In its thousands of years of development, acupuncture, with its peculiar theoretical system and distinct clinical efficacy, has been quite active in medical history. At present, acupuncture is being used in 160 odd na...In its thousands of years of development, acupuncture, with its peculiar theoretical system and distinct clinical efficacy, has been quite active in medical history. At present, acupuncture is being used in 160 odd nations/areas, and has become an important constituent of medical sciences in the world. So it is of great significance as to how to further deepen its clinical research and raise its clinical efficacy in China, the mother country of acupuncture science, to acclimatize the ancient and full-of- vitality discipline with the modern social tide and to serve the health of human beings better.展开更多
基金Supported by the Major State Basic Research Program of China (973 Program,No.2006CB504501)
文摘In its thousands of years of development, acupuncture, with its peculiar theoretical system and distinct clinical efficacy, has been quite active in medical history. At present, acupuncture is being used in 160 odd nations/areas, and has become an important constituent of medical sciences in the world. So it is of great significance as to how to further deepen its clinical research and raise its clinical efficacy in China, the mother country of acupuncture science, to acclimatize the ancient and full-of- vitality discipline with the modern social tide and to serve the health of human beings better.