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Analysis of debris flow control effect and hazard assessment in Xinqiao Gully,Wenchuan M_(s)8.0 earthquake area based on numerical simulation 被引量:1
作者 Chang Yang Yong-bo Tie +3 位作者 Xian-zheng Zhang Yan-feng Zhang Zhi-jie Ning Zong-liang Li 《China Geology》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期248-263,共16页
Xinqiao Gully is located in the area of the 2008 Wenchuan M_(s)8.0 earthquake in Sichuan province,China.Based on the investigation of the 2023"6-26"Xinqiao Gully debris flow event,this study assessed the eff... Xinqiao Gully is located in the area of the 2008 Wenchuan M_(s)8.0 earthquake in Sichuan province,China.Based on the investigation of the 2023"6-26"Xinqiao Gully debris flow event,this study assessed the effectiveness of the debris flow control project and evaluated the debris flow hazards.Through field investigation and numerical simulation methods,the indicators of flow intensity reduction rate and storage capacity fullness were proposed to quantify the effectiveness of the engineering measures in the debris flow event.The simulation results show that the debris flow control project reduced the flow intensity by41.05%to 64.61%.The storage capacity of the dam decreases gradually from upstream to the mouth of the gully,thus effectively intercepting and controlling the debris flow.By evaluating the debris flow of different recurrence intervals,further measures are recommended for managing debris flow events. 展开更多
关键词 Landslide Debris flow Hazard assessment Numerical simulation OpenLIsEm Prevention and control project wenchuan m_(s)8.0 earthquake Xinqiao Gully sichuan province Geological hazards survey engineering
作者 沈长伟 王虎 +2 位作者 邓林 李开锦 薛浩 《四川地震》 2024年第2期9-14,43,共7页
以往学者通常侧重于大尺度(数公里级别)的地表形态对大地震同震地表破裂的影响研究,而鲜有涉及短距离尺度(10~100 m级)的相关报道。本文基于2008年汶川M_(S)8.0地震地表破裂带沙坝村吴家院一带的几何展布样式与微地貌测绘,为回答短距离... 以往学者通常侧重于大尺度(数公里级别)的地表形态对大地震同震地表破裂的影响研究,而鲜有涉及短距离尺度(10~100 m级)的相关报道。本文基于2008年汶川M_(S)8.0地震地表破裂带沙坝村吴家院一带的几何展布样式与微地貌测绘,为回答短距离尺度是否存在显著的几何结构变化和探究其影响因素提供一个典型案例。具体通过无人机摄影测量技术及激光雷达技术精确的获取了该段落断层展布特征及近断层地形地貌数据,发现吴家院一带地表破裂带在西南侧地形相对稳定无起伏时,破裂带集中为一支断层,而往北东向延伸遇到地形起伏如负地形时,断层分叉为三支分支断层。上述研究结果表明局部范围内地形起伏可能会导致同震地表破裂发生分叉现象,单一断层可能弥散为多支断层。 展开更多
关键词 地表破裂带 地形效应 激光雷达 无人机摄影测量 汶川m_(s)8.0地震
Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Precursory Anomalies of the Wenchuan MS8.0 Earthquake and Their Mechanical Analysis
作者 Zhang Xiaotao Liu Jie +4 位作者 Song Zhiping Xue Yan Zhang Yongxian Yan Rui Yuan Zhengyi 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2018年第2期212-226,共15页
In order to study the spatiotemporal evolution of the precursory anomalies 10 years before the Wenchuan M_S8. 0 earthquake in 2008, the epicentral distance of the precursory anomalies is calculated by using the geomet... In order to study the spatiotemporal evolution of the precursory anomalies 10 years before the Wenchuan M_S8. 0 earthquake in 2008, the epicentral distance of the precursory anomalies is calculated by using the geometric center of the rupture region and the elliptical centerline of the aftershock region. The result shows, precursor anomalies gradually increased about 2 years before the Wenchuan earthquake. The ratio of abnormal items is greater than 25% in the near source area (about twice the source scale) and 17%-24% in the remote area (about 3-5 times the source scale). There are three different stages of spatiotemporal evolution of precursory anomalies. During the α stage (including α_1 and α_2,between 700 to 3000 days before the main earthquake),the anomalies are mainly distributed in the southwest and northwest area of the Wenchuan aftershocks area. It is shown that the precursors of the far source region and the near source area have the characteristics of outward expansion. During the β stage (between 300 to 700 days before the main earthquake), the anomalies are distributed in the southwest and northern region of the aftershock region, showing a large range of anomalies. During the γ stage (including γ_1 and γ_2, 300 days before the main earthquake),the range of anomaly distribution is wide,and the anomalies are distributed in the southwest and northeast of the aftershock area. The anomalies converged to epicenter (γ_1) in the far source region and expand outwards (γ_2) in the near source region. Results of the experimental study and mechanical analysis of earthquake preparation process indicate that the three-stage characteristics of precursory anomalies in the process of earthquake preparation may be controlled by the seismogenic body,which is a form of expression in the process of earthquake preparation and a universal featureduring the earthquake preparation process,which has a certain guiding role in earthquake prediction. 展开更多
关键词 wenchuan m s8.0 earthquake Precursor ANOmALY spatio-temporal Evolution Three-stages feature
2008年汶川M_(S)8.0地震前后地电阻率时空变化 被引量:7
作者 王同利 崔博闻 +2 位作者 王丽红 颜晓晔 李菊珍 《地震研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期66-74,共9页
采用归一化速率变化方法对2008年汶川M_(S)8.0地震震中周边19个定点台站观测到的地电阻率的时空变化过程进行了计算分析。时序分析结果显示:在汶川地震前,震中周边多个地电阻率台站准同步地出现了中短期前兆异常;空间分布过程显示,地震... 采用归一化速率变化方法对2008年汶川M_(S)8.0地震震中周边19个定点台站观测到的地电阻率的时空变化过程进行了计算分析。时序分析结果显示:在汶川地震前,震中周边多个地电阻率台站准同步地出现了中短期前兆异常;空间分布过程显示,地震孕震过程中地电阻率在震中区域有负异常丛集和由远及近的迁移现象,负异常丛集呈象限分布,长轴方向与震源机制解主压力方向基本吻合,且受孕震断裂、台站位置、观测装置布设方向等的影响。 展开更多
关键词 汶川m_(s)8.0地震 地电阻率 时序分析 空间分布 归一化速率变化方法
基于GRACE卫星和地表流动重力的汶川M_(S)8.0地震前重力时空变化 被引量:1
作者 王伟力 郑兵 +4 位作者 舒东林 曾涛 易松泉 马伶俐 苏琴 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2021年第4期94-100,共7页
利用GRACE卫星重力场模型和地表流动重力观测资料,计算2008年汶川MS 8.0地震发生前6年的重力变化,对卫星和流动重力段差结果与卫星重力反映的重力场动态变化特征进行研究,结果表明:①GRACE卫星重力段差受滤波半径影响显著,与地表流动重... 利用GRACE卫星重力场模型和地表流动重力观测资料,计算2008年汶川MS 8.0地震发生前6年的重力变化,对卫星和流动重力段差结果与卫星重力反映的重力场动态变化特征进行研究,结果表明:①GRACE卫星重力段差受滤波半径影响显著,与地表流动重力观测结果相比,在重力变化数值上差异较大,在变化率上较为一致;②在汶川地震孕育阶段,川滇地区重力等值线呈“增大—减速增大—减小”的特征,震前2年形成近似垂直于龙门山断裂带的重力变化梯度带。 展开更多
关键词 汶川m_(s)8.0地震 流动重力 GRACE重力卫星 重力变化
汶川M_(S) 8.0、芦山M_(S) 7.0地震晚期显著余震的“窗口”效应 被引量:1
作者 张致伟 路茜 +1 位作者 杨鹏 王迪 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2022年第S01期341-344,共4页
1研究背景地震窗是一些频度较高、地震丛集的小区域,如一些大震的余震区、经常发生小震群的区域等。这些区域对构造应力场的变化比较敏感,其地震频度或应变能等的异常变化有可能反映周边区域的应力场变化,从而可用以提取周围区域发生中... 1研究背景地震窗是一些频度较高、地震丛集的小区域,如一些大震的余震区、经常发生小震群的区域等。这些区域对构造应力场的变化比较敏感,其地震频度或应变能等的异常变化有可能反映周边区域的应力场变化,从而可用以提取周围区域发生中强地震的前兆信息(中国地震局监测预报司,2020)。早期研究发现华北邢台、海城、唐山3次强震的余震序列可作为监视华北地区中强以上地震孕育的“窗口”(王泽皋,1979;姜秀娥等,1982)。 展开更多
关键词 汶川m_(s)8.0、芦山m_(s)7.0地震显著余震 中等地震 “窗口”效应
作者 梁洪宝 杨国华 《地震研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期613-621,共9页
2008年汶川M_(S)8.0地震对南北地震带北段垂向变形产生了影响,对1999-2016年多期GPS观测数据进行精密解算,采用多面函数方法分别对研究区垂向运动进行周年运动剔除和空间滤波,获取了汶川地震前后垂向形变特征。结果表明:①以巴颜喀拉块... 2008年汶川M_(S)8.0地震对南北地震带北段垂向变形产生了影响,对1999-2016年多期GPS观测数据进行精密解算,采用多面函数方法分别对研究区垂向运动进行周年运动剔除和空间滤波,获取了汶川地震前后垂向形变特征。结果表明:①以巴颜喀拉块体与华南块体交界带西侧为界,其西部自东向西呈指数函数衰减;东部自西向东呈对数函数形式衰减,且东部衰减程度大于西部,两块体交界南北段垂向形变特征存在差异性,北段隆升速度和变化梯度均弱于南段;②地震前后南北地震带北段垂向形变特征具有明显差异性,相对震前,震后大部分区域隆升速度加快,平均约为2 mm/a,局部区域加快程度较大,最大值达7 mm/a;③垂向速度的差异性变化对地壳的垂向应变积累具有影响,最大正影响区域为巴颜喀拉块体与华南块体交界及其西侧区域,增大了约10×10^(-8)/a,约为震前的2倍,最大负影响区域为川滇块体北部局部区域,减小了约7×10^(-8)/a。建议对巴颜喀拉块体与华南块体交界及其西侧区域和川滇块体北部局部区域强化跟踪分析。 展开更多
关键词 GPs 汶川m_(s)8.0地震 南北地震带北段 垂向形变
汶川M_(S) 8.0地震前小震潮汐应力触发特征研究
作者 宋金 李金 蒋海昆 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2022年第S01期149-152,共4页
1研究背景地震是地球内部运动的一种力学过程,其动力来源于地球内部。但当震源区处于临界状态时,外界因素如固体潮等的影响在一定条件下可能会引起系统的突变而发生地震(Cochran et al,2004;Tanaka et al,2004;Cadicheanu et al,2007;Ta... 1研究背景地震是地球内部运动的一种力学过程,其动力来源于地球内部。但当震源区处于临界状态时,外界因素如固体潮等的影响在一定条件下可能会引起系统的突变而发生地震(Cochran et al,2004;Tanaka et al,2004;Cadicheanu et al,2007;Tanaka,2010)。针对潮汐触发地震的问题,国内外学者做了大量研究工作,主要集中在以下3个方面:一是对部分地区地震活动和月相的相关关系研究,结果显示,地震在某些月相附近发生的几率相对较高;二是基于潮汐应力分量的地震调制研究,通常是将潮汐应力分解为南北、东西、垂直3个方向,其中水平分量与地震的关系往往被作为研究的重点;三是利用一定的统计方法分析潮汐相位角,通过严格定量的大样本检验,其中Schuster检验应用较多,通过p值变化来反映潮汐与地震的关系。 展开更多
关键词 汶川m_(s)8.0地震 潮汐应力 schuster检验
作者 陈丽娟 陈学忠 +1 位作者 李艳娥 龚丽文 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期1046-1058,共13页
b值常用于评估区域应力水平。基于b值随应力升高而减小的理论基础,文中试图找出b值的下降幅度与汶川地震孕震区的关系。以汶川地震的震中为中心,选取10°×10°范围内2000年1月—2008年4月的地震目录,通过格点搜索法搜索出... b值常用于评估区域应力水平。基于b值随应力升高而减小的理论基础,文中试图找出b值的下降幅度与汶川地震孕震区的关系。以汶川地震的震中为中心,选取10°×10°范围内2000年1月—2008年4月的地震目录,通过格点搜索法搜索出汶川地震前b值具有明显下降变化的异常格点,分析异常格点所在区域内b值的时序变化。结果显示,异常格点的分布随着b值下降幅度的增大逐渐收敛至龙门山断裂带的都江堰—北川段,与汶川地震破裂区的南段重合,汶川地震起始破裂点位于异常区的东南缘。异常区内b值随时间呈现“趋势下降—平稳变化—临震前急剧下降”的变化形态,分别持续3.5a、2a和4个月。文中关注b值的下降变化过程,能在较大范围内搜索出b值呈下降变化形态的区域,而这些区域对应于应力增强区,这可为未来强震的震中判定提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 汶川m_(s)8.0地震 格点搜索法 b值下降幅度 孕震区
Study on Postseismic Impact of Wenchuan Earthquake on the Sichuan-Yunnan Region Based on Three-Dimensional Viscoelastic Finite Element Method
作者 JIANG Fengyun ZHU Liangyu LI Yujiang 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2019年第4期632-647,共16页
Based on the lateral segmentation and vertical stratification characteristics of the crustal medium in Sichuan-Yunnan region,and the asymmetry of the static dislocations on the coseismic fault plane of the Wenchuan M_... Based on the lateral segmentation and vertical stratification characteristics of the crustal medium in Sichuan-Yunnan region,and the asymmetry of the static dislocations on the coseismic fault plane of the Wenchuan M_S8.0 earthquake,we built a three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element model of the crust in the Sichuan-Yunnan region.The postseismic impact of the Wenchuan M_S8.0 earthquake on the Sichuan-Yunnan region was studied.The results show that:①The far-field horizontal deformation caused by the viscoelastic relaxation of the medium in the 10 years after the earthquake is about 0-20 mm within the Sichuan-Yunnan diamond-shaped block,which has a greater influence on north side and smaller on south side.②In the 10 years after the earthquake,the far-field vertical deformation caused by the viscoelastic relaxation effect of the medium is small,and it shows an increase of about 0-4 mm in most areas of the Sichuan-Yunnan diamond-shaped block.③The Xianshuihe fault and the eastern segment of the East Kunlun fault,which are close to the seismogenic fault,show a high gradient on deformation fields after the earthquake.④In order to compare with the strong earthquake activity in the SichuanYunnan region after the Wenchuan earthquake,the horizontal stress state and the Coulomb failure stress change of the active block boundary are also calculated.From the spatial distribution of the coseismic and postseismic displacement field,the fault activity characteristics reflected by the stress state and the stress loading of the fault layer reflected by the Coulomb failure stress change,there is a certain correlation with the spatial distribution of strong earthquake activity in this region. 展开更多
关键词 wenchuan m_s8.0 earthquake Finite element Viscoelastic relaxation sichuan-Yunnan region
Focal depths for moderate-sized aftershocks of the Wenchuan M_S8.0 earthquake and their implications 被引量:14
作者 ZHANG RuiQing WU QingJu +2 位作者 LI YongHua DING ZhiFeng ZENG RongSheng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第12期1694-1702,共9页
Sliding-window cross-correlation method is firstly adopted to identify sPn phase, and to constrain focal depth from regional seismograms, by measuring the time separation between sPn and Pn phases. We present the foca... Sliding-window cross-correlation method is firstly adopted to identify sPn phase, and to constrain focal depth from regional seismograms, by measuring the time separation between sPn and Pn phases. We present the focal depths of the 17 moderate-sized aftershocks (MS≥5.0) of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earth-quake, using the data recorded by the regional seismic broadband networks of Shaanxi, Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan and Sichuan. Our results show focal depths of aftershocks range from 8 to 20 km, and tend to cluster at two average depths, separate at 32.5°N, i.e., 11 km to the south and 17 km to the north, indicating that these aftershocks are origin of upper-to-middle crust. Combined with other results, we suggest that the Longmenshan fault is not a through-going crustal fault and the Pingwu-Qingchuan fault may be not the northward extension of the Longmenshan thrust fault. 展开更多
关键词 wenchuan ms8.0 earthquake AFTERsHOCKs sPN phase
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