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含伪狂犬病毒完整UL49基因及部分UL48基因片段的克隆与序列分析 被引量:2
作者 方六荣 牛传双 +3 位作者 肖少波 余晓岚 陈桦 陈焕春 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期306-310,共5页
以地高辛标记的伪狂犬病毒 (PRV)Ea株UL4 9.5基因片段为探针 ,同SalI、KpnI、BamHI消化的PRVEa株基因组DNA进行Southern杂交 ,确定SalI 2 .8kb、KpnI 17.0kb、BamHI 2 5 .0kb片段中含UL4 9基因。将SalI2 .8kb片段克隆到pUC119中 ,利用... 以地高辛标记的伪狂犬病毒 (PRV)Ea株UL4 9.5基因片段为探针 ,同SalI、KpnI、BamHI消化的PRVEa株基因组DNA进行Southern杂交 ,确定SalI 2 .8kb、KpnI 17.0kb、BamHI 2 5 .0kb片段中含UL4 9基因。将SalI2 .8kb片段克隆到pUC119中 ,利用其中的BamHI进行亚克隆 ,获得重组质粒pUC2 .0。测定约 2 .0kb片段的全序列并进行序列分析 ,发现该片段包含UL5 0基因部分编码区 ,UL4 9.5基因和UL4 9基因的完整编码区 ,并且在UL4 9基因下游 ,还存在一段约 36 9个碱基的序列 ,经与人单纯疱疹病毒I型 (HSV 1)、牛单纯疱疹病毒I型 (BHV 1)的UL4 8基因进行比对 ,具有较高的同源性 ,推测为PRVUL4 8基因的部分编码区。 展开更多
关键词 基因克隆 伪狂犬病毒 完整UL49基因 部分UL48基因 序列分析
伪狂犬病病毒UL24基因的原核表达及抗UL24蛋白抗体的制备 被引量:2
作者 于春梅 李鹏 +5 位作者 郑其升 李斐 苏鑫铭 曹瑞兵 周斌 陈溥言 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期10-14,共5页
为了给伪狂犬病病毒(PrV)UL24蛋白的细胞定位和功能研究提供参考依据,据GenBank公布的PrVUL24基因序列(登录号NC006151)设计1对引物,以质粒pUL24-GFP为模板,用PCR方法扩增出部分缺失的基因片段mUL24(modified UL24)。将mUL24片段定向克... 为了给伪狂犬病病毒(PrV)UL24蛋白的细胞定位和功能研究提供参考依据,据GenBank公布的PrVUL24基因序列(登录号NC006151)设计1对引物,以质粒pUL24-GFP为模板,用PCR方法扩增出部分缺失的基因片段mUL24(modified UL24)。将mUL24片段定向克隆到原核表达载体pET-32a(+)中,构建融合表达载体pET-UL24。阳性质粒转化宿主菌E.coliBL21(DE3),经IPTG诱导,重组蛋白(His)6-UL24以包涵体的形式获得表达。用纯化后的pET-UL24融合蛋白免疫家兔,ELISA分析表明,在血清效价达到1∶2 560以上,Western-blot分析制备的抗体可以和pET-UL24表达产物发生反应,具有良好的免疫特异性。 展开更多
关键词 伪狂犬病毒 UL24基因 原核表达 抗体制备
百令胶囊影响肾血管性高血压患者Klotho基因和肾功能的机制分析 被引量:8
作者 陈少秀 张秋芳 何华琼 《中国中医急症》 2017年第1期109-112,共4页
目的观察百令胶囊对肾血管性高血压(RVH)患者Klotho基因和肾功能的影响。方法 142例患者按入院先后顺序随机分为常规治疗组72例和联合治疗组70例。常规治疗组剔除介入和手术病例后进行保守治疗;联合治疗组在此基础上加服百令胶囊。两组... 目的观察百令胶囊对肾血管性高血压(RVH)患者Klotho基因和肾功能的影响。方法 142例患者按入院先后顺序随机分为常规治疗组72例和联合治疗组70例。常规治疗组剔除介入和手术病例后进行保守治疗;联合治疗组在此基础上加服百令胶囊。两组均于治疗21 d时采血分析Klotho蛋白和Klotho-mRNA表达,检测Klotho基因凋亡相关基因p21和p53表达,比较尿液中β_2微球蛋白(β2-MG)、尿微量白蛋白(m Alb)、尿白蛋白排泄率(UAER)、尿磷(UP)和静脉血尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(SCr)、胱抑素C(Cys C)等指标;同时监测收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)和心率(HR)。结果联合治疗组总有效率为87.27%,优于常规治疗组的69.49%(P<0.05)。两组治疗21 d后,SBP、DBP和HR与治疗前均有不同程度的降低,但组间比较差别不大(P>0.05)。常规治疗组Klotho蛋白和Klotho-mRNA及凋亡相关基因p21和p53表达与治疗前比较无明显变化(均P>0.05)。联合治疗组Klotho蛋白和Klotho-mRNA与治疗前比较明显上调,p21则下调,且优于常规治疗组(均P<0.05),p53表达与治疗前比较变化不大(P>0.05)。两组治疗21 d后,SCr、BUN和Cys C与治疗前比较均显著下降(均P<0.05),且联合治疗组SCr、BUN和Cys C与常规治疗组比较下降更多(均P<0.05)。两组治疗后UAER、β2-MG和mAlb与治疗前比较均下降,而UP则增高(均P<0.05),且联合治疗组的UAER、β_2-MG、m Alb和UP改善均优于常规治疗组(均P<0.05)。结论百令胶囊通过上调K-mRNA表达,抑制肾小管上皮细胞凋亡相关基因p21表达,降低肾小管上皮细胞凋亡率,提高UP排泄而达到保护肾脏的作用,可明显提高RVH的临床疗效。 展开更多
关键词 肾血管性高血压 百令胶囊 Klotho基因及凋亡相关基因p21 肾功能
疱疹病毒U_L34基因及其编码蛋白的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 钟小容 程安春 +1 位作者 汪铭书 陈孝跃 《中国兽医科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1099-1103,共5页
论述了疱疹病毒UL34基因的序列特点、编码蛋白结构特点、基本功能以及它与UL31蛋白、Us3蛋白、动力蛋白、核纤层蛋白的相互作用。表明,UL34基因对病毒的早期包装、成熟和出芽以及对UL31蛋白和核纤层蛋白在感染细胞中的正确定位都具有重... 论述了疱疹病毒UL34基因的序列特点、编码蛋白结构特点、基本功能以及它与UL31蛋白、Us3蛋白、动力蛋白、核纤层蛋白的相互作用。表明,UL34基因对病毒的早期包装、成熟和出芽以及对UL31蛋白和核纤层蛋白在感染细胞中的正确定位都具有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 疱疹病毒 UL34基因 编码蛋白
伪狂犬病病毒宿主关闭蛋白的基因克隆及结构分析 被引量:1
作者 马相如 胡勤芹 +3 位作者 肖少波 方六荣 刘正飞 陈焕春 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期65-71,共7页
为研究伪狂犬病病毒 (pseudorabiesvires ,PRV)UL4 1基因编码的病毒宿主关闭蛋白 (VHS)的结构与功能 ,通过PCR扩增得到含UL4 1基因完整编码区的 1174bp片段 ,将该片段克隆到表达载体pGEX KG中GST下游 ,在大肠杆菌BL2 1(DE3)中实现了GST ... 为研究伪狂犬病病毒 (pseudorabiesvires ,PRV)UL4 1基因编码的病毒宿主关闭蛋白 (VHS)的结构与功能 ,通过PCR扩增得到含UL4 1基因完整编码区的 1174bp片段 ,将该片段克隆到表达载体pGEX KG中GST下游 ,在大肠杆菌BL2 1(DE3)中实现了GST VHS融合蛋白的高效表达 .序列分析发现VHS蛋白具有 4个保守区 ,并且第 3个保守区与核酸内切酶结构域FEN 1(1A76 )高度同源 .PROSPECT软件预测的伪狂犬病病毒VHS蛋白三维结构中含有 10个α螺旋和 2 2个β折叠 ,与单纯疱疹病毒Ⅰ型的VHS蛋白三维结构十分相似 . 展开更多
关键词 伪狂犬病病毒(PRV) 病毒宿主关闭蛋白(VHS) UL41基因 结构分析
作者 盛秋 李芬 +3 位作者 于学文 韩蓁 李学成 任永惠 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期319-320,共2页
目的:探讨贫困山区早孕期人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)宫内活动性感染与HCMVUL54基因突变的关系。方法:采用免疫组织化学(SABC)PCR-RFLP的方法检测人绒毛组织中HCMV早期抗原的存在及HCMVUL54基因密码子501是否发生突变。结果:贫困山区早孕期妇女H... 目的:探讨贫困山区早孕期人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)宫内活动性感染与HCMVUL54基因突变的关系。方法:采用免疫组织化学(SABC)PCR-RFLP的方法检测人绒毛组织中HCMV早期抗原的存在及HCMVUL54基因密码子501是否发生突变。结果:贫困山区早孕期妇女HCMV宫内活动性感染率为18.91%;PCR-RFLP分析结果显示,在早孕期HCMV宫内感染者中UL54501密码子未发生突变。结论:贫困山区早孕期HCMV宫内感染与HCMVUL54基因密码子501突变无关,但不排除其他位点的突变或其他形式异常导致病毒致病性改变存在的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 人巨细胞病毒 宫内感染 UL54基因
作者 阮强 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期524-527,共4页
人巨细胞病毒(human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)在人群中普遍感染,在新生儿中,HCMV先天感染可引起黄疸性肝炎、先天性巨结肠、小头畸形等各种消化系统和神经系统畸形。导致HCMV不同致病性的发病机制还不十分清楚,一方面与宿主免疫功能,即有... 人巨细胞病毒(human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)在人群中普遍感染,在新生儿中,HCMV先天感染可引起黄疸性肝炎、先天性巨结肠、小头畸形等各种消化系统和神经系统畸形。导致HCMV不同致病性的发病机制还不十分清楚,一方面与宿主免疫功能,即有效的细胞及体液免疫应答有关;另一方面与病毒的数量、入侵部位及病毒自身的基因结构相关,尤其是与病毒毒力、组织嗜性和病毒逃避机体免疫攻击能力密切相关的基因关系密切。对于HCMV基因多态性的研究可以在基因层面揭示不同来源临床株的结构特点,对全面认识HCMV基因组和进一步深入研究基因组功能具有重要意义,成为HCMV研究的热点领域之一。近年来,国际多个研究小组对HCMV临床株广泛存在而旧有实验室株缺失的UL/b’区基因进行了较系统的研究,取得了较快的进展。此专题对这方面的研究进展进行概要介绍,以供同行了解与深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 巨细胞病毒 基因多态性 UL/b’区基因
Genetic polymorphism of UL144 open reading frame of human cytomegalovirus DNA detected in colon samples from infants with Hirschsprung's disease 被引量:2
作者 Zhi-Qin Mao Ying Huang +8 位作者 Mei Sun Qiang Ruan Ying Qi Rong He Yu-Jing Huang Yan-Ping Ma Yao-Hua Ji Zheng-Rong Sun Hong Gao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第32期4350-4354,共5页
AIM: To explore the genetic diversities of UL144 open reading frame (ORF) of cytomegalovirus DNA detected in colon tissue from infants with Hirschsprung's disease (HD) by sequencing UL144 DNA in 23 aganglionic c... AIM: To explore the genetic diversities of UL144 open reading frame (ORF) of cytomegalovirus DNA detected in colon tissue from infants with Hirschsprung's disease (HD) by sequencing UL144 DNA in 23 aganglionic colon tissue and 4 urine samples from 25 HD infants. METHODS: Nest PCR was performed for amplification of the UL144 gene. The UL144 gene was analyzed with soffwares, such as DNAclub, BioEdit, PROSITE database, and DNAstar. RESULTS: The strains from HD patients were distributed among three genotypes of UL144: group 1A (64%), group 2 (24%), and group 3 (12%). The UL144 genotypes between strains from HD and control group were compared by chi square test (x^2 = 1.870, P = 0.393). Strains from the colon were sporadically distributed in UL144 genotypes. CONCLUSION: There are genetic diversities of UL144 ORF in colon tissue of infants with HD. However, cytomegalovirus UL144 genotypes are not associated with clinical manifestations of HD. 展开更多
关键词 Hirschsprung's disease CYTOMEGALOVIRUS UL144 gene POLYMORPHISM
Molecular Characterization of the Duck Enteritis Virus UL4 Gene 被引量:1
作者 Hua-qi PAN Nan WANG +5 位作者 Li LIU Lei LIU Jiang-chun HU Pu-yan CHEN Shu-jin WANG Rui-bing CAO 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期171-178,共8页
Duck enteritis virus(DEV) is a herpesvirus that causes an acute,contagious and fatal disease. In the present article,the DEV UL4 gene was cloned and sequenced from a vaccine virus. A degenerate oligonucleotide primer ... Duck enteritis virus(DEV) is a herpesvirus that causes an acute,contagious and fatal disease. In the present article,the DEV UL4 gene was cloned and sequenced from a vaccine virus. A degenerate oligonucleotide primer for the consensus site of herpesvirus UL3 gene and a specific primer located in UL5 were used in the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) to amplify a DNA product 2 086 bp in size. DNA sequence analysis revealed that a 714 bp open reading frame(ORF) of DEV encoding a 237 amino acid polypeptide is homologous to the family of herpesvirus UL4 proteins and therefore has been characterized as a DEV UL4 gene. Alignment of the DEV UL4 protein sequence with those of other alphaherpesviruses showed that 10 amino acid residues are completely conserved. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the seventeen alphaherpesviruses viruses analyzed were classified into four large groups,and the duck enteritis virus branched separately,closely related to the Mardiviruses group comprising Gallid herpesvirus 2(GaHV-2) ,Gallid herpesvirus 3(GaHV-3) and Meleagrid herpesvirus 1(MeHV-1) . The present study showed that the evolutionary relationship of the UL4 protein could be used for classification of alphaherpesviruses. 展开更多
关键词 Duck enteritis virus (DEV) Degenerate primer PCR UL4 gene Gene Character
作者 Yao-hua Ji Zheng-rong Sun Qiang Ruan Rong He Ying Qi Yan-ping Ma Yu-jing Huang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期69-74,共6页
Objective To investigate the polymorphism of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL150 open reading frame (ORF) in low-passaged clinical isolates, and to study the relationship between the polymorphism and different pathogen... Objective To investigate the polymorphism of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL150 open reading frame (ORF) in low-passaged clinical isolates, and to study the relationship between the polymorphism and different pathogenesis of congenital HCMV infection. Methods PCR was performed to amplify the entire HCMV UL150 ORF region of 29 clinical isolates, which had been proven containing detectable HCMV-DNA using fluorescence quantitative PCR. PCR amplification products were sequenced directly, and the data were analyzed. Results Totally 25 among 29 isolates were amplified, and 18 isolates were sequenced successfully. HCMV UL150 ORF sequences derived from congenitally infected infants were high variability. The UL150 ORF in all 18 clinical isolates shifted backward by 8 nucleotides leading to frame-shift, and contained a single nucleotide deletion at nucleotide position 226 compared with that of Toledo strain. The nucleotide diversity was 0.1% to 6.8% and the amino acid diversity was 0.2% to 19.2% related to Toledo strain. However, the nucleotide diversity was 0.1% to 6.4% and amino acid diversity was 0.2% to 8.3% by compared with Merlin strain. Compared with Toledo, 4 new cysteine residues and 13 additional posttranslational modification sites were observed in UL150 putative proteins of clinical isolates. Moreover, the UL150 putative protein contained an additional transmembrane helix at position of 4-17 amino acid related to Toledo. Conclusion HCMV UL150 ORF and deduced amino acid sequences of clinical strains are hypervariability. No obvious linkage between the polymorphism and different pathogenesis of congenital HCMV infection is found. 展开更多
关键词 human cytomegalovirus GENE UL150
牛Ⅰ型疱疹病毒感染性细菌人工染色体的构建和gN基因缺失病毒的细胞繁殖特性 被引量:5
作者 张存 叶伟成 +4 位作者 王一成 袁秀芳 尹龙勃 尹文玲 刘蔓雯 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第24期3823-3829,共7页
通过同源重组将pHA2质粒插入到牛Ⅰ型疱疹病毒ZJ分离株基因组的UL15和UL18基因之间,构建了重组病毒rBHV1-HA;提取重组病毒的环状基因组DNA,转化大肠杆菌DH10B,获得了含有BHV1全基因组的感染性细菌人工染色体克隆pBHV1.pBHV1转染MDBK细... 通过同源重组将pHA2质粒插入到牛Ⅰ型疱疹病毒ZJ分离株基因组的UL15和UL18基因之间,构建了重组病毒rBHV1-HA;提取重组病毒的环状基因组DNA,转化大肠杆菌DH10B,获得了含有BHV1全基因组的感染性细菌人工染色体克隆pBHV1.pBHV1转染MDBK细胞可以拯救出病毒,该病毒与野生毒株在细胞上的繁殖特性未见差异.通过两步Red E/T重组,构建了gN基因跨膜区缺失的pBHV1突变体,并转染获得了重组病毒rBHV1-△gN.病毒繁殖动态曲线显示,rBHV1-△gN的滴度比野生毒株低9%~20%.BHV1感染性克隆的成功构建,将为研究新型BHV-1基因缺失疫苗和牛的病毒载体疫苗提供技术平台. 展开更多
关键词 牛Ⅰ型疱疹病毒 感染性克隆 细菌人工染色体 囊膜蛋白gN UL49.5
Sequence variability of human cytomegalovirus UL143 in low-passage clinical isolates 被引量:4
作者 HE Rong RUAN Qiang QI Ying MA Yan-ping HUANG Yu-jing SUN Zheng-rong JI Yao-hua 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期397-402,共6页
Background Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infects a number of organs and tissues in vivo. The different symptoms and tissue tropisms of HCMV infection perhaps result from genetic polymorphism. A new region of DNA cont... Background Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infects a number of organs and tissues in vivo. The different symptoms and tissue tropisms of HCMV infection perhaps result from genetic polymorphism. A new region of DNA containing at least 19 open reading frames (ORFs) (denoted UL133 to 151) was found in the low-passage HCMV clinical strain, Toledo, and several other low-passage clinical isolates, but not present in the HCMV laboratory strain, AD169. One of these genes, UL143, was studied to explore the sequence variability of UL143 ORF in HCMV clinical isolates and examine the possible association between gcne variability and the outcome of HCMV infection. Methods The UL143 gone of the strains obtained from suspected congenitally HCMV-infectcd infants was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Results Nineteen sequences of the strains were divided into 2 major groups, G1(n=16) and G2(n=3). All of the sequences had frame-shift mutation compared to Toledo. Nucleotide polymorphisms conferred substantial amino acid substitutions when compared with Toledo. All 16 UL143 putative proteins of the strains in G1 had a new myristylation site and loss of two PKC sites owing to missense mutations. No convincing relationships were observed between the presence of HCMV disease and the UL143 sequence group. Conclusions HCMV-UL143 existed in low passage isolates. Sequence variability caused by frame -shift mutation was found in all HCMV clinical strains. No obvious linkage was observed between UL143 polymorphisms and the outcome of suspected congenital HCMV infection. 展开更多
关键词 human cytomegalovirus UL 143 gene POLYMORPHISM
人巨细胞病毒UL/b’区基因编码蛋白生物学功能的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 刘畅(综述) 齐莹(审校) 《国际儿科学杂志》 2012年第6期591-595,共5页
人巨细胞病毒(human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)在人群中感染广泛,不仅是免疫抑制患者的严重致病原,也是引起新生儿先天及围生期感染最常见、危害最大的一种病原体。近年来,针对区别于实验室株的一个特殊区域UL/b’区基因编码蛋白生... 人巨细胞病毒(human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)在人群中感染广泛,不仅是免疫抑制患者的严重致病原,也是引起新生儿先天及围生期感染最常见、危害最大的一种病原体。近年来,针对区别于实验室株的一个特殊区域UL/b’区基因编码蛋白生物学功能的研究是国内外HCMV研究领域的一个热点。目前已经发现该区域基因产物在HCMV的毒力、传播、组织细胞嗜性及免疫逃避等方面发挥重要作用,其中的UL133-UL138位点可能促进HCMV潜伏感染的建立和维持,而pUL138是目前病毒基因组中鉴定出的惟一明确与HCMV潜伏感染相关的决定因子。因此,HCMVUL/b’区基因产物在HCMV感染过程中发挥重要作用。该文就HCMVUL/b’区部分基因,尤其是与HCMV潜伏感染相关的UL138基因结构及其编码蛋白生物学功能进行综述,为阐明HCMV感染致病机制奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 人巨细胞病毒 UL b’区域 UL138基因 潜伏感染 生物学功能
Host Interferon-Stimulated Gene 20 Inhibits Pseudorabies Virus Proliferation 被引量:8
作者 Xiaoyong Chen Dage Sun +7 位作者 Sujie Dong Huanjie Zhai Ning Kong Hao Zheng Wu Tong Guoxin Li Tongling Shan Guangzhi Tong 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1027-1035,共9页
Host interferon-stimulated gene 20(ISG20)exerts antiviral effects on viruses by degrading viral RNA or by enhancing IFN signaling.Here,we examined the role of ISG20 during pseudorabies virus(PRV)proliferation.We found... Host interferon-stimulated gene 20(ISG20)exerts antiviral effects on viruses by degrading viral RNA or by enhancing IFN signaling.Here,we examined the role of ISG20 during pseudorabies virus(PRV)proliferation.We found that ISG20 modulates PRV replication by enhancing IFN signaling.Further,ISG20 expression was upregulated following PRV infection and poly(I:C)treatment.Ectopic expression of ISG20 inhibited PRV proliferation in PK15 cells,whereas knockdown of ISG20 promoted PRV proliferation.In addition,ISG20 expression upregulated IFN-βexpression and enhanced IFN downstream signaling during PRV infection.Notably,PRV UL24 suppressed the transcription of ISG20,thus antagonizing its antiviral effect.Further domain mapping analysis showed that the N terminus(amino acids 1-90)of UL24 was responsible for the inhibition of ISG20 transcription.Collectively,these findings characterize the role of ISG20 in suppressing PRV replication and increase the understanding of host-PRV interplay. 展开更多
关键词 Interferon-stimulated gene 20(ISG20) INTERFERON Pseudorabies virus(PRV) UL24
作者 丁晨梦 孙亚威 +8 位作者 石蒙蒙 韩紫薇 许夕雅 吕晨哲 齐江坤 杨寒 于林洋 李永涛 陈陆 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1814-1819,1836,共7页
为探究UL49.5基因缺失对伪狂犬病病毒(pseudorabies virus,PRV)变异株毒力的影响,本试验以PRVΔgE/TK株为亲本株,通过同源重组和Cre-loxP系统构建重组病毒PRVΔgE/TK/UL49.5,并对该毒株遗传稳定性、体外生长特性、干扰SLAⅠ抗原递呈能... 为探究UL49.5基因缺失对伪狂犬病病毒(pseudorabies virus,PRV)变异株毒力的影响,本试验以PRVΔgE/TK株为亲本株,通过同源重组和Cre-loxP系统构建重组病毒PRVΔgE/TK/UL49.5,并对该毒株遗传稳定性、体外生长特性、干扰SLAⅠ抗原递呈能力及对小鼠的安全性进行初步研究。经PCR及测序确定PRVΔgE/TK/UL49.5株UL49.5基因缺失474bp。与PRV YY和PRVΔgE/TK株相比,PRVΔgE/TK/UL49.5在Vero细胞上增殖滴度相似,可稳定传代,具有良好的增殖能力。与PRV YY株相比,PRVΔgE/TK/UL49.5株感染PK-15细胞后下调SLAⅠ和TAP转录水平能力降低,并对小鼠具有安全性。本试验通过同源重组技术构建了PRVΔgE/TK/UL49.5株,为PRV基因缺失疫苗候选毒株筛选奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 伪狂犬病病毒 基因缺失 UL49.5基因 同源重组
Identifying disease feature genes based on cellular localized gene functional modules and regulation networks 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Min ZHU Jing +4 位作者 GUO Zheng LI Xia YANG Da WANG Lei RAO Shaoqi 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2006年第15期1848-1856,共9页
Identifying disease-relevant genes and functional modules, based on gene expression pro- files and gene functional knowledge, is of high im- portance for studying disease mechanisms and sub- typing disease phenotypes.... Identifying disease-relevant genes and functional modules, based on gene expression pro- files and gene functional knowledge, is of high im- portance for studying disease mechanisms and sub- typing disease phenotypes. Using gene categories of biological process and cellular component in Gene Ontology, we propose an approach to selecting func- tional modules enriched with differentially expressed genes, and identifying the feature functional modules of high disease discriminating abilities. Using the differentially expressed genes in each feature module as the feature genes, we reveal the relevance of the modules to the studied diseases. Using three data- sets for prostate cancer, gastric cancer, and leukemia, we have demonstrated that the proposed modular approach is of high power in identifying functionally integrated feature gene subsets that are highly rele- vant to the disease mechanisms. Our analysis has also shown that the critical disease-relevant genes might be better recognized from the gene regulation network, which is constructed using the characterized functional modules, giving important clues to the concerted mechanisms of the modules responding to complex disease states. In addition, the proposed approach to selecting the disease-relevant genes byjointly considering the gene functional knowledge suggests a new way for precisely classifying disease samples with clear biological interpretations, which is critical for the clinical diagnosis and the elucidation of the pathogenic basis of complex diseases. 展开更多
关键词 基因表达 基因序列 特征基因 基因复制
作者 叶万定 李婷婷 陈益平 《国际流行病学传染病学杂志》 CAS 2018年第4期269-272,共4页
人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)在人群中感染率极高,尤其在先天性感染及免疫缺陷患者中危害较大。HCMV具有不同的致病性,患者临床表现相差甚大,推测其机制与人体免疫状态及病毒基因型的不同有关。在HCMV的众多基因中,UIgb’区基因被认为具有... 人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)在人群中感染率极高,尤其在先天性感染及免疫缺陷患者中危害较大。HCMV具有不同的致病性,患者临床表现相差甚大,推测其机制与人体免疫状态及病毒基因型的不同有关。在HCMV的众多基因中,UIgb’区基因被认为具有重要的临床意义,尤其是在先天性HCMV感染、病毒入侵致病、潜伏活化、免疫逃逸以及致畸致癌中都发挥重要作用,此文就相关研究进展做一综述。 展开更多
关键词 巨细胞病毒 基因多态性 UL/b’区基因
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