目的:探讨鱼际穴主治优势病症及配伍规律。方法:以1949年10月为时间分割点进行文献检索。1949年10月前的文献主要通过《中华医典》(第五版)、《中国近代中医药期刊汇编》检索,之后的文献以中国知网、万方数据库、维普期刊资源数据库、...目的:探讨鱼际穴主治优势病症及配伍规律。方法:以1949年10月为时间分割点进行文献检索。1949年10月前的文献主要通过《中华医典》(第五版)、《中国近代中医药期刊汇编》检索,之后的文献以中国知网、万方数据库、维普期刊资源数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、PubMed、Web of Science为检索途径,筛选文献并建立SQL Server数据库,运用SPSS Modeler进行关联规则分析。结果:纳入1949年10月前医籍81部、民国期刊2册、文献394条,涉及单穴主治病症5类,共39种,以内科疾病为主,单穴及配伍主治最优势病症为感冒,常配伍太渊、神门、合谷、肺俞、大陵、液门、太白、足三里等;纳入1949年10月后文献114篇,涉及单穴主治病症6类,共18种,单穴及配伍主治最优势病症为支气管哮喘,常配伍孔最、太溪、丰隆、三阴交、曲池、肺俞、列缺、膻中等。结论:在主治病症方面,鱼际古今均以治疗本经病症、外经病症及脏腑病症为主,1949年10月后主治病症减少,但范围扩大且种类细化;在优势配伍腧穴方面,体现了本经及表里经配穴、荥输配穴、荥原配穴、上下配穴、辨证配穴等方法,多配伍特定穴如五输穴、原穴和背俞穴,1949年10月后增加了郄穴、络穴、募穴和八会穴。展开更多
ZHOU Bai-Bin *,1,2 WEI Yong-De 1 LI Zhong-Hua 1 ( 1 Department of Applied Chemistry,Ha rbin Institute of Technology £?Harbin£±£ì£°£°£°£±£(c)( 2 Department of Chemistry,Harbin Norm...ZHOU Bai-Bin *,1,2 WEI Yong-De 1 LI Zhong-Hua 1 ( 1 Department of Applied Chemistry,Ha rbin Institute of Technology £?Harbin£±£ì£°£°£°£±£(c)( 2 Department of Chemistry,Harbin Normal University£?Harbin£±£ì£°£°£?£°£(c) The air-solid interface reaction of Ce,Lu with K10 H 3[Gd (SiMo 4 W£*O£3£1£(c) 2]through chemistry-heated permeation is reported for the fi rst time£(r)The permeated complex is characterized by ICP and the result shows tha t the mini mum Ce,Lu can permeate into the inner sph ere of K 10 H £3 £?Gd £¨SiMo £′ W £* O £3£1 £(c) 2]The IR ,XRD patterns give the eviden ce that after permeation the comple x still keeps the Keggin structure,howe ver,its crystal structure is different from the complex before permeation£(r)The cond uctivity of the permeated complex has been measured with the four-electr ode method and the data show that the co nductivity of the complex after permeation is 10 6 times higher than that of the sample before permeation and reaches £′£(r)84 6×10 -1 S·cm -1 £(r)These indicate that the permeated c omplex is a good solid electrolyte and further appli cations are also expected£(r)展开更多
文摘目的:探讨鱼际穴主治优势病症及配伍规律。方法:以1949年10月为时间分割点进行文献检索。1949年10月前的文献主要通过《中华医典》(第五版)、《中国近代中医药期刊汇编》检索,之后的文献以中国知网、万方数据库、维普期刊资源数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、PubMed、Web of Science为检索途径,筛选文献并建立SQL Server数据库,运用SPSS Modeler进行关联规则分析。结果:纳入1949年10月前医籍81部、民国期刊2册、文献394条,涉及单穴主治病症5类,共39种,以内科疾病为主,单穴及配伍主治最优势病症为感冒,常配伍太渊、神门、合谷、肺俞、大陵、液门、太白、足三里等;纳入1949年10月后文献114篇,涉及单穴主治病症6类,共18种,单穴及配伍主治最优势病症为支气管哮喘,常配伍孔最、太溪、丰隆、三阴交、曲池、肺俞、列缺、膻中等。结论:在主治病症方面,鱼际古今均以治疗本经病症、外经病症及脏腑病症为主,1949年10月后主治病症减少,但范围扩大且种类细化;在优势配伍腧穴方面,体现了本经及表里经配穴、荥输配穴、荥原配穴、上下配穴、辨证配穴等方法,多配伍特定穴如五输穴、原穴和背俞穴,1949年10月后增加了郄穴、络穴、募穴和八会穴。
文摘ZHOU Bai-Bin *,1,2 WEI Yong-De 1 LI Zhong-Hua 1 ( 1 Department of Applied Chemistry,Ha rbin Institute of Technology £?Harbin£±£ì£°£°£°£±£(c)( 2 Department of Chemistry,Harbin Normal University£?Harbin£±£ì£°£°£?£°£(c) The air-solid interface reaction of Ce,Lu with K10 H 3[Gd (SiMo 4 W£*O£3£1£(c) 2]through chemistry-heated permeation is reported for the fi rst time£(r)The permeated complex is characterized by ICP and the result shows tha t the mini mum Ce,Lu can permeate into the inner sph ere of K 10 H £3 £?Gd £¨SiMo £′ W £* O £3£1 £(c) 2]The IR ,XRD patterns give the eviden ce that after permeation the comple x still keeps the Keggin structure,howe ver,its crystal structure is different from the complex before permeation£(r)The cond uctivity of the permeated complex has been measured with the four-electr ode method and the data show that the co nductivity of the complex after permeation is 10 6 times higher than that of the sample before permeation and reaches £′£(r)84 6×10 -1 S·cm -1 £(r)These indicate that the permeated c omplex is a good solid electrolyte and further appli cations are also expected£(r)