm;北向位移达141.8cm,南向位移达100.2cm;东向位移达22.0cm,西向位移达10.7cm。树正断裂两端地块呈非对称水平相对运动,上盘单侧向东形变较剧烈,符合左旋走滑型地震事件的运动特征。 展开更多
关键词 INsAR 九寨沟M_(s)7.0地震 视线向模糊 三维形变
Nihilists and Their Relations: A Nietzschean Approach to Teaching The Sound and the Fury
作者 刘军 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第4期28-34,共7页
关键词 MOTHER father NOTHING sights initially NORTON WALLACE utter morrow moreover
A Brief Analysis of Scarlett's Character Traits in Gone with the Wind
作者 Duan Chunyan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第6期438-441,共4页
When it comes to Scarlett's character traits, there is no denying that great changes have happened to her character. However, the reasons involve two aspects. Namely, the internal and exterior reasons. In other words... When it comes to Scarlett's character traits, there is no denying that great changes have happened to her character. However, the reasons involve two aspects. Namely, the internal and exterior reasons. In other words, one is from her own family, the other and also the more important is from the change of social environment. 展开更多
关键词 sCARLETT ashley scarlett's father scarlett's mother civil war
A Brief Analysis of Scarlett's Character Traits in Gone with the Wind
作者 Duan Chun yan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第1期80-85,共6页
When it comes to Scarlett's character traits, there is no denying that great changes have happened to her character. However, the reasons involve two aspects. Namely, the internal and exterior reasons. In other words... When it comes to Scarlett's character traits, there is no denying that great changes have happened to her character. However, the reasons involve two aspects. Namely, the internal and exterior reasons. In other words, one is from her own family, the other and also the more important is from the change of social environment 展开更多
关键词 sCARLETT ashley scarlett's father scarlett's mother civil war
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