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Conceptual Metaphors in Chinese Political Speeches——A Case Study of Xi Jinping's 2016 New Year Address
作者 任志兰 《海外英语》 2016年第15期212-214,共3页
As a sort of cognitive means and thinking mode,conceptual metaphor is widely applied to political discourses.Statesmen often publicize their political thoughts by using conceptual metaphors in their political discours... As a sort of cognitive means and thinking mode,conceptual metaphor is widely applied to political discourses.Statesmen often publicize their political thoughts by using conceptual metaphors in their political discourses so that the audience can understand their political ideas easily.Based on the Conceptual Metaphor Theory,this paper aims to analyze the conceptual metaphors in Xi Jinping's 2016 New Year address so as to summarize the types,functions and significance of conceptual metaphors in Chinese political discourses,in the hope of helping readers interpret political speeches better. 展开更多
关键词 conceptual metaphors Chinese political speeches xi jinping’ s 2016 New Year address
Xi Jinping's Congratulatory Letter to the 2015 Beijing Forum on Human Rights 被引量:3
作者 XI Jinping 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2015年第5期415-416,共2页
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression as well as the World Anti-Fascist War,the Beijing Forum on Human Rights this year is themed... On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression as well as the World Anti-Fascist War,the Beijing Forum on Human Rights this year is themed with"Peace and Development:Victory of World Anti-Fascist War and Human Rights Advancement,"which helps all parties deeply reflect on the 展开更多
关键词 World xi jinping’s Congratulatory Letter to the 2015 Beijing Forum on Human Rights
Xi Jinping's Discussion of Civilization History and the Discourse Construction of China's Road
作者 Sun Daiyao 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2016年第1期1-8,共8页
The significance of discourse construction in the civilization discussion of Xi Jinping is explored in this paper: The 500-year history of world socialism and the 5000-year history of Chinese civilization, Xi Jinping&... The significance of discourse construction in the civilization discussion of Xi Jinping is explored in this paper: The 500-year history of world socialism and the 5000-year history of Chinese civilization, Xi Jinping' s studies of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the long history of civilization development, highlighting Socialism with Chinese characteristics as a product in the development of human civilization, the great contribution to world civilization progress and the creative development of Marxism which has been the most distinctive feature in Chinese discourse structure since the 18 th National Congress of the CPC. As the conscious construction of epistemology, it has given unprecedented historical and cultural implications to China' s road and opened the new theory space for the discourse construction of Socialism with Chinese characteristics or the academic expression of China' s road. 展开更多
关键词 DIsCOURsE Construction xi jinping CIVILIZATION HIsTORY China' s ROAD
Four Bases of Xi Jinping's Thoughts on the Government of China
作者 Han Qingxiang Wu Lingwei 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2017年第5期1-9,共9页
Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee, led by General Secretary Xi Jinping, has unswervingly adhered to the continuing development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Through courageou... Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee, led by General Secretary Xi Jinping, has unswervingly adhered to the continuing development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Through courageous practice and excellent innovation, the CPC Central Committee has shaped a series of new ideas, thoughts and strategies of state governing, which serve as scientific guidelines for the actions and theories on further deepening the Reform and Opening-up and accelerating the modernization of socialism in China. Compared with "new ideas and new strategies," the "new thoughts" are more extensive, inclusive and thorough. In fact, "new thoughts" include "new ideas" and "new strategies" and are demonstrated by the latter two. Presenting the new CPC Central Committee's achievements in both practical and theoretical innovations with Xi Jinping's governing thought as the guide can further promote and deepen the essence of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of key speeches. Xi Jinping's governing thought has its historical basis, realistic basis, theoretical basis and political basis. 展开更多
关键词 xi jinping’s governing thought historical basis realistic basis theoretical basis political basis
Five Dialectics of Xi Jinping's Theory on Ecological Progress
作者 Chen Wenbin Guo Yan +1 位作者 Zhang Congrong Lin Min 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2018年第2期47-55,共9页
Xi Jinping's theory on ecological progress expands and deepens Marx's views on ecology and spells out the five dialectics between economic development and ecological conservation, the will of the nation and th... Xi Jinping's theory on ecological progress expands and deepens Marx's views on ecology and spells out the five dialectics between economic development and ecological conservation, the will of the nation and the will of the people, Chinese characteristics and global approaches, cultural concepts and institutional design, as well as the community of life and the community of shared future for mankind. It carries significance for our time and is weighted with theoretical value. At this stage, learning and studying the dialectics and value orientation of Xi Jinping's theory on ecological progress offers scientific guidance and value-based directions for China's efforts to promote an ecological civilization. 展开更多
关键词 xi jinping theory on ecological progress Marx’s views on ecology DIALECTICs
On Xi Jinping's Thoughts of People-to-People Diplomacy
作者 Zhao Kejin Ma Jiata 《International Understanding》 2017年第1期2-9,共8页
In the wake of the 18th National Congress of CPC Central Committee,catering to the needs of the changing relations between China and the rest of the world,and keeping in mind both the domestic and international situat... In the wake of the 18th National Congress of CPC Central Committee,catering to the needs of the changing relations between China and the rest of the world,and keeping in mind both the domestic and international situations。 展开更多
关键词 In WORK On xi jinping’s Thoughts of People-to-People Diplomacy
The Formation, Value and Realization of Xi Jinping's Thought on Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
作者 Guo Hailong Wang Xi Huang Yan 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2017年第6期127-135,共9页
A community with a shared future for mankind refers to equal, all-win, safe and inclusive human collective organizations between countries. Xi Jinping's thought on building a community with a shared future for man... A community with a shared future for mankind refers to equal, all-win, safe and inclusive human collective organizations between countries. Xi Jinping's thought on building a community with a shared future for mankind is deeply rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and is the "Chinese diagnosis" made, and "Chinese plans" proposed, for world problems. It provides the realistic possibility to advocate for and construct a community with a shared future for mankind for development, peace and security of the world and global governance. We should adhere to the principles of step-bystep implementation, equality and mutual assistance, respect for differences, eco-friendly development and inclusiveness, to achieve a community with a shared future for mankind. 展开更多
关键词 xi jinping a community with a shared future for mankind global governance China’s voice China’s approach
Exploration on the Characteristics and Important Relationships of Xi Jinping's New Concept of Coordinated Economic Development
作者 Huang Shaoqin Sun Peng Wu Hao 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2017年第4期96-108,共13页
During the 18 th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping raised a series of economic development thoughts, namely the five new concepts of development; innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, and put fo... During the 18 th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping raised a series of economic development thoughts, namely the five new concepts of development; innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, and put forward a series of economic development thoughts including"people-centered"economic development. These are the new summations of the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the latest achievements in the theory of the political economics of socialism with Chinese characteristics."People-centered"is both the starting point and final purpose of coordinated economic development, an accurate mastery of social and economic development rules, and also the foundation and specific manifestation of coordinated development between people and society. People's subjectivity, coordinated inclusiveness and dialectics of development are the characteristics of coordinated economic development. Regional coordinated development, urbanrural coordinated development, industrial coordinated development, coordinated development of national defense and economic construction, supply and demand coordinated development, ecological coordinated development and interacted coordinated development of the global economy are the important relationships of coordinated economic development that we have to recognize and handle properly. 展开更多
关键词 xi jinping’s new concept of coordinated development new feature important relationships
Xi Jinping's Globalization is Multipolarity
作者 Andrea Fais 《International Understanding》 2017年第1期41-43,共3页
The words that Xi Jinping said at the 47th World Economic Forum(WEF)have really surprised just the most inattentive people.During his visit to Davos,where leaders,entrepreneurs
关键词 very xi jinping’s Globalization is Multipolarity
Combining the Rule of Law with the Rule of Morality——General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Discourse on the Relationship Between the Rule of Law and Rule by Virtue
作者 徐显明 LI Kunyan 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2017年第2期103-109,共7页
Key points:Throughout the ages,rule of law has been an indispensable means of governing a state.However,as General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out,it is not enough to govern a state by the rule of law
关键词 of it or as General secretary xi jinping’s Important Discourse on the Relationship Between the Rule of Law and Rule by Virtue Combining the Rule of Law with the Rule of Morality RULE by is that been on with
加强涉外法治体系建设的顶层擘画——论学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神 被引量:3
作者 黄惠康 《武大国际法评论》 2024年第1期1-23,共23页
习近平总书记在中央政治局第十次集体学习时就加强涉外法治建设所作系列重要论述,是马克思主义法治理论中国化的最新成果。“长远所需”和“当务之急”,凸显了新形势下加强涉外法治建设的重要性和紧迫性。中国涉外法治建设成就巨大、来... 习近平总书记在中央政治局第十次集体学习时就加强涉外法治建设所作系列重要论述,是马克思主义法治理论中国化的最新成果。“长远所需”和“当务之急”,凸显了新形势下加强涉外法治建设的重要性和紧迫性。中国涉外法治建设成就巨大、来之不易,但仍存在不少短板弱项,亟待弥补。我国海外利益全方位多层次高速度拓展,外部法律风险与挑战前所未有,干涉与反干涉、制裁与反制裁外交斗争激烈,客观上要求强化法治思维,善用法治方式,“以法斗法”“以法制法”,丰富外交斗争法律“工具箱”,一体推进涉外立法、执法、司法、守法和法律服务,形成涉外法治工作大协同格局。必须坚持统筹推进国内法治和涉外法治,不断完善涉外法治体系和能力建设,为中国式现代化行稳致远营造有利法治条件和外部环境。 展开更多
关键词 习近平重要讲话 涉外法治 时代逻辑 一体推进
作者 王新刚 张梦鑫 《渭南师范学院学报》 2024年第6期17-24,共8页
基于对党的十八大以来习近平关于青年奋斗教育的重要讲话的文本分析,可以看出习近平的青年奋斗观教育重要论述,以马克思主义青年理论为基础,立足于社会环境对青年成长的影响,结合新时代中国青年发展的特点,阐述青年奋斗观教育的基本问题... 基于对党的十八大以来习近平关于青年奋斗教育的重要讲话的文本分析,可以看出习近平的青年奋斗观教育重要论述,以马克思主义青年理论为基础,立足于社会环境对青年成长的影响,结合新时代中国青年发展的特点,阐述青年奋斗观教育的基本问题,具有鲜明的内在逻辑。其以引导青年形成正确奋斗的价值取向为逻辑起点,以教育青年形成锲而不舍、驰而不息的奋斗精神为逻辑中介,以引导青年把“小我”的奋斗融入“大我”的发展之中为逻辑终点,从而揭示了新时代青年“为何要奋斗”“为谁而奋斗”以及“如何奋斗”等重大问题,继承发展了我们党的青年奋斗观教育理论。这不仅对国家富强、民族振兴具有深远意义,而且对培育能堪重任的时代新人具有重要的理论和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 青年 奋斗观教育 讲话
作者 苏明娟 王超 +2 位作者 王晓蕾 杜俊 朱胜浩 《广东水利水电》 2024年第1期27-30,共4页
深入学习习近平总书记治水重要论述精神,在新阶段进一步推进节水工作,挖掘灌区节水潜力。跟进我国灌区水效领跑者引领行动的积极进展,总结各省的先进做法和经验,聚焦分析行动过程中的实施难点,立足广东省实际和农业用水管理发展需求、... 深入学习习近平总书记治水重要论述精神,在新阶段进一步推进节水工作,挖掘灌区节水潜力。跟进我国灌区水效领跑者引领行动的积极进展,总结各省的先进做法和经验,聚焦分析行动过程中的实施难点,立足广东省实际和农业用水管理发展需求、新阶段水利高质量发展要求,为广东省加快创建灌区水效“领跑者”提供基础支撑和有效思路。 展开更多
关键词 习近平治水重要论述精神 节水行动 农田灌溉 绿色发展
Speech by President Xi Jinping at the Reception in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China in the Great Hall of the People 被引量:1
作者 Xi Jinping 《Peace》 2019年第3期3-5,共3页
Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends, In this golden season of autumn, we are gathered here to mark the 70 th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. For the Chinese people of all ethnic ... Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends, In this golden season of autumn, we are gathered here to mark the 70 th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. For the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad, this is a joyful moment-a moment to celebrate the 70 th birthday of our great People’s Republic and to salute the epic progress of our motherland during the past seven decades. 展开更多
关键词 unity CPC speech PREsIDENT xi jinping Celebration 70th ANNIVERsARY FOUNDING of the People’s REPUBLIC of China Great Hall of the People
新时代高校思政课实践教学的内涵、价值及实现路径 被引量:1
作者 朱丹 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期136-144,共9页
习近平总书记在学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会上明确指出“要高度重视思政课的实践性”,实践教学作为高校思想政治理论课教学的重要组成部分,是推动思政课改革创新,落实立德树人根本任务的重要举措。加强高校思政课实践教学是提升思政... 习近平总书记在学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会上明确指出“要高度重视思政课的实践性”,实践教学作为高校思想政治理论课教学的重要组成部分,是推动思政课改革创新,落实立德树人根本任务的重要举措。加强高校思政课实践教学是提升思政课亲和力、针对性的重要举措,有效推进“大思政课”建设的题中之意,是培养担当民族复兴大任时代新人的必要举措。本文旨在把握高校思政课实践教学的内涵本质,理清其与“思政教育实践活动”“实践教学法”“专业课程实践教学”等相关概念的异同,通过明确教学目标、规范教学内容、创新教学方法、完善教学保障,探寻新时代高校思政课实践教学提升的有效路径。 展开更多
关键词 习近平总书记“3.18”重要讲话 高校思想政治理论课 实践教学
作者 谢之杰 《青少年犯罪问题》 2024年第3期151-160,共10页
习近平法治思想是培养新时代德法兼修优秀人才的根本遵循和行动指南。习近平法治思想融入大学生法治教育,是新时代高校大学生思想政治教育的重要任务,在维护高校安全稳定、推动法治教育体系改革、培养法治人才等方面具有重要意义。习近... 习近平法治思想是培养新时代德法兼修优秀人才的根本遵循和行动指南。习近平法治思想融入大学生法治教育,是新时代高校大学生思想政治教育的重要任务,在维护高校安全稳定、推动法治教育体系改革、培养法治人才等方面具有重要意义。习近平法治思想融入大学生法治教育,需要重视顶层设计,在教学方式、教材编写、师资配备、制度保障、评价机制等方面全方位发力,健全习近平法治思想与习近平文化思想的融合教育模式,实现全员、全过程和全方位育人。 展开更多
关键词 习近平法治思想 习近平文化思想 法治教育 思想政治教育 提升路径
习近平生态文明思想对人类中心主义生态伦理观的超越初探 被引量:1
作者 路雪莲 《西南林业大学学报(社会科学)》 CAS 2024年第1期1-8,共8页
随着近代工业革命的开展和科学技术的快速发展,生态环境问题日益加剧。20世纪70年代后我国生态文明建设深入展开,逐渐对近现代人类中心主义生态伦理观进行反思与超越,形成了习近平生态文明思想。该思想从生态价值理念、生态治理策略及... 随着近代工业革命的开展和科学技术的快速发展,生态环境问题日益加剧。20世纪70年代后我国生态文明建设深入展开,逐渐对近现代人类中心主义生态伦理观进行反思与超越,形成了习近平生态文明思想。该思想从生态价值理念、生态治理策略及生态治理目标体系上超越了人类中心主义生态伦理观的理论与实践缺陷,不仅为我国生态文明建设提供了理论指导与实践指向,而且为全球性生态环境的解决提供了中国智慧与方案。 展开更多
关键词 习近平生态文明思想 人类中心主义生态观 生态正义 生态本性
作者 黄东明 《豫章师范学院学报》 2024年第1期7-12,共6页
当前和今后一个时期,学习贯彻习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神是全省上下的首要政治任务。将习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神融入高校思政课教学,应重点把握四个着力点,明确融入的根本点、基本点、切入点和落脚点。深刻领会习近平... 当前和今后一个时期,学习贯彻习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神是全省上下的首要政治任务。将习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神融入高校思政课教学,应重点把握四个着力点,明确融入的根本点、基本点、切入点和落脚点。深刻领会习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神的丰富内涵,这是融入的根本点;牢牢把握习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神融入高校思政课教学的基本原则,这是融入的基本点;合理设计习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神融入高校思政课教学的具体环节,这是融入的切入点;充分发挥习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神的育人作用,这是融入的落脚点。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 考察江西重要讲话 融入 高校思政课 着力点
作者 宫宇昕 李俊奎 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2024年第5期1-5,共5页
2023年召开的全国宣传思想文化工作会议正式提出并系统阐述了习近平文化思想,其中,“明体达用、体用贯通”被勘定为习近平文化思想的“鲜明品格”。数千年来儒家体用观因时而变,但“经世致用”一直是其核心精神,“明体达用”也逐渐成为... 2023年召开的全国宣传思想文化工作会议正式提出并系统阐述了习近平文化思想,其中,“明体达用、体用贯通”被勘定为习近平文化思想的“鲜明品格”。数千年来儒家体用观因时而变,但“经世致用”一直是其核心精神,“明体达用”也逐渐成为中国传统哲学的重要特征。作为对儒家体用观的继承和发展,习近平文化思想以崭新的高度进一步明确了中华优秀传统文化的本质、内涵、特征之“体”,阐述了新时代中华优秀传统文化发展的原则、目标、路径之“用”,以及中华优秀传统文化与马克思主义、中国特色社会主义和中国式现代化之间的“体用贯通”。习近平文化思想与中华优秀传统文化的深刻关联,对于马克思主义中国化时代化理论的创新、新时代中华优秀传统文化的发展和中华民族伟大复兴的推进具有深厚的价值意蕴。 展开更多
关键词 习近平文化思想 体用观 中华优秀传统文化
作者 王新建 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第1期1-7,107,共8页
中国实践和中国理论孕育并生成了包容性绿色发展理念,中国国际地位的提高赋予包容性绿色发展理念引领中国话语“走出去”的历史使命。包容性绿色发展理念的生成和出场,表现出对“中国人的世界观、方法论”的尊崇和弘扬;而习近平新时代... 中国实践和中国理论孕育并生成了包容性绿色发展理念,中国国际地位的提高赋予包容性绿色发展理念引领中国话语“走出去”的历史使命。包容性绿色发展理念的生成和出场,表现出对“中国人的世界观、方法论”的尊崇和弘扬;而习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想“五位一体”总体布局对人类命运共同体全要素建设路向的规范,以及新发展理念和“两山”理论对符合时空双维时代潮流发展取向的理论预设,凸显“中国人的世界观、方法论”对包容性绿色发展理念的预设和规范作用。由此,包容性绿色发展理念与习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想在中国话语“走出去”的过程中,将形成相互砥砺、相互促进、相互支撑的辩证运动。 展开更多
关键词 “中国人的世界观、方法论” 包容性绿色发展理念 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 “六个必须坚持”
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