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Time’s Arrow in a Finite Universe
作者 Martin Tamm 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2015年第2期70-78,共9页
In this paper, a simple model for a closed multiverse as a finite probability space is analyzed. For each moment of time on a discrete time-scale, only a finite number of states are possible and hence each possible un... In this paper, a simple model for a closed multiverse as a finite probability space is analyzed. For each moment of time on a discrete time-scale, only a finite number of states are possible and hence each possible universe can be viewed as a path in a huge but finite graph. By considering very general statistical assumptions, essentially originating from Boltzmann, we make the set of all such paths (the multiverse) into a probability space, and argue that under certain assumptions, the probability for a monotonic behavior of the entropy is enormously much larger then for a behavior with low entropy at both ends. The methods used are just very simple combinatorial ones, but the conclusion suggests that we may live in a multiverse which from a global point of view is completely time-symmetric in the sense that universes with Time’s Arrow directed forwards and backwards are equally probable. However, for an observer confined to just one universe, time will still be asymmetric. 展开更多
作者 滕召胜 梁成斌 +2 位作者 唐求 张雷鹏 成达 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期128-136,共9页
依据FFT→优化窗→IFFT思路,突破线性时频变换的窗函数积分性能桎梏,实现高性能优化窗函数的线性时频变换应用,建立新型时频变换算法——K-S变换.对信号x(t)的FFT频谱向量进行频移处理后,与该频移点下Kaiser优化窗的频谱向量进行Hadamar... 依据FFT→优化窗→IFFT思路,突破线性时频变换的窗函数积分性能桎梏,实现高性能优化窗函数的线性时频变换应用,建立新型时频变换算法——K-S变换.对信号x(t)的FFT频谱向量进行频移处理后,与该频移点下Kaiser优化窗的频谱向量进行Hadamard乘积,再将乘积结果进行FFT逆变换(IFFT),构造出K-S变换复时频矩阵,由此获得x(t)的时间-频率-幅值、时间-频率-相位三维信息;给出逆变换的数学推导与局部性质、线性性质和变分辨率特性;0~150 kHz电网的稳态与时变超谐波信号仿真实验表明,K-S变换的时域、频域分辨能力均优于流行的短时傅里叶变换、S变换,具有优良的变分辨率性能;0~40 kHz超谐波信号的实测证明,基于K-S变换的超谐波电压幅值测量绝对误差均小于0.032 3 V. 展开更多
关键词 K-s变换 时频分析 Kaiser优化窗 变分辨率特性 电网超谐波
作者 张辉 尹国庆 +8 位作者 徐珂 王志民 王海应 梁景瑞 来姝君 左佳卉 鲜成钢 申颍浩 赵杨 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期670-683,共14页
随着多分量采集技术的发展,弹性波逆时偏移技术在三维各向异性介质复杂地质构造成像中得到了广泛的应用.然而耦合的P波场和S波场,会在传播过程中产生串扰噪声,降低弹性波逆时偏移的成像精度.为了解决这一问题,本研究针对具有倾斜各向异... 随着多分量采集技术的发展,弹性波逆时偏移技术在三维各向异性介质复杂地质构造成像中得到了广泛的应用.然而耦合的P波场和S波场,会在传播过程中产生串扰噪声,降低弹性波逆时偏移的成像精度.为了解决这一问题,本研究针对具有倾斜各向异性对称轴的三维横向各向同性(Transverse Isotropy,TI)介质,提出了一种矢量弹性波场快速解耦方法,可以有效提高偏移剖面的成像质量.该方法首先通过坐标转换,将观测系统坐标系的垂直轴旋转到TI介质的对称轴方向,在新坐标系下,根据具有垂直对称轴的三维横向各向同性(Vertical Transverse Isotropy,VTI)介质中的分解算子,推导出三维TI介质解耦算子表达式.接着引入一种在空间域快速计算分解波场的方法,来实现空间域矢量P波场和S波场分离,极大地提高了计算效率.最后,通过点积成像条件,将提出的P/S波分解方法引入到三维TI介质弹性波逆时偏移中,得到高精度的PP和PS成像.与以往的波场分解方法相比,本文方法具有数值稳定和计算效率高的特点.数值算例表明,应用上述三维TI分解算子得到的偏移剖面有效压制了噪声,提高了成像质量. 展开更多
关键词 三维各向异性介质 弹性波逆时偏移 矢量P/s波场分解 多分量地震数据
Initial Conditions for Defining an Arrow of Time at the Start of Inflation? 被引量:4
作者 Andrew Walcott Beckwith 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2018年第4期787-795,共9页
This investigation sets forth initial conditions for a start of the arrow of time in cosmology based upon the idea that of having initial degrees of freedom set as g*~ 1000 initially, instead of a maximum value of g*~... This investigation sets forth initial conditions for a start of the arrow of time in cosmology based upon the idea that of having initial degrees of freedom set as g*~ 1000 initially, instead of a maximum value of g*~ 100-120 for the number of degrees of freedom during the electro weak era. 展开更多
关键词 times arrow DEGREEs of FREEDOM
作者 刘乃豪 魏圣焘 +5 位作者 张泽洲 杨阳 王治国 刘镕菖 路漫 高静怀 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期2820-2829,共10页
随着我国油气勘探程度的不断加深,陆相页岩油气等非常规油气逐渐成为我国勘探开发的重点,陆相页岩非均质性强、储层薄且纵横向变化剧烈等典型特征导致含油气性预测精度差,影响后续井位部署和生产等.时频变换方法是储层含油气性预测最有... 随着我国油气勘探程度的不断加深,陆相页岩油气等非常规油气逐渐成为我国勘探开发的重点,陆相页岩非均质性强、储层薄且纵横向变化剧烈等典型特征导致含油气性预测精度差,影响后续井位部署和生产等.时频变换方法是储层含油气性预测最有效的工具.为了提高储层含油气性预测的精度,本文提出了一种频率矫正广义S变换(Frequency-Corrected Generalized S-Transform, FCGST),该变换既具有S变换多尺度多分辨率的特性,又可以通过自适应选取窗函数参数以控制窗函数的带宽和主频等,这一特性可以适用于不同工区地震数据的处理与解释.与传统的S变换和广义S变换不同,该变换修正了传统S变换和广义S变换中的尺度因子,改善了S变换和广义S变换等传统方法中时频谱主频向高频方向偏移的问题,有利于精确描述复杂储层含油气性.合成数据算例表明,频率矫正广义S变换提升了地震信号局部时频特征的表征能力;将频率矫正广义S变换应用于鄂尔多斯盆地某工区储层含油气性预测中,实钻结果数据进一步验证了该时频分析方法在储层含油气性解释中的有效性和潜力. 展开更多
关键词 时频分析 广义s变换 频率矫正广义s变换 储层含油气性预测
作者 葛丽英 李志农 +2 位作者 胡志峰 毛清华 张旭辉 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期254-262,共9页
现有的同步提取变换(synchroextracting transform, SET)窗函数固定缺乏灵活性,在进行故障诊断时很难有效获取到高时频精度和高抗干扰性能的瞬时频率,针对此问题,结合广义S变换可以自适应调节窗函数宽度的优点,提出一种基于同步提取广义... 现有的同步提取变换(synchroextracting transform, SET)窗函数固定缺乏灵活性,在进行故障诊断时很难有效获取到高时频精度和高抗干扰性能的瞬时频率,针对此问题,结合广义S变换可以自适应调节窗函数宽度的优点,提出一种基于同步提取广义S变换(synchroextracting generalized Stransform, SEGST)的机械故障诊断方法。SEGST方法的特点在于将Rényi熵作为度量时频聚集性的标准,通过在高斯窗函数中引入2个尺度调节因子来选择参数的最佳值,对得到的广义S变换二维时频谱构造出同步提取算子来提取时频脊线处的时频系数,该算子能保留与信号的时变特征最相关的TF信息,剔除多余的模糊时频能量,从而得到高时频分辨率的时频能量特征。仿真结果表明,所提方法不论在时频分辨率方面,还是在噪声鲁棒性方面,都优于传统时频分析方法,并且保持了良好的重构性。最后,将所提方法应用于航空发动机高速滚动轴承故障诊断中,结果表明,该方法能够准确识别故障信号中的特征频率。 展开更多
关键词 同步提取变换 广义s变换 时频分析 机械故障诊断 航空发动机
2016年~2022年福建地区猪流行性腹泻病毒S基因的遗传变异分析 被引量:2
作者 李雨琪 许静茹 +12 位作者 郑欣 黄林洁 周娴静 朱智豪 陈芳婷 邓莹滋 蔡思思 靳雨欣 刘璐 董波 戴爱玲 李晓冰 范克伟 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期84-91,共8页
为了解2016年~2022年福建地区猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)流行现状及遗传变异情况,本研究对从福建地区采集的231份疑似猪流行性腹泻(PED)发病仔猪病料样品经RT-PCR进行PEDV的检测,选取不同地区22份PEDV阳性样品经PCR扩增S基因并测序,采用Meg... 为了解2016年~2022年福建地区猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)流行现状及遗传变异情况,本研究对从福建地区采集的231份疑似猪流行性腹泻(PED)发病仔猪病料样品经RT-PCR进行PEDV的检测,选取不同地区22份PEDV阳性样品经PCR扩增S基因并测序,采用MegAlign分析PEDV S基因及其编码氨基酸序列的相似性,采用MEGA7.0软件构建其系统发育树,采用MegAlign分析S基因编码氨基酸序列的分子特征,分别利用RDP4、SimPlot、MEGA7.0软件进行S基因的重组分析,并利用BEAST软件进行该基因分歧时间估算。结果显示,福建地区PEDV总阳性率为51.51%(119/231),福建5个不同地区PEDV阳性率为40.00%~63.16%。从22份PEDV阳性样品中获得19条PEDV S基因序列,全长4149 bp~4161 bp,共编码1382 aa~1386 aa,19株PEDV S基因序列及其编码氨基酸序列之间相似性分别为94.4%~100%和93.8%~100%。19株PEDV S基因系统发育分析结果显示,其中18株PEDV属于GIIb亚型,1株属于GIb亚型。S蛋白氨基酸序列分析结果显示,与经典疫苗株CV777相比,18株GIIb亚型PEDV S蛋白的氨基酸序列在aa55~aa56、aa135~aa136和aa155~aa156处存在插入与缺失,具有典型的PEDV变异株的分子特征;其中14株还出现了独特的aa1193缺失。与GII型疫苗株AJ1102相比,19株PEDV S1区氨基酸突变率为60.00%~83.82%,其中18株GIIb亚型PEDV S1区氨基酸突变位点中有10个位于S蛋白重要结构域;基因重组分析结果显示,有3株PEDV S基因存在重组事件,其中FJLY01-2018株由GD-B株和CH-S株重组而来,FJLY02-2018株由CH/HNPJ/2017株和PEDV4-S-3株重组而来,FJLY03-2022株由PEDV-1931-1-Valladolid-Molpeceres株和HUA-M17株重组而来;S基因分歧时间估算结果显示,福建地区GIIa亚型、GIIb亚型、GIa亚型及GIb亚型PEDV的最早分歧时间约为1995年、2009年、2010年和2011年。上述结果表明福建地区PEDV流行率较高,田间流行株基因型具有多样性,且存在重组现象,临床上应予以高度重视。本研究为福建地区PED的流行病学调查及免疫防控提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 猪流行性腹泻病毒 s基因 遗传变异 基因重组 分歧时间
作者 罗超 曹晓雨 +3 位作者 高阳 徐飞 冯怀平 王昊 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期534-547,共14页
2022年1月8日青海省门源县发生M_(S)6.9地震,震中附近遭受了强烈地震破坏.为验证Graves和Pitarka开发的GP断层破裂模型在震前对中国地区地震动场的预测与评估能力,本文基于GP法,考虑不同上升时间系数(rc)的影响,对门源地震进行了确定性... 2022年1月8日青海省门源县发生M_(S)6.9地震,震中附近遭受了强烈地震破坏.为验证Graves和Pitarka开发的GP断层破裂模型在震前对中国地区地震动场的预测与评估能力,本文基于GP法,考虑不同上升时间系数(rc)的影响,对门源地震进行了确定性地震动模拟.将模拟结果在地震动衰减规律、波形与幅值和烈度分布三个方面分别与青藏地区的地震动峰值预测方程、强震观测记录和根据强震记录自动产出的烈度图进行了对比.结果表明,当rc为9.0时,模拟记录与实测记录和地震动峰值预测方程基本一致.本文较好的重现了门源地震的强震动场,在合理选取rc的情况下,GP法可以应用于中国地区震前强地震动场的预测和估计. 展开更多
关键词 门源M_(s)6.9地震 GP断层破裂模型 强地面运动 上升时间系数 宽频带地震动模拟
Diagnostic delay in inflammatory bowel diseases in a German population
作者 Elisabeth Blüthner Annalena Dehe +11 位作者 Carsten Büning Britta Siegmund Matthias Prager Jochen Maul Alexander Krannich Jan Preiß Bertram Wiedenmann Florian Rieder Raneem Khedraki Frank Tacke Andreas Sturm Anja Schirbel 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第29期3465-3478,共14页
BACKGROUND Early diagnosis is key to prevent bowel damage in inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).Risk factor analyses linked with delayed diagnosis in European IBD patients are scarce and no data in German IBD patients ex... BACKGROUND Early diagnosis is key to prevent bowel damage in inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).Risk factor analyses linked with delayed diagnosis in European IBD patients are scarce and no data in German IBD patients exists.AIM To identify risk factors leading to prolonged diagnostic time in a German IBD cohort.METHODS Between 2012 and 2022,430 IBD patients from four Berlin hospitals were enrolled in a prospective study and asked to complete a 16-item questionnaire to determine features of the path leading to IBD diagnosis.Total diagnostic time was defined as the time from symptom onset to consulting a physician(patient waiting time)and from first consultation to IBD diagnosis(physician diagnostic time).Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify risk factors for each time period.RESULTS The total diagnostic time was significantly longer in Crohn’s disease(CD)compared to ulcerative colitis(UC)patients(12.0 vs 4.0 mo;P<0.001),mainly due to increased physician diagnostic time(5.5 vs 1.0 mo;P<0.001).In a multivariate analysis,the predominant symptoms diarrhea(P=0.012)and skin lesions(P=0.028)as well as performed gastroscopy(P=0.042)were associated with longer physician diagnostic time in CD patients.In UC,fever was correlated(P=0.020)with shorter physician diagnostic time,while fatigue(P=0.011)and positive family history(P=0.046)were correlated with longer physician diagnostic time.CONCLUSION We demonstrated that CD patients compared to UC are at risk of long diagnostic delay.Future efforts should focus on shortening the diagnostic delay for a better outcome in these patients. 展开更多
关键词 Diagnostic time Diagnostic delay Crohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis GERMANY
What does the “arrow of time” stand for?
作者 Etienne Klein 《Natural Science》 2010年第3期212-219,共8页
One hundred and thirty years after the work of Ludwig Boltzmann on the interpretation of the irreversibility of physical phenomena, and one century after Einstein's formulation of Special Relativity, we are still ... One hundred and thirty years after the work of Ludwig Boltzmann on the interpretation of the irreversibility of physical phenomena, and one century after Einstein's formulation of Special Relativity, we are still not sure what we mean when we talk of “time” or “arrow of time”. We shall try to show that one source of this difficulty is our tendency to confuse, at least verbally, time and becoming, i.e. the course of time and the arrow of time, two concepts that the formalisms of modern physics are careful to distinguish. The course of time is represented by a time line that leads us to define time as the producer of duration. It is customary to place on this time line a small arrow that, ironically, must not be confused with the “arrow of time”. This small arrow is only there to indicate that the course of time is oriented, has a well-defined direction, even if this direction is arbitrary. The arrow of time, on the other hand, indicates the possibility for physical systems to experience, over the course of time, changes or transforma-tions that prevent them from returning to their initial state forever. Contrary to what the ex-pression “arrow of time” suggests, it is there-fore not a property of time itself but a property of certain physical phenomena whose dynamic is irreversible. By its very definition, the arrow of time presupposes the existence of a well- established course of time within which – in addition – certain phenomena have their own temporal orientation. We think that it is worth-while to emphasize the difference between sev-eral issues traditionally subsumed under the label “the problem of the direction of time”. If the expressions “course of time”, “direction of time” and “arrow of time” were better defined, systematically distinguished from one another and always used in their strictest sense, the debate about time, irreversibility and becoming in physics would become clearer. 展开更多
关键词 time time’s arrow Temporal Asymmetry PRINCIPLE of CAUsALITY IRREVERsIBILITY
作者 吴柏辰 秦满忠 +3 位作者 郭晓 王亚红 孙点峰 温淑琳 《地震工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期734-741,共8页
2023年12月18日,甘肃省积石山县发生M_(S)6.2逆冲型地震。该地震发生在祁连活动地块拉脊山北缘断裂带,在断裂两侧曾发生过20余次5级左右中强地震,地震活动频次高,因此研究拉脊山断裂带特征具有重要意义。根据拉脊山断裂走向和此次地震... 2023年12月18日,甘肃省积石山县发生M_(S)6.2逆冲型地震。该地震发生在祁连活动地块拉脊山北缘断裂带,在断裂两侧曾发生过20余次5级左右中强地震,地震活动频次高,因此研究拉脊山断裂带特征具有重要意义。根据拉脊山断裂走向和此次地震余震分布,在刘集乡布设一条线性密集台阵,利用不同方位的余震事件计算体波的走时延时和放大效应。结果表明,P波和S波分别存在6个采样点(约0.012 s)和15个采样点(约0.03 s)的走时延时,推断出台阵西侧存在一个约150 m宽近似垂直的断层低速带,且该结果与远震P波相似性系数矩阵结果一致。 展开更多
关键词 甘肃积石山M_(s)6.2地震 走时延时 体波放大效应 线性密集台阵 断层低速带
作者 柴斌 韦鹏 +2 位作者 宁复茂 姚琪 李辉 《电网与清洁能源》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期103-109,共7页
为准确进行换流变压器故障诊断,保证直流输电可靠性,提出一种基于S变换时频谱和KHA-CNN模式的换流变故障声纹识别方法。利用自适应补充集合经验模态分解算法(complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise,CEEMD... 为准确进行换流变压器故障诊断,保证直流输电可靠性,提出一种基于S变换时频谱和KHA-CNN模式的换流变故障声纹识别方法。利用自适应补充集合经验模态分解算法(complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise,CEEMDAN),实现换流变本体声纹信号与噪声的分离;通过S变换得到时频谱图,实现声纹信号的特征提取;通过磷虾群优化算法(krill herd algorithm,KHA)对卷积神经网络进行超参数寻优,将S时频谱图作为特征输入到KHA-CNN,实现故障诊断。研究结果表明:该方法对于换流变故障具有很好的识别效果,能为换流变故障诊断提供有效参考。 展开更多
关键词 换流变压器 声纹信号 s变换时频谱图 磷虾群优化算法 卷积神经网络
作者 李行健 吕建达 +1 位作者 赵凌云 刁延松 《青岛理工大学学报》 CAS 2024年第1期26-35,共10页
目前在利用CNN网络提取特征的结构损伤识别研究中,仅仅利用1D-CNN和2D-CNN提取的特征进行损伤识别存在准确率低、识别效率不高等问题。提出了一种基于广义S变换和并联神经网络的结构损伤识别方法。为了丰富输入信号的特征维度,利用广义... 目前在利用CNN网络提取特征的结构损伤识别研究中,仅仅利用1D-CNN和2D-CNN提取的特征进行损伤识别存在准确率低、识别效率不高等问题。提出了一种基于广义S变换和并联神经网络的结构损伤识别方法。为了丰富输入信号的特征维度,利用广义S变换将滤波后的信号转化成时频图,并同时将一维加速度响应信号和二维时频图分别输入1D-CNN和2D-CNN中进行时域和时频域特征提取,并在汇聚层进行特征拼接,然后通过FC层和Softmax层对损伤识别结果进行分类。利用IASC-ASCE SHM Benchmark结构第二阶段试验数据对所提出的并联网络模型进行验证,结果表明,所提出的网络模型与其他同类方法相比具有更高的识别精度和识别效率。 展开更多
关键词 损伤识别 广义s变换 卷积神经网络 时频分析 特征融合
Treat to target in Crohn’s disease:A practical guide for clinicians
作者 Ashish R Srinivasan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第1期50-69,共20页
A treat-to-target(T2T)approach applies the principles of early intervention and tight disease control to optimise long-term outcomes in Crohn's disease.The Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disea... A treat-to-target(T2T)approach applies the principles of early intervention and tight disease control to optimise long-term outcomes in Crohn's disease.The Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(STRIDE)-II guidelines specify short,intermediate,and long-term treatment goals,documenting specific treatment targets to be achieved at each of these timepoints.Scheduled appraisal of Crohn’s disease activity against pre-defined treatment targets at these timepoints remains central to determining whether current therapy should be continued or modified.Consensus treatment targets in Crohn’s disease comprise combination clinical and patient-reported outcome remission,in conjunction with biomarker normalisation and endoscopic healing.Although the STRIDE-II guidelines endorse the pursuit of endoscopic healing,clinicians must consider that this may not always be appropriate,acceptable,or achievable in all patients.This underscores the need to engage patients at the outset in an effort to personalise care and individualise treatment targets.The use of non-invasive biomarkers such as faecal calprotectin in conjunction with cross-sectional imaging techniques,particularly intestinal ultrasound,holds great promise;as do emerging treatment targets such as transmural healing.Two randomised clinical trials,namely,CALM and STARDUST,have evaluated the efficacy of a T2T approach in achieving endoscopic endpoints in patients with Crohn’s disease.Findings from these studies reflect that patient subgroups and Crohn’s disease characteristics likely to benefit most from a T2T approach,remain to be clarified.Moreover,outside of clinical trials,data pertaining to the real-world effectiveness of a T2T approach remains scare,highlighting the need for pragmatic real-world studies.Despite the obvious promise of a T2T approach,a lack of guidance to support its integration into real-world clinical practice has the potential to limit its uptake.This highlights the need to describe strategies,processes,and models of care capable of supporting the integration and execution of a T2T approach in real-world clinical practice.Hence,this review seeks to examine the current and emerging literature to provide clinicians with practical guidance on how to incorporate the principles of T2T into routine clinical practice for the management of Crohn’s disease. 展开更多
关键词 Treat to target Inflammatory bowel disease Crohn’s disease Treatment targets Endoscopic remission Transmural healing time to response Intestinal ultrasound
The Quaternion Structure of Space-Time and Arrow of Time
作者 Ying-Qiu Gu 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2012年第7期570-580,共11页
In fundamental theories of physics, the dynamical equations all have time inversion invariance. Except for the evolution of some simple system which has realistic inverse processes, but for a slightly more complicated... In fundamental theories of physics, the dynamical equations all have time inversion invariance. Except for the evolution of some simple system which has realistic inverse processes, but for a slightly more complicated system, the evolution processes are irreversible. This is the problem of arrow of time, which is always warmly debated. In different point of view, we find there may have some conceptual misunderstanding in the controversy: 1) The realization of an inverse process does not mean the time of the system goes backward. 2) The principles of relativity and covariance are the constraints to physical laws, but not constraints to specific solutions. The equations must be covariant, but the solutions are not definitely symmetric. 3) Time is a global property of the universe, which is a measurement of the evolution process of the universe. The internal time of a matter system reflecting its internal evolution speed also takes this cosmic time as a unified background and standard of measurement. 4) The universe has a unified cosmic time T and a cosmic space related to this cosmic time. They are objective and absolute. 5) The eigensolution of a spinor is a critical state losing time concept, which responses the interaction of environment with some uncertainty, then the evolution process of the world is not uniquely determined. 6) The non-uniqueness of the evolution process means that the inverse process is absent. So for a world including spinors, the evolution is essentially irreversible. In this paper, according to the widely accepted principles and direct calculations of transformation, we reveal the misunderstandings in the usual controversy, and then give more natural and reasonable explanations for structure of space-time and arrow of time. 展开更多
关键词 arrow of time Invariance The Principle of RELATIVITY QUATERNION sTRUCTURE of sPACE-time sIMULTANEITY
Electrical Noise, Brownian Motion and the Arrow of Time
作者 Jose-Ignacio Izpura 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第2期131-140,共10页
The origin of the Johnson noise of resistors is reviewed by a new model fitting in the Fluctuation-Dissipation framework and compared with the velocity noise in Brownian motion. This new model handling both fluctuatio... The origin of the Johnson noise of resistors is reviewed by a new model fitting in the Fluctuation-Dissipation framework and compared with the velocity noise in Brownian motion. This new model handling both fluctuations as well as dissipations of electrical energy in the Complex Admittance of any resistor excels current model based on the dissipation in their conductance. From the two orthogonal currents associated to a sinusoidal voltage in an electrical admittance, the new model that also considers the discreteness of the electrical charge shows a Cause-Effect dynamics for electrical noise. After a brief look at systems considered as energy-conserving and deterministic on the microscale that are dissipative and unpredictable on the macroscale, the arrow of time is discussed from the noise viewpoint. 展开更多
关键词 Electrical Noise FLUCTUATION-DIssIPATION Cause-Effect COMPLEX ADMITTANCE The arrow of time
The possible source of the causal time arrow in geo-historical explanations
作者 Gadi Kravitz 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期555-564,共10页
My argument in this article, will be that nature, in general, and human nature in particular, suggests that, in principle, it is possible to derive the causal time arrow from several physical time arrows existing in n... My argument in this article, will be that nature, in general, and human nature in particular, suggests that, in principle, it is possible to derive the causal time arrow from several physical time arrows existing in nature and appearing to be unidirectional and irreversible phenomena. A more concrete argument will be that the assumption of a causal time arrow to which geologists resort in all geo-historical explana- tions, apparently originates in geo-historical time arrows concealed in unidirectional and irreversible physical-geological processes, l will illustrate this claim with a few examples of geo-historical expla- nations in the theory of plate tectonics, most of which are based on irreversible geo-physical processes. My final argument is a broader, of an epistemological nature, according to which the causal time arrow assumption used in logical-causative explanations in everyday life and in science, apparently "derives" in a way from the geo-historical time arrow. I will base this argument on the causal relationship and mutual influence that occurs in nature between geo-historical and evolutionary processes in animals, including developmental processes of the human brain and mind. From this reductionist argument, nicely integrated in the framework of evolutionary epistemology (EEM), it is possible to derive a wider naturalistic argument according to which, on principle, the laws of geo-historical physics can be reduced to the laws of logic and causality. 展开更多
关键词 Evolutionary epistemology Philosophy of geo-historical thinking Causality time arrow
作者 伊尔潘·艾尼瓦尔 李晓东 +3 位作者 朱文振 胡安尼西·巴合达吾列提 何欢 艾萨·伊斯马伊力 《内陆地震》 2024年第2期173-181,共9页
为探讨RST算法在新疆地区地震热红外异常提取中的适用性,以乌什M_(S)7.1地震为例,构建研究区MODIS地表温度数据集,并对数据集进行逐像元时间序列趋势去除后,利用RST算法提取乌什M_(S)7.1地震地表温度异常信息。结果表明:乌什M_(S)7.1地... 为探讨RST算法在新疆地区地震热红外异常提取中的适用性,以乌什M_(S)7.1地震为例,构建研究区MODIS地表温度数据集,并对数据集进行逐像元时间序列趋势去除后,利用RST算法提取乌什M_(S)7.1地震地表温度异常信息。结果表明:乌什M_(S)7.1地震地表温度异常的变化过程分为“出现—消失—再出现—扩大—达到最大—消失”6个阶段;乌什M_(S)7.1地震的地表温度异常区域大致沿构造带的走向分布;乌什M_(S)7.1地震发生在地表温度异常面积出现最大值后的第99天。利用MODIS数据结合RST算法提取地震热红外异常在新疆地区相关研究中具有一定的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 乌什M_(s)7.1地震 地表温度异常 时间序列趋势去除 RsT算法
作者 何文佳 曾本和 +1 位作者 朱成科 周朝伟 《水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期88-96,共9页
为探索茜素红S对异齿裂腹鱼稚鱼浸泡标记的适宜条件,采用半静态式水生生物急性毒性试验法确定茜素红S对异齿裂腹鱼稚鱼安全质量浓度,利用不同质量浓度的茜素红S溶液对45日龄的异齿裂腹鱼稚鱼浸泡不同时间,探究各试验组稚鱼死亡率、生长... 为探索茜素红S对异齿裂腹鱼稚鱼浸泡标记的适宜条件,采用半静态式水生生物急性毒性试验法确定茜素红S对异齿裂腹鱼稚鱼安全质量浓度,利用不同质量浓度的茜素红S溶液对45日龄的异齿裂腹鱼稚鱼浸泡不同时间,探究各试验组稚鱼死亡率、生长情况、标记效果和标记有效保存时间,确定茜素红S对异齿裂腹鱼稚鱼的适宜标记条件。试验结果表明:茜素红S对异齿裂腹鱼稚鱼24、48、72、96 h半致死质量浓度分别为225.85、147.72、139.21、137.66 mg/L,安全质量浓度为28.99 mg/L;0~125 mg/L的茜素红S溶液浸泡稚鱼24 h,质量浓度为75~125 mg/L稚鱼耳石标记效果可见,当茜素红S质量浓度为125 mg/L时,稚鱼死亡率显著升高(P<0.05);75 mg/L茜素红S浸泡稚鱼12~96 h,浸泡24~96 h稚鱼耳石标记效果可见,当浸泡时间为96 h时,稚鱼死亡率显著升高(P<0.05);在4个月的续养过程中,75 mg/L茜素红S溶液浸泡72~84 h,4个月后稚鱼耳石标记效果依旧可见。综合生长、存活率、染色效果及标记保存时间,建议采用75 mg/L茜素红S浸泡标记异齿裂腹鱼72~84 h。 展开更多
关键词 异齿裂腹鱼 茜素红s 质量浓度 浸泡时间 染色保存时间
Entropy, Biological Evolution and the Psychological Arrow of Time
作者 Torsten Heinrich Benjamin Knopp Heinrich Päs 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第2期228-236,共9页
We argue that in Universes where future and past differ only by the entropy content a psychological arrow of time pointing in the direction of entropy increase can arise from natural selection in biological evolution.... We argue that in Universes where future and past differ only by the entropy content a psychological arrow of time pointing in the direction of entropy increase can arise from natural selection in biological evolution. We show that this effect can be demonstrated in very simple toy computer simulations of evolution in an entropy increasing or decreasing environment. 展开更多
关键词 arrow of time time Asymmetry ENTROPY EVOLUTION
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