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应用于供应链的区块链PBFT共识算法优化 被引量:1
作者 黄宇翔 《计算机系统应用》 2024年第4期209-214,共6页
目前,区块链在供应链领域中的应用越来越受到业界的广泛关注.但由于供应链中存在大量复杂性的事务,这给可信的主节点选取工作带来了挑战.因此,在机器学习分类算法与PBFT(practical Byzantine fault tolerance)共识算法的基础上,提出一... 目前,区块链在供应链领域中的应用越来越受到业界的广泛关注.但由于供应链中存在大量复杂性的事务,这给可信的主节点选取工作带来了挑战.因此,在机器学习分类算法与PBFT(practical Byzantine fault tolerance)共识算法的基础上,提出一种应用于供应链的区块链PBFT共识算法优化方法.对构建供应链与区块链的集成框架进行分析,根据供应链中参与共识的节点属性特征,运用K-近邻(K-nearest neighbors)来优化PBFT共识算法的主节点选取规则.实验结果表明,对共识节点进行信任评估分类可以较好地解决因视图切换所引发的效率问题,从而提升区块链的吞吐量、时延、容错性等共识性能,具有一定的实用性,也给区块链在其他行业的应用提供了思路. 展开更多
关键词 区块链 实用拜占庭容错 供应链 K-近邻 信任评估
作者 李俊吉 张佳琦 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1628-1634,共7页
针对实用拜占庭容错共识算法(practical Byzantine fault tolerant,PBFT)通信开销大和缺乏奖惩机制的问题,提出一种基于信誉机制的改进PBFT共识算法RPBFT(reputed practical Byzantine fault tolerance)。首先,引入信誉机制对节点评分,... 针对实用拜占庭容错共识算法(practical Byzantine fault tolerant,PBFT)通信开销大和缺乏奖惩机制的问题,提出一种基于信誉机制的改进PBFT共识算法RPBFT(reputed practical Byzantine fault tolerance)。首先,引入信誉机制对节点评分,将参与共识的节点分为收集器节点和普通共识节点,并对恶意节点进行惩罚。其次,收集器节点负责收集普通共识节点的投票消息,避免普通共识节点之间的通信,从而降低通信开销。最后,当普通共识节点中的拜占庭节点均无恶意行为时,通过增加收集所需的投票数量,减少一次投票收集过程,实现快速共识。实验结果表明,RPBFT能够有效地发现恶意节点并对其作出惩罚,同时具有更低的通信开销、平均共识时延以及更高的共识吞吐量。当节点总数为37时,与SBFT相比,RPBFT将平均共识时延降低25.2%以上,并将共识吞吐量提高39%以上。 展开更多
关键词 共识算法 信誉机制 实用拜占庭容错
作者 张学旺 雷志滔 林金朝 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期40-54,共15页
现有的学位/学历证书可信管理存在节点扩展的优化策略不足、未考虑节点差异性和吞吐量低等问题,“区块链+教育”为学位/学历证书的可信管理提供了一种解决方案。针对上述问题,提出一种面向学位/学历证书可信管理的可扩展类PBFT算法z-PBF... 现有的学位/学历证书可信管理存在节点扩展的优化策略不足、未考虑节点差异性和吞吐量低等问题,“区块链+教育”为学位/学历证书的可信管理提供了一种解决方案。针对上述问题,提出一种面向学位/学历证书可信管理的可扩展类PBFT算法z-PBFT。该算法采用基于区域分组的分层设计,算法模型分为主区域和副区域节点簇,副区域内部采用局部共识机制;通过基于TOPSIS建模和熵值赋权法的加权随机选取分派策略评估节点性能,并选取共识委员节点集。实验结果表明,在大规模节点应用场景下,该算法在确保安全性的同时,具有更高的吞吐量和可扩展性。 展开更多
关键词 z-pbft共识算法 学位/学历证书 可扩展性 区块链
作者 黄英来 黄鹤林 +1 位作者 谷训开 杨柳松 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期164-171,共8页
提出了一种面向农产品供应链信息管理场景的改进PBFT(practical byzantine fault tolerance)算法,即MFW-PBFT(multi-factor weighted PBFT)算法。该算法通过基于节点的活跃度、数据贡献度和历史行为等多因素权重,选出一部分节点作为“... 提出了一种面向农产品供应链信息管理场景的改进PBFT(practical byzantine fault tolerance)算法,即MFW-PBFT(multi-factor weighted PBFT)算法。该算法通过基于节点的活跃度、数据贡献度和历史行为等多因素权重,选出一部分节点作为“代理节点”参与共识过程,且对一致性协议进行优化,从而在一定程度上解决了传统PBFT算法的性能瓶颈问题。结果显示,MFW-PBFT算法相较于传统PBFT算法和2种流行的改进PBFT算法,在处理大规模网络和交易数据时表现出更高的效率和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 农产品供应链信息管理系统 共识算法 区块链 MFW-pbft算法
T-PBFT: An EigenTrust-Based Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Consensus Algorithm 被引量:55
作者 Sheng Gao Tianyu Yu +1 位作者 Jianming Zhu Wei Cai 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第12期111-123,共13页
Blockchain with these characteristics of decentralized structure, transparent and credible, time-series and immutability, has been considering as a promising technology. Consensus algorithm as one of the core techniqu... Blockchain with these characteristics of decentralized structure, transparent and credible, time-series and immutability, has been considering as a promising technology. Consensus algorithm as one of the core techniques of blockchain directly affects the scalability of blockchain systems. Existing probabilistic finality blockchain consensus algorithms such as PoW, PoS, suffer from power consumptions and low efficiency;while absolute finality blockchain consensus algorithms such as PBFT, HoneyBadgerBFT, could not meet the scalability requirement in a largescale network. In this paper, we propose a novel optimized practical Byzantine fault tolerance consensus algorithm based on EigenTrust model, namely T-PBFT, which is a multi-stage consensus algorithm. It evaluates node trust by the transactions between nodes so that the high quality of nodes in the network will be selected to construct a consensus group. To reduce the probability of view change, we propose to replace a single primary node with a primary group. By group signature and mutual supervision, we can enhance the robustness of the primary group further. Finally, we analyze T-PBFT and compare it with the other Byzantine fault tolerant consensus algorithms. Theoretical analysis shows that our T-PBFT can optimize the Byzantine fault-tolerant rate,reduce the probability of view change and communication complexity. 展开更多
关键词 blockchain consensus protocol Byzantine fault tolerance trust model
面向物联网的改进PBFT共识算法 被引量:1
作者 叶博文 贾小林 顾娅军 《计算机系统应用》 2024年第4期179-186,共8页
随着物联网的发展,高效的共识算法是区块链技术应用于物联网的关键.针对实用拜占庭容错(practical Byzantine fault tolerance,PBFT)算法在物联网场景中通信次数多、未考虑共识功耗、共识时延高等问题,本文提出了一种基于二分K均值算法... 随着物联网的发展,高效的共识算法是区块链技术应用于物联网的关键.针对实用拜占庭容错(practical Byzantine fault tolerance,PBFT)算法在物联网场景中通信次数多、未考虑共识功耗、共识时延高等问题,本文提出了一种基于二分K均值算法的改进PBFT共识算法(binary K-means practical Byzantine fault tolerance algorithm,BK-PBFT).首先,获取节点地理坐标并计算节点综合评价值,通过二分K均值算法将节点划分为一个双层多中心聚类集群.然后,先在下层集群再在上层集群对区块进行PBFT共识.最后,集群验证执行并存储区块,完成共识.此外,本文证明了当节点均匀分布在每个簇时算法通信次数可以达到最少,以及通信次数最少时的最优聚类数.分析与仿真结果表明,本文算法可以有效减少通信次数、降低共识功耗和共识时延. 展开更多
关键词 物联网 区块链 实用拜占庭容错 聚类 综合评价值 功耗
作者 吴言 蓝雯飞 +3 位作者 王俊 张潇 谢元艾 向鑫 《中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第2期238-244,共7页
实用拜占庭容错共识算法(PBFT)作为联盟链中最常见的共识算法,可以在恶意节点少于三分之一的情况下,保证系统的正确性.然而,PBFT算法在建立信任与共识过程中存在高时延、低吞吐量、主节点选取安全性、恶意节点未处理等问题.为了解决这... 实用拜占庭容错共识算法(PBFT)作为联盟链中最常见的共识算法,可以在恶意节点少于三分之一的情况下,保证系统的正确性.然而,PBFT算法在建立信任与共识过程中存在高时延、低吞吐量、主节点选取安全性、恶意节点未处理等问题.为了解决这些问题,引入奖励积分机制来对共识节点进行分组并设定候选节点集,提出了一种高效快速的拜占庭容错算法(DIG-PBFT).在共识过程中,DIG-PBFT通过动态地调整实际参与共识的节点,增加了安全性更高节点的参与度.仿真实验结果表明:与PBFT算法及其同类工作相比,DIG-PBFT算法的吞吐量更大、时延更低,且安全性更高. 展开更多
关键词 共识算法 容错 拜占庭 pbft算法
作者 袁昊天 李飞 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1314-1320,共7页
针对目前应用于联盟链中的实用拜占庭(PBFT)共识算法可扩展性不足、通信开销增长过大、难以适用于大规模网络节点环境等问题,提出了一种基于改进Raft共识算法和PBFT共识算法的双层共识算法(DL_RBFT)。首先将区块链中的节点分成若干小组... 针对目前应用于联盟链中的实用拜占庭(PBFT)共识算法可扩展性不足、通信开销增长过大、难以适用于大规模网络节点环境等问题,提出了一种基于改进Raft共识算法和PBFT共识算法的双层共识算法(DL_RBFT)。首先将区块链中的节点分成若干小组,组成下层共识网络,然后小组的组长再构成上层共识网络,形成一个双层共识网络结构;在下层共识网络的小组内部引入监督机制和声誉机制来改进Raft共识算法,在初始组长的选举流程引入了蚁群算法,使选举效率始终维持在较高水平;在上层共识网络中,使用PBFT共识算法进行共识。改进后的Raft共识算法具备了抗拜占庭节点攻击的能力,提升了算法的安全性。实验结果分析表明,相较于传统的PBFT共识算法,在100个节点的情况下,DL_RBFT将共识时延降低了两个数量级,吞吐量也提升了一个数量级,与其余改进算法相比也有着明显优势。因此DL_RBFT共识算法拥有良好的可扩展性,可以广泛应用于联盟链的各种场景中。 展开更多
关键词 联盟链 共识算法 RAFT pbft 区块链 双层共识网络 监督机制 声誉机制
作者 贾志鹏 李志淮 +1 位作者 孙晴 王森 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2024年第7期246-254,共9页
为解决区块链分片技术导致的单个分片失效的问题,多轮PBFT(Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance protocol)验证方案被提出,但其节点随机分配过程会导致交易验证有效性降低,通过对这一问题进行分析,同时对目前主要分片项目的节点分配方... 为解决区块链分片技术导致的单个分片失效的问题,多轮PBFT(Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance protocol)验证方案被提出,但其节点随机分配过程会导致交易验证有效性降低,通过对这一问题进行分析,同时对目前主要分片项目的节点分配方案进行研究比较,提出一种基于节点评价的节点分配方案。该方案通过对区块链系统内节点进行评分,可对疑似拜占庭节点进行标记,并根据身份标记实现加入和退出分片的操作,实现了分片内拜占庭节点比例的明显降低,提高了验证效率。通过四组对比实验,说明基于节点评价的节点分配方案有更高的验证效率,明显提升了系统吞吐量。 展开更多
关键词 区块链 分片技术 节点分配 多轮验证 pbft
Compositional and Hollow Engineering of Silicon Carbide/Carbon Microspheres as High-Performance Microwave Absorbing Materials with Good Environmental Tolerance 被引量:4
作者 Lixue Gai Yahui Wang +5 位作者 Pan Wan Shuping Yu Yongzheng Chen Xijiang Han Ping Xu Yunchen Du 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期128-146,共19页
Microwave absorbing materials(MAMs)characterized by high absorption efficiency and good environmental tolerance are highly desirable in practical applications.Both silicon carbide and carbon are considered as stable M... Microwave absorbing materials(MAMs)characterized by high absorption efficiency and good environmental tolerance are highly desirable in practical applications.Both silicon carbide and carbon are considered as stable MAMs under some rigorous conditions,while their composites still fail to produce satisfactory microwave absorption performance regardless of the improvements as compared with the individuals.Herein,we have successfully implemented compositional and structural engineering to fabricate hollow Si C/C microspheres with controllable composition.The simultaneous modulation on dielectric properties and impedance matching can be easily achieved as the change in the composition of these composites.The formation of hollow structure not only favors lightweight feature,but also generates considerable contribution to microwave attenuation capacity.With the synergistic effect of composition and structure,the optimized SiC/C composite exhibits excellent performance,whose the strongest reflection loss intensity and broadest effective absorption reach-60.8 dB and 5.1 GHz,respectively,and its microwave absorption properties are actually superior to those of most SiC/C composites in previous studies.In addition,the stability tests of microwave absorption capacity after exposure to harsh conditions and Radar Cross Section simulation data demonstrate that hollow SiC/C microspheres from compositional and structural optimization have a bright prospect in practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 SiC/C composites Compositional engineering Hollow engineering Microwave absorption Environmental tolerance
作者 罗瑞涵 蔡英 +1 位作者 范艳芳 李志博 《北京信息科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第6期38-44,110,共8页
为了提高车联网中车辆数据共享的安全性和效率,提出了一种基于改进实用拜占庭容错(practical Byzantine fault tolerance,PBFT)的抗攻击信誉管理方案,包括用于检测虚假信息的信誉模型和存储车辆信誉值的管理机制。基于贝叶斯推理的信誉... 为了提高车联网中车辆数据共享的安全性和效率,提出了一种基于改进实用拜占庭容错(practical Byzantine fault tolerance,PBFT)的抗攻击信誉管理方案,包括用于检测虚假信息的信誉模型和存储车辆信誉值的管理机制。基于贝叶斯推理的信誉模型,采用广义极端学生化偏差(generalized extreme studentized deviate,GESD)设计异常值过滤算法,过滤恶意车辆发送的异常间接信任,提高模型准确率;在基于区块链的管理机制中,采用优劣解距离法(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution,TOPSIS)改进PBFT共识算法,减少共识节点的数量,并降低拜占庭节点成为主节点的概率,以保证共识效率。仿真实验表明,在混合恶意车辆占比50%的情况下,信誉方案仍具有0.74的准确率,且对开关攻击和诽谤攻击的防御效果更好;共识算法具有更高的吞吐量和更低的交易确认时延。 展开更多
关键词 车联网 区块链 信誉管理 实用拜占庭容错
Abiotic stress treatment reveals expansin like A gene OfEXLA1 improving salt and drought tolerance of Osmanthus fragrans by responding to abscisic acid 被引量:1
作者 Bin Dong Qianqian Wang +7 位作者 Dan Zhou Yiguang Wang Yunfeng Miao Shiwei Zhong Qiu Fang Liyuan Yang Zhen Xiao Hongbo Zhao 《Horticultural Plant Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期573-585,共13页
Sweet osmanthus(Osmanthus fragrans) is a having general approval aromatic tree in China that is widely applied to landscaping and gardening. However, the evergreen tree adaptability is limited by many environmental st... Sweet osmanthus(Osmanthus fragrans) is a having general approval aromatic tree in China that is widely applied to landscaping and gardening. However, the evergreen tree adaptability is limited by many environmental stresses. Currently, limited information is available regarding the genetic analysis and functional identification of expansin genes in response to abiotic stress in sweet osmanthus. In this study, a total of 29 expansin genes were identified and divided into four groups by genome-wide analysis from the sweet osmanthus genome. Transcriptome and quantitative Real-time PCR analysis showed that the cell wall-localized protein expansin-like A(OfEXLA1) gene was significantly induced by salt and drought treatment. Histochemical GUS staining of transgenic Arabidopsis lines in which GUS activity was driven with the OfEXLA1 promoter, GUS activity was significantly induced by salt, drought, and exogenous abscisic acid(ABA). In yeast, we found OfEXLA1overexpression significantly improved the population of cells compared with wild-type strains after NaCl and polyethylene glycol(PEG)treatment. Additionally, OfEXLA1 overexpression not only promoted plant growth, but also improved the salt and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. To gain insight into the role of ABA signaling in the regulation of OfEXLA1 improving abiotic tolerance in sweet osmanthus, four differentially expressed ABA Insensitive 5(ABI5)-like genes(OfABL4, OfABL5, OfABL7, and OfABL8) were identified from transcriptome, and dualluciferase(dual-LUC) and yeast one hybrid(Y1H) assay showed that OfABL4 and OfABL5 might bind to OfEXLA1 promoter to accumulate the OfEXLA1 expression by responding to ABA signaling to improve abiotic tolerance in sweet osmanthus. These results provide the information for understanding the molecular functions of expansin-like A gene and molecular breeding of sweet osmanthus in future. 展开更多
关键词 Osmanthus fragrans Abiotic tolerance EXPANSIN Abscisic acid
MIR1868 negatively regulates rice cold tolerance at both the seedling and booting stages 被引量:1
作者 Yang Shen Xiaoxi Cai +7 位作者 Yan Wang Wanhong Li Dongpeng Li Hao Wu Weifeng Dong Bowei Jia Mingzhe Sun Xiaoli Sun 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期375-383,共9页
Low temperature causes rice yield losses of up to 30%–40%,therefore increasing its cold tolerance is a breeding target.Few genes in rice are reported to confer cold tolerance at both the vegetative and reproductive s... Low temperature causes rice yield losses of up to 30%–40%,therefore increasing its cold tolerance is a breeding target.Few genes in rice are reported to confer cold tolerance at both the vegetative and reproductive stages.This study revealed a rice-specific 24-nt miRNA,miR1868,whose accumulation was suppressed by cold stress.Knockdown of MIR1868 increased seedling survival,pollen fertility,seed setting,and grain yield under cold stress,whereas its overexpression conferred the opposite phenotype.Knockdown of MIR1868 increased reactive oxygen species(ROS)scavenging and soluble sugar content under cold stress by increasing the expression of peroxidase genes and sugar metabolism genes,and its overexpression produced the opposite effect.Thus,MIR1868 negatively regulated rice cold tolerance via ROS scavenging and sugar accumulation. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Cold tolerance MIRNA ROS scavenging Soluble sugar accumulation
面向物联网多场景的PBFT共识算法改进方案 被引量:1
作者 戚文杰 史培中 +1 位作者 古春生 景征骏 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期676-682,687,共8页
物联网与区块链融合过程中,实用拜占庭容错(PBFT)算法存在通信开销大、时延高且无法根据场景与设备差异进行合理划分的不足。为满足物联网多场景应用的问题,提出了一种基于综合评价的改进实用拜占庭容错算法。首先,对节点进行基于性能... 物联网与区块链融合过程中,实用拜占庭容错(PBFT)算法存在通信开销大、时延高且无法根据场景与设备差异进行合理划分的不足。为满足物联网多场景应用的问题,提出了一种基于综合评价的改进实用拜占庭容错算法。首先,对节点进行基于性能与信誉值加权的综合评价筛选出符合特定场景需求的节点;然后,进行基于节点综合评价的聚类,形成双层网络架构;最后,将共识过程分为子集群共识和主集群共识。实验结果表明,CE-PBFT拥有较高的容错性和场景适应性,且当场景节点数达到100时,在通信开销和共识时延方面较PBFT分别有着93.9%和87.8%的性能优化。 展开更多
关键词 物联网 区块链 实用拜占庭容错 多场景 综合评价
PHD17 acts as a target of miR1320 to negatively control cold tolerance via JA-activated signaling in rice 被引量:1
作者 Yan Wang Yang Shen +6 位作者 Weifeng Dong Xiaoxi Cai Junkai Yang Yue Chen Bowei Jia Mingzhe Sun Xiaoli Sun 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期1447-1458,共12页
Plant Homeo Domain(PHD)proteins are involved in diverse biological processes during plant growth.However,the regulation of PHD genes on rice cold stress response remains largely unknown.Here,we reported that PHD17 neg... Plant Homeo Domain(PHD)proteins are involved in diverse biological processes during plant growth.However,the regulation of PHD genes on rice cold stress response remains largely unknown.Here,we reported that PHD17 negatively regulated cold tolerance in rice seedlings as a cleavage target of miR1320.PHD17 expression was greatly induced by cold stress,and was down-regulated by miR1320 overexpression and up-regulated by miR1320 knockdown.Through 5'RACE and dual luciferase assays,we found that miR1320 targeted and cleaved the 3'UTR region of PHD17.PHD17 was a nuclearlocalized protein and acted as a transcriptional activator in yeast.PHD17 overexpression reduced cold tolerance of rice seedlings,while knockout of PHD17 increased cold tolerance,partially via the CBF cold signaling.By combining transcriptomic and physiological analyses,we demonstrated that PHD17 modulated ROS homeostasis and flavonoid accumulation under cold stress.K-means clustering analysis revealed that differentially expressed genes in PHD17 transgenic lines were significantly enriched in the jasmonic acid(JA)biosynthesis pathway,and expression of JA biosynthesis and signaling genes was verified to be affected by PHD17.Cold stress tests applied with MeJA or IBU(JA synthesis inhibitor)further suggested the involvement of PHD17 in JA-mediated cold signaling.Taken together,our results suggest that PHD17 acts downstream of miR1320 and negatively regulates cold tolerance of rice seedlings through JA-mediated signaling pathway. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Cold tolerance PHD protein miR1320 JA signaling
A Data Intrusion Tolerance Model Based on an Improved Evolutionary Game Theory for the Energy Internet 被引量:1
作者 Song Deng Yiming Yuan 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期3679-3697,共19页
Malicious attacks against data are unavoidable in the interconnected,open and shared Energy Internet(EI),Intrusion tolerant techniques are critical to the data security of EI.Existing intrusion tolerant techniques suf... Malicious attacks against data are unavoidable in the interconnected,open and shared Energy Internet(EI),Intrusion tolerant techniques are critical to the data security of EI.Existing intrusion tolerant techniques suffered from problems such as low adaptability,policy lag,and difficulty in determining the degree of tolerance.To address these issues,we propose a novel adaptive intrusion tolerance model based on game theory that enjoys two-fold ideas:(1)it constructs an improved replica of the intrusion tolerance model of the dynamic equation evolution game to induce incentive weights;and (2)it combines a tournament competition model with incentive weights to obtain optimal strategies for each stage of the game process.Extensive experiments are conducted in the IEEE 39-bus system,whose results demonstrate the feasibility of the incentive weights,confirm the proposed strategy strengthens the system’s ability to tolerate aggression,and improves the dynamic adaptability and response efficiency of the aggression-tolerant system in the case of limited resources. 展开更多
关键词 Energy Internet Intrusion tolerance game theory racial competition adaptive intrusion response
The ZOS7-MYB60 module confers drought-stress tolerance in rice 被引量:1
作者 Shubo Zhou Lihong He +5 位作者 Zubair Iqbal Yi Su Jihang Huang Lijing He Mingnan Qu Langtao Xiao 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期1369-1378,共10页
Shanlan upland rice is an important landrace resource with high drought stress(DS)tolerance.Despite its importance,genes responsible for yield in Shanlan upland rice have yet to be discovered.Our previous study identi... Shanlan upland rice is an important landrace resource with high drought stress(DS)tolerance.Despite its importance,genes responsible for yield in Shanlan upland rice have yet to be discovered.Our previous study identified a drought-responsive zinc finger protein,ZOS7,as highly expressed in Shanlandao upland rice.However,the function of this gene in controlling drought tolerance remains largely unexplored.In this study,we found that overexpressing ZOS7,a drought-responsive zinc finger protein,in rice increased biomass and yield under drought stress.Co-overexpressing ZOS7 and MYB60,encoding a protein with which ZOS7 interacted,intensified the yield increase.ZOS7 and MYB60 appear to form a module that confers drought tolerance by regulating stomatal density and wax biosynthesis.The ZOS7-MYB60module could be used in molecular breeding for drought tolerance in rice. 展开更多
关键词 ZOS7 EPFL9 CER1 Stomatal density Wax biosynthesis TRANSCRIPTOME Drought tolerance
作者 顾鑫 戴欢 +2 位作者 唐毅 孙立 索梓翔 《计算机工程与设计》 北大核心 2024年第3期649-655,共7页
针对复杂网络环境中,基于传统PBFT共识算法的物联网系统存在恶意伪装设备和共识响应延迟高的问题,提出一种基于位置和时间的可信双层PBFT共识机制(credible-location-and-time-based Byzantine fault tolerant algorithm, CBFT)。根据... 针对复杂网络环境中,基于传统PBFT共识算法的物联网系统存在恶意伪装设备和共识响应延迟高的问题,提出一种基于位置和时间的可信双层PBFT共识机制(credible-location-and-time-based Byzantine fault tolerant algorithm, CBFT)。根据边缘服务器的位置信息对设备进行分组,使用GeoHash(geographical hash, GeoHash)协议创建设备的位置定时器,根据定时器的可信时间遴选出诚信设备;基于边缘服务器的信用值生成两层网络,并行开展共识,分解共识任务;引入基于Token的信用评价机制,激励边缘服务器规范共识行为。实验结果表明,改进的共识机制能够有效筛选出恶意设备,降低共识耗时并提高系统吞吐量。 展开更多
关键词 pbft共识算法 物联网 可信双层拜占庭容错算法 边缘服务器 位置定时器 信用评价机制 共识行为
Assessment of molecular markers and marker-assisted selection for drought tolerance in barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) 被引量:1
作者 Akmaral Baidyussen Gulmira Khassanova +11 位作者 Maral Utebayev Satyvaldy Jatayev Rystay Kushanova Sholpan Khalbayeva Aigul Amangeldiyeva Raushan Yerzhebayeva KulpashBulatova Carly Schramm Peter Anderson Colin L.D.Jenkins Kathleen LSoole Yuri Shavrukov 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期20-38,共19页
This review updates the present status of the field of molecular markers and marker-assisted selection(MAS),using the example of drought tolerance in barley.The accuracy of selected quantitative trait loci(QTLs),candi... This review updates the present status of the field of molecular markers and marker-assisted selection(MAS),using the example of drought tolerance in barley.The accuracy of selected quantitative trait loci(QTLs),candidate genes and suggested markers was assessed in the barley genome cv.Morex.Six common strategies are described for molecular marker development,candidate gene identification and verification,and their possible applications in MAS to improve the grain yield and yield components in barley under drought stress.These strategies are based on the following five principles:(1)Molecular markers are designated as genomic‘tags’,and their‘prediction’is strongly dependent on their distance from a candidate gene on genetic or physical maps;(2)plants react differently under favourable and stressful conditions or depending on their stage of development;(3)each candidate gene must be verified by confirming its expression in the relevant conditions,e.g.,drought;(4)the molecular marker identified must be validated for MAS for tolerance to drought stress and improved grain yield;and(5)the small number of molecular markers realized for MAS in breeding,from among the many studies targeting candidate genes,can be explained by the complex nature of drought stress,and multiple stress-responsive genes in each barley genotype that are expressed differentially depending on many other factors. 展开更多
关键词 BARLEY candidate genes drought tolerance gene verification via expression grain yield marker-assisted selection(MAS) molecular markers quantitative trait loci(QTLs) strategy for MAS
The UDP-glycosyltransferase OsUGT706D2 positively regulates cold and submergence stress tolerance in rice
作者 Qing Liu Lanlan Zhang +12 位作者 Shuwei Lyu Hang Yu Wenjie Huang Liqun Jiang Jing Zhang Bingrui Sun Xingxue Mao Pingli Chen Junlian Xing Wenfeng Chen Zhilan Fan Shijuan Yan Chen Li 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期732-742,共11页
In a genome-wide association study,we identified a rice UDP-glycosyltransferase gene,OsUGT706D2,whose transcription was activated in response to cold and submergence stress and to exogenous abscisic acid(ABA).OsUGT706... In a genome-wide association study,we identified a rice UDP-glycosyltransferase gene,OsUGT706D2,whose transcription was activated in response to cold and submergence stress and to exogenous abscisic acid(ABA).OsUGT706D2 positively regulated the biosynthesis of tricin-4’-O-(syringyl alcohol)ether-7-O-glucoside at both the transcriptional and metabolic levels.OsUGT706D2 mediated cold and submergence tolerance by modulating the expression of stress-responsive genes as well as the abscisic acid(ABA)signaling pathway.Gain of function of OsUGT706D2 increased cold and submergence tolerance and loss of function of OsUGT706D2 reduced cold tolerance.ABA positively regulated OsUGT706D2-mediated cold tolerance but reduced submergence tolerance.These findings suggest the potential use of OsUGT706D2 for improving abiotic stress tolerance in rice. 展开更多
关键词 UDP-glycosyltransferase RICE Cold tolerance Submergence tolerance ABA
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