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Study Links U.S.Fish Microbe to New Brain Syndrome
作者 David Morgan 刘寒 《当代外语研究》 1998年第9期5-6,共2页
这是一则读后让人大吃一惊的消息。美国东海岸一种名叫Pfiesterispiscicida的有毒微生物杀死了数以百万计的鱼。而且,有人也染上了一种可怕的神经综合症: …some sufferers would set out by car on an errand only to forget where the... 这是一则读后让人大吃一惊的消息。美国东海岸一种名叫Pfiesterispiscicida的有毒微生物杀死了数以百万计的鱼。而且,有人也染上了一种可怕的神经综合症: …some sufferers would set out by car on an errand only to forget where theywere going and what they had planned to do once they got there. 因此,令人垂涎的所谓生猛海鲜也让人避退三舍: …the seafood industry saw sales plunge by more than $40 million as consumerspanicked over a supposed threat to local fisheries. 再看看我们这里的情形,也让人不寒而栗。据报道,我国渤海已成为一个死海,已无多少鱼虾可捕。 更让人难以置信的是,北极圈一带,由于核潜艇常出没,排放的有害物质污染了海面,侵入幼熊体内,造成它们有雄雌两套生殖器。 Pfiesteria piscicida是新词,我们向上海译文出版社词典编辑室询问此词,也得不到相应的汉译。读者中如有解此“密”者,请写信与我们联系。谢谢! 展开更多
关键词 Study Links u.s.fish Microbe to New Brain Syndrome 微生物 exp
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