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Formation mechanism of fault accommodation zones under combined stress in graben basin:Implications from geomechanical modeling
作者 Qi-Qiang Ren Jin-Liang Gao +3 位作者 Rong-Tao Jiang Jin Wang Meng-Ping Li Jian-Wei Feng 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期54-76,共23页
A fault accommodation zone is a type of structure that is defined as regulating displacement and strain between faults structure.Increasing numbers of fault accommodation zones are being identified in graben basins,in... A fault accommodation zone is a type of structure that is defined as regulating displacement and strain between faults structure.Increasing numbers of fault accommodation zones are being identified in graben basins,indicating the potential exploration target and petroleum accumulation areas.This study aims to analyze the formation mechanism and development of fault accommodation zones under combined stress by a numerical simulation method considering geomechanical modeling.Using three-dimensional(3-D)seismic interpretation and fractal dimension method,exampled with the Dongxin fault zone,the fault activity and fault combination pattern were conducted to quantitatively characterize the activity difference in fault accommodation zones.Combined with mechanical experiment test,a geomehcanical model was established for fault accommodation zones in a graben basin.Integrating the paleostress numerical simulations and structural physical simulation experiment,the developmental characteristics and genetic mechanism of fault accommodation zones were summarized.Influenced by multi movements and combined stresses,three significant tectonic evolution stages of the Dongxing Fault Zone(DXFZ)were distinguished:During the E_(s)^(3)sedimentary period,the large difference in the stress,strain,and rupture distribution in various faults were significant,and this stage was the key generation period for the prototype of the DXFZ,including the FAZ between large-scale faults.During the E_(s)^(2)sedimentary period,the EW-trending symmetric with opposite dipping normal faults and the NE-SW trending faults with large scale were furtherly developed.The junction area of two secondary normal faults were prone to be ruptured,performing significant period for inheriting and developing characteristics of fault accommodation zones.During the Es1 sedimentary period,the high-order faults in the DXFZ exhibited the obvious fault depressions and strike-slip activity,and the fault accommodation zones were furtherly inherited and developed.This stage was the molded and formative period of the FAZ,the low-order faults,and the depression in the DXFZ. 展开更多
关键词 Fault accommodation zone graben basin Fault activity Tectonic physical simulation experiment Finite element numerical simulation Dongxin fault zone
作者 庄其天 何宏林 +3 位作者 魏荣珠 王忠梅 石峰 闫纪元 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期486-501,共16页
【目的】山西地堑系因其独特的大地构造位置成为研究中国东部晚新生代变形的热点地区,然而受露头剖面的局限,目前少有报道地堑系盆地完整的沉积环境演化的工作,对进一步认识地堑系演化过程造成了困难。【方法】通过太原盆地ZK01钻孔揭... 【目的】山西地堑系因其独特的大地构造位置成为研究中国东部晚新生代变形的热点地区,然而受露头剖面的局限,目前少有报道地堑系盆地完整的沉积环境演化的工作,对进一步认识地堑系演化过程造成了困难。【方法】通过太原盆地ZK01钻孔揭露的约8.1 Ma以来的详细沉积记录,开展了沉积环境和物源分析工作。【结果和结论】沉积环境分析表明太原盆地经历了河流—三角洲/湖泊—河流的沉积环境演化过程,其中分别在5.8~4.4 Ma和2.2~1.6 Ma发育两期覆盖整个太原盆地的湖泊。物源分析表明在5.8 Ma前后存在物源转变。5.8 Ma以前物源主要来自东部太行山脉的侏罗系石英砂岩;5.8 Ma以后物源转为以三叠系长石砂岩为主,同时吕梁山北部的变质岩和火山岩碎屑进入盆地,表明汾河开始流入太原盆地。太原盆地沉积环境演化与区域古气候和构造的关系,表明盆地的湖泊扩展过程主要受构造沉降控制,是青藏高原东向扩展作用的构造—地貌响应。 展开更多
关键词 山西地堑系 太原盆地 沉积环境 物源分析 古气候
作者 朱丹 蒋关鲁 +3 位作者 陈虹羽 赵鑫辉 黄德贵 刘乙甫 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1763-1777,共15页
结合西部艰险山区铁路实际工程背景,开展了El-Centro波作用下单、双排桩支护路堑边坡大型振动台模型试验,基于位移、加速度等参数深入研究了两种模型边坡动力响应特性的差异,并结合快速傅里叶变化(fast Fourier transform,简称FFT)谱探... 结合西部艰险山区铁路实际工程背景,开展了El-Centro波作用下单、双排桩支护路堑边坡大型振动台模型试验,基于位移、加速度等参数深入研究了两种模型边坡动力响应特性的差异,并结合快速傅里叶变化(fast Fourier transform,简称FFT)谱探讨了两种边坡出现差异的原因。结果表明:抗滑桩的支护效果和差异均随输入波幅值的增大而逐渐体现;当输入波幅值为0.1g~0.3g时,单、双排桩边坡均处于稳定状态,总体动力响应特性差异较小;当输入波幅值为0.4g时,两边坡动力响应开始出现较大差异,单排桩边坡宏观破坏更明显,坡表位移增大较多,土体损伤累积,非线性特征显现;当输入波幅值为0.5g~0.6g时,两种模型边坡的地震波峰值加速度(peak ground acceleration,简称PGA)放大系数高程效应明显,且均在路堑面和桩后坡面处出现塑性区,抗滑桩的存在有效地抑制了PGA放大系数沿坡面向上的增大趋势和坡表双塑性区的贯通,而单排桩边坡PGA放大效应更明显,塑性区范围更广,深度更大,局部失稳更严重,抗震支护作用相对较弱;引入FFT谱比可知,单、双排桩边坡在5~10 Hz频段振幅放大效应的不同是造成单、双排桩边坡动力响应差异的主要原因;在地震作用下,单排桩边坡破坏历经边坡自稳定→坡表土体塑性变形→边坡局部塌陷溃散3个阶段,双排桩边坡破坏历经前两阶段。 展开更多
关键词 路基工程 路堑边坡 单、双排抗滑桩 振动台试验 动力响应
定日县岗嘎地堑盆地隐伏断层氡气特征及其活动性分析 被引量:1
作者 胡俊峰 陈永凌 +3 位作者 代雪健 李怀远 邱东 严浩 《中国地质调查》 CAS 2024年第1期45-56,共12页
在中尼铁路的前期地质勘查工作中,岗嘎地堑盆地的活动断层对于铁路选址的影响是不可忽略的因素。为查明岗嘎地堑盆地的盆地边界断层、3个地垒的边界正断层以及其他隐伏断层的位置与活动性,开展了土壤氡气测量工作。通过测量,查明了盆地... 在中尼铁路的前期地质勘查工作中,岗嘎地堑盆地的活动断层对于铁路选址的影响是不可忽略的因素。为查明岗嘎地堑盆地的盆地边界断层、3个地垒的边界正断层以及其他隐伏断层的位置与活动性,开展了土壤氡气测量工作。通过测量,查明了盆地的东侧、西侧、北侧3个边界断层的大致位置,明确了3个地垒边界正断层的位置及其延伸走向。对盆地内断层的活动性进行了分析,北侧断层的活动性整体强于南侧,东侧强于西侧。研究可为中尼铁路的选址工作提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 地堑盆地 氡气测量 断层活动性
作者 王晓东 李海东 +4 位作者 杨蕾 付滨 陈敬国 王金宽 田煜 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期530-538,共9页
断陷盆地陡带区多沉积于湖盆的边界同生断层一侧,具有山高坡陡、近物源、沉积速度快的特点,多发育有冲积扇、近岸水下扇或扇三角洲,在地震相上多表现为楔形杂乱相、楔形空白相。本文所述内蒙古二连断陷盆地探区的陡带区沉积大量厚度大... 断陷盆地陡带区多沉积于湖盆的边界同生断层一侧,具有山高坡陡、近物源、沉积速度快的特点,多发育有冲积扇、近岸水下扇或扇三角洲,在地震相上多表现为楔形杂乱相、楔形空白相。本文所述内蒙古二连断陷盆地探区的陡带区沉积大量厚度大、延伸长、无分选的粗细混合碎屑物质,造成地震资料存在能量弱、信噪比低、成像差的问题。为有效改善陡带区地震资料品质难以满足地质需求的问题,本文在对大量陡带区地震资料的分析,在充分分析陡带区沉积模式基础上完成了断陷盆地陡带区地球物理建模以及地球物理响应论证。认为大量的粗碎屑物质未经分选、快速沉积是导致断陷盆地陡带区地震采集资料反射能量弱、资料信噪比低、成像困难的直接原因。据此,通过充分的理论论证、模拟以及实际资料验证,推荐断陷盆地陡带区地震资料采集时采用较高的覆盖次数、相对适中的面元、较宽方位和适宜的炮检距。该成果可为类似地区的地震勘探提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 断陷盆地 陡带区 粗碎屑 地球物理响应 地震采集 二连断陷盆地 内蒙古
作者 尼玛次仁 顿都 +3 位作者 田杨杨 洛桑朗杰 尼玛扎西 格桑卓嘎 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期1173-1190,共18页
青藏高原的新生代火山岩地层、岩相(岩石)与构造是高原演化过程的重要记录。针对青藏高原南部冈底斯岩浆岩带西段近南北向展布的达若-壮拉火山构造洼地内新近纪火山作用过程,在1∶5万遥感解译和地质调查基础上,结合1∶2000岩石地层剖面... 青藏高原的新生代火山岩地层、岩相(岩石)与构造是高原演化过程的重要记录。针对青藏高原南部冈底斯岩浆岩带西段近南北向展布的达若-壮拉火山构造洼地内新近纪火山作用过程,在1∶5万遥感解译和地质调查基础上,结合1∶2000岩石地层剖面测制、锆石U-Pb同位素定年等方法开展了火山地层序列及活动时序重塑研究。结果发现,该新近纪火山活动包含了锆石U-Pb年龄分别为11 Ma、10 Ma的早、晚2期喷发沉积序列,其中早期火山活动以单纯中心式喷溢为主,伴有小规模的爆发作用,形成了盾状熔岩穹隆或熔岩台地,火山喷发物主要为粗面安山岩、粗安质熔结凝灰岩和粗安质凝灰熔岩等;而晚期火山活动以侵出、侵入活动和小规模爆发作用为主,形成了熔岩和火山渣组成的火山锥,火山喷发物主要为粗安质熔结凝灰岩、粗安质凝灰熔岩、粗安质火山碎屑岩、玻基粗面斑岩等。该套新近纪火山序列的爆发指数整体较低,喷发方式属于斯特朗博利型或夏威夷型,空间上与区内的早期古近纪火山机构呈切割式、叠套式组合,反映新近纪与古近纪火山活动中心存在空间迁移特征。同时发现,该区火山作用时代与区域伸展构造的发育时间基本重叠,表明该区新近纪火山活动应形成于青藏高原碰撞后的陆内拉张环境,发育过程可能受到青藏高原晚新生代近东西向伸展作用控制,从而与区域上的近南北向裂谷系伴生。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 火山机构 钾质—超钾质火山岩 近南北向裂谷 地质调查工程 火山爆发指数
作者 万晓 肖自义 +4 位作者 袁健博 刘志刚 尚文政 朱铁景 路亚军 《现代矿业》 CAS 2024年第1期111-114,118,共5页
针对地堑构造区域容易发生冲击地压灾害的问题,以山东某矿6305工作面为工程背景,采用现场调研、理论分析和数值模拟等方法,深入研究了深部地堑区沿空工作面冲击危险性,并提出了相应的卸压措施。研究结果表明:6305工作面回采至FL37断层时... 针对地堑构造区域容易发生冲击地压灾害的问题,以山东某矿6305工作面为工程背景,采用现场调研、理论分析和数值模拟等方法,深入研究了深部地堑区沿空工作面冲击危险性,并提出了相应的卸压措施。研究结果表明:6305工作面回采至FL37断层时,工作面前方距离地堑构造带处15~30 m超前支承压力明显,最大应力为34 MPa,而当回采至地堑构造区域时,FL39断层处应力变化不大,即地堑构造区域应力变化不明显。根据6305工作面回采期间应力云图及微震数据,针对高应力集中区可采取大直径深孔卸压、顶板致裂以及爆破卸压方案进行卸压解危措施。经过钻屑法的卸压监测,实现了对6305工作面的安全开采,对其他类似工作面的安全生产具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 地堑构造 数值模拟 深孔卸压 顶板致裂
Geological Conditions and Petroleum Exploration Potential of the Albertine Graben of Uganda 被引量:10
作者 DOULirong WANGJianjun +5 位作者 CHENGDingsheng RANXuefeng ErnestN.T.RUBONDO RobertKASANDE AbdulBYAKAGABA FrankMUGISHA 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期1002-1010,共9页
The Albertine Graben in western Uganda is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic rift basin with petroleum exploration potential. A fundamental evaluation of petroleum potential of the graben is given based on field research, data proce... The Albertine Graben in western Uganda is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic rift basin with petroleum exploration potential. A fundamental evaluation of petroleum potential of the graben is given based on field research, data processing of gravity and magnetism, analysis of graben structure, geochemistry, reservoir and composition research. The basin has a double-layered framework and a large thickness of sediments. Gravity highs shown in a residual anomaly map might indicate central uplift zones. There exist at least two sets of mature or low-maturity source rocks corresponding to a certain source rock in the Cretaceous or Paleogene and Neogene strata. The graben has basement rock with potential reservoirs and Tertiary sandstone reservoirs and thus has petroleum exploration potential. 展开更多
关键词 Albertine graben GEOPHYSICS GEOLOGY OIL GAS exploration potential Uganda
Depositional Model and Tectonic Evolution of Tertiary Transform-Extensional Basins in Northeast China: Case Study on Yitong and Damintun Grabens 被引量:2
作者 Xie Xinong Huang Yanqiu Faculty of Earth Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074Lu ZongshengFaculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第1期62-67,共6页
? The formation and evolution of the Tertiary transformextensional basins in Northeast China are controlled by extensional and strikeslidding combinational processes because the giant strikeslip fault system, ... ? The formation and evolution of the Tertiary transformextensional basins in Northeast China are controlled by extensional and strikeslidding combinational processes because the giant strikeslip fault system, TanchengLujiang fault, cut through the basement or margin. Two kinds of structural styles have been identified in Northeast China: Yitong and Damintun styles. The former shows a clear asymmetry, in which sediments came mainly from two lateral sides and thick filling sediments were adjacent to the main strikeslip fault. The latter shows symmetry filling, in which sediments came from the long axial ends in addition to from two lateral sides. The tectonic evolution of Tertiary transformextensional basins in Northeast China underwent three stages: Eocene extensional, Oligocene transformextensional and Neogene transpressional stages. 展开更多
关键词 transformextensional basin TERTIARY Yitong graben Xialiaohe basin.
Late Quaternary Activity of the Huashan Piedmont Fault and Associated Hazards in the Southeastern Weihe Graben,Central China 被引量:3
作者 DU Jianjun LI Dunpeng +1 位作者 WANG Yufang MA Yinsheng 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期76-92,共17页
The Weihe Graben is not only an important Cenozoic fault basin in China but also a significant active seismic zone. The Huashan piedmont fault is an important active fault on the southeast side of the Weihe Graben and... The Weihe Graben is not only an important Cenozoic fault basin in China but also a significant active seismic zone. The Huashan piedmont fault is an important active fault on the southeast side of the Weihe Graben and has been highly active since the Cenozoic. The well–known Great Huaxian County Earthquake of 1556 occurred on the Huashan piedmont fault. This earthquake, which claimed the lives of approximately 830000 people, is one of the few large earthquakes known to have occurred on a high–angle normal fault. The Huashan piedmont fault is a typical active normal fault that can be used to study tectonic activity and the associated hazards. In this study, the types and characteristics of late Quaternary deformation along this fault are discussed from geological investigations, historical research and comprehensive analysis. On the basis of its characteristics and activity, the fault can be divided into three sections, namely eastern, central and western. The eastern and western sections display normal slip. Intense deformation has occurred along the two sections during the Quaternary; however, no deformation has occurred during the Holocene. The central section has experienced significant high–angle normal fault activity during the Quaternary, including the Holocene. Holocene alluvial fans and loess cut by the fault have been identified at the mouths of many stream valleys of the Huashan Mountains along the central section of the Huashan piedmont fault zone. Of the three sections of the Huashan piedmont fault, the central section is the most active and was very active during the late Quaternary. The rate of normal dip–slip was 1.67–2.71±0.11 mm/a in the Holocene and 0.61±0.15 mm/a during the Mid–Late Pleistocene. As is typical of normal faults, the late Quaternary activity of the Huashan piedmont fault has produced a set of disasters, which include frequent earthquakes, collapses, landslides, mudslides and ground fissures. Ground fissures mainly occur on the hanging–wall of the Huashan piedmont fault, with landslides, collapses and mudslides occurring on the footwall. 展开更多
关键词 Weihe graben Huashan piedmont fault late Quaternary fault–related hazards normal fault
Crustal thickness and v_P/v_S ratio in Shanxi Graben, China 被引量:5
作者 Yutao Shi Yuan Gao Honglin Jing 《Earthquake Science》 2014年第6期589-597,共9页
Shanxi Graben is in the middle part of the North China Craton, from south to north. With the teleseismic data recorded by Regional Seismograph Networks and the temporary ZBnet-W Seismic Array around east part of Shanx... Shanxi Graben is in the middle part of the North China Craton, from south to north. With the teleseismic data recorded by Regional Seismograph Networks and the temporary ZBnet-W Seismic Array around east part of Shanxi Graben, we measured the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio beneath each station using the H-K stack of receiver functions. The observed crustal thickness shows obvious lateral variation, increasing gradually from east to west in the Shanxi Graben. Beneath the Shanxi Graben the crust is relatively thicker than both sides of the south and the north. In addition, the Vp/Vs ratio in the north of study zone is higher than that in the south. The highest Vp/Vs ratio exists in the crust of the Xinding basin and the Datong basin. Our study also suggests that high velocity ratio might result from the strong activities of the magmation and volcanism. 展开更多
关键词 Shanxi graben North China Craton (NCC) Receiver function Crustal thickness - Crustal Vp/Vs ratio
Depositional Sequences of Yitong Graben (Eastern China) and Its Response to Transform-Extensional Processes 被引量:1
作者 Lu Yongchao Ren Jianye Li Sitian Chen Ping Ye Hongpo Faculty of Earth Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074 Cui Xuezhou Li Bencai Institute of Exploration and Development of Jilin Oil Field, Fuyu 131200 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第2期80-87,共8页
The Yitong graben is located in the northeastern segment of the Tertiary rift system in East China. The graben is bounded by a steep dipping transform fault on the northwestern side and subparallel normal faults on t... The Yitong graben is located in the northeastern segment of the Tertiary rift system in East China. The graben is bounded by a steep dipping transform fault on the northwestern side and subparallel normal faults on the southeastern side, with very thick marginal fan complexes indicating syntectonic sedimentation. The graben is infilled with Tertiary sediments up to 6 000 m thick, in which a series of different scaled hiatuses and tectonic inversion events have been discerned during hydrocarbon exploration. According to regional and local conformities, the basin infill may be divided into three tectonic sequences, among which the major sequence TS2 is further subdivided into three sequence sets and fourteen subsequences. Based on the sequence stratigraphic framework, depositional system tracts which are characterized by marginal fan complexes on both sides of basin and deep or shallow lacustrine deposits in the central part are reconstructed. The subsidence curves show that the graben had undergone several rapid subsidence episodes, which is interpreted to have been caused by multiple stretching of the lithosphere. Integrative analysis of the depositional structural features shows that the regional tectonic stress system experienced a transformation from dextral transformational shear through thermal subsidence to sinistral compressional shear with a general extensional setting. Extension and wrenching dominated the graben evolution and affected the depositional style in different evolutionary stages, the spatial configuration of depositional system and its relationship with unconformities. The conclusions have been applied with some successes to studying the reservoir and hydrocarbon source rock distribution and lithologic stratigraphic traps in this basin. 展开更多
关键词 sequence stratigraphic framework depositional system tract tectonic evolution Yitong graben.
Miocene stratigraphic characteristics of Semliki basin in Albertine Graben 被引量:2
作者 YANG Xipu GE Zhunzeng +1 位作者 LIU Jun CHEN Han 《Global Geology》 2019年第1期50-55,共6页
For the purpose of reservoir characterization of oilfields discovered in Albertine Graben, it is necessary to study the regional stratigraphy and sedimentary characteristics. The Semliki outcrops display a complete st... For the purpose of reservoir characterization of oilfields discovered in Albertine Graben, it is necessary to study the regional stratigraphy and sedimentary characteristics. The Semliki outcrops display a complete stratigraphy of Miocene, and the sediments are likely to provide valuable analogues for the reservoirs at Albertine Graben oilfields. The outcrops were observed and described in detail, mainly including lithology, colour, thickness, grain size and sedimentary structure. The sedimentology, depositional environment, climate, reservoir geometries and dimensions were analyzed. The Miocene stratigraphic section of Semliki basin was finally established, with lithology, sedimentary structure, sedimentary cycle, interpretation and climate information on it. It provides an analogy for the reservoir characterization, especially provides a basis for appropriate prediction of reservoir geometries in the field. 展开更多
关键词 MIOCENE Semliki outcrop STRATIGRAPHY SEDIMENT Albertine graben
Dolomitization of the lower cretaceous carbonate reservoir in the Euphrates Graben,Syria 被引量:1
作者 Yousef Ibrahem V.P.Morozov V.Sudakov 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1342-1356,共15页
Results of this study are based on core materials description,thin sections,Cathodoluminescence(CL),and Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM)examinations.The Lower Cretaceous over the Euphrates Graben area was characteriz... Results of this study are based on core materials description,thin sections,Cathodoluminescence(CL),and Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM)examinations.The Lower Cretaceous over the Euphrates Graben area was characterized by carbonate sedimentation in shallow marine environments.The low energy lagoonal to inner shelf sediments of the Judea Formation includes micritic mudstone to wackestone texture,dolomitic limestones and dolostones.Two types of dolomites recognized in the carbonates of the Judea Formation,the preserving microcrystalline dolomites which commonly founded in the partially dolomitized micritic limestones,and the destructive coarsely crystalline dolomites which commonly founded in the dolostones and dolomitic limestones.Petrographic examinations indicate that the preserving microcrystalline dolomites represent subtidal cycles developed in a shoal to open marine depositional environments,they probably formed under conditions of the shallow burial diagenesis.The destructive coarsely crystalline dolomites may develop in more basinward,open marine environments under conditions of the deep burial diagenesis that accompanied by rising in temperature,pressure,and burial depth.It is believed that evolution of the diagenetic history of the Judean Formation sediments occurred in two diagenetic stages;the shallow burial diagenesis,and the deep burial diagenesis.Compaction processes,early fracturing,micritization,early calcite,and the early phase of dolomitization were part of the multiple diagenetic alterations during the shallow burial diagenesis.The deep burial diagenesis was marked by dissolution,late stage of dolomitization and replacement,mechanical and chemical compaction,and the late calcite precipitation.It is believed that dolomitization of the Judea Formation carbonates in the Euphrates Graben has contributed to improving the reservoir properties by increasing the porosity and thus the permeability. 展开更多
One Dimensional Evolution Modeling of Source Rocks in the Chaluhe Basin, Yitong Graben 被引量:1
作者 Obed Kweku Agbadze Jiaren Ye Qiang Cao 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2016年第8期1029-1048,共20页
Chaluhe Basin is in Jilin Province of China with a cumulative sedimentary rock thickness of about 6000 meters and has four subdivisions: Wanchang Structural High, Bo-Tai Sag, Xinanpu Sag, Liangjia Structure High and t... Chaluhe Basin is in Jilin Province of China with a cumulative sedimentary rock thickness of about 6000 meters and has four subdivisions: Wanchang Structural High, Bo-Tai Sag, Xinanpu Sag, Liangjia Structure High and the Gudian Slope. The basin with its better source rock distribution and more favorable maturation indicators than the adjacent Moliqing and Luxiang Basins is expected to be a potential hydrocarbon-producing basin. Four (4) wells were used in determining the maturation hydrocarbon generating potential of the mudstone beds present in the Eocene Formations (Shuangyang, Sheling and Yongji). Obtained result revealed heat flow average of 71.8 mW/m<sup>2</sup>, oil generation between 3.15 mg/g TOC and 39.49 mg/g TOC with gas generation of 6.98 mg/g TOC to 92.83 mg/g TOC. In conclusion the Eocene Shuangyang mudstone is the main petroleum source rock. 展开更多
关键词 PETROPHYSICS PETROCHEMICALS Hydrocarbons Eocene Mudstone Chaluhe Basin Yitong graben
Application of Multi-well Subsidence Analysis of the Beryl Embayment,Viking Graben,Northern North Sea
作者 DOU Lirong Jon D. TURNER Roger A. SCRUTTON 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期693-704,共12页
The Beryl Embayment is situated at the south end of the North Viking Graben in the North Sea. Three sets of normal faults, with N-S, NW-SE and NE-SW orientations, have been recognized in the Beryl Embayment. High-reso... The Beryl Embayment is situated at the south end of the North Viking Graben in the North Sea. Three sets of normal faults, with N-S, NW-SE and NE-SW orientations, have been recognized in the Beryl Embayment. High-resolution subsidence analysis of 73 wells, combined with some seismic data, has been used to document Middle to Late Jurassic subsidence patterns in this area. The high temporal resolution achieved (1 to 2 million years per data point) has also allowed an assessment to be made of temporal evolution of faults with different orientations, and a study made of how and when the East Shetland Fault was linked and controlled sedimentary facies distributions. The results indicate that the East Shetland Fault can be divided into northern and southern parts which were linked together during the Early-Mid Oxfordian. The Mid-Late Jurassic syn-rift phase can be divided into four stages: minor active extension stage during the Bathonian-Middle Callovian, early syn-rotational stage during the Late Callovian-Early-Mid Oxfordian, syn-rotational climax stage during the Late Oxfordian-Early Volgian, and late syn-rotational stage during the Mid-Late Volgian. The results also show that there was a sequential variation of extension direction of active normal faults with different orientations, with an overall shift in the dominant orientation of active normal faults from N-S in the Bathonian-Middle Oxfordian, through NNW-SSE in the Late Oxfordian-Early Volgian (≈N30°E), to NW-SE (≈N45°E) in the Mid-Late Volgian. 展开更多
关键词 high-resolution subsidence analysis normal fault rift basin Beryl Embayment Viking graben
Anomalous Geomagnetic Field Modeling for Crustal Structure of a Graben in West Siberia 被引量:1
作者 Nikolay Pavlovich Kostrov Kirill Svjatoslavich Ivanov 《Open Journal of Geology》 2018年第3期232-246,共15页
An intensive magnetic anomaly within the limits of West Siberia Danilov graben-rift indicates magnetic rocks while numerous wells encountered only weakly magnetized Triassic basalts and liparites in the basement cover... An intensive magnetic anomaly within the limits of West Siberia Danilov graben-rift indicates magnetic rocks while numerous wells encountered only weakly magnetized Triassic basalts and liparites in the basement covered by thick loose Jurassic and younger sediments. The wells penetrated only the first tens meters of the basement and could not tell us about the liparites structure at depth where supposedly they may form a big single body and magnetic rocks may be situated deeper. Geological ideas on a graben-rift structure may be proved (or rejected) by a computer modeling of its magnetic properties. For the anomalous geomagnetic field interpretation, a method of volume integral equations taking into account demagnetization effect was employed. To fit a model a trial-and-error procedure was utilized. The results show that 1) at the depth some rocks are magnetized in opposite direction to the present field;2) highly magnetized rocks (magnetic susceptibility 0.06 - 0.1SI) coming up continuously from the bottom of the model and situated under the graben;3) the studied structure is not a graben but the rift because the continental light crust is absent. 展开更多
关键词 graben-Rift GEOMAGNETIC ANOMALY Modeling Integral Equation Interpretation
Geometric and Dynamical Characteristics of Sequences in Yitong Graben
作者 Xie Xinong Sun Yongchuan(Deparment of Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan430074)Ding Zhengyan Lin Yanzong(Jinn Oilfield Administrative Bureau, Fuyu 131200) 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期65-70,共6页
Yitong graben belongs to the north segment of the Tanlu fault belt .It was infilled with Eogene, Neogene and Quaternary clastic deposits, each Of them represents a distinct tectonic sequence.Six types of systems ass... Yitong graben belongs to the north segment of the Tanlu fault belt .It was infilled with Eogene, Neogene and Quaternary clastic deposits, each Of them represents a distinct tectonic sequence.Six types of systems association characteristics of distinct depositional systems and spatial disposition are identified in different evolutionary period of the graben.Sequence Stratigraphic framework of the graben is mainly controlled by structural framework,tectonic movement, sources supply, expanding and contracting cycle of lake, position of depositional center. The key factors are structural framework and tectonic movemeat.Through systematic analysis Of regional tectonic settings, it is recognized that Eogene tectonic sequence of Yitong graben was formed under tenso-shear regime. It includes four sequences indicating four tectonic events attributed to tectonic movement of marginal faults.Neogene tectonic sequence was formed under compresso-shear regime, which includes coarse clastic deposits with a thicknessof 0-500m.Pattern of in the Yitong graben indicates the asymmetrical subsisence of marginal faults along two sides and the complicated structural framework. 展开更多
关键词 SeqUence stratigraphy sequence stratigraphic framework geometry of sequence dynamics Of sequence Yitong graben.
Two Dimensional Evolution Modeling of Source Rocks in the Chaluhe Basin, Yitong Graben
作者 Obed Kweku Agbadze Jiaren Ye Qiang Cao 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2017年第6期801-810,共10页
Yitong Graben in Jilin Province of China, hosts three basins, namely: Chaluhe, Luxiang and Moliqing basins. The Chaluhe basin, as the focal point of this study has five subdivisions, thus, Bo-Tai sag, Wanchang Structu... Yitong Graben in Jilin Province of China, hosts three basins, namely: Chaluhe, Luxiang and Moliqing basins. The Chaluhe basin, as the focal point of this study has five subdivisions, thus, Bo-Tai sag, Wanchang Structural high, Liangjia Structure high Xinanpu sag, and the Gudian slope, with a cumulative sedimentary rock thickness of about 6000 metres. The basin is supposed to be a potential hydrocarbon-producing basin with its better source rock distribution and more favorable maturation indicators than the adjacent Luxiang and Moliqing Basin. Determining whether the mudstone beds present in the Eocene Formations are matured enough to generate hydrocarbons, three (3) wells with Seismic Lines (clh02, clh05 and clh07) were used for the study. It is observed that the entire region from NW to SE in the source rocks is mature to produce oil and gas. At depths of about 2400 m and below show good maturity with vitrinite reflectance values averaging 1.02% Ro. The Eocene Shuangyang mudstone is the main petroleum source rock. 展开更多
关键词 PETROPHYSICS PETROCHEMICALS Hydrocarbons Eocene MUDSTONE Chaluhe BASIN Yitong graben
Control of relay structure on mineralization of sedimentary-exhalative ore deposit in growth faults of graben systems 被引量:1
作者 奚小双 汤静如 +1 位作者 孔华 何绍勋 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2005年第3期340-345,共6页
Based on the study of ore deposits and orebody structures of two sedimentary-exhalative ore deposits, i.e., Changba and Xitieshan Ore Deposits, it is found that the structural patterns of metallogenic basin of seafloo... Based on the study of ore deposits and orebody structures of two sedimentary-exhalative ore deposits, i.e., Changba and Xitieshan Ore Deposits, it is found that the structural patterns of metallogenic basin of seafloor exhalative sulfide deposits in the ancient graben systems are controlled by relay structures in normal faults. The shapes of metallogenic basins are composed of tilting ramp, fault-tip ramp and relay ramp, which dominate migration of gravity current of ore-hosted fluid and shape of orebody sedimentary fan in the ramp. By measuring and comparing the difference of length-to-thickness ratios of orebody sedimentary fan, the result shows that the occurrence of the ramp has a remarkable impact on the shape of orebody. 展开更多
关键词 矿床 继电器 正断层 盆地
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