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Megacrysts in the Cenozoic basalt of the Tuoyun Basin,Southwest Tianshan 被引量:2
作者 LÜ YongJun LUO ZhaoHua +1 位作者 REN ZhongBao LIANG Tao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第1期55-66,共12页
Abundant megacrysts of clinopyroxene, amphibole, anorthoclase, and phlogopite are found together with deep-seated xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalt of the Tuoyun Basin, Southwest Tianshan. The megacrysts are mainly in ... Abundant megacrysts of clinopyroxene, amphibole, anorthoclase, and phlogopite are found together with deep-seated xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalt of the Tuoyun Basin, Southwest Tianshan. The megacrysts are mainly in the cone sheet formed at the early stage of the volcanic activity. Clinopyroxene megacrysts are located in the lower part of the profile, with amphibole and phlogopite megacrysts in the middle part and anorthoclase megacrysts in the upper part. The crystal integrity, absence of deformation fabric and their relation to the host basalt suggest that they were crystallized from the host magma and quickly transported to the surface. The mineralogical studies imply that the clinopyroxene megacrysts are of Al-augite with higher Al2O3 (>9%). Amphibole megacrysts are kaersutite rich in TiO2 (>4.5%). Sulfide inclusions such as pyrrhotite occur in some clinopyroxene and amphibole megacrysts. Thermodynamic calculations reveal that pyroxene megacrysts formed under the temperature of 1185.85–1199.85°C and the pressure between 1.53 and 1.64 GPa comparable to the crust-mantle boundary and amphibole megacrysts crystallized under the pressure of around 0.85 GPa, temperature about 1000°C comparable to the depth of 30 km. Anorthoclase megacrysts crystallized under the pressure between 0.8–1 GPa, temperature about 900°C. The absence of Ti-rich inclusions such as rutile can be considered as an evidence of quick magma ascending. The P-T conditions estimated via pyroxene megacrysts and phenocrysts compose a P-T path with a steep slope. It can be considered as another evidence of quick magma ascending. However, the estimated temperatures for amphibole megacrysts are markedly lower than those for pyroxene megacrysts given the same pressure. It probably shows that the amphiboles have crystallized at the vanguard of magma and under the volatile-rich condition. Thus, we can conclude that the Cenozoic basalts are produced in an extensional tectonic setting and the processes governing crystallization and ascending of the megacrysts are very complex. 展开更多
关键词 tuoyun BASIN MEGACRYST CLINOPYROXENE amphibole anorthoclase alkaline BASALT Tianshan.
Paleomagnetic result of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Tuoyun Basin,southwest Tien Shan of China and its tectonic implications 被引量:1
作者 WANGYongcheng HUANGBaochun ZHURixiang LIUTao 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第12期1288-1295,共8页
Paleomagnetic study on the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Tuoyun Basin of the southwest Tien Shan indicates that most samples could isolate a stable character- istic remanent magnetization with reversed polarity. Th... Paleomagnetic study on the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Tuoyun Basin of the southwest Tien Shan indicates that most samples could isolate a stable character- istic remanent magnetization with reversed polarity. The positive fold test suggests that the characteristic component is very likely to be a primary magnetization acquired in the formation of rocks. Comparison with the reference Eurasia poles at 60 Ma indicates little or insignificant N-S conver- gence between the south edge of southwest Tien Shan and Siberia since the onset of the India/Asia collision at the Eo- cene. Furthermore, the Cretaceous and Tertiary paleomag- netic results suggest that the Tuoyun Basin was subjected to a local clockwise rotation of 20°—35° with respect to Eurasia since the Paleocene time, which is probably subsequent to the Cenozoic northward compression of the Pamir arc. 展开更多
关键词 古地磁学 新生代 火山岩 tuoyun盆地 天山 构造学 N-S收敛
玄武质岩石的单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄谱 被引量:7
作者 梁涛 罗照华 +3 位作者 潘颖 黄丹峰 杨宗锋 李德东 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期24-48,共25页
报道了托云、东浮山、羊角、雪花山和山旺5处新生代玄武岩的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年结果。位于西南天山造山带的托云新生代玄武岩的14个测点年龄值十分发散,最大值与最小值分别为857.1和203.4Ma,它们与其余4件玄武岩样品49个SHRIMP锆石测点... 报道了托云、东浮山、羊角、雪花山和山旺5处新生代玄武岩的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年结果。位于西南天山造山带的托云新生代玄武岩的14个测点年龄值十分发散,最大值与最小值分别为857.1和203.4Ma,它们与其余4件玄武岩样品49个SHRIMP锆石测点年龄一同构筑了涵盖各个地质时期几乎贯穿整个地质时间的复杂年龄谱。位于华北克拉通中部区域南太行山造山带的东浮山、羊角和雪花山新生代玄武岩3件样品累计36个锆石测点形成的锆石年龄谱相对简单,其中35个测点的年龄集中在1719.9~2641.6Ma,唯一的古生代年龄(311.3Ma)出现在雪花山玄武岩7.1测点。位于华北克拉通东部裂谷带内山旺玄武岩6件样品27个测点的单颗粒锆石年龄构筑的锆石年龄谱形成3个集中时间段,分别为新太古代—古元古代(2595.4~1852.2Ma)、古生代(385.8~271.1Ma)和中生代(109.4Ma)。3个年龄谱中大部分单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄均能在各自所处区域内发现与之对应的岩浆-热事件,部分单颗粒锆石年龄可能暗示所在区域至今未发现的岩浆热事件,托云、东浮山-羊角-雪花山、山旺新生代玄武岩的复杂单颗粒锆石年龄谱再造了各自所处区域的地质演化史。3个锆石年龄谱的复杂程度与各自区域地表出露岩浆岩的规模和期次复杂程度相关,天山造山带内岩浆岩发育,托云玄武岩锆石年龄普最复杂,记录了天山造山带的演化,而华北克拉通中部区域南太行山造山带地表零星出露岩浆岩,东浮山-羊角-雪花山玄武岩的锆石年龄普最简单。处于后期遭受破坏改造的华北克拉通东部裂谷带内的山旺玄武岩的单颗粒锆石年龄谱,其复杂程度明显低于托云玄武岩的年龄谱,而又高于东浮山-羊角-雪花山玄武岩的年龄谱。鉴于玄武质岩浆同化混染围岩过程中能量消耗和地球化学印记以及玄武质岩浆上升的耗时限制,认为托云、东浮山、羊角、雪花山和山旺新生代玄武岩中具有复杂年龄信息的锆石捕掳晶不是玄武质岩浆在快速上升过程中从围岩中捕获的,而是在岩石圈拆沉过程中进入软流圈地幔中,随着具原生岩浆性质的玄武质岩浆喷发到达地表。 展开更多
关键词 玄武质岩石 锆石 SHRIMP年龄谱 托云 东浮山 羊角 雪花山 山旺
放牧强度对高寒草地产草量及羊体质量增加的影响 被引量:3
作者 邓潮洲 储少林 +2 位作者 李瑞年 李晓敏 艾山江 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1462-1467,共6页
以托云牧场高寒草地为研究对象,通过设置3个放牧样地,一个对照样地,研究不同强度放牧对草地地上生物量的影响以及在不同放牧压力下羊体质量增加的效果。结果表明,1)托云牧场是以银穗草(Leucopoa albida)、羊茅(Festuca arioides)、点地... 以托云牧场高寒草地为研究对象,通过设置3个放牧样地,一个对照样地,研究不同强度放牧对草地地上生物量的影响以及在不同放牧压力下羊体质量增加的效果。结果表明,1)托云牧场是以银穗草(Leucopoa albida)、羊茅(Festuca arioides)、点地梅(Androsace umbellata)和棘豆(Oxytropis falcatae)为优势种的高山草地;2)高寒草地地上生物量较低,禁牧区7月地上生物量(干物质)仅830kg.hm-2;3)放牧活动对地上生物量有较大影响,重度放牧能显著降低牧场地上生物量;4)以羊体质量增加值为评价指标,该高寒牧场在载畜量为1.05羊单位.hm-2时能获得较好的体质量增加效果。 展开更多
关键词 托云牧场 放牧 地上生物量 羊体质量增加
作者 张明正 唐运涛 +1 位作者 黄建乐 李炳谦 《世界核地质科学》 CAS 2021年第2期180-187,共8页
托云盆地位于塔北中吉边境南侧的托云凹陷,为天山造山带强构造区内的山间裂谷盆地,盆内构造变形强烈。近年在托云盆地中侏罗统杨叶组中首次揭露到深部工业铀矿体,但盆地整体还处于找矿“空白区”。通过对托云盆地含矿目的层、构造和后... 托云盆地位于塔北中吉边境南侧的托云凹陷,为天山造山带强构造区内的山间裂谷盆地,盆内构造变形强烈。近年在托云盆地中侏罗统杨叶组中首次揭露到深部工业铀矿体,但盆地整体还处于找矿“空白区”。通过对托云盆地含矿目的层、构造和后生蚀变等地质特征分析,认为区内含矿目的层受控于山前陡坡型扇三角洲沉积体系,含矿砂体多发育强烈的高岭土化和碳酸盐化蚀变组合,矿体形成于层间氧化带氧化-还原过渡带;铀成矿主要受控于古新世至始新世的北部控盆构造斜坡带,渐新世后的构造改造作用使得深部赋铀矿体和氧化带发生“改造”。通过“露矿”找矿,反向寻找构造稳定埋深区层间氧化带和铀矿化的铀矿找矿思路,将为本地区以及强构造区指示出铀矿找矿方向。 展开更多
关键词 控矿因素 找矿方向 砂岩型铀矿 托云盆地
作者 李永 程志国 +2 位作者 郎明德 郝金华 孔德鑫 《岩石矿物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期13-28,共16页
响岩代表了陆内火山岩省钠质碱性岩浆最终端的演化产物,揭示其成因机制对认识陆内火山岩省的岩浆演化过程具有重要意义。文章对出露在我国境内西南天山托云中新生代火山岩盆地的响岩开展了系统的矿物学、岩石学和地球化学研究,以揭示托... 响岩代表了陆内火山岩省钠质碱性岩浆最终端的演化产物,揭示其成因机制对认识陆内火山岩省的岩浆演化过程具有重要意义。文章对出露在我国境内西南天山托云中新生代火山岩盆地的响岩开展了系统的矿物学、岩石学和地球化学研究,以揭示托云火山岩岩浆系列特征和岩浆演化过程。托云响岩以发育碱性长石、单斜辉石、铁橄榄石和角闪石斑晶为特征,在基质中可见霞石。在地球化学组成上,托云响岩以高的Na2O含量(7.9%~8.6%)和K2O含量(5.2%~6.3%)为特征,∑REE变化范围为408×10^(-6)~470×10^(-6),稀土元素配分曲线具有明显的Eu异常,在原始地幔标准化的微量元素蛛网图上,样品显示出Ba、Sr、P、Ti的负异常和Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf的正异常特征。亏损的Nd同位素组成表明其成因与共生的碧玄岩有紧密的成因联系,经MELTS热力学模拟,响岩可由碧玄岩经碱性长石(36%)、单斜辉石(21%)、尖晶石(10%)、铁橄榄石(6%)和角闪石(5%)的分离结晶作用形成,进一步的EC-AFC模拟表明,响岩在形成过程中受到一定程度(10%)的地壳混染。研究表明,托云火山岩总体属于过碱性岩石系列(碧玄岩-响岩质粗面岩-响岩),响岩代表了该岩石系列的终端演化产物。 展开更多
关键词 西南天山 托云盆地 响岩 铁橄榄石 岩浆演化 AFC过程
作者 耿振生 《文献语言学》 2019年第2期21-31,203,共12页
《鄉音集要沱韻》是一部可推定它所代表方言點的清代韻書。它的音系特徵明顯屬於徽語,通過書名可以把範圍縮小到婺源方言;經過跟婺源幾個方言點的音系比較,該書音系和有記音材料發表的紫陽、沱川音有一定差别。經筆者親自調查,認爲該書... 《鄉音集要沱韻》是一部可推定它所代表方言點的清代韻書。它的音系特徵明顯屬於徽語,通過書名可以把範圍縮小到婺源方言;經過跟婺源幾個方言點的音系比較,該書音系和有記音材料發表的紫陽、沱川音有一定差别。經筆者親自調查,認爲該書音系屬於婺源縣沱口村一帶的方音。 展开更多
关键词 《鄉音集要沱韻》 婺源方言 沱口村
作者 李翡 叶兰 《中国煤田地质》 2005年第2期8-10,共3页
以1:5万地质填图和钻探验证为基础,经分析研究塔里木托云盆地的地层特征、聚煤期、古地理环境,从而建立起该区的沉积模式,总结出该盆地煤层发育于下侏罗统康苏组上段地层之中,含煤11层,煤层为不稳定发育,但分布具有一定的规律可寻,对进... 以1:5万地质填图和钻探验证为基础,经分析研究塔里木托云盆地的地层特征、聚煤期、古地理环境,从而建立起该区的沉积模式,总结出该盆地煤层发育于下侏罗统康苏组上段地层之中,含煤11层,煤层为不稳定发育,但分布具有一定的规律可寻,对进一步找煤具有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 托云盆地 沉积模式 聚煤规律
New paleomagnetic results from Ceno-Mesozoic volcanic rocks along southern rim of the Tarim Basin, China 被引量:3
作者 孟自芳 邓云山 +3 位作者 丁兆海 郑彦鹏 李永安 孙东江 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 1998年第S2期91-104,共14页
Paleomagnetic samples were collected from four localities located in the southern rim of the Tarim basin. The samples were taken from volcanic rocks erupted between Jurassic and Quaternary. Detailed analysis of all sa... Paleomagnetic samples were collected from four localities located in the southern rim of the Tarim basin. The samples were taken from volcanic rocks erupted between Jurassic and Quaternary. Detailed analysis of all samples has been carried out with progressive thermal demagnetization. A characteristic remanence (ChRM) with higher unblocking temperature has been isolated from all samples. The pole position from the middle Jurassic is at 52.5°N, 187 9°E ( dp =3.7°, dm =6.5°); the directions of the ChRM of Cretaceous correspond to a paleopole at 69.7°N, 211.6°E ( dp =9.8°, dm =15.9°); the Quaternary pole from the Pulu site is at 79.9°N, 183.1°E ( dp =1.6°, dm = 2.4°). On the basis of these new paleomagnetic data, tectonic evolution of Tarim block is presented. 展开更多
关键词 SOUTHERN RIM of the TARIM Basin volcanic rocks Kangxiwa Dahongliutan Pulu tuoyun paleomagnetism.
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