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OPPO Watch 4 Pro体验报告:方寸之间,开启健康智慧生活
《世界电子元器件》 2024年第1期3-5,共3页
健康、潮流两者兼顾,智能手表正在成为越来越多人的“腕上必备”。OPPO新一代全智能旗舰手表OPPO Watch 4 Pro,在第一代骁龙W5可穿戴平台的加持下,不仅带来了高性能和长续航的非凡体验,更在OPPO坚持多年的健康领域也实现了多项重要升级... 健康、潮流两者兼顾,智能手表正在成为越来越多人的“腕上必备”。OPPO新一代全智能旗舰手表OPPO Watch 4 Pro,在第一代骁龙W5可穿戴平台的加持下,不仅带来了高性能和长续航的非凡体验,更在OPPO坚持多年的健康领域也实现了多项重要升级,为用户带来智能潮流新选择。 展开更多
关键词 智能手表 可穿戴 OPPO 方寸之间 智慧生活 watch
“OT”杂种系百合‘Bay watch’离体再生体系的建立 被引量:6
作者 崔祺 贾桂霞 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期34-38,共5页
为建立百合高效的离体再生体系,比较了“OT”杂种系百合‘Bay watch’的鳞片、花器官作为外植体时的不定芽诱导和植株再生能力。综合5种外植体分化再生的结果,选择花丝作为最佳外植体材料,结果表明,最适培养基为MS+0.5mg·L-1... 为建立百合高效的离体再生体系,比较了“OT”杂种系百合‘Bay watch’的鳞片、花器官作为外植体时的不定芽诱导和植株再生能力。综合5种外植体分化再生的结果,选择花丝作为最佳外植体材料,结果表明,最适培养基为MS+0.5mg·L-1NAA+0.5mg·L-1 6-BA+0.2mg·L-1 2,4-D,不定芽诱导率高达88.89%。采用两种方式对组培苗进行继代培养,筛选出了直接诱导小鳞茎的适宜培养基配方为MS+(0.1—0.5)mg·L-1 NAA+1.0mg·L-1 6-BA;诱导小鳞片分化不定芽的适宜培养基为MS+0.2mg·L-1 NAA+0.005mg·L-1 TDZ;诱导生根过程中.适宜的生根培养基为1/2MS+0.1mg·L-1 IBA。 展开更多
关键词 百合 'Bay watch 组织培养 植物生长调节剂
高速网络流测量平台WATCH1.0处理器的结构设计 被引量:2
作者 周明中 丁伟 高亚东 《计算机时代》 2004年第12期40-41,共2页
关键词 网络流测量平台 watch1.0 处理器 结构设计 计算机网络 数据报文
作者 楼永坚 赵伟华 张红娟 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第12期217-220,共4页
关键词 GPS 监控 软件设计 数据库设计
作者 陈福利 金勇 张世刚 《测井技术》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期153-155,共3页
Forward、Watch软件平台采用的公制深度系统,不适应英制深度单位测井资料处理和绘图需要。针对测井深度制式转换问题,通过数据动态解编技术、深度制式自动识别技术、人工干预转换方法在Forward、Watch软件平台上实现了测井资料数据格式... Forward、Watch软件平台采用的公制深度系统,不适应英制深度单位测井资料处理和绘图需要。针对测井深度制式转换问题,通过数据动态解编技术、深度制式自动识别技术、人工干预转换方法在Forward、Watch软件平台上实现了测井资料数据格式与深度制式的统一。应用表明,该技术提高了Forward、Watch平台解释处理测井资料的适应能力,保证了国际测井服务对不同深度制式的特殊资料处理需要。 展开更多
关键词 测井资料 Forward软件平台 watch软件平台 深度制式转换
里斯Apple Watch的三个战略失误
作者 李靖 张云 《中外管理》 2015年第4期102-103,共2页
2015年3月,苹果公司酝酿多年的Apple Watch终于发布! 之前,里斯先生和定位理论传承人劳拉·里斯女士曾多次在采访中表示:对苹果智能手表营销战略的判断,只能等产品真正发布后才能确定。
关键词 watch 苹果公司 营销战略 定位理论 传承人 女士
美国学界担心Apple Watch问世对高教产生不利影响
作者 秦悦 《世界教育信息》 2014年第20期77-77,共1页
据美国《高等教育纪事》网站(chronicle.com)2014年9月10H报道,苹果公司在9月9日发布了最新的智能手表Apple Watch,这款新产品结合了智能手机与传统手表的功能,除了能看时间,还可以用来安排Et程、发短信、打电话、收发电子邮件... 据美国《高等教育纪事》网站(chronicle.com)2014年9月10H报道,苹果公司在9月9日发布了最新的智能手表Apple Watch,这款新产品结合了智能手机与传统手表的功能,除了能看时间,还可以用来安排Et程、发短信、打电话、收发电子邮件,做全天候的健身追踪器等。未来,学生们会将这款新的科技产品带进校园,这一新产品的问世引起了高等教育者的担心与疑虑,但也有专家持乐观的态度。 展开更多
关键词 美国学 watch 不利影响 高教 收发电子邮件 科技产品 智能手机 高等教育
Brief Analysis of the Double Consciousness in Their Eyes Were Watching God
作者 吴奇 《海外英语》 2013年第24期234-236,共3页
Hurston's work Their Eyes Were Watching God receives much attention and has been analyzed from different angles.This paper tries to explore the double consciousness in it to shown how the blacks can survive under ... Hurston's work Their Eyes Were Watching God receives much attention and has been analyzed from different angles.This paper tries to explore the double consciousness in it to shown how the blacks can survive under the influence of double con?sciousness. 展开更多
关键词 Hurston Their EYES Were watchING GOD DOUBLE consci
评《大学英语》预备级 Words to Watch
作者 孟咸智 《扬州职业大学学报》 2000年第1期45-48,共4页
本文通过对《大学英语》预备级新旧版本中生词、注音、词性、释义的对比 ,指出了新版本中WordstoWatch的进步与不足。认为编好书必须精心选择编委会成员 ;建议建立教材编写专业 ;要实行“一条龙管理” ;
关键词 《大学英语》 预备级 教材编写 原因分析 解决办法
Economy Watch
《海外英语》 2011年第4期29-29,共1页
关键词 《Economy watch》 英语学习 学习方法 阅读
CCTV国际频道《英语综合新闻(World Wide Watch)》节目之我见
作者 张春星 丁志勇 《新闻传播》 2002年第6期56-56,共1页
中国中央电视台(CCTV)国际频道的《英语综合新闻(World Wide Watch)》是以英语观众(包括外国观众、海外华人、华侨和港、澳、台同胞等)为主要服务对象的新闻节目。《英语综合新闻》及时、客观地向全世界报道和介绍世界及中国正在发生的... 中国中央电视台(CCTV)国际频道的《英语综合新闻(World Wide Watch)》是以英语观众(包括外国观众、海外华人、华侨和港、澳、台同胞等)为主要服务对象的新闻节目。《英语综合新闻》及时、客观地向全世界报道和介绍世界及中国正在发生的政治、经济、文化。 展开更多
关键词 CCTV 国际频道 《英语综合新闻(World WIDE watch)》 中央电视台 新闻节目 编播方式
Apple Watch,需要一款手游站岗
作者 凹凸嫚 《计算机应用文摘》 2015年第13期58-59,共2页
前面我们讨论过Apple Watch是否有能力成为一个新的游戏平台,虽然其自身的限制让游戏在这个平台上表现得不太出色,但它独特的应用场景和强交互性是其他平台无法企及的先天优势。尽管最近Apple Watch的销量不尽如人意,游戏厂商的开发... 前面我们讨论过Apple Watch是否有能力成为一个新的游戏平台,虽然其自身的限制让游戏在这个平台上表现得不太出色,但它独特的应用场景和强交互性是其他平台无法企及的先天优势。尽管最近Apple Watch的销量不尽如人意,游戏厂商的开发热情也有所降低,但这个时候的Apple Watch就好像当初的PS4一样,更需要一款现象级的游戏为它站住岗。 展开更多
关键词 游戏平台 手机游戏 《Apple watch》 发展现状
Apple Watch究竟怎么样?
《微型计算机》 2015年第24期1-1,共1页
从去年官方宣布,到三月份Apple Watch正式发布,再到四月上市,五月缺货,六月达到销售顶峰,最后到七月新鲜感基本褪去,观察家们对Apple Watch的评价一直是褒贬不一。
关键词 《Apple watch》 智能手表 产品介绍 设计方案
Watch and wait approach in rectal cancer:Current controversies and future directions 被引量:14
作者 Fernando López-Campos Margarita Martín-Martín +9 位作者 Roberto Fornell-Pérez Juan Carlos García-Pérez Javier Die-Trill Raquel Fuentes-Mateos Sergio López-Durán JoséDomínguez-Rullán Reyes Ferreiro AlejandroRiquelme-Oliveira Asunción Hervás-Morón Felipe Couñago 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2020年第29期4218-4239,共22页
According to the main international clinical guidelines,the recommended treatment for locally-advanced rectal cancer is neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery.However,doubts have been raised about the appro... According to the main international clinical guidelines,the recommended treatment for locally-advanced rectal cancer is neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery.However,doubts have been raised about the appropriate definition of clinical complete response(cCR)after neoadjuvant therapy and the role of surgery in patients who achieve a cCR.Surgical resection is associated with significant morbidity and decreased quality of life(QoL),which is especially relevant given the favourable prognosis in this patient subset. Accordingly, therehas been a growing interest in alternative approaches with less morbidity,including the organ-preserving watch and wait strategy, in which surgery isomitted in patients who have achieved a cCR. These patients are managed with aspecific follow-up protocol to ensure adequate cancer control, including the earlyidentification of recurrent disease. However, there are several open questionsabout this strategy, including patient selection, the clinical and radiologicalcriteria to accurately determine cCR, the duration of neoadjuvant treatment, therole of dose intensification (chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy), optimal followupprotocols, and the future perspectives of this approach. In the present review,we summarize the available evidence on the watch and wait strategy in thisclinical scenario, including ongoing clinical trials, QoL in these patients, and thecontroversies surrounding this treatment approach. 展开更多
关键词 watch and wait Rectal cancer Clinical complete response Organ preservation Dose intensification
Watch and wait approach to rectal cancer: A review 被引量:2
作者 Marcos E Pozo Sandy H Fang 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE CAS 2015年第11期306-312,共7页
In 2014, there were an estimated 136800 new cases of colorectal cancer, making it the most common gastrointestinal malignancy. It is the second leadingcause of cancer death in both men and women in the United States a... In 2014, there were an estimated 136800 new cases of colorectal cancer, making it the most common gastrointestinal malignancy. It is the second leadingcause of cancer death in both men and women in the United States and over one-third of newly diagnosed patients have stage Ⅲ(node-positive) disease. For stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ colorectal cancer patients, the mainstay of curative therapy is neoadjuvant therapy, followed by radical surgical resection of the rectum. However, the consequences of a proctectomy, either by low anterior resection or abdominoperineal resection, can lead to very extensive comorbidities, such as the need for a permanent colostomy, fecal incontinence, sexual and urinary dysfunction, and even mortality. Recently, trends of complete regression of the rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy have been confirmed by clinical and radiographic evaluationthis is known as complete clinical response(cC R). The "watch and wait" approach was first proposed by Dr. Angelita Habr-Gama in Brazil in 2009. Those patients with c CR are followed with close surveillance physical examinations, endoscopy, and imaging. Here, we review management of rectal cancer, the development of the "watch and wait" approach and its outcomes. 展开更多
Parental acceptability of the watchful waiting approach in pediatric acute otitis media 被引量:2
作者 Arnon Broides Olga Bereza +3 位作者 Noga Lavi-Givon Yariv Fruchtman Eli Gazala Eugene Leibovitz 《World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics》 2016年第2期198-205,共8页
AIM: To determine parental knowledge about acute otitis media(AOM) and its antibiotic therapy, antibiotic resistance and the willingness to comply with the watchful waiting(WW) approach in primary care settings in sou... AIM: To determine parental knowledge about acute otitis media(AOM) and its antibiotic therapy, antibiotic resistance and the willingness to comply with the watchful waiting(WW) approach in primary care settings in southern Israel.METHODS: The study was conducted in 3 primary care clinics and the pediatric emergency room of Soroka University Medical Center. Questionnaires(20 questions on education background, previous AOM experience, knowledge on antimicrobial resistance and attitude vs the WW approach) were filled by 600 parents(150 at each centers) of children < 6 years of age.RESULTS: Mothers represented 69% of parents; 2% had an education of < 10 school years, 46% had high-school education and 17% had an academic degree. 69% parents reported previous experience with AOM and 56% thought that antibiotics represent the only treatment for AOM. Knowledge on bacterial resistance to antibiotics was reported by 57% of the parents; 86% parents were willing to accept/probably accept the WW approach for their children. Logistic regression analysis revealed a significant association between parental education and knowledge about bacterial resistance to antibiotics and that previous experience with AOM was significantly associated with reluctance to accept the WW approach. More parents with knowledge on bacterial resistance were willing to accept the WW approach compared with parents without such knowledge. No correlation was found between the education level and willingness to accept the WW approach. CONCLUSION: A significant correlation was found between previous parental education and experience with AOM and the knowledge about antibiotic use, bacterial resistance and acceptance of the WW approach. 展开更多
关键词 Acute OTITIS media Children ANTIBIOTICS PARENTS watchful WAITING Bacteria Resistance
浅析Apple Watch取证技术与方法 被引量:1
作者 王晨 王朝 《中国新通信》 2016年第5期8-9,共2页
随着移动互联网技术的日益发展,移动智能终端已经能够代替计算机处理很多日常应用,而目前智能手表中最炙手可热的就是Apple Watch。本文首先对Apple Watch作了简要介绍,然后较详细的阐述了Apple Watch取证以及取证过程中应注意的问题。
关键词 APPLE watch 电子数据 手机取证 IPHONE
英语阅读教学中思维能力的培养——以“Do you want to watch a game show?”第四课时教学为例 被引量:1
作者 林莹 《教学月刊(中学版)(教学参考)》 2017年第3期9-12,共4页
关键词 英语阅读教学 思维训练 能力的培养 watch WANT SHOW 课时教学 to
利用First Watch在Sun2000 E上实现高可靠性解决方案 被引量:1
作者 熊云飞 郭鹏 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2001年第7期16-17,共2页
介绍了用于实现高可靠性解决方案的软件包———FirstWatch的工作原理及其在Sun2 0 0
关键词 高可靠性 Firstwatch Sun2000E
Application of Strategic Fuzzy Assessment for Environmental Planning;Case of Bird Watch Zoning in Wetlands 被引量:1
作者 Mostafa Biglarfadafan Afshin Danehkar +2 位作者 Sharareh Pourebrahim Afshin Alizadeh Shabani Mazaher Moeinaddini 《Open Journal of Geology》 2016年第11期1380-1400,共21页
Strategic assessments are a landscape scale assessment and unlike project-by-project assessments which look at individual actions, they can consider a much broader set of issues;for example, a large urban growth area ... Strategic assessments are a landscape scale assessment and unlike project-by-project assessments which look at individual actions, they can consider a much broader set of issues;for example, a large urban growth area that will be developed over many years or a fire management policy across a broad landscape. Wetlands are important and effective ecosystems for biodiversity protection and improving environmental conditions. Bird watching as tourism and ecotourism activity is a complex process which it is compatible with conservation of wetlands and other aquatic zones. In this research, combination of SWOT analysis and FAHP method base on strategic fuzzy assessment are used for bird watch zoning in Bazangan Lake. By making internal and external matrix for SWOT factors, existing condition was in competitive strategies (ST) in the study area. Offered strategies in this condition were environment restoration to increase in environment resilience against hazards (natural and human), avoiding of land use and land cover changes and presence of ecotourism responsibly especially Bird watching. The sensitivity analysis results did not show any difference within the results of the present study and it was suitable and valid to use for similar situations. Base on the presented medium and short term strategies, it needed to have a short time training program to inform and empower local communities to wetlands partnership management by sharing them in the getting benefits in Bazangan Lake. By using the preferred frame in this study, decision makers can plan for each lake, dam and wetland and determine the best areas for tourist activities like bird watching. Conservation, protection and restoration of environment with its wildlife are guaranteed by using fuzzy assessment to provide reasonable strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Bird watching SWOT FAHP Strategic Fuzzy Assessment The Sensitivity Analysis
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