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作者 孙楠 贺素歌 +1 位作者 刘自凤 李利波 《地震研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-9,共9页
云南地震活动与周边强震存在“构造相连,动力同源”的特征,研究周边强震的序列演化特征及发震构造,对云南地区地震研究具有重要意义。2021年12月24日老挝M_(S)6.0地震发生在滇西南地区的NW向整董断裂附近,震源机制解显示,此次地震是一... 云南地震活动与周边强震存在“构造相连,动力同源”的特征,研究周边强震的序列演化特征及发震构造,对云南地区地震研究具有重要意义。2021年12月24日老挝M_(S)6.0地震发生在滇西南地区的NW向整董断裂附近,震源机制解显示,此次地震是一次走滑型破裂事件,破裂方向与区域构造特征一致。老挝M_(S)6.0地震序列属于前震-主震-余震型序列,主震前震中附近出现3~4级地震非常活跃的现象,前震序列参数计算显示b值波动相对幅度较大,h值出现“上翘”形态,而余震序列b值和h值变化均相对平稳,主震的同震库伦应力结果表明老挝地震可能对云南地区有应力加载作用。 展开更多
关键词 老挝M_(s)6.0地震 前震序列 余震序列 序列参数
作者 王思华 王羚佰 《电力系统保护与控制》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-12,共12页
针对柔性直流输电线路故障定位过程中信号易受噪声干扰、耐过渡电阻能力差的问题,提出了采用小波变换(wavelet transform,WT)进行消噪处理、并结合变分模态分解(variational mode decomposition,VMD)的柔性直流输电线路故障定位方案。... 针对柔性直流输电线路故障定位过程中信号易受噪声干扰、耐过渡电阻能力差的问题,提出了采用小波变换(wavelet transform,WT)进行消噪处理、并结合变分模态分解(variational mode decomposition,VMD)的柔性直流输电线路故障定位方案。首先利用基于Logistic函数的循环位移小波阈值去噪对故障信号进行处理。然后采用雪消融优化器(snow ablation optimizer,SAO)结合VMD对信号进行有效分解。最后对分解后的高频分量进行S变换(S-transform,ST),选取对应频率下的幅值曲线进行波头标定。此外,提出了一种不依赖波速的测距算法。在PSCAD/EMTDC平台中搭建双端柔性直流系统并进行仿真验证。结果表明,所提方案不仅对采样率要求低,且能耐受300Ω的过渡电阻和30 dB的噪声,在不同故障距离下均能准确进行测距。 展开更多
关键词 柔性直流输电 小波去噪 雪消融优化器 变分模态分解 s变换 故障测距
作者 胡建秋 乔华 《临床肺科杂志》 2025年第1期151-153,共3页
肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism, PE)是临床上常见的急危重症之一,具有致死性,由于症状及体征均不典型,常常导致漏诊、误诊。青少年肺栓塞性相对少见,更容易被临床医师忽视。但该类患者可能发病年龄早,应注重其求因的检查尤其遗传缺陷。本... 肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism, PE)是临床上常见的急危重症之一,具有致死性,由于症状及体征均不典型,常常导致漏诊、误诊。青少年肺栓塞性相对少见,更容易被临床医师忽视。但该类患者可能发病年龄早,应注重其求因的检查尤其遗传缺陷。本文通过报道兄弟患肺栓塞病例,最终确诊为遗传性蛋白S缺乏症,且为少见的复杂杂合变异病例,而提高临床医师对于青少年PE的诊治水平。 展开更多
关键词 肺栓塞 蛋白s缺乏 复杂杂合变异
作者 王培军 叶守杰 +2 位作者 朱浩 刘圣臣 吕佰毅 《沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期20-30,共11页
深入分析双相不锈钢S32001冷弯卷边角钢悬臂构件的弯扭屈曲性能,并提出可靠的设计方法,实现此类构件作为地铁疏散平台支架的大规模应用。对双相不锈钢S32001冷弯卷边角钢悬臂结构展开了试验研究与有限元分析,研究了角钢卷边宽厚比对角... 深入分析双相不锈钢S32001冷弯卷边角钢悬臂构件的弯扭屈曲性能,并提出可靠的设计方法,实现此类构件作为地铁疏散平台支架的大规模应用。对双相不锈钢S32001冷弯卷边角钢悬臂结构展开了试验研究与有限元分析,研究了角钢卷边宽厚比对角钢悬臂结构弯扭屈曲性能的影响,并基于弹性屈曲理论建立了冷弯卷边角钢弯扭屈曲承载力计算方法。截面肢长相同时,卷边角钢截面构件的极限承载力较普通角钢截面构件可提高70%~145%。随卷边宽厚比a/t增大,卷边角钢构件抗弯承载力比值M n/M y呈上升趋势。采用所建立的计算方法得到的预测结果与有限元分析结果吻合良好。双相不锈钢卷边角钢悬臂构件具备出色的弯扭屈曲承载能力,在工程结构中具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 双相不锈钢s32001 冷弯卷边角钢 弯扭屈曲性能 卷边宽厚比 设计方法
作者 李冰 朱孝峰 +1 位作者 管嘉俊 王艳芳 《自动化与仪表》 2025年第1期82-89,94,共9页
针对交通标志检测精度低、漏检误检率高及传统模型体积大的问题,提出LiteTS YOLO算法。通过构建C_(2)f_FA模块,结合FasterNet优化参数量与计算复杂度,并引入高效多尺度注意力(EMA)机制以保留小目标特征;重新设计特征提取与融合网络,优... 针对交通标志检测精度低、漏检误检率高及传统模型体积大的问题,提出LiteTS YOLO算法。通过构建C_(2)f_FA模块,结合FasterNet优化参数量与计算复杂度,并引入高效多尺度注意力(EMA)机制以保留小目标特征;重新设计特征提取与融合网络,优化检测层架构以减少参数量并增强信息整合能力;设计SAPD Head检测头,集成高级任务分解与动态对齐机制,有效降低误检与漏检率,同时进一步减少参数量。实验结果显示,LiteTS-YOLO在自制TTT100K数据集上的m AP@0.5提升7.9%,参数量减少66.4%,模型大小减小65%,在检测精度与轻量化方面均实现显著改进。 展开更多
关键词 YOLOv8s 交通标志检测 动态特征对齐 高效多尺度注意力
作者 王玮铭 冯志生 +3 位作者 朱培育 廖晓峰 何畅 张致伟 《地震工程学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期229-239,共11页
选取四川地区3个地磁扰动台站的观测数据,利用基于脉冲幅度法的地磁垂直强度极化方法,对2021年9月16日四川泸县M_(S)6.0地震前的地磁扰动异常演化特征进行分析。研究结果表明:(1)在中强地震前,台站的垂直强度极化值和超阈值极化值频次... 选取四川地区3个地磁扰动台站的观测数据,利用基于脉冲幅度法的地磁垂直强度极化方法,对2021年9月16日四川泸县M_(S)6.0地震前的地磁扰动异常演化特征进行分析。研究结果表明:(1)在中强地震前,台站的垂直强度极化值和超阈值极化值频次逐日变化均会出现高值异常,其中频次异常呈现先增强后降低,再增强-降低的形态;(2)发生异常变化的多个台站距离震中300 km范围内,时间上属准同步变化;(3)地震多发生在异常出现的一个月后,频次异常值往往是研究时段的最高值;(4)机理上,这些异常演化形态和特征是由岩石的破裂特性决定的,一定程度上反映了地震的孕育过程;(5)这种震前的地磁扰动异常与外源场无关。 展开更多
关键词 地磁扰动 地磁垂直强度极化法 泸县M_(s)6.0地震 异常特征
作者 宋蒲 王文珍 贾新刚 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期130-136,共7页
运用腐蚀失重和电化学测试技术研究80S钢和N80钢在含H 2S/CO_(2)的油田采出水中的电化学腐蚀行为。结果表明:在模拟CO_(2)/H_(2)S的腐蚀环境中,温度是影响腐蚀速率的一大因素,80S钢和N80钢的腐蚀速率随着温度的升高而增大。两种材料表... 运用腐蚀失重和电化学测试技术研究80S钢和N80钢在含H 2S/CO_(2)的油田采出水中的电化学腐蚀行为。结果表明:在模拟CO_(2)/H_(2)S的腐蚀环境中,温度是影响腐蚀速率的一大因素,80S钢和N80钢的腐蚀速率随着温度的升高而增大。两种材料表面均发生均匀腐蚀,但N80钢表面的腐蚀程度更严重,主要是由于Cr元素可以显著提高腐蚀产物膜对金属的保护;两种材料的腐蚀电位均随着温度的升高而负移,腐蚀电流密度增大,在不同试验条件下80S钢的腐蚀电流密度均小于N80钢,表明80S钢比N80钢具有更好的抗腐蚀能力。两种材料在25℃时具有中高频区的容抗弧和低频区的感抗弧,在50℃和75℃时具有中高频区的容抗弧和低频区的Warburg阻抗,且Warburg阻抗随温度的升高表现出更明显的扩散特征。随着温度的升高,两种材料的电荷传递电阻R_(t)不断减小,Warburg阻抗的Z_(w)也减小,温度越高生成的腐蚀产物膜对金属表面的保护性能越好,80S钢比N80钢生成腐蚀产物膜的致密性更好。 展开更多
关键词 80s N80钢 H_(2)s/CO_(2)腐蚀 极化曲线 极化电阻
Linearized waveform inversion for vertical transversely isotropic elastic media:Methodology and multi-parameter crosstalk analysis
作者 Ke Chen Lu Liu +5 位作者 Li-Nan Xu Fei Hu Yuan Yang Jia-Hui Zuo Le-Le Zhang Yang Zhao 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期252-271,共20页
Seismic migration and inversion are closely related techniques to portray subsurface images and identify hydrocarbon reservoirs.Seismic migration aims at obtaining structural images of subsurface geologic discontinuit... Seismic migration and inversion are closely related techniques to portray subsurface images and identify hydrocarbon reservoirs.Seismic migration aims at obtaining structural images of subsurface geologic discontinuities.More specifically,seismic migration estimates the reflectivity function(stacked average reflectivity or pre-stack angle-dependent reflectivity)from seismic reflection data.On the other hand,seismic inversion quantitatively estimates the intrinsic rock properties of subsurface formulations.Such seismic inversion methods are applicable to detect hydrocarbon reservoirs that may exhibit lateral variations in the inverted parameters.Although there exist many differences,pre-stack seismic migration is similar with the first iteration of the general linearized seismic inversion.Usually,seismic migration and inversion techniques assume an acoustic or isotropic elastic medium.Unconventional reservoirs such as shale and tight sand formation have notable anisotropic property.We present a linearized waveform inversion(LWI)scheme for weakly anisotropic elastic media with vertical transversely isotropic(VTI)symmetry.It is based on two-way anisotropic elastic wave equation and simultaneously inverts for the localized perturbations(ΔVp_(0)/Vp_(0)/Vs_(0)/Vs_(0)/,Δ∈,Δδ)from the long-wavelength reference model.Our proposed VTI-elastic LWI is an iterative method that requires a forward and an adjoint operator acting on vectors in each iteration.We derive the forward Born approximation operator by perturbation theory and adjoint operator via adjoint-state method.The inversion has improved the quality of the images and reduces the multi-parameter crosstalk comparing with the adjoint-based images.We have observed that the multi-parameter crosstalk problem is more prominent in the inversion images for Thomsen anisotropy parameters.Especially,the Thomsen parameter is the most difficult to resolve.We also analyze the multi-parameter crosstalk using scattering radiation patterns.The linearized waveform inversion for VTI-elastic media presented in this article provides quantitative information of the rock properties that has the potential to help identify hydrocarbon reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 ELAsTIC ANIsOTROPY Least-squares imaging waveform inversion Computational geophysics
作者 张晨 姜为翰 钱鹏博 《科技情报研究》 2025年第1期118-130,共13页
[目的/意义]文章以大学生为研究对象,探究该群体信息成瘾行为的影响机制,为大学生信息成瘾行为的预防和管理提供价值参考。[方法/过程]引入刺激-机体-反应(S-O-R)理论,利用文献梳理总结大学生信息成瘾过程中的外部刺激,深度剖析机体在... [目的/意义]文章以大学生为研究对象,探究该群体信息成瘾行为的影响机制,为大学生信息成瘾行为的预防和管理提供价值参考。[方法/过程]引入刺激-机体-反应(S-O-R)理论,利用文献梳理总结大学生信息成瘾过程中的外部刺激,深度剖析机体在成瘾过程中产生的认知心理,构建大学生信息成瘾行为理论模型,运用结构方程模型实证分析大学生信息成瘾的触发路径。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,信息过载、间歇性奖励和行为管理会显著正向影响大学生的不确定性回避,进而导致大学生信息成瘾。同时,信息过载也会使大学生产生信息焦虑,信息焦虑显著正向影响大学生信息成瘾行为。面向高等院校、大学生群体和科技企业,提出针对性建议与对策,有助于完善高等院校管理体系,促进学生适应信息化环境,推动高等教育事业更好发展。 展开更多
关键词 信息成瘾 s-O-R理论 结构方程模型 干预策略
Full waveform inversion based on hybrid gradient
作者 Chuang Xie Zhi-Liang Qin +5 位作者 Jian-Hua Wang Peng Song Heng-Guang Shen Sheng-Qi Yu Ben-Jun Ma Xue-Qin Liu 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1660-1670,共11页
The low-wavenumber components in the gradient of full waveform inversion(FWI)play a vital role in the stability of the inversion.However,when FWI is implemented in some high frequencies and current models are not far ... The low-wavenumber components in the gradient of full waveform inversion(FWI)play a vital role in the stability of the inversion.However,when FWI is implemented in some high frequencies and current models are not far away from the real velocity model,an excessive number of low-wavenumber components in the gradient will also reduce the convergence rate and inversion accuracy.To solve this problem,this paper firstly derives a formula of scattering angle weighted gradient in FWI,then proposes a hybrid gradient.The hybrid gradient combines the conventional gradient of FWI with the scattering angle weighted gradient in each inversion frequency band based on an empirical formula derived herein.Using weighted hybrid mode,we can retain some low-wavenumber components in the initial lowfrequency inversion to ensure the stability of the inversion,and use more high-wavenumber components in the high-frequency inversion to improve the convergence rate.The results of synthetic data experiment demonstrate that compared to the conventional FWI,the FWI based on the proposed hybrid gradient can effectively reduce the low-wavenumber components in the gradient under the premise of ensuring inversion stability.It also greatly enhances the convergence rate and inversion accuracy,especially in the deep part of the model.And the field marine seismic data experiment also illustrates that the FWI based on hybrid gradient(HGFWI)has good stability and adaptability. 展开更多
关键词 Full waveform inversion Hybrid gradient scattering angle weighted Low-wavenumber component
Truncated Gauss-Newton full-waveform inversion of pure quasi-P waves in vertical transverse isotropic media
作者 Zhi-Ming Ren Lei Wang Qian-Zong Bao 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期3102-3124,共23页
Full-waveform inversion(FWI) uses the full information of seismic data to obtain a quantitative estimation of subsurface physical parameters. Anisotropic FWI has the potential to recover high-resolution velocity and a... Full-waveform inversion(FWI) uses the full information of seismic data to obtain a quantitative estimation of subsurface physical parameters. Anisotropic FWI has the potential to recover high-resolution velocity and anisotropy parameter models, which are critical for imaging the long-offset and wideazimuth data. We develop an acoustic anisotropic FWI method based on a simplified pure quasi P-wave(qP-wave) equation, which can be solved efficiently and is beneficial for the subsequent inversion.Using the inverse Hessian operator to precondition the functional gradients helps to reduce the parameter tradeoff in the multi-parameter inversion. To balance the accuracy and efficiency, we extend the truncated Gauss-Newton(TGN) method into FWI of pure qP-waves in vertical transverse isotropic(VTI) media. The inversion is performed in a nested way: a linear inner loop and a nonlinear outer loop.We derive the formulation of Hessian-vector products for pure qP-waves in VTI media based on the Lagrange multiplier method and compute the model update by solving a Gauss-Newton linear system via a matrix-free conjugate gradient method. A suitable preconditioner and the Eisenstat and Walker stopping criterion for the inner iterations are used to accelerate the convergence and avoid prohibitive computational cost. We test the proposed FWI method on several synthetic data sets. Inversion results reveal that the pure acoustic VTI FWI exhibits greater accuracy than the conventional pseudoacoustic VTI FWI. Additionally, the TGN method proves effective in mitigating the parameter crosstalk and increasing the accuracy of anisotropy parameters. 展开更多
关键词 Full waveform inversion Anisotropy Pure quasi-P wave Gauss-Newton HEssIAN
First-Arrival Picking Method for Active Source Data with Ocean Bottom Seismometers Based on Spatial Waveform Variation Characteristics
作者 LIU Hongwei XING Lei +3 位作者 ZHU Henghua ZHANG Jin ZHANG Jing LIU Huaishan 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期970-980,共11页
The precision and reliability of first-arrival picking are crucial for determining the accuracy of geological structure inversion using active source ocean bottom seismometer(OBS)refraction data.Traditional methods fo... The precision and reliability of first-arrival picking are crucial for determining the accuracy of geological structure inversion using active source ocean bottom seismometer(OBS)refraction data.Traditional methods for first-arrival picking based on sample points are characterized by theoretical errors,especially in low-sampling-frequency OBS data because the travel time of seismic waves is not an integer multiple of the sampling interval.In this paper,a first-arrival picking method that utilizes the spatial waveform variation characteristics of active source OBS data is presented.First,the distribution law of theoretical error is examined;adjacent traces exhibit variation characteristics in their waveforms.Second,a label cross-correlation superposition method for extracting highfrequency signals is presented to enhance the first-arrival picking precision.Results from synthetic and field data verify that the proposed approach is robust,successfully overcomes the limitations of low sampling frequency,and achieves precise outcomes that are comparable with those of high-sampling-frequency data. 展开更多
关键词 first-arrival picking spatial waveform variation label cross-correlation superposition method
Co-Sharing Waveform Design for Millimeter-Wave Radar Communication Systems
作者 Cui Gaofeng He Mengmin +2 位作者 Xu Lexi Wang Changheng Wang Weidong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期305-318,共14页
Millimeter-wave(mmWave)radar communication has emerged as an important technique for future wireless systems.However,the interference between the radar signal and communication data is the main issue that should be co... Millimeter-wave(mmWave)radar communication has emerged as an important technique for future wireless systems.However,the interference between the radar signal and communication data is the main issue that should be considered for the joint radar communication system.In this paper,a co-sharing waveform(CSW)is proposed to achieve communication and radar sensing simultaneously.To eliminate the co-interference between the communication and sensing signal,signal splitting and processing methods for communication data demodulation and radar signal processing are given respectively.Simulation results show that the bit error rate(BER)of CSW is close to that of the pure communication waveform.Moreover,the proposed CSW can achieve better performance than the existing waveforms in terms of range and velocity estimation. 展开更多
关键词 co-sharing waveform MILLIMETER-WAVE radar communication radar sensing range and velocity estimation
Underwater Pulse Waveform Recognition Based on Hash Aggregate Discriminant Network
作者 WANG Fangchen ZHONG Guoqiang WANG Liang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期654-660,共7页
Underwater pulse waveform recognition is an important method for underwater object detection.Most existing works focus on the application of traditional pattern recognition methods,which ignore the time-and space-vary... Underwater pulse waveform recognition is an important method for underwater object detection.Most existing works focus on the application of traditional pattern recognition methods,which ignore the time-and space-varying characteristics in sound propagation channels and cannot easily extract valuable waveform features.Sound propagation channels in seawater are time-and space-varying convolutional channels.In the extraction of the waveform features of underwater acoustic signals,the effect of high-accuracy underwater acoustic signal recognition is identified by eliminating the influence of time-and space-varying convolutional channels to the greatest extent possible.We propose a hash aggregate discriminative network(HADN),which combines hash learning and deep learning to minimize the time-and space-varying effects on convolutional channels and adaptively learns effective underwater waveform features to achieve high-accuracy underwater pulse waveform recognition.In the extraction of the hash features of acoustic signals,a discrete constraint between clusters within a hash feature class is introduced.This constraint can ensure that the influence of convolutional channels on hash features is minimized.In addition,we design a new loss function called aggregate discriminative loss(AD-loss).The use of AD-loss and softmax-loss can increase the discriminativeness of the learned hash features.Experimental results show that on pool and ocean datasets,which were collected in pools and oceans,respectively,by using acoustic collectors,the proposed HADN performs better than other comparative models in terms of accuracy and mAP. 展开更多
关键词 convolutional channel hash aggregate discriminative network aggregate discriminant loss waveform recognition
Joint Design of ISAC Waveform Under PAPR Constraints
作者 Chen Yating Wen Cai +4 位作者 Huang Yan Liang Le Li Jie Zhang Hui Hong Wei 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第7期186-211,共26页
In this paper,we formulate the precoding problem of integrated sensing and communication(ISAC)waveform as a non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic programming(QCQP),in which the weighted sum of communication m... In this paper,we formulate the precoding problem of integrated sensing and communication(ISAC)waveform as a non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic programming(QCQP),in which the weighted sum of communication multi-user interference(MUI)and the gap between dual-use waveform and ideal radar waveform is minimized with peak-toaverage power ratio(PAPR)constraints.We propose an efficient algorithm based on alternating direction method of multipliers(ADMM),which is able to decouple multiple variables and provide a closed-form solution for each subproblem.In addition,to improve the sensing performance in both spatial and temporal domains,we propose a new criteria to design the ideal radar waveform,in which the beam pattern is made similar to the ideal one and the integrated sidelobe level of the ambiguity function in each target direction is minimized in the region of interest.The limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno(LBFGS)algorithm is applied to the design of the ideal radar waveform which works as a reference in the design of the dual-function waveform.Numerical results indicate that the designed dual-function waveform is capable of offering good communication quality of service(QoS)and sensing performance. 展开更多
关键词 ambiguity function integrated sensing and communication MIMO OFDM PAPR waveform design
作者 王玉明 杨宝海 +2 位作者 姚宇轩 梁斌 刘冬 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2025年第1期84-87,共4页
为了改善Pecvd设备在运输石墨舟过程中遇到的振动、过量损耗等问题,提出一种分段式作业轨迹规划方法。分别采用自适应的s曲线以及B样条曲线对传输机构的两段作业轨迹进行轨迹规划,并对较复杂的B样条曲线轨迹采用自适应遗传算法进行优化... 为了改善Pecvd设备在运输石墨舟过程中遇到的振动、过量损耗等问题,提出一种分段式作业轨迹规划方法。分别采用自适应的s曲线以及B样条曲线对传输机构的两段作业轨迹进行轨迹规划,并对较复杂的B样条曲线轨迹采用自适应遗传算法进行优化;同时采用模糊PID控制方法,将机构控制误差限制在合理范围之内。通过石墨舟传输机构模型轨迹仿真实验,验证了所提出的分段轨迹规划方法可使机构运动平稳;实际样机实验验证了该方法控制信号误差在5%以内。实验结果表明,所提出的轨迹规划方法在效率、误差控制方面均符合生产需求,可用于实际生产。 展开更多
关键词 轨迹规划 s曲线 B样条曲线 遗传算法
Electroacupuncture with different waveforms for primary dysmenorrhea:A randomized controlled trial
作者 Xiaona Wu Jingxue Yuan +5 位作者 Jinxia Ni Xiuli Ma Ziniu Zhang Yini Hua Juwei Dong Bob Peng Wang 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences》 CAS 2024年第3期357-362,共6页
Objective:To observe and compare the clinical effects of different electroacupuncture waveforms on primary dysmenorrhea.Methods: This was a prospective,randomized,three-group,parallel-controlled trial.Participants wit... Objective:To observe and compare the clinical effects of different electroacupuncture waveforms on primary dysmenorrhea.Methods: This was a prospective,randomized,three-group,parallel-controlled trial.Participants with primary dysmenorrhea were randomly divided into dense-sparse wave,continuous wave,and discontinuous wave groups in a 1:1:1 ratio.Two lateral Ciliao(BL 32)points were used.All three groups started treatment 3–5 days before menstruation,once a day for six sessions per course of treatment,one course of treatment per menstrual cycle,and three menstrual cycles.The primary outcome measure was the proportion with an average visual analog scale(VAS)score reduction of≥50%from baseline for dysmenorrhea in the third menstrual cycle during treatment.The secondary outcome measures included changes in dysmenorrhea VAS scores,Cox Menstrual Symptom Scale scores and the proportion of patients taking analgesic drugs.Results: The proportion of cases where the average VAS score for dysmenorrhea decreased by≥50%from baseline in the third menstrual cycle was not statistically significant(P>.05).Precisely 30 min after acupuncture and regarding immediate analgesia on the most severe day of dysmenorrhea,there was a statistically significant difference in the dense-sparse wave group compared with the other two groups during the third menstrual cycle(P<.05).Additionally,there was a statistically significant difference between the dense-sparse wave and discontinuous wave groups 24 h after acupuncture(P<.05).Conclusions: Waveform electroacupuncture can alleviate primary dysmenorrhea and its related symptoms in patients.The three groups showed similar results in terms of short-and long-term analgesic efficacy and a reduction in the number of patients taking analgesic drugs.Regarding achieving immediate analgesia,the dense-sparse wave group was slightly better than the other two groups. 展开更多
关键词 waveforms Ciliao(BL 32) ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Primary dysmenorrhea Randomized controlled trial Dense-sparse waves Continuous waves Discontinuous waves
作者 郑秋月 黄江培 +3 位作者 吴宇琴 陈政宇 刘东 王青华 《地震研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期22-31,共10页
基于2016-2021年云南地区流动重力重复观测资料,利用流动重力段差变化可视化方法及重力场变化显著性程度指标量G和C值研究了2021年漾濞M_(S)6.4地震前的重力变化,并反演了其与地震孕育相关的场源分布特征,开展了对研究区重力变化及场源... 基于2016-2021年云南地区流动重力重复观测资料,利用流动重力段差变化可视化方法及重力场变化显著性程度指标量G和C值研究了2021年漾濞M_(S)6.4地震前的重力变化,并反演了其与地震孕育相关的场源分布特征,开展了对研究区重力变化及场源特征的定性和定量研究。结果表明:①段差表示法的大小和方向对地下物质的运移方向有一定的指示意义,震前重力指标量呈显著上升,震后又迅速回落,重力变化指标量G和C值可作为评价测网区域重力变化显著性程度的定量依据;②反演得到的重力变化场源位置主要集中在红河断裂带北段至滇西北一带,且表现出与维西-乔后断裂及红河断裂带走向较为一致的分布特征,这可能与地震前中上地壳的深部物质运移相关。 展开更多
关键词 重力段差 定量分析 重力变化指数 场源反演 漾濞M_(s)6.4地震
作者 黄志文 刘琦 郎建平 《无机化学学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期79-87,共9页
以前驱簇[Et_(4)N][Tp*WS_(3)(CuCl)_(3)]与三氟甲烷磺酸银(AgOTf)及3个有机桥联配体2,5‑二(吡啶‑4‑基)噻吩(L1)、5,5'‑双(4‑吡啶基)‑2,2'‑双噻吩(L_(2))和2,7‑双(4‑吡啶基)芘(L_(3))分别反应,得到了3个阳离子型W/Cu/S簇基超分... 以前驱簇[Et_(4)N][Tp*WS_(3)(CuCl)_(3)]与三氟甲烷磺酸银(AgOTf)及3个有机桥联配体2,5‑二(吡啶‑4‑基)噻吩(L1)、5,5'‑双(4‑吡啶基)‑2,2'‑双噻吩(L_(2))和2,7‑双(4‑吡啶基)芘(L_(3))分别反应,得到了3个阳离子型W/Cu/S簇基超分子大环化合物[(Tp*WS_(3)Cu_(3))_(2)(μ‑Cl)_(2)(μ_(4)‑Cl)(L_(1))]_(2)(OTf)_(2)(1)、[(Tp*WS_(3)Cu_(3))_(2)(μ‑Cl)_(2)(μ_(4)‑Cl)(L_(2))]_(2)(OTf)_(2)·2CHCl_(3)(2·2CHCl_(3))和[(Tp*WS_(3)Cu_(3))_(2)(μ‑Cl)_(2)(μ_(4)‑Cl)(L_(3))]_(2)(OTf)_(2)·2DMF(3·2DMF),其中Tp*=hydridotris(3,5‑dimethylpyrazol‑1‑yl)borate。对3个化合物分别进行了单晶X射线衍射、核磁、质谱、红外光谱、紫外可见光谱和元素分析等结构表征。单晶X射线衍射结果表明,3个大环的主体均是由2个L1、L_(2)和L_(3)配体和3个氯桥连接的[(Tp*WS_(3)Cu_(3))_(2)(μ‑Cl)_(2)(μ_(4)‑Cl)]^(2+)阳离子簇核组成。3个大环通过不同方式堆叠形成三维结构。核磁氢谱(^(1)H NMR)和电喷雾飞行质谱(ESI‑TOF MS)结果表明这些化合物在溶液中有较好的稳定性。Z扫描测试结果表明,3个化合物的溶液有一定的三阶非线性光学响应。 展开更多
关键词 W/Cu/s 组装 超分子大环 结构 三阶非线性光学响应
Simultaneous Waveform Inverse Modelling for Litho-Fluid Prediction in an Old Marginal, “Agbbo”Field, Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria
作者 Charles Chibueze Ugbor Peter Ogobi Odong Chukwuemeka Austine Okonkwo 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2024年第5期40-59,共20页
Simultaneous waveform inversion was used to predict lithofacies and fluid type across the field. Very often, characterizing reservoirs in terms of lithology and fluid type using conventional methods is replete with un... Simultaneous waveform inversion was used to predict lithofacies and fluid type across the field. Very often, characterizing reservoirs in terms of lithology and fluid type using conventional methods is replete with uncertainties, especially in marginal fields. An approach is employed in this study that integrated rock physics and waveform inverse modelling for lithology and fluid-type characterization to appropriately identify potential hydrocarbon saturated zones and their corresponding lithology. Seismic and well-log data were analyzed using Hampson Russel software. The method adopted includes lithofacies and fluid content analysis using rock physics parameters and seismic simultaneous inverse modelling. Rock physics analysis identified 2 broad reservoirs namely: HDZ1 and HDZ2 reservoirs. Results from the inverse modelling showed that low values of acoustic impedance from 19,743 to 20,487 (ft/s)(g/cc) reflect hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs while medium to high values shows brine and shale respectively, with brine zone ranging from 20,487 to 22,531 (ft/s)(g/cc) and shale above 22,531 (ft/s)(g/cc). Two lithofacies were identified from inversion analysis of Vp/Vs and Mu-Rho, namely: sand and shale with VpVs 1.95 values respectively. Mu-Rho > 12.29 (GPa)(g/cc) and <12.29 (GPa) (g/cc) represent sand and shale respectively. From 3D volume, it was observed that a high accumulation of hydrocarbon was observed to be saturated at the north to the eastern part of the field forming a meandering channel. Sands were mainly distributed around the northeastern to the southwestern part of the field, that tends to be away from Well 029. This was also validated by the volume of rigidity modulus (Mu-Rho) showing high values indicating sands fall within the northeastern part of the field. 展开更多
关键词 simultaneous waveform Inversion Lithofacies Fluid Type Rock Physics HYDROCARBON Acoustic Impedance Mu-Rho Reservoir
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