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Chinese Public's Willingness to Pay for CO_2 Emissions Reductions: A Case Study from Four Provinces/Cities 被引量:2
作者 DUAN Hong-Xia L Yan-Li LI Yan 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2014年第2期100-110,共11页
Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) was used to investigate the Chinese public's willingness to pay(WTP) for a policy to reduce CO2 emissions. Face to face interviews were conducted to collect 1,653 valid questionnai... Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) was used to investigate the Chinese public's willingness to pay(WTP) for a policy to reduce CO2 emissions. Face to face interviews were conducted to collect 1,653 valid questionnaires from Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong province, and Fujian province. A model was constructed to understand the factors that influence WTP. The results indicate that the Chinese public is willing to pay CN 201.86 annually to support the policy of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Participants from Beijing show the highest WTP, followed by participants from Fujian and Shandong, while those from Shanghai report the lowest WTP. The findings reveal that participants with higher income, higher satisfaction with their current life, and awareness of climate issues are willing to pay more for CO2 emissions reductions. In addition, those who are young, male and members of the Communist Party also indicate a higher WTP. The results imply that translating the public's willingness to protect climate into actions should be taken into account in China's low carbon policy. There is a need to consider the difference in degree of willingness, among different social groups, to pay for emissions reductions if the market-based mechanisms such as carbon tax were designed to facilitate emissions reductions. 展开更多
关键词 climate policy CONTINGENT Valuation Method(CVM) willingNESS to pay(wtp) CO2 emissions REDUCTIONS
Will Foreigners Demand “Danger Pay”?
作者 Lewis McCarthy 《China's Foreign Trade》 2014年第2期93-93,共1页
China has become an increasingly popular destination for expats with thousands arriving every year to take up opportunities in education and work.If you were to poll foreigners living in China what their main concern ... China has become an increasingly popular destination for expats with thousands arriving every year to take up opportunities in education and work.If you were to poll foreigners living in China what their main concern about living in China is,it 展开更多
Developing a Methodology to Evaluate Various Parameters of the General Interest as Defined in Political Philosophy of J. J. Rousseau
作者 Odysseas Kopsidas 《Economics World》 2019年第1期5-9,共5页
The“social contract”is the most famous philosophical text of Zac Jacques Roussos,which was to influence the intellectual and political movement of the 18th century.By publishing the“social contract”or“Civil Law P... The“social contract”is the most famous philosophical text of Zac Jacques Roussos,which was to influence the intellectual and political movement of the 18th century.By publishing the“social contract”or“Civil Law Principles”in 1762,Rousseau,presenting his theory of the state and seeking the foundation of civil society,attempts to expose the conditions of a stable and just state by putting freedom as a precondition for law and the common good must be lawful.A central place in its political theory is the concept of general will,which is in the general interest(otherwise the common good)and on which the idea of a favored constitutional state is based.We estimate approximately the size of the external economy by the method of the Contingent Valuation Method(CVM).The Contingent Valuation Method(CVM)is a survey-based technique,frequently used in Experimental Economics,especially useful for the valuation of non-market resources/goods/services,and cultural heritage objects(of aesthetic,historic,scientific,or social value),such as conservation of monumental remains and preservation of the physical and anthropogenic environment. 展开更多
关键词 “social contract” Experimental Economics CONTINGENT Valuation Method willingNESS to pay(wtp) willingNESS to accept(WTA)
The Combined Application of WTP and WTA in Contingent Valuation Methods
作者 Jianjun Cao Yuanyuan Ren Guozhen Du 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2010年第3期284-292,共9页
The In most contingent valuation (CV) studies, WTP (Willingness to pay) and WTA (Willingness to accept) were often used separately, so protesting or no response or even babbling answers are increasing, and the debate ... The In most contingent valuation (CV) studies, WTP (Willingness to pay) and WTA (Willingness to accept) were often used separately, so protesting or no response or even babbling answers are increasing, and the debate persists over the reliability of CV in economic policy analysis. In order to improve the reliability of CV, WTP and WTA is used syn-chronously to estimate the restoration cost of Maqu grassland ecosystem. Data were partly from questionnaire survey, and partly from interviews and authorities. Before conclusions were derived, we assumed these data that came from interviews and authorities were right. The main result is: If we assumed that the degraded grassland of Maqu needs 10 years to be restored, and divided the restoring period into two stages, then the restoration cost was 0.85 × 108 RMB per year in former 4 years, 0.022 × 108 RMB per year in latter 6 years. The total cost of Maqu grassland restoration was 3.62 × 108 RMB. For all the costs of restoration, WTA occupied 94% and WTP only occupied 6%, suggesting that local grassland degradation was mainly caused by overgrazing and that the overloading livestock must be eliminated in order to achieve restoration successfully. Our research also showed that combining WTP and WTA in contingent valuation is very useful in estimating the cost of environmental improvement projects. Of course, whether these results are right or not, further researches are needed in the future, especially for the actual number of livestock in Maqu grassland. 展开更多
关键词 CONTINGENT VALUATION Method (CV) Restoring Cost willingNESS to pay (wtp) willingNESS to Accepted (WTA) Anchored payMENT Card (APC)
基于居民生态认知的非使用价值支付意愿空间分异研究——以三江平原湿地为例 被引量:27
作者 高琴 敖长林 +1 位作者 陈红光 佟锐 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1851-1859,共9页
在WTP距离衰减性研究基础上,将菲什拜因理论与条件价值法相结合,假设个人对于物品的认知在空间上并不是均衡分布的,不同空间内的受访者的支付意愿存在差异,以三江平原湿地生态系统为应用对象,将样本分为核心区、辐射区、外围区,采用双... 在WTP距离衰减性研究基础上,将菲什拜因理论与条件价值法相结合,假设个人对于物品的认知在空间上并不是均衡分布的,不同空间内的受访者的支付意愿存在差异,以三江平原湿地生态系统为应用对象,将样本分为核心区、辐射区、外围区,采用双边界二分式CVM,探讨受访者对三江平原湿地生态环境保护的支付意愿水平及支付意愿的影响因素,建立基于居民生态认知的支付意愿空间分异模型。计算得到核心区、辐射区、外围区居民平均支付意愿分别为142.23元人-1a-1、105.01元人-1a-1、77.62元/人,总体呈递减趋势,验证了距离、认知和WTP之间相关性。研究结果表明,通过空间视角将居民的认知程度纳入支付意愿的计算,能提高CVM在环境价值评估应用中的有效性及可靠性。研究结论将为政府相关政策的制定和决策提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 生态认知 条件价值法(CVM) 支付意愿(wtp) 非使用价值
榆林煤炭矿区生态环境改善支付意愿分析 被引量:14
作者 李国平 郭江 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期137-143,共7页
运用榆林煤炭矿区居民为改善当地生态环境支付意愿(WTP)的调研资料,得出每户每年平均的支出金额介于229.56-347.92元之间,由此推断出榆林煤炭矿区每年因煤炭开发而造成的生态环境破坏价值损失大约在13 822.09万-20 948.69万元之间。通... 运用榆林煤炭矿区居民为改善当地生态环境支付意愿(WTP)的调研资料,得出每户每年平均的支出金额介于229.56-347.92元之间,由此推断出榆林煤炭矿区每年因煤炭开发而造成的生态环境破坏价值损失大约在13 822.09万-20 948.69万元之间。通过运用D-H模型和Tobit模型对调研资料分别进行分析,发现,D-H模型对被调查者支付意愿影响因素的分析明显优于Tobit模型。D-H模型的结果显示,被调查者"决定是否参与支付"与"决定支出多少金额"两个行为的影响因素不完全相同。被调查者对当地生态环境状况的满意程度对其"决定是否参与支付"呈负向影响;反映被调查者所在行政区域对其"决定是否参与支付"呈正向影响。被调查者的家庭年收入、受教育状况、年龄、职业状况、对当地生态环境状况的满意程度均对其"决定支出多少金额"具有显著的正向影响;被调查者的家庭人口数、对环境保护政策的了解程度对其"决定支出多少金额"有显著的负向影响。最后,提出了提高当地居民参与生态环境改善活动积极性的一些措施。 展开更多
关键词 煤炭矿区 D-H模型 支付意愿(wtp)
茶农生物农药属性偏好及支付意愿研究--基于选择实验的实证分析 被引量:5
作者 赵晓颖 郑军 张明月 《技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期103-111,共9页
利用选择实验方法实证分析了茶农生物农药属性偏好和支付意愿。结果表明:(1)茶农偏好"缩短安全间隔期""不提前使用"和"不产生抗药性"的农药属性,但在"缩短安全间隔期"和"针对防治"... 利用选择实验方法实证分析了茶农生物农药属性偏好和支付意愿。结果表明:(1)茶农偏好"缩短安全间隔期""不提前使用"和"不产生抗药性"的农药属性,但在"缩短安全间隔期"和"针对防治"上存在偏好异质性;(2)茶农愿为优化3类属性多支付16.974、22.250和11.272元/亩/年;(3)种植面积小、受教育年限长、化学农药危害认知程度高的茶农倾向于选择生物农药;(4)生物农药实际支付高于各属性加总的意愿支付,应关注生物农药外部性。 展开更多
关键词 选择实验 生物农药 属性偏好 Mixed Logit wtp
农户对农村公共产品支付意愿的博弈分析——以河北省农村地区为例 被引量:2
作者 乔立娟 王健 张润清 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期210-212,共3页
长期以来的二元经济结构,导致农村公共产品供给严重短缺,难以满足农村生产生活需求。通过对河北省156个自然村和658位村民的专项调查,发现河北省农村地区公共产品供给不足,且农户对农村公共产品供给的满意度和支付意愿相对较低。通过对... 长期以来的二元经济结构,导致农村公共产品供给严重短缺,难以满足农村生产生活需求。通过对河北省156个自然村和658位村民的专项调查,发现河北省农村地区公共产品供给不足,且农户对农村公共产品供给的满意度和支付意愿相对较低。通过对农户支付意愿的博弈分析,指出扩大农村公共产品供给需要从加大政府支持力度、明确权责以及完善民主决策方面入手。 展开更多
关键词 农村公共产品 支付意愿 农户 博弈分析
旅游地居民环境保护支付意愿影响因素分析——以甘肃景泰黄河石林为例(英文) 被引量:1
作者 王蕾 魏宝祥 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第7期84-88,共5页
On the basis of questionnaire survey,by adopting Contingent Valuation Method,residents' WTP for the protection of Yellow River Hoodoo National Geopark in Longwan Village,Jingtai County of Gansu Province was invest... On the basis of questionnaire survey,by adopting Contingent Valuation Method,residents' WTP for the protection of Yellow River Hoodoo National Geopark in Longwan Village,Jingtai County of Gansu Province was investigated.The result showed that tourism development had greatly influenced local society,economy and culture.Residents in this area had a strong awareness of all the factors above mentioned and showed a positive attitude.Local residents would definitely like to provide a certain degree of labor or money to promote the development of tourism,which was different from the residents' attitude of developed countries.To some extent,it reflected the characteristics of tourism development in developing countries.However,the result of this paper that demographic among residents had little effect on WTP also differed from previous researches.The improvement of living standard and residents' consciousness of environmental protection were the main reasons affecting residents' WTP.Besides,the amount of payment was also in remarkable correlation with the improvement of living standard and the destruction degree of local ecological environment. 展开更多
关键词 willingNESS to pay(wtp) Influencing factors Environmental CONSCIOUSNESS Yellow River Hoodoo National GEOPARK
改善东湖水质的经济分析 被引量:19
作者 杜亚平 《生态经济》 1996年第6期15-20,共6页
本文应用西方福利经济学的因果评价方法(CVM),对东湖水质改善进行了经济分析。结果表明,游客作为消费者,有着改善水质的支付意愿;因而水质改善有着明确的经济价值。其政策含义在于,水污染治理必须以人们的支付意愿为基础,既... 本文应用西方福利经济学的因果评价方法(CVM),对东湖水质改善进行了经济分析。结果表明,游客作为消费者,有着改善水质的支付意愿;因而水质改善有着明确的经济价值。其政策含义在于,水污染治理必须以人们的支付意愿为基础,既要避免消费者福利损失,又要防止与经济发展和人们收入实际不符的治理实践。 展开更多
关键词 东湖 水质 因果评价方法 水污染 经济分析 湖泊
基于旅游者支付意愿的生态旅游发展研究 被引量:3
作者 王慧琴 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第6期76-82,共7页
以需求侧为视角,以广义的生态旅游者为出发点,对旅游者的支付意愿进行讨论。在前人研究成果的基础上整合旅游者生态旅游支付意愿的概念模型,在用实际调查的数据对结构方程模型进行检验的基础上,讨论环境态度、生态旅游意愿、价值取向、... 以需求侧为视角,以广义的生态旅游者为出发点,对旅游者的支付意愿进行讨论。在前人研究成果的基础上整合旅游者生态旅游支付意愿的概念模型,在用实际调查的数据对结构方程模型进行检验的基础上,讨论环境态度、生态旅游意愿、价值取向、生态旅游感知以及生态旅游满意度等对旅游者生态旅游支付意愿的影响,据此从政府主导推动生态旅游发展、改革市场行为激发生态旅游意愿、加强旅游管理提升生态旅游感知、多种途径提高生态旅游满意度等方面进一步探讨我国生态旅游的发展对策。 展开更多
关键词 旅游者 支付意愿 生态旅游
作者 郭巧玲 苏宁 杨云松 《人民珠江》 2016年第3期85-89,共5页
以窟野河流域为调研区域,运用流域居民为改善当地生态环境支付意愿(WTP)的调研资料,对流域煤炭资源开采造成的生态环境价值损失进行研究。结果表明:上游矿区居民每户每年平均支付意愿为45.25~225.00元,下游农业区居民每户每年平均支付... 以窟野河流域为调研区域,运用流域居民为改善当地生态环境支付意愿(WTP)的调研资料,对流域煤炭资源开采造成的生态环境价值损失进行研究。结果表明:上游矿区居民每户每年平均支付意愿为45.25~225.00元,下游农业区居民每户每年平均支付意愿为165.73~270.05元。影响当地居民支付意愿的主要因素是家庭人均年收入、职业、年龄。整个流域每年因煤炭开采造成的生态环境破坏价值损失约为1 210.91~2 467.77万元。 展开更多
关键词 煤炭矿区 生态环境 支付意愿(wtp) 价值损失 窟野河流域
Determinants of Marketability for Organic Biomass Liquid Fertilizer from Human Waste in Da Nang City, Vietnam
作者 Buixuan Hong Yoshifumi Takahashi Mitsuyasu Yabe 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2017年第11期1354-1371,共18页
Recently, 90 tons of human waste per day are collected from private residences, offices, and public facilities in Da Nang City. Meanwhile, farmers in this region have to allocate 10% - 20% of rice sales for purchasing... Recently, 90 tons of human waste per day are collected from private residences, offices, and public facilities in Da Nang City. Meanwhile, farmers in this region have to allocate 10% - 20% of rice sales for purchasing chemical fertilizer. Therefore, it is essential to be adopted more inexpensive organic fertilizer. To deal with these problems, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has signed a contract with Da Nang city government about human waste treatment and production of organic biomass liquid fertilizer (OBLF) in 2015. The aims of this project are to promote the use of OBLF in farming and improve public awareness of environmental protection. 530 respondents were interviewed at Hoa Vang districts of Da Nang city, and data was analyzed by Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) under double bounded dichotomous choice approach. The results have revealed that 436 respondents (82%) agreed to use OBLF. The farmers’ WTP depends on factors including household income, experience in using organic fertilizer, awareness of environment and training of organic fertilizer in the past. The estimated price for OBLF was 94,856 VND (4.0 USD)/ton. The cost that farmers paid for OBLF was lower than that of current available chemical fertilizers in Da Nang city. This proves that marketability seems to be existed for OBLF product in Da Nang city. From these findings, the government should have policies to support and subsidize the farmers to encourage them to use OBLF in a large scale of cultivation. Furthermore, establishment of a market to consume the organic products harvested from cultivated areas using OBLF is also recommended. 展开更多
关键词 CONTINGENT Valuation Method (CVM) Double-Bound Dichotomous Choice ORGANIC BIOMASS Liquid Fertilizer (OBLF) willingNESS to pay (wtp) MARKETABILITY
Pure Components VS Full Mixed Bundling When Stackelberg Pricing
作者 Weihua LIU Hui YU 《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 CSCD 2017年第5期435-445,共11页
Current literatures assume that a consumer’s willing to pay(WTP) for a bundle is equal to the sum of his or her separate reservation prices for the component goods and concludes that mixed bundling is superior to pur... Current literatures assume that a consumer’s willing to pay(WTP) for a bundle is equal to the sum of his or her separate reservation prices for the component goods and concludes that mixed bundling is superior to pure components in a monopoly market. However, full mixed bundling is a discount conduct in order to attract more consumers, and the price of the bundle must be lower than the sum of the prices of two products, which must be considered in a consumers’ WTP for the bundle.Then, if consumers’ reservation prices are heterogeneous and subject to the uniform distribution, we can draw opposite conclusions: Full mixed bundling is disadvantageous to firms when Stackelberg pricing.The profit under full mixed bundling is less than that under pure components. 展开更多
关键词 willing to pay PRICING consumers' purchasing decisions firms' bundling strategy
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