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谷子条纹叶突变体wsl2的鉴定及候选基因分析 被引量:7
作者 王秋兰 王智兰 +8 位作者 韩芳 杜晓芬 连世超 韩康妮 周雪 李慧娟 张林义 王军 郭二虎 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期214-221,共8页
谷子叶色突变体是探究叶绿体发育机制和C4光能利用率的理想材料之一。为了研究谷子叶色突变的分子机制,从谷子主推品种长农35号的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变库中筛选鉴定到一个苗期条纹叶突变体wsl2,通过表型鉴定、遗传背景检测和遗传分析,... 谷子叶色突变体是探究叶绿体发育机制和C4光能利用率的理想材料之一。为了研究谷子叶色突变的分子机制,从谷子主推品种长农35号的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变库中筛选鉴定到一个苗期条纹叶突变体wsl2,通过表型鉴定、遗传背景检测和遗传分析,同时利用MutMap方法快速精细定位突变基因,并根据突变位点开发共分离分子标记等方面对该突变体进行研究。结果表明,wsl2在苗期表现为条纹叶表型,但从拔节期开始恢复为正常叶片表型;wsl2与野生型遗传背景相同且wsl2受一个隐性核基因控制;MutMap精细定位的关联区间内包含9个非同义突变基因,其中,Seita.9G561800是一个编码与叶绿体相关的PsbP蛋白基因,含有6个外显子和5个内含子,在第1外显子77 bp处发生G/T碱基突变,导致一个精氨酸(R)突变成亮氨酸(L)。根据突变碱基设计了dCAPS标记MRI498-1(Cac8Ⅰ)和共分离标记MRI501-3,进一步验证了wsl2突变体的候选基因突变位点。研究鉴定了一个新的条纹叶突变体wsl2,对PsbP基因光合作用反应机制的进一步研究奠定了理论基础,丰富了谷子叶色突变体资源,同时验证了MutMap方法克隆谷子突变基因的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 谷子 条纹叶突变体wsl2 MutMap 候选基因分析
Windows10下使用WSL运行SAC等地震学工具 被引量:2
作者 周蓝捷 方韡 李文惠 《科学技术创新》 2017年第23期114-115,共2页
关键词 Windows10 wsl SAC
WSL罗维朋比色计检测红油火锅底料色泽的方法探讨 被引量:4
作者 张丽 宋祯伟 《食品工程》 2017年第3期4-5,共2页
对WSL罗维朋比色计检测红油火锅底料色泽的方法进行了探讨。WSL罗维朋比色计使用说明书中明确其检测值在3~10罗维朋单位之间时颜色分辨率最好,超过此值,分辨率逐渐下降。由于红油火锅底料色泽的判断是,红油色度R(红)值越大,色泽越红,质... 对WSL罗维朋比色计检测红油火锅底料色泽的方法进行了探讨。WSL罗维朋比色计使用说明书中明确其检测值在3~10罗维朋单位之间时颜色分辨率最好,超过此值,分辨率逐渐下降。由于红油火锅底料色泽的判断是,红油色度R(红)值越大,色泽越红,质量越好,因此在确定检测比色皿长度、样品稀释倍数时,选择R(红)值在3~10罗维朋单位之间的检测条件。通过试验确定检测条件为:比色皿长度为10 mm,红油使用色泽检测合格的植物油稀释,稀释倍数为10倍。 展开更多
关键词 wsl罗维朋比色计 红油火锅底料 色泽
作者 王明菱 刘测产 +1 位作者 张小春 徐绯然 《湖南理工学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第4期24-29,共6页
提出一种基于WSL 2子系统的嵌入式Linux操作系统移植方法.该方法在Windows操作系统下搭建WSL 2子系统,并安装Ubuntu 22.04操作系统,用于嵌入式软件开发和交叉编译,能极大提高计算机资源的利用效率.同时,采用QEMU开源虚拟化软件模拟各类... 提出一种基于WSL 2子系统的嵌入式Linux操作系统移植方法.该方法在Windows操作系统下搭建WSL 2子系统,并安装Ubuntu 22.04操作系统,用于嵌入式软件开发和交叉编译,能极大提高计算机资源的利用效率.同时,采用QEMU开源虚拟化软件模拟各类硬件平台,对裁剪后的操作系统、板级驱动和应用程序进行跨平台移植和快速验证,有利于缩短产品开发周期,提高研发效率. 展开更多
关键词 wsl UBUNTU QEMU LINUX 系统移植
《新潮电子》 2004年第5期129-129,共1页
关键词 富士通公司 FTP-628wsl110 蓝牙 打印机
作者 顾维忆 《畜牧兽医科学(电子版)》 1989年第1期24-25,共2页
关键词 wsl 轧磨机 结构 设计
WSL下基于GAMIT的高精度GPS/BDS基线解算及精度分析 被引量:3
作者 林中亚 王东阁 +1 位作者 丁建勋 李秀龙 《测绘地理信息》 CSCD 2022年第3期12-15,共4页
在Windows下的Linux子系统(Windows subsystem for Linux,WSL)下,利用GAMIT 10.70对珠海市北斗连续运行基准站(Zhuhai BeiDou continuously operating reference station,ZHBDCORS)系统的观测数据进行高精度全球定位系统/北斗卫星导航系... 在Windows下的Linux子系统(Windows subsystem for Linux,WSL)下,利用GAMIT 10.70对珠海市北斗连续运行基准站(Zhuhai BeiDou continuously operating reference station,ZHBDCORS)系统的观测数据进行高精度全球定位系统/北斗卫星导航系统(global positioning system/BeiDou navigation satellite system,GPS/BDS)基线解算,从归一化均方根(normalized root mean square,NRMS)值、基线较差、基线重复性等方面对解算成果进行对比分析。结果表明:GPS/BDS基线解NRMS值均在0.2左右,且BDS略优于GPS;GPS/BDS基线较差在各个基线分量上均在合理范围内,基线的长度加权平均值较差满足B级网重复基线长度较差限差要求,证明GPS/BDS的GAMIT基线解算结果具有较强的一致性;GPS在各个基线分量上的基线重复性均优于BDS,垂直方向上GPS优势更大,但BDS仍满足高精度全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)数据处理要求。 展开更多
关键词 Windows下的Linux子系统(Windows subsystem for Linux wsl) GAMIT 10.70 GPS/BDS基线解算 珠海市北斗连续运行基准站(Zhuhai BeiDou continuously operating reference station ZHBDCORS) 基线重复性
Persistent mixing bursts in the equatorial Pacific thermocline induced by persistent equatorial waves
作者 Jingjing ZHANG Chuanyu LIU +1 位作者 Xiang GONG Fan WANG 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期492-510,共19页
A recent study by Liu et al.(2020)suggested that due to the saturation of equatorially trapped planetary waves with different dynamical types,temporal periods,meridional and baroclinic modes,complex layer structures o... A recent study by Liu et al.(2020)suggested that due to the saturation of equatorially trapped planetary waves with different dynamical types,temporal periods,meridional and baroclinic modes,complex layer structures of vertical velocity shear and hence turbulent mixing could frequently occur in the thermocline of the eastern equatorial Pacific.We investigated the occurrence of the interior turbulent mixing as indicated by shear instabilities,above the Equatorial Undercurrent(EUC)core at three equatorial sites along 140°W,170°W,and 165°E,respectively,based mainly on data from the Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean(TAO)mooring array.We found that turbulent mixing bursts persisted in the thermocline of all three sites.Specifically,the interior turbulent mixing layers(ITMLs)could occur in probability of approximately 68%,53%,and 48%at the three sites,respectively.The overall occurrence probability shows obvious and similar biannual variations at 140°W and 170°W,which is higher in boreal from late summer to winter and lower in spring.Vertically,the ITMLs are primarily located above the EUC core and prevail in deeper(shallower)layers from late summer to winter(spring).Most ITMLs(70%)lasted for hours to 3 days,and a few of them(15%)for more than 7 days.The thicknesses of ITMLs were concentrated between 15 and 55 m.At 165°E,the vertical distribution of ITML occurrence probability was different from that at 140°W and 170°W,as it did not show a preference for depths;the durations of ITMLs are short(also from hours to several days)and their thicknesses were between 5 and 25 m.These properties,particularly the high occurrence probability,and short durations demonstrated the persistence of thermocline mixing in the western to eastern equatorial Pacific thermocline and confirmed the generation mechanism by persistent equatorial waves as well. 展开更多
关键词 interior turbulent mixing layer(ITML) weakly sheared layer(wsl) Equatorial Undercurrent(EUC)core occurrence probability SEASONALITY
Oral Hygiene in the Presence of Orthodontic Therapy
作者 Emmanuel John Aryeetey Hicham Benyahia Fatima Zaoui 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第2期98-110,共13页
Orthodontic treatment offers great advantages in improving facial and smile aesthetics, self-confidence and the function of the stomatognathic apparatus. The pursuit of these advantages makes use of orthodontic applia... Orthodontic treatment offers great advantages in improving facial and smile aesthetics, self-confidence and the function of the stomatognathic apparatus. The pursuit of these advantages makes use of orthodontic appliances that could be fixed or removable. However, it’s worth stating that these appliances interfere with tooth brushing, making it more difficult to brush teeth effectively. Orthodontics appliances therefore promote the accumulation of dental plaque, which results in both quantitative and qualitative changes in the oral microbiota, hence, exposing patients to several adverse effects such as White spot lesions, dental caries, periodontal pathologies and halitosis. For this reason, oral assessment of patients before, during and after treatment is necessary as well as oral hygiene instructions and motivation. Orthodontists therefore, should educate patients on oral and periodontal hygiene in order to control dental and periodontal complications. Prescriptions of plaque control materials adapted to each patient are done in order to optimize the final result and minimize unwanted complications. 展开更多
关键词 Orthodontic Treatment Oral Microbiome Oral Hygiene PERIODONTITIS GINGIVITIS Orthodontic Fixed Appliances Orthodontic Removable Appliances White Spot Lesions (wsl)
改进金字塔融合技术的低照度图像色彩恢复和细节提取 被引量:5
作者 谢伟 胡欢君 +1 位作者 王莉明 涂志刚 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期606-610,共5页
针对低照度图像亮度大、色彩不均衡的现象进行了改进金字塔融合技术的低照度图像色彩恢复算子的研究。该算法将原图和用去雾模型或MSRCR改善后的预处理图用金子塔技术将色彩对比度、饱和度、曝光亮度三者融合到金字塔算法中,并根据图像... 针对低照度图像亮度大、色彩不均衡的现象进行了改进金字塔融合技术的低照度图像色彩恢复算子的研究。该算法将原图和用去雾模型或MSRCR改善后的预处理图用金子塔技术将色彩对比度、饱和度、曝光亮度三者融合到金字塔算法中,并根据图像的信息赋予了不同的权重参数,从而能够有效地解决传统低照度图像色彩增强存在的问题。提出一种CIELAB通道内用加权最小二乘数的保边平滑滤波器平滑L通道的图像,设置不同的色调映射的参数值来提升图像细节信息的算子,使夜视中图像的信息更显眼和真实。实验结果表明,所提算法在低照度图像色彩增强中有了很好的效果,并在信息熵和PSNR评价取得了约10%的质量提升。所选择三种不同类型的图像进行实验,图形质量都得到了提高,也表明所提算法具有一定普适性。 展开更多
关键词 金字塔 去雾模型 MSRCR 自适应参数 wsl 色调映射 细节提升
基于加权最小二乘法的精确时钟同步算法研究与实现 被引量:10
作者 张先富 冯冬芹 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期1556-1560,共5页
提出了一种基于加权最小二乘法的从时钟频率自补偿算法。该算法采用从时钟频率自补偿算法解决了每两次PTP同步之间时钟漂移偏差逐步扩大的问题,并引入加权最小二乘法来求取频率自补偿算法中的动态补偿值。该算法在以Altera Cyclone Ⅱ F... 提出了一种基于加权最小二乘法的从时钟频率自补偿算法。该算法采用从时钟频率自补偿算法解决了每两次PTP同步之间时钟漂移偏差逐步扩大的问题,并引入加权最小二乘法来求取频率自补偿算法中的动态补偿值。该算法在以Altera Cyclone Ⅱ FPGA为主控芯片的开发平台上通过了验证,测试结果表明,算法的引入显著提高了PTP的同步精度,同步精度达到1μs。 展开更多
关键词 IEEE 1588 精确时钟同步 时钟补偿 加权最小二乘法 FPGA
西藏日喀则地区水土流失危险度评价 被引量:6
作者 周红艺 李辉霞 陈学华 《佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第1期73-77,共5页
在分析影响西藏日喀则水土流失的自然因素和人为因素的基础上,从水土流失现状和驱动力两个方面选择了10个评价指标,建立了日喀则水土流失危险度综合评价模型并进行了评价。结果表明:南木林、谢通门、昂仁3县处于轻度危险状态,定日、萨... 在分析影响西藏日喀则水土流失的自然因素和人为因素的基础上,从水土流失现状和驱动力两个方面选择了10个评价指标,建立了日喀则水土流失危险度综合评价模型并进行了评价。结果表明:南木林、谢通门、昂仁3县处于轻度危险状态,定日、萨迦、萨嘎、仲巴、聂拉木、岗巴、康马、日喀则8县处于中度危险度状态,其余的县市水土流失危险度指数值都比较大,处于重度危险状态,尤以定结县和拉孜县最为突出。通过危险度指数和现状强度指数的比较,南木林、昂仁、定日、仲巴、聂拉木、岗巴、日喀则、康马、亚东、定结、白朗的水土流失危险度指数高于水土流失强度现状指数,其水土流失程度可能将进一步加剧,其中昂仁、定日、仲巴、谢通门、岗巴、日喀则、康马、亚东很可能从目前的轻度水土流失区跃为中度水土流失区;而仁布、拉孜和吉隆的水土流失危险度指数低于水土流失现状强度指数,其水土流失程度将有所下降,但只有拉孜可能从中度水土流失区下降到轻度水土流失区。谢通门、萨迦、萨嘎、江孜的水土流失危险度指数和现状强度指数相近,因而在今后其变化可能较小。 展开更多
关键词 水土流失 危险度 评价指标 西藏日喀则
Heredity and gene mapping of a novel white stripe leaf mutant in wheat 被引量:1
作者 LI Hui-juan JIAO Zhi-xin +9 位作者 Nl Yong-jing JIANG Yu-mei LI Jun-chang PAN Chao ZHANG Jing SUN Yu-long AN Jun-hang LIU Hong-jie LI Qiao-yun NIU Ji-shan 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第7期1743-1752,共10页
Spotted leaf(spl)mutant is a type of leaf lesion mimic mutants in plants.We obtained some lesion mimic mutants from ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS)-mutagenized wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)cultivar Guomai 301(wild type,WT)... Spotted leaf(spl)mutant is a type of leaf lesion mimic mutants in plants.We obtained some lesion mimic mutants from ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS)-mutagenized wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)cultivar Guomai 301(wild type,WT),and one of them was named as white stripe leaf(wsl)mutant because of the white stripes on its leaves.Here we report the heredity and gene mapping of this novel wheat mutant wsl.There are many small scattered white stripes on the leaves of wsl throughout its whole growth period.As the plants grew,the white stripes became more severe and the necrotic area expanded.The mutant wsl grew only weakly before the jointing stage and gradually recovered after jointing.The length and width of the flag leaf,spike number per plant and thousand-grain weight of wsl were significantly lower than those of the WT.Genetic analysis indicated that the trait of white stripe leaf was controlled by a recessive gene locus,named as wsl,which was mapped on the short arm of chromosome 6 B by SSR marker assay.Four SSR markers in the F2 population of wsl×CS were linked to wsl in the order of Xgpw1079–Xwmc104–Xgwm508-wsl–Xgpw7651 at 7.1,5.2,8.7,and 4.4 c M,respectively and three SSR markers in the F2 population of wsl×Jimai 22 were linked to wsl in the order of Xgwm508–Xwmc494–Xgwm518-wsl at 3.5,1.6 and 8.2 c M,respectively.In comparison to the reference genome sequence of Chinese Spring(CS),wsl is located in a 91-Mb region from 88 Mb(Xgwm518)to 179 Mb(Xgpw7651)on chromosome 6 BS.Mutant wsl is a novel germplasm for studying the molecular mechanism of wheat leaf development. 展开更多
关键词 wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) MUTANT white stripe leaf(wsl) HEREDITY gene mapping
Windows下搭建Linux开发环境的教学方法 被引量:1
作者 章仁杰 罗南超 《福建电脑》 2019年第3期163-165,共3页
部分高校在Linux教学时通常使用学生自己的电脑搭建虚拟机,或者在实体机上安装双系统的方式搭建教学环境。这两种方法都存在一些弊端。少部分高校通过学生机房配置Linux上机环境,但部分学校硬件和技术水平不足,难以推广。为了解决虚拟... 部分高校在Linux教学时通常使用学生自己的电脑搭建虚拟机,或者在实体机上安装双系统的方式搭建教学环境。这两种方法都存在一些弊端。少部分高校通过学生机房配置Linux上机环境,但部分学校硬件和技术水平不足,难以推广。为了解决虚拟机性能不足、双系统协同处理不便等缺点,可以在Windows 10中通过WSL搭建Linux教学环境来实现。这种方法具有简单、快捷、易于恢复等优点,弥补了以往方法中的一些不足。 展开更多
关键词 操作系统 WINDOWS 10 LINUX wsl
BEA TUXEDO服务器应用地址映射的分析与配置 被引量:1
作者 梁军科 《山西通信科技》 2005年第1期3-6,共4页
对TUXEDO中间件服务器进行地址映射是系统安全的要求。本文从服务器连接阶段路由包序列的观察,分析了连接中间件的内部过程,从而说明了以往地址映射失败的原因。结合此过程解释了中间件服务器采用的连接模式,并针对此种连接模式给出... 对TUXEDO中间件服务器进行地址映射是系统安全的要求。本文从服务器连接阶段路由包序列的观察,分析了连接中间件的内部过程,从而说明了以往地址映射失败的原因。结合此过程解释了中间件服务器采用的连接模式,并针对此种连接模式给出了实现地址映射相关的中间件和防火墙配置。 展开更多
关键词 TUXEDO 防火墙 地址映射 wsl CLOPT 配置 中间件服务器
Clinical Management and Evaluation of White Spot Lesions: A Report of 11 Cases
作者 Domenico Aiello Riccardo Pulcini +2 位作者 Sandro Sestito Michele Mario Figliuzzi Sergio Paduano 《Open Journal of Stomatology》 2020年第7期156-173,共18页
<b><span>Introduction:</span></b><b><span> </span></b><span>Today’s society is always more interested to the concept of aesthetics. The patients frequently ask to... <b><span>Introduction:</span></b><b><span> </span></b><span>Today’s society is always more interested to the concept of aesthetics. The patients frequently ask to dentist to resolve unaesthetic problems of teeth, in particular that of the upper frontal group.</span><span> </span><span>The WSLs are enamel white </span><span>alterations due to alteration during the demineralization and remineralization of enamel. This effect is caused by alteration of the pH in the oral cavity and buffer action of saliva. An alteration of this relationship leads to a progressive </span><span>demineralization of enamel until the formation of a dental cavitation.</span><span> </span><b><span>Materials </span></b><b><span>and Methods:</span></b><span> </span><span>For this study are selected 11 patients, of which 3 men and 8 women, with total </span><span>of </span><span>17 WSLs. The inclusion criteria included WLSs with </span><span>ICDAS = 2 and WLSs caused by hypomineralization of traumatic origin. Th</span><span>es</span><span>e </span><span>patients were subjected to treatment with infiltrating resin according to operative procedure.</span><span> </span><b><span>Discussion:</span></b><span> </span><span>The therapy with infiltrating resin gave grea</span><span>t re</span><span>sults in 12 lesions out of 17. In the lesions where there weren’t a complete remiss</span><span>ion we obtained a great aesthetic improvement and a good reduction of </span><span>lesions. The follow up could improve the result after a better rehydration of </span><span>hard tissue.</span><span> </span><b><span>Conclusions:</span></b><span> </span><span>With a correct selection of cases and good operativ</span><span>e procedure, the use of the micro-infiltrative technique by low viscosity resin is </span><span>a good procedure to resolve WSLs problems of non-orthodontic origins. Oth</span><span>er studies with a larger sample are required to validate this clinical approach.</span> 展开更多
关键词 wsl Microinfiltration DEMINERALIZATION ICON ENAMEL
渗透树脂治疗正畸后白垩斑美学效果的临床研究 被引量:23
作者 谷希 高源 +2 位作者 杨琳 张君平 李继遥 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期678-681,共4页
目的:分析渗透树脂治疗正畸后白垩斑的美学效果并与微研磨法进行比较。方法:筛选符合纳入排除标准的正畸后白垩斑患者10名(66颗患牙),采用自身对照设计,将不同区域患牙随机分为渗透树脂组和微研磨组(n=33)。处理后采用口内照相和图像软... 目的:分析渗透树脂治疗正畸后白垩斑的美学效果并与微研磨法进行比较。方法:筛选符合纳入排除标准的正畸后白垩斑患者10名(66颗患牙),采用自身对照设计,将不同区域患牙随机分为渗透树脂组和微研磨组(n=33)。处理后采用口内照相和图像软件分析治疗前(T0)、1周复诊(T2)、3月复诊(T3)时患牙的病损面积及唇面总面积,计算出病损面积比(R值)及治疗有效率(SR值),比较2种方法治疗正畸后白垩斑的牙齿美学恢复情况。采用重复测量单因素方差分析对结果进行统计。结果:渗透树脂可以显著减患牙小白垩斑病损面积(P<0.05),且3个月内保持稳定;渗透树脂组和微研磨组治疗有效率分别为88.68%和64.67%(P<0.05)。结论:渗透树脂改善正畸后白垩斑病损的美观效果优于微研磨法。 展开更多
关键词 正畸后白垩斑 渗透树脂 微研磨
基于Agent的Web服务研究 被引量:1
作者 应文灏 叶荣华 高济 《计算机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第14期135-137,共3页
关键词 WEB服务 AGENT Web服务语言
基于移动锚节点的加权质心定位算法研究 被引量:1
作者 刘洋 高美凤 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 2018年第2期150-153,共4页
针对加权质心定位(WSL)算法所需锚节点数目较多,定位精度低,定位成本高等问题,采用单个移动锚节点沿着既定的轨迹在监测区域移动,并在规定位置广播数据包;未知节点根据接收的信号强度(RSSI)比值以及邻居节点间的最小跳数确定权值,进而... 针对加权质心定位(WSL)算法所需锚节点数目较多,定位精度低,定位成本高等问题,采用单个移动锚节点沿着既定的轨迹在监测区域移动,并在规定位置广播数据包;未知节点根据接收的信号强度(RSSI)比值以及邻居节点间的最小跳数确定权值,进而估算未知节点自身的坐标位置。仿真结果表明:算法有效地提高了定位精度和稳定性,降低了定位成本。 展开更多
关键词 无线传感器网络 加权质心定位算法 移动锚节点
A Novel Chloroplast-Localized Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Involved in Splicing Affects Chloroplast Development and Abiotic Stress Response in Rice 被引量:21
作者 Junjie Tan Zhenhua Tan +12 位作者 Fuqing Wu Peike Sheng Yueqin Heng Xinhua Wang Yulong Ren Jiulin Wang Xiuping Guo Xin Zhang Zhijun Cheng Ling Jiang Xuanming Liu Haiyang Wang Jianmin Wan 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第8期1329-1349,共21页
Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins comprise a large family in higher plants and modulate organellar gene expression by participating in various aspects of organellar RNA metabolism. In rice, the family contains... Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins comprise a large family in higher plants and modulate organellar gene expression by participating in various aspects of organellar RNA metabolism. In rice, the family contains 477 members, and the majority of their functions remain unclear. In this study, we isolated and characterized a rice mutant, white stripe leaf (wsl), which displays chlorotic striations early in development. Map-based cloning revealed that WSL encodes a newly identified rice PPR protein which targets the chloroplasts. In wsl mutants, PEP-dependent plastid gene expression was significantly down-regulated, and plastid rRNAs and translation products accumulate to very low levels. Consistently with the observations, wsl shows a strong defect in the splicing of chloroplast transcript rpl2, resulting in aberrant transcript accumulation and its product reduction in the mutant. The wsl shows enhanced sensitivity to ABA, salinity, and sugar, and it accumulates more H2O2 than wild-type. These results suggest the reduced translation efficiency may affect the response of the mutant to abiotic stress. 展开更多
关键词 PPR protein wsl ABA CHLOROPLAST RNA splicing rpl2 abiotic stress responses.
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