Operation Valkyrie, a significant event in the Second World War that almost changed the course of world history, is delineated in the best-seller Secret Germany, which was introduced into China in 2011. In this book, ...Operation Valkyrie, a significant event in the Second World War that almost changed the course of world history, is delineated in the best-seller Secret Germany, which was introduced into China in 2011. In this book, much ink has been spilled over the cause and effects of the attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler, but the title of the book seems out of place, considering that nowhere in the book has the author touched upon the connection, internal or external, between Secret Germany and Operation Valkyrie. Drawing on historical documents, this paper intends to dig into the spiritual inheritance passed down from Secret Germany and its founder, Stefan George, to Stauffen berg, the main operator of Operation Valkyrie, to examine the true motive behind Stauffenberg's self-sacrifice for the salvation of Germany and to reveal the historical significance and value of Secret Germany, which shook the soul of 20th century German intelligentsia.展开更多
早在2017年初,建大投入大量人力物力,研发并推出了高抓地力、低滚阻且防刺的Valkyrie轮胎作为公路赛事性能的高端轮胎。2019款Valkyrie Pro TLR轮胎增加了SCT技术(内壁层可允许灌装不同化学性质的密封剂/自补液),实现真空安装,额定胎压...早在2017年初,建大投入大量人力物力,研发并推出了高抓地力、低滚阻且防刺的Valkyrie轮胎作为公路赛事性能的高端轮胎。2019款Valkyrie Pro TLR轮胎增加了SCT技术(内壁层可允许灌装不同化学性质的密封剂/自补液),实现真空安装,额定胎压根据尺寸不同分别为689.5 kPa(100 psi)和827.4 kPa(120 psi)。展开更多
除了想法天马行空的VALKYRIE和更强大的赛道专供VALKYRIE AMR PRO之外,阿斯顿·马丁绝对在2021年底发布第三款究极跑车,一台代号PRQJECT003,限量500台的COUPE。目前我们能了解到的细节只是上面那张设计手绘图,在设计风格上则会...除了想法天马行空的VALKYRIE和更强大的赛道专供VALKYRIE AMR PRO之外,阿斯顿·马丁绝对在2021年底发布第三款究极跑车,一台代号PRQJECT003,限量500台的COUPE。目前我们能了解到的细节只是上面那张设计手绘图,在设计风格上则会和\,ALKYR『E共享造型DNA,而动力总成则是涡轮发动机加电机助力的别样套路。展开更多
文摘Operation Valkyrie, a significant event in the Second World War that almost changed the course of world history, is delineated in the best-seller Secret Germany, which was introduced into China in 2011. In this book, much ink has been spilled over the cause and effects of the attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler, but the title of the book seems out of place, considering that nowhere in the book has the author touched upon the connection, internal or external, between Secret Germany and Operation Valkyrie. Drawing on historical documents, this paper intends to dig into the spiritual inheritance passed down from Secret Germany and its founder, Stefan George, to Stauffen berg, the main operator of Operation Valkyrie, to examine the true motive behind Stauffenberg's self-sacrifice for the salvation of Germany and to reveal the historical significance and value of Secret Germany, which shook the soul of 20th century German intelligentsia.
文摘到目前为止,混合动力特级跑车的新三神车都被赋予了令人回昧,令人兴奋的名字。阿斯顿·马丁Valkyrie。迈凯伦Speedtail。我们一直在紧张地等着看Mercedes-AMG如何完成三人组合。原来代号为Project One的F1发动机专用车的最终名称是什么?就是“One”。是的,ONE。就像在“听说那个新的究极跑车了吗?听说了,AMG One。“不过,也许有一个更轻,仅限赛道的版本叫做AMG Minus One。从而和街车把One区分开。
文摘除了想法天马行空的VALKYRIE和更强大的赛道专供VALKYRIE AMR PRO之外,阿斯顿·马丁绝对在2021年底发布第三款究极跑车,一台代号PRQJECT003,限量500台的COUPE。目前我们能了解到的细节只是上面那张设计手绘图,在设计风格上则会和\,ALKYR『E共享造型DNA,而动力总成则是涡轮发动机加电机助力的别样套路。