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基于LMS Virtual Lab对多孔同心式液压脉动衰减器的优化研究
作者 夏未来 黄浩 +1 位作者 朱建阳 李小平 《液压气动与密封》 2023年第11期1-6,共6页
多孔同心式液压脉动衰减器采用穿孔管作为压力脉动的衰减部件,通过改变穿孔管的阻抗特性,避开系统的流固耦合谐振点。传统的衰减器在低频段衰减效果良好,但在中频和高频效果欠佳。通过改变穿孔管内部穿孔段的孔径、管壁厚度、穿孔率来... 多孔同心式液压脉动衰减器采用穿孔管作为压力脉动的衰减部件,通过改变穿孔管的阻抗特性,避开系统的流固耦合谐振点。传统的衰减器在低频段衰减效果良好,但在中频和高频效果欠佳。通过改变穿孔管内部穿孔段的孔径、管壁厚度、穿孔率来优化衰减器在中频和高频段的衰减效果。在LMS Virtual.Lab Acoustics的管道声学有限元模块中应用了传递导纳函数,通过常温下衰减器的传递损失计算,得到衰减器在中频和高频段良好的衰减性能,并通过两负载法进行实验论证。 展开更多
关键词 多孔同心式液压脉动衰减器 传递损失 LMS virtual.lab Acoustic 两负载法
基于Virtual Lab的模态试验预试验方法研究 被引量:1
作者 麻越垠 陈万华 马斌 《机械》 2021年第6期70-74,共5页
为准确规划模态试验响应点和激励点的布置,根据响应点对模态向量的贡献量选取最佳响应组,以驱动点留数为研究对象,得到最佳激励点位置;以某风洞模型支撑系统支杆模态试验为例,对比两种响应点布置方案对最大非对角线MAC值的影响,预测各... 为准确规划模态试验响应点和激励点的布置,根据响应点对模态向量的贡献量选取最佳响应组,以驱动点留数为研究对象,得到最佳激励点位置;以某风洞模型支撑系统支杆模态试验为例,对比两种响应点布置方案对最大非对角线MAC值的影响,预测各响应点对MAC值的变化趋势的贡献量;计算各驱动点的留数,选取最佳激励点。最后,通过模态拟合和模态验证检验试验结果的可信度,进而验证了预试验的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 预试验 模态试验 模态置信准则(MAC) virtual lab
基于LMS Virtual. Lab和AMESim的泥浆泵联合仿真及曲轴结构优化 被引量:1
作者 刘承杰 赵磊 +1 位作者 罗鹏 陈易 《塑性工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期212-218,共7页
由于泥浆泵曲轴受到复杂的交变应力,导致曲轴曲柄销过渡圆角处因受到过大应力而疲劳失效。采用LMS Virtual.Lab和AMESim分别建立了泥浆泵动力端系统和液力端系统模型,并将2个子模型集成一体化模型,最终实现机械、液力系统的联合仿真对... 由于泥浆泵曲轴受到复杂的交变应力,导致曲轴曲柄销过渡圆角处因受到过大应力而疲劳失效。采用LMS Virtual.Lab和AMESim分别建立了泥浆泵动力端系统和液力端系统模型,并将2个子模型集成一体化模型,最终实现机械、液力系统的联合仿真对泥浆泵曲轴应力进行分析,得到曲轴运行时的应力分布。为了降低曲柄梢过渡圆角处的应力,设计优化阶梯形圆角来代替泥浆泵曲轴曲柄销圆角。再基于响应面法建立以曲柄梢圆角应力最小为优化目标的模型,通过优化前后的应力对比可得:当设计因子为R_1=4 mm,R_2=3.2 mm,H=122 mm时,优化后的应力较优化前降低了20.29%,优化模型可为泥浆泵曲轴的设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 泥浆泵 曲轴 AMESIM LMS virtual.lab 联合仿真 阶梯形圆角 响应面法
基于LMS Virtual. Lab的起落架动态性能仿真分析 被引量:12
作者 崔飞 马东立 《计算机辅助工程》 2012年第2期25-29,共5页
针对飞机起落架设计和性能分析过程中,传统方法计算过程复杂、计算精度不高、研制周期长,且采用实验研究成本高、局限性大的问题,利用CATIA和LMS Virtual. Lab对某支柱式起落架进行收放运动学和动力学以及落震仿真分析.运用机构运动学... 针对飞机起落架设计和性能分析过程中,传统方法计算过程复杂、计算精度不高、研制周期长,且采用实验研究成本高、局限性大的问题,利用CATIA和LMS Virtual. Lab对某支柱式起落架进行收放运动学和动力学以及落震仿真分析.运用机构运动学正解方法进行主起落架收放运动学仿真分析;在运动学仿真模型中添加质量力、气动阻力、惯性力和摩擦力等参数进行动力学仿真;在不改变起落架机构原理的前提下简化主起落架结构并进行落震仿真分析.落震仿真结果与理论计算结果误差在5%以内,说明仿真结果与理论计算结果一致性较好.利用CATIA和LMS Virtual. Lab可以实现起落架设计与分析一体化,且实现过程简单、可视化强、准确度高. 展开更多
关键词 支柱式起落架 虚拟样机 运动学 正解方法 动力学 落震 一体化设计 LMS virtual. lab
基于Virtual Lab仿真分析某项目进气系统声学性能优化 被引量:3
作者 王志强 代晓旭 周维 《汽车实用技术》 2021年第14期110-112,共3页
进气系统噪声通过进气口向外辐射,直接或间接地对驾驶室内噪声产生影响。在前期开发过程中,需要在管路上布置消声元件,消除进气系统噪声。文章基于VirtualLab对进气系统声学性能进行仿真,通过分析仿真结果对初始方案展开优化,使其满足... 进气系统噪声通过进气口向外辐射,直接或间接地对驾驶室内噪声产生影响。在前期开发过程中,需要在管路上布置消声元件,消除进气系统噪声。文章基于VirtualLab对进气系统声学性能进行仿真,通过分析仿真结果对初始方案展开优化,使其满足相关性能目标要求,为后续NVH调音工作打下坚实基础。 展开更多
关键词 进气系统 消声原件 virtual lab 传递损失
基于Virtual Lab的偏振光的仿真模拟 被引量:1
作者 倪星宇 《计算机时代》 2021年第6期9-12,18,共5页
偏振光的学习与研究工作极大地依赖于实验的展开,为解决实验过程中场地欠佳、操作繁杂、结果不理想等问题,引入虚拟仿真软件Virtual Lab。通过对光学中基础的偏振光现象进行建模,获取几类基本偏振状态直观的人眼视图、数据视图以及3D光... 偏振光的学习与研究工作极大地依赖于实验的展开,为解决实验过程中场地欠佳、操作繁杂、结果不理想等问题,引入虚拟仿真软件Virtual Lab。通过对光学中基础的偏振光现象进行建模,获取几类基本偏振状态直观的人眼视图、数据视图以及3D光路流程图,建立一个完整的时空图像,为其物理过程的解析提供了一种可视化手段,也为偏振光实验结果的分析、比较验证提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 virtual lab 偏振光 虚拟仿真 可视化
基于Virtual Lab的汽车进气系统NVH性能优化 被引量:1
作者 杨德银 吴孟兵 +2 位作者 麻金贺 张利 何延刚 《汽车实用技术》 2020年第1期105-108,共4页
文章针对某MPV汽车车内噪声大的问题,通过屏蔽法识别进气噪声为主要噪声源,为降低车内噪声提高汽车NVH性能,运用三维软件LMS Virtual Lab对进气系统进行仿真分析,找出问题原因,提出改进措施,通过结构改进有效地降低了进气噪声,改善了整... 文章针对某MPV汽车车内噪声大的问题,通过屏蔽法识别进气噪声为主要噪声源,为降低车内噪声提高汽车NVH性能,运用三维软件LMS Virtual Lab对进气系统进行仿真分析,找出问题原因,提出改进措施,通过结构改进有效地降低了进气噪声,改善了整车NVH性能。 展开更多
关键词 传递损失 赫尔姆兹消声器 内插管 virtual lab
基于LMS Virtual. Lab和ANSYS的刚柔耦合机器人仿真系统 被引量:4
作者 陈晏 余跃庆 +1 位作者 苏丽颖 张绪平 《轻工机械》 CAS 2007年第1期46-49,共4页
基于LMS Virtual.Lab适于机械系统动力学分析但不能直接用于柔性分析,而ANSY S适于有限元分析的情况,本文将2者结合起来,建立了刚柔耦合机器人动力学仿真系统。本系统是通过中性文件结合LMS Virtual.Lab和ANSYS,实现刚柔耦合机器人系统... 基于LMS Virtual.Lab适于机械系统动力学分析但不能直接用于柔性分析,而ANSY S适于有限元分析的情况,本文将2者结合起来,建立了刚柔耦合机器人动力学仿真系统。本系统是通过中性文件结合LMS Virtual.Lab和ANSYS,实现刚柔耦合机器人系统的仿真分析。此系统按功能分成11个模块,对其进行了二次开发,用以进行刚柔耦合机器人系统的仿真分析,省去了复杂的建模及编程工作。本文通过一个平面三臂机器人的实例说明了此系统的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 LMS virtual.lab ANSYS 仿真 机器人 刚柔耦合
Virtual Instrument System for Teaching Lab
作者 Yao, Yonggang Yao, Bowen Pan, Zhong 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 EI CAS 1998年第3期65-68,共4页
Virtual Instruments, which have the most brilliant prospect in the domain of instruments, are the combination of the computers and traditional instruments. According to the constructions and the characters of the Teac... Virtual Instruments, which have the most brilliant prospect in the domain of instruments, are the combination of the computers and traditional instruments. According to the constructions and the characters of the Teaching Lab Instruments, the paper introduces the principle and design of Virtual Instrument System. Meanwhile, a practical application is indicated. 展开更多
关键词 virtual instruments lab virtual instrument system modularized design
Audio2AB:Audio-driven collaborative generation of virtual character animation
作者 Lichao NIU Wenjun XIE +2 位作者 Dong WANG Zhongrui CAO Xiaoping LIU 《虚拟现实与智能硬件(中英文)》 EI 2024年第1期56-70,共15页
Background Considerable research has been conducted in the areas of audio-driven virtual character gestures and facial animation with some degree of success.However,few methods exist for generating full-body animation... Background Considerable research has been conducted in the areas of audio-driven virtual character gestures and facial animation with some degree of success.However,few methods exist for generating full-body animations,and the portability of virtual character gestures and facial animations has not received sufficient attention.Methods Therefore,we propose a deep-learning-based audio-to-animation-and-blendshape(Audio2AB)network that generates gesture animations and ARK it's 52 facial expression parameter blendshape weights based on audio,audio-corresponding text,emotion labels,and semantic relevance labels to generate parametric data for full-body animations.This parameterization method can be used to drive full-body animations of virtual characters and improve their portability.In the experiment,we first downsampled the gesture and facial data to achieve the same temporal resolution for the input,output,and facial data.The Audio2AB network then encoded the audio,audio-corresponding text,emotion labels,and semantic relevance labels,and then fused the text,emotion labels,and semantic relevance labels into the audio to obtain better audio features.Finally,we established links between the body,gestures,and facial decoders and generated the corresponding animation sequences through our proposed GAN-GF loss function.Results By using audio,audio-corresponding text,and emotional and semantic relevance labels as input,the trained Audio2AB network could generate gesture animation data containing blendshape weights.Therefore,different 3D virtual character animations could be created through parameterization.Conclusions The experimental results showed that the proposed method could generate significant gestures and facial animations. 展开更多
关键词 Audio-driven virtual character Full-body animation Audio2AB Blendshape GAN-GF
Performance Evaluation of an Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) Based Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Virtual Private Network 被引量:1
作者 Conrad K. Simatimbe Smart Charles Lubobya 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2020年第9期100-108,共9页
This paper evaluates the performance of Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) based Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) virtual private network (VPN) in a small to medium sized organization. The demand for security in d... This paper evaluates the performance of Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) based Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) virtual private network (VPN) in a small to medium sized organization. The demand for security in data networks has been increasing owing to the high cyber attacks and potential risks associated with networks spread over distant geographical locations. The MPLS networks ride on the public network backbone that is porous and highly susceptible to attacks and so the need for reliable security mechanisms to be part of the deployment plan. The evaluation criteria concentrated on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Video conferencing with keen interest in jitter, end to end delivery and general data flow. This study used both structured questionnaire and observation methods. The structured questionnaire was administered to a group of 70 VPN users in a company. This provided the study with precise responses. The observation method was used in data simulations using OPNET Version 14.5 Simulation software. The results show that the IPSec features increase the size of data packets by approximately 9.98% translating into approximately 90.02% effectiveness. The tests showed that the performance metrics are all well within the recommended standards. The IPSec Based MPLS Virtual private network is more stable and secure than one without IPSec. 展开更多
关键词 Multiprotocol label Switching Internet Protocol Security virtual Private Network Video Conferencing Voice over Internet Protocol JITTER End to End Delay
Effects of Virtual-real fusion on immersion,presence,and learning performance in laboratory education 被引量:1
作者 Jingcheng QIAN Yancong MA +1 位作者 Zhigeng PAN Xubo YANG 《Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware》 2020年第6期569-584,共16页
Background Virtual-reality(VR)fusion techniques have become increasingly popular in recent years,and several previous studies have applied them to laboratory education.However,without a basis for evaluating the effect... Background Virtual-reality(VR)fusion techniques have become increasingly popular in recent years,and several previous studies have applied them to laboratory education.However,without a basis for evaluating the effects of virtual-real fusion on VR in education,many developers have chosen to abandon this expensive and complex set of techniques.Methods In this study,we experimentally investigate the effects of virtual-real fusion on immersion,presence,and learning performance.Each participant was randomly assigned to one of three conditions:a PC environment(PCE)operated by mouse;a VR environment(VRE)operated by controllers;or a VR environment running virtual-real fusion(VR VRFE),operated by real hands.Results The analysis of variance(ANOVA)and t-test results for presence and self-efficacy show significant differences between the PCE*VR-VRFE condition pair.Furthermore,the results show significant differences in the intrinsic value of learning performance for pairs PCE*VR VRFE and VRE*VR-VRFE,and a marginally significant difference was found for the immersion group.Conclusions The results suggest that virtual-real fusion can offer improved immersion,presence,and self efficacy compared to traditional PC environments,as well as a better intrinsic value of learning performance compared to both PC and VR environments.The results also suggest that virtual-real fusion offers a lower sense of presence compared to traditional VR environments. 展开更多
关键词 EDUCATION IMMERSION PRESENCE virtual-Real Fusion virtual Reality
基于Virtual Lab研究影响空气滤芯消声能力的因素
作者 李光武 王志强 《汽车实用技术》 2020年第18期131-133,共3页
进气系统噪声是汽车的主要噪声源之一,它直接影响着车内噪声和通过噪声,从而影响着驾乘人员的驾乘感受和能否满足通过噪声的法规要求。空气滤清器作为进气系统的关键零部件之一,它不仅仅起到保护发动机的能力,还具备着降低进气系统噪声... 进气系统噪声是汽车的主要噪声源之一,它直接影响着车内噪声和通过噪声,从而影响着驾乘人员的驾乘感受和能否满足通过噪声的法规要求。空气滤清器作为进气系统的关键零部件之一,它不仅仅起到保护发动机的能力,还具备着降低进气系统噪声的能力。空气滤芯作为多孔介质,不仅能吸收噪声,还可以通过多孔区域将声能转化为热能从而消除噪声,而影响空气滤芯降噪能力的因素主要为流阻率、孔隙率和结构因子,而三个因素是如何影响空气滤芯的消音能力就需要通过仿真分析进行验证。文章通过Hyper mesh和Virtual Lab软件进行传递损失联合仿真分析,验证各个因素对滤芯消声能力的影响。 展开更多
关键词 空气滤芯 Hyper mesh virtual lab 传递损失
基于LMS Virtual. Lab的前起落架摆振试验仿真 被引量:1
作者 高雅 刘晖 +1 位作者 顾宏斌 陈大伟 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2017年第7期91-94,共4页
分析了前起落架的摆振试验,在LMS Virtual. Lab仿真环境中对某型飞机前起落架的实验室摆振试验进行动力学建模与仿真分析。参考前起落架真实滑跑时的参数得到前起落架的验证工况,研究了该工况下前起落架摆角、地面侧向力、摆动角速度、... 分析了前起落架的摆振试验,在LMS Virtual. Lab仿真环境中对某型飞机前起落架的实验室摆振试验进行动力学建模与仿真分析。参考前起落架真实滑跑时的参数得到前起落架的验证工况,研究了该工况下前起落架摆角、地面侧向力、摆动角速度、防摆阻尼力矩的时间曲线。此外,分别绘制出不同立柱刚度以及间隙下的摆角时间曲线,分析其对摆振试验的影响。 展开更多
关键词 前起落架 摆振 LMS virtual. lab 仿真
基于Virtual Lab的偏振光的仿真模拟
作者 黄玉华 张家强 鲁同所 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2021年第5期6-9,共4页
光学作为物理学领域最广泛的分支,而偏振光在光学中又占据重要地位且在社会生活各方面应用前景广阔。偏振光的学习研究工作极大地依赖于实验展开,而偏振光的实验开展繁琐、不理想,因此各类仿真技术手段的推广势在必行。本文在偏振光学... 光学作为物理学领域最广泛的分支,而偏振光在光学中又占据重要地位且在社会生活各方面应用前景广阔。偏振光的学习研究工作极大地依赖于实验展开,而偏振光的实验开展繁琐、不理想,因此各类仿真技术手段的推广势在必行。本文在偏振光学中引入Virtual Lab这款功能强大的数值分析虚拟仿真技术软件,通过对偏振光学中最基础的偏振光现象进行建模仿真,获取了线偏振光、圆偏振光、椭圆偏振光3种基本偏振状态直观的人眼视图、数据视图以及3D光路流程图等,为偏振过程的解析提供了一个可视化手段,也为偏振实验过程中的建模试验以及教学分析研究提供了方便。 展开更多
关键词 virtual lab 偏振光 虚拟仿真 可视化
Effect of haptic feedback on a virtual lab about friction
作者 Zhuoluo MA Yue LIU Lu ZHAO 《Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware》 2019年第4期428-434,共7页
Background With the increase in recent years of the utilization of multimedia devices in education,new haptic devices for education have been gradually adopted and developed.As compared with visual and auditory channe... Background With the increase in recent years of the utilization of multimedia devices in education,new haptic devices for education have been gradually adopted and developed.As compared with visual and auditory channels,the development of applications with a haptic channel is still in the initial stages.For example,it is unclear how force feedback influences an instructional effect of an educational application and the subjective feeling of users.Methods In this study,we designed an educational application with a haptic device(Haply)to explore the effects of force feedback on self learning.Subjects in an experiment group used a designed application to study friction by themselves using force feedback,whereas subjects in a control group studied the same knowledge without force feedback.A post-test and questionnaire were designed to assess the learning outcomes.Results/Conclusions The experimental result indicates that force feedback is beneficial to an educational application,and using a haptic device can improve the effect of the application and motivate students. 展开更多
关键词 Haptic feedback Science education virtual lab Multimedia education
基于Motion TWR与Virtual Lab Motion的C_(70E)型敞车载荷迭代分析 被引量:1
作者 王文 邹广闻 王伟 《铁道机车车辆》 2015年第B05期99-102,共4页
以C70E型敞车为例,论述了采用Virtual Lab Motion进行多体动力学建模,并利用Motion TWR与Virtual Lab Motion在软件环境下根据车体上的响应数据迭代出虚拟路谱的过程,并对该过程所得到的数据进行了虚拟验证。该方法可以在今后的分析中... 以C70E型敞车为例,论述了采用Virtual Lab Motion进行多体动力学建模,并利用Motion TWR与Virtual Lab Motion在软件环境下根据车体上的响应数据迭代出虚拟路谱的过程,并对该过程所得到的数据进行了虚拟验证。该方法可以在今后的分析中把虚拟路谱加载在概念车体模型上,得到关心部件的动载荷,为以后新设计车型在设计阶段进行抗疲劳分析提供了一条新的途径,也使虚拟线路试验成为可能。 展开更多
关键词 MOTION TWR virtual lab MOTION 多体动力学 虚拟迭代 虚拟线路试验
Spatial Heterogeneity of Embedded Water Consumption from the Perspective of Virtual Water Surplus and Deficit in the Yellow River Basin,China
作者 MA Weijing LI Xiangjie +1 位作者 KOU Jingwen LI Chengyi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期311-326,共16页
Virtual water trade(VWT)provides a new perspective for alleviating water crisis and has thus attracted widespread attention.However,the heterogeneity of virtual water trade inside and outside the river basin and its i... Virtual water trade(VWT)provides a new perspective for alleviating water crisis and has thus attracted widespread attention.However,the heterogeneity of virtual water trade inside and outside the river basin and its influencing factors remains further study.In this study,for better investigating the pattern and heterogeneity of virtual water trade inside and outside provincial regions along the Yellow River Basin in 2015 using the input-output model(MRIO),we proposed two new concepts,i.e.,virtual water surplus and virtual water deficit,and then used the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index(LMDI)model to identify the inherent mechanism of the imbalance of virtual water trade between provincial regions along the Yellow River Basin and the other four regions in China.The results show that:1)in provincial regions along the Yellow River Basin,the less developed the economy was,the larger the contribution of the agricultural sector in virtual water trade,while the smaller the contribution of the industrial sector.2)Due to the large output of agricultural products,the upstream and midstream provincial regions of the Yellow River Basin had a virtual water surplus,with a net outflow of virtual water of 2.7×10^(8) m^(3) and 0.9×10^(8) m^(3),respectively.3)provincial regions along the Yellow River Basin were in a virtual water deficit with the rest of China,and the decisive factor was the active degree of trade with the outside.This study would be beneficial to illuminate the trade-related water use issues in provincial regions along the Yellow River Basin,which has farreaching practical signific-ance for alleviating water scarcity. 展开更多
关键词 virtual water trade(VWT) input-output model(MRIO) virtual water surplus virtual water deficit Yellow River Basin China
The engine performance LabVIEW virtual instrument test system design
作者 (Information and communication engineering institute,North university of China & National Key Laboratory For Electronic Measurement Technology Taiyuan,030051 China) Wang Xiao Han Yan(Institute of Computer Application,Shijiazhuang Railway Institute,Shijiazhuang,050043 China)Mao WanDui(UFIDA Software CO.LTD,Beijing,100085,China)Si Xiao-Hong 《微计算机信息》 北大核心 2008年第7期65-67,共3页
This paper adopts American National Instruments (NI) Company’s LabVIEW and LabVIEW RT virtual instrument softwareplatform and lots of things for this engine performance LabVIEW virtual instrument test system, such as... This paper adopts American National Instruments (NI) Company’s LabVIEW and LabVIEW RT virtual instrument softwareplatform and lots of things for this engine performance LabVIEW virtual instrument test system, such as the matched NI PCI dataCollection Card, NI SCXI signal-adjusting instrument and NI compact FieldPoint (cFP) distributed I/O real time system hardware.This system has realized multi performances’parallel test; and it can complete load, torsional moment, rotate speed, power, pressureand temperature’s real time monitoring automatically according to user’s setting; and finally through TCP/IP protocol it realizes testdata’s teleshare and telecontrol that user put on the test system. This system has such character as short development period, highuse efficiency and low cost, at the same time it has strong extensibility and reusability, so it has very high applied cost. 展开更多
关键词 engine performance labVIEW virtual instrument test system
基于LMS Virtual.Lab调相机机房噪声仿真分析
作者 陈传敏 杜鹏宇 +1 位作者 郭兆枫 刘松涛 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期216-220,共5页
特高压直流输变电工程以其输送距离长、送电容量大、传输稳定性优良、可以灵活控制等各种优势在电力传输领域具有广阔的应用前景。其中,调相机作为直流输变电工程的重要组成部分,可以改善电网功率因数,维持电网电压水平。目前,调相机本... 特高压直流输变电工程以其输送距离长、送电容量大、传输稳定性优良、可以灵活控制等各种优势在电力传输领域具有广阔的应用前景。其中,调相机作为直流输变电工程的重要组成部分,可以改善电网功率因数,维持电网电压水平。目前,调相机本体的噪声问题影响着电网工人、周边居民的身心健康,对周边声环境造成污染,已经成为直流电网建设快速发展的重要挑战。因此研究调相机机房内外声场的分布对于噪声控制意义重大。根据声场有限元方法,在LMS Virtual.Lab中建立调相机机房声场仿真模型,并计算得到换流站调相机机房声场分布。之后通过与实测数据进行对比,验证仿真方法的准确性,并对模型进行优化改良,研究成果可以对调相机机房的后续降噪措施提供相应理论模型基础。 展开更多
关键词 声学 声场仿真 调相机 LMS virtual.lab 有限元分析
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