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The Yield and Diseases-Pest Performance of Breeding Materials for Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) Sourced from Different Exotic Sources
作者 Akm Quamruzzaman Limu Akter 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2024年第9期766-776,共11页
A study was conducted with 36 tomato germplasm [PGRC (19), The Netherlands (7), Japan (2), and Bangladesh (9)] with 3 check varieties in the research field of the Olericulture Division of Horticulture Research Centre ... A study was conducted with 36 tomato germplasm [PGRC (19), The Netherlands (7), Japan (2), and Bangladesh (9)] with 3 check varieties in the research field of the Olericulture Division of Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur during the winter season of 2022-23 to identify promising tomato breeding germplasm. All the germplasm showed differences in most of the parameters studied. Considerable variation was observed for fruit yield per hectare varied from 39 to 144 tons, while the highest fruit yield per hectare was harvested from the germplasm viz., BD 7759B, BD 7757, BD 7751, BD 7301, QM, BD 7759A, BD 7762, QF, BD 7753, BD 8886, BD 10351, NL-1A, SLA-19. The number of locules, total soluble solids (TSS) and plant height at last harvest varied from 2 to 6.6, 2.6 to 5.9%, and 66 to 154cm, respectively. The TYLCV infection (%) and leaf-sucking pest infestation (%) were observed with a 1 to 20% range in the field condition in both cases. So, we can select that germplasm has zero per cent infestation. Considering the plant growth habit, earliness, different yield contributing horticultural traits, virus and pest infestation thirteen germplasm viz., BD 7759B, BD 7757, BD 7751, BD 7301, QM, BD 7759A, BD 7762, QF, BD 7753, BD 8886, BD 10351, NL-1A, SLA-19 were selected as breeding materials for further tomato improvement program. 展开更多
关键词 lycopersicon esculentum tomato TYLCV Leaf-Sucking Pest Fruit Yield
Microclimate modification using eco-friendly nets and floating row covers improves tomato (<i>Lycopersicon esculentum</i>) yield and quality for small holder farmers in East Africa 被引量:1
作者 Mwanarusi Saidi Elisha O. Gogo +2 位作者 Francis M. Itulya Thibaud Martin Mathieu Ngouajio 《Agricultural Sciences》 2013年第11期577-584,共8页
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the important vegetables in supplying vitamins, minerals and fiber to human diets worldwide. Its successful production in the tropics is, however, constrained by environmenta... Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the important vegetables in supplying vitamins, minerals and fiber to human diets worldwide. Its successful production in the tropics is, however, constrained by environmental variations especially under open field conditions. Two trials were conducted at the Horticulture Research and Teaching Field, Egerton University, Kenya to evaluate the effects of agricultural nets (agronets) herein called eco-friendly nets (EFNs) and floating row covers (FRCs) on microclimate modification, yield, and quality of tomato. A randomized complete block design with five replications was used. Tomato plants were grown under fine mesh EFN (0.4-mm pore diameter) cover, large mesh EFN (0.9-mm pore diameter) cover or FRC. The EFN and FRC were maintained either permanently closed or opened thrice a week from 9 am to 3 pm. Two open control treatments were used: unsprayed (untreated control) or sprayed with chemicals (treated control). The use of EFN or FRC modified the microclimate with higher temperatures, lower diurnal temperature ranges, and higher volumetric water content recorded compared with the controls. On the other hand, light quantity and photosynthetic active radiation were reduced by the use of EFN and FRC compared with the controls. The use of FRC and EFN resulted in more fruit and higher percent in marketable yield compared with open field production. Fruit quality at harvest was also significantly improved by the use of EFN and FRC. Fruits with higher total soluble solids (TSS), lower titratable acidity (TA), and higher sugar acid ratio were obtained in EFN and FRC treatments compared with the controls. Fruits harvested from EFN and FRC were also firmer compared with control fruits. These findings demonstrate the potential of EFN and FRC in modifying microclimate conditions and improving yields and quality of tomato under tropical field conditions. 展开更多
关键词 lycopersicon esculentum Solanum lycopersicum mICROCLImATE mODIFICATION Protected Cropping tomato Yields tomato Quality
The Effect of Water Hyacinth (<i>Eichhornia crassipes</i>) Compost on Tomato (<i>Lycopersicon esculentum</i>) Growth Attributes, Yield Potential and Heavy Metal Levels
作者 Martin Mashavira Tavengwa Chitata +3 位作者 Rangarirai Lucia Mhindu Simbarashe Muzemu Arnold Kapenzi Pepukai Manjeru 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2015年第4期545-553,共9页
The potential of different water hyacinth compost application rates in influencing growth attributes, yield and heavy metal accumulation of lead (Pb), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) in tomato fruit was studied... The potential of different water hyacinth compost application rates in influencing growth attributes, yield and heavy metal accumulation of lead (Pb), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) in tomato fruit was studied in Masvingo. Four treatments of water hyacinth compost rates of 0, 37, 55.6 and 74.1 t·ha-1 were each replicated three times and applied in a randomized complete block design set up. Results showed that water hyacinth compost application rates significantly affected plant height, days to maturity and yield but had no influence on the number of tomato fruits per plant. The plant height at application rate of 74.1 t·ha-1 was 25%, 56% and 63% higher than the control at week 6, 9 and 12, respectively. At application rates of 56.6 t·ha-1, plant heights were 11%, 13% and 12% higher than the control whilst marginal plant height differences of -4%, 6% and 4% were recorded between application rate of 34.7 t·ha-1 and the control at week 6, 9 and 12, respectively. Tomato plants under compost rates of 34.7, 56.6 and 74.1 t·ha-1 in comparison to the control delayed maturity by 10, 17 and 20 days, respectively. Yields of 52, 55, 60 and 68 t·ha-1 were realized from hyacinth compost rates of 0, 34.7, 56.6 and 74.1 t·ha-1, respectively. Heavy metal concentrations increased with increase in the water hyacinth compost rate but at all application rates, the average concentrations were 85%, 93% and 86% lower than the Codex Alimentarious Commission permissible levels for Pb, Cu and Zn. Water hyacinth compost at a rate of 74 t·ha-1 therefore can be used for increased tomato yield without exposing consumers to heavy metal toxicity. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metal Concentration lycopersicon esculentum Water Hyacinth COmPOST tomato Production
Yield and Pest Performance of High-Temperature Tolerant Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Lines for Year-Round Tomato Production in Bangladesh
作者 Akm Quamruzzaman Limu Akter Ferdouse Islam 《Agricultural Sciences》 2023年第7期855-863,共9页
The study was conducted at Olericulture Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh during summer season of 2021 to see the performances of yield and yield-related components of twelve he... The study was conducted at Olericulture Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh during summer season of 2021 to see the performances of yield and yield-related components of twelve heat tolerant tomato hybrids. Significant variation was expressed for days to first harvest (101.0 - 108.0 days), while maximum number of fruits per plant was calculated in F<sub>1</sub> 2101 and F<sub>1</sub> 2201 (9.5), followed by F<sub>1</sub> 203, F1 2001, F<sub>1</sub> 2303, F<sub>1</sub> 2401 (9.0). The highest single fruit weight was estimated in F<sub>1</sub> 2501 (195.5 g), followed by F<sub>1</sub> 2101 (119.0 g), F<sub>1</sub> 2201 (113.8 g), while the range was 33.1 - 195.5 g. The range of fruit yield was 7.9 - 38.7 t/ha, while higher-yielding hybrids were viz., F<sub>1</sub> 203 (27.7 t/ha), F<sub>1</sub> 2101 (35.5 t/ha), F<sub>1</sub> 2201 (33.9 t/ha) and F<sub>1</sub> 2501 (28.7 t/ha). Maximum TSS was produced by F<sub>1 </sub>2501 (5.9%), followed by BARI Hybrid Tomato-8 (5.1%), F<sub>1</sub> 1101, F<sub>1</sub> 1903 (5.0%), with a range of 4.0% - 5.9%, while TYLCV infection and leaf sucking pest infestation varied from 0.0% - 10.0% and 3.3% - 16.7%, respectively. Thus, based on the performances of different yield and yield contributing traits, the hybrids, viz., F<sub>1</sub> 2101, F<sub>1 </sub>2201, F<sub>1 </sub>2501 may be selected to develop heat tolerant tomato hybrid varieties for the farmers of sub-tropical regions. 展开更多
关键词 lycopersicon esculentum tomato Hybrids HETEROSIS Sub-Tropical
外源NO与蔗糖对盐胁迫下番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)幼苗氧化损伤的保护效应 被引量:25
作者 苏桐 魏小红 +1 位作者 丁学智 李源 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期1558-1564,共7页
选取长至6~8片真叶的健康番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)幼苗,分别进行蔗糖、硝普钠(sodium nitropresside,SNP,作为外源NO供体)及其体积比例组合(1∶1)处理;36h后施以NaCl胁迫,并分别于0h(胁迫前)、24h、48h和72h取样,... 选取长至6~8片真叶的健康番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)幼苗,分别进行蔗糖、硝普钠(sodium nitropresside,SNP,作为外源NO供体)及其体积比例组合(1∶1)处理;36h后施以NaCl胁迫,并分别于0h(胁迫前)、24h、48h和72h取样,进行相关生理生化指标测定。具体5个实验处理如下:A.蒸馏水(CK);B.100 mmol/L NaCl;C.0.1 mmol/L SNP+100 mmol/L NaCl;D.0.1 mmol/L SNP+1.0mmol/L蔗糖+100 mmol/L NaCl;E.1.0 mmol/L蔗糖+100 mmol/L NaCl。结果表明:与SNP和蔗糖单独处理相比,二者组合处理对缓解盐胁迫下番茄幼苗的氧化损伤存在正协同效应,主要表现在进一步增强了番茄幼苗超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)的活性;提高了脯氨酸(Pro)的含量,同时膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量显著降低(P〈0.05)。采用聚丙烯酰胺浓度梯度凝胶电泳对盐胁迫24 h和48 h材料的POD同功酶检测表明,当NaCl单独处理时,番茄幼苗叶片POD同功酶第V条带缺失,其它谱带酶量减少,抑制了POD同功酶的表达;SNP和蔗糖单独处理能够保护盐胁迫(24、48h)所导致的POD同功酶条带的完整;而组合处理既保证了POD同功酶条带的完整,又加强了酶量的表达。随着盐胁迫时间的延长,其氧化损伤程度愈烈,SNP和蔗糖组合处理能够更有效地缓解盐胁迫对番茄幼苗植株造成的氧化损伤。 展开更多
关键词 一氧化氮 蔗糖 番茄(lycopersicon esculentum mill)幼苗 NaCl胁迫 氧化损伤
Effects on Sucrose Metabolism,Dry Matter Distribution and Fruit Quality of Tomato Under Water Deficit 被引量:20
作者 QI Hong-yan, LI Tian-lai, ZHANG Jie, WANG Lei and CHEN Yuan-hong(Horticultural College, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161 , P.R.China) 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2003年第11期1253-1258,共6页
Four irrigation treatments were designed with 2,4,6 and 8 d intervals to irrigate, respectively. Watering was stopped when the reading of the moisture tension sensor reached zero. The results indicated that glucose an... Four irrigation treatments were designed with 2,4,6 and 8 d intervals to irrigate, respectively. Watering was stopped when the reading of the moisture tension sensor reached zero. The results indicated that glucose and fructose content of tomato's fruit were increased but sucrose content was decreased with fruit growth and development. In different stages, carbohydrate content of tomato fruit in the treatment 3 was the highest, in the treatment 2 was higher, and in the other treatments was the lowest. SS(sucrose synthase)activity was decreased but SPS(sucrose phosphate synthase)activity was increased with development of tomato. SS and SPS activity were increased but acid invertase and neutral invertase activity of ripe stage were decreased under deficit irrigation. Glucose and fructose content were increased in leaves of tomato under water deficit. Soluble sugars, organic acid and the ratio of sugar/acid in tomato fruits were increased and dry matter accumulation of plant was enhanced under water deficit. But the growth of fruits upside the plant and its dry matter accumulation were badly affected under water stress. 展开更多
关键词 Water deficit tomato(lycopersicon esculentum mill.) Sucrose metabolism Dry matter distribution Fruit quality
番茄(Lycoqersicon esculentum Mill)小孢子发生及其雄配子体发育的细胞学观察 被引量:4
作者 张秀刚 《北京农学院学报》 1990年第1期7-15,共9页
番茄小孢子的发生从孢原细胞开始,经过造孢细胞,小孢子母细胞、四分体、小孢子、雄配子体等发育阶段,最后形成二核花粉.番茄的绒毡层细胞是由初生壁细胞衍生的同型的双核细胞,正常情况下在减数分裂时期至四分体时期同步溶解.番茄的绒毡... 番茄小孢子的发生从孢原细胞开始,经过造孢细胞,小孢子母细胞、四分体、小孢子、雄配子体等发育阶段,最后形成二核花粉.番茄的绒毡层细胞是由初生壁细胞衍生的同型的双核细胞,正常情况下在减数分裂时期至四分体时期同步溶解.番茄的绒毡层为"变形绒毡层"类型,即溶解后的绒毡层要形成周原质团流入药室.番茄小孢子母细胞的减数分裂为同时型,在减数第一次分裂后不立即形成细胞壁,而是形成一个双核细胞;第二次分裂中,两个核同时进行分裂,其方向互为垂直,当分裂完成时,在四个核之间产生细胞壁,分隔成一个呈正四面体形的四分体.新形成的小孢子有浓厚细胞质和一个位于中央的细胞核.小孢子进一步发育形成明显的细胞壁,增大体积,细胞核被挤向一侧,在贴近细胞壁的位置上细胞核进行有丝分裂.分裂的结果形成两个子核:生殖核和营养核,两核之间最初由一弧形细胞板分隔成两个不等的细胞.番茄小孢子的发育基本是同步的,大多数小孢子都能发育成正常的成熟花粉. 展开更多
关键词 小孢子发生 减数分裂 雄配子体发育 变形绒毡层细胞 周原质团 番茄
Response of Tomato Plants to a New Application Method of Polyolefin-Coated Fertilizer 被引量:3
作者 TIAN Xiao-Hong M. SAIGUSA 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期491-498,共8页
The response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants basically fertilized with 0.3 g N per plant of compound fertilizer with a N:P2O5:K2O ratio of 20:10:20 to sticks of polyolefin-coated fertilizer (POCF) ... The response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants basically fertilized with 0.3 g N per plant of compound fertilizer with a N:P2O5:K2O ratio of 20:10:20 to sticks of polyolefin-coated fertilizer (POCF) (LongT0 with a N:P2Os:K2O ratio of 14:12:14) applied 23 d after transplanting was investigated using rooting boxes in the greenhouse. The results at 26 and 40 d after stick fertilizer treatment showed that the use of the stick fertilizer greatly increased the production of many new fine roots from the tomato plants. Compared to the unfertilized control, root length and root length density in the stick fertilizer treatment increased by 3.6-6.7 fold. In the soil zones near the stick fertilizer, root weight and root mass density were also significantly higher for the stick fertilizer treatment. Additionally, the use of the stick fertilizer increased the N, P and K concentrations in the leaves and stems of the tomato plants. The new fine roots growing near the stick fertilizer not only absorbed more nutrients and translocated them to the shoots, but also contained more nutrients within themselves. The soil ammonium and nitrate N data showed that N released from the stick fertilizer played a major role in inducing the production of new fine roots. These results indicated that stick fertilizer could be used as an alternative to the co-situs application technique to change and control the root distribution of crops as well as to increase the potential capacity of roots for water and nutrient absorption. 展开更多
关键词 application method controlled release fertilizer tomato (lycopersicon esculentum
Incorporation of Resistance Gene into Tomato using Binary Vector System
作者 赵淑慧 薛国雄 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1995年第1期36-39,T001,共5页
Exoplants of tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum) leaf were transformed with Ti plasmids using binary vector system.After screening.with selection culture, kanamycin-resistant seedling were obtained from callus. Molecular ... Exoplants of tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum) leaf were transformed with Ti plasmids using binary vector system.After screening.with selection culture, kanamycin-resistant seedling were obtained from callus. Molecular hybridization proved the integration of Km gene into plant cell genome via A.tumefaciens. Higher activity of Nos-NPTase was demonstrated in the transformed plant,thus confirming the successful expression of the resistance gene in recipient cells. 展开更多
关键词 tomato (lycopersicon esculentum) Binary vector Resistance gene TRANSFORmATION
Codominant-SCAR技术的建立以及在番茄育种中的应用 被引量:6
作者 国艳梅 杜永臣 +2 位作者 王孝宣 朱德蔚 高建昌 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期1026-1029,共4页
结合SCAR标记的原理与多引物PCR技术,建立了共显性标记技术Codom inant-SCAR。利用该技术对12份番茄近等基因系进行了遗传鉴定,结果表明该方法具有重复性好、迅速、简便、成本低的特点,可用于番茄和其它作物的分子育种。
关键词 番茄 SCAR 共显性标记 分子标记
AM真菌对盐渍土壤中番茄、辣椒生长和矿质养分吸收的影响 被引量:30
作者 李敏 辛华 +3 位作者 郭绍霞 孙太娟 梁美霞 刘润进 《莱阳农学院学报》 2005年第1期38-41,共4页
以黄河三角洲地区盐渍土壤中分离得到的5种AM真菌为接种物,研究不同菌种对盐渍土壤中番茄和辣椒生长和吸收的影响。结果表明:5种AM真菌都可以侵染番茄和辣椒的根系形成菌根,其中番茄根系的侵染率为23.3%-39.7%,辣椒根系的侵染率为20.9%-... 以黄河三角洲地区盐渍土壤中分离得到的5种AM真菌为接种物,研究不同菌种对盐渍土壤中番茄和辣椒生长和吸收的影响。结果表明:5种AM真菌都可以侵染番茄和辣椒的根系形成菌根,其中番茄根系的侵染率为23.3%-39.7%,辣椒根系的侵染率为20.9%-33.7%。5种AM真菌均能促进番茄和辣椒植株的生长,显著增加叶片叶绿素的含量。接种AM真菌能显著提高番茄和辣椒植株地上部P和K的浓度,降低Na的浓度。辣椒对5种AM真菌的相对依赖性略高于番茄。而G.mosseae和G.versiforme2菌种对番茄和辣椒生长的促进作用最好。因此,在盐渍土壤中G.mosseae和G.versiforme是促进番茄和辣椒生长的高效菌种。 展开更多
关键词 Am真菌 盐渍土壤 番茄 辣椒 生长发育 矿质养分吸收 抗盐性
Preliminary studies on differential defense responses induced during plant communication 被引量:4
作者 JinYingPENG ZhongHaiLI +4 位作者 HuiXIANG JianHuaHUANG ShiHaiJIA XueXiaMIAO YongPingHUANG 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期187-192,共6页
We compared the expression patterns of three representative genes in undamaged tomato and tobacco plants in response to exposure to either tomato or tobacco fed on by Helicoverpa armigera (cotton bollworm). When tomat... We compared the expression patterns of three representative genes in undamaged tomato and tobacco plants in response to exposure to either tomato or tobacco fed on by Helicoverpa armigera (cotton bollworm). When tomato and tobacco, two species of one family, were incubated in the chambers with the tomato plants damaged by the cotton bollworm, the expression of the PR1, BGL2, and PAL genes was up-regulated in leaves of both plants. However, the levels of gene expression were significantly higher in the tomato than that in the tobacco. In addition, the activities of enzymes, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and lipoxygenase were found to be higher in the tomato than those in the tobacco. Similar results were obtained when the damaged plants were replaced by the tobacco. 展开更多
关键词 plant-plant communication tomato (lycopersicon esculentum) tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cotton boll- worm (Helicoverpa armigera) inducible defenses.
加工番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)花药愈伤组织诱导与增殖的初步探究 被引量:2
作者 单淑玲 庞胜群 +2 位作者 郭晓珊 张慧静 王海琪 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第19期6418-6423,共6页
为了建立加工番茄花药离体培养再生体系,我们以3个基因型(C1,C2和C3)加工番茄的花药为试验材料,研究了2种诱导培养基和13种增殖培养基对加工番茄愈伤组织诱导与增殖的影响。结果表明:不同基因型加工番茄花药愈伤组织诱导培养基存在差异... 为了建立加工番茄花药离体培养再生体系,我们以3个基因型(C1,C2和C3)加工番茄的花药为试验材料,研究了2种诱导培养基和13种增殖培养基对加工番茄愈伤组织诱导与增殖的影响。结果表明:不同基因型加工番茄花药愈伤组织诱导培养基存在差异。加工番茄杂交组合C1花药愈伤组织诱导较适培养基是MS+0.5 mg/L 2,4-D+1.0 mg/L KT;加工番茄杂交组合C2和C3花药愈伤组织诱导较适培养基是MS+1.0 mg/LNAA+1.0 mg/L 6-BA;加工番茄花药愈伤组织增殖较适培养基为MS+1.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.2 mg/L NAA,其中C3的愈伤组织增殖率可达93.33%。本研究获得了较高的愈伤组织增殖率,为利用花药离体培养技术进行加工番茄种质资源创新提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 加工番茄(lycopersicon esculentum mill.) 花药 诱导与增殖 培养基 愈伤组织
作者 孙明 解环环 +5 位作者 刘德锐 吕臣浩 赵竹青 刘瑶 陈娥 陈永波 《湖北农业科学》 2024年第2期84-87,93,共5页
采用田间试验,以番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)品种瑞菲为试验材料,通过控释肥联合养分增效剂探究其对番茄生长、产量与品质的影响。结果表明,控释肥联合养分增效剂能显著增加植株茎粗(P<0.05);与常规施肥相比,控释肥和控释... 采用田间试验,以番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)品种瑞菲为试验材料,通过控释肥联合养分增效剂探究其对番茄生长、产量与品质的影响。结果表明,控释肥联合养分增效剂能显著增加植株茎粗(P<0.05);与常规施肥相比,控释肥和控释肥联合养分增效剂可显著改善番茄品质,番茄果实可溶性固形物含量有增加的趋势,可溶性糖含量、维生素C含量显著提高(P<0.05),番茄果实色泽度和硬度均有所改善;与常规施肥相比,控释肥和控释肥联合养分增效剂能有效提高番茄产量与经济效益,产量分别增加12.7%和29.2%,净利润分别增加3.65万元/hm^(2)和7.72万元/hm^(2)。综上,控释肥联合养分增效剂可实现番茄增产增效,在实现轻简化生产中具有重要的实践价值。 展开更多
关键词 控释肥 养分增效剂 番茄(lycopersicon esculentum mill.) 产量 品质
亏缺灌溉对番茄蔗糖代谢和干物质分配及果实品质的影响 被引量:61
作者 齐红岩 李天来 +2 位作者 张洁 王磊 陈元宏 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期1045-1049,共5页
在设施内设置4个灌水处理,分别间隔2(CK)、4(处理1)、6(处理2)和8d(处理3)浇1次水,均以浇水后土壤水分张力计回零为准。结果表明,番茄果实中葡萄糖和果糖的含量随生长发育的进行而逐渐提高,蔗糖含量下降;各时期处理3番茄果肉中糖分含量... 在设施内设置4个灌水处理,分别间隔2(CK)、4(处理1)、6(处理2)和8d(处理3)浇1次水,均以浇水后土壤水分张力计回零为准。结果表明,番茄果实中葡萄糖和果糖的含量随生长发育的进行而逐渐提高,蔗糖含量下降;各时期处理3番茄果肉中糖分含量最高,其次为处理2,其余2处理果实糖分含量最低。蔗糖合成酶活性呈下降趋势,蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性逐渐升高,水分亏缺提高了这2种酶的活性,但降低了成熟期酸性转化酶和中性转化酶活性。亏缺灌溉提高了番茄叶片中葡萄糖和果糖含量,同时提高了果实中的可溶性糖、有机酸的含量及糖酸比,增加了植株的干物质积累,但严重亏缺灌溉可明显影响植株上部果实的生长和干物质积累。 展开更多
关键词 亏缺灌溉 番茄 蔗糖代谢 干物质分配 果实品质
夜间低温对番茄幼苗光合作用的影响 被引量:36
作者 王丽娟 李天来 +1 位作者 李国强 齐红岩 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期757-761,共5页
以15℃夜温为对照,研究了12℃、9℃、6℃夜间低温对番茄(LycopersiconesculentumMill.)光合作用和叶绿素荧光参数的影响。结果表明:夜间低温抑制了植株总干物质的积累;总叶绿素含量、净光合速率下降;光合作用相关因素中气孔导度(Gs)、胞... 以15℃夜温为对照,研究了12℃、9℃、6℃夜间低温对番茄(LycopersiconesculentumMill.)光合作用和叶绿素荧光参数的影响。结果表明:夜间低温抑制了植株总干物质的积累;总叶绿素含量、净光合速率下降;光合作用相关因素中气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)下降,气孔限制值(Ls)增大。12℃、9℃夜低温处理10d净光合速率及相关因素可恢复到正常水平;6℃低温处理10d对番茄净光合速率的影响则不可恢复,而对光合作用相关因素的影响是可恢复的,说明在恢复期间6℃夜低温处理净光合速率的降低与Gs、Ci、Tr、Ls无关。所有夜间低温处理对Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ、ETR影响较小,低温胁迫解除后很快得到恢复,说明试验所设定的夜间低温及其处理时间未对PSⅡ系统造成伤害。 展开更多
关键词 番茄(lycopersicon esculentum mill.) 夜间低温 光合作用 叶绿素荧光参数
番茄不同部位中糖含量和相关酶活性的研究 被引量:62
作者 齐红岩 李天来 +1 位作者 刘海涛 张洁 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期239-243,共5页
试验将番茄光合产物运转途径上叶片(源)、运输系统以及果实(库)区分开,分别测定其糖的组成和含量以及糖代谢相关酶的活性。结果表明:番茄光合产物运转途径上从“源”到“库”各部位糖的组成和含量不同。叶肉中果糖的含量最高,蔗糖的含... 试验将番茄光合产物运转途径上叶片(源)、运输系统以及果实(库)区分开,分别测定其糖的组成和含量以及糖代谢相关酶的活性。结果表明:番茄光合产物运转途径上从“源”到“库”各部位糖的组成和含量不同。叶肉中果糖的含量最高,蔗糖的含量最低;中筋中以果糖和葡萄糖为主;叶柄维管束中葡萄糖含量最高,蔗糖含量次之,果糖含量最低。节间和果柄维管束中主要含有蔗糖。果实维管束以及果实内各部位中则主要含有葡萄糖和果糖,且两者含量无显著差异,蔗糖含量很低。萼片中葡萄糖含量最高,蔗糖含量最低;果蒂中3种糖含量均较高且无显著差异。番茄叶肉及光合产物运转组织中转化酶活性很低,而在库器官的非维管组织中转化酶活性较高。果蒂中的蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性最高,其次是叶肉和运转组织,果实内各部位中SS活性较低。在合成蔗糖的器官—叶肉中,有较高的蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性,运转组织中的SPS活性较叶肉中降低,但果柄维管束和果实维管束中则表现出较高SPS活性,果肉、果胶质胎座及心室隔壁中的SPS活性最低。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 光合产物运转途径 蔗糖代谢相关酶
外源ABA、BR和ETH对番茄果实番茄红素含量的影响 被引量:19
作者 翁倩 周宝利 +1 位作者 于洋 付亚文 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期784-787,共4页
为探索外源激素对番茄果实中番茄红素含量的影响,改进从番茄果实中正己烷、乙醇以及丁烯羟基甲苯BHT的丙酮混合试剂提取番茄红素的方法,确定了番茄红素最佳提取条件,并利用该条件检测分析了外源ABA(脱落酸)、BR(油菜素内酯)和ETH(乙烯)... 为探索外源激素对番茄果实中番茄红素含量的影响,改进从番茄果实中正己烷、乙醇以及丁烯羟基甲苯BHT的丙酮混合试剂提取番茄红素的方法,确定了番茄红素最佳提取条件,并利用该条件检测分析了外源ABA(脱落酸)、BR(油菜素内酯)和ETH(乙烯)处理番茄果实后番茄红素的含量。结果表明:200mg·L-1的外源ABA、0.001mg·L-1的外源BR和3000mg·L-1的外源ETH对促进番茄果实中番茄红素含量增加的效果较好,番茄红素含量分别达到115.11μg·g-1FW,106.16μg·g-1FW和125.21μg.g-1FW。外源ABA、BR和ETH均能在不同程度上促进番茄果实中番茄红素含量增加。 展开更多
关键词 番茄(lycopersicon esculentum mill.) 番茄红素 ABA BR ETH
低温胁迫下不同耐冷性番茄品种幼叶细胞Ca^(2+)分布变化的差异 被引量:24
作者 雷江丽 杜永臣 +3 位作者 朱德蔚 王鸣 王孝宣 李树德 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期269-275,共7页
采用焦锑酸钙沉淀的电镜细胞化学方法 ,研究了低温胁迫与冷锻炼下不同耐冷性番茄品种幼叶细胞Ca2 + 定位分布的变化。结果表明 :正常生长条件下 ,番茄幼叶细胞Ca2 +主要存在于液泡和细胞间隙内 ,细胞质中含量很低 ,且耐冷性不同品种之... 采用焦锑酸钙沉淀的电镜细胞化学方法 ,研究了低温胁迫与冷锻炼下不同耐冷性番茄品种幼叶细胞Ca2 + 定位分布的变化。结果表明 :正常生长条件下 ,番茄幼叶细胞Ca2 +主要存在于液泡和细胞间隙内 ,细胞质中含量很低 ,且耐冷性不同品种之间无明显差异。经5℃低温处理 2 4h后 ,耐冷品种细胞内Ca2 + 分布变化明显 ,胞内钙库 (即液泡 )释放Ca2 + 进入细胞基质 ,细胞间隙中仍有大量Ca2 + 存在 ;而冷敏感品种无明显变化。当处理 4 8h后 ,耐冷品种细胞Ca2 + 分布趋向于恢复到处理前的状态 ,而冷敏感品种则在细胞内形成较大的钙沉淀颗粒 ,多分布于叶绿体被膜与质膜内侧 ,细胞间隙内Ca2 + 颗粒也集中聚集成团。昼 15℃ /夜 8℃条件下的冷锻炼对不同耐冷性番茄幼叶细胞内Ca2 + 展开更多
关键词 番茄 钙离子 耐冷性 低温胁迫 动叶细胞 分布
现代化温室番茄植株各器官鲜物质和干物质分配规律的研究 被引量:13
作者 李灵芝 李海平 +2 位作者 弓志青 李亚灵 温祥珍 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第4期553-557,共5页
试验结果表明 :在本试验条件下 ,番茄植株鲜物质分配到根、茎、叶片和果实中的比例分别约为 1 %、2 0 %、5 0 %和 3 0 % ,干物质分配到根、茎、叶片和果实中的比例分别约为 2 %、2 5 %、47%和 2 6%。果实干重占植株总干重的比例为 2 6% ... 试验结果表明 :在本试验条件下 ,番茄植株鲜物质分配到根、茎、叶片和果实中的比例分别约为 1 %、2 0 %、5 0 %和 3 0 % ,干物质分配到根、茎、叶片和果实中的比例分别约为 2 %、2 5 %、47%和 2 6%。果实干重占植株总干重的比例为 2 6% ,果实干重与营养器官干重的比率为 3 4%。植株的平均干物质含量为 1 0 .2 % ,其中果实的干物质含量为 5 .0 % ,叶片、茎和根的干物质含量分别为 1 1 .6%、1 1 .3 %和 1 4.9%。 展开更多
关键词 现代化温室 番茄 鲜物质 干物质 分配规律 器官
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