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作者 万鸿炜 陈平华 《计算机与现代化》 2024年第11期84-90,98,共8页
结肠影像中的息肉存在形态多变、边缘粘膜模糊的特点。针对现有的结肠息肉分割网络因卷积算子的固有限制而导致的特征提取不充分,以及因区域和边界关系刻画不全导致的分割不完整的问题,提出一种基于Involution算子和协调反向注意力的网... 结肠影像中的息肉存在形态多变、边缘粘膜模糊的特点。针对现有的结肠息肉分割网络因卷积算子的固有限制而导致的特征提取不充分,以及因区域和边界关系刻画不全导致的分割不完整的问题,提出一种基于Involution算子和协调反向注意力的网络模型IN-CRNet。在编码器部分,设计基于Involution算子的感受野模块InRFB,自适应地捕获不同尺度的上下文语义信息,增强模型对形态复杂的结肠息肉的识别能力;在解码器部分,设计协调反向注意力模块CRA,同时关注区域和边界的重要程度,并构建两者的关系,自底向上地逐渐完善边缘轮廓的分割细节。在5个结肠息肉数据集上的验证实验表明,IN-CRNet具有良好的分割精度和泛化能力。 展开更多
关键词 图像分割 结肠息肉 involution算子 协调反向注意力
一种基于Involution卷积的三维人体重建方法 被引量:1
作者 童立靖 张成智 《湖北民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第2期184-190,共7页
针对从视频中恢复三维人体模型运动序列时,由于图像特征提取能力有限而导致三维人体模型运动序列重建效果不佳的问题,提出了一种基于Involution卷积的三维人体重建方法。首先为了引入自注意力机制,在ResNet50网络结构中加入Involution算... 针对从视频中恢复三维人体模型运动序列时,由于图像特征提取能力有限而导致三维人体模型运动序列重建效果不佳的问题,提出了一种基于Involution卷积的三维人体重建方法。首先为了引入自注意力机制,在ResNet50网络结构中加入Involution算子,获取视频图像帧的特征向量,然后使用姿态估计网络和形状估计网络获取人体姿势以及形状参数,最后使用蒙皮多人线性模型(skinned multi-person linear model, SMPL)生成三维人体模型的运动序列。在三维姿态户外数据集(3D pose in the wild, 3DPW)上与视频人体姿态形状估计推理(video inference for body pose and shape estimation, VIBE)方法以及时间一致性网格恢复(temporally consistent mesh recovery, TCMR)方法进行对比实验,平均精度相比于VIBE、TCMR分别提升了3.1%、0.7%,能够为运动捕捉、三维人体动画制作等工作提供更为准确的三维人体模型。 展开更多
关键词 三维人体 姿态估计 SMPL 视频序列 involution算子
基于Involution Prediction Head的小目标检测算法 被引量:1
作者 安鹤男 邓武才 +1 位作者 管聪 姜邦彦 《电子技术应用》 2022年第11期19-23,共5页
针对通用目标检测算法在检测小目标时存在错检和漏检等问题,提出了一种小目标检测算法IPH(Involution Prediction Head),将其运用在YOLOv4和YOLOv5的检测头部分,在VOC2007数据集上的实验结果表明,运用IPH后的YOLOv4小目标检测精度APs(AP... 针对通用目标检测算法在检测小目标时存在错检和漏检等问题,提出了一种小目标检测算法IPH(Involution Prediction Head),将其运用在YOLOv4和YOLOv5的检测头部分,在VOC2007数据集上的实验结果表明,运用IPH后的YOLOv4小目标检测精度APs(AP for small objects)相比原始算法提升了1.1%,在YOLOv5上的APs更是提升了5.9%。经智能交通检测数据集进一步检验,IPH算法和去下采样能有效提升小目标检测精度,减少错检和漏检的情况。 展开更多
关键词 YOLOv4 IPH 小目标检测 特征提取 注意力机制
Renovation and Involution — Paradox of Chinese Literature in Modernity
作者 许贻斌 《海外英语》 2013年第17期212-213,共2页
With a special matter, Chinese literature has differences with traditional theories from western countries in essence, so that Chinese literature demonstrates its renovation and involution. The main reason is its tren... With a special matter, Chinese literature has differences with traditional theories from western countries in essence, so that Chinese literature demonstrates its renovation and involution. The main reason is its trends of modernity. The transformation from oversea exchange is very important. This paper mainly explains the specific content of paradox of Chinese literature in mo dernity, and explores the reasons for differences between China and western countries. 展开更多
关键词 RENOVATION involution CHINESE LITERATURE modernity
基于小波变换和Involution卷积神经网络的滚动轴承故障诊断方法 被引量:6
作者 王正 文传博 董逸凡 《轴承》 北大核心 2022年第11期61-67,共7页
传统卷积神经网络在滚动轴承故障诊断中存在梯度扩散、参数爆炸和训练时间长等缺点,为此提出一种基于Involution卷积神经网络的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。首先,通过小波变换将原始数据转换为时频图,经过数据预处理后送入基于Involution的... 传统卷积神经网络在滚动轴承故障诊断中存在梯度扩散、参数爆炸和训练时间长等缺点,为此提出一种基于Involution卷积神经网络的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。首先,通过小波变换将原始数据转换为时频图,经过数据预处理后送入基于Involution的神经网络模型;然后,经过不同Convolution卷积核对原始图像的局部区域特征进行不同方式的提取,扩展输入图像通道数;最后,通过Involution对特征图的每个像素点进行进一步特征提取,经过softmax层输出分类结果。CWRU轴承数据集和试验轴承数据集的分析结果表明,基于Involution卷积的神经网络模型所包含的参数较少,训练时间短,故障分类准确率可达99.75%,优于传统的CNN,DBN,自编码器等模型。 展开更多
关键词 滚动轴承 故障诊断 involution 卷积神经网络 小波变换 时频域分析
基于Conv-Involution的红外视频小样本人体行为识别方法 被引量:2
作者 姚天 余磊 +3 位作者 崔帅华 周啸辉 熊邦书 欧巧凤 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期246-252,共7页
红外视频存在颜色信息缺失较为严重、识别区域易与背景混淆等现象,使得现有小样本特征提取网络常常关注无效信息,导致识别精度较低。针对此问题,本文提出一种基于内卷积(Conv-Involution)算子的红外视频小样本人体行为识别方法。首先,通... 红外视频存在颜色信息缺失较为严重、识别区域易与背景混淆等现象,使得现有小样本特征提取网络常常关注无效信息,导致识别精度较低。针对此问题,本文提出一种基于内卷积(Conv-Involution)算子的红外视频小样本人体行为识别方法。首先,通过InstColorization方法恢复红外视频中的颜色信息;其次,基于空间和通道特异性设计Conv-Involution算子,并利用该算子和改进注意力机制设计特征提取网络,分离背景,更有效地关注行为发生区域;最后,结合小样本学习方法ANIL进行人体行为分类。对比实验结果表明,本文所提方法不但识别精度最高,而且具有出色的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 人体行为识别 Conv-involution算子 小样本学习 红外视频
作者 孟媛媛 王彦英 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期331-342,共12页
Let (M, T) be a smooth closed manifold with a smooth involution T whose fixed point set is a disjoint union of an even-dimensional real projective space and a Dold manifold. In some cases, the equivariant bordism cl... Let (M, T) be a smooth closed manifold with a smooth involution T whose fixed point set is a disjoint union of an even-dimensional real projective space and a Dold manifold. In some cases, the equivariant bordism classes of (M, T) are determined. 展开更多
关键词 involution fixed point set characteristic class bordism class
INVOLUTIONS FIXING ∪(from i=1 to m) CP_i(1) × HP_i(n) 被引量:3
作者 赵素倩 王彦英 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期1021-1034,共14页
Let (M, T) be a closed manifold with an involution T. The fixed point set of T is F. In this article, bordism classes of the involutions with fixed point set F = ^mUi=1 CPi(1)×HPi(n) are determined, where C... Let (M, T) be a closed manifold with an involution T. The fixed point set of T is F. In this article, bordism classes of the involutions with fixed point set F = ^mUi=1 CPi(1)×HPi(n) are determined, where CP(1) and HP(n) denote the 1-dimensional i=1 complex projective space and n-dimensional quaternionic projective space respectively, and n=2^p-2or n=2^p-1(p〉 1). 展开更多
关键词 involution BORDISM fixed point set Stiefel-Whitney class
作者 刘亚琳 芦天亮 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第22期276-283,共8页
近年来深度伪造视频在网络上广泛传播,造成了负面影响。针对现有检测模型准确率低和信息提取不够充分和全面的问题,提出了一种GRU(gated recurrent unit)和Involution改进的深度伪造视频检测方法。首先使用VGG19作为主干网络提取空间特... 近年来深度伪造视频在网络上广泛传播,造成了负面影响。针对现有检测模型准确率低和信息提取不够充分和全面的问题,提出了一种GRU(gated recurrent unit)和Involution改进的深度伪造视频检测方法。首先使用VGG19作为主干网络提取空间特征,并将Involution算子嵌入主干网络,从空间和通道信息两方面加强了人脸图像的空间建模能力。然后通过主胶囊层关注特征的位置信息和使用GRU提取帧间的时序特征。最后在训练模型阶段使用focalloss作为损失函数来平衡样本。在Deepfakes、FaceSwap和Celeb-DF数据集中进行测试,实验结果表明该方法优于主流检测方法,改进对比实验进一步证明了检测方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 深度伪造 门控循环单元(GRU) involution 胶囊网络 focalloss
作者 郭靖圆 董乙杉 +1 位作者 刘晓文 卢树华 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第23期95-103,共9页
针对复杂人脸表情识别面临背景干扰、空间信息分布不均匀等问题,提出一种注意力机制和Involution算子改进的人脸表情识别方法,该方法以VGG19为基线网络,前端引入注意力机制提取表情强相关特征,抑制背景干扰,并利用联合正则化策略平衡和... 针对复杂人脸表情识别面临背景干扰、空间信息分布不均匀等问题,提出一种注意力机制和Involution算子改进的人脸表情识别方法,该方法以VGG19为基线网络,前端引入注意力机制提取表情强相关特征,抑制背景干扰,并利用联合正则化策略平衡和改善特征数据分布,提高模型训练质量;后端采用密集连接加强有效特征复用,提取高层语义信息。所提方法在CK+、FER2013、RAF-DB等3个公开数据集上进行了验证,准确率均取得显著提高,且优于当前诸多先进方法。此外,为提高网络处理复杂条件下的数据集,在其后端引入Involution算子替代部分卷积层,提高了空间多样性信息学习能力。实验结果表明,所提模型可有效提高RAF-DB等复杂数据集的人脸表情识别准确率。 展开更多
关键词 表情识别 VGG19 卷积注意力机制 involution算子 密集连接
An Involution on a Closed Manifold with the Fixed Point Set RP(1 )∪P(m,n) 被引量:2
作者 郭海英 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1998年第2期16-26, ,共11页
In this paper,we study all the possible bordism classes for a smooth involution on a smooth closed manifold whose fixed point set is RP(1)∪P(m,n),m>0,n>0.
关键词 bordism class involution
“Involution”与“内卷”概念的翻译对等度考察 被引量:1
作者 杨加伟 《现代语言学》 2022年第3期405-412,共8页
“内卷”作为一个从英语世界译入的外来词,1986年进入国内学术界,而在2020~2021年经过中国网络社区发酵后,中国官方在英语世界解释的“内卷”与1986的译入的“内卷”已意义悬殊。“involution”在中译后获得了“内卷”这一能指符号,该... “内卷”作为一个从英语世界译入的外来词,1986年进入国内学术界,而在2020~2021年经过中国网络社区发酵后,中国官方在英语世界解释的“内卷”与1986的译入的“内卷”已意义悬殊。“involution”在中译后获得了“内卷”这一能指符号,该能指符号虽用于经济学语境,但通过中文语料库的研究显示,在大众语境下主要还是反映植物学界的世界观和理论概念。而在2020年“内卷”这一能指挣脱原来的所指范畴,产生了“内耗式内部竞争”这一新的社会心理学所指意义。这一跨文化旅行所带来的符号意义的增加,是理论旅行中文化语境参数的变化带来的概念变异,也是模因传播模仿和复制时产生的语义迁徙。出于经济原则,“involution”与“内卷”直接构成了主流媒体上的对等词,但其对等关系需要进行二度解释才能被西方世界所理解和接受。 展开更多
关键词 involution 内卷 翻译 对等度
作者 Mark Yasuda 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期631-644,共14页
We define an m-involution to be a matrix K ∈ Cn×n for which Km -= I. In this article, we investigate the class Sm (A) of m-involutions that commute with a diagonalizable matrix A E Cn×n. A number of basic... We define an m-involution to be a matrix K ∈ Cn×n for which Km -= I. In this article, we investigate the class Sm (A) of m-involutions that commute with a diagonalizable matrix A E Cn×n. A number of basic properties of Sm (A) and its related subclass Sm (A, X) are given, where X is an eigenvector matrix of A. Among them, Sm (A) is shown to have a torsion group structure under matrix multiplication if A has distinct eigenvalues and has non-denumerable cardinality otherwise. The constructive definition of Sm (A, X) allows one to generate all m-involutions commuting with a matrix with distinct eigenvalues. Some related results are also given for the class S,, (A) of m-involutions that anti-commute with a matrix A ∈ Cnn×n. 展开更多
关键词 CENTROSYMMETRIC skew-centrosymmetric bisymmetric involution eigenval-ues
作者 邓泗波 芦天亮 +2 位作者 彭舒凡 刘晓文 于子健 《中国人民公安大学学报(自然科学版)》 2023年第3期65-72,共8页
随着科学技术的迅速发展,基于深度学习生成的合成语音给语音认证系统和网络空间安全带来了新的挑战。针对现有检测模型准确率较低和语音特征挖掘不够充分的问题,提出了一种基于Involution算子和交叉注意力机制改进的合成语音检测方法。... 随着科学技术的迅速发展,基于深度学习生成的合成语音给语音认证系统和网络空间安全带来了新的挑战。针对现有检测模型准确率较低和语音特征挖掘不够充分的问题,提出了一种基于Involution算子和交叉注意力机制改进的合成语音检测方法。前端将语音数据提取线性频率倒谱系数(LFCC)特征和恒定Q变换(CQT)谱图特征,两个特征分别输入到后端的双分支网络中。后端网络使用ResNet18作为主干网络先进行浅层的特征学习,并将Involution算子嵌入主干网络,扩大特征图像学习区域,增强在空间范围内学习到的频谱图像特征信息。同时在训练分支之后引入cross-attention交叉注意力机制,使LFCC特征和CQT谱图特征构建交互的全局信息,强化模型对特征的深层挖掘。所提模型在ASVspoof 2019 LA测试集上取得了0.84%的等错误率和0.026的最小归一化串联检测代价函数的实验结果,展现了优于主流的检测模型。结果表明,改进的模型能够有效融合不同的频谱特征,提高模型的特征学习能力,从而强化模型的检测能力。 展开更多
关键词 合成语音检测 特征融合 involution算子 注意力机制
Regulation of leptin in involution of mammary gland
作者 LI Meng LI Qingzhan 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 2007年第4期345-348,共4页
Leptin, a protein hormone produced and secreted predominantly by white adipose tissue, has a critical role in the regulation and coordination of energy metabolism. Leptin is produced in the mammary gland by the fat ti... Leptin, a protein hormone produced and secreted predominantly by white adipose tissue, has a critical role in the regulation and coordination of energy metabolism. Leptin is produced in the mammary gland by the fat tissue or by the mammary epithelium. In vitro study has shown that leptin triggers apoptosis in mammary epithelial cells. Mammary gland involution is characterized by extensive apoptosis of the epithelial cells. At the onset of involution, STAT3 is specifically activated.Various studies show that leptin act as a paracrine and autocrin factor to influence mammary epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. This paper reviewed the function of leptin to the involution of mammary gland. 展开更多
关键词 involution LEPTIN mammary gland
Relationship among uterine involution, ovarian activity, blood metabolites and subsequent reproductive performance in Egyptian buffaloes
作者 Hassan A. Hussein Waleed Senosy Mahmoud R. Abdellah 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2013年第1期59-69,共11页
The aim of the study to monitor post partal uterine involution, ovarian activity and biochemical parameters and it is relation to the subsequent fertility. A total sixty normal calving pluriparous buffaloes were exami... The aim of the study to monitor post partal uterine involution, ovarian activity and biochemical parameters and it is relation to the subsequent fertility. A total sixty normal calving pluriparous buffaloes were examined between 14th and 75th day post partum (p.p.) rectaly, ultrasonically and blood sampling were collected on weekly sessions. There were differences (P < 0.01) between pregnant (PREG) and non-pregnant (NPREG) groups in Body condition score (BCS) and body weights. There was a difference between previous gravid uterine horn (PGUH) and non-gravid uterine horn (NPGUH) diameter in PREG and NPREG groups at 28th day p.p. The calving to first service interval in the PREG group was shorter (P = 0.03) than that of NPREG one. The number of buffaloes with dominant follicles (DF 3 8 mmdiameter) in ipsilateral and contralateral ovary to the PGUH in PREG group was higher (P < 0.01) than in NPREG. The calving to first service interval in the PREG group having DF in the ovary ipsilateral to the PGUH (n = 16) was shorter (P < 0.01) than those buffaloes having no DF (n = 18). The number of service per conception and days open in the PREG buffaloes which had no DF in the ovary ipsilateral to the PGUH were higher and longer (P < 0.01) than that which had DF group. The values of glucose and triglyceride were higher (P = 0.057) in PREG than NPREG group. In conclusion, postpartum ovarian activity has positive effect on the uterine involution and postpartum profile of some metabolities may be a good predictor of fertility status of buffaloes. 展开更多
关键词 REPRODUCTIVE Performance OVARIAN Activity UTERINE involution Metabolic Profile EGYPTIAN BUFFALOES
The Effectiveness of Postpartum Exercise and Oxytocin Massage on Uterus Involution
作者 Dian Nur Hadianti Djudju Sriwenda 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2019年第3期231-238,共8页
The process of involution will work well if uterus contraction is strong, so a treatment can be done to improve uterus contraction. Postpartum exercise can make uterus muscles undergo contractions and retractions. In ... The process of involution will work well if uterus contraction is strong, so a treatment can be done to improve uterus contraction. Postpartum exercise can make uterus muscles undergo contractions and retractions. In addition to pospartum exercise, being control of bleeding from the placenta attached is maintaining contraction and retraction fiber of strong myometrium through oxytocin massage. Purpose: This study aimed to ascertain influences of postpartum exercise and oxytocin massage on uterus involution. Method: The design used is quasi experimental research using post test only designing two comparison treatments. This research was conducted at PONED (basic emergency obstetric and neonatal care) in Bandung. The sample size was 50 respondents (25 respondents were given treatment for postpartum exercise and 25 respondents were given the oxytocin massage treatment). The sampling technique with non probability sampling techniques was by means of quota sampling. The data use primary data through the process of interview and observation. Deep data collection tool uses observation sheets and questionnaires. Result: The average uterus involution on the postpartum exercise group was 8.68 days, while the oxytocin massage group was 6.72 days. The results of the Mann Whitney Test statistic were at 95% confidence level;there was a significant difference in uterus involution between the postpartum exercise group and the oxytocin massage group with a value of p Conclusion: Oxytocin massage is more influential than pospartum exercise to uterus involution. 展开更多
A No—Go Theorem for Compatibility Between Involutions of First Order Differentials on a Lattice and Continuum Limit
作者 DAIJian WUKe 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期301-303,共3页
We prove that the following three properties cannot match each other on a lattice, that differentials of coordinate functions are algebraically dependent on their involutive conjugates, that the involution on a lattic... We prove that the following three properties cannot match each other on a lattice, that differentials of coordinate functions are algebraically dependent on their involutive conjugates, that the involution on a lattice is an antihomomorphism, and that differential calculus has a natural continuum limit. 展开更多
关键词 involution lattice differential antihomomorphism continuum limit no-go theorem
The Construction of Symplectic Involutions Over Finite Field with CharF=2 and Its Applications
作者 ZHAO Jing YUAN Jian-xin NAN Ji-zhu 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第2期173-184,共12页
In the present paper, we compute the number of the symplectic involaLions over the finite field F with chafF = 2, and also one Cartesian authentication code is obtained.Furthermore, its size parameters are computed co... In the present paper, we compute the number of the symplectic involaLions over the finite field F with chafF = 2, and also one Cartesian authentication code is obtained.Furthermore, its size parameters are computed completely. If assume that the coding rules are chosen according to a uniform probability, PI and Ps denote the largest probabilities of a successful impersonation attack and a successful substitution attack respectively, then PI and Ps are also computed. 展开更多
关键词 authentication code symplectic involution finite field
Bordism Classes of Involutions on RP(2n)、CP(2n) and HP(2n)
作者 孟召静 王彦英 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1999年第2期33-37, ,共5页
In this paper we discuss all possible bordism classes of involutions on RP(2n),CP(2n) and HP(2n).
关键词 involution characteristic classes
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