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作者 林德力 《福建电脑》 2025年第1期41-49,共9页
智慧教育是教育体系建设中非常重要的一环,培养合格的新质生产力的劳动者是智慧校园建设的目标之一。本文研究和分析新质生产力、U-G-S模式与智慧校园建设之间的关联性,并以实例展示基于新质生产力的U-G-S模式智慧校园总体架构模型。对... 智慧教育是教育体系建设中非常重要的一环,培养合格的新质生产力的劳动者是智慧校园建设的目标之一。本文研究和分析新质生产力、U-G-S模式与智慧校园建设之间的关联性,并以实例展示基于新质生产力的U-G-S模式智慧校园总体架构模型。对该模型的实施效果调查分析的结果表明,U-G-S模式下的智慧校园运行获得了较为满意的效果。 展开更多
关键词 u-G-s模式 智慧校园 新质生产力
教育硕士产教融合“U-G-S&E”育人模式探析 被引量:1
作者 赵兴碧 章光洁 董红梅 《西南林业大学学报(社会科学)》 2024年第4期104-109,共6页
产教融合是教育与产业的深度合作,我国产教融合的政策经历了从职业教育到普通教育的发展。产教融合符合教育硕士人才培养的逻辑,“U-G-S&E”育人模式以高校为主导,政府提供政策引导和资金支持,中小学和企业协同参与教育硕士的培养... 产教融合是教育与产业的深度合作,我国产教融合的政策经历了从职业教育到普通教育的发展。产教融合符合教育硕士人才培养的逻辑,“U-G-S&E”育人模式以高校为主导,政府提供政策引导和资金支持,中小学和企业协同参与教育硕士的培养。通过实践探索发现,“U-G-S&E”模式可以更好地激发学生提升职业能力的动力,助力学生职业生涯规划和就业,提升以赛赋能的效果,帮助高校校内导师、中小学和企业的校外导师加深对教育链、人才链与产业链、创新链有机衔接的理解,助力孵化本地企业参与遴选国家产教融合型企业,推动本地企业更好的融入国家现代教育体系建设。 展开更多
关键词 教育硕士 产教融合 u-G-s&E 职业能力
作者 郭长江 《现代基础教育研究》 2024年第3期23-26,共4页
U-G-S(大学-政府-学校)三方联动是上海师范大学近年来建设现代大学附属学校的主要模式,上海师范大学、各区政府与中小学校高效协同合作,发挥各方优势,主动服务上海市政府建设“五个新城”的城市战略,办老百姓家门口的好学校。大学附属... U-G-S(大学-政府-学校)三方联动是上海师范大学近年来建设现代大学附属学校的主要模式,上海师范大学、各区政府与中小学校高效协同合作,发挥各方优势,主动服务上海市政府建设“五个新城”的城市战略,办老百姓家门口的好学校。大学附属学校分为挂牌学校和新建学校两种类型,研究从内在机制、实践路径和建设成效三个方面对两类学校的变革发展进行深度剖析,以期为大学附属学校建设提供宝贵经验。 展开更多
关键词 u-G-s模式 建设路径 大学附属学校
作者 陆超 金辉召 黄雪君 《教育参考》 2024年第6期43-52,84,共11页
本文选取美国、澳大利亚、新加坡等创新人才机制相对成熟的国家,探究其创新人才多主体早期培育项目经验,分析、归纳得出主要培养路径有四:首先,“丰富和加速”是主要培养手段,以高阶课程助力超前学习、以缩短学制促进加速学习、以暑期... 本文选取美国、澳大利亚、新加坡等创新人才机制相对成熟的国家,探究其创新人才多主体早期培育项目经验,分析、归纳得出主要培养路径有四:首先,“丰富和加速”是主要培养手段,以高阶课程助力超前学习、以缩短学制促进加速学习、以暑期项目丰富课程学习;其次,以信息技术搭建资优教育平台,扩展资源网络渠道,推进创新人才培养的机会均等;再次,注重教育体系衔接,以大中小衔接体系为创新人才接续培养枢纽,确保培养质量;最后,以分类培养理念创新人才和技术创新人才为目标,建立针对性培养体系。据此,本文提出改进我国创新人才早期培养U-G-S协作机制的建议:加强政策顶层设计、扶持校企联合、增强创新人才网络资源建设、推进校本创新人才培养项目建设等。 展开更多
关键词 创新人才 早期培养 u-G-s
作者 陆超 《现代基础教育研究》 2024年第3期27-31,共5页
对于“U-S”合作情境中高校教师与中小学教师如何进行知识互动这一重要问题,鲜有实证研究涉及。通过对高校与中小学合作的多个案例进行质性研究,发现高校教师与中小学教师的知识互动存在三种不同的模式:一是高校教师主导下的知识迁移模... 对于“U-S”合作情境中高校教师与中小学教师如何进行知识互动这一重要问题,鲜有实证研究涉及。通过对高校与中小学合作的多个案例进行质性研究,发现高校教师与中小学教师的知识互动存在三种不同的模式:一是高校教师主导下的知识迁移模式,二是内化与重构后的知识转化模式,三是基于研究伙伴关系的知识生产模式。基于此,自我定位与地位关系、知识互动的聚焦性和持续性、卷入程度及跨界互动能力,是影响高校教师与中小学教师知识互动效果的重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 u-s”合作 跨界知识互动 知识生产
内蒙古根河三道桥铅锌银矿床C-H-O-S同位素和U-Pb定年研究及其意义 被引量:1
作者 关强兵 刘俊辰 +5 位作者 王义天 胡乔青 何猛 段志辉 党顺安 史新 《矿产勘查》 2024年第4期526-539,共14页
内蒙古根河三道桥大型铅锌银矿床位于大兴安岭得尔布干成矿带中北段,矿体主要呈脉状赋存于火山岩地层中。氢氧同位素研究表明,成矿期石英和绢云母的δD值变化范围为-149.1‰~-156.7‰,δ^(18)OH_(2)O值变化范围为-13.6‰~3.4‰;成矿后... 内蒙古根河三道桥大型铅锌银矿床位于大兴安岭得尔布干成矿带中北段,矿体主要呈脉状赋存于火山岩地层中。氢氧同位素研究表明,成矿期石英和绢云母的δD值变化范围为-149.1‰~-156.7‰,δ^(18)OH_(2)O值变化范围为-13.6‰~3.4‰;成矿后期石英δD值变化范围为-131.9‰~-147.7‰,δ^(18)OH_(2)O值变化范围为-16.5‰~-18.2‰。碳同位素分析结果表明,与矿化有关的方解石δ^(13)C值变化范围为-1.8‰~-3.1‰,δ^(18)O值变化范围为5.3‰~8.6‰。原位S同位素分析结果表明,硫化物的δ^(34)S值变化范围为2.3‰~5.6‰,与其西南侧下护林矽卡岩型铅锌银矿床中的硫化物的δ^(34)S值(1.2‰~5.9‰)基本一致。上述同位素组成特征指示成矿物质主要来源于岩浆热液,在上升到地壳浅部时有一定量的大气降水混入。锆石U-Pb年代学研究表明,矿化的闪长玢岩脉年龄为(136.0±0.7)Ma(MSWD=0.44);未矿化、穿切硫化物微细脉的闪长玢岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄为(120.8±0.6)Ma(MSWD=0.49)。结合前人相关研究进展,认为三道桥铅锌银矿床形成于136.0~120.8 Ma期间(早白垩世),为伸展构造背景下与浅成侵入岩有关的中温热液型铅锌银矿床。 展开更多
关键词 C-H-O-s同位素 锆石u-Pb定年 成矿物质来源 三道桥铅锌银矿床 内蒙古
作者 高鹏飞 蒋丽 +2 位作者 尹婷婷 任翠香 马丽贞 《唐山师范学院学报》 2024年第5期127-130,共4页
师范生U-G-S培养模式实践已取得诸多成效,如多方配合助力师范生培养,促进区域均衡,提升基层教学水平等。但师范生U-G-S培养模式在实践中也存在突出问题,如高校一方主导、其他方参与度低,难以高效协同,培育方案与实际岗位需求存在适配偏... 师范生U-G-S培养模式实践已取得诸多成效,如多方配合助力师范生培养,促进区域均衡,提升基层教学水平等。但师范生U-G-S培养模式在实践中也存在突出问题,如高校一方主导、其他方参与度低,难以高效协同,培育方案与实际岗位需求存在适配偏差等。剖析“优师计划”对优化师范生U-G-S培养模式的启发,探索以当地政府为统筹、师范院校为关键、中小学校为导向、师范生为主体的“四位一体”优化路径,有助于提高师范生培育成效。 展开更多
关键词 “优师计划” 师范生培养 u-G-s培养模式
作者 孙君 李彦敏 《菏泽学院学报》 2024年第4期65-72,共8页
教育硕士是职前教师培养的重要对象,是高素质研究型教师队伍的重要来源。教育硕士U-G-S协同培养是我国教师队伍建设政策的主旨所向,更是卓越教育硕士培养的现实所需。以J大学教育硕士为研究样本,以利益相关者理论为理论基础,厘清U-G-S... 教育硕士是职前教师培养的重要对象,是高素质研究型教师队伍的重要来源。教育硕士U-G-S协同培养是我国教师队伍建设政策的主旨所向,更是卓越教育硕士培养的现实所需。以J大学教育硕士为研究样本,以利益相关者理论为理论基础,厘清U-G-S协同培养模式中各利益主体之间的互动关系及利益诉求,形成U-G-S协同培养模式的运行程序,并依据“计划、行动、观察、反思”的步骤开展行动实践。研究结果显示,U-G-S协同培养模式在导师团队建设、人才素养提升、研究成果产出等多方面取得显著成效。 展开更多
关键词 教育硕士 u-G-s 培养模式 多元主体协同
Commentary on "Association of daily sitting time and leisure-time physical activity with body fat among U.S.adults"
作者 Barbara E.Ainsworth 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期127-129,共3页
In their study,association of daily sitting time and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) with body fat among U.S.Adults,Liao et al.^(1) analyzed data from the 2011-2018 National Health and Examination Survey to exam... In their study,association of daily sitting time and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) with body fat among U.S.Adults,Liao et al.^(1) analyzed data from the 2011-2018 National Health and Examination Survey to examine associations between h/day sitting,meeting (or not meeting) the U.S.Physical Activity Guidelines of≥150 min/week of moderate-and vigorous-intensity LTPA,and combinations of sitting time and LTPA on totaland trunk percent body fat (BF%). 展开更多
关键词 u.s. ADuLT AMONG
作者 尹婷婷 蒋丽 高鹏飞 《唐山师范学院学报》 2024年第3期106-109,共4页
从“优师计划”背景下师范生U-G-S培养模式价值分析入手,剖析“优师计划”背景下师范生U-G-S培养模式中地方政府、师范院校、中小学校、师范生四个基本要素各自存在问题,提出“四位一体”师范生U-G-S培养模式提升对策,以当地政府为主导... 从“优师计划”背景下师范生U-G-S培养模式价值分析入手,剖析“优师计划”背景下师范生U-G-S培养模式中地方政府、师范院校、中小学校、师范生四个基本要素各自存在问题,提出“四位一体”师范生U-G-S培养模式提升对策,以当地政府为主导、以师范院校为引领、以中小学校为核心、以师范生为主体,统筹各方培养资源和优势力量,激活多方利益主体意愿,助力乡村卓越教师的培养。 展开更多
关键词 “优师计划” 师范生 u-G-s培养模式
Fecal-associated microbiome differences between phlegm-dampness constitution and balanced constitution 被引量:1
作者 Yini Li Pengfei Zhao +5 位作者 Yunan Zhang Jianhua Zhen Lu Zhao Yanan Cai Qingyi Lu Guangrui Huang 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences》 CAS 2022年第3期257-266,共10页
Objective: This study aimed to explore the structural and functional characteristics of the fecalassociated microbiome(FAM) between the phlegm-dampness constitution(PDC) and balanced constitution(BC), and to screen th... Objective: This study aimed to explore the structural and functional characteristics of the fecalassociated microbiome(FAM) between the phlegm-dampness constitution(PDC) and balanced constitution(BC), and to screen the related specific operational taxonomic unit(OTU) biomarkers.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. After strictly identifying the constitution of subjects, their clinical index was recorded and counted. Fecal samples were collected for 16S rDNA sequencing. Alpha diversity, beta diversity, and the relative abundance of dominant bacterial taxa were used to describe the FAM structure, and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, Metagenome Seq, and linear discriminant analysis effect size(LEf Se) were used to screen specific bacterial taxa. Specific OTUs were screened to construct receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves.Results: Thirty-two subjects were enrolled, including 22 subjects with BC and 10 subjects with PDC.There were significant differences in cold preference, levels of aspartate transaminase, β2-microglobulin,and creatine kinase MB, and alpha diversity indices(Shannon and Shannoneven) between the two groups. In principal coordinate analysis by abund-jaccard distance measure and partial least squares discriminant analysis, bacterial communities clustered separately between the two groups. Furthermore,based on Metagenome Seq, LEf Se, and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, a total of 43, 18, and 130 OTUs were differentially distributed between BC group and PDC group, respectively, and OTU200, OTU133, and OTU353 were screened when P≤.01. The area under the ROC curve constructed from the 3 selected OTUs was 0.93.Conclusion: The FAM structure and related functional characteristics of the PDC group differed from those of the BC group. In particular, OTU200, OTU133, and OTU353 can be used as unique markers of PDC to assist clinical diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 Fecal-associated microbiome Traditional Chinese medicine constitution Phlegm-dampness constitution Balanced constitution Biomarkers 16s rDNA Metabolic diseases Intestinal flora
Screening influencing factors of blood stasis constitution in traditional Chinese medicine 被引量:5
作者 ZHOU Xiaoying YANG Shengwen +3 位作者 OU Jintao WANG Zhuo WANG Guangrong LUO Yue 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2022年第2期169-177,共9页
Objective To study the influencing factors of blood stasis constitution and provide a basis for treating blood stasis-related diseases by traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) constitution identification.Methods Data were... Objective To study the influencing factors of blood stasis constitution and provide a basis for treating blood stasis-related diseases by traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) constitution identification.Methods Data were collected using the self-developed TCM constitution identification platform based on B/S model by the project team. The obtained data were divided into blood stasis constitution and normal constitution groups. The differences of the categorical type influencing factors(gender, birth mode, feeding mode within four months of birth, family history, marital status, eating habits, sleeping habits, exercise habits, emotional state, stress situation, and living environment) and the quantitative type influencing factors(sleep time, age,and mother’s age at birth) on the constitution of the two groups were analyzed. In the singlefactor analysis, the Pearson’s chi-square test was selected for the categorical variable, and the independent sample t test and Mann-Whitney U nonparametric test were selected for the quantitative variables according to whether they conformed to the positive-terrestrial distribution;the binary logistic stepwise regression method was selected for the multi-factor analysis.Results The data of 318 cases were collected from the TCM composition identification platform, and 159 cases of blood stasis constitution were used as the experimental group and 159 cases of normal constitution were used as the control group. The Pearson’s chi-square test yielded significant differences(P < 0.05) in the effects of gender, pressure situation, family history, living environment, emotional state, exercise habits, and dietary habits on blood stasis constitution. The independent samples t test yielded differences in sleep duration between the blood stasis constitution and normal constitution populations(P < 0.05), which meant sleep duration of the blood stasis constitution population was less than that of the normal constitution population. The Mann-Whitney U nonparametric test results accepted the original hypothesis that there was no difference in the distribution of age and mother’s age at birth across constitution types(P > 0.05). Binary logistic regression analysis showed that gender, family history, marital status, living environment, exercise habits, and emotional state were risk factors for blood stasis constitution(P < 0.05).Conclusion Gender, family history, living environment, emotional state, and exercise habits were significant influencing factors of blood stasis constitution. Blood stasis constitution populations can pay more attention to these influencing factors in their daily life for the prevention and reconciliation of blood stasis constitution. 展开更多
关键词 Blood stasis constitution screening influencing factors Pearson’s chi-square test Nonparametric test Binary logistic stepwise regression
The Reception Commemorating the 45th Anniversary of China-U.S.Diplomatic Ties Held in Beijing
《International Understanding》 2024年第1期40-40,共1页
On January 5,the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs jointly hosted a reception commemorating the 45th anniversary of the es... On January 5,the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs jointly hosted a reception commemorating the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationship between China and the United States in Beijing.Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the commemoration and delivered aspeech.David Meale,ChargédAffaires at the U.S.Embassy in China,addressed the reception.He extended on behalf of the U.S.side congratulations on the anniversary,expressing the readiness of the U.S.to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state and promote the steady development of U.S.-China relations.More than 350 people from all walks of life of both countries attended the reception. 展开更多
关键词 jointly u.s. behalf
Sino-U.S.Tech Pact Renewed
作者 Lan Xinzhen 《Beijing Review》 2024年第52期24-24,共1页
The Agreement Between China and the United States on Cooperation in Science and Technology has finally been renewed after more than a year of negotiation and two temporary extensions.According to China's Ministry ... The Agreement Between China and the United States on Cooperation in Science and Technology has finally been renewed after more than a year of negotiation and two temporary extensions.According to China's Ministry of Science and Technology,representatives of the Chinese and U.S.governments met on December 13 in Beijing and signed the protocol on amending and extending the agreement for another five years,beginning from August 27,2024. 展开更多
关键词 u.s. finally BEGINNING
作者 Anthony Moretti 《China Report ASEAN》 2024年第4期63-64,共2页
The 100 men and women who make up the U.S.Senate will soon have an important choice.They will either affirm that the First Amendment matters or they will surrender to fear.The senators must decide whether to go along ... The 100 men and women who make up the U.S.Senate will soon have an important choice.They will either affirm that the First Amendment matters or they will surrender to fear.The senators must decide whether to go along with their colleagues in the House of Representatives and require the popular social media app TikTok to be sold to an American company.If they do endorse the House vote,then ByteDance must divest itself of TikTok or see the app will be banned on U.S.-based social media platforms. 展开更多
关键词 u.s. RENDER sOON
作者 欧健 张勇 徐川 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期252-260,共9页
教育帮扶以其精准性、长效性及内生性等特点,成为教育脱贫攻坚战中的核心策略之一。在“十四五”规划背景下,县中振兴被赋予了新的历史使命,成为构建高质量教育体系、加速乡村教育现代化的关键一环。针对县中振兴的教育帮扶既是教育公... 教育帮扶以其精准性、长效性及内生性等特点,成为教育脱贫攻坚战中的核心策略之一。在“十四五”规划背景下,县中振兴被赋予了新的历史使命,成为构建高质量教育体系、加速乡村教育现代化的关键一环。针对县中振兴的教育帮扶既是教育公平理想的具体实践,也是县域人力资本积累的重要手段。传统教育帮扶模式存在不确定性、单向性、形式化与随意性等弊端。“U-U-S”教育帮扶模式以完善的体制机制、延展的帮扶内容、聚焦内涵发展与实现互利共赢的特点,有效打破传统教育帮扶中的壁垒,实现帮扶主体与受援对象之间的深度融合与协同发展。为发挥“U-U-S”教育帮扶模式的最大效能,推动帮扶工作从形式化转向内涵化发展,需突出主体引领,建立省县联动的协同共同体;秉承系统思维,构建多元完善的协同制度;坚持发展导向,建立系统细化的协同机制。 展开更多
关键词 教育帮扶 县中振兴 u-u-s”教育帮扶模式 协同治理
Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Coping:U.S.Students in Taiwan Residents Higher Education
作者 Wen-Ling Lou 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2024年第1期26-42,共17页
The aim of this study was to investigate the adjustment problems of students from the United States enrolled in universities in the East,specifically in Taiwan,their problems related to cultural adaptation,and the pro... The aim of this study was to investigate the adjustment problems of students from the United States enrolled in universities in the East,specifically in Taiwan,their problems related to cultural adaptation,and the process of adjustment to student life in Taiwan.Under investigation were cultural adjustment and coping skills as these students transitioned from West to East.Qualitative data were collected from interviews with participants and faculty members as well as participant observations.Results indicated that U.S.students found their own ways to acclimate to their new academic setting as well as to social relations,cross-cultural issues,and the linguistic environment in Taiwan to achieve effective adaptation.They made changes in themselves to cope with all situations they encountered.This study provides suggestions for international students abroad in Taiwan,for the Taiwan Residents government,and for universities or colleges in terms of what they should offer to current and future international students. 展开更多
关键词 adjustment cultural adjustment cross-cultural adaptation COPING u.s.students
作者 王彤 史冕 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第22期43-45,48,共4页
为解决高校在师范专业人才培养过程中重理论轻实践的问题,进一步拓宽“U-S合作”模式的内涵,提出“双导师制”人才培养模式;阐明“U-S合作”模式与“双导师制”的内在联系和相互影响机制,从政策保障、目标设置、导师遴选、内容形式、考... 为解决高校在师范专业人才培养过程中重理论轻实践的问题,进一步拓宽“U-S合作”模式的内涵,提出“双导师制”人才培养模式;阐明“U-S合作”模式与“双导师制”的内在联系和相互影响机制,从政策保障、目标设置、导师遴选、内容形式、考核评价等方面探索“双导师制”具体实施路径。 展开更多
关键词 双导师制 师范专业 u-s合作
The Influence of Christian Nationalism on U.S.Foreign Policy
作者 PU Jingxin 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2024年第5期191-195,共5页
This paper explores the influence of Christian nationalism on U.S.foreign policy,examining its historical roots,ideological foundations,and contemporary implications.Christian nationalism,an ideology that links Christ... This paper explores the influence of Christian nationalism on U.S.foreign policy,examining its historical roots,ideological foundations,and contemporary implications.Christian nationalism,an ideology that links Christianity with national identity,has shaped U.S.foreign policy in areas such as religious freedom,Middle East diplomacy,and national security.Through its emphasis on the moral duty to defend Christianity and its promotion of conservative social values,Christian nationalism has affected U.S.relations with countries around the world,particularly in the Middle East and with religious minorities.The paper discusses the complexities and controversies surrounding Christian nationalism,its impact on the U.S.’s global image,and the challenges it poses to religious pluralism.The future of Christian nationalism’s influence on U.S.foreign policy is uncertain,as societal shifts and evolving global dynamics may prompt a reevaluation of its role in shaping America’s international actions.Overall,the paper provides a nuanced analysis of how Christian nationalism has intertwined with U.S.foreign policy and how its influence might evolve in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Christian nationalism u.s.foreign policy religious freedom Middle East diplomacy American exceptionalism
作者 杨俊生 《体育研究与教育》 2024年第6期31-37,共7页
“U-S”合作培养体育教师由三个现实条件所决定,即体育在“五育”之中的基础地位、实践性的体育课程以及体育教师专业化发展。“U-S”合作培养体育教师具有政策优势、师资优势、文化优势与课程优势。基于三大条件与四大优势,“U-S”合... “U-S”合作培养体育教师由三个现实条件所决定,即体育在“五育”之中的基础地位、实践性的体育课程以及体育教师专业化发展。“U-S”合作培养体育教师具有政策优势、师资优势、文化优势与课程优势。基于三大条件与四大优势,“U-S”合作培养体育教师的行动逻辑在于大学与中小学之间构建稳态信任关系,形成互信合作的培养机制;大学与中小学从合作到共生,促进体育教师培养的知识流动;建立文化共同体,构建培养了体育教师的组织文化;大学与中小学合作推行探究式教学;在大学与中小学合作中建立共通的评价机制,以绩效为导向增强合作力量。 展开更多
关键词 u-s”合作 体育教师 行动逻辑
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