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“雷”/ “thunder”的概念隐喻研究
作者 胡博扬 马丽 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第14期159-165,共7页
该文主要探讨了中文的“雷”和英文的“thunder”这两个词的概念隐喻,通过多角度的分析揭示了它们在不同文化和语境中的多重含义。该文首先介绍了概念隐喻理论,指出隐喻不仅是一种修辞手法,更是一种认知方式,是以一个认知域来理解另一... 该文主要探讨了中文的“雷”和英文的“thunder”这两个词的概念隐喻,通过多角度的分析揭示了它们在不同文化和语境中的多重含义。该文首先介绍了概念隐喻理论,指出隐喻不仅是一种修辞手法,更是一种认知方式,是以一个认知域来理解另一个认知域的方法。其次,对“雷”和“thunder”的意象图式进行了分析,包括它们在中文和英文中的常用表达、词源、形象和基本含义。再次,通过具体的例子展示了它们在表示声音大、呵斥、令人惊讶等方面的共性隐喻。最后,探讨了两者在特殊隐喻上的差异,如“雷”表示军事武器、隐藏缺陷、敏感区域等,而“thunder”表示巨大的能量、想法、诅咒等。通过比较中西方文化的差异,展现了人们对于相同自然现象的认知在不同文化和语境中的丰富多样性。 展开更多
关键词 认知 概念隐喻 thunder 映射 文化差异
作者 邢益阳 徐小雨 +2 位作者 吴疆 赵景芳 张乐裕 《临床合理用药》 2025年第1期4-7,共4页
目的观察蠲痹活络方泡洗联合雷火灸预防奥沙利铂所致外周神经毒性的临床效果。方法选取2021年1月—2023年1月于江阴市中医院接受含奥沙利铂方案治疗的恶性肿瘤患者70例,按照随机数字表法分为泡洗+雷火灸组(35例)和维生素B_1组(35例)。2... 目的观察蠲痹活络方泡洗联合雷火灸预防奥沙利铂所致外周神经毒性的临床效果。方法选取2021年1月—2023年1月于江阴市中医院接受含奥沙利铂方案治疗的恶性肿瘤患者70例,按照随机数字表法分为泡洗+雷火灸组(35例)和维生素B_1组(35例)。2组均采用奥沙利铂两药方案化疗,维生素B_1组化疗后予维生素B_1治疗,泡洗+雷火灸组化疗后采用蠲痹活络方泡洗联合雷火灸治疗,2组均治疗4个周期。比较2组外周神经毒性发生率及分级,治疗前后正中神经、左腓总神经、右腓总神经的运动、感觉神经传导速度、Karnofsky评分法(KPS)评分及不良反应。结果泡洗+雷火灸组外周神经毒性总发生率(71.43%)低于维生素B_1组(91.43%),毒性分级程度低于维生素B_1组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。治疗4个周期后,2组正中神经、左腓总神经、右腓总神经的运动、感觉神经传导速度大于治疗前,且泡洗+雷火灸组大于维生素B_1组(P<0.05或P<0.01);维生素B_1组KPS评分低于治疗前,泡洗+雷火灸组KPS评分高于维生素B_1组(P<0.01),泡洗+雷火灸组KPS评分与治疗前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。泡洗+雷火灸组血液毒性发生率、分级及肝肾功能异常发生率均低于维生素B_1组(P<0.05)。结论蠲痹活络方泡洗联合雷火灸应用于采用奥沙利铂化疗的癌症患者可有效降低外周神经毒性发生率,保护神经功能,提高生存质量,且安全性较高。 展开更多
关键词 外周神经毒性 奥沙利铂 蠲痹活络方 雷火灸
作者 汤春菊 冯小芳 +2 位作者 何欣陈 汤晓春 赵海娟 《护理实践与研究》 2025年第1期15-21,共7页
目的探究赵氏雷火灸腧穴疗法联合中药汤剂治疗慢性肾脏病3~4期脾肾气虚证患者的疗效及护理对策。方法选取启东市中医院肾病内分泌科2023年5月—2024年3月收治的慢性肾脏病3~4期脾肾气虚证患者80例,按照组间基线资料均衡可比的原则将其... 目的探究赵氏雷火灸腧穴疗法联合中药汤剂治疗慢性肾脏病3~4期脾肾气虚证患者的疗效及护理对策。方法选取启东市中医院肾病内分泌科2023年5月—2024年3月收治的慢性肾脏病3~4期脾肾气虚证患者80例,按照组间基线资料均衡可比的原则将其分为对照组和观察组,每组40例。在常规治疗和护理的基础上,对照组给予自拟肾衰方合香砂六君子汤加减方;观察组在对照组基础上联合使用赵氏雷火灸腧穴疗法。比较两组患者的临床疗效,干预前后中医证候积分、肾功能指标[肾小球滤过率(eGFR)、尿素氮(BUN)和血肌酐(Scr)]、自我效能和生活质量,以及治疗期间不良反应发生情况。结果干预后,观察组患者中医证候积分均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组中医证候疗效评估总有效率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。干预后,观察组患者Scr和BUN均低于对照组,eGFR高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。干预后,观察组患者一般自我效能感量表(GSES)及肾脏疾病生活质量简表(KDQOL-SFTM)各维度评分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗期间,两组患者均未出现不良反应。结论赵氏雷火灸腧穴疗法联合使用中药汤剂,不仅可以有效改善治疗慢性肾脏病3~4期脾肾气虚证患者的临床症状和生活质量,还具有良好的安全性。 展开更多
关键词 赵氏雷火灸 中药汤剂 慢性肾脏病 脾肾气虚 肾功能
作者 王小兵 刘应华 陈建军 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期42-48,共7页
针对THUNDER型压电驱动器这一类特殊结构形式,提出一种包含4个位移节点,8个温度节点和2个电势节点的热机电耦合混合有限元模型,并基于虚功原理推导了热机电耦合有限元方程。针对物理属性截然不同的冷却阶段、再极化阶段和驱动阶段开展... 针对THUNDER型压电驱动器这一类特殊结构形式,提出一种包含4个位移节点,8个温度节点和2个电势节点的热机电耦合混合有限元模型,并基于虚功原理推导了热机电耦合有限元方程。针对物理属性截然不同的冷却阶段、再极化阶段和驱动阶段开展了动力学研究,并利用初始位移这一变量将它们有机地联结起来;系统地分析了该类驱动器的热机电耦合问题。数值算例表明:该混合有限元模型具有良好的计算精度;THUNDER型压电驱动器的驱动性能与其制造过程密切相关,且其驱动位移与外载荷的凹曲线关系使其具有良好的综合驱动性能;在实际应用中,当温度发生变化时,热应变对驱动性能具有重大影响,而焦电效应的影响相对较小但仍十分明显,体现出对THUNDER型压电驱动器开展热机电耦合动力学研究的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 thunder型压电驱动器 热机电耦合 动力学 有限元 数值仿真
作者 张锁荣 朱军 束春花 《农业装备技术》 2006年第3期38-39,共2页
关键词 thunder75%WG 蔬菜蚜虫 防效 田间试验
作者 张锁荣 朱军 束春花 《农业装备技术》 2006年第4期27-28,共2页
关键词 thunder75%WG 水稻田褐飞虱 防效 田间试验
Steal one's thunder,偷了某人的雷声?
作者 江彬 《大学英语》 2003年第3期51-51,共1页
steal one’s thunder乍看不太合乎逻辑,thunder(雷声)怎么能会被steal(偷)呢?其实这是一条英国的成语。它的历史十分悠久。现在这条成语在英国及美国使用得都很普遍。它表达的含义为:spoil one’s attempt to impress byanticipating h... steal one’s thunder乍看不太合乎逻辑,thunder(雷声)怎么能会被steal(偷)呢?其实这是一条英国的成语。它的历史十分悠久。现在这条成语在英国及美国使用得都很普遍。它表达的含义为:spoil one’s attempt to impress byanticipating him,detracting from what he is say-ing,doing,etc.汉语就是“趁人不备,捷足先登,抢在某人之前或贬低某人的言行使之不受他人注意”。 展开更多
关键词 丹尼斯 Steal one’s thunder
Thunder Events in China: 1980-2008 被引量:8
作者 Zheng Lin-Lin Sun Jian-Hua Wei Jie 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第4期181-188,共8页
Using data collected at 517 weather stations in contiguous China over the period 1980-2008,characteristics of thunder events have been investigated.These characteristics include geographical distribution,interdecadal ... Using data collected at 517 weather stations in contiguous China over the period 1980-2008,characteristics of thunder events have been investigated.These characteristics include geographical distribution,interdecadal variation,annual variation,and seasonal variation.The areas with the highest frequencies of thunder events are located in the central Tibetan Plateau,Yunnan,Guangxi,and Guangdong.The annual number of thunder days increases from northern to southern China.But the frequency of thunder events over mountains and plateaus is much higher than the frequency of events over plains in the same latitude.The interdecadal variation of events shows that the frequency of thunder occurrences was highest during the 1980s,decreased during the 1990s,and increased slightly afterwards.Thunder occurrences vary with the season,northward in May and retreating southward in September. 展开更多
关键词 thunder event CLIMATOLOGY interdecadal variation seasonal variation
Climate Characteristics of Thunder and Lightning in Anyang City
作者 高翔 赵武 杜亮 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期2011-2013,共3页
The research explored frequencies of different weathers caused by con-vection, characters of thunder and lightning, spatial and temporal changes, move-ment routes, geographical distribution, daily, monthly and annual ... The research explored frequencies of different weathers caused by con-vection, characters of thunder and lightning, spatial and temporal changes, move-ment routes, geographical distribution, daily, monthly and annual changes of thunder or lightning, based on 30 years information. Furthermore, a search system of thun-derstorm in history was established, laying foundation for prevention and prepared-ness of thunderstorm in Anyang. 展开更多
关键词 thunder and lightning Characters Search system Prevention
Forecasting of Thunder/Lightning Potential 被引量:2
作者 李君 宋中玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第12期2197-2200,共4页
In this paper, the characteristics of thunderstorms in Zibo City were ana- lyzed. The thunderstorms could be divided into cold-front thunderstorm, upper trough (shear line) type thunderstorm and cold-vortex thunders... In this paper, the characteristics of thunderstorms in Zibo City were ana- lyzed. The thunderstorms could be divided into cold-front thunderstorm, upper trough (shear line) type thunderstorm and cold-vortex thunderstorm. We also screened out the atmosphere parameters that were highly correlated to the occurrence of thunder/ lightning. They were treated as the predictors. Each possible influencing factor was analyzed on the lightning day correspondingly. Their threshold values were also de- termined. Among them, the parameter that had the highest neutralizing capacity was treated as negative index. For different type of thunderstorm weather, the negative index was different. The application of negative indexes was also discussed. We hope to provide a valuable basis for the accurate forecasting of thunder/lightning. 展开更多
关键词 thunder/lightning potential Probability forecast Negative index
Effect of flapping‑meridians combined with thunder‑fire moxibustion on upper limb dysfunction after stroke 被引量:2
作者 Feng‑Guang GUAN Qiu‑Lu JI +2 位作者 Yue‑Qing JIANG Zhuo‑Mei ZHUANG Xiao‑Qin LIAN 《Journal of Integrative Nursing》 2020年第3期123-128,共6页
Objective:The objective of the study is to explore the effect of flapping‑meridians combined with thunder‑fire moxibustion in the treatment of upper limb dysfunction after stroke.Materials and Methods:This randomized,... Objective:The objective of the study is to explore the effect of flapping‑meridians combined with thunder‑fire moxibustion in the treatment of upper limb dysfunction after stroke.Materials and Methods:This randomized,single‑blind,controlled trial included 140 patients with stroke.According to the random number table,the patients were divided into four groups:the control group(receiving conventional nursing alone),the intervention group 1(receiving conventional nursing combined with flapping‑meridians),the intervention group 2(receiving conventional nursing combined with thunder‑fire moxibustion),and the intervention group 3(receiving conventional nursing,flapping‑meridians,and thunder‑fire moxibustion).All four groups were intervened 4 weeks,6 days a week.The outcome indicators(Fugl‑Meyer Assessment of the upper extremity and body mass index of shoulder abduction,elbow extension,and wrist flexion)were assessed at the beginning and the end of treatment.Results:The effect of the intervention group 3 was better than that of the intervention group 2,intervention group 1,and control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The flapping‑meridians combined with thunder‑fire moxibustion can significantly improve the upper limb motor function and muscle strength of stroke patients with hemiplegia,and its effect is better than that of single treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Flapping‑meridians hemiplegia STROKE thunder‑fire moxibustion
Hybrid inversion method for equivalent electric charge of thunder cloud based on multi-station atmospheric electric field 被引量:3
作者 XING Hongyan ZHANG Qiang +1 位作者 JI Xinyuan XU wei 《Instrumentation》 2015年第3期3-11,共9页
This article proposes the hybrid method to inverse the equivalent electric charge of thunder cloud based on the data of multi-station atmospheric electric field. Firstly,the method combines the genetic algorithm( GA) ... This article proposes the hybrid method to inverse the equivalent electric charge of thunder cloud based on the data of multi-station atmospheric electric field. Firstly,the method combines the genetic algorithm( GA) and New ton method through the mosaic hybrid structure. In addition,the thunder cloud equivalent charge is inversed based on the forw ard modeling results by giving the parameters of the thunder cloud charge structure. Then an ideal model is built to examine the performance compared to the nonlinear least squares method. Finally,a typical thunderstorms process in Nanjing is analyzed by Genetic-New ton algorithm with the help of weather radar. The results show the proposed method has the strong global searching capability so that the problem of initial value selection can be solved effectively,as well as gets the better inversion results. Furthermore,the mosaic hybrid structure can absorb the advantages of tw o algorithms better,and the inversion position is consistent with the strongest radar echo.The inversion results find the upper negative charge is small and can be ignored,w hich means the triple-polarity charge structure is relatively scientific,w hich could give some references to the research like lightning forecasting,location tracking. 展开更多
关键词 inversion of thunder cloud equivalent charge atmospheric electric field genetic algorithm new ton method
Evaluation on China's Anti-drug Efforts and Recommendations
作者 Hongyi LIN 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2017年第11期694-702,共9页
China, the East Asian giant, now faces a growing problem of illicit drug use, which is deeply harmful to its stability. The outcome of intensive enforcements, named "People's anti-drug war", though reaching some ac... China, the East Asian giant, now faces a growing problem of illicit drug use, which is deeply harmful to its stability. The outcome of intensive enforcements, named "People's anti-drug war", though reaching some accomplishments, is still insufficient to settle this increasingly serious problem. This essay, therefore, highlights the four limits of China's current lawful enforcement through examining the outcome of "anti-drug war" launched in 2015. Furthermore, the essay provides four potential recommendations for the adjustment in China's anti-drug strategy, in terms of its particular political system and geographical environment. With the increasing younger-age trend and geographical expansion of illicit drug problem, the serious situation is calling for a more flexible and artful regulatory framework in China. 展开更多
关键词 anti-drugs war drug trafficking the Gold Triangles anti-drug strategies
Dose escalation of adalimumab as a strategy to overcome anti-drug antibodies:A case report of infantile-onset inflammatory bowel disease
作者 Silvana Ancona Sara Signa +8 位作者 Chiara Longo Giuliana Cangemi Roberta Carfora Enrico Drago Alessandro La Rosa Marco Crocco Andrea Chiaro Paolo Gandullia Serena Arrigo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2023年第38期5428-5434,共7页
BACKGROUND Treatment of infantile-onset inflammatory bowel disease(IO-IBD)is often challenging due to its aggressive disease course and failure of standard therapies with a need for biologics.Secondary loss of respons... BACKGROUND Treatment of infantile-onset inflammatory bowel disease(IO-IBD)is often challenging due to its aggressive disease course and failure of standard therapies with a need for biologics.Secondary loss of response is frequently caused by the production of anti-drug antibodies,a well-known problem in IBD patients on biologic treatment.We present a case of IO-IBD treated with therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM)-guided high-dose anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy,in which dose escalation monitoring was used as a strategy to overcome anti-drug antibodies.CASE SUMMARY A 5-mo-old boy presented with a history of persistent hematochezia from the 10th d of life,as well as relapsing perianal abscess and growth failure.Hypoalbuminemia,anemia,and elevated inflammatory markers were also present.Endoscopic assessment revealed skip lesions with deep colic ulcerations,inflammatory anal sub-stenosis,and deep fissures with persistent abscess.A diagnosis of IO-IBD Crohn-like was made.The patient was initially treated with oral steroids and fistulotomy.After the perianal abscess healed,adalimumab(ADA)was administered with concomitant gradual tapering of steroids.Clinical and biochemical steroid-free remission was achieved with good trough levels.After 3 mo,antibodies to ADA(ATA)were found with undetectable trough levels;therefore,we optimized the therapy schedule,first administering 10 mg weekly and subsequently up to 20 mg weekly(2.8 mg/kg/dose).After 2 mo of high-dose treatment,ATA disappeared,with concomitant high trough levels and stable clinical and biochemical remission of the disease.CONCLUSION TDM-guided high-dose ADA treatment as a monotherapy overcame ATA production.This strategy could be a good alternative to combination therapy,especially in very young patients. 展开更多
关键词 Infantile-onset inflammatory bowel disease ADALIMUMAB Loss of response Dose escalation anti-drug antibodies Case report
X-Raypad THUNDER 8鼠标垫
作者 雷军 《微型计算机》 北大核心 2004年第1期25-25,共1页
关键词 鼠标 X-Raypad thunder 8鼠标垫 外形设计
An Analyze of Anti-Drug Policy and Its Effects of Enrique Pe?a Nieto’s Government in Mexico
作者 LU Lingling 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2020年第1期29-37,共9页
The drug problem has gradually penetrated into Mexican politics,economy,culture,and other fields since the 20th century,and has become an important factor affecting Mexico’s development.Enrique Pe?a Nieto took office... The drug problem has gradually penetrated into Mexican politics,economy,culture,and other fields since the 20th century,and has become an important factor affecting Mexico’s development.Enrique Pe?a Nieto took office in 2012,and implemented a new anti-drug policy.His government has made reducing violence a major goal of the anti-drug operation,using the national gendarmerie to counter the drug violence,and reforming the judiciary to prevention crime.Enrique Pe?a Nieto’s anti-drug policy has achieved certain results at the beginning of his term.However,the weakness of the national gendarmerie,corruption,and the sluggish economic development have affected the anti-drug policy,and caused it to fail.The drug problem in Mexico is affected by multiple factors,and its solution is a long one. 展开更多
关键词 Enrique Pena Nieto Mexico anti-drug policy crime prevention drug violence
Orange Thunder 30 Combo音箱
作者 李斌 《乐器》 2011年第4期82-84,共3页
在NAMM 2010冬季展会上首次展示的OrangeTH30箱头和TH30 Combo是一个集"Thunderverb"、"Dual Teeror"、"Rockerverb"、和已经停产的"Rocker30"于一体的多功能箱子。
关键词 COMBO thunder 音箱 多功能 声音
Marvell ThunderX2解决方案完成针对Microsoft Azure开发的部署
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2020年第1期51-51,共1页
Marvell宣布,微软内部正为Microsoft Azure部署基于Marvell ThunderX2服务器处理器产品的量产级服务器。Marvell与微软和Fii/富士康科技集团的全资子公司鸿佰科技(Ingrasys)进行合作,共同设计和部署兼容微软下一代云硬件平台Project Oly... Marvell宣布,微软内部正为Microsoft Azure部署基于Marvell ThunderX2服务器处理器产品的量产级服务器。Marvell与微软和Fii/富士康科技集团的全资子公司鸿佰科技(Ingrasys)进行合作,共同设计和部署兼容微软下一代云硬件平台Project Olympus的ThunderX2系统。微软Project Olympus平台是通过开源计算项目(OCP)进行的开源。 展开更多
关键词 MICROSOFT thunder 服务器处理器 富士康 微软 开源 硬件平台 解决方案
Bowater公司停止Thunder Bay纸厂的纸张生产
作者 范景阳 《造纸信息》 2006年第10期35-35,共1页
近日,Bowater公司宣布缩减位于安大略省Thunder Bay纸厂的纸张产能,将有多达320位雇员受到此次停产的影响。
关键词 thunder 纸张生产 BAY 公司 纸厂 安大略省
平地惊雷Air Jordan14 Retro“Thunder”
作者 MrBear 《中国服装(北京)》 2014年第12期114-114,共1页
NBA季后赛现在正如火如荼地进行着,各路豪杰都在为了夺冠而奋力拼搏。这时候球星们往往需要一双性能出色、外观养眼的球鞋来为自己保驾护航。耐克为旗下顶尖球星杜兰特推出的季后赛专属球鞋KD VI Elite的全新配色,白色鞋面与绯红色全... NBA季后赛现在正如火如荼地进行着,各路豪杰都在为了夺冠而奋力拼搏。这时候球星们往往需要一双性能出色、外观养眼的球鞋来为自己保驾护航。耐克为旗下顶尖球星杜兰特推出的季后赛专属球鞋KD VI Elite的全新配色,白色鞋面与绯红色全掌可视Zoom气垫及Kevlar动态飞线相结合,具有强烈的视觉冲击感,效果十分抢眼。 展开更多
关键词 thunder 平地 KEVLAR ELITE ZOOM 视觉冲击 NBA 球鞋
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