Many locations with concentrated hydrates at vents have confirmed the presence of abundant thermogenic gas in the middle of the Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).However,the impact of deep structures on gasbearing fluids migra...Many locations with concentrated hydrates at vents have confirmed the presence of abundant thermogenic gas in the middle of the Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).However,the impact of deep structures on gasbearing fluids migration and gas hydrates distribution in tectonically inactive regions is still unclear.In this study,the authors apply high-resolution 3D seismic and logging while drilling(LWD)data from the middle of the QDNB to investigate the influence of deep-large faults on gas chimneys and preferred gasescape pipes.The findings reveal the following:(1)Two significant deep-large faults,F1 and F2,developed on the edge of the Songnan Low Uplift,control the dominant migration of thermogenic hydrocarbons and determine the initial locations of gas chimneys.(2)The formation of gas chimneys is likely related to fault activation and reactivation.Gas chimney 1 is primarily arises from convergent fluid migration resulting from the intersection of the two faults,while the gas chimney 2 benefits from a steeper fault plane and shorter migration distance of fault F2.(3)Most gas-escape pipes are situated near the apex of the two faults.Their reactivations facilitate free gas flow into the GHSZ and contribute to the formation of fracture‐filling hydrates.展开更多
Based on high-resolution 3D seismic data acquired in the Pearl(Zhujiang)River Mouth Basin of the northern South China Sea,this study investigated the geometry,spatial extension,and throw distribution of the post-rift ...Based on high-resolution 3D seismic data acquired in the Pearl(Zhujiang)River Mouth Basin of the northern South China Sea,this study investigated the geometry,spatial extension,and throw distribution of the post-rift normal fault through detailed seismic interpretation and fault modeling.A total of 289 post-rift normal faults were identified in the study area and can be classified into four types:(1)isolated normal faults above the carbonate platform;(2)isolated normal faults cutting through the carbonate platform;(3)conjugate normal faults,and(4)connecting normal faults.Throw distribution analysis on the fault planes show that the vertical throw profiles of most normal fault exhibit flat-topped profiles.Isolated normal faults above the carbonate platform exhibit roughly concentric ellipses with maximum throw zones in the central section whereas the normal faults cutting through the carbonate platform miss the lowermost section due to the chaotic seismic reflections in the interior of the carbonate platform.The vertical throws of conjugate normal faults anomalously decrease toward their intersection region on the fault plane whereas the connecting normal faults present two maximum throw zones in the central section of the fault plane.According to the symmetric elliptical distribution model of fault throw,an estimation was made indicating that normal faults cutting through the carbonate platform extended downward between-1308 s and-1780 s(two-way travel time)in depth and may not penetrate the entire Liuhua carbonate platform.Moreover,it is observed that the distribution of karst caves on the top of the carbonate platform disaccord with those of hydrocarbon reservoirs and the post-rift normal faults cutting through the carbonate platform in the study area.We propose that these karst caves formed most probably by corrosive fluids derived from magmatic activities during the Dongsha event,rather than pore waters or hydrocarbons.展开更多
The study of new seismic data permits the identification of sediment gravity flows in terms of internal architecture and the distribution on shelf and abyssal setting in the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB). Six gravity fl...The study of new seismic data permits the identification of sediment gravity flows in terms of internal architecture and the distribution on shelf and abyssal setting in the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB). Six gravity flow types are recognized: (1) turbidite channels with a truncational basal and concordant overburden relationship along the shelf edge and slope, comprising laterally-shifting and vertically-aggrading channel complexes; (2) slides with a spoon-shaped morphology slip steps on the shelf-break and generated from the deformation of poorly-consolidated and high water content sediments; (3) slumps are limited on the shelf slope, triggered either by an anomalous slope gradient or by fault activity; (4) turbidite sheet complexes (TSC) were ascribed to the basin-floor fan and slope fan origin, occasionally feeding the deep marine deposits by turbidity currents; (5) sediment waves occurring in the lower slope-basin floor, and covering an area of approximately 400 km2, were generated beneath currents flowing across the sea bed; and (6) the central canyon in the deep water area represents an exceptive type of gravity flow composed of an association of debris flow, turbidite channels, and TSC. It presents planar multisegment and vertical multiphase characteristics. Turbidite associated with good petrophysical property in the canyon could be treated as a potential exploration target in the QDNB.展开更多
Coals developed in the Oligocene Yacheng and Lingshui formations in the Qiongdongnan Basin have high organic matter abundance, and the dark mudstones in the two formations have reached a good source rock standard but ...Coals developed in the Oligocene Yacheng and Lingshui formations in the Qiongdongnan Basin have high organic matter abundance, and the dark mudstones in the two formations have reached a good source rock standard but with strong heterogeneity. Through the analysis of trace elements, organic macerals and biomarkers, it is indicated that plankton has made little contribution to Oligocene source rocks compared with the terrestrial higher plants. The organic matter preservation depends on hydrodynamics and the redox environment, and the former is the major factor in the study area. During the sedimentary period of the Yacheng Formation, tidal flats were developed in the central uplift zone, where the hydrodynamic conditions were weak and the input of terrestrial organic matter was abundant. So the Yacheng Salient of the central uplift zone is the most favorable area for the development of source rocks, followed by the central depression zone. During the sedimentary period of the Lingshui Formation, the organic matter input was sufficient in the central depression zone due to multiple sources of sediments. The semi-enclosed environment was favorable for organic matter accumulation, so high quality source rocks could be easily formed in this area, followed by the Yacheng salient of central uplift zone. Source rocks were less developed in the northern depression zone owing to poor preservation conditions,展开更多
The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geody...The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geodynamics during the multi-plate convergence in the Cenozoic.Several Cenozoic basins formed in the northern margin of the SCS,which preserve the sedimentary tectonic records of the opening of the SCS.Due to the spatial non-uniformity among different basins,a systematic study on the various basins in the northern margin of the SCS constituting the Northern Cenozoic Basin Group(NCBG) is essential.Here we present results from a detailed evaluation of the spatial-temporal migration of the boundary faults and primary unconformities to unravel the mechanism of formation of the NCBG.The NCBG is composed of the Beibu Gulf Basin(BBGB),Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB),Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB) and Taixinan Basin(TXNB).Based on seismic profiles and gravity-magnetic anomalies,we confirm that the NE-striking onshore boundary faults propagated into the northern margin of the SCS.Combining the fault slip rate,fault combination and a comparison of the unconformities in different basins,we identify NE-striking rift composed of two-stage rifting events in the NCBG:an early-stage rifting(from the Paleocene to the Early Oligocene) and a late-stage rifting(from the Late Eocene to the beginning of the Miocene).Spatially only the late-stage faults occurs in the western part of the NCBG(the BBGB,the QDNB and the western PRMB),but the early-stage rifting is distributed in the whole NCBG.Temporally,the early-stage rifting can be subdivided into three phases which show an eastward migration,resulting in the same trend of the primary unconformities and peak faulting within the NCBG.The late-stage rifting is subdivided into two phases,which took place simultaneously in different basins.The first and second phase of the early-stage rifting is related to back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.The third phase of the earlystage rifting resulted from the joint effect of slab-pull force due to southward subduction of the proto-SCS and the back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.In addition,the first phase of the late-stage faulting corresponds with the combined effect of the post-collision extension along the Red River Fault and slab-pull force of the proto-SCS subduction.The second phase of the late-stage faulting fits well with the sinistral faulting of the Red River Fault in response to the Indochina Block escape tectonics and the slab-pull force of the proto-SCS.展开更多
It is a very difficult problem to directly determine fluid pressure duringhydrocarbon migration and accumulation in sedimentary basins. pVt modeling of coupling hydrocarbonfluid inclusion of its coeval aqueous fluid i...It is a very difficult problem to directly determine fluid pressure duringhydrocarbon migration and accumulation in sedimentary basins. pVt modeling of coupling hydrocarbonfluid inclusion of its coeval aqueous fluid inclusion provides a powerful tool for establishing therelationship of formation pressure evolution with time. Homogenization temperature of fluidinclusion can routinely be measured under microthermometric microscopy. Crushing technique has beenemployed to obtain the composition of fluid inclusions, and the commercial software VTFLINC easilyand rapidly completes the construction of p-t phase diagram. The minimum trapping pressure ofhydrocarbon fluid inclusion would be then determined in the p-t space. In this paper, three samplesof YC21-1-1 and YC21-1-4 wells at YC21-1 structural closure, Qiongdongnan basin, South China Sea,were selected for the pVt modeling practice, and the formation pressure coefficient (equals to fluidpressure/hydrostatic pressure) changing trend with time has primarily been established. Themodeling results also indicate that the reservoirs of Ling-shui and Yacheng formations in YC21-1structure are within a very high potential system and would have undergone a discharging of thermalfluids through top seal rupture, which depicts that there is a very high risk for natural gasexploration in this area.展开更多
The Taixinan Basin is one of the most potential gas hydrate bearing areas in the South China Sea and abundant gas hydrates have been discovered during expedition in 2013. In this study, geochemical and microbial metho...The Taixinan Basin is one of the most potential gas hydrate bearing areas in the South China Sea and abundant gas hydrates have been discovered during expedition in 2013. In this study, geochemical and microbial methods are combinedly used to characterize the sediments from a shallow piston Core DH_CL_11(gas hydrate free) and a gas hydrate-bearing drilling Core GMGS2-16 in this basin. Geochemical analyses indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM) which is speculated to be linked to the ongoing gas hydrate dissociation is taking place in Core DH_CL_11 at deep. For Core GMGS2-16, AOM related to past episodes of methane seepage are suggested to dominate during its diagenetic process; while the relatively enriched δ18O bulk-sediment values indicate that methane involved in AOM might be released from the "episodic dissociation" of gas hydrate.Microbial analyses indicate that the predominant phyla in the bacterial communities are Firmicutes and Proteobacteria(Gammaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria), while the dominant taxa in the archaeal communities are Marine_Benthic_Group_B(MBGB), Halobacteria, Thermoplasmata, Methanobacteria,Methanomicrobia, Group C3 and MCG. Under parallel experimental operations, comparable dominant members(Firmicutes and MBGB) are found in the piston Core DH_CL_11 and the near surface layer of the long drilling Core GMGS2-16. Moreover, these members have been found predominant in other known gas hydrate bearing cores, and the dominant of MBGB has even been found significantly related to gas hydrate occurrence. Therefore,a high possibility for the existing of gas hydrate underlying Core DH_CL_11 is inferred, which is consistent with the geochemical analyses. In all, combined geochemical and microbiological analyses are more informative in characterizing sediments from gas hydrate-associated areas in the South China Sea.展开更多
Quantitative studies on the extension and subsidence of the Wanan Basin were carried out based on available seismic and borehole data together with regional geological data. Using balanced cross-section and backstripp...Quantitative studies on the extension and subsidence of the Wanan Basin were carried out based on available seismic and borehole data together with regional geological data. Using balanced cross-section and backstripping techniques, we reconstructed the stratigraphic deposition and tectonic evolution histories of the basin. The basin formed from the Eocene and was generally in an extensional/transtensional state except for the Late Miocene local compressoin. The major basin extension ocurred in the Oligocene and Early Miocene (before -16.3 Ma) and thereafter uniform stretch in a smaller rate. The northern and middle basin extended intensely earlier during 38.6-23.3 Ma, while the southern basin was mainly stretched during 23.3-16.3 Ma. The basin formation and development are related to alternating sinistral to dextral strike-slip motions along the Wanan Fault Zone. The dominant dynamics may be caused by the seafloor spreading of the South China Sea and the its peripheral plate interaction. The basin tectonic evolution is divided into five phases: initial rifting, main rifting, rift-drift transition, structural inversion, and thermal subsidence.展开更多
The Beikang Basin is located in the southern part of the South China Sea(SCS),which is one of most tectonically complex sea areas.It is a deepwater sedimentary basin that was mainly deposited during the Cenozoic era.O...The Beikang Basin is located in the southern part of the South China Sea(SCS),which is one of most tectonically complex sea areas.It is a deepwater sedimentary basin that was mainly deposited during the Cenozoic era.Owing to data restrictions,the research on carbonate platforms of this area is still in its infancy.High-resolution seismic data are analyzed to identify the Miocene carbonate platforms and reconstruct the architecture and growth history.The carbonate platforms of Beikang Basin began to develop in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene,were extended in the Middle Miocene,and declined in the Late Miocene.The carbonate platform mainly developed during two periods:the Oligocene to the Early Miocene,and the Middle Miocene.The carbonate platforms that developed in the Middle Miocene were the most prosperous.The Middle Miocene carbonate platform in the Beikang Basin can be divided into three stages.In the first stage,the platforms had wide range which were thin.During the second stage,the platforms had a smaller range that was controlled by faults.In the third stage,the platforms were gradually submerged.The platform structure developed in the Middle Miocene at the Beikang Basin was controlled by the rate of rising/falling of the sea level and the carbonate growth rate.Based on an analysis of these changes and relationship,the platform can be divided into several patterns:retrogradation,submerged,aggradation,progradation,outward with up-stepping,outward with down-stepping,and down-stepping platforms.At the top of the carbonate platforms in the Beikang Basin a set of carbonate wings or mushrooms usually appeared.These were formed during a period of relative sea-level decline.It is believed that the Miocene carbonate platforms in the Beikang Basin are mainly controlled by tectonic and sedimentary environments,and are also affected by terrestrial detritus.展开更多
Overpressure in deepwater basins not only causes serious soft sediment deformation, but also significantly affects the safety of drilling operations. Therefore, prediction of overpressure in sediments has become an im...Overpressure in deepwater basins not only causes serious soft sediment deformation, but also significantly affects the safety of drilling operations. Therefore, prediction of overpressure in sediments has become an important task in deepwater oil exploration and development. In this study, we analyze the drilling data from ODP Leg 184 Sites 1144, 1146, and 1148, and IODP Leg 349 Sites U1431, U1432, U1433, and U1435 to study the sediment compaction and controls in the northern South China Sea. Sedimentation rate, sediment content, distribution area, and buried depth are the factors that influence sediment compaction in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea. Among these factors, the sediment content is the most important. The fitted normal compacted coefficients and mudline porosity for an interval of 50 m shows disciplinary variation versus depth. The pore pressure predicted from different fitted results shows varying overpressure situations. The normal compaction trend from Site 1144 reflects the porosity variation trend in stable deposition basins in the northern South China Sea. The predicted pore pressure shows overpressure at Site 1144, which is attributed to compaction disequilibrium. Nevertheless, the mixed lithology column may influence the predicted overpressure at Site 1148, which is responsible for the confusing result. Above all, we find that sediment compaction should serve as a proxy for pore pressure in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea.展开更多
Layer-block tectonics (LBT) concept, with the core of pluralistic geodynamic outlook and multilayer-sliding tectonic outlook, is one of new keys to study 3-dimensional solid and its 4-dimensional evolution history o...Layer-block tectonics (LBT) concept, with the core of pluralistic geodynamic outlook and multilayer-sliding tectonic outlook, is one of new keys to study 3-dimensional solid and its 4-dimensional evolution history of global tectonic system controlled by global geodynamics system. The LBT concept is applied to study the lithospheric tectonics of the southern South China Sea (SCS). Based on the analysis of about 30 000 km of geophysical and geological data, some layer-blocks in the Nansha micro-plate can be divided as Nansha ultra-crustal layer-block, Zengmu crustal layer-block, Nanwei (Rifleman bank)-Andu (Ardasier bank) and Liyue (Reed bank) North Palawan crustal layer-blocks, Andu-Bisheng and Liyue-Banyue basemental layer-blocks. The basic characteristics of the basemental layer-blocks have been dicussed, and three intra-plate basin groups are identified. The intra-plate basins within Nansha micro-plate can be divided into three basin groups of Nanwei- Andu, Feixin-Nanhua, and Liyue-North Palawan based on the different geodynamics. In the light of pluralistic geodynamic concept, the upheaving force induced by the mid-crust plastic layer is proposed as the main dynamical force which causes the formation of the intra-plate basins within the Nansha micro-plate. Finally, models of a face-to-face dip-slip detachment of basemental layerblock and a unilateral dip-slip-detachment of basemental layer-block are put forward for the forming mechanisms of the Nanwei Andu and Liyue-North Palawan intra-plate basin groups, respectively.展开更多
In the present study,the coal-rock organic facies of Oligocene Yacheng Formation of the marginal basin in the South China Sea were classified and divided.In addition,through the correlations of the large-scale coal-be...In the present study,the coal-rock organic facies of Oligocene Yacheng Formation of the marginal basin in the South China Sea were classified and divided.In addition,through the correlations of the large-scale coal-bearing basins between the epicontinental sea and the South China Sea,it was concluded that the coal forming activities in the South China Sea presented particularity and complexity.Furthermore,the coal forming mechanisms also presented distinctiveness.The marginal basins in the South China Sea consist of several large and complex rift or depression basins,which are distributed at different tectonic positions in the South China Sea.Therefore,the marginal basins in the South China Sea are not simple traditional units with onshore continental slopes extending toward the deep sea.The marginal basins are known to consist of multi-level structures and distinctive types of basins which differ from the continental regions to the sea.During the Oligocene,the existing luxuriant plants and beneficial conditions assisted in the development of peat.Therefore,the Oligocene was the significant period for the formation and aggregation of the peat.However,the peat did not form in unified sedimentary dynamic fields,but instead displayed multi-level geographical units,multiple provenance areas,instability,and nonevent characteristics.As a result,the marginal basins in the South China Sea are characterized by non-uniform peat aggregation stages.In another words,the majority of the peat had entered the marine system in a dispersive manner and acted as part of the marine deposits,rather than during one or several suitable coal-forming stages.These peat deposits then became the main material source for hydrocarbon generation in all of the marginal basins of the South China Sea.The study will be of much significance for the hydrocarbon exploration in the marginal basins of the South China Sea.展开更多
Deep hot mantle upwelling is widely revealed around the Qiongdongnan Basin on the northwestern South China Sea margin. However, when and how it influenced the hyper-extended basin is unclear.To resolve these issues, a...Deep hot mantle upwelling is widely revealed around the Qiongdongnan Basin on the northwestern South China Sea margin. However, when and how it influenced the hyper-extended basin is unclear.To resolve these issues, a detailed analysis of the Cenozoic time-varying residual subsidence derived by subtracting the predicted subsidence from the backstripped subsidence was performed along a new seismic reflection line in the western Qiongdongnan Basin. For the first time, a method is proposed to calculate the time-varying strain rates constrained by the faults growth rates, on basis of which, the predicted basement subsidence is obtained with a basin-and lithosphere-scale coupled finite extension model, and the backstripped subsidence is accurately recovered with a modified technique of backstripping to eliminate the effects of later episodes of rifting on earlier sediment thickness. Results show no residual subsidence in 45–28.4 Ma. But after 28.4 Ma, negative residual subsidence occurred, reached and remained ca. -1000 m during 23–11.6 Ma, and reduced dramatically after 11.6 Ma. In the syn-rift period(45–23 Ma), the residual subsidence is ca. -1000 m, however in the post-rift period(23–0 Ma),it is positive of ca. 300 to 1300 m increasing southeastwards. These results suggest that the syn-rift subsidence deficit commenced at 28.4 Ma, while the post-rift excess subsidence occurred after 11.6 Ma.Combined with previous studies, it is inferred that the opposite residual subsidence in the syn-and post-rift periods with similar large wavelengths(>10^(2) km) and km-scale amplitudes are the results of transient dynamic topography induced by deep mantle upwelling beneath the central QDNB, which started to influence the basin at ca. 28.4 Ma, continued into the Middle Miocene, and decayed at ca.11.6 Ma. The initial mantle upwelling with significant dynamic uplift had precipitated considerable continental extension and faulting in the Late Oligocene(28.4–23 Ma). After ca. 11.6 Ma, strong mantle upwelling probably occurred beneath the Leizhou–Hainan area to form vast basaltic lava flow.展开更多
The Hanjiang Formation of Langhian age (middle Miocene) in the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), South China Sea consists of deltaic siliciclastic and neritic shelf carbonate rhythmic alternations, which form one of...The Hanjiang Formation of Langhian age (middle Miocene) in the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), South China Sea consists of deltaic siliciclastic and neritic shelf carbonate rhythmic alternations, which form one of the potential reservoirs of the basin. To improve stratigraphic resolutions for hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration in the basin, the present study undertakes spectral analysis of high-resolution natural gamma-ray (NGR) well-logging record to determine the dominant frequency components and test whether Milankovitch orbital signals are recorded in rhythmic successions. Analytical results indicate the orbital cycles of precession (~19 ka and ~23 ka), obliquity (-41 ka), and eccentricity (~100 ka and --405 ka), which provide the strong evidence for astronomically driven climate changes in the rhythmic alternation successions. Within biochronological constraint, a high-resolution astronomical timescale was constructed through the astronomical tuning of the NGR record to recent astronomically calculated variation of Earth's orbit. The astronomically tuned timescale can be applied to calculate astronomical ages for the geological events and bioevents recognized throughout the period. The first downhole occurrences of foraminifers Globorotalia peripheroronda and Globigerinoides sicanus are dated at 14.546 Ma and 14.919 Ma, respectively, which are slightly different from earlier estimates in the South China Sea. When compared with the global sea-level change chart, the astronomical estimate for the sequences recognized based on microfossil distributions have the same end time but the different initiation time. This is probably due to the local or regional tectonic activities superimposed on eustatic rise which postponed the effect of global sea-level rising. Astronomical timescale also resolves the depositional evolution history for the Langhian Stage (middle Miocene) with a variation that strongly resembles that of Earth's orbital eccentricity predicted from 13.65 Ma to 15.97 Ma. We infer that the main factor controlling the variability of the sedimentation rate in the Hanjiang Formation is related to the ^-405-ka-period eccentricity.展开更多
This paper propounds that the origin and evolution of the Southwet Basin (SWB) in the South China Sea (SCSh) are closely related with those of the SCS, reviews various viewpoints on its origin age with a large gap bet...This paper propounds that the origin and evolution of the Southwet Basin (SWB) in the South China Sea (SCSh) are closely related with those of the SCS, reviews various viewpoints on its origin age with a large gap between the oldest age and the youngest age. offers some suggestions on the SWB’s origin age and gives some proposals to ascertain satisfactorily the origin and evolution, and multi-phasal and multiaxial spreading of the SCS and SWB.展开更多
Hydrocarbon resources in the Qiongdongnan Basin have become an important exploration target in China.However,the development of high-quality source rocks in this basin,especially in its deep-water areas,are still not ...Hydrocarbon resources in the Qiongdongnan Basin have become an important exploration target in China.However,the development of high-quality source rocks in this basin,especially in its deep-water areas,are still not fully understood.In this study,evolutions of sedimentary facies and palaeoenvironment and their influences on the development of source rocks in diverse tectonic regions of the Qiongdongnan Basin were investigated.The results show that during the Oligocene and to Miocene periods,the sedimentary environment of this basin progressively varied from a semi-closed gulf to an open marine environment,which resulted in significant differences in palaeoenvironmental conditions of the water column for various tectonic regions of the basin.In shallow-water areas,the palaeoproductivity and reducibility successively decrease,and the hydrodynamic intensity gradually increases for the water columns of the Yacheng,Lingshui,and Sanya-Meishan strata.In deep-water areas,the water column of the Yacheng and Lingshui strata has a higher palaeoproductivity and a weaker hydrodynamic intensity than that of the Sanya-Meishan strata,while the reducibility gradually increases for the water columns of the Yacheng,Lingshui,and Sanya-Meishan strata.In general,the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the water column are the most favorable to the development of the Yacheng organic-rich source rocks.Meanwhile,the Miocene marine source rocks in the deep-water areas of the Qiongdongnan Basin may also have a certain hydrocarbon potential.The differences in the development models of source rocks in various tectonic regions of continental margin basins should be fully evaluated in the exploration and development of hydrocarbons.展开更多
A rarely reported middle-late Miocene-Pliocene channel(incised valley fill),the Huaguang Channel(HGC),has been found in the deep-water area of the southwestern Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).This channel is almost perpendic...A rarely reported middle-late Miocene-Pliocene channel(incised valley fill),the Huaguang Channel(HGC),has been found in the deep-water area of the southwestern Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).This channel is almost perpendicular to the orientation of another well-known,large,and nearly coeval submarine channel in this area.Based on the interpretation of high-resolution 3D seismic data,this study describes and analyzes the stratigraphy,tectonics,sedimentation,morphology,structure and evolution of HGC by means of well-seismic synthetic calibration,one-and two-dimensional forward modeling,attribute interpretation,tectonic interpretation,and gas detection.The HGC is located on the downthrown side of an earlier activated normal fault and grew northwestward along the fault strike.The channel is part of a slope that extends from the western Huaguang Sag to the eastern Beijiao Uplift.The HGC underwent four developmental stages:the(1)incubation(late Sanya Formation,20.4–15.5 Ma),(2)embryonic(Meishan Formation,15.5–10.5 Ma),(3)peak(Huangliu Formation,10.5–5.5 Ma)and(4)decline(Yinggehai Formation,5.5–1.9 Ma)stages.The channel sandstones have a provenance from the southern Yongle Uplift and filled the channel via multistage vertical amalgamation and lateral migration.The channel extended 42.5 km in an approximately straight pattern in the peak stage.At 10.5 Ma,sea level fell relative to its lowest level,and three oblique progradation turbidite sand bodies filled the channel from south to north.A channel sandstone isopach map demonstrated a narrow distribution in the early stages and a fan-shaped distribution in the late stage.The formation and evolution of the HGC were controlled mainly by background tectonics,fault strike,relative sea level change,and mass supply from the Yongle Uplift.The HGC sandstone reservoir is near the Huaguangjiao Sag,where hydrocarbons were generated.Channel-bounding faults and underlying faults link the source rock with the reservoir.A regionally extensive mudstone caprock overlies the channel sandstone.Two traps likely containing gas were recognized in a structural high upstream of the channel from seismic attenuation anomalies.The HGC will likely become an important oil and gas accumulation setting in the QDNB deep-water area.展开更多
The Yacheng gas field lies in the foot wall of the No. 1 fault, the boundary fault between the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins. An overpressured system developed in the Meishan Formation near the No. 1 fault in the ...The Yacheng gas field lies in the foot wall of the No. 1 fault, the boundary fault between the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins. An overpressured system developed in the Meishan Formation near the No. 1 fault in the gas field and in the adjacent Yinggehai basin. Away from this fault into the Qiongdongnan basin, the overpressure diminishes. Below 3 600 m in the gas field, an obvious thermal anomaly occurs. The gases show obvious compositional heterogeneities which reflect reservoir filling process and origin of the gas field. The gas field was charged from both the Qiongdongnan and the Yinggehai basins but mainly from the former. Hydrocarbons sourced from the Qiongdongnan basin have relatively low maturities while hydrocarbons from the Yinggehai basin have relatively high maturities.展开更多
Mud diapirs are significant structures often associated with hydrocarbon migration and accumulation as well as gas hydrate formation in sedimentary basins.A total of 30 mud diapirs were observed in the northwestern Ze...Mud diapirs are significant structures often associated with hydrocarbon migration and accumulation as well as gas hydrate formation in sedimentary basins.A total of 30 mud diapirs were observed in the northwestern Zengmu Basin in the southern South China Sea based on 2D multichannel seismic data.The structures are distributed along an NW-SE trend near the shelf break of the Kangxi depression in the Zengmu Basin.The mud diapirs were divided into the following according to their vertical shapes,intrusion heights,and effusive activities:tortoise,piercing,and nozzle types,which represent different evolutionary stages of diapirism.The mud diapirs in the study area suggest that the driving forces behind the mud diapirs considerably exceed the rock rupture limit of the overlying strata.Diapir formation can be divided into two steps:the accommodation of a large amount of mud in the Zengmu Basin and the movement of plastic mud induced by gravity-driven flow and regional tectonic compression.Combining seismic interpretations with analyses of the regional geology and tectonic subsidence,the current study proposes that rapid subsidence in the Kangxi depression sufficiently accommodated the vast amount of sediments deposited since the Middle Miocene,which provided favorable conditions for the growth of mud diapirs.Furthermore,the N-S directional stress field in the Zengmu Basin and the gravity slide northward along the southern slope of the depression further facilitated the development of mud diapirs since the late Miocene.The mud diapirs in the southern South China Sea margins were accompanied by the accumulation and release of overpressured fluid.展开更多
The Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB)is one of the most petroliferous basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea.Knowledge of the thermal history of the PRMB is significant for understanding its tectonic evoluti...The Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB)is one of the most petroliferous basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea.Knowledge of the thermal history of the PRMB is significant for understanding its tectonic evolution and for unraveling its poorly studied source-rock maturation history.Our investigations in this study are based on apatite fission-track(AFT)thermochronology analysis of 12 cutting samples from 4 boreholes.Both AFT ages and length data suggested that the PRMB has experienced quite complicated thermal evolution.Thermal history modeling results unraveled four successive events of heating separated by three stages of cooling since the early Middle Eocene.The cooling events occurred approximately in the Late Eocene,early Oligocene,and the Late Miocene,possibly attributed to the Zhuqiong II Event,Nanhai Event,and Dongsha Event,respectively.The erosion amount during the first cooling stage is roughly estimated to be about 455-712 m,with an erosion rate of 0.08-0.12 mm/a.The second erosion-driven cooling is stronger than the first one,with an erosion amount of about 747-814 m and an erosion rate between about 0.13-0.21 mm/a.The erosion amount calculated related to the third cooling event varies from 800 m to 3419 m,which is speculative due to the possible influence of the magmatic activity.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42376221,42276083)Director Research Fund Project of Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey(2023GMGSJZJJ00030)+2 种基金National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFC2800901)Guangdong Major Project of Basic and Applied Basic Research(2020B030103003)the project of the China Geological Survey(DD20230064).
文摘Many locations with concentrated hydrates at vents have confirmed the presence of abundant thermogenic gas in the middle of the Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).However,the impact of deep structures on gasbearing fluids migration and gas hydrates distribution in tectonically inactive regions is still unclear.In this study,the authors apply high-resolution 3D seismic and logging while drilling(LWD)data from the middle of the QDNB to investigate the influence of deep-large faults on gas chimneys and preferred gasescape pipes.The findings reveal the following:(1)Two significant deep-large faults,F1 and F2,developed on the edge of the Songnan Low Uplift,control the dominant migration of thermogenic hydrocarbons and determine the initial locations of gas chimneys.(2)The formation of gas chimneys is likely related to fault activation and reactivation.Gas chimney 1 is primarily arises from convergent fluid migration resulting from the intersection of the two faults,while the gas chimney 2 benefits from a steeper fault plane and shorter migration distance of fault F2.(3)Most gas-escape pipes are situated near the apex of the two faults.Their reactivations facilitate free gas flow into the GHSZ and contribute to the formation of fracture‐filling hydrates.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.42276066the Key Research and Development Program(International Science and Technology Cooperation Development Program)of Hainan Province under contract No.GHYF2022009the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS under contract No.2018401.
文摘Based on high-resolution 3D seismic data acquired in the Pearl(Zhujiang)River Mouth Basin of the northern South China Sea,this study investigated the geometry,spatial extension,and throw distribution of the post-rift normal fault through detailed seismic interpretation and fault modeling.A total of 289 post-rift normal faults were identified in the study area and can be classified into four types:(1)isolated normal faults above the carbonate platform;(2)isolated normal faults cutting through the carbonate platform;(3)conjugate normal faults,and(4)connecting normal faults.Throw distribution analysis on the fault planes show that the vertical throw profiles of most normal fault exhibit flat-topped profiles.Isolated normal faults above the carbonate platform exhibit roughly concentric ellipses with maximum throw zones in the central section whereas the normal faults cutting through the carbonate platform miss the lowermost section due to the chaotic seismic reflections in the interior of the carbonate platform.The vertical throws of conjugate normal faults anomalously decrease toward their intersection region on the fault plane whereas the connecting normal faults present two maximum throw zones in the central section of the fault plane.According to the symmetric elliptical distribution model of fault throw,an estimation was made indicating that normal faults cutting through the carbonate platform extended downward between-1308 s and-1780 s(two-way travel time)in depth and may not penetrate the entire Liuhua carbonate platform.Moreover,it is observed that the distribution of karst caves on the top of the carbonate platform disaccord with those of hydrocarbon reservoirs and the post-rift normal faults cutting through the carbonate platform in the study area.We propose that these karst caves formed most probably by corrosive fluids derived from magmatic activities during the Dongsha event,rather than pore waters or hydrocarbons.
基金supported by the 973 Project(no. 2007CB411705)the National Natural Science Foundations of China(no.40806019)+1 种基金the Key Laboratory of Marginal Sea Geology,Chinese Academy of Sciences (no.MSGL09-10)the Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources(China University of Geosciences)project(no.TPR-2009-17)
文摘The study of new seismic data permits the identification of sediment gravity flows in terms of internal architecture and the distribution on shelf and abyssal setting in the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB). Six gravity flow types are recognized: (1) turbidite channels with a truncational basal and concordant overburden relationship along the shelf edge and slope, comprising laterally-shifting and vertically-aggrading channel complexes; (2) slides with a spoon-shaped morphology slip steps on the shelf-break and generated from the deformation of poorly-consolidated and high water content sediments; (3) slumps are limited on the shelf slope, triggered either by an anomalous slope gradient or by fault activity; (4) turbidite sheet complexes (TSC) were ascribed to the basin-floor fan and slope fan origin, occasionally feeding the deep marine deposits by turbidity currents; (5) sediment waves occurring in the lower slope-basin floor, and covering an area of approximately 400 km2, were generated beneath currents flowing across the sea bed; and (6) the central canyon in the deep water area represents an exceptive type of gravity flow composed of an association of debris flow, turbidite channels, and TSC. It presents planar multisegment and vertical multiphase characteristics. Turbidite associated with good petrophysical property in the canyon could be treated as a potential exploration target in the QDNB.
基金financially supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program(973 Program)(Grant No.2009CB219402)
文摘Coals developed in the Oligocene Yacheng and Lingshui formations in the Qiongdongnan Basin have high organic matter abundance, and the dark mudstones in the two formations have reached a good source rock standard but with strong heterogeneity. Through the analysis of trace elements, organic macerals and biomarkers, it is indicated that plankton has made little contribution to Oligocene source rocks compared with the terrestrial higher plants. The organic matter preservation depends on hydrodynamics and the redox environment, and the former is the major factor in the study area. During the sedimentary period of the Yacheng Formation, tidal flats were developed in the central uplift zone, where the hydrodynamic conditions were weak and the input of terrestrial organic matter was abundant. So the Yacheng Salient of the central uplift zone is the most favorable area for the development of source rocks, followed by the central depression zone. During the sedimentary period of the Lingshui Formation, the organic matter input was sufficient in the central depression zone due to multiple sources of sediments. The semi-enclosed environment was favorable for organic matter accumulation, so high quality source rocks could be easily formed in this area, followed by the Yacheng salient of central uplift zone. Source rocks were less developed in the northern depression zone owing to poor preservation conditions,
基金This research was funded by National Program on Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction,SOA(No.GASI-GEOGE-01)National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC0601401 and 2016YFC0601002)+2 种基金Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(2016ASKJ13,2017ASKJ02)the financially support from the Aoshan Talents Program Supported by Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology to Prof.Sanzhong Li(No.2015ASTP-0S10)the Taishan Scholar Program to Prof.Sanzhong Li
文摘The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geodynamics during the multi-plate convergence in the Cenozoic.Several Cenozoic basins formed in the northern margin of the SCS,which preserve the sedimentary tectonic records of the opening of the SCS.Due to the spatial non-uniformity among different basins,a systematic study on the various basins in the northern margin of the SCS constituting the Northern Cenozoic Basin Group(NCBG) is essential.Here we present results from a detailed evaluation of the spatial-temporal migration of the boundary faults and primary unconformities to unravel the mechanism of formation of the NCBG.The NCBG is composed of the Beibu Gulf Basin(BBGB),Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB),Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB) and Taixinan Basin(TXNB).Based on seismic profiles and gravity-magnetic anomalies,we confirm that the NE-striking onshore boundary faults propagated into the northern margin of the SCS.Combining the fault slip rate,fault combination and a comparison of the unconformities in different basins,we identify NE-striking rift composed of two-stage rifting events in the NCBG:an early-stage rifting(from the Paleocene to the Early Oligocene) and a late-stage rifting(from the Late Eocene to the beginning of the Miocene).Spatially only the late-stage faults occurs in the western part of the NCBG(the BBGB,the QDNB and the western PRMB),but the early-stage rifting is distributed in the whole NCBG.Temporally,the early-stage rifting can be subdivided into three phases which show an eastward migration,resulting in the same trend of the primary unconformities and peak faulting within the NCBG.The late-stage rifting is subdivided into two phases,which took place simultaneously in different basins.The first and second phase of the early-stage rifting is related to back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.The third phase of the earlystage rifting resulted from the joint effect of slab-pull force due to southward subduction of the proto-SCS and the back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.In addition,the first phase of the late-stage faulting corresponds with the combined effect of the post-collision extension along the Red River Fault and slab-pull force of the proto-SCS subduction.The second phase of the late-stage faulting fits well with the sinistral faulting of the Red River Fault in response to the Indochina Block escape tectonics and the slab-pull force of the proto-SCS.
文摘It is a very difficult problem to directly determine fluid pressure duringhydrocarbon migration and accumulation in sedimentary basins. pVt modeling of coupling hydrocarbonfluid inclusion of its coeval aqueous fluid inclusion provides a powerful tool for establishing therelationship of formation pressure evolution with time. Homogenization temperature of fluidinclusion can routinely be measured under microthermometric microscopy. Crushing technique has beenemployed to obtain the composition of fluid inclusions, and the commercial software VTFLINC easilyand rapidly completes the construction of p-t phase diagram. The minimum trapping pressure ofhydrocarbon fluid inclusion would be then determined in the p-t space. In this paper, three samplesof YC21-1-1 and YC21-1-4 wells at YC21-1 structural closure, Qiongdongnan basin, South China Sea,were selected for the pVt modeling practice, and the formation pressure coefficient (equals to fluidpressure/hydrostatic pressure) changing trend with time has primarily been established. Themodeling results also indicate that the reservoirs of Ling-shui and Yacheng formations in YC21-1structure are within a very high potential system and would have undergone a discharging of thermalfluids through top seal rupture, which depicts that there is a very high risk for natural gasexploration in this area.
基金The Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 91128101,41273054 and 41373007the China Geological Survey Project for South China Sea Gas Hydrate Resource Exploration under contract No.DD20160211+1 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under contract No.16lgjc11the Guangdong Province Universities and Colleges Pearl River Scholar Funded Scheme under contract No.2011
文摘The Taixinan Basin is one of the most potential gas hydrate bearing areas in the South China Sea and abundant gas hydrates have been discovered during expedition in 2013. In this study, geochemical and microbial methods are combinedly used to characterize the sediments from a shallow piston Core DH_CL_11(gas hydrate free) and a gas hydrate-bearing drilling Core GMGS2-16 in this basin. Geochemical analyses indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM) which is speculated to be linked to the ongoing gas hydrate dissociation is taking place in Core DH_CL_11 at deep. For Core GMGS2-16, AOM related to past episodes of methane seepage are suggested to dominate during its diagenetic process; while the relatively enriched δ18O bulk-sediment values indicate that methane involved in AOM might be released from the "episodic dissociation" of gas hydrate.Microbial analyses indicate that the predominant phyla in the bacterial communities are Firmicutes and Proteobacteria(Gammaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria), while the dominant taxa in the archaeal communities are Marine_Benthic_Group_B(MBGB), Halobacteria, Thermoplasmata, Methanobacteria,Methanomicrobia, Group C3 and MCG. Under parallel experimental operations, comparable dominant members(Firmicutes and MBGB) are found in the piston Core DH_CL_11 and the near surface layer of the long drilling Core GMGS2-16. Moreover, these members have been found predominant in other known gas hydrate bearing cores, and the dominant of MBGB has even been found significantly related to gas hydrate occurrence. Therefore,a high possibility for the existing of gas hydrate underlying Core DH_CL_11 is inferred, which is consistent with the geochemical analyses. In all, combined geochemical and microbiological analyses are more informative in characterizing sediments from gas hydrate-associated areas in the South China Sea.
基金funded by the Fundamental Research Program(No.2009CB219406)of the Chinese Ministry of Sciences and Technologythe Knowledge Innovation Project(No.KZCX2-YW-229)of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
文摘Quantitative studies on the extension and subsidence of the Wanan Basin were carried out based on available seismic and borehole data together with regional geological data. Using balanced cross-section and backstripping techniques, we reconstructed the stratigraphic deposition and tectonic evolution histories of the basin. The basin formed from the Eocene and was generally in an extensional/transtensional state except for the Late Miocene local compressoin. The major basin extension ocurred in the Oligocene and Early Miocene (before -16.3 Ma) and thereafter uniform stretch in a smaller rate. The northern and middle basin extended intensely earlier during 38.6-23.3 Ma, while the southern basin was mainly stretched during 23.3-16.3 Ma. The basin formation and development are related to alternating sinistral to dextral strike-slip motions along the Wanan Fault Zone. The dominant dynamics may be caused by the seafloor spreading of the South China Sea and the its peripheral plate interaction. The basin tectonic evolution is divided into five phases: initial rifting, main rifting, rift-drift transition, structural inversion, and thermal subsidence.
基金supported by Geological Investigation Programs of China Geological Survey(Grant No.DD20190213 and No.DD20191009)the Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou)(GML2019ZD0208)the Open Fund of MLR Key Laboratory of Marine Mineral Resources(Grant No.KLMMR-2017-A-16)。
文摘The Beikang Basin is located in the southern part of the South China Sea(SCS),which is one of most tectonically complex sea areas.It is a deepwater sedimentary basin that was mainly deposited during the Cenozoic era.Owing to data restrictions,the research on carbonate platforms of this area is still in its infancy.High-resolution seismic data are analyzed to identify the Miocene carbonate platforms and reconstruct the architecture and growth history.The carbonate platforms of Beikang Basin began to develop in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene,were extended in the Middle Miocene,and declined in the Late Miocene.The carbonate platform mainly developed during two periods:the Oligocene to the Early Miocene,and the Middle Miocene.The carbonate platforms that developed in the Middle Miocene were the most prosperous.The Middle Miocene carbonate platform in the Beikang Basin can be divided into three stages.In the first stage,the platforms had wide range which were thin.During the second stage,the platforms had a smaller range that was controlled by faults.In the third stage,the platforms were gradually submerged.The platform structure developed in the Middle Miocene at the Beikang Basin was controlled by the rate of rising/falling of the sea level and the carbonate growth rate.Based on an analysis of these changes and relationship,the platform can be divided into several patterns:retrogradation,submerged,aggradation,progradation,outward with up-stepping,outward with down-stepping,and down-stepping platforms.At the top of the carbonate platforms in the Beikang Basin a set of carbonate wings or mushrooms usually appeared.These were formed during a period of relative sea-level decline.It is believed that the Miocene carbonate platforms in the Beikang Basin are mainly controlled by tectonic and sedimentary environments,and are also affected by terrestrial detritus.
基金funded by the Fundamental Research Program of MOST (No. 2015CB251201)the Scientific and Technological Innovation Project Financially Supported by Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (No. 2016ASKJ13)the Natural Science Foundation of Hainan (No. ZDYF2016215)
文摘Overpressure in deepwater basins not only causes serious soft sediment deformation, but also significantly affects the safety of drilling operations. Therefore, prediction of overpressure in sediments has become an important task in deepwater oil exploration and development. In this study, we analyze the drilling data from ODP Leg 184 Sites 1144, 1146, and 1148, and IODP Leg 349 Sites U1431, U1432, U1433, and U1435 to study the sediment compaction and controls in the northern South China Sea. Sedimentation rate, sediment content, distribution area, and buried depth are the factors that influence sediment compaction in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea. Among these factors, the sediment content is the most important. The fitted normal compacted coefficients and mudline porosity for an interval of 50 m shows disciplinary variation versus depth. The pore pressure predicted from different fitted results shows varying overpressure situations. The normal compaction trend from Site 1144 reflects the porosity variation trend in stable deposition basins in the northern South China Sea. The predicted pore pressure shows overpressure at Site 1144, which is attributed to compaction disequilibrium. Nevertheless, the mixed lithology column may influence the predicted overpressure at Site 1148, which is responsible for the confusing result. Above all, we find that sediment compaction should serve as a proxy for pore pressure in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea.
基金The National Basic Research Program of China ("973") under contract Nos 2009CB2194 and 2007CB411700the Major Knowledge Innovation Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under contract No. kzcx2-yw-203-01+2 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China of China under contract No. 40676039the National Program of Sustaining Science and Technology of China under contract No. 2006BAB19B02the Program of the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources of China under contract No. GT-YQ-QQ-2008-1-02
文摘Layer-block tectonics (LBT) concept, with the core of pluralistic geodynamic outlook and multilayer-sliding tectonic outlook, is one of new keys to study 3-dimensional solid and its 4-dimensional evolution history of global tectonic system controlled by global geodynamics system. The LBT concept is applied to study the lithospheric tectonics of the southern South China Sea (SCS). Based on the analysis of about 30 000 km of geophysical and geological data, some layer-blocks in the Nansha micro-plate can be divided as Nansha ultra-crustal layer-block, Zengmu crustal layer-block, Nanwei (Rifleman bank)-Andu (Ardasier bank) and Liyue (Reed bank) North Palawan crustal layer-blocks, Andu-Bisheng and Liyue-Banyue basemental layer-blocks. The basic characteristics of the basemental layer-blocks have been dicussed, and three intra-plate basin groups are identified. The intra-plate basins within Nansha micro-plate can be divided into three basin groups of Nanwei- Andu, Feixin-Nanhua, and Liyue-North Palawan based on the different geodynamics. In the light of pluralistic geodynamic concept, the upheaving force induced by the mid-crust plastic layer is proposed as the main dynamical force which causes the formation of the intra-plate basins within the Nansha micro-plate. Finally, models of a face-to-face dip-slip detachment of basemental layerblock and a unilateral dip-slip-detachment of basemental layer-block are put forward for the forming mechanisms of the Nanwei Andu and Liyue-North Palawan intra-plate basin groups, respectively.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41872172 and 41672096the Major National Science and Technology Projects under contract No.2016ZX05026007-004the Science Foundation of Shandong Province under contract No.ZR2019QD008
文摘In the present study,the coal-rock organic facies of Oligocene Yacheng Formation of the marginal basin in the South China Sea were classified and divided.In addition,through the correlations of the large-scale coal-bearing basins between the epicontinental sea and the South China Sea,it was concluded that the coal forming activities in the South China Sea presented particularity and complexity.Furthermore,the coal forming mechanisms also presented distinctiveness.The marginal basins in the South China Sea consist of several large and complex rift or depression basins,which are distributed at different tectonic positions in the South China Sea.Therefore,the marginal basins in the South China Sea are not simple traditional units with onshore continental slopes extending toward the deep sea.The marginal basins are known to consist of multi-level structures and distinctive types of basins which differ from the continental regions to the sea.During the Oligocene,the existing luxuriant plants and beneficial conditions assisted in the development of peat.Therefore,the Oligocene was the significant period for the formation and aggregation of the peat.However,the peat did not form in unified sedimentary dynamic fields,but instead displayed multi-level geographical units,multiple provenance areas,instability,and nonevent characteristics.As a result,the marginal basins in the South China Sea are characterized by non-uniform peat aggregation stages.In another words,the majority of the peat had entered the marine system in a dispersive manner and acted as part of the marine deposits,rather than during one or several suitable coal-forming stages.These peat deposits then became the main material source for hydrocarbon generation in all of the marginal basins of the South China Sea.The study will be of much significance for the hydrocarbon exploration in the marginal basins of the South China Sea.
基金This research was supported by the Laboratory for Marine Mineral Resources,Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(NO.MMRKF201805)by CAS Youth Innovation Promotion Association+5 种基金by Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou)(GML2019ZD0205)by Guangzhou Municipal Science and technology program(NO.201904010285)by K.C.Wong Education Foundation(NO.GJTD2018-13)by Key Laboratory of Marine Mineral Resources,Ministry of Natural Resources(NO.KLMMR-2018-B-06)by Innovation Academy of South China Sea Ecology and Environmental Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences(NO.ISEE2018PY02)by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NO.42076077)。
文摘Deep hot mantle upwelling is widely revealed around the Qiongdongnan Basin on the northwestern South China Sea margin. However, when and how it influenced the hyper-extended basin is unclear.To resolve these issues, a detailed analysis of the Cenozoic time-varying residual subsidence derived by subtracting the predicted subsidence from the backstripped subsidence was performed along a new seismic reflection line in the western Qiongdongnan Basin. For the first time, a method is proposed to calculate the time-varying strain rates constrained by the faults growth rates, on basis of which, the predicted basement subsidence is obtained with a basin-and lithosphere-scale coupled finite extension model, and the backstripped subsidence is accurately recovered with a modified technique of backstripping to eliminate the effects of later episodes of rifting on earlier sediment thickness. Results show no residual subsidence in 45–28.4 Ma. But after 28.4 Ma, negative residual subsidence occurred, reached and remained ca. -1000 m during 23–11.6 Ma, and reduced dramatically after 11.6 Ma. In the syn-rift period(45–23 Ma), the residual subsidence is ca. -1000 m, however in the post-rift period(23–0 Ma),it is positive of ca. 300 to 1300 m increasing southeastwards. These results suggest that the syn-rift subsidence deficit commenced at 28.4 Ma, while the post-rift excess subsidence occurred after 11.6 Ma.Combined with previous studies, it is inferred that the opposite residual subsidence in the syn-and post-rift periods with similar large wavelengths(>10^(2) km) and km-scale amplitudes are the results of transient dynamic topography induced by deep mantle upwelling beneath the central QDNB, which started to influence the basin at ca. 28.4 Ma, continued into the Middle Miocene, and decayed at ca.11.6 Ma. The initial mantle upwelling with significant dynamic uplift had precipitated considerable continental extension and faulting in the Late Oligocene(28.4–23 Ma). After ca. 11.6 Ma, strong mantle upwelling probably occurred beneath the Leizhou–Hainan area to form vast basaltic lava flow.
基金supported by Australian Research Council discovery grant(DP0770938 to ZQC)National Science and Technology Major Project (2011ZX05001-001-006)
文摘The Hanjiang Formation of Langhian age (middle Miocene) in the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), South China Sea consists of deltaic siliciclastic and neritic shelf carbonate rhythmic alternations, which form one of the potential reservoirs of the basin. To improve stratigraphic resolutions for hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration in the basin, the present study undertakes spectral analysis of high-resolution natural gamma-ray (NGR) well-logging record to determine the dominant frequency components and test whether Milankovitch orbital signals are recorded in rhythmic successions. Analytical results indicate the orbital cycles of precession (~19 ka and ~23 ka), obliquity (-41 ka), and eccentricity (~100 ka and --405 ka), which provide the strong evidence for astronomically driven climate changes in the rhythmic alternation successions. Within biochronological constraint, a high-resolution astronomical timescale was constructed through the astronomical tuning of the NGR record to recent astronomically calculated variation of Earth's orbit. The astronomically tuned timescale can be applied to calculate astronomical ages for the geological events and bioevents recognized throughout the period. The first downhole occurrences of foraminifers Globorotalia peripheroronda and Globigerinoides sicanus are dated at 14.546 Ma and 14.919 Ma, respectively, which are slightly different from earlier estimates in the South China Sea. When compared with the global sea-level change chart, the astronomical estimate for the sequences recognized based on microfossil distributions have the same end time but the different initiation time. This is probably due to the local or regional tectonic activities superimposed on eustatic rise which postponed the effect of global sea-level rising. Astronomical timescale also resolves the depositional evolution history for the Langhian Stage (middle Miocene) with a variation that strongly resembles that of Earth's orbital eccentricity predicted from 13.65 Ma to 15.97 Ma. We infer that the main factor controlling the variability of the sedimentation rate in the Hanjiang Formation is related to the ^-405-ka-period eccentricity.
文摘This paper propounds that the origin and evolution of the Southwet Basin (SWB) in the South China Sea (SCSh) are closely related with those of the SCS, reviews various viewpoints on its origin age with a large gap between the oldest age and the youngest age. offers some suggestions on the SWB’s origin age and gives some proposals to ascertain satisfactorily the origin and evolution, and multi-phasal and multiaxial spreading of the SCS and SWB.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42272162)the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(2021A1515011381 and 2021A1515011635)the Science Project of the CNOOC(KJZH-2021-0003-00).
文摘Hydrocarbon resources in the Qiongdongnan Basin have become an important exploration target in China.However,the development of high-quality source rocks in this basin,especially in its deep-water areas,are still not fully understood.In this study,evolutions of sedimentary facies and palaeoenvironment and their influences on the development of source rocks in diverse tectonic regions of the Qiongdongnan Basin were investigated.The results show that during the Oligocene and to Miocene periods,the sedimentary environment of this basin progressively varied from a semi-closed gulf to an open marine environment,which resulted in significant differences in palaeoenvironmental conditions of the water column for various tectonic regions of the basin.In shallow-water areas,the palaeoproductivity and reducibility successively decrease,and the hydrodynamic intensity gradually increases for the water columns of the Yacheng,Lingshui,and Sanya-Meishan strata.In deep-water areas,the water column of the Yacheng and Lingshui strata has a higher palaeoproductivity and a weaker hydrodynamic intensity than that of the Sanya-Meishan strata,while the reducibility gradually increases for the water columns of the Yacheng,Lingshui,and Sanya-Meishan strata.In general,the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the water column are the most favorable to the development of the Yacheng organic-rich source rocks.Meanwhile,the Miocene marine source rocks in the deep-water areas of the Qiongdongnan Basin may also have a certain hydrocarbon potential.The differences in the development models of source rocks in various tectonic regions of continental margin basins should be fully evaluated in the exploration and development of hydrocarbons.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China’s Major Project “Research on Geophysical Theories and Methods of Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Development”, Task Ⅰ: “China’s Tight Oil and Gas Reservoir Geological Characteristics, Classification and Typical Geological Model Establishment” under contract No. 41390451the Science and Technology Project of Sinopec Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Company under contract No. KJ-2021-7
文摘A rarely reported middle-late Miocene-Pliocene channel(incised valley fill),the Huaguang Channel(HGC),has been found in the deep-water area of the southwestern Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB).This channel is almost perpendicular to the orientation of another well-known,large,and nearly coeval submarine channel in this area.Based on the interpretation of high-resolution 3D seismic data,this study describes and analyzes the stratigraphy,tectonics,sedimentation,morphology,structure and evolution of HGC by means of well-seismic synthetic calibration,one-and two-dimensional forward modeling,attribute interpretation,tectonic interpretation,and gas detection.The HGC is located on the downthrown side of an earlier activated normal fault and grew northwestward along the fault strike.The channel is part of a slope that extends from the western Huaguang Sag to the eastern Beijiao Uplift.The HGC underwent four developmental stages:the(1)incubation(late Sanya Formation,20.4–15.5 Ma),(2)embryonic(Meishan Formation,15.5–10.5 Ma),(3)peak(Huangliu Formation,10.5–5.5 Ma)and(4)decline(Yinggehai Formation,5.5–1.9 Ma)stages.The channel sandstones have a provenance from the southern Yongle Uplift and filled the channel via multistage vertical amalgamation and lateral migration.The channel extended 42.5 km in an approximately straight pattern in the peak stage.At 10.5 Ma,sea level fell relative to its lowest level,and three oblique progradation turbidite sand bodies filled the channel from south to north.A channel sandstone isopach map demonstrated a narrow distribution in the early stages and a fan-shaped distribution in the late stage.The formation and evolution of the HGC were controlled mainly by background tectonics,fault strike,relative sea level change,and mass supply from the Yongle Uplift.The HGC sandstone reservoir is near the Huaguangjiao Sag,where hydrocarbons were generated.Channel-bounding faults and underlying faults link the source rock with the reservoir.A regionally extensive mudstone caprock overlies the channel sandstone.Two traps likely containing gas were recognized in a structural high upstream of the channel from seismic attenuation anomalies.The HGC will likely become an important oil and gas accumulation setting in the QDNB deep-water area.
文摘The Yacheng gas field lies in the foot wall of the No. 1 fault, the boundary fault between the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins. An overpressured system developed in the Meishan Formation near the No. 1 fault in the gas field and in the adjacent Yinggehai basin. Away from this fault into the Qiongdongnan basin, the overpressure diminishes. Below 3 600 m in the gas field, an obvious thermal anomaly occurs. The gases show obvious compositional heterogeneities which reflect reservoir filling process and origin of the gas field. The gas field was charged from both the Qiongdongnan and the Yinggehai basins but mainly from the former. Hydrocarbons sourced from the Qiongdongnan basin have relatively low maturities while hydrocarbons from the Yinggehai basin have relatively high maturities.
基金We thank the GMGS for permission to release the seismic data.The financial support was obtained from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U1701245)the Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou)(No.GML2019ZD0102)the project of the China Geological Survey(Nos.DD20190213,DD20211362).We thank Associate Prof.Jinwei Gao at the Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering of the China Academy of Science,who spent valuable time providing constructive comments which markedly improved this manuscript.We benefited substantially from constructive reviews from the two anonymous reviewers,which considerably helped in improving the manuscript.
文摘Mud diapirs are significant structures often associated with hydrocarbon migration and accumulation as well as gas hydrate formation in sedimentary basins.A total of 30 mud diapirs were observed in the northwestern Zengmu Basin in the southern South China Sea based on 2D multichannel seismic data.The structures are distributed along an NW-SE trend near the shelf break of the Kangxi depression in the Zengmu Basin.The mud diapirs were divided into the following according to their vertical shapes,intrusion heights,and effusive activities:tortoise,piercing,and nozzle types,which represent different evolutionary stages of diapirism.The mud diapirs in the study area suggest that the driving forces behind the mud diapirs considerably exceed the rock rupture limit of the overlying strata.Diapir formation can be divided into two steps:the accommodation of a large amount of mud in the Zengmu Basin and the movement of plastic mud induced by gravity-driven flow and regional tectonic compression.Combining seismic interpretations with analyses of the regional geology and tectonic subsidence,the current study proposes that rapid subsidence in the Kangxi depression sufficiently accommodated the vast amount of sediments deposited since the Middle Miocene,which provided favorable conditions for the growth of mud diapirs.Furthermore,the N-S directional stress field in the Zengmu Basin and the gravity slide northward along the southern slope of the depression further facilitated the development of mud diapirs since the late Miocene.The mud diapirs in the southern South China Sea margins were accompanied by the accumulation and release of overpressured fluid.
基金This study is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42072181).
文摘The Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB)is one of the most petroliferous basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea.Knowledge of the thermal history of the PRMB is significant for understanding its tectonic evolution and for unraveling its poorly studied source-rock maturation history.Our investigations in this study are based on apatite fission-track(AFT)thermochronology analysis of 12 cutting samples from 4 boreholes.Both AFT ages and length data suggested that the PRMB has experienced quite complicated thermal evolution.Thermal history modeling results unraveled four successive events of heating separated by three stages of cooling since the early Middle Eocene.The cooling events occurred approximately in the Late Eocene,early Oligocene,and the Late Miocene,possibly attributed to the Zhuqiong II Event,Nanhai Event,and Dongsha Event,respectively.The erosion amount during the first cooling stage is roughly estimated to be about 455-712 m,with an erosion rate of 0.08-0.12 mm/a.The second erosion-driven cooling is stronger than the first one,with an erosion amount of about 747-814 m and an erosion rate between about 0.13-0.21 mm/a.The erosion amount calculated related to the third cooling event varies from 800 m to 3419 m,which is speculative due to the possible influence of the magmatic activity.