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Fragmentation and Wholeness in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves
作者 Gioiella Bruni Roccia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2023年第12期931-940,共10页
Virginia Woolf’s seventh novel,The Waves,first published by the Hogarth Press in 1931,is widely regarded as her most experimental piece of writing.The complex and elusive structure of the work,the least representatio... Virginia Woolf’s seventh novel,The Waves,first published by the Hogarth Press in 1931,is widely regarded as her most experimental piece of writing.The complex and elusive structure of the work,the least representational among Woolf’s novels,challenges the reader’s assumptions about the inner and the outer world.In the absence of a substantial story,of a convincing plot and well-defined characters,the reader is called upon to search for a deeper coherence and more profound meanings.Indeed,in The Waves the modernist writer strives for a fresh way of expressing a vision of wholeness in a broken world.The present article attempts to reread Woolf’s self-conscious novel in the double perspective of separation and reunion,of dispersal and recomposition.A close reading of selected passages will show how the poetics of fragmentation and the poetics of wholeness coexist in Woolf’s narrative,pervading the imagery and the symbols of the text.In more than one sense,the dialectic between division and unity,fragmentation and wholeness can be identified as the structuring force of the novel;most tellingly,this textual dynamism is reflected in the oscillatory motion of the waves,continuously breaking and merging. 展开更多
关键词 virginia Woolf’s The Waves FRAGMENTATION WHOLENESS RHYTHM circle motif
作者 陈晓兰 《山东女子学院学报》 2024年第3期70-78,共9页
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫不幸生逢20世纪两次世界大战,战争是其思想意识和文学创作的核心主题,其重要作品大部分创作于20世纪二三十年代即两次大战的间歇期。不同于主流战争文学,伍尔夫在战后或者战前,以后方平民特别是女性的视角,再现远... 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫不幸生逢20世纪两次世界大战,战争是其思想意识和文学创作的核心主题,其重要作品大部分创作于20世纪二三十年代即两次大战的间歇期。不同于主流战争文学,伍尔夫在战后或者战前,以后方平民特别是女性的视角,再现远离战场的后方平民的间接战争体验,以独特的战争话语揭示了战争对个体日常生活和精神世界的持久影响。伍尔夫的战争书写打破了战时与平时、前线与后方、战士与平民截然区分的界限,拓展了战争书写的时间与空间范围。她的战争书写表现出与国家主流战争话语截然不同的特征,她的另类战争观为后世理解两次大战提供了独特的维度。 展开更多
关键词 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 战争书写 战争观
作者 肖波 刘鎏 《山东高等教育》 2024年第3期82-88,92,共8页
学生自我管理是自中世纪大学建立起,就已形成的一种传统模式。当前,在我国创建一流大学和治理现代化改革的时代背景下,学生参与管理的重要性越发凸显。弗吉尼亚大学拥有悠久的学生自我管理历史。其下设的荣誉委员会、学生理事会与学生... 学生自我管理是自中世纪大学建立起,就已形成的一种传统模式。当前,在我国创建一流大学和治理现代化改革的时代背景下,学生参与管理的重要性越发凸显。弗吉尼亚大学拥有悠久的学生自我管理历史。其下设的荣誉委员会、学生理事会与学生司法委员会是实现学生自我管理的3个学生组织体系。分析弗吉尼亚大学学生自我管理模式,为我国推进学生自主管理提供启示:我国建立和发展学生自我管理制度需以我国大学最基本的管理体制为前提;我国大学学生自我管理制度的建设应以“学术自由”为突破口;在我国大学已有学生组织的基础上建立学生自我管理组织;将学生自我管理制度的建设纳入学校治理现代化建设中,分阶段完成学生自我管理制度的建设。 展开更多
关键词 弗吉尼亚大学 学生自我管理 荣誉委员会 学生理事会 学生司法委员会
作者 李楠 《牡丹江大学学报》 2024年第1期27-31,40,共6页
20世纪是英国文学艺术领域的一个繁荣时期,出现了各种流派、风格和主题的文学作品,呈现出了百花齐放、百家争鸣的景象。在这个时期,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫成为了英国现代文学史上的一位杰出代表。她以其独特的创作风格和深刻的社会洞察力... 20世纪是英国文学艺术领域的一个繁荣时期,出现了各种流派、风格和主题的文学作品,呈现出了百花齐放、百家争鸣的景象。在这个时期,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫成为了英国现代文学史上的一位杰出代表。她以其独特的创作风格和深刻的社会洞察力,长久以来在文坛上占据着重要的地位。本文探讨伍尔夫如何运用音乐美和戏剧性的元素,使其小说充满了独特的艺术魅力,通过分析伍尔夫的几部代表作品,探讨她如何运用这些元素来表达作品的主题和情感,并阐述这些元素对作品的艺术效果和读者感受的影响。通过分析和探讨,可以更好地理解伍尔夫的文学成就和影响,同时也为研究英国现代文学提供了一个新的视角和思路。 展开更多
关键词 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 小说 戏剧性 音乐美
作者 蒋冬阳 吴冰越 +2 位作者 季文平 陈宸 陈夕军 《中国生物防治学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期411-423,共13页
为获得可高效防控黄瓜枯萎病的生防放线菌,采用梯度稀释和平板对峙法从蔬菜根际土壤中筛选到1株对黄瓜枯萎病菌Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinm(FOC)有较强拮抗作用的放线菌2-1-2F;经形态学和分子生物学鉴定,确定菌株2-1-2F为弗吉... 为获得可高效防控黄瓜枯萎病的生防放线菌,采用梯度稀释和平板对峙法从蔬菜根际土壤中筛选到1株对黄瓜枯萎病菌Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinm(FOC)有较强拮抗作用的放线菌2-1-2F;经形态学和分子生物学鉴定,确定菌株2-1-2F为弗吉尼亚链霉菌Streptomycesvirginiae。其能产生蛋白酶、β-葡聚糖酶和几丁质酶,不产生嗜铁素和纤维素酶,且菌株2-1-2F产生的发酵滤液活性易受环境条件影响。菌株2-1-2F发酵菌液对黄瓜有明显的促生作用,可诱导黄瓜体内防御酶活性和抗性相关物质含量增加,并于处理后1~7 d内达最大值。菌株2-1-2F在黄瓜根部有较强的定殖能力,42 d后在土壤中仍可达10^(6)cfu/g;其对黄瓜枯萎病的预防和治疗效果分别达48.98%和34.01%。 展开更多
关键词 弗吉尼亚链霉菌 鉴定 黄瓜枯萎病 生防效果
作者 金雪琴 《当代中国价值观研究》 2024年第4期63-71,共9页
作为关怀伦理学中实践与价值进路的代表人物,弗吉尼亚·赫尔德在探讨关怀与正义关系的过程中,将关怀伦理的探讨范围由私人领域扩展到公共领域,并认为关怀的价值具有普遍性。赫尔德试图重构道德评价标准的努力在当今世界具有深刻的... 作为关怀伦理学中实践与价值进路的代表人物,弗吉尼亚·赫尔德在探讨关怀与正义关系的过程中,将关怀伦理的探讨范围由私人领域扩展到公共领域,并认为关怀的价值具有普遍性。赫尔德试图重构道德评价标准的努力在当今世界具有深刻的人文关怀意义,但其构建的关怀伦理理论体系也存在一定的缺陷,即缺乏对道德运气的考虑,对关怀者提出过高的要求,并且对关怀的规范性、普遍性考虑不足,也无法解决关系与美德之间的悖论。儒家从亲亲关系出发,构建了一套普遍关怀的体系。这一体系以人之本性阐明行动者应当如此行事,也更符合行动者的道德直觉,具体表现在儒家以“命”对道德运气作出有效说明,以“礼”为关怀的规范性保障,通过推扩亲亲之情实现民胞物与,并且突出父子之间的关怀包含规劝的义务,这给予赫尔德关怀伦理思想新的诠释视角。 展开更多
关键词 弗吉尼亚·赫尔德 关怀伦理 儒家伦理 道德评价标准
作者 丁礼明 赵瑞玲 《天津外国语大学学报》 2024年第3期94-102,F0003,共10页
中外批评家从各个角度对弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的短篇小说《琼·马丁小姐的日记》情节发展的深层意义展开探讨,普遍认为小说从琼·马丁的视角揭示了“家中天使”在帝国历史书写与男权主义共谋下的卑微地位。然而,借助语料库软件A... 中外批评家从各个角度对弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的短篇小说《琼·马丁小姐的日记》情节发展的深层意义展开探讨,普遍认为小说从琼·马丁的视角揭示了“家中天使”在帝国历史书写与男权主义共谋下的卑微地位。然而,借助语料库软件AntConc4.2.0的词频功能和索引定位,通过对小说进行整体细读,发现小说存在双重叙事结构。在隐性进程中,琼的母亲并不是以维护父权制为唯一特征的扁平人物,而是具有独立、坚强、高尚等丰富特征的圆形人物,其形象的塑造是以伍尔夫的母亲为原型。小说中的双重叙事不仅表明伍尔夫文学创作中的母性认同意识,还体现出其对爱德华时代英国小说人物塑造的挑战。 展开更多
关键词 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 《琼·马丁小姐的日记》 隐性进程
作者 李京霞 《吕梁学院学报》 2024年第3期21-27,共7页
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫“小说—音乐”关注音乐和小说如何在一个作品中共存及小说对音乐的指涉,具有颠覆性意义。通过借用音乐理念、使用音乐元素、借鉴音乐结构,伍尔夫形成了“按节奏而非情节”“形式与意义并重”“独特的音乐叙事风格... 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫“小说—音乐”关注音乐和小说如何在一个作品中共存及小说对音乐的指涉,具有颠覆性意义。通过借用音乐理念、使用音乐元素、借鉴音乐结构,伍尔夫形成了“按节奏而非情节”“形式与意义并重”“独特的音乐叙事风格”的“音乐—小说”特征。《远航》《夜与日》《雅各的房间》中,“角色”与音乐的关系构成了小说的主题。《到灯塔去》《海浪》中,伍尔夫将自己化身成为交响队的指挥,充分运用文字音乐、主题贯穿、对位、赋格曲和奏鸣曲式的创作手法,使作品具有音乐感。 展开更多
关键词 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 “音乐—小说” 跨媒介
An Analysis of Farming in the Rural Economic Development of West Virginia
作者 Saima Bashir Janaranjana Herath Tesfa Gebremedhin 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第7期848-855,共8页
Farming is still an important sector in rural economic development of West Virginia where 44% of the population lives in rural areas and 24% of the land is used for farming. While income earnings, education and employ... Farming is still an important sector in rural economic development of West Virginia where 44% of the population lives in rural areas and 24% of the land is used for farming. While income earnings, education and employment rates are low in rural areas, poverty rates and unemployment are high compared to the urban areas. Thus, in the context of rural development farming is a potential major economic sector where 42% of the people's primary occupation is reported as farming. The objective of this study is to identify and estimate the potential impacts of farm employment in rural economic growth of West Virginia. Data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S Census Bureau for the period of 1993 to 2008 are used for the empirical analysis. A model derived from the three simultaneous equations of Duncan is used for analysis. Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS) method using the statistical package of STATA is used for estimation. The results concerning simultaneous relationships with population density growth, per capita income growth, and farm employment growth reveal significant importance of farming in rural economic development of West Virginia. Furthermore, the results indicate the positive impacts of population density, number of people with farming as principal occupation, and crop production on rural farming sector. 展开更多
关键词 FARMING rural economic development simultaneous equation 3SLS ANALYSIS West virginia.
作者 蔡凤梅 《莆田学院学报》 2024年第3期67-74,共8页
从认知美学视角,梳理显性和隐性情节张力的构建机制,并基于伍尔夫短篇小说《幽灵之屋》的文本表征分析,揭示其情节张力构建和主题内涵实现机制,以厘清读者对情节审美体验的认知理据。研究表明:1)《幽灵之屋》通过“梦境”到“现实”的... 从认知美学视角,梳理显性和隐性情节张力的构建机制,并基于伍尔夫短篇小说《幽灵之屋》的文本表征分析,揭示其情节张力构建和主题内涵实现机制,以厘清读者对情节审美体验的认知理据。研究表明:1)《幽灵之屋》通过“梦境”到“现实”的转换构建显性情节张力,“梦境”世界通过空间隐喻的距离逼近和悬念设置增加张力;2)隐性情节张力则通过文本变异表征(如时态变化、重复句式下遣词变化以及含混意象逐渐聚焦等)实现,增加了文本厚度且增强了情感共鸣;3)两者都凸显了生命哲学隐喻。研究结果可为情节张力的解读提供新的视角,是对伍尔夫短篇小说研究的跨学科补充。 展开更多
关键词 伍尔夫 情节张力 认知美学 隐性情节
Life versus Death:An Interpretation of Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Warren Smith in Virginia Woolf's Mrs.Dalloway
作者 王欢 《海外英语》 2011年第11X期277-278,共2页
Mrs.Dalloway is one of the famous novels written by Virginia Woolf,who is perceived as one of the famous feminist writers in the history of English literature.Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Warren Smith are the two pr... Mrs.Dalloway is one of the famous novels written by Virginia Woolf,who is perceived as one of the famous feminist writers in the history of English literature.Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Warren Smith are the two protagonists in this novel.From analyzing the relationship of Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Warren Smith in terms of the meaning of life and death,this thesis aims to explore the author's and the protagonists' inner conflicts and the significance of life and death. 展开更多
关键词 virginia WOOLF CLARISSA Dalloway Septimus Warren SMITH
Hope Versus Reality:A Feminist Interpretation of Virginia Woolf's Mrs.Dalloway and To the Lighthouse
作者 王欢 《海外英语》 2010年第7X期215-216,共2页
Mrs.Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are two famous novels written by Virginia Woolf,who is conceived as one of the famous feminist writers in the history of English literature.Clarissa Dalloway and Mrs.Ramsay are the t... Mrs.Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are two famous novels written by Virginia Woolf,who is conceived as one of the famous feminist writers in the history of English literature.Clarissa Dalloway and Mrs.Ramsay are the two female protagonists in the two novels.From analyzing the similarities in terms of personality and psychology by using feminism as the theoretical basis,this thesis aims to explore the author's and the protagonists'paradoxical psychology-inner hope versus reality,and to help women liberate from the patriarchal society. 展开更多
关键词 FEMINISM virginia WOOLF CLARISSA Dalloway Mrs.Ramsay
Selection of overburden surface mining method in West Virginia by analytical hierarchy process 被引量:5
作者 Timothy A.Nolan Vladislav Kecojevic 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI CAS 2014年第3期306-314,共9页
The broad objective of this research was to improve current surface mining practices and reduce negative environmental impact of overburden removal in West Virginia(WV).The specific objectives were to(i)compare conven... The broad objective of this research was to improve current surface mining practices and reduce negative environmental impact of overburden removal in West Virginia(WV).The specific objectives were to(i)compare conventional surface mining method(drilling,blasting,digging,and loading)to a surface miner(SM)method,and(ii)apply the analytical hierarchy process(AHP)to help select the optimal mining method based on production,cost and environmental criteria.The design and the procedures used in this research involve five interrelated modules:(i)rock properties of overburden in WV,(ii)drilling and blasting,(iii)digging and loading,(iv)SM method,and(v)comparative analysis and selection of the optimal mining method by AHP.Results of this research indicate that application of SM method would yield higher cost of overburden removal than conventional mining methods in rocks with a high unconfined compressive strength and abrasivity.A significant advantage of SM method,where applicable,is the elimination of the negative environmental impacts associated with blasting. 展开更多
关键词 Surface mining West virginia OVERBURDEN Production rate COST Environmental impact AHP model
Mercury concentrations in blood and feathers of nestling Bald Eagles in coastal and inland Virginia 被引量:2
作者 David E.Kramar Bill Carstensen +1 位作者 Steve Prisley Jim Campbell 《Avian Research》 CSCD 2019年第1期36-42,共7页
Background:Mercury(Hg) and methylmercury are widely considered significant issues for wildlife,and in particular,piscivorous birds due to their widespread availability and neurotoxic properties.Whereas a substantial n... Background:Mercury(Hg) and methylmercury are widely considered significant issues for wildlife,and in particular,piscivorous birds due to their widespread availability and neurotoxic properties.Whereas a substantial number of studies of Hg contamination of Bald Eagles(Haliaeetus leucocephalus) have been conducted throughout the east coast of the United States,little has been done that directly addresses Hg contamination in Bald Eagles in Virginia,particularly the inland population.Methods:We collected blood and feather samples from nestling Bald Eagles in the coastal plain,piedmont,and western regions of Virginia in an effort to determine which areas of the state were more likely to contain populations showing evidence of Hg toxicity.We analyzed the samples for total Hg using a Milestone DMA-80.Results:Samples collected from individuals located in the coastal region exhibited low concentrations of Hg compared to those further inland located on freshwater rivers and reservoirs.Samples collected from the inland population exhibited levels in some areas that are approaching what may be considered to be sub-lethal to avian health(blood:mean 0.324 mg/kg,SE = 0.13,range = 0.06-0.97 mg/kg;feather:mean = 8.433 mg/kg,SE = 0.3,range = 3.811-21.14 mg/kg).Conclusions:Even after accounting for known point-sources of Hg,the inland eagle population in Virginia is susceptible to concentrations of Hg that are significantly higher than their coastal counterparts.Moreover,several locations besides those currently known to be impacted by point-sources are exhibiting concentrations that are approaching a sub-lethal level. 展开更多
关键词 Bald EAGLE Haliaeetus leucocephalus MERCURY Methyl-mercury virginia
Analysis of four tobacco-specific nitrosamines in mainstream cigarette smoke of Virginia cigarettes by LC-MS/MS 被引量:2
作者 吴名剑 戴云辉 +3 位作者 庹苏行 胡念念 李勇 陈小明 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第5期627-631,共5页
An improved method was developed for the determination of the four major tobacco-specific nitrosamines(TSNAs) in mainstream cigarette smoke. The new method offers decreased sample preparation and analysis time as co... An improved method was developed for the determination of the four major tobacco-specific nitrosamines(TSNAs) in mainstream cigarette smoke. The new method offers decreased sample preparation and analysis time as compared to traditional methods. This method uses isotope dilution liquid chromatography coupled with a tandem mass spectrometer with electrospray ionization and is significantly more sensitive than traditional methods. It also shows no evidence of artifactual formation of TSNAs. Sample concentrations were determined for four TSNAs in mainstream smoke using two isotopically labeled TSNAs analogues as internal standards. Mainstream smoke was collected on an industry standard 44-ram Cambridge filter pad, extracted with 0.1 mol/L ammonium acetate, purified by solid-phase extraction, and analyzed without further sample cleanup. The analytical column is a 3.9 mm×150 mm Waters Symmertry Shield RP18 column and volume fraction of the mobile phase is 50% methanol, 50% water containing 0.1% acetic acid. The results show that the linear range is 0.5-100.0 mg/L except for N-nitrosoanabasine (NAB) from 0.25 to 50.0 mg/L. The limits of detection are 0.1 mg/L for N-nitrosonornicotine (NNN), 0.08 mg/L for 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1- (3-py-ridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), 0.05 mg/L for N-nitrosoanatabine (NAT) and 0.06 mg/L for NAB. The recoveries of the four TSNAs are from 90.2% to 105.7%. 展开更多
关键词 tobacco-specific nitrosamines mainstream cigarette smoke virginia cigarette LC-MS/MS
Forests of West Virginia,U.S.A. and Shaanxi,China:a study in forest exploitation and recovery
作者 Jack E.Coster 彭鸿 张秦岭 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期49-54,J002-J003,共8页
A review of the period of unregulated exploitation of forests in the state of West Virginia (U.S.) and in Shaanxi Province, PRC was presented. Economic and ecological recovery from exploitation has been different in t... A review of the period of unregulated exploitation of forests in the state of West Virginia (U.S.) and in Shaanxi Province, PRC was presented. Economic and ecological recovery from exploitation has been different in the two regions due to basic differences in nature of the forest and in the degree and persistence of exploitive pressures. After a century since unregulated exploitation, West Virginia forests are well on the road to management for sustainability and conservation. Shaanxi's recovery from overuse and unregulated exploitation is less certain; forests are still in the early phases of ecological recovery there. Full recovery to a period of sustainability will take a century or longer. Suggestions are made for measures needed to enhance the forest recovery. Keywords Forests - Shaanxi - West Virginia - Central China - Forest exploitation - Recovery CLC number S754 Document code A Article ID 1007-662X(2004)01-0049-06 Foundation item: The project was sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry (2002–2004) and Shaanxi Provincial Foreign Expert Bureau (2003).Biography: Jack E. Coster (1935-), male, professor of West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia. U.S.A.Responsible editor: Song Funan 展开更多
关键词 FORESTS SHAANXI West virginia Central China Forest exploitation RECOVERY
Woman, Fiction and Modernism:Virginia Woolf and Modernist Fiction
作者 刘楚 《海外英语》 2013年第14期199-203,共5页
As an outstanding modernist female writer in the early twentieth century, Virginia Woolf appeals for women's liberation in literary productions. Focusing on her most significant feminist criticism A Room of One... As an outstanding modernist female writer in the early twentieth century, Virginia Woolf appeals for women's liberation in literary productions. Focusing on her most significant feminist criticism A Room of One's Own, especially on the argument "It is useless to go to the great men writers for help . . . a man's sentence . . . was unsuited for a woman's use", this essay attempts to explore how Woolf searches for language and literary forms more suited for women writers in patriarchal society, and in what ways modernist language and literary form have been shaped by the motives for innovation in Woolf's works. Shaping and being shaped by the trend of modernism, Woolf's assertion of androgynous mind and her unique stream-of-consciousness techniques make contribution to modernist female writing. 展开更多
关键词 virginia WOOLF female writing FEMINISM MODERNISM a
A Review of Studies on Virginia Woolf from the Perspective of Psychology
作者 Zhu Yanyang 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期279-284,共6页
Virginia Woolf has drawn academic attention since she published her first novel.Studies on Virginia Woolf from the perspective of psychology started in the 1950 s and have been kept since then,and in recent years ther... Virginia Woolf has drawn academic attention since she published her first novel.Studies on Virginia Woolf from the perspective of psychology started in the 1950 s and have been kept since then,and in recent years there has been a warming trend in this respect.The paper aims at combing through studies on Virginia Woolf from psychological perspective at home and abroad,investigating its research status and prospect,summarizing its characteristics,digging out problems and exploring space for further studies. 展开更多
关键词 心理学 综述 发展前景 弗吉尼亚 学术界 国内外
Map of Maryland and Virginia of 1660-1670 Created by Augustin Herrmann
作者 John R. Hébert Jan T. Kozák 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2012年第2期112-116,共5页
In the paper a little known large 4-folio map of the territory of the later US states Virginia and Maryland is introduced. The map, which was surveyed and composed between 1660 and 1670, is exceptional from several po... In the paper a little known large 4-folio map of the territory of the later US states Virginia and Maryland is introduced. The map, which was surveyed and composed between 1660 and 1670, is exceptional from several points of view: the vast impenetrable territory covering a strip of land of about 700 × 400 km was mapped by one man, Augustin Herrman “Bohemian” (as he called himself) and by his crew during 10-year surveying and trigonometric measurements. It seems that this extraordinary map belongs among the first geodetically surveyed maps of the American territory. In 1960 altogether 5 copies of the map, complete in four parts, were known in British, French and American Libraries and map collections. 展开更多
Acupuncture Legislation in Virginia,United States:A Personal Experience and Beyond
作者 Arthur Yin Fan 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2022年第4期248-252,共5页
Virginia was once considered as one of three states in the United States that was particularly resistant to acupuncture and its legislation,due to the historically strong conservative force in Virginia.In this article... Virginia was once considered as one of three states in the United States that was particularly resistant to acupuncture and its legislation,due to the historically strong conservative force in Virginia.In this article,the author aims to review and discuss the history and the current situation of acupuncture legislation in Virginia,and provides some insights for the related legislations in other states and at federal level.This study was based on author’s personal experience and an interview with Mr.Floyd Herdrich,former president of the Acupuncture Society of Virginia,who made the biggest contribution to this legislation.Led by the Acupuncture Society of Virginia,and supported by the School Tai Sophia Institute,Virginia acupuncture legislation began in 1988 and the law was implemented in 1994.Virginia is the 27th state in the United States to legalize acupuncture practice,and it has been 28 years since then.The author’s insights are:the first important factor is dedications as the persistent efforts in legislation usually take many years to materialize.The second factor is the strategy,that is,legislation through the executive or administrative system is probably a much easier route or shortcut. 展开更多
关键词 ACUPUNCTURE LEGISLATION Traditional Chinese medicine virginia
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