Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanc...Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanced Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment 3.0 (COARE3.0) bulk algorithm method. Then, the average annual and interannual characteristics of these fluxes were analyzed. The rela- tionship between the fluxes and the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset is highlighted. The results indicate that these fluxes have clear temporal and spatial characteristics. The sensible heat flux is at its maximum in the Kuroshio area, while the latent heat flux is at its maximum in the North Equatorial Current and Kuroshio area. The distribution of average annual air-sea heat fluxes shows that both sensible and latent heat fluxes are maximized in winter and minimized in summer. The air-sea heat fluxes have obvious interannual variations. Correlation analysis indicates a close lag-correlation between air-sea heat fluxes in the western Pacific warm pool area and at the SCS summer monsoon onset. The lagcorrelation can therefore predict the SCS summer monsoon onset, providing a reference for the study of precipitation related to the monsoon.展开更多
In this paper the impacts of the anomalous SST in the warm pool area of the Western Equatorial Pacific on the winter time circulation and the East Asian monsoon are studied by using the NCAR CCM. It is found that the ...In this paper the impacts of the anomalous SST in the warm pool area of the Western Equatorial Pacific on the winter time circulation and the East Asian monsoon are studied by using the NCAR CCM. It is found that the abnormal heating in the warm pool area will change the strength and the position of the Walker Cell in the Equatorial Pacific and the anti-Walker Cell in the equatorial Indian Ocean. Both the Walker and anti-Walker Cells are strengthened. The local Hadley Cells over two hemispheres near the warm pool are also strengthened. The subtropical highs in two hemispheres become stronger and move poleward slightly. The westerly jets in the extratropical regions have similar changes as the subtropical highs. The winter monsoon in South-East Asia is weakened by the abnormal heating in the warm pool. The experiment also show that there are wave trains emanating from surrounding areas of the warm pool to the high latitudes, causing various changes in circulations and local weather.展开更多
在国内外研究的基础上,对印太暖池区的沃克环流和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)、热带辐合带(ITCZ)等低纬过程的空间分布和随时间的变化规律及其研究方法进行初步归纳,并指出研究中存在的问题。本文论述了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动变率在全新世早期...在国内外研究的基础上,对印太暖池区的沃克环流和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)、热带辐合带(ITCZ)等低纬过程的空间分布和随时间的变化规律及其研究方法进行初步归纳,并指出研究中存在的问题。本文论述了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动变率在全新世早期及中世纪气候异常期(1 000~700 a BP)的晚期逐渐增强,介绍了热带辐合带在BA暖期(B?llingAller?d Warm Period)和前北方期(pre-Boreal,10.3~9.5 ka BP)的北移,以及在新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas Event,12.5~11.5 ka BP)和北大西洋冷期(距今7.5~5 ka BP)期间的南移。对低纬过程长时间尺度轨道周期的探讨表明,末次冰盛期赤道东太平洋出现了较偏南的热带辐合带锋面系统,甚至在1.65 Ma冰期,热带辐合带也有快速南移的证据。海洋沉积的粒度、黏土矿物、陆源粉尘、元素和同位素、有孔虫分析等研究方法在推测厄尔尼诺-南方涛动和热带辐合带位移中有很好的应用,建议以陆源生态系统对气候的响应为切入点、以孢粉为手段来探讨陆源植被、气候、火灾和海-陆大气环流等低纬过程的变化特征,进而反演沃克环流(或厄尔尼诺-南方涛动)演化和热带辐合带位移的影响。展开更多
Based on the Scripps/NODC Joint Environmental Data Analysis Center's data of heat content in upper ocean (1955--1998) and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the relationship between the heat content anomalies in the warm p...Based on the Scripps/NODC Joint Environmental Data Analysis Center's data of heat content in upper ocean (1955--1998) and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the relationship between the heat content anomalies in the warm pool area of the western Pacific (WP) and onset of South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSM) is examined.The results show that the warm pool area (WP) is the place where heat content in the tropical upper layer changes with maximum range and which is most obviously influential to South China Sea summer monsoon.Onset of SCSM is very closely related to the heat content anomaly during the previous period (previous winter and spring) of the WP so that the heat content of March to April in the WP area is a very good predictor for onset of SCSM.When the heat content of the WP area is positive,convection center will be located in the South China Sea-western Pacific with strong convection,a positive anomaly of monsoon circulation and Walker circulation will take place and the subtropical high will be weaker and farther east. Positive anomalous monsoon circulation and Walker circulation will be favorable for westerly and southwesterly flows-SCSM breaks off earlier than normal.Otherwise,SCSM comes later than usual.Large-scale anomalous change of monsoon circulation and Walker circulation seems one of the important mechanisms to influence SCSM.展开更多
利用日本气象厅提供的历史海温资料、美国NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、Hadley环流中心逐月海表温度资料以及1979-2010年中国冬季降水观测资料探讨了中国南方地区(华南)降水与前期暖池热含量异常的关系,并对可能的过程和影响机制进行了分析。...利用日本气象厅提供的历史海温资料、美国NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、Hadley环流中心逐月海表温度资料以及1979-2010年中国冬季降水观测资料探讨了中国南方地区(华南)降水与前期暖池热含量异常的关系,并对可能的过程和影响机制进行了分析。结果表明,华南地区冬季降水与前期暖池关键区热含量有密切的负相关关系,前期6-7月暖池关键区(6.5°N-11.5°N,160.5°E-172.5°E)0~200 m热含量异常可以作为预测冬季降水的前兆信号。冷水年与暖水年合成的冬季大气环流差值场(冷水年减去暖水年)以及反号的暖池热含量指数回归的冬季大气环流场具有高度的相似性,发现东亚沿岸500 h Pa上存在一个异常遥相关波列,华南地区位于异常低值区,850 h Pa上受气旋性环流控制,高空辐散;菲律宾附近存在异常反气旋性环流,该反气旋显著加强了冷水年向华南地区的水汽输送,这种环流形势表明冷(暖)水年冬季降水偏多(少)。在前期夏季的海温、风场差值场和回归场上,北半球近赤道地区存在异常强西风,从而导致关键区西侧(东侧)有冷(暖)海表温度异常变化,在秋季末期冷海温异常的西侧形成了中心位于菲律宾附近的异常反气旋,该反气旋在冬季强度增强,其西北侧异常增强的暖湿气流向华南地区输送水汽;同时,中东太平洋暖海温异常激发的异常Walker环流在赤道西太平洋辐散下沉,进而加强菲律宾异常反气旋和华南地区的辐合上升运动。正是上述过程和机制,导致了关键区冷(暖)水年华南地区冬季降水偏多(少)。展开更多
为了研究西太平洋暖池核心区表层古菌群落结构及多样性,应用16S rDNA文库技术对KX08-973-22站位(取名为CWP)水体样构建基因文库,得到了561个克隆,经分析处理后得到50个OUT(OperationalTaxoni mic Units)。通过对16SrRNA基因序列的同源...为了研究西太平洋暖池核心区表层古菌群落结构及多样性,应用16S rDNA文库技术对KX08-973-22站位(取名为CWP)水体样构建基因文库,得到了561个克隆,经分析处理后得到50个OUT(OperationalTaxoni mic Units)。通过对16SrRNA基因序列的同源性比较,构建系统发育树分析及统计学分析,得出的结果:本次研究中的古菌类群都属于广古菌(Euryarchaeota)和泉古(Crenarchaeota)。广古菌以marine group II(MG II)(49.0%)为主,marine group III(MGIII)占一小部分(5.7%)。泉古菌以Marine Group I(MG I)为主(45.1%),Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group(MCG)占极少数(0.2%)。本次研究的西太平洋暖池核心区表层古菌多样性不高,群落结构在小尺度上存在垂直变化。展开更多
基金supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Science(KZCX2-YW-Q11-02)the National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB417402)
文摘Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanced Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment 3.0 (COARE3.0) bulk algorithm method. Then, the average annual and interannual characteristics of these fluxes were analyzed. The rela- tionship between the fluxes and the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset is highlighted. The results indicate that these fluxes have clear temporal and spatial characteristics. The sensible heat flux is at its maximum in the Kuroshio area, while the latent heat flux is at its maximum in the North Equatorial Current and Kuroshio area. The distribution of average annual air-sea heat fluxes shows that both sensible and latent heat fluxes are maximized in winter and minimized in summer. The air-sea heat fluxes have obvious interannual variations. Correlation analysis indicates a close lag-correlation between air-sea heat fluxes in the western Pacific warm pool area and at the SCS summer monsoon onset. The lagcorrelation can therefore predict the SCS summer monsoon onset, providing a reference for the study of precipitation related to the monsoon.
文摘In this paper the impacts of the anomalous SST in the warm pool area of the Western Equatorial Pacific on the winter time circulation and the East Asian monsoon are studied by using the NCAR CCM. It is found that the abnormal heating in the warm pool area will change the strength and the position of the Walker Cell in the Equatorial Pacific and the anti-Walker Cell in the equatorial Indian Ocean. Both the Walker and anti-Walker Cells are strengthened. The local Hadley Cells over two hemispheres near the warm pool are also strengthened. The subtropical highs in two hemispheres become stronger and move poleward slightly. The westerly jets in the extratropical regions have similar changes as the subtropical highs. The winter monsoon in South-East Asia is weakened by the abnormal heating in the warm pool. The experiment also show that there are wave trains emanating from surrounding areas of the warm pool to the high latitudes, causing various changes in circulations and local weather.
文摘在国内外研究的基础上,对印太暖池区的沃克环流和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)、热带辐合带(ITCZ)等低纬过程的空间分布和随时间的变化规律及其研究方法进行初步归纳,并指出研究中存在的问题。本文论述了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动变率在全新世早期及中世纪气候异常期(1 000~700 a BP)的晚期逐渐增强,介绍了热带辐合带在BA暖期(B?llingAller?d Warm Period)和前北方期(pre-Boreal,10.3~9.5 ka BP)的北移,以及在新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas Event,12.5~11.5 ka BP)和北大西洋冷期(距今7.5~5 ka BP)期间的南移。对低纬过程长时间尺度轨道周期的探讨表明,末次冰盛期赤道东太平洋出现了较偏南的热带辐合带锋面系统,甚至在1.65 Ma冰期,热带辐合带也有快速南移的证据。海洋沉积的粒度、黏土矿物、陆源粉尘、元素和同位素、有孔虫分析等研究方法在推测厄尔尼诺-南方涛动和热带辐合带位移中有很好的应用,建议以陆源生态系统对气候的响应为切入点、以孢粉为手段来探讨陆源植被、气候、火灾和海-陆大气环流等低纬过程的变化特征,进而反演沃克环流(或厄尔尼诺-南方涛动)演化和热带辐合带位移的影响。
基金National Climbing Project A:"South China Sea Monsoon Experiments"CAS Innovation Project (No.ZKCX2-SW-210)Project of Natural Sciences Fund of Shandong Province"A study of relationship between warm pool thermal state anomalies and summer rainfall in Shandong"
文摘Based on the Scripps/NODC Joint Environmental Data Analysis Center's data of heat content in upper ocean (1955--1998) and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the relationship between the heat content anomalies in the warm pool area of the western Pacific (WP) and onset of South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSM) is examined.The results show that the warm pool area (WP) is the place where heat content in the tropical upper layer changes with maximum range and which is most obviously influential to South China Sea summer monsoon.Onset of SCSM is very closely related to the heat content anomaly during the previous period (previous winter and spring) of the WP so that the heat content of March to April in the WP area is a very good predictor for onset of SCSM.When the heat content of the WP area is positive,convection center will be located in the South China Sea-western Pacific with strong convection,a positive anomaly of monsoon circulation and Walker circulation will take place and the subtropical high will be weaker and farther east. Positive anomalous monsoon circulation and Walker circulation will be favorable for westerly and southwesterly flows-SCSM breaks off earlier than normal.Otherwise,SCSM comes later than usual.Large-scale anomalous change of monsoon circulation and Walker circulation seems one of the important mechanisms to influence SCSM.
文摘利用日本气象厅提供的历史海温资料、美国NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、Hadley环流中心逐月海表温度资料以及1979-2010年中国冬季降水观测资料探讨了中国南方地区(华南)降水与前期暖池热含量异常的关系,并对可能的过程和影响机制进行了分析。结果表明,华南地区冬季降水与前期暖池关键区热含量有密切的负相关关系,前期6-7月暖池关键区(6.5°N-11.5°N,160.5°E-172.5°E)0~200 m热含量异常可以作为预测冬季降水的前兆信号。冷水年与暖水年合成的冬季大气环流差值场(冷水年减去暖水年)以及反号的暖池热含量指数回归的冬季大气环流场具有高度的相似性,发现东亚沿岸500 h Pa上存在一个异常遥相关波列,华南地区位于异常低值区,850 h Pa上受气旋性环流控制,高空辐散;菲律宾附近存在异常反气旋性环流,该反气旋显著加强了冷水年向华南地区的水汽输送,这种环流形势表明冷(暖)水年冬季降水偏多(少)。在前期夏季的海温、风场差值场和回归场上,北半球近赤道地区存在异常强西风,从而导致关键区西侧(东侧)有冷(暖)海表温度异常变化,在秋季末期冷海温异常的西侧形成了中心位于菲律宾附近的异常反气旋,该反气旋在冬季强度增强,其西北侧异常增强的暖湿气流向华南地区输送水汽;同时,中东太平洋暖海温异常激发的异常Walker环流在赤道西太平洋辐散下沉,进而加强菲律宾异常反气旋和华南地区的辐合上升运动。正是上述过程和机制,导致了关键区冷(暖)水年华南地区冬季降水偏多(少)。
文摘为了研究西太平洋暖池核心区表层古菌群落结构及多样性,应用16S rDNA文库技术对KX08-973-22站位(取名为CWP)水体样构建基因文库,得到了561个克隆,经分析处理后得到50个OUT(OperationalTaxoni mic Units)。通过对16SrRNA基因序列的同源性比较,构建系统发育树分析及统计学分析,得出的结果:本次研究中的古菌类群都属于广古菌(Euryarchaeota)和泉古(Crenarchaeota)。广古菌以marine group II(MG II)(49.0%)为主,marine group III(MGIII)占一小部分(5.7%)。泉古菌以Marine Group I(MG I)为主(45.1%),Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group(MCG)占极少数(0.2%)。本次研究的西太平洋暖池核心区表层古菌多样性不高,群落结构在小尺度上存在垂直变化。