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作者 杨文宜 陈海滨 +1 位作者 徐东华 叶思灏 《广州航海学院学报》 2024年第2期75-78,共4页
本文设计了一个基于STC89C52单片机和LabVIEW的无线温度监测与控制系统.该系统采用上下位机的结构,其中下位机通过STC89C52单片机控制DS18B20采集实时温度,并利用控制模块实现加热或降温,同时,通过蓝牙模块实现与上位机的无线通信;上位... 本文设计了一个基于STC89C52单片机和LabVIEW的无线温度监测与控制系统.该系统采用上下位机的结构,其中下位机通过STC89C52单片机控制DS18B20采集实时温度,并利用控制模块实现加热或降温,同时,通过蓝牙模块实现与上位机的无线通信;上位机以LabVIEW作为开发平台,实现对温度的实时显示、处理、存储、阈值设定和温度控制等功能.该系统电路设计简单、成本低、扩展性强、人机界面友好,可用于智能大棚的温度控制等需要温度检测的场所,具有广阔的应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 温度采集 无线通信 lab VIEW
基于Neptune Lab智能实验系统综合测试平台助力教学创新策略
作者 陈俊霖 《微型计算机》 2024年第7期232-234,共3页
Neptune Lab智能实验系统的综合测试平台对教学创新策略具有一定的助力作用。通过Neptune Lab系统,教师可以收集学生的实验数据、实验报告和成绩等信息,全面评估学生的实验操作能力和学习效果。本文首先介绍Neptune Lab系统的特点和优势... Neptune Lab智能实验系统的综合测试平台对教学创新策略具有一定的助力作用。通过Neptune Lab系统,教师可以收集学生的实验数据、实验报告和成绩等信息,全面评估学生的实验操作能力和学习效果。本文首先介绍Neptune Lab系统的特点和优势,其次探讨该系统在教学创新中的应用,包括教学效果评估、智能化教学辅助、虚拟实验环境等方面。最后,总结Neptune Lab系统在教学创新中的潜在发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 Neptune lab 智能实验系统 教学创新 教学效果评估 智能化教学辅助 虚拟实验环境
敦煌文化在数字领域中的设计研究——以Team Lab为例
作者 严春露 闫朝群 +1 位作者 闵元元 郭译蔓 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2024年第6期45-47,共3页
敦煌壁画在中国古代艺术中占据着至关重要的地位,其独特的艺术风格和丰富的文化内涵使其成为中国古代文化的瑰宝之一。而提及对敦煌壁画的保护和传承,“数字敦煌”居功至伟。在此基础上,敦煌壁画的数字艺术设计得以蓬勃发展。本文旨在... 敦煌壁画在中国古代艺术中占据着至关重要的地位,其独特的艺术风格和丰富的文化内涵使其成为中国古代文化的瑰宝之一。而提及对敦煌壁画的保护和传承,“数字敦煌”居功至伟。在此基础上,敦煌壁画的数字艺术设计得以蓬勃发展。本文旨在探究敦煌壁画在数字领域下的设计研究,通过对日本Team Lab及其作品的分析,探索敦煌文化在数字领域中的设计创新实践及其所面临的挑战,并展望其未来的发展。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌壁画 数字化设计 数字媒体艺术 teamlab
Web-based推荐系统中的会话推荐多样性研究 被引量:2
作者 李晶皎 孙丽梅 王骄 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1265-1269,共5页
Web-based推荐系统通常用推荐的准确性来衡量推荐算法的优劣,而Web-based推荐系统中用户的浏览行为以会话为单位,因此用户会话期内推荐的多样性是评价Web-based推荐系统推荐质量的一个重要指标.提出会话推荐多样性的概念,提出了一种能... Web-based推荐系统通常用推荐的准确性来衡量推荐算法的优劣,而Web-based推荐系统中用户的浏览行为以会话为单位,因此用户会话期内推荐的多样性是评价Web-based推荐系统推荐质量的一个重要指标.提出会话推荐多样性的概念,提出了一种能够提高会话推荐多样性的融合协同过滤算法,在用户会话期内建立会话推荐列表,有效避免会话推荐树中出现推荐环路,消除会话推荐树中的重复推荐.通过Movielens数据集测试表明,提出的方法可以大幅度提高Web-based推荐系统的会话推荐多样性,同时也提高了推荐准确率. 展开更多
关键词 web-based推荐系统 会话推荐多样性 会话推荐树 融合协同过滤
Incorporation of Learning Strategies into Web-based Autonomous Listening 被引量:4
作者 李芳 《海外英语》 2019年第20期278-280,284,共4页
The thesis introduces a comparative study of students'autonomous listening practice in a web-based autonomous learning center and the traditional teacher-dominated listening practice in a traditional language lab.... The thesis introduces a comparative study of students'autonomous listening practice in a web-based autonomous learning center and the traditional teacher-dominated listening practice in a traditional language lab.The purpose of the study is to find how students'listening strategies differ in these two approaches and thereby to find which one better facilitates students'listening proficiency. 展开更多
关键词 learning strategies metacognitive strategies listening strategies web-based autonomous listening
基于LabVIEW和Arduino的高职传感器课程改革 被引量:2
作者 李晴 余文荣 +1 位作者 吴以岭 许明瑶 《电气电子教学学报》 2023年第1期54-57,共4页
在传统的“传感器应用技术”课程教学中,实践教学高度依赖实验室设备。基于LabVIEW图形化编程软件和Arduino开源硬件平台,开发传感器口袋实验室教学项目较好解决了上述问题。通过一个具体的教学实例,介绍了基于上述平台组织教学实施与... 在传统的“传感器应用技术”课程教学中,实践教学高度依赖实验室设备。基于LabVIEW图形化编程软件和Arduino开源硬件平台,开发传感器口袋实验室教学项目较好解决了上述问题。通过一个具体的教学实例,介绍了基于上述平台组织教学实施与考核的全过程。实践表明,运用传感器口袋实验室和在线开放平台课程可以为学生创造随时随地学习和实践的条件,改革后学生的学习积极性和考核成绩均得到了大幅提升。 展开更多
关键词 口袋实验室 信息化教学 传感器教学
Research on Application of Metacognitive Strategy in English Listening in the Web-based Self-access Learning Environment
作者 罗雅清 《海外英语》 2012年第22期81-82,98,共3页
Metacognitive strategies are regarded as advanced strategies in all the learning strategies.This study focuses on the application of metacognitive strategies in English listening in the web-based self-access learning ... Metacognitive strategies are regarded as advanced strategies in all the learning strategies.This study focuses on the application of metacognitive strategies in English listening in the web-based self-access learning environment(WSLE) and tries to provide some references for those students and teachers in the vocational colleges. 展开更多
关键词 metacognitve STRATEGIES web-based SELF-ACCESS lear
基于LMS Virtual.Lab调相机机房噪声仿真分析
作者 陈传敏 杜鹏宇 +1 位作者 郭兆枫 刘松涛 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期216-220,共5页
特高压直流输变电工程以其输送距离长、送电容量大、传输稳定性优良、可以灵活控制等各种优势在电力传输领域具有广阔的应用前景。其中,调相机作为直流输变电工程的重要组成部分,可以改善电网功率因数,维持电网电压水平。目前,调相机本... 特高压直流输变电工程以其输送距离长、送电容量大、传输稳定性优良、可以灵活控制等各种优势在电力传输领域具有广阔的应用前景。其中,调相机作为直流输变电工程的重要组成部分,可以改善电网功率因数,维持电网电压水平。目前,调相机本体的噪声问题影响着电网工人、周边居民的身心健康,对周边声环境造成污染,已经成为直流电网建设快速发展的重要挑战。因此研究调相机机房内外声场的分布对于噪声控制意义重大。根据声场有限元方法,在LMS Virtual.Lab中建立调相机机房声场仿真模型,并计算得到换流站调相机机房声场分布。之后通过与实测数据进行对比,验证仿真方法的准确性,并对模型进行优化改良,研究成果可以对调相机机房的后续降噪措施提供相应理论模型基础。 展开更多
关键词 声学 声场仿真 调相机 LMS Virtual.lab 有限元分析
A Review of the Effectiveness of Web-based Course with College English Learners' Autonomous Learning
作者 杜淑珍 《海外英语》 2015年第22期276-277,288,共3页
The paper is a literature review, aiming to examine the effectiveness of web-based college English learning which mainly focuses on learners' autonomous learning. Previous studies indicate that the web-based learn... The paper is a literature review, aiming to examine the effectiveness of web-based college English learning which mainly focuses on learners' autonomous learning. Previous studies indicate that the web-based learning can improve learners' autonomous learning, as well as some problems found in their findings. Therefore, this paper first gives a summary and critique of research studies on the web-based autonomous learning and some factors influencing learners' autonomous learning ability;then, areas that deserve further study are also indicated. 展开更多
作者 于芳 《吉林医药学院学报》 2008年第2期121-123,共3页
关键词 web-based(基于网络的) 大学英语 自主学习模式 听说能力
作者 张善军 《江西教育学院学报》 2006年第2期55-58,共4页
在大学英语对学生语言能力提出更高要求的形势下,新的大学英语教学模式应以课堂教学与在校园网上运行的英语教学软件相结合的自主学习教学模式为主要发展方向。基于局域网的大学英语视听说自主学习实证研究表明,学生的学习效果主要取决... 在大学英语对学生语言能力提出更高要求的形势下,新的大学英语教学模式应以课堂教学与在校园网上运行的英语教学软件相结合的自主学习教学模式为主要发展方向。基于局域网的大学英语视听说自主学习实证研究表明,学生的学习效果主要取决于其态度、能力及所处的环境。 展开更多
关键词 web-based(基于网络的) 英语视听说 自主学习 效果分析
Study on the Effect of Web-Based Real-Time Interactive Intervention Teaching Model on Self-Efficacy of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Patients 被引量:5
作者 Yu Yang Qiuying Lin +3 位作者 Pingping Quan Yanmei Wen Xuyao Li Jufang Lin 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 2020年第12期778-785,共8页
<strong>Object:</strong> To explore the effect of web-based real-time interactive intervention teaching model on self-efficacy of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) patients. <strong>Method:</str... <strong>Object:</strong> To explore the effect of web-based real-time interactive intervention teaching model on self-efficacy of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) patients. <strong>Method:</strong> Based on the hospital’s antenatal check-up archives from June 2018 to January 2019, patients diagnosed with GDM in the second trimester were randomly divided into the control group (100 cases) and the experimental group (121 cases). Patients in the control group received routine care following the diabetes mellitus one-day outpatient guidance, while patients in the experimental group received social media real-time interactive teaching intervention based on routine care, and accepted a nursing intervention scheme based on knowledge-attitude-practice mode. The knowledge of GDM, self-efficacy and self-management behavior indicators were compared between the two groups.<strong> Results:</strong> After the intervention, the self-efficacy scores, the blood glucose monitoring times and the blood glucose compliance rates of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group (<em>P</em> < 0.05). The post-intervention GDM knowledge scores of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group, and the difference was not statistically significant (<em>P </em>= 0.072). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Web-based real-time interactive intervention teaching model can effectively improve the self-efficacy of GDM patients and promote the formation of healthy behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 web-based Gestational Diabetes Mellitus SELF-EFFICACY Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Mode
Web-based GIS System for Real-time Field Data Collection Using Personal Mobile Phone 被引量:2
作者 Ko Ko Lwin Yuji Murayama 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2011年第4期382-389,共8页
Recently, use of mobile communicational devices in field data collection is increasing such as smart phones and cellular phones due to emergence of embedded Global Position System GPS and Wi-Fi Internet access. Accura... Recently, use of mobile communicational devices in field data collection is increasing such as smart phones and cellular phones due to emergence of embedded Global Position System GPS and Wi-Fi Internet access. Accurate timely and handy field data collection is required for disaster management and emergency quick responses. In this article, we introduce web-based GIS system to collect the field data by personal mobile phone through Post Office Protocol POP3 mail server. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate real-time field data collection method to the students using their mobile phone to collect field data by timely and handy manners, either individual or group survey in local or global scale research. 展开更多
关键词 web-based GIS System REAL-TIME Field Data Collection PERSONAL Mobile PHONE POP3 MAIL Server
Reliability of Chinese web-based ocular surface disease index questionnaire in dry eye patients:a randomized,crossover study 被引量:1
作者 Xin-Mei Zhang Lan-Ting Yang +10 位作者 Qing Zhang Qing-Xia Fan Can Zhang Yue You Chen-Guang Zhang Tie-Zhu Lin Ling Xu Salissou Moutari Jonathan E.Moore Emmanuel E.Pazo Wei He 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2021年第6期834-843,共10页
AIM:To assess the reliability of web-based version of ocular surface disease index in Chinese(C-OSDI)on clinically diagnosed dry eye disease(DE)patients.METHODS:A total of 254 Chinese participants(51%male,129/254;mean... AIM:To assess the reliability of web-based version of ocular surface disease index in Chinese(C-OSDI)on clinically diagnosed dry eye disease(DE)patients.METHODS:A total of 254 Chinese participants(51%male,129/254;mean age:27.90±9.06 y)with DED completed paper-and web-based versions of C-OSDI questionnaires in a randomized crossover design.Ophthalmology examination and DED diagnosis were performed prior to the participants being invited to join the study.Participants were randomly designated to either group A(paper-based first and webbased second)or group B(web-based first and paper-based second).Final data analysis included participants that had successfully completed both versions of the C-OSDI.Demographic characteristics,test-retest reliability,and agreement of individual items,subscales,and total score were evaluated with intraclass correlation coefficients(ICC),Spearman rank correlation,Wilcoxon test and Rasch analysis.RESULTS:Reliability indexes were adequate,Pearson correlation was greater than 0.8 and ICCs range was 0.827 to 0.982;total C-OSDI score was not statistically different between the two versions.The values of mean-squares fit statistics were very low compared to 1,indicating that the responses to the items by the model had a high degree of predictability.While comparing the favorability 72%(182/254)of the participants preferred web-based assessment.CONCLUSION:Web-based C-OSDI is reliable in assessing DED and correlation with the paper-based version is significant in all subscales and overall total score.Webbased C-OSDI can be administered to assess individuals with DED as participants predominantly favored online assessment. 展开更多
关键词 dry eye disease ocular surface disease index Rasch analysis test-retest reliability web-based questionnaire
A Novel Lifecycle Model for Web-based Application Development in Small and Medium Enterprises 被引量:1
作者 Wei Huang Ru Li +3 位作者 Carsten Maple Hong-Ji Yang David Foskett Vince Cleaver 《International Journal of Automation and computing》 EI 2010年第3期389-398,共10页
Software engineering's lifecycle models havc proven to be very important for traditional software development. However, can these models be applied to the development of Web-based applications as well? In recent yea... Software engineering's lifecycle models havc proven to be very important for traditional software development. However, can these models be applied to the development of Web-based applications as well? In recent years, Web-based applications have become more and more complicated and a lot of efforts have been placed on introducing new technologies such as J2EE, PhP, and .NET, etc., which have been universally accepted as the development technologies for Web-based applications. However, there is no universally accepted process model for the development of Web-based applications. Moreover, shaping the process model for small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which have limited resources, has been relatively neglected. Based on our previous work, this paper presents an expanded lifecycle process model for the development of Web-based applications in SMEs. It consists of three sets of processes, i.e., requirement processes, development processes, and evolution processes. Particularly, the post-delivery evolution processes are important to SMEs to develop and maintain quality web applications with limited resources and time. 展开更多
关键词 WEB development of web-based applications lifecycle models small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Educational Advisor System Implemented by Web-Based Fuzzy Expert Systems 被引量:1
作者 Mahdi Hassani Goodarzi Vahid Rafe 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2012年第7期500-507,共8页
Using of the Internet technology and the field of Fuzzy expert systems has proposed new branches of sharing and distributing knowledge. However, there has been a general lack of investigation in the area of web-based ... Using of the Internet technology and the field of Fuzzy expert systems has proposed new branches of sharing and distributing knowledge. However, there has been a general lack of investigation in the area of web-based Fuzzy expert systems (FES). In this paper the issues associated with the design, development, and use of web-based FES from a standpoint of the benefits and challenges of developing and using them. The original theory and concepts in conventional FES were reviewed and a knowledge engineering framework for developing them was revisited. Student in an educational place need an educational advisor for solve problems. Some of educational circulars order changing because advisor must update information away. The student's request is linguistic and crisp Expert System cannot solve problems completely. In my approach we build Web-Based Fuzzy Expert System for Student Education Advisor (FES-SEA) and stays in university portal. This system implemented with ASP.NET, SQL-SERVER 2008. 展开更多
关键词 Fuzzy EXPERT SYSTEMS (FES) Knowledge Based SYSTEMS web-based Grade Point Average (GPA)
Living Lab体验教学法在产科实习生规范化护理教学中的应用 被引量:3
作者 吴丽娜 赵亚咪 +1 位作者 陈虹 王妙芬 《中国高等医学教育》 2023年第4期119-120,共2页
目的:分析Living Lab体验教学法在产科实习生规范化护理教学中的应用。方法:选择2019年6月至2021年6月我院产科护理实习生58名作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分组,对照组接受常规教学法,试验组接受Living Lab体验教学法。比较两组实习... 目的:分析Living Lab体验教学法在产科实习生规范化护理教学中的应用。方法:选择2019年6月至2021年6月我院产科护理实习生58名作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分组,对照组接受常规教学法,试验组接受Living Lab体验教学法。比较两组实习生理论知识、实践操作考核成绩及满意度。结果:试验组理论知识、实践操作考核成绩均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);试验组实习生规范化护理教学满意度高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:Living Lab体验教学法可有效提高产科护理实习生理论知识、实践操作考核成绩。 展开更多
关键词 Living lab体验教学法 产科 实习生 规范化护理教学 满意度
On Cognitive Style in English Web-based Autonomous Learning
作者 刘茜 《海外英语》 2014年第21期57-58,65,共3页
Since Henry Holec first put forward the term‘Autonomy'in 1980's, autonomous learning has been drawing the universal attention of scholars both at home and abroad. Promoting learners' ability of self-regul... Since Henry Holec first put forward the term‘Autonomy'in 1980's, autonomous learning has been drawing the universal attention of scholars both at home and abroad. Promoting learners' ability of self-regulated learning has been taken as one of the important goals of modern education. College English autonomous learning based on network environment does not mean free study without any restraints or monitoring, but rather involves the self-monitoring and external monitoring. Meanwhile, different learners may have different cognitive styles in their learning processes, which may have an influence on the improvement of the learners' efficiency in the autonomous language learning. Proper monitoring models coordinating with the students' different field cognitive styles. 展开更多
An Investigation into the Web-Based Learning in Jiangsu Open University(JSOU)——A case Study of College English
作者 曹海霞 《海外英语》 2019年第8期263-266,共4页
College English is a compulsory course for all registered online learners in Jiangsu Open University and students have been practicing web-based learning instead of face-to-face classes ever since 2014.Questionnaires ... College English is a compulsory course for all registered online learners in Jiangsu Open University and students have been practicing web-based learning instead of face-to-face classes ever since 2014.Questionnaires and interviews are adopted to look into the 4-year-long practice of web-based learning in College English in JSOU.By analyzing the data obtained from both teachers and students,the findings show:(1)web-based learning caters to online learners in that the online learning materials,particularly micro-lessons,are well-designed and easily accessible.(2)web-based learning helps teachers monitor the learning process of online learners and therefore assures the quality of online learning.(3)web-based learning enhances effective learning since students and teachers can communicate conveniently and instantly via online chat rooms and instant messaging software. 展开更多
关键词 web-based learning DISTANCE education COLLEGE ENGLISH online LEARNERS
A Framework for Web-Based Mechanical Design and Analysis
作者 Chiaming Yen Wujeng Li 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第S1期210-,共1页
In this paper, a Web-based Mechanical Design and A na lysis Framework (WMDAF) is proposed. This WMADF allows designers to develop web -based computer aided programs in a systematic way during the collaborative mec han... In this paper, a Web-based Mechanical Design and A na lysis Framework (WMDAF) is proposed. This WMADF allows designers to develop web -based computer aided programs in a systematic way during the collaborative mec hanical system design and analysis process. This system is based on an emerg ing web-based Content Management System (CMS) called eXtended Object Oriented P ortal System (XOOPS). Due to the Open Source Status of the XOOPS CMS, programs d eveloped with this framework can be further customized to satisfy the demands of the user. To introduce the use of this framework, this paper exams three differ ent types of mechanical design and analysis problems. First, a repetitive design consideration and calculation process is transferred into WMADF programs to gai n efficiency for wired collaborative team. Second, the considered product solid model is created directly through the use of XOOPS program and Microsoft Compone nt Object Model (COM) instances. To the end of the paper, an example linked with ANSYS is used to indicate the possible application of this framework. 展开更多
关键词 web-based mechanical design and analysis frame work CMS XOOPS COM ANSYS
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