This research proposes a novel nature-based design of a new concrete armour unit for the cover layer of a rubblemoundbreakwater. Armour units are versatile with respect to shape, orientation, surface condition details...This research proposes a novel nature-based design of a new concrete armour unit for the cover layer of a rubblemoundbreakwater. Armour units are versatile with respect to shape, orientation, surface condition details, and porosity.Therefore, a detailed analysis is required to investigate the exact state of their hydraulic interactions and structuralresponses. In this regard, the performance results of several traditional armour units, including the Antifer cube,Tetrapod, X-block and natural stone, are considered for the first step of this study. Then, the related observed resultsare compared with those obtained for a newly designed (artificial coral) armour unit. The research methodology utilizesthe common wave flume test procedure. Furthermore, several verified numerical models in OpenFOAM code areused to gain the extra required data. The proposed armour is configured to provide an effective shore protection as anenvironmental-friendly coastal structure. Thus it is designed with a main trunk including deep grooves to imitate thetypical geometry of a coral type configuration, so as to attain desirable performance. The observed results and ananalytic hierarchy process (AHP) concept are used to compare the hydraulic performance of the studied traditionaland newly proposed (artificial coral) armour units. The results indicate that the artificial coral armour unit demonstratesacceptable performance. The widely used traditional armour units might be replaced by newer designs for betterwave energy dissipation, and more importantly, for fewer adverse effects on the marine environment.展开更多
Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first fo...Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first found in thin sections of the rock from the lower part of the Sailinhudong Group and some Ordovician acritarchs and chitinozoans are also found in this group. A formationa unit of carbonate seismites is first recognized in the upper part and a huge micrite mound is first identified at the top. Dolomite, the host rock of the super giant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits, is neither an igneous carbonatite nor a common bedded sedimentary carbonate, but a huge micrite mound. It has the same macroscopic characters as the micrite mounds at the top of the Sailinhudong Group, which suggests that they should be of the same horizon. According to the fossils, the Sailinhudong and Bayan Obo Groups should be of the Early Palaeozoic rather than the Middle Proterozoic. The new discovery and new idea will throw light on the explanation of the genesis of the supergiant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits.展开更多
Rubble mound breakwater, one of the protection structures, has been widely used in coastal and port engineering. Block stones were first used as its armor layer, and its use was limited to shallow sea areas where ther...Rubble mound breakwater, one of the protection structures, has been widely used in coastal and port engineering. Block stones were first used as its armor layer, and its use was limited to shallow sea areas where there is no large waves. Since the specially-shaped armor unit was developed, the rubble mound breakwater has become the main sort of the protection structures, which can be used in deep water zones where storm sometimes occurs. Owing to severe and complex surrounding conditions, the rubble mound breakwater failure sometimes occurs, thus the study on the causes of failure is of great importance. In the present study some breakwater failures at home and abroad are illustrated and the causes of failure are investigated from the point of view of design, test, construction and maintenance.展开更多
In a reserved forest parcel in a virgin eastern Hyrcanian mixed beech forest,80 ha was surveyed to determine the pit and mound topography,canopy gaps and dead trees.The aim was to investigate the spatial patterns and ...In a reserved forest parcel in a virgin eastern Hyrcanian mixed beech forest,80 ha was surveyed to determine the pit and mound topography,canopy gaps and dead trees.The aim was to investigate the spatial patterns and correlation of pit and mound features with canopy gaps.Seventy-five canopy gaps and 61 pit and mound features were identified.The univariate first order nearest neighbor(R_(CE))and bivariate second order test(Ripley’s K)statistic were applied.R_(CE) statistics highlighted a general aggregation pattern for canopy gaps and pits and mounds,while pits and mounds alone were more clumped.Distances between canopy gaps were 130 m average,whereas distances between pit and mound features and dead trees were 60 and 78 m,respectively.Spatial positive correlation of canopy gaps with pits and mounds were observed with all distances.The result of spatial correlations between canopy gaps with pits and mounds confirmed that windthrows cause micro successions in fallen tree ecosystem-scale correlated with gap phase dynamics in the forest community-scale.展开更多
Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao...Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao far away from the Bayan Obo ore deposit, and Xishan in west Beijing. The results show that both carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonates (dolomite and marble) in the main ore bodies and outside ore bodies have similarities to each other, with very extreme positive anomaly of Ba, Th, Nb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Pb, medium positive anomaly of Y, Ho, Tb, Er, Yb and negative anomaly of Sc, Ti and Cu. The REE concentration in the mineralized carbonates changes greatly, the total REE content changes from 262×10^(-6) in both east and west ore deposits to 104562 ×10^(-6) (10.46%), which is relatively lower than those samples of carbonatite dyke, whose REE contents vary greatly, from 1% up to 20 % of mass fraction. Light REE in the carbonatites are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REE and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of both mineralized carbonate and carbonatite dyke are of some similarities. However, the sedimentary carbonate micrite of Salinhudong Group in Heilaobao far outside the ore bodies and the pure carbonates from Xishan in Beijing, central part of North China plate, have the similarities in REE distributions with much lower REE contents, which are significantly different from those of carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonate. In Bayan Obo district, both carbonates in the ore deposit and micrite mound outside the ore deposit underwent widespread metasomatism by fluids that resulted in formation of the superlager Fe-Nb-REE mineralization. It appears that the carbonates represent the evolution products of different geological stages.展开更多
Under artificially-simulated complex salt-alkali stress, the levels of active oxygen metabolism in roots were studied using three-year-old cutting seedlings of Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Mound' and Spiraea × ...Under artificially-simulated complex salt-alkali stress, the levels of active oxygen metabolism in roots were studied using three-year-old cutting seedlings of Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Mound' and Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Flame'. The present study aimed at exploring the antioxidant capacity in roots of spiraeas and revealing their adaptability to salt-alkali stress. Results indicate that the oxygen free radicals contents, electrolyte leakage rates and MDA contents in roots of Spiraea × bumalda 'Gold Mound' and Spiraea × bumalda 'Gold Flame' show an increasing tendency with the increases of the salinity and pH value, whereas the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) all increased firstly and then decreased. With the increase in intensity of salt-alkali stress, the CAT activity in roots of Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Flame' is higher and the increasing extents in the oxygen free radicals contents, electrolyte leakage rates as well as MDA contents are lower compared with Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Mound', indicating that Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Flame' has a stronger antioxidant capacity.展开更多
This paper presents various deformation-monitoring technologies employed to monitor the frost heave and thaw settlement of two mounds along the Qinghai–Tibet Engineering Corridor(QTEC), China. The QTEC is known as a ...This paper presents various deformation-monitoring technologies employed to monitor the frost heave and thaw settlement of two mounds along the Qinghai–Tibet Engineering Corridor(QTEC), China. The QTEC is known as a critical infrastructure and passage connecting inland China and the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(QTP). Three technologies—global navigation satellite system(GNSS), terrestrial laser scanning(TLS), and unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)—were used to estimate the freeze/thaw–induced 3D surface deformation of two frost mounds. Our results showed that (1) the two frost mounds exhibited mainly thaw settlement in thawing periods and frost heave in the freezing period, but frost heave dominated after repeated freeze–thaw cycles;(2) different zones of the mounds showed different deformation characteristics;(3) active-layer thickness(ALT) and elevation changes were highly correlated during thaw periods;(4) integrated 3D-measurement technologies can achieve a better understanding and assessment of hazards in the permafrost area.展开更多
Characteristics of termite mounds and associated Rhodic Acrisol and Haplic Acrisol in the coastal savanna zone of Ghana and their impact on hydraulic conductivity were assessed. The texture of the mounds was sandy cla...Characteristics of termite mounds and associated Rhodic Acrisol and Haplic Acrisol in the coastal savanna zone of Ghana and their impact on hydraulic conductivity were assessed. The texture of the mounds was sandy clay in contrast to the sandy clay loam of the surface soils. Translocation of fine to medium sized soil materials influenced the relatively higher bulk density (>1.60 Mg/m3) and contents of organic carbon, nitrogen and exchangeable bases in the mounds. Kaolinite was the dominant clay mineral with pH values generally below 5.3 in all the soils reflecting the weathered tropical soil environment. Dispersion ratio values, which were 0.5 for the surface soils, indicated greater stability of the mound due to aggregate cementing action by the termites. Estimated mound density was about 120 mounds per ha, which tied in with known groundwater reserves at the study sites. Majority of the mounds exhibited a cone-shaped morphology with heights varying between 3.05-4.00 m in the Rhodic Acrisol and 2.05-4.20 m in the Haplic Acrisol with corresponding estimated total mass of 96,361 kg and 54,910 kg per 1000 m2 land area. These estimates represented a large amount of material relative to the 25,000-26,000 kg of surface soil material within the same unit area. The K in the surface soils ranged from 3.3 x 10-5 to 5.0 x 10-5 m/s while the value for the mound was ≤0.5 x 10-5 m/s. Lower porosity, θ;the effect was more pronounced when the mound was applied on the soil surface. Improvement in water retention and nutrient availability to plants and prevention of leaching to avoid groundwater contamination are some of the positive attributes of this study.展开更多
This work consisted in determining the geotechnical properties of the soil of the Cubitermes termite mound soil treated with lime for use in road construction in accordance with the relevant standards. The raw soil is...This work consisted in determining the geotechnical properties of the soil of the Cubitermes termite mound soil treated with lime for use in road construction in accordance with the relevant standards. The raw soil is composed of 29.45% clay, 45.12% silt and 25.43% sand, and its granulometric curve is above the relevant standard curve. The addition of lime up to 9% decreases the fine fraction content from 75% to 60%, and the maximum dry density from 1.62 t/m3 to 1.36 t/m3. The reduction of the fine fraction should reduce the soil sensitivity to water, and the emission of dust from the road. The compressive strength of the raw soil (3.89 MPa) is higher than that of most cohesive soil, and is probably one the causes of the longevity of the rural road paved with this soil. Treated soil with 6% in lime content has the highest compressive strength (5.95 MPa), and the lowest deformation at failure. Until 28 days, the improvement of the compressive upon the curing time is almost the same for untreated and treated termite mound soils. Thus, this improvement could be mostly attributed to the drying of the samples instead to the pozzolanic reactions. Besides, adding lime also enhances the shear strength of soil. Therefore, adding lime up to 6% in content to the termite mound soil should improve its behavior as surface roads.展开更多
Numerous elongated mounds and channels were found at the top of the middle Miocene strata using 2D/3D seismic data in the Liwan Sag of Zhujiang River Mouth Basin(ZRMB)and the Beijiao Sag of Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).Th...Numerous elongated mounds and channels were found at the top of the middle Miocene strata using 2D/3D seismic data in the Liwan Sag of Zhujiang River Mouth Basin(ZRMB)and the Beijiao Sag of Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).They occur at intervals and are rarely revealed by drilling wells in the deepwater areas.Origins of the mounds and channels are controversial and poorly understood.Based on an integrated analysis of the seismic attribute,palaeotectonics and palaeogeography,and drilling well encountering a mound,research results show that these mounds are dominantly distributed on the depression centres and/or slopes of the Liwan and Beijiao sags and developed in a bathyal sedimentary environment.In the Liwan and Beijiao sags,the mounds between channels(sub)parallel to one another are 1.0–1.5 km and 1.5–2.0 km wide,150–300 m and 150–200 m high,and extend straightly from west to east for 5–15 km and 8–20 km,respectively.Mounds and channels in the Liwan Sag are parallel with the regional slope.Mounds and channels in the Beijiao Sag,however,are at a small angle to the regional slope.According to internal geometry,texture and external morphology of mounds,the mounds in Beijiao Sag are divided into weak amplitude parallel reflections(mound type I),blank or chaotic reflections(mound type II),and internal mounded reflections(mound typeⅢ).The mounds in Liwan Sag,however,have the sole type,i.e.,mound type I.Mound type I originates from the incision of bottom currents and/or gravity flows.Mound type II results from gravity-driven sediments such as turbidite.Mound typeⅢis a result of deposition and incision of bottom currents simultaneously.The channels with high amplitude between mounds in the Beijiao and Liwan sags are a result of gravity-flow sediments and it is suggested they are filled by sandstone.Whereas channels with low-mediate amplitudes are filled by bottom-current sediments only in the Beijiao Sag,where they are dominantly composed of mudstone.This study provides new insights into the origins of the mounds and channels worldwide.展开更多
This study is to determine the activities and correlations in the fundamental properties of the termite mounds soils Cubitermes spp and Macrotermes sp. The Intrinsic properties depend on the mineralogy, organic compos...This study is to determine the activities and correlations in the fundamental properties of the termite mounds soils Cubitermes spp and Macrotermes sp. The Intrinsic properties depend on the mineralogy, organic composition and texture of soil. Grain size, Atterberg limits and soil blue values are geotechnical properties that were used to characterize the two soils. On the basis of the geotechnical properties, specific surface area, cation exchange capacity, relative activity, surface activity and soil activity were determined. The correlations obtained in the intrinsic soil properties are linear and polynomial fits. Indeed, the relationship between the plasticity index and the blue value of a soil on the one hand and between the specific surface area and the cation exchange capacity on the other hand, is a linear fit for all soils in general. The relationship between plasticity index and specific surface area is a linear fit for the soils (C, M). Correlations in intrinsic soil properties that have a coefficient of determination close to 1 can be used in geotechnical engineering to predict one of the two desired parameters.展开更多
Lower Silurian mud mounds of the Shinuilan Formation, located in the southern Sichuan Basin, China, have developed in open shelf settings in deeper water than shallow-water reef-bearing limestones that occur in the re...Lower Silurian mud mounds of the Shinuilan Formation, located in the southern Sichuan Basin, China, have developed in open shelf settings in deeper water than shallow-water reef-bearing limestones that occur in the region. An integration of the outcrop, drill data and seismic profiles show that contemporaneous faults have controlled the boundary and distribution of the sedimentary facies of Lower Silurian rocks in the southern Sichuan Basin. Mounds appear to have developed in the topographic lows formed by synsedimentary faulting, on the sheff of the Yangtze Platform. Average mound thickness is 20 m, maximum 35 m. Mounds are composed mainly of micrite, possibly microbially bound, and are overlain by shales. Mound tops are preferentially dolomitized, with the Mg^2+ source probably from the clay content of the mound-top carbonate. Microfacies analysis and reconstruction of the diagenetic history reveal that the mound tops have higher porosity, and are gas targets; in contrast, mound cores and limbs show pores filled by three generations of calcite cement, and therefore have a low gas potential.展开更多
In this paper, the effect of waves on erosion of the sandy bottom before mound breakwaters is studied. The sandy bottom basically presents two erosion patterns, between which there is a transitional state, under the a...In this paper, the effect of waves on erosion of the sandy bottom before mound breakwaters is studied. The sandy bottom basically presents two erosion patterns, between which there is a transitional state, under the action of partially standing waves. The two erosion patterns can be determined by dimensionless parameter Us, defined in this paper. The erosion locations, depths and lengths can be estimated by a series of equations presented in the text. Irregular waves are employed in the test besides regular waves, and the effect of the irregular waves can be estimated by the element of equivalent waves, such as T1/3, H1/3.展开更多
Experimental studies on the friction coefficient between concrete and the top surface of a rubble mound foundation in China are reviewed. Through comparison of different test results, the development of this research ...Experimental studies on the friction coefficient between concrete and the top surface of a rubble mound foundation in China are reviewed. Through comparison of different test results, the development of this research is comprehensively analyzed. An experiment is carried out in the condition similar to prototype. The process curve of friction coefficient with the test block sliding is analyzed and a standard for determination of the friction coefficient is defined. The variation features of the friction coefficient are analyzed on the basis of the present experimental results and other studies in China. It is shown that the friction coefficient between concrete and the top surface of a rubble mound foundation decreases with the increase of the foundation pressure, and the friction coefficient for a very fine leveling bed is smaller than that for a fine leveling bed.展开更多
Through hydraulic model experiment and site investigation, this paper has derived a calculation formula of dry-laid stone armour layer thickness of rubble mound breakwaters for fishery harbours. The influences of the ...Through hydraulic model experiment and site investigation, this paper has derived a calculation formula of dry-laid stone armour layer thickness of rubble mound breakwaters for fishery harbours. The influences of the friction force between stone blocks and the variations of wave length or period and water depth are considered in the formula. The calculated results of several existing structures are in good agreement with field data. This formula is more practical than those ever published both at home and abroad, and has been adoptted by the technical standards of aquatic projects published by the Ministry of Agriculture of China. It is applicable for the calculation of dry-laid stone armour layer of breakwater for small- or medium-size harbours.展开更多
In this paper, the mechanism of the interaction between the breast wall of mound breakwater and waves is expounded, then some new views and the law of variation of horizontal and vertical wave pressure over the breast...In this paper, the mechanism of the interaction between the breast wall of mound breakwater and waves is expounded, then some new views and the law of variation of horizontal and vertical wave pressure over the breast wall are put forward. The results of this study have been adopted in the Specifications of Fishery Harbour Breakwater by the Ministry of Agricultures.展开更多
In this paper, the irregular wave-induced seepage action on cylinders resting on rubble mound foundatoin (RMF) is studied by means of finite element method (FEM). The hydraulic resistance inside RMF is assumed to sati...In this paper, the irregular wave-induced seepage action on cylinders resting on rubble mound foundatoin (RMF) is studied by means of finite element method (FEM). The hydraulic resistance inside RMF is assumed to satisfy the nonlinear Forchheimer's equation and the seepage in the scabed is also considered. Model tests show good agreementwith the numerical results. The influence of several main parameters is discussed on the basis of vast calculations. In addition, the ratio of seepage forces, induced by regular and irregular waves respectively, is analyzed and thus a computaional method is put forward for practical engineering application to simplify the calculation of irregular wave-induced seepage forces.展开更多
Objective: To ascertain the technique and volume of injection increasing the success rate of endoscopic VUR treatment, we develop a novel method to numerically describe the relationship between intramural ureter anato...Objective: To ascertain the technique and volume of injection increasing the success rate of endoscopic VUR treatment, we develop a novel method to numerically describe the relationship between intramural ureter anatomy, intravesical pressure, and the theoretical mound height needed for adequate treatment. Methods: The main purpose of this study is to construct a finite element simulation of intramural ureter and injected mound which aims to numerically define the relationship between indexes which have influence in VUR endoscopic treatment. Using linearization software and numerically simulation data, the relationship between effective indexes has been derived. Results: By linearization of the effective parameters of different finite element models, the relationship between effective parameters in filling phase is derived as: H (m) = ﹣0.003467 (m) + 0.7864D (m) + 0.000233. This equation depicts adequate injected mound height as a function of internal diameter and intramural length, H = f(L, D). Conclusion: Using numerical simulation, we introduced the novel formula to predict the height of injected mound in endoscopic VUR treatment. As a result of this study, in order to increasing the success rate of this treatment, the ratio of mound height to intramural ureter diameter should be approximately 78%.展开更多
文摘This research proposes a novel nature-based design of a new concrete armour unit for the cover layer of a rubblemoundbreakwater. Armour units are versatile with respect to shape, orientation, surface condition details, and porosity.Therefore, a detailed analysis is required to investigate the exact state of their hydraulic interactions and structuralresponses. In this regard, the performance results of several traditional armour units, including the Antifer cube,Tetrapod, X-block and natural stone, are considered for the first step of this study. Then, the related observed resultsare compared with those obtained for a newly designed (artificial coral) armour unit. The research methodology utilizesthe common wave flume test procedure. Furthermore, several verified numerical models in OpenFOAM code areused to gain the extra required data. The proposed armour is configured to provide an effective shore protection as anenvironmental-friendly coastal structure. Thus it is designed with a main trunk including deep grooves to imitate thetypical geometry of a coral type configuration, so as to attain desirable performance. The observed results and ananalytic hierarchy process (AHP) concept are used to compare the hydraulic performance of the studied traditionaland newly proposed (artificial coral) armour units. The results indicate that the artificial coral armour unit demonstratesacceptable performance. The widely used traditional armour units might be replaced by newer designs for betterwave energy dissipation, and more importantly, for fewer adverse effects on the marine environment.
基金This research was jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 4962008)the "Sequence Sea Level Change"-a state key project of the State Science and Technology Commission
文摘Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first found in thin sections of the rock from the lower part of the Sailinhudong Group and some Ordovician acritarchs and chitinozoans are also found in this group. A formationa unit of carbonate seismites is first recognized in the upper part and a huge micrite mound is first identified at the top. Dolomite, the host rock of the super giant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits, is neither an igneous carbonatite nor a common bedded sedimentary carbonate, but a huge micrite mound. It has the same macroscopic characters as the micrite mounds at the top of the Sailinhudong Group, which suggests that they should be of the same horizon. According to the fossils, the Sailinhudong and Bayan Obo Groups should be of the Early Palaeozoic rather than the Middle Proterozoic. The new discovery and new idea will throw light on the explanation of the genesis of the supergiant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits.
文摘Rubble mound breakwater, one of the protection structures, has been widely used in coastal and port engineering. Block stones were first used as its armor layer, and its use was limited to shallow sea areas where there is no large waves. Since the specially-shaped armor unit was developed, the rubble mound breakwater has become the main sort of the protection structures, which can be used in deep water zones where storm sometimes occurs. Owing to severe and complex surrounding conditions, the rubble mound breakwater failure sometimes occurs, thus the study on the causes of failure is of great importance. In the present study some breakwater failures at home and abroad are illustrated and the causes of failure are investigated from the point of view of design, test, construction and maintenance.
基金supported by Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
文摘In a reserved forest parcel in a virgin eastern Hyrcanian mixed beech forest,80 ha was surveyed to determine the pit and mound topography,canopy gaps and dead trees.The aim was to investigate the spatial patterns and correlation of pit and mound features with canopy gaps.Seventy-five canopy gaps and 61 pit and mound features were identified.The univariate first order nearest neighbor(R_(CE))and bivariate second order test(Ripley’s K)statistic were applied.R_(CE) statistics highlighted a general aggregation pattern for canopy gaps and pits and mounds,while pits and mounds alone were more clumped.Distances between canopy gaps were 130 m average,whereas distances between pit and mound features and dead trees were 60 and 78 m,respectively.Spatial positive correlation of canopy gaps with pits and mounds were observed with all distances.The result of spatial correlations between canopy gaps with pits and mounds confirmed that windthrows cause micro successions in fallen tree ecosystem-scale correlated with gap phase dynamics in the forest community-scale.
文摘Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao far away from the Bayan Obo ore deposit, and Xishan in west Beijing. The results show that both carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonates (dolomite and marble) in the main ore bodies and outside ore bodies have similarities to each other, with very extreme positive anomaly of Ba, Th, Nb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Pb, medium positive anomaly of Y, Ho, Tb, Er, Yb and negative anomaly of Sc, Ti and Cu. The REE concentration in the mineralized carbonates changes greatly, the total REE content changes from 262×10^(-6) in both east and west ore deposits to 104562 ×10^(-6) (10.46%), which is relatively lower than those samples of carbonatite dyke, whose REE contents vary greatly, from 1% up to 20 % of mass fraction. Light REE in the carbonatites are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REE and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of both mineralized carbonate and carbonatite dyke are of some similarities. However, the sedimentary carbonate micrite of Salinhudong Group in Heilaobao far outside the ore bodies and the pure carbonates from Xishan in Beijing, central part of North China plate, have the similarities in REE distributions with much lower REE contents, which are significantly different from those of carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonate. In Bayan Obo district, both carbonates in the ore deposit and micrite mound outside the ore deposit underwent widespread metasomatism by fluids that resulted in formation of the superlager Fe-Nb-REE mineralization. It appears that the carbonates represent the evolution products of different geological stages.
基金supported by Innovation Team Project of Northeast Agricultural University of P. R. China (CXZ004-3)Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (C2007-16)
文摘Under artificially-simulated complex salt-alkali stress, the levels of active oxygen metabolism in roots were studied using three-year-old cutting seedlings of Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Mound' and Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Flame'. The present study aimed at exploring the antioxidant capacity in roots of spiraeas and revealing their adaptability to salt-alkali stress. Results indicate that the oxygen free radicals contents, electrolyte leakage rates and MDA contents in roots of Spiraea × bumalda 'Gold Mound' and Spiraea × bumalda 'Gold Flame' show an increasing tendency with the increases of the salinity and pH value, whereas the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) all increased firstly and then decreased. With the increase in intensity of salt-alkali stress, the CAT activity in roots of Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Flame' is higher and the increasing extents in the oxygen free radicals contents, electrolyte leakage rates as well as MDA contents are lower compared with Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Mound', indicating that Spiraea × bumalda ‘Gold Flame' has a stronger antioxidant capacity.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41301508, 41630636)
文摘This paper presents various deformation-monitoring technologies employed to monitor the frost heave and thaw settlement of two mounds along the Qinghai–Tibet Engineering Corridor(QTEC), China. The QTEC is known as a critical infrastructure and passage connecting inland China and the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(QTP). Three technologies—global navigation satellite system(GNSS), terrestrial laser scanning(TLS), and unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)—were used to estimate the freeze/thaw–induced 3D surface deformation of two frost mounds. Our results showed that (1) the two frost mounds exhibited mainly thaw settlement in thawing periods and frost heave in the freezing period, but frost heave dominated after repeated freeze–thaw cycles;(2) different zones of the mounds showed different deformation characteristics;(3) active-layer thickness(ALT) and elevation changes were highly correlated during thaw periods;(4) integrated 3D-measurement technologies can achieve a better understanding and assessment of hazards in the permafrost area.
文摘Characteristics of termite mounds and associated Rhodic Acrisol and Haplic Acrisol in the coastal savanna zone of Ghana and their impact on hydraulic conductivity were assessed. The texture of the mounds was sandy clay in contrast to the sandy clay loam of the surface soils. Translocation of fine to medium sized soil materials influenced the relatively higher bulk density (>1.60 Mg/m3) and contents of organic carbon, nitrogen and exchangeable bases in the mounds. Kaolinite was the dominant clay mineral with pH values generally below 5.3 in all the soils reflecting the weathered tropical soil environment. Dispersion ratio values, which were 0.5 for the surface soils, indicated greater stability of the mound due to aggregate cementing action by the termites. Estimated mound density was about 120 mounds per ha, which tied in with known groundwater reserves at the study sites. Majority of the mounds exhibited a cone-shaped morphology with heights varying between 3.05-4.00 m in the Rhodic Acrisol and 2.05-4.20 m in the Haplic Acrisol with corresponding estimated total mass of 96,361 kg and 54,910 kg per 1000 m2 land area. These estimates represented a large amount of material relative to the 25,000-26,000 kg of surface soil material within the same unit area. The K in the surface soils ranged from 3.3 x 10-5 to 5.0 x 10-5 m/s while the value for the mound was ≤0.5 x 10-5 m/s. Lower porosity, θ;the effect was more pronounced when the mound was applied on the soil surface. Improvement in water retention and nutrient availability to plants and prevention of leaching to avoid groundwater contamination are some of the positive attributes of this study.
文摘This work consisted in determining the geotechnical properties of the soil of the Cubitermes termite mound soil treated with lime for use in road construction in accordance with the relevant standards. The raw soil is composed of 29.45% clay, 45.12% silt and 25.43% sand, and its granulometric curve is above the relevant standard curve. The addition of lime up to 9% decreases the fine fraction content from 75% to 60%, and the maximum dry density from 1.62 t/m3 to 1.36 t/m3. The reduction of the fine fraction should reduce the soil sensitivity to water, and the emission of dust from the road. The compressive strength of the raw soil (3.89 MPa) is higher than that of most cohesive soil, and is probably one the causes of the longevity of the rural road paved with this soil. Treated soil with 6% in lime content has the highest compressive strength (5.95 MPa), and the lowest deformation at failure. Until 28 days, the improvement of the compressive upon the curing time is almost the same for untreated and treated termite mound soils. Thus, this improvement could be mostly attributed to the drying of the samples instead to the pozzolanic reactions. Besides, adding lime also enhances the shear strength of soil. Therefore, adding lime up to 6% in content to the termite mound soil should improve its behavior as surface roads.
基金The National Science and Technology Major Project of China under contract Nos 2011ZX05025-006-02 and 2016ZX05026-007the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41390451 and 41672206+1 种基金the Doctoral Fund of Southwest University of science and technology under contract No.18zx711901the Fund of Key Laboratory of Marine Mineral Resources of Ministry of Natural Resources under contract No.KLMMR-2018-B-07
文摘Numerous elongated mounds and channels were found at the top of the middle Miocene strata using 2D/3D seismic data in the Liwan Sag of Zhujiang River Mouth Basin(ZRMB)and the Beijiao Sag of Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).They occur at intervals and are rarely revealed by drilling wells in the deepwater areas.Origins of the mounds and channels are controversial and poorly understood.Based on an integrated analysis of the seismic attribute,palaeotectonics and palaeogeography,and drilling well encountering a mound,research results show that these mounds are dominantly distributed on the depression centres and/or slopes of the Liwan and Beijiao sags and developed in a bathyal sedimentary environment.In the Liwan and Beijiao sags,the mounds between channels(sub)parallel to one another are 1.0–1.5 km and 1.5–2.0 km wide,150–300 m and 150–200 m high,and extend straightly from west to east for 5–15 km and 8–20 km,respectively.Mounds and channels in the Liwan Sag are parallel with the regional slope.Mounds and channels in the Beijiao Sag,however,are at a small angle to the regional slope.According to internal geometry,texture and external morphology of mounds,the mounds in Beijiao Sag are divided into weak amplitude parallel reflections(mound type I),blank or chaotic reflections(mound type II),and internal mounded reflections(mound typeⅢ).The mounds in Liwan Sag,however,have the sole type,i.e.,mound type I.Mound type I originates from the incision of bottom currents and/or gravity flows.Mound type II results from gravity-driven sediments such as turbidite.Mound typeⅢis a result of deposition and incision of bottom currents simultaneously.The channels with high amplitude between mounds in the Beijiao and Liwan sags are a result of gravity-flow sediments and it is suggested they are filled by sandstone.Whereas channels with low-mediate amplitudes are filled by bottom-current sediments only in the Beijiao Sag,where they are dominantly composed of mudstone.This study provides new insights into the origins of the mounds and channels worldwide.
文摘This study is to determine the activities and correlations in the fundamental properties of the termite mounds soils Cubitermes spp and Macrotermes sp. The Intrinsic properties depend on the mineralogy, organic composition and texture of soil. Grain size, Atterberg limits and soil blue values are geotechnical properties that were used to characterize the two soils. On the basis of the geotechnical properties, specific surface area, cation exchange capacity, relative activity, surface activity and soil activity were determined. The correlations obtained in the intrinsic soil properties are linear and polynomial fits. Indeed, the relationship between the plasticity index and the blue value of a soil on the one hand and between the specific surface area and the cation exchange capacity on the other hand, is a linear fit for all soils in general. The relationship between plasticity index and specific surface area is a linear fit for the soils (C, M). Correlations in intrinsic soil properties that have a coefficient of determination close to 1 can be used in geotechnical engineering to predict one of the two desired parameters.
文摘Lower Silurian mud mounds of the Shinuilan Formation, located in the southern Sichuan Basin, China, have developed in open shelf settings in deeper water than shallow-water reef-bearing limestones that occur in the region. An integration of the outcrop, drill data and seismic profiles show that contemporaneous faults have controlled the boundary and distribution of the sedimentary facies of Lower Silurian rocks in the southern Sichuan Basin. Mounds appear to have developed in the topographic lows formed by synsedimentary faulting, on the sheff of the Yangtze Platform. Average mound thickness is 20 m, maximum 35 m. Mounds are composed mainly of micrite, possibly microbially bound, and are overlain by shales. Mound tops are preferentially dolomitized, with the Mg^2+ source probably from the clay content of the mound-top carbonate. Microfacies analysis and reconstruction of the diagenetic history reveal that the mound tops have higher porosity, and are gas targets; in contrast, mound cores and limbs show pores filled by three generations of calcite cement, and therefore have a low gas potential.
文摘In this paper, the effect of waves on erosion of the sandy bottom before mound breakwaters is studied. The sandy bottom basically presents two erosion patterns, between which there is a transitional state, under the action of partially standing waves. The two erosion patterns can be determined by dimensionless parameter Us, defined in this paper. The erosion locations, depths and lengths can be estimated by a series of equations presented in the text. Irregular waves are employed in the test besides regular waves, and the effect of the irregular waves can be estimated by the element of equivalent waves, such as T1/3, H1/3.
文摘Experimental studies on the friction coefficient between concrete and the top surface of a rubble mound foundation in China are reviewed. Through comparison of different test results, the development of this research is comprehensively analyzed. An experiment is carried out in the condition similar to prototype. The process curve of friction coefficient with the test block sliding is analyzed and a standard for determination of the friction coefficient is defined. The variation features of the friction coefficient are analyzed on the basis of the present experimental results and other studies in China. It is shown that the friction coefficient between concrete and the top surface of a rubble mound foundation decreases with the increase of the foundation pressure, and the friction coefficient for a very fine leveling bed is smaller than that for a fine leveling bed.
文摘Through hydraulic model experiment and site investigation, this paper has derived a calculation formula of dry-laid stone armour layer thickness of rubble mound breakwaters for fishery harbours. The influences of the friction force between stone blocks and the variations of wave length or period and water depth are considered in the formula. The calculated results of several existing structures are in good agreement with field data. This formula is more practical than those ever published both at home and abroad, and has been adoptted by the technical standards of aquatic projects published by the Ministry of Agriculture of China. It is applicable for the calculation of dry-laid stone armour layer of breakwater for small- or medium-size harbours.
文摘In this paper, the mechanism of the interaction between the breast wall of mound breakwater and waves is expounded, then some new views and the law of variation of horizontal and vertical wave pressure over the breast wall are put forward. The results of this study have been adopted in the Specifications of Fishery Harbour Breakwater by the Ministry of Agricultures.
文摘In this paper, the irregular wave-induced seepage action on cylinders resting on rubble mound foundatoin (RMF) is studied by means of finite element method (FEM). The hydraulic resistance inside RMF is assumed to satisfy the nonlinear Forchheimer's equation and the seepage in the scabed is also considered. Model tests show good agreementwith the numerical results. The influence of several main parameters is discussed on the basis of vast calculations. In addition, the ratio of seepage forces, induced by regular and irregular waves respectively, is analyzed and thus a computaional method is put forward for practical engineering application to simplify the calculation of irregular wave-induced seepage forces.
文摘Objective: To ascertain the technique and volume of injection increasing the success rate of endoscopic VUR treatment, we develop a novel method to numerically describe the relationship between intramural ureter anatomy, intravesical pressure, and the theoretical mound height needed for adequate treatment. Methods: The main purpose of this study is to construct a finite element simulation of intramural ureter and injected mound which aims to numerically define the relationship between indexes which have influence in VUR endoscopic treatment. Using linearization software and numerically simulation data, the relationship between effective indexes has been derived. Results: By linearization of the effective parameters of different finite element models, the relationship between effective parameters in filling phase is derived as: H (m) = ﹣0.003467 (m) + 0.7864D (m) + 0.000233. This equation depicts adequate injected mound height as a function of internal diameter and intramural length, H = f(L, D). Conclusion: Using numerical simulation, we introduced the novel formula to predict the height of injected mound in endoscopic VUR treatment. As a result of this study, in order to increasing the success rate of this treatment, the ratio of mound height to intramural ureter diameter should be approximately 78%.