为了充分利用实际高速公路路段交通拥堵信息,更合理地聚类交通拥堵的内在规律和特征变化,提出自适应确定聚类中心C和类别K值(adaptive center and K-means value,ACK-Means)的聚类算法,进行高速公路拥堵路段聚类。ACK-Means算法借助簇...为了充分利用实际高速公路路段交通拥堵信息,更合理地聚类交通拥堵的内在规律和特征变化,提出自适应确定聚类中心C和类别K值(adaptive center and K-means value,ACK-Means)的聚类算法,进行高速公路拥堵路段聚类。ACK-Means算法借助簇类密度、簇类间距以及簇类强度,同时又考虑到数据样本的偶然性,对离群点进行合理分配,ACK-Means算法可实现自适应确定聚类中心C和类别K值。基于实际交通拥堵信息构建数据集,Python编程实现高速公路拥堵路段ACK-Means聚类,巧妙解决了高速公路拥堵路段聚类数目K和聚类中心C设定问题。聚类结果表明,ACK-Means算法实现高速公路拥堵路段无监督聚类,聚类结果完全基于实际的高速公路交通拥堵信息,具有更高的实用性。展开更多
Polycrystalline bulk Ti3AlC2 material with high purity and density was fabricated by hot pressing from the powder mixture with the starting stoichiometric mole ratios of 2.0TiC/ 1.0Ti/ 1.1A1/ 0.1Si at 1 300-1 500℃. X...Polycrystalline bulk Ti3AlC2 material with high purity and density was fabricated by hot pressing from the powder mixture with the starting stoichiometric mole ratios of 2.0TiC/ 1.0Ti/ 1.1A1/ 0.1Si at 1 300-1 500℃. X-ray diffraction patterns and scanning electron microscopy photographs of the fully dense samples indicate that the proper addition of silicon is favorable to the formation of Ti3AlC2, consequently results in high purity of the prepared samples. The Ti3AlC2 hot pressed at 1 300℃and 1 400℃is in plane-shape with sizes of 6-8μm and 15-20μm in the elongated dimension, respectively. The purities of samples are measured by the K-value method, and the contents of TiC are given by a linear equation.展开更多
针对通信中软扩频信号伪码序列盲估计困难的问题,提出一种奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)和K-means聚类相结合的方法。该方法先对接收信号按照一倍伪码周期进行不重叠分段构造数据矩阵。其次对数据矩阵和相似性矩阵分别...针对通信中软扩频信号伪码序列盲估计困难的问题,提出一种奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)和K-means聚类相结合的方法。该方法先对接收信号按照一倍伪码周期进行不重叠分段构造数据矩阵。其次对数据矩阵和相似性矩阵分别进行SVD完成对伪码序列集合规模数的估计、数据降噪、粗分类以及初始聚类中心的选取。最后通过K-means算法优化分类结果,得到伪码序列的估计值。该算法在聚类之前事先确定聚类数目,大大减少了迭代次数。同时实验结果表明,该算法在信息码元分组小于5 bit,信噪比大于-10 dB时可以准确估计出软扩频信号的伪码序列,性能较同类算法有所提升。展开更多
In this paper, we first discuss the relationship between the McShane integral and Pettis integral for vector-valued functions. Then by using the embedding theorems for the fuzzy number space E^1, we give a new equival...In this paper, we first discuss the relationship between the McShane integral and Pettis integral for vector-valued functions. Then by using the embedding theorems for the fuzzy number space E^1, we give a new equivalent condition for (K) integrabihty of a fuzzy set-valued mapping F : [a, b] → E^1.展开更多
k holomorphic functions are a type of generation of holomorphic functions.In this paper,a nonlinear boundary value problem for k holomorphic functions is primarily discussed on generalized polycylinders in C^(2).The e...k holomorphic functions are a type of generation of holomorphic functions.In this paper,a nonlinear boundary value problem for k holomorphic functions is primarily discussed on generalized polycylinders in C^(2).The existence of the solution for the problem is studied in detail with the help of the boundary properties of Cauchy type singular integral operators with a k holomorphic kernel.Furthermore,the integral representation for the solution is obtained.展开更多
The fracture toughness (KIC) values determined by indentation microfracture method (IM ) for SiC whisker reinforced Al2O3 and ZrO2 based composites were calculated with different IM equations and compared with those o...The fracture toughness (KIC) values determined by indentation microfracture method (IM ) for SiC whisker reinforced Al2O3 and ZrO2 based composites were calculated with different IM equations and compared with those obtained by singte edge notched beam (SENB) technique. Experimental results show that the KIC (IM) values calculated with different equations are quite different one from another. For composites without phase transformable components the KIC (IM) and KIC (SENB) values are practically on the same level, but for composites with phase transformable components (partially stabilized zirconia) the KIC (SENB) values are always higher than KIC (IM). This is because that the IM method can not reveal sensitively the toughening effect due to dynamic t-m transformation of ZrO2 as the SENB method does. The accuracy of the IM method depends on the Suitability of the IM equations and was evaluated for the materials used in this investigation. Two new IM equations are suggested with which the KIC (IM ) values can be obtained very close to KIC (SENB) values for composites having phase transformable components.展开更多
Reactive dyes are the main dyes in printing and dyeing of cellulosic fibers.Reactive dyes fixation rate is a vital indicator to measure the degree of the covalent bond between cellulose and reactive dyes.However,the d...Reactive dyes are the main dyes in printing and dyeing of cellulosic fibers.Reactive dyes fixation rate is a vital indicator to measure the degree of the covalent bond between cellulose and reactive dyes.However,the determination of the fixation rate is tedious and time-consumptive.Based on the theory of reactive dyes dyeing and application of modern computer color matching technology,the relationship between K/S value and the fixation rate with the reactive dyes on cotton fabric was studied.The feasibility of K/S value instead of the traditional washing method for the determination of reactive dyes fixation rate was proved.In this study,the K/S value of the fabric has an excellent linear relationship to the reactive dyes fixation rate obtained by the washing method.The reactive dyes fixation rate can be obtained through the K/S correction value.展开更多
Attiéké is an essentially flavour starchy food produced from fermented cassava root. The product is widely consumed in Burkina Faso. The objective of the present study was to investigate the biochemical and ...Attiéké is an essentially flavour starchy food produced from fermented cassava root. The product is widely consumed in Burkina Faso. The objective of the present study was to investigate the biochemical and the microbiological characteristics of attiéké from Burkina Faso. The samples (36) were collected from six (6) producers. Cassava dough which is used for attiéké production contains from 70.67% ± 0.25% to 86.02% ± 0.2% as starch. The undesirable organic elements rate is about 1.28% ± 0.14% to 26.46% ± 0.53%. The inorganic impurities rate is about 0 to 7 ± 0.1 mg/100g. Cassava dough acidity varies from 1.8 ± 0.2 to 12.4 ± 0.1;and its pH from 3.48 ± 0.01 to 4.20 ± 0.01. Lactic bacteria are the main microorganisms involved in cassava dough fermentation (5.17 to 9.30 log cfu/g). Yeasts and molds number is low (<6.53 log cfu/g). Attiéké moister is about 50.6% ± 0.00% to 55.12% ± 0.7% and its protein contents from 0.77 to 1.74 ± 0.13 g/100g. The content in lipid of attiéké shows an important variation and is about 0.15 to 3.28 ± 0.32 g/100g. Carbohydrates content varies from 36.6 ± 0.04 to 47.01 ± 0.1 g/100g and its ashes content is from 140 to 780 ± 20 mg/100g. Attiéké acidity and pH are less weak than cassava dough. They vary respectively from 0.92% ± 0.05% to 4.08% ± 0.57% and from 3.7 to 4.4 ± 0.01. As a main energizer food, attiéké energizing value is from 161.95 to 215.26 Kcal/100g. All the attiéké analyzed was exempt of aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2) and ochratoxin A. The local attiéké has higher acidity, fermented bacteria load, protein and minerals salt than the imported one. The process mastery is the mainly factor that determines nutritional and sanitary quality of attiéké.展开更多
随着国家大力发展城市轨道交通,不间断电源(uninterruptible power supply,UPS)系统作为关键供电装置,具有重要的研究意义和价值。为了满足相关电能质量法规的要求,集成功率因数校正(power factor correction,PFC)输入级是保证轨道交通...随着国家大力发展城市轨道交通,不间断电源(uninterruptible power supply,UPS)系统作为关键供电装置,具有重要的研究意义和价值。为了满足相关电能质量法规的要求,集成功率因数校正(power factor correction,PFC)输入级是保证轨道交通基础设施设备供电的UPS系统的重要要求。三电平Boost PFC在采用传统载波调制时,在一定的输入电压范围内输入电流始终为零,导致变换器功率因数校正效果较差。因此,提出一种基于k值调制的变占空比控制的方法,不仅可以解决高输入电压下传统载波调制存在的问题,且可进一步抑制输入电流的畸变从而提高输入电流波形质量。首先介绍了这种k值调制方法,分析了其原理以及k值对变换器功率因数和电感电流有效值的影响。在此基础上,结合电压平衡策略对k值进行优化,解决直流侧输出电容电压上下不均衡问题。最后,针对高输入电压下输入电流仍然严重畸变的问题,提出一种基于k值调制的可变占空比控制方法,分析了变占空比控制对变换器功率因数、输出功率、电压纹波以及电感电流峰值的影响。最后通过仿真和搭建小功率实验平台,验证了所提控制方法的正确性和有效性。展开更多
The generalized constitutive model relating the resilient modulus (MR) of flexible pavement layer materials to stress state, adopted by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), contains a set of consta...The generalized constitutive model relating the resilient modulus (MR) of flexible pavement layer materials to stress state, adopted by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), contains a set of constants known as k-values (k1, k2, and k3) which are associated with the physical state of the layer materials. In Ghana, natural gravels constitute the predominant and sometimes the sole layer materials for most flexible pavements yet representative k-values of gravel materials, have not been determined to permit full application and implementation of the mechanistic-empirical design concept to pavements involving such materials. In this study, k-values characterising typical natural quartzitic gravels used for road construction in the country were derived by regression techniques from MR values determined using laboratory repeated load triaxial test. Using multiple linear regression technique, correlation relationships were then developed between the k-values and the physical properties of the gravels, namely, percentages of materials passing the 9.5 mm (P9.5) and 2.0 mm (P2.0) sieves, liquid limit (LL), maximum dry density (ρdmax), and optimum moisture content (wopt). The regression analysis returned k1 values which ranged between 441 and 958 with a mean of 516;k2 which varied between 0.0636 and 0.2168 with a mean value of 0.1216;and, k3 values which ranged between 0.1257 and 3.1590 with a mean value of 1.723. Contrary to what is mostly reported in literature, the analysis returned positive k3 values for all but one gravel material, suggesting stress hardening under octahedral shear stress for those materials. While an expanded sample base is required to fully characterize the whole gamut of natural gravels used in pavement construction in the country, this study on limited quartzitic gravel samples has given a good indication of strong linear correlations between the k-values and the index properties of the gravels, to permit estimates of the constants for such gravels be made where capability and opportunity for conducting resilient modulus tests do not exist.However, further work is recommended to fully characterise the exact nature of k3 values for quartzitic gravels in the country.展开更多
文摘为了充分利用实际高速公路路段交通拥堵信息,更合理地聚类交通拥堵的内在规律和特征变化,提出自适应确定聚类中心C和类别K值(adaptive center and K-means value,ACK-Means)的聚类算法,进行高速公路拥堵路段聚类。ACK-Means算法借助簇类密度、簇类间距以及簇类强度,同时又考虑到数据样本的偶然性,对离群点进行合理分配,ACK-Means算法可实现自适应确定聚类中心C和类别K值。基于实际交通拥堵信息构建数据集,Python编程实现高速公路拥堵路段ACK-Means聚类,巧妙解决了高速公路拥堵路段聚类数目K和聚类中心C设定问题。聚类结果表明,ACK-Means算法实现高速公路拥堵路段无监督聚类,聚类结果完全基于实际的高速公路交通拥堵信息,具有更高的实用性。
文摘Polycrystalline bulk Ti3AlC2 material with high purity and density was fabricated by hot pressing from the powder mixture with the starting stoichiometric mole ratios of 2.0TiC/ 1.0Ti/ 1.1A1/ 0.1Si at 1 300-1 500℃. X-ray diffraction patterns and scanning electron microscopy photographs of the fully dense samples indicate that the proper addition of silicon is favorable to the formation of Ti3AlC2, consequently results in high purity of the prepared samples. The Ti3AlC2 hot pressed at 1 300℃and 1 400℃is in plane-shape with sizes of 6-8μm and 15-20μm in the elongated dimension, respectively. The purities of samples are measured by the K-value method, and the contents of TiC are given by a linear equation.
文摘针对通信中软扩频信号伪码序列盲估计困难的问题,提出一种奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)和K-means聚类相结合的方法。该方法先对接收信号按照一倍伪码周期进行不重叠分段构造数据矩阵。其次对数据矩阵和相似性矩阵分别进行SVD完成对伪码序列集合规模数的估计、数据降噪、粗分类以及初始聚类中心的选取。最后通过K-means算法优化分类结果,得到伪码序列的估计值。该算法在聚类之前事先确定聚类数目,大大减少了迭代次数。同时实验结果表明,该算法在信息码元分组小于5 bit,信噪比大于-10 dB时可以准确估计出软扩频信号的伪码序列,性能较同类算法有所提升。
文摘In this paper, we first discuss the relationship between the McShane integral and Pettis integral for vector-valued functions. Then by using the embedding theorems for the fuzzy number space E^1, we give a new equivalent condition for (K) integrabihty of a fuzzy set-valued mapping F : [a, b] → E^1.
基金the NSF of China(11571089,11871191)the NSF of Henan Province(222300420397)+1 种基金the NSF of Hebei Province(A2022208007)the Key Foundation of Hebei Normal University(L2018Z01)。
文摘k holomorphic functions are a type of generation of holomorphic functions.In this paper,a nonlinear boundary value problem for k holomorphic functions is primarily discussed on generalized polycylinders in C^(2).The existence of the solution for the problem is studied in detail with the help of the boundary properties of Cauchy type singular integral operators with a k holomorphic kernel.Furthermore,the integral representation for the solution is obtained.
文摘The fracture toughness (KIC) values determined by indentation microfracture method (IM ) for SiC whisker reinforced Al2O3 and ZrO2 based composites were calculated with different IM equations and compared with those obtained by singte edge notched beam (SENB) technique. Experimental results show that the KIC (IM) values calculated with different equations are quite different one from another. For composites without phase transformable components the KIC (IM) and KIC (SENB) values are practically on the same level, but for composites with phase transformable components (partially stabilized zirconia) the KIC (SENB) values are always higher than KIC (IM). This is because that the IM method can not reveal sensitively the toughening effect due to dynamic t-m transformation of ZrO2 as the SENB method does. The accuracy of the IM method depends on the Suitability of the IM equations and was evaluated for the materials used in this investigation. Two new IM equations are suggested with which the KIC (IM ) values can be obtained very close to KIC (SENB) values for composites having phase transformable components.
文摘Reactive dyes are the main dyes in printing and dyeing of cellulosic fibers.Reactive dyes fixation rate is a vital indicator to measure the degree of the covalent bond between cellulose and reactive dyes.However,the determination of the fixation rate is tedious and time-consumptive.Based on the theory of reactive dyes dyeing and application of modern computer color matching technology,the relationship between K/S value and the fixation rate with the reactive dyes on cotton fabric was studied.The feasibility of K/S value instead of the traditional washing method for the determination of reactive dyes fixation rate was proved.In this study,the K/S value of the fabric has an excellent linear relationship to the reactive dyes fixation rate obtained by the washing method.The reactive dyes fixation rate can be obtained through the K/S correction value.
文摘Attiéké is an essentially flavour starchy food produced from fermented cassava root. The product is widely consumed in Burkina Faso. The objective of the present study was to investigate the biochemical and the microbiological characteristics of attiéké from Burkina Faso. The samples (36) were collected from six (6) producers. Cassava dough which is used for attiéké production contains from 70.67% ± 0.25% to 86.02% ± 0.2% as starch. The undesirable organic elements rate is about 1.28% ± 0.14% to 26.46% ± 0.53%. The inorganic impurities rate is about 0 to 7 ± 0.1 mg/100g. Cassava dough acidity varies from 1.8 ± 0.2 to 12.4 ± 0.1;and its pH from 3.48 ± 0.01 to 4.20 ± 0.01. Lactic bacteria are the main microorganisms involved in cassava dough fermentation (5.17 to 9.30 log cfu/g). Yeasts and molds number is low (<6.53 log cfu/g). Attiéké moister is about 50.6% ± 0.00% to 55.12% ± 0.7% and its protein contents from 0.77 to 1.74 ± 0.13 g/100g. The content in lipid of attiéké shows an important variation and is about 0.15 to 3.28 ± 0.32 g/100g. Carbohydrates content varies from 36.6 ± 0.04 to 47.01 ± 0.1 g/100g and its ashes content is from 140 to 780 ± 20 mg/100g. Attiéké acidity and pH are less weak than cassava dough. They vary respectively from 0.92% ± 0.05% to 4.08% ± 0.57% and from 3.7 to 4.4 ± 0.01. As a main energizer food, attiéké energizing value is from 161.95 to 215.26 Kcal/100g. All the attiéké analyzed was exempt of aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2) and ochratoxin A. The local attiéké has higher acidity, fermented bacteria load, protein and minerals salt than the imported one. The process mastery is the mainly factor that determines nutritional and sanitary quality of attiéké.
文摘The generalized constitutive model relating the resilient modulus (MR) of flexible pavement layer materials to stress state, adopted by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), contains a set of constants known as k-values (k1, k2, and k3) which are associated with the physical state of the layer materials. In Ghana, natural gravels constitute the predominant and sometimes the sole layer materials for most flexible pavements yet representative k-values of gravel materials, have not been determined to permit full application and implementation of the mechanistic-empirical design concept to pavements involving such materials. In this study, k-values characterising typical natural quartzitic gravels used for road construction in the country were derived by regression techniques from MR values determined using laboratory repeated load triaxial test. Using multiple linear regression technique, correlation relationships were then developed between the k-values and the physical properties of the gravels, namely, percentages of materials passing the 9.5 mm (P9.5) and 2.0 mm (P2.0) sieves, liquid limit (LL), maximum dry density (ρdmax), and optimum moisture content (wopt). The regression analysis returned k1 values which ranged between 441 and 958 with a mean of 516;k2 which varied between 0.0636 and 0.2168 with a mean value of 0.1216;and, k3 values which ranged between 0.1257 and 3.1590 with a mean value of 1.723. Contrary to what is mostly reported in literature, the analysis returned positive k3 values for all but one gravel material, suggesting stress hardening under octahedral shear stress for those materials. While an expanded sample base is required to fully characterize the whole gamut of natural gravels used in pavement construction in the country, this study on limited quartzitic gravel samples has given a good indication of strong linear correlations between the k-values and the index properties of the gravels, to permit estimates of the constants for such gravels be made where capability and opportunity for conducting resilient modulus tests do not exist.However, further work is recommended to fully characterise the exact nature of k3 values for quartzitic gravels in the country.