Num an Reproductive Health MedicalCenter # Departm entof Physiology Corresponding author: YEYang Fax: 010-62179119; E-m ail: yey@ m ail. Com NationalResearch Institute for Fam ily Planning, Beijing 100081, China...Num an Reproductive Health MedicalCenter # Departm entof Physiology Corresponding author: YEYang Fax: 010-62179119; E-m ail: yey@ m ail. Com NationalResearch Institute for Fam ily Planning, Beijing 100081, China In thepresentstudy, m aleSD ratsw ereused to evaluatetheefficacy of a new vas occlusion device, intra-vasdevice(IVD) and long-term m orphologicalchange of both vasand IVD. After inserting IVD into bilateralvas, allrats (9) becam e sterilized as proved by m atetestand thefactthatno sperm w asfound in fem alevagina afterm at- ing. Half a year later, there had been a large am ountof sperm in vaslum en dilated and sperm granulom a w asfound in theproxim alend of IVD. Scanning electron m i- croscope studiesshow ed thatnylon threadsin IVD w ere covered by protein likem atter. There w ere som e norm al sperm s betw een the nylon sutures. A few sperm s w ith de- form ed structurew erefound in thedistalend of IVD. Conclusion: our studiesshow ed that IVD could be an effective device in SD rats. Fluid and som e deform ed sperm s m ay pass through IVD, but these sperm s have no fertility. The m echanism of IVD needsto be further investigated.展开更多
文摘Num an Reproductive Health MedicalCenter # Departm entof Physiology Corresponding author: YEYang Fax: 010-62179119; E-m ail: yey@ m ail. Com NationalResearch Institute for Fam ily Planning, Beijing 100081, China In thepresentstudy, m aleSD ratsw ereused to evaluatetheefficacy of a new vas occlusion device, intra-vasdevice(IVD) and long-term m orphologicalchange of both vasand IVD. After inserting IVD into bilateralvas, allrats (9) becam e sterilized as proved by m atetestand thefactthatno sperm w asfound in fem alevagina afterm at- ing. Half a year later, there had been a large am ountof sperm in vaslum en dilated and sperm granulom a w asfound in theproxim alend of IVD. Scanning electron m i- croscope studiesshow ed thatnylon threadsin IVD w ere covered by protein likem atter. There w ere som e norm al sperm s betw een the nylon sutures. A few sperm s w ith de- form ed structurew erefound in thedistalend of IVD. Conclusion: our studiesshow ed that IVD could be an effective device in SD rats. Fluid and som e deform ed sperm s m ay pass through IVD, but these sperm s have no fertility. The m echanism of IVD needsto be further investigated.