One of the questions about natural phenomena asked in the Hydromethods of the Great West(Taixi shuifa泰西水法;1612)(hereafter TXSF),composed by the Italian Jesuit Sabatino de Ursis with the support of the Chinese offi...One of the questions about natural phenomena asked in the Hydromethods of the Great West(Taixi shuifa泰西水法;1612)(hereafter TXSF),composed by the Italian Jesuit Sabatino de Ursis with the support of the Chinese official Xu Guangqi徐光啟,concerns the causes of sea tides.The idiosyncratic answer given in the TXSF serves as an example for the Jesuit missionaries,strategically motivated approach to the transfer of knowledge through the translation of Western scientific thought into Chinese.From a chronological overview of the attempts made both in the East and in the West to theoretically conceptualize the causes of the cyclical occurrence of ebb and flow,the comparison reveals that despite being based on totally different cosmologies,the related insights were virtually on a par.The aim to nevertheless convince the audience of the TXSF of the superiority of Western sciences resulted in a particular rhetoric and a division of tasks in the composition of the tides paragraph.In order to verify the success of this joint effort of de Ursis and Xu Guangqi,a change of perspective from the transmitter to the receiver side is necessary.Thus,the paper also explores the work's reception in later Chinese works dealing with this topic.展开更多
电离层F2层临界频率f_(o)F_(2)是短波通信、探测和电子对抗等领域最为重要的应用参数之一.针对全球范围内电离层测高仪分布较为稀疏的特点,基于全球电离层无线电观测站(Global Ionospheric Radio Observatory,GIRO)的测高仪实测数据,采...电离层F2层临界频率f_(o)F_(2)是短波通信、探测和电子对抗等领域最为重要的应用参数之一.针对全球范围内电离层测高仪分布较为稀疏的特点,基于全球电离层无线电观测站(Global Ionospheric Radio Observatory,GIRO)的测高仪实测数据,采用分步线性最优估计方法对电离层CCIR/URSI系数进行调整,实现了全球中低纬区域电离层f_(o)F_(2)的重构.对2010—2016年的电离层f_(o)F_(2)重构结果进行分析,结果表明:在纬度变化上,中纬区域重构误差要低于低纬区域;在年变化上,重构的绝对误差和均方根误差有随太阳活动强度增强而增大的趋势,重构的相对误差无明显年变化;在季节变化上,夏季重构误差最小,其他三个季节相差不大;在地方时变化上,白天的重构误差低于夜间.总体而言,相比于国际参考电离层(international reference ionosphere,IRI)模型,电离层f_(o)F_(2)重构的绝对误差和均方根误差分别下降了约38%和34%,验证了本文方法的有效性和可靠性.展开更多
中国电子学会已成功申办第31届国际无线电科学(联盟)大会The 31th URSI General Assembly&Scientific Symposium(URSI GASS’2014),将于2014年8月16日~23日在北京召开。原计划于2014年召开第11届国际天线、电波传播和电磁理论学术...中国电子学会已成功申办第31届国际无线电科学(联盟)大会The 31th URSI General Assembly&Scientific Symposium(URSI GASS’2014),将于2014年8月16日~23日在北京召开。原计划于2014年召开第11届国际天线、电波传播和电磁理论学术研讨会The 11Th International Symposium On Antenna,Propagation and EM Theory(ISAPE’2014),该会议所涉及的学术交流方向和领域完全被URSI GASS’2014覆盖,经中国电子学会电波传播分会研究并报请中国电子学会批准,不再单独举办ISAPE’2014,其会议内容全部并入URSI GASS’2014。URSI GASS’2014是中国电子学会2014年的重点学术活动,是在我国举办的全世界无线电领域的"奥林匹克大会"。展开更多
基金the German Research Foundation for the years 2018 to 2021 and is carried out at the Department of Chinese Studies at Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen under the direction of Prof.Dr.Hans Ulrich Vogel.I thank Prof.Vogel as my supervisor for his dedicated support,and my project colleague Dr.Cao Jin曹晋for her persistent encouragement and great cooperation。
文摘One of the questions about natural phenomena asked in the Hydromethods of the Great West(Taixi shuifa泰西水法;1612)(hereafter TXSF),composed by the Italian Jesuit Sabatino de Ursis with the support of the Chinese official Xu Guangqi徐光啟,concerns the causes of sea tides.The idiosyncratic answer given in the TXSF serves as an example for the Jesuit missionaries,strategically motivated approach to the transfer of knowledge through the translation of Western scientific thought into Chinese.From a chronological overview of the attempts made both in the East and in the West to theoretically conceptualize the causes of the cyclical occurrence of ebb and flow,the comparison reveals that despite being based on totally different cosmologies,the related insights were virtually on a par.The aim to nevertheless convince the audience of the TXSF of the superiority of Western sciences resulted in a particular rhetoric and a division of tasks in the composition of the tides paragraph.In order to verify the success of this joint effort of de Ursis and Xu Guangqi,a change of perspective from the transmitter to the receiver side is necessary.Thus,the paper also explores the work's reception in later Chinese works dealing with this topic.
文摘中国电子学会已成功申办第31届国际无线电科学(联盟)大会The 31th URSI General Assembly&Scientific Symposium(URSI GASS’2014),将于2014年8月16日~23日在北京召开。原计划于2014年召开第11届国际天线、电波传播和电磁理论学术研讨会The 11Th International Symposium On Antenna,Propagation and EM Theory(ISAPE’2014),该会议所涉及的学术交流方向和领域完全被URSI GASS’2014覆盖,经中国电子学会电波传播分会研究并报请中国电子学会批准,不再单独举办ISAPE’2014,其会议内容全部并入URSI GASS’2014。URSI GASS’2014是中国电子学会2014年的重点学术活动,是在我国举办的全世界无线电领域的"奥林匹克大会"。