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Screening of Long Cowpea[Vigna unguiculata(L.)Walp.ssp.sesquipedialis]Varieties in Autumn in Hunan and Comparison of Various Comprehensive Evaluation Methods
作者 Lin HUANG Zhibing CHEN +6 位作者 Wan JIANG Xincheng SUN Zhongwu ZHANG Jie KANG Lianyong YANG Weiping CHEN Yuanqun PENG 《Plant Diseases and Pests》 2024年第5期33-39,共7页
[Objectives]The paper was to screen new varieties of long cowpea that are suitable for autumn cultivation in Hunan,as well as to develop a comprehensive evaluation method to assess their adaptability and performance.[... [Objectives]The paper was to screen new varieties of long cowpea that are suitable for autumn cultivation in Hunan,as well as to develop a comprehensive evaluation method to assess their adaptability and performance.[Methods]A total of 48 long cowpea varieties were introduced,and a range of comprehensive evaluation methods was employed to assess these varieties through the collection and analysis of field data.[Results]The square Euclidean distance of 14 allowed for the classification of all varieties into eight distinct groups.Groups II,III,and V belong to the autumn dominant group within this region,while groups I and VIII belong to the intermediate group.Additionally,groups IV,VI,and VII belong to the autumn inferior group in this area.Through a comparative analysis of various comprehensive evaluation methods,it was determined that the common factor comprehensive evaluation,grey correlation method,and fuzzy evaluation method were appropriate for application in the selection of long cowpea varieties.Furthermore,the evaluation outcomes were largely consistent with the cluster pedigree diagram.[Conclusions]Through comprehensive index method,ten varieties demonstrating superior performance in autumn cultivation have been identified,including C20,C42,C29,C40,C3,C14,C18,C25,C15,and C47.The selected varieties exhibit several advantageous traits,such as a reduced growth duration,a lower position of initial flower nodes,a decreased number of branches,predominantly green young pods,elongated pod strips,thicker pod structures,an increased number of pods per plant,and higher overall yields.These characteristics render them particularly valuable for extensive cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 Long cowpea variety screening Cluster analysis Comprehensive evaluation method
作者 杨虓 陈德来 +3 位作者 刘自成 李静 施万喜 孟建军 《干旱地区农业研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期69-75,共7页
为研究陇东旱地育成冬小麦品系的抗旱性与抗旱功能基因的关系,以6个旱地冬小麦新品系为试验材料,于2021—2022年、2022—2023年2个生长季在陇东学院西峰旱作农业试验站设置雨养无灌溉(CK)、旱棚防雨(干旱胁迫)和调控灌溉3个水分处理,测... 为研究陇东旱地育成冬小麦品系的抗旱性与抗旱功能基因的关系,以6个旱地冬小麦新品系为试验材料,于2021—2022年、2022—2023年2个生长季在陇东学院西峰旱作农业试验站设置雨养无灌溉(CK)、旱棚防雨(干旱胁迫)和调控灌溉3个水分处理,测定各品系冬小麦产量,评价其抗旱性,并分析了抗旱相关功能基因的相对表达量。结果表明,在水分胁迫和供水充足(含水量为70%田间持水量)情况下,6个小麦品系产量差值变化不一致,品系C(‘1576-2-0-2’)和品系D(‘15119-1-0-2’)两年试验结果的差值均最小,其余4个品系差值均超过平均差值。由雨养无灌溉试验结果可知,2022年为大旱年份,品系C、D的产量在6个供试品系中分别位居第1和第3,抗旱系数分别为0.89和1.02;2023年为相对丰水年,品系C、D的抗旱系数分别为0.77和1.12,说明这两个品系对气候异常不敏感,抗旱性良好。通过荧光定量PCR技术分析6个小麦品系在灌浆期干旱胁迫下旗叶中的相对表达量,结果显示TaCRT-D基因在6个品系中的表达水平最高,Wdreb2、XTH-7A、WIip19、TaCRT-D在品系C、D中的表达量高于其他品系。田间试验结果与PEG-6000高渗溶液模拟发芽期和苗期干旱胁迫的鉴定结果相一致,表明6个品系中‘1576-2-0-2’和‘15119-1-0-2’品系抗旱性强,且干旱胁迫下灌浆期旗叶中抗旱功能基因TaCRT-D的表达量可以作为冬小麦早期世代抗旱选择参考指标。 展开更多
关键词 旱地冬小麦 早期世代 干旱胁迫 抗旱基因 育种筛选
作者 王大海 高凯 +5 位作者 张宁波 朱言福 李嘉琦 高玉龙 李斌 管恩森 《安徽农学通报》 2025年第2期22-26,共5页
为筛选出适宜山东诸城烟区种植的烤烟新品种,以NC89作为常规对照,以当地主栽品种中烟100作为副对照,对QY2329、YY021和HB0901等9个品种(系)进行比较试验,测定其生育期、植物学性状、农艺性状、抗病性和经济性状。结果表明,11个品种(系)... 为筛选出适宜山东诸城烟区种植的烤烟新品种,以NC89作为常规对照,以当地主栽品种中烟100作为副对照,对QY2329、YY021和HB0901等9个品种(系)进行比较试验,测定其生育期、植物学性状、农艺性状、抗病性和经济性状。结果表明,11个品种(系)的生育期在130~140 d;植物学性状方面,HB0901田间生长不齐,其余品种(系)田间生长均为较齐或整齐,YY021、LY2804、CF241、HB056、龙江0110和LY716-2整个生育期长势强;农艺性状方面,各品种(系)株高118.5~162.8 cm,叶数20.0~29.3片,节距2.9~4.8 cm,茎围9.9~11.4 cm,腰叶长61.6~72.8 cm,腰叶宽30.1~39.8 cm;抗病性方面,各品种(系)主要发生病害为黑胫病、角斑/野火病和病毒病;经济性状方面,各品种(系)产量在2141.70~2795.10 kg/hm^(2),均高于对照NC89,其中HB0901、CF241、YM2020、龙江0110和LY716-2的产量高于副对照中烟100,CF241经济性状表现最好,均价31.32元,产值85672.73元/hm^(2),上中等烟比例达96.45%。综合田间生长状况及产值情况来看,CF241株型中等,生育期适中,分层落黄明显,田间长势及抗病性强,经济性状表现突出,综合表现最好;另外HB0901和龙江0110株型中等,分层落黄明显,抗病性强,经济性状表现优良;LY716-2株型高大,抗病性强且经济性状表现优良。综上,CF241、HB0901、龙江0110和LY716-2品种(系)适宜在诸城烟区进一步试种。 展开更多
关键词 烤烟 品种筛选 抗病性 经济性状
Evaluation and screening for resistance of some varieties(lines)to major diseases and insect pests of rice
作者 SHEN Ying HU Guowen CNRRL Hangzhou 310006,China 《Chinese Rice Research Newsletter》 1991年第2期3-3,共1页
During 1984-1988,2,231 varieties(lines)from International Rice Testing Program(IRTP)were evaluated and screened for resistance to riceblast(Bl),bacterial blight(BB),sheath blight
关键词 Evaluation and screening for resistance of some varieties lines)to major diseases and insect pests of rice
作者 刘晴 高世伟 +4 位作者 刘宇强 常汇琳 马成 王婧泽 聂守军 《黑龙江农业科学》 2025年第1期21-28,共8页
为促进旱直播水稻新品种选育及推广应用,以黑龙江省第二、第三、第四积温带26个主栽水稻品种为试验材料,采用小区对比法研究供试品种生长发育特性、出苗情况、生育期、抗倒伏相关性状、产量及产量构成因素及品质差异情况,筛选适合黑龙... 为促进旱直播水稻新品种选育及推广应用,以黑龙江省第二、第三、第四积温带26个主栽水稻品种为试验材料,采用小区对比法研究供试品种生长发育特性、出苗情况、生育期、抗倒伏相关性状、产量及产量构成因素及品质差异情况,筛选适合黑龙江省中晚熟地区的旱直播品种。结果表明,绥粳25、绥粳306、龙庆稻8号、龙庆稻5号、龙粳66、龙粳31、绥粳27、绥粳103、绥粳18、龙粳1624和绥粳309出苗率高、出苗整齐。其中绥粳18、龙粳31、龙粳1624、绥粳27和龙庆稻5号,表现为抗倒伏性强、产量高、品质优良,另外还筛选出实际产量在7400 kg·hm^(-2)以上的品种包括绥粳106、三江6号、绥粳18、龙粳31、绥粳27、龙粳1624、龙庆稻8号、龙庆稻5号和绥粳309。综上,绥粳18、龙粳31、龙粳1624、绥粳27和龙庆稻5号可作为中晚熟地区的旱直播品种。 展开更多
关键词 黑龙江省 中晚熟 水稻 旱直播 品种筛选
作者 张景灿 徐其江 +8 位作者 张永强 曾潮武 毕海燕 雷钧杰 陈传信 聂石辉 徐文修 李杰 陈慧 《麦类作物学报》 北大核心 2025年第2期149-155,共7页
为探究新疆近40年春小麦品种(系)重要性状的遗传规律,以1985-2024年审定的65份不同年代春小麦品种以及2个待审品系为材料,对小麦主要性状进行遗传变异、相关性、聚类及主成分分析,并进行综合评价。结果表明,不同品种(系)间农艺性状具有... 为探究新疆近40年春小麦品种(系)重要性状的遗传规律,以1985-2024年审定的65份不同年代春小麦品种以及2个待审品系为材料,对小麦主要性状进行遗传变异、相关性、聚类及主成分分析,并进行综合评价。结果表明,不同品种(系)间农艺性状具有丰富的遗传多样性,67份小麦材料多样性指数在1.96~2.08,多样性指数整体较优,其中千粒重最大为2.08,穗下节长最小为1.96。穗粒数与株高、旗叶宽、旗叶面积和穗长均呈极显著正相关,与穗下节粗、旗叶长均呈显著正相关;千粒重与穗下节粗、旗叶宽均呈极显著正相关,与旗叶面积呈显著正相关。通过主成分分析将9个性状转化为3个主成分,累计贡献率达72.049%。结合3个主成分因子的贡献率权重,综合得分排名前10的材料依次为新春35号、新春45号、新春41号、新旱688、粮春1571、新春8号、新春20号、粮春1242、新春18号和新春16号,可作为优良品种推广种植。 展开更多
关键词 新疆 春小麦 品种(系) 重要性状 遗传分析
Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis of Fagopyrum tataricum Varieties(Lines) 被引量:2
作者 赵建栋 李秀莲 +2 位作者 史兴海 陈稳良 高伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2707-2712,共6页
In order to reveal the genetic differences and agronomic traits of Fagopy-rum tataricum_ varieties (lines) intuitively, explore good resources and avoid the blindness of parent selection during the breeding process,... In order to reveal the genetic differences and agronomic traits of Fagopy-rum tataricum_ varieties (lines) intuitively, explore good resources and avoid the blindness of parent selection during the breeding process, six primary agronomic traits of 45 F. tataricum_ varieties (lines) that came from the eleven buckwheat breeding departments across the country were analyzed with principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The results of principal component analysis showed that the six agronomic traits could be simplified into three principal components, and the cumulative contribution rate reached 83%. The results of cluster analysis showed that the 45 F. tataricum varieties (lines) were classified into four groups:high stalk, medium yield and smal grain type, medium stalk, high yield and large grain type, medium stalk, low yield and smal grain type and high stalk, medium yield and medium grain type. Among them, performance of comprehensive trait of the second type was better than that of the other types. Thus, the F. tataricum_va-rieties (lines) that were classified into the second type could be considered as good varieties (lines) or breeding materials. The genetic differences among F. tataricum_varieties (lines) had no necessary correlations with origin and geographical distance. ln addition to complementary traits and geographical distance, genetic distances (dif-ferent populations) should be taken into consideration during parent selection in cross breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Fagopyrum tataricum Agronomic traits Cluster analysis
作者 夏祥华 任代胜 +2 位作者 丁卫东 翁同相 汤修竹 《安徽农学通报》 2025年第2期14-17,共4页
Y两优919是以Y58S为母本,R919为父本选育出的籼型两系杂交水稻品种,本文介绍了其亲本特性以及高产制种技术。Y58S是配合力优良、制繁种产量高的广适型水稻光温敏不育系;R919是抗倒、抗病且配合力强的优势恢复系。Y两优919可在闽西北海拔... Y两优919是以Y58S为母本,R919为父本选育出的籼型两系杂交水稻品种,本文介绍了其亲本特性以及高产制种技术。Y58S是配合力优良、制繁种产量高的广适型水稻光温敏不育系;R919是抗倒、抗病且配合力强的优势恢复系。Y两优919可在闽西北海拔300~500 m的地区进行烟后制种。高产制种技术包括合理安排父、母本播差期,以父本5月中旬、母本6月中旬播种为宜;选择背风向阳、排灌方便且肥力水平中上的田块作秧田,采用适宜的播种量,药剂浸种消毒,同时施足基肥,适时适量追肥,科学管水和适时防治病虫草害,以培育壮秧;烟叶采收后及时打田除草移栽,设置父母本行比1∶8;大田全生育期做到浅水插秧、寸水返青、薄水分蘖、苗够晒田、寸水孕穗以及干湿壮籽;施足基肥,视秧苗长势适当追肥;根据田间实际情况和当地病虫害测报及时防治纹枯病、稻纵卷叶螟和穗颈瘟等病虫害;该品种制种的理想花期相遇标准以父本始穗期较母本迟2 d为佳,根据田间实际情况及时调整花期;见穗25%~30%时,喷施“九二○”植物生长调节剂,以确保齐穗和授粉,提高结实率;及时除杂保纯,去除早熟和异形株;拉花结束后及时割除父本,田间90%籽粒黄熟时收割。本文为相关杂交水稻高产制种及推广种植提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 杂交水稻 两系组合 Y两优919 品种选育
作者 王焕捷 黎梓健 +2 位作者 李友浩 姚浪 詹琪 《汽车实用技术》 2025年第2期41-46,共6页
为提高转弯、车道线缺失、超宽车道等场景下自适应巡航控制(ACC)跟车目标筛选的准确性,提出一种基于道路模型与场景判断的目标筛选算法。通过Ceres优化库建立优化问题,充分考虑自车历史轨迹、目标车历史轨迹、自车方向盘转角、车速、车... 为提高转弯、车道线缺失、超宽车道等场景下自适应巡航控制(ACC)跟车目标筛选的准确性,提出一种基于道路模型与场景判断的目标筛选算法。通过Ceres优化库建立优化问题,充分考虑自车历史轨迹、目标车历史轨迹、自车方向盘转角、车速、车道线、路沿等因素,分别配与不同权重,生成一条可用于ACC目标筛选基础的自车预行驶参考线。针对不同场景,以自车预行驶参考线为基准建立风险区,通过几何关系判断各目标位置点与危险区的相对位置关系,判断为跟车目标、切入、切出目标,尽早响应,提高驾乘体验及安全性。 展开更多
关键词 参考线 目标筛选 Ceres优化 危险区 驾驶场景
Characterization of QTL for unique agronomic traits of new-plant-type rice varieties using introgression lines of IR64 被引量:3
作者 Analiza G.Tagle Daisuke Fujita +5 位作者 Leodegario A.Ebron Mary Jeanie Telebanco-Yanoria Kazuhiro Sasaki Tsutomu Ishimaru Yoshimichi Fukuta Nobuya Kobayashi 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期12-20,共9页
To enhance the yield potential of an elite indica rice cultivar,an introgression(BC_3-derived) line of IR64,YTH288,was developed using a new-plant-type cultivar,IR66215-44-2-3,as a donor parent.YTH288 has agronomicall... To enhance the yield potential of an elite indica rice cultivar,an introgression(BC_3-derived) line of IR64,YTH288,was developed using a new-plant-type cultivar,IR66215-44-2-3,as a donor parent.YTH288 has agronomically valuable characteristics such as large panicles,few unproductive tillers,and large leaves inherited from NPT.To identify the genetic basis of these traits,we used 167 F_2 plants derived from a cross between IR64 and YTH288 to conduct QTL analysis for five agronomic traits:days to heading(DTH),culm length(CL),flag leaf length(FLL),flag leaf width(FLW),and filled spikelet number per panicle(FSN).Six putative QTL were detected:four on chromosome4(for CL,FLL,FLW,and FSN) and two on chromosome 2(for DTH and FLL).All QTL with the IR66215-44-2-3 allele,except that for FLL on chromosome 2,had positive effects on each trait.To confirm the effects of these putative QTL,we developed NILs with the IR64 genetic background by marker-assisted selection.We observed significant differences in several agronomic traits between IR64 and NILs that carried these QTL on chromosomes2 and 4.Additionally,four IR64-NILs carrying chromosomal segments derived from different NPT varieties on the long arm of chromosome 4 exhibited similar pleiotropic To enhance the yield potential of an elite indica rice cultivar, an introgression(BC3-derived) line of IR64, YTH288, was developed using a new-plant-type cultivar,IR66215-44-2-3, as a donor parent. YTH288 has agronomically valuable characteristics such as large panicles, few unproductive tillers, and large leaves inherited from NPT.To identify the genetic basis of these traits, we used 167 F2 plants derived from a cross between IR64 and YTH288 to conduct QTL analysis for five agronomic traits: days to heading(DTH), culm length(CL), flag leaf length(FLL), flag leaf width(FLW), and filled spikelet number per panicle(FSN). Six putative QTL were detected: four on chromosome4(for CL, FLL, FLW, and FSN) and two on chromosome 2(for DTH and FLL). All QTL with the IR66215-44-2-3 allele, except that for FLL on chromosome 2, had positive effects on each trait. To confirm the effects of these putative QTL, we developed NILs with the IR64 genetic background by marker-assisted selection. We observed significant differences in several agronomic traits between IR64 and NILs that carried these QTL on chromosomes2 and 4. Additionally, four IR64-NILs carrying chromosomal segments derived from different NPT varieties on the long arm of chromosome 4 exhibited similar pleiotropiceffects for unique agronomic traits. These NILs can be used as research materials for studying each trait and as breeding materials for yield improvement of indica rice cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 Agronomic traits Quantitative trait loci Near-isogenic lines New-plant-type RICE variety PLEIOTROPIC effect
Nutritional and Technological Characteristics of New Cowpea (<i>Vigna unguiculata</i>) Lines and Varieties Grown in Eastern Kenya 被引量:2
作者 Peter K. Biama Abdul K. Faraj +2 位作者 Christopher M. Mutungi Isaac N. Osuga Rose W. Kuruma 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 2020年第5期416-430,共15页
Protein sources in the diet of people living in semi-arid land of Kenya are lacking and if available it is costly to them. In terms of safe food and a healthy food supply, cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata.) are a significan... Protein sources in the diet of people living in semi-arid land of Kenya are lacking and if available it is costly to them. In terms of safe food and a healthy food supply, cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata.) are a significant source of protein, carbohydrates, and minerals especially for poor populations in the Kenya, it is said to be poor man’s meat. The aim of this study was to determine nutritional composition of newly bred ten cowpea lines and five varieties commonly grown in Eastern Kenya of Kitui, Machakos and Makueni counties to understand their potential utilization in curbing rising food and nutrition insecurity in arid and semi-arid lands ASALs and in any other food applications in Kenya. The experiment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) whereby proximate composition and minerals were determined using standard AOAC and AACC methods and technological characteristics checked using modified methods used by other researchers. Collected data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using SAS (2006) version 9.1, mean separation was done using Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) method at 5% level of significance. Cowpeas composition ranged from 12.28% - 13.35% for moisture content, 49.37% - 55.74% for total carbohydrates, 2.99% - 3.34% for crude ash, 0.13% - 0.81% for crude lipids, 23.37% - 29.70% for crude protein and 1.40% - 4.34% for crude fibers. Cowpea samples recorded highest percentage of essential amino acids (60.71%) and non-essential amino acids (39.29%). Minerals ranged from 1.97 - 2.69 mg/100g for calcium, 3.23 - 3.90 mg/100g for magnesium, 205.53 - 223.30 mg/100g for sodium, 0.80 - 1.23 mg/100g for zinc, 1071.15 - 1152.62 mg/100g for potassium and 0.62 - 1.06 mg/100g for phosphorus. For technological properties, lines absorbed water equivalent to their weights and they were comparable to varieties grown in the region. From the results it showed that cowpea line IT97K-1042-3, TEXAN PINKIYE, TX123, IT85F-867-5, IT82D-889-1 and IT82D-889 have desirable attributes such as high crude protein contents, good water absorption capacities and volumetric expansion. They compared well with existing K80 variety. These cowpea lines could possibly be bred and combined into a single cowpea line and further improved by breeders to have other good properties such as higher levels of water absorption during soaking hence reduced cooking times. Therefore, this work has shown that cowpea lines developed can be used as food security crop, industrial food applications and enriching foods of low protein like in complementary foods for healthy food supply in Eastern Kenya. 展开更多
关键词 COWPEA lines VARIETIES EASTERN Kenya NUTRITIONAL Technological Characteristics
Early Screening of Rice Varieties with High Essential Amino Acids by Aseptic Seedling Method 被引量:1
作者 Jianzhou TANG Shun ZHANG +2 位作者 Yuefei ZHANG Yan LI Zhiyuan ZHANG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2017年第1期57-61,共5页
With 5 rice varieties( Yifeng 3321,Yifeng 3315,Yifeng 3317,Yifeng 45,Yifeng 14-24) as the experimental objects,the aseptic seedling method was used to culture the rice seeds,and the HPLC was used to determine the cont... With 5 rice varieties( Yifeng 3321,Yifeng 3315,Yifeng 3317,Yifeng 45,Yifeng 14-24) as the experimental objects,the aseptic seedling method was used to culture the rice seeds,and the HPLC was used to determine the content of amino acids in aseptic rice seedlings as well as the total content of 8 kinds of essential amino acids and the content of protein. And the content of protein and amino acids in the polished rice of 5 varieties was detected,and the analysis of variance was performed for screening of the varieties containing high essential amino acids. The rice with high essential amino acids could be produced to meet people's rice quality requirements. The analysis of variance indicated that there were significant differences( F = 39. 262,p = 0. 01) in the content of essential amino acids among 5 kinds of rice varieties. By the Duncan's multiple comparison,the differences among rice varieties were calculated to obtain screening results. The aseptic seedlings:Yifeng 3321(7. 268),Yifeng 3315(6. 395),Yifeng 3317(5. 698),Yifeng 45(5. 567),Yifeng 14-24(5. 190). Rice: Yifeng 3321(2.998),Yifeng 14-24(2. 627),Yifeng 3317(2. 611),Yifeng 3315(2. 503),Yifeng 45(2. 281). Based on the estimated human daily requirement of essential amino acids and amino acids requirement pattern,it was found that the polished rice of 5 varieties was up to standard.The variety with the highest content of essential amino acids was Yifeng 3317(3830 mg/100g),followed by Yifeng 3321(3770 mg/100 g).The results showed that the high quality rice variety in this experiment was Yifeng 3321. 展开更多
关键词 Aseptic seedling method Essential amino acids RICE variety screening
Screening and Application of Oilseed Rape Varieties with High Yield and High Harvest Index 被引量:1
作者 LI Mei QU Liang +1 位作者 DENG Li-chao GUO Yi-ming 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2018年第1期46-50,共5页
28 oilseed rape Pol CMS three-line hybrid combinations diallel-crossed were compared in the yield and harvest index and analyzed on the correlation between the experimental yields and harvest indexes in this study. Th... 28 oilseed rape Pol CMS three-line hybrid combinations diallel-crossed were compared in the yield and harvest index and analyzed on the correlation between the experimental yields and harvest indexes in this study. The correlation coeffcient was only 0.365 4, lower than a signifcant level, which indicated that there was no signifcant positive (or negative) correlation between the economic yields and the harvest indexes in oilseed rape. Among them, 8 hybrid combinations including 7 with a harvest index〉0.30 and one with a harvest index〈0.27 increased signifcantly in the yields compared with the control, and then were screened for production experiment. Under different cultivation methods, all the 8 combinations had a stable harvest index, and the combinations with higher harvest indexes also had a stable performance in yields. An oilseed rape variety Fengyou 737 with higher yield and harvest index selected through a further screening was grown with the harvest indexhigher than 0.33 whether transplanted or directly seeded in Yangtze River Basin Demonstration Area, demonstrating stable high yields as well as good ecological adaptability. The combination of yield and harvest index in the study is conducive to breeding a new oilseed rape variety with stable yields and good tolerance to close planting. 展开更多
关键词 Oilseed rape HYBRIDIZATION Harvest index YIELD variety screening
Intensities and shifts of Lyman and Balmer lines of hydrogen-like ions in high density plasmas 被引量:1
作者 G.P.Zhao L.Liu +2 位作者 J.G.Wang R.K.Janev J.Yan 《Matter and Radiation at Extremes》 SCIE EI CAS 2018年第6期300-311,共12页
The spectral line intensities and line shifts of Lyman and Balmer series for transitions up to n=5 of hydrogen-like ion are studied in plasmas with densities and temperatures in the ranges n_(c)~10^(18)-10^(21)cm^(-3)... The spectral line intensities and line shifts of Lyman and Balmer series for transitions up to n=5 of hydrogen-like ion are studied in plasmas with densities and temperatures in the ranges n_(c)~10^(18)-10^(21)cm^(-3),T_(e)=0.3e1.2 eV respectively.The screened potential used to describe the interaction between charged particles includes the electron exchange-correlation and finite-temperature gradient effects and is valid for both weakly and strongly coupled plasmas.The dependencies of alpha,beta and gamma line shifts of Lyman and Balmer series on plasma density(for fixed temperature)and temperature(for fixed density)are investigated.The results for the H_(a)line shifts are compared with the available high-density experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 Screened coulomb interaction Hydrogen-like ion Spectral lines High density plasmas
Correlation of Inhibitor Proteinase in Varieties and Lines of Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) to Different Geographic Population of Verticillium dathliae Klebahn
作者 KIM Robert AMANTURDIEV Alisher MEJLUMYAN Larisa BABAYEV Yashen KIM Michael 《棉花学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期108-,共1页
Breeding for wilt resistance and its theoretical basis are primarily responsible for increases in cotton yield and fiber quality. Breeding for immunity is the most efficient method in our struggle with infectious dise... Breeding for wilt resistance and its theoretical basis are primarily responsible for increases in cotton yield and fiber quality. Breeding for immunity is the most efficient method in our struggle with infectious diseases. 展开更多
关键词 ISOLATE VERTICILLIUM VIRULENCE varieties and lines degree of affection phenotype proteinase inhibitor
Screening of Low Tar Flue Cured Tobacco Varieties
作者 Yanji JIN Hua CUI +4 位作者 Shuhua LIN Guohe WU Lijuan SUN Chong GAO Chengrong AN 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2017年第11期66-69,共4页
The main agronomic traits,economic traits,appearance quality,main chemical components,gas composition and physical parameters of 10 flue cured tobacco varieties were investigated in the experiment.And the field natura... The main agronomic traits,economic traits,appearance quality,main chemical components,gas composition and physical parameters of 10 flue cured tobacco varieties were investigated in the experiment.And the field natural incidence of the main diseases was investigated.The results showed that main agronomic characters of the 10 varieties were in line with the breeding objectives,among which 5 varieties have good economic characters;5 varieties have good appearance quality;6 varieties have coordinated chemical composition and high potassium content;9 varieties have good smoke components and physical indicators. 展开更多
关键词 Flue cured tobacco VARIETIES Low tar screening
Screening Test of Rape Varieties in Pengxi
作者 刘念 汤天泽 +7 位作者 何洪国 廖奎 范其新 蒙大庆 李迎春 张体刚 李芝凡 陈军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2276-2278,共3页
A comprehensive comparison test was conducted among 23 rape varieties to screen out some with high yielding potential, good main traits and suitability for promotion in Pengxi County. The results showed that Guohaoyou... A comprehensive comparison test was conducted among 23 rape varieties to screen out some with high yielding potential, good main traits and suitability for promotion in Pengxi County. The results showed that Guohaoyou 8 and Guohaoyou 5 had medium plant height, compact plant type, low branching position, high pod- ding density, more grains per pod, good comprehensive characters, high yield and moderate growth period, and they were suitable for planting in Pengxi area in large areas. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus variety screening test
Research on the Adaptability of New Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties(Lines) in Ankang Tobacco Growing Area
作者 奚柏龙 党军政 +3 位作者 朱峰 赵鹏 耿伟 李淑娥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期589-595,658,共8页
In order to screen new flue-cured tobacco varieties (lines) with mountain characteristics of Ankang tobacco growing area, the adaptable selection experiments of 6 newly introduced flue-cured tobacco varieties (line... In order to screen new flue-cured tobacco varieties (lines) with mountain characteristics of Ankang tobacco growing area, the adaptable selection experiments of 6 newly introduced flue-cured tobacco varieties (lines) were carried out at the 2 set test sites in Ankang producing areas with K326, 'Yunyan 87' and 'Qinyan 96' as controls. The results showed that YN105 had more leaves per plant and coordi- nate chemical composition, and the yield per unit area was 2 221.05 kg/hm2 with the single output of 33 960.00 yuan/hm^2. Its rate of high and medium class leaves was 80.17%, presenting good performances in testing varieties (lines). The flowering of YN99 was late but showed coordinate chemical composition, and the yield per unit area was 2 128.50 kg/hm^2 with the single output of 33 454.05 yuan/hm^2. Its rate of high and medium class leaves was 83.17%, which also had good perfor- mances in testing varieties (lines). It was recommended that YN105 and YN99 be moderate planted in Ankang tobacco growing area, but further experiment is needed to confirm. 展开更多
关键词 Ankang Mountain tobacco Varieties lines ADAPTABILITY
Screening of Ratooning Rice Varieties Suitable for Ratooning Rice-Rape Cropping Planting Pattern in Ganfu Plain
作者 程春明 熊青云 +2 位作者 喻风琴 王苏影 刘宗发 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1619-1622,共4页
[Objective] To screen ratooning rice varieties for the ratooning rice-rape cropping planting pattern in Ganfu Plain. [Method] The growth period, plant morphology, yield and its component of 11 varieties at the first a... [Objective] To screen ratooning rice varieties for the ratooning rice-rape cropping planting pattern in Ganfu Plain. [Method] The growth period, plant morphology, yield and its component of 11 varieties at the first and rebirth season were compared and analyzed. [Result] The ratooning rice varieties such as Heliangyou -1, Y Liangyou 6, Zhunliangyou 608 and Jingliangyouhuazhan were suitable for the production and application in Ganfu Plain. Heliangyou 1 and Zhunliangyou 608 showed the characteristics of early maturity, easy to achieve high yield and stable production. [Conclusion] It suggests that Heliangyou 1 and Zhunliangyou 608 should be selected as preferred varieties for the planting pattern of ratooning rice-rape cropping. 展开更多
关键词 Ganfu plain Ratooning rice-rape cropping planting pattern Ratooning rice variety Screen
Screening of Red-flesh Small Watermelon Varieties for Substrate Cultivation in Spring Greenhouses
作者 Chao MA Jianbo ZENG +4 位作者 Shengqi MU Ying ZHANG Yanli CHEN Ting LI Xuesong YOU 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2021年第1期38-41,共4页
[Objectives] This study was conducted to screen small watermelon varieties suitable for spring greenhouses. [Methods] The field traits, yield traits, quality traits and commodity of 6 new red-flesh watermelon varietie... [Objectives] This study was conducted to screen small watermelon varieties suitable for spring greenhouses. [Methods] The field traits, yield traits, quality traits and commodity of 6 new red-flesh watermelon varieties were compared. [Results] "Jingmei 3 K" and "Sumeng No.5" had obvious advantages in quality traits, yield traits, and commodity traits. The yield reached 62 163.3 and 63 733.5 kg/hm2, respectively;the single melon weights reached 2.16 and 2.21 kg, respectively;and the central sugar content reached 13.2% and 13.1%, respectively. Meanwhile, the juice contents were high, and the taste was sweet and refreshing. They are suitable for planting under the condition of substrate cultivation technology. [Conclusions] This study provides a theoretical basis for large-area substrate cultivation and production. 展开更多
关键词 Substrate cultivation Small watermelon variety screening
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